HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-8-31, Page 8.7�11
1 .11,
- .
Lambi-i1xvc, another Inst,anoe. - ( [4! L. � ... .--- � I I
[,� 1
, � , ,7,,� .
., , I
: I
I 1.
, , I 11 .
' I '
G` 0 U L D 8
- - , �� *01>�
preawili there is a. dut7 at $1.00 pe
' I
, r
40 The VarlrWrs pelighto
lamb 1119 'to Buffalo frQW. Canada . . I
i , ,t�
6 `4�
I I �
and IV e % selli nearly a
The only enjoyment a barb ei
-It ,
. I . I I I
. I
th"e, delicacies ,Llrore in is
. pitA o"r this
seems to, have -and tW is tbi
. , "
� ,
� .
dd'ty� I am a"gro-wer of turzips for
crystallization of yeam of obser
" ��
11 ,
, I I
0 Eny
expokit and have To .6and a, duty
of ration -is to bee Just how mucl
-, " "�
, , I , I
, , ,. '
�251, pem,n!t on aII that go into ihe
the patient will jump when tht
. I
�1 I
'.1. 1.
.1 I PROXF, 47�
I ., " ON
.4 �,�* �
United Otates An that if this dui
cold ,water siadileul.Y IS turnet
-.y .
on the back of hIs neck.. Thl,�
�, �,
e- 77
!�r ": ; Opposite V3160ric Light Plant
I � , ' ' J0 �
Ivere removed 'turnips would : .AOw
propensity Ju barbers, by the
I- v � I
. � . I I
' ..
br:n ; me, $1.00 1�-oala bring wq,yettrer
. way, reduces the volume, of
�, I ,
"I ' . I , .
$�,;25 . 1 "
shampoo commereli 51, &r 'coint,
, 11
I ' P Happy
0 Xse
" 3KeeP Happy in the H orao
f,"Iti voting. for 'this measure I feel
-Niew 3-tork M-itil. ' ,
11 .
! LZ;�
. ,
(, ! getti Y
� r� y ng
by getting YOUR
'th.,i:ft If am, stirtmoling 'true ,to tho. Con.
. - --- -
! , . - - - - 11 -
:�, I ,
, -
I . gro I I I I ,...,.
ser1raitInN policy ,and ,to ,title 41elvo,
.. �,
. . ..
� "',
F 1,
by'sir John Mae-
'r"'Qu"VI"V1 expressed .
. ,
. Tho Turk AwOe,. 1'bi �
. ,
b.%ve )� �
donald. I noltice, 'Conserr'iAlve stpeak,
'. .
', . I I .
, -
ers are sayingbd IfUtle on'- this sub.
, .� I I .
41 :":
, greatI,
jedt, IThc--v Jh4ve brouglit on 'the ialeo�
� I ..
� I
secoat, Here, We handle only
. he �BEST and we have
tion dt a: Tremenolaous iaxp�usel ocua
. .1
(Or,thi I y I 0
�A � u need at
N'wals Unnecessary. (I feelthat they
�, I -- ,---. -
us ,,:r97erytbIu&
- ail "jeas Dus,
have baritl ArMadvil more 'by "Eheir
- �� .1 .
. �("",
I .�
- . - . I I
011straction 'to the Passing 31 the ag-
� v
� ''
i : , I . . .
". 1�1 L.. ,
. , 0 alfto I , IND
6ige-f , Cow STORE
reem-n`E.that by anything else they,
' A-_ t
I'll � - .
, ��
, I
Toronto, Out. I
have done, So far as mitnufactures
� �
. � �
, . �
I .
-Choice Batter and
are concerned Q think ltha�t anytbia"3
1 - ?_ . �
I I -
`_�—tsb J�ggg-
which benefits 'the farmer'lirill bancf-It
1;11 �!! .
11_, �
Itbom IThe redadtion. in dt�ly on max�
I -
I . I 1. .
uradLared artrielse is very small, and
Workroom .' ,� ,� . � =�
'the ex�tra ' money �be farmers will
make IvIll result in their buyin.- more
I ..
.NE . ,a
: t i
implements," . .
. �
�� . . . . . I
- � �.
- -
I .
.. , - �. . ., /
� N
0 0 �
. I ,
;' 1
I 1
vation and
I who was .
4 4.
. .
Note and Comment
"Tbe most utilthidest cut of all.�,
I . . .: .
� I ,,,
bxrrow� � �
I �.
I . . .. I
: .
,-Ah my in aposition to supply your
contelplatil can save TOM MOMY'. Com
I .
11olidays are aboa�t over. jNjon6y
e Nearly 'time
.. .
Broken ,Down Swine..
I ;
. . �
bonells, LLN4rour *
gone, now to wind up
t)nd Start ove3r again. ,.,
The breaking down of Swine in
I .
� �
hind legs or all fours Is a well kuo
stru( . .
. that : Lar cr Lump ,
- � . . I
difficulty that Tarmers are obliged,
� �
! �
IT- Re
Ing Threshin Coal
I've dust washed out�,a suit for my
little boy
� contend witt. says t46 Farm Jourt
Anim Is begin by showing weaknesig
-and noir it seems twio
the hind legs or'a knuckling over
, I I
� �Ijghk for bolm,,.
;,"ilelf. fit it alright if you Ivash
the rear fetlock joints and it not gii
, I .1.
p� . �
the boy.1 -11leggendorfer Blaetter.
treatment soon become belpless. it
belley ed to be du I
Portland Cement
e to the:overfevdi
of corn for generations, to the exe
slon the
I " T
�": #
smile ,
Dlitxibultat.iibn of Material for
of ploosphate saliplying gral
L '' 11 I
The trouble is seen most freque'a
I � L
er. . I
in ID,111. As long ,-is
fthe supply lasts. material be dks-
in br,od sows which ll-xhaust this c
Our ch 1
Wire Fence
�rlbated free of charge in. 1 -he order
ment In nouri,bing- the fetus and ni
� , - the a,VrIess
. k., : . here,
in Which be applications
[cling the young. It sbould be Ivard
. are received from Omnkarlo
against by feeding the slow. .durl
I ,�
. I
result .
farmers Nvishing 'to experlmeat an d
t the
1) r eg and while riuNiug
. nancy atign-ou
". �..
. ,
-results of any one of
the following tests. 1,three varities
cars. Lbran and oilmeal, ,%vitb � as Inzi
milk as possible.
Vvith I
Cedar Posts and
of Win'ter Wheat;2. two varieties of
Winter Rye, 't3� five perti]iizers ,with
. I .
With the first symptoms the forlo
the plimber,
ed do Shingles
Winter Wheat ; 4, Autumn and spring
appliezetions, of Soda
iii.- treatment sbould be begun, L>o
for -sows and tot, stiotvs tbrev or ro
Picir I-
-Nitrate of cud
Common Salt with Winter Wheat; 5.
months of age: ('no tablespoonfTil
I , .1, �.
enthy 0
WitIer l3rinex and Winter Barley; 6
cod liver oil, fifteen grain,% of ubf
, I
ES, trial order will convince you that
by a cairry only the best at a price that
p3loa dY Veitches and WIn,t\-r 11pa 0_,
d er Crops. The size of each plott
pbate of Bme to P
and t r e drops.of t
fluld extravt of oux ,�omlea at a� do
, I
asSell pay you to deal with us.
to be one rool,'wide by, ,two rods long.
MaIerial for numbers `3 and 4 -%%-ill
in a little food twive a day for sever
I ,
port 4 , � _ I
h I . .. - .. I
__ 61 13
4 J.
be Sent by -express and Lhat for the
611, ers by mail. 0. W. Q., !Guelph
n-eks if riecessar.y. kk vinti cliltill
,be guaranteed when the case' has ri
- .
, .
. 0 Liff
On't.. Ajugu6t 12th, 19. 1.
I 'O. A. Zarit
. �
0 * * * a
Contagious Abortion.
to .
T have handled dalr�v cow.4 far tI
- I I
I I i fr —,-
Theu was a man in our town I
IlVho was not always wise.
last fifteen year4 anti I am glad to s.,
I", . �_ -
- �041there i,�7ocre no cross dogs to bite US.
He bought his wife a party gOwn-
All fuil of hookszand eyes. -
that I have riever bad any va,w of en
cagiousatiortion. w ritc-sa vorri. - [)Wltl,�,
� ,
tbig,'vird's-hipo would never sink at sea
And when be had it all booked up.
of the Country Genot-mari. I'liave:
� ` .
So to One bad appendlertis. .
With all his might and main.
I-var"i made It 21.1wiletice, at ims-t twil
�, � -4
dlc;Af frait -grew on every tree;
He -wondered if he ever could
a wpek all through the whirpr to rn:
. ,
". I
I I :�
If Pao man had to work unless
cer, _. I . . .
7hafted useless Idleness.
, Unhook the gown again. I �
top a gallon ar so of warm water at,
�' .
tak0krow. sad a Ivorldl this Ivorld would
0 111 * * *
sume cArbolic dip 4olution, gela,dant.
- * 0
brush -and dir) .1t) misture aud go
, -
I , �..
. no man ever had to hurry,
Sir Charles Fitzpatrick, Chief Jus-
Lice of Iche supreme court. will be the
every vow and lipifer In thc- barn
good soaking all ,around the tail lien
, ;
� o
From ho me 'to catch an early 'train :
emr� mo one ever had tot worry,
represen;tative of Canada on Ithe Tu_
and let it run don -n the tail. Do, th
I ,
� . I
sey Because the rent was due again;
court which will soon �be
ID the middle or the d,,,v and tbert. %V1.
�; ,
1pret; all our ills Should disappear
edtab-lished -'ander the ll,erms of the
ear to effect
lr� nu danger or Tbe dhiinfevultit's III
I eva Ana there remained no i1erms fear
- V -�ffow could Ire ever bear the st.rain?
settlement of the pecuniary claims
voring ilie milk I kiroir of ttr(,
nelgirborlug farm.9 w.livre thl, %%,:i
, L ,�_'.
t . �
. .
, If no man ever had to labor
now outstanding between 'Great Brit.
Ian and her dominions and The United
done summer and winti.r. aud for . I" %
!�, ��, ;
� , I ? I r
And each might be a millionaire:
Sitates. One of 'the. principal clainis
year..; not a slngh� Zme of n1j"wrion 01
; :
Of We were done Ivith sword and sabar
to be considered is that of the Cayuga
cun%d among a total or 1_-,�; (11:1.
I � , -
And 'things Irere Perfect everywhert'.
Indians, wbo during the war of inde.
:,, * �' ,
Vftb nothing left to kick aboukk
peadence, were. it is contented, u!r,-
� !,. -
� ..
� . -ion Ivould go tip The spout,
. Ambit
lawfully deprived of 'their lands in
New York State.. Their
Chopping the Roughvgc.
7., 2
I %nd be forever hidden there. ,compensaIlon
claim for
is moxethart'a centgary
When conventrittes aro 111VOP ltrl i,
heavy feed.s like vorn (.11fill. "Ir?141:1�1-1.
s .
�: "
(Withou!t the fretting and the moiling
old. . _. , - J!
we'lL ollme:il. etv_ %,vi. bay- o. :I
�,, I
. t Without the dangers and tho fears
tho hardships and the Loiling
o. * * * * * * ,
, . N.
favored rbovping a 1xinton on in
!" i�
Me'd Nvaste Lbe days and months
Do� the duty that lies nearest thee;
1-oughagie. wolstening 11 wilri wl,. - , ,
with the voinvowratt,�A. 11 11,1�_ `k',�ool
. 1�,
wit'. Yv�ars
In. 6riticizing everything I
thy. second dut� ivill already have be-
come clearer.
found that the dodry eaw dm- ".."i,
� � -
" And slyly. incanly Irhi.,�pvring
wben she is feii a r -111,,o ,.�wno.�;*),;,
� 1.
Lies lato one another's cars.
light In irs met-hauieni niakPt7,Tf. T! nil
� .
� I.: i�
The United States DelJartmerft of
Commerce and labor have issued weir-
too much corn Is n4ed. it, tj.,p ,tjy�,-il.
. of roots or silage Ave irtruitt �tv cl.-
I ,,:,
cular letter 'to all collectors of eas-
that about doe 0ound of tht, tro-w-,
. ,�
, �, ,
� -1 I
Mr. J. U. Davis of Ingersol the well ,
koms of 'the great lakes calling at- �
tentluon to the law which forbids Can-
meal be fed daily To ench i 01v N%,,
should feed from tw(-tvp ro tir,owl
r,,� - -
.1 "", I
- knolvn caltle breeder and the judge
adian excursion vessels from rtrans-
pounds of the (nover holy and at[ tli(
of pure bred stock, express" himself
portin.- passengers from Antericin
shredded foddLA,- the cmrx, wi,,I, vot,
rl, , ,
as s�troiigly in favor of Reciprocit,
ports to Canadian ports and back
same, not forclung tbein to 4-ut tt,t
, , r
; i -
1, I
with 1he rinited.States and not ,ovitil- to
The law Provides a penalty of $900
be paid by 'the steamship companies
comer ard's Dairymo.a.
sean'ding the flict that he hitherto for
each passenger so carried. The
__ - - __ .
a 6Lrong Conservative in Politics
mc:tter was called to the attention
i ,
( .
!the Liberal candidate. will receive his "'
'he deparlynt by'the collector at
he Enforcement of the
Support. -it the comirl,?� eloction. Tin la,�!
�ter,.N. , .CURE
1, Ill real, up oi flourishing
; �,
PrcPIX k0 the query whether it ivas eursion
business now carried on by
,_i-�P� .
lir tl (c
f JhaZ' hcr Was in favor of recip- the
Canadian steamship compan!" on
This Is Quickly and ple4s!
I � � .
Toofty Hr. Davis said. llr,t is 'true in *the
------I*— .
.; .
. o'thor vl(-c�ions ,r have s"UmVed for
� � �
, and s(trppor&,d tbc, Conserva4ive 10an-
Are free from all crude. and iritat-
a Tou'use
1 I I I 11
did,hert bit L this time. t caunti't bo with inp
matEn.r. Concentrated medicine
I 1
11hern. Tt, is bard, Io torn one on
.is back V"`V
Carter's Lit le Liver i 1 Its.
E I . I?
sniall, very eajy' to take; no
on Th(� luirty bat I feel it is rig
1. . bt P"in,
no griping; no purgin,'V. 'Try
� I
� I
Who Ttirmers have beon, .go long down- them.
, -
, ,
troold n that 'now IvIren there iq a
- .
. I .. ..
� �, � ' :
L t, b a ne. (I -for a fair trial they sbould
1 . I - - I
.Vatarrhozone' will relieve cold.1 al.q
!" ,
c, , ;
AOPOU4, fl� linhesitatingly. I , far.
- blamo
Dates for' Fall Fairs cure
most instantly and In a few ,hours will
completely- If It Is Pld-;standing
I ,
inciis "c"t.`(�I-vo's to POW,e extent for Toronto
'Vbe '-t,5, fb,:�y have 'hitherto
I asthrna,
... ......... Wug. Ufth.to 8ep't 1 curative
or ,bronchitis. fto qUick and
results awill astonish you .
� I L '�
b,,cri London
Itreated but now that things are com. xltabeff...,
... ............ ............ Sept Sth to 16
..�___.�._... hepe, 19 9 i
0 11119
I - . .
Catarrhozone is littroi . drops of healf�
medicine 6arried by to tho
;. .
il),Z, U)"i" Way they should take them Seaforth
"Yon '
Sept' 26 and 27 ' ' isore'and
diseased Parts. ' You breathe
i � �_
. -
nre a big aftlo rool BI�Th!
,�M�.. -A.-i6ept. Z8 kPh.
through the Catarrhozono. Inhalo
I .
sdr do yott; believe that you will bt�,,,,, IB�,ug,
, ............... ... October .3. 4, or
and they Spread throtighout all tho
I ,
(I'V in that flre?', I I I
I Dungannon
', ... --- . ME 611. '6. air
...... ...... .... _ ... Oct . 5 A
I '
It '10 Sense as Well as Healing, be
, � �
I cc!rtainly ad and T, will 'tell You Exeter
...... ..,.,., September 18 19 cause-
Catarrhozone is a gerrA killer, a
Q , .
lvbYi eodkiinted Mr. 1)avia. ,qn Bilf.
ode,rlp,tr 20 21 22 healer
" .... ... ; ""p, I
and restorer of weak tissues,
j, L ,
I 7�
falo g6od oxpor't. cattl
�, . � Sell for ftilly
( X
Uri b . -,.,.i,:.-*.,." Sept. - J�0, I I
-21 because
ir '. '. _- Wand 0. In
rOrnPt and 'certalla
It U so, 1?e
its results, be or tha'a'any
� .
Itwo cclri:L�q rriore per bound 'than in A il_
, Craig Sept. '28 and 21 , remedy
. ,
for diseases of the thro af, ango
I �. �
"XOr0"fO- �',O that With (the duty off
� ____�_�� and,broxichial
tubeg, Und.1t IS 11 eft er.
`7' L
'11"Voe 00111d ,1�hil) ulanY iaorc.��h�ke ft" .
no, ,
"* - - " . alcohol,
. .
. . �, . Orous.
niorphia or cocalne�all dang-,
. ..
, I" ,
-�ap.'hc benof
X 1, R. ITn Pure brcd, Caftlei :..'kWhild.ren.
" .
%()Iry -
I ,�
Tons of thousandsh,ave used Catarrh-
I .
,,, ,
�VITI �also be an advantag,o, IW;,,,
, ,O
I Zone
with6ut-re0birtino ol sihW'baie,
ill � ,
11 ,
,breedars aj6a hat
npered by .411 kinag
Iff"oe 'tricics to ' 0
A s -r c !� . throat
to cure 4,9690* Of thie.'
.and lungs tind, 1hagal 09186agage,
Of keep .
� I I
us Xrom golt.,
. A
Remember, CATARFtHOZON8 i's
��; "
Itig oil r i(ook into the United
I takeh
in dirt and is little dtioos'of hirol.,
, I
I ond ev(�tj IvEth those hindrances ,live
. ing
1. 'r - lungs,
'Phildren at
for the throat, nasal, pa6sag do,
It always does eura�lq Ar -k
, �1
Vell !(`ov0-`thIidS 0 111litet We ralse in
. anteed.,
I, I. �:i
fte�'ArnjI�d Istatoo, Vre,a It.ra'de
I 'I L - in
1 r
, 11-t10440, —'h1g. d�alit,-,
1.� I - I I
oft, , � I
' I
*r r%' R I
Price 95c" 500. and $1,00 at all drug.,,
or by rnalf, post Paid T140M The
.. , I %%*AS
,I, go,
. , .
0 ,' A, aatarrho%orie
�. . ..... L �. .
.Cao suftloe, X,,V� �
I. 4411
�, I
� I L /L
� �
: I � I L Xffixotot? Outmaoir I
I .� I .
, � I
A, Z. , , .� ..,..oif I �� I I
. .�
� , - - �
I " I 1, . . " I I . . .
I 1k � I I I � I 11, , � I A ! _ 1, , : . �'� i. , I I . �. I L. I . I —
�,;,,. 1, 1.:_�_ -.4#WA* _L_L,&.&t._ ., � ,
U� "-1— A I I ii -,ml. ,��;�.
. I I -.1. - I 11 - I I -1 --1 I I . �. -1
' .- ,
' ' --- ' ` - --'-' 11 . . . I I . �4�� ,
'P - . �
,.L, ,� " .
; '. .
", Where the, Farmer Stands to Gain in Sellill.9te "I'll",''! . . . . . ,:;;;;,,��:,:�-'.'..-'�.,*",,��'����7,�'.,��.',,��..��5�,�,-:;:,:.. I ' . I ,
�1.1 :"-��-�!;��i��, * ' L , ' or e
_____4_ � .."... . I" Farm F SRI
.". ��,,;:::,�,;.
With, the reciprocity agreement ratined -, : I , '�11�iil.�:
. . .
013114 Wool, will be entitled to entry to the Up All Canadian, farm, Products, ex, . 1. .: � P013 SAL'E-Vgrm .eon, talzing 100 L,
duty. The fie ' ited fttqg Without., pay.ment of : xrefs of first caasa
. Q list includes : . . �; :*,';� : age or Wide sl&d at ,the vkli. �
, r ('&'t'e Of a] I Idads. .... �.Vw ti A cod tw"toreyt
::��`i�i!�*Ii� '' ramo, ,'house; bank baxta) of b
Uorses of all- classes, �:-:",:�::ii-,",i�:::, '. -.:;!
. .; �i�:."".ii�!: _i:i� ,y aq �
. . It
Sheep, and swine. � I 141 flady"s ,il It UPAO�idate stable, found
I .. - L�tioml
, , I ,
�:li,�'ii.",".�!���iii:ji�'.�i�'�.�i�-'��-,.� )uklt about .1,
. � a Year a,,,,o,, . inu 101up,
. -VOultry', whether live or dead and eg . .��.,`* .-.."*;�-*K".",.k,..,.* �`� ,oni-Qntled ttibroughout. 400 q, ,TQO,g,
All yarietles of grain. no. I 01.11 , ,
I ,
"...:��l,,,��:.,,�,�"-'."�'�.:I *ftilar UtM With oement top, unde
Bearls. . -11 �r,
..... ;.Z:�t�;.,:��:&, -
. . - .1.1'...l.".
I � . 1 .-\<,.1�-`.-4...'.'..1 ' eV
Garden, 1119111 Und grass seeds. I .1 .449WAY. New driving shed of ooN .
� - gated st%2 sidLag 94x4o; AeA ,q
. . . M i ip,e%r ,
� 1�19,* seed: � I I . I . I rl V I . � bouis
, 9a3r and stra,w. . . ' ' 11 . 11 � . .. L I k7x1%, .akao a good ,supply , bg 46X�j,
. I
. .. . . . . . .
�_.' .k.... . . , .ex. The farm ,is t I hora
. ,� , , ' .
Pdtc,toes, turnips, onions, cabbage Mad All other vegetables Ila th : ...... . .. _..... , I . .
0 Ural state. , eir nat- I.., ...,... .. I ughly .drained, and . well - 'pended .
. . I .
. ,� Applbs, Pears, peacheo,'g "esi berries. of all cla, . � � I __ . .111, . *' 110SNY with all new wire feuQets, A.I;. 4,
4eirnatural state, , and honey. .. I .�Of good,
- Ju tI T211114 I . . rap . . I sses; all other edible fruits � � ; P teli idr6i' bulsh, mot�tay ha -To
. I . I . I , lovosod rn" -k 'A" I
I er, chease, milk and creaib.l ' Tom w4ere.:busy, teaching y�pman. . � - 4. app y, u,o vVicool.
1 � 11 . . I � . I . I � .. , ey Shier, Woodhoini. Ont. 170.
. 11
I . _... . , . � . -4 to- Pe'hobble headed,"t iml&=womazi I.
- .
. ' T!"T tod takdo-opar4 of ther:,U14 FM'Ift . I ---.-- ----------,-"
� I . . I F11-1 "I., I .. .
� �. ISTRIMEN COUNCIL I m!!!! !— . . . I .., . , I � - . . �-,
I I FOO ISKIIN TR,R.T,TATIf)N. ., I We hobble Skirts tbq o1d.;sty1woChW-
Tbe Council of the Township of We,.Guaran'toe ;Refief. Xour Mon ' dressing looks famij. Xt, gIrew,sC,1s.v0. Houses for Sale
otephen met in the ,Clerk,s office, I Not Satisfied, , "y man -it top.. heavy -have,*her%a1r . . I - . I
� ., (Back If . . .. look by tir lr=�ea for . . ...
r,redlton ' on V riday evening �kbo 25th , � dregsed hl, -h With a. pompAdm - fm - I., sale, and shop 1
of'Ailgust JU41i 1 We have an oin'tinent pos � �_, f I .
I . 'it 7 P. sessing ex, -, , . 't, j"In � want'ad, Lkpply to '. -
'to Permanently re, VZs wbilq.: her sklit d.r4t1V'W- . Bract, I .: J fifr. and Mr,s. D,
. I .
- ve for Eke transaction of 116V I I' I 11119
of the Mee' * N in. at the o;tll traordi4ary powers . V., Is .
. general business, , e all forms of eezema, sh,in errup- around ber feft in Nobbloi,faiql4on. ft � .
I . tions. pimples. bldblches. ringworm we dqv1sed the hobble beaded hair. . - - .
All members wt,re Present e\cp1jL dLne�. telttw, Sealy scalp,* hives, dresm-g.: , . I � . . .
0.0aircillor Love - - � - ali . .. '
� Sanders-Yearly-.1riTha!t IOMs Of 11tchirig anditritation caused "TO dress your, hair hobble rst,yle you ' .:
031-laNII, No. by insoldE-bites. its power to soothe a For Sale. , ''
17-9 being a 4y,lair to levy the rates I t ke It an& part It In. the middle. . .
. . ulcers. gores and wounds is very Pro- T .
Of the respeotlys. ,taxas for the your nouncedi , . lipa,you drape It back from tbe'fide . il
197 aving been read tho third tim,a . . 0 1w some soft way, and finall 7�bu Ff or, sale at onlce�200 aorc;s Stanley
.4 h
be passed and signed by The Reeve ,We fare 30 .Foartive (that Rexall ; 7 3rd 1con'. .3. .
and Clerk And � Eczema Oin'tinent is unexcelled -fb bVzeh *It at the baek In 4 big ma64 m-ileis from Clinton. Bob ot
ation aft1tached fhosreaeltoof -the COrPO'X,- OVOT00ming kbese ailmenCts Ithat , 'Wfa hround which you. twAst, a ctill of.. hair, ftxods. Ila good state of cultrivabi0olis ,
. Corried. sell it With our. personal pro . baud of ribbon or anythin I I 100,ateres. in grain. 10 'oteres alfalf&. 11
Xellermat-Yearly-,'Thai� i3y.law it -will nOt cost th.os mise libat Ot a, 0' 0190 12 acres bush. xest.hayand pristaxeo
No..131- being a By-law to ttfopoijj� � x user anything an, ,ftt may strike your fancy. 'Two Stone Mu,se. ftw
A less Vt in - I O 15torev slateWont`
I . ,j iray gives sads Otion makes the hobble. I . % v
10:rizo Hodgins COl1eOtOr of ttaxes fox, Wet exac I . I . I. cdnr4iq�t floor in Delldkf furnace elsbex4
riving been rea E to Promise and inj .no Ij,ay or.,Mlle g hobble may .Sound aiv&., telepbouii.. One tratit 8,5x56. iv�ndniill
'the Year 1911) h d , Elio obligate the purchaser. You mus,t ad. YrArd-for-the he , nd, It Isr reiU;F,tbP,rnOA pamper, Waterworks. "Stabijimig 1 4D
'third time be passed and signed by mit that WO could mot afford to niake , .
�Ieeve and"Clea:k- and the Seal of -Zhij such a �broad liberal gaaran'tee., iing coiffure we have hs(d LU bead.foialtItle afrild O'horsels. ,Occon*
corporation alftao-hed theDelth., VXrred I � ex- Itiecon barix 56=40. Bay barn OUX35. Crop
cep't ire are certain We tould oabst)an- 7ears, for If does aWay, with tho,top. .
YearlY-S,qnders_llTb&t 'the abat. tiate our c aim., t - heaTy chor-as g#I pompadour �' hnd
e , I . .. isoldwIfth.. farm it (doAved, - Al&ly �0
ments-on aaIsV1&A3r1d�e be lowered � 0 k . Dralcolut McEwcu. BOX 56'.
a 12.1tches. Carried. lll. lRoxall Eczema Oin'truent ls,vt ��ray. makes a woman"s head4look woro . ; plintefil.
� � .
"That ant, smelling, l4ulffsep-_ ieiily Ideal, Her head keeps Its 1
- -the iron tic.;-coOling hicaling,salve 'that is shape, "" ' '
0 ' Sandoirs-Rellerman I isli-- whi'te. pleas
I- Wokk on Tord's Brld&e be awardled. .dtrongly germicidal. rI destroys the aAd the knot at the back lniflL"
0. thalt enetrate the skin, `ug' Ad stration S ' ' .
n 'to Ithe lHarnMon Briagre Works 0 ' germs .P , and gests to the ilhinlated that It b mers� I ale 0, f
,t Litnited of Hamiltion. Carried. Cause cozema. and other Itormentin 17 a method of twisting urt her own
n !� lKellorman-'a-andek-s-lyThat, Josep -. . .
3 Lawsoli be 'allowed to Itak Ir Ing skin ailmen'ts., A remedy mara a; .hiaf-71 I., . 150 Acre. Farm', Farm I
. e Me. grayel 'thait !to be effective. for in.' no other' ' ..,. . I �
I t's
for, the butmetts and flooi of I-Tals way.can Stich diseases be overcome. . . . � I � stock Etce.
0 bridge faxom Trebiner's PU'If smtls., I For Oily Skins. -
I Itexall Eczema Ointmeift is ideal -for When onels skin Is Oily do not'tir to I � 1.
factory ma1erkLI can 'be -procured Ptlic, Iticatment of skin Irritations pe- conceal It by excessive use of powd6r, I The Adminldfra1cox! ,
. pf (the oes,tabe, of.
;- and'If A complies "vith Itbe sPecifioa- culiar Ito children, for barber's. Ito ,,, the lafte James MoRelever has in'strucq,
V tions and contract land thtetZr4 Law- h It makes the face pasty Qnd clogs the
�- somm make at allowance on his .con- .and for sore Itching fee1. . pores . . I ted ,Xri James Stanley, Audtlonierj I
- � -to sell by Public auction on the Arp-m_i
. Carried know of, and welarge. You Entry it - &t There are various drying lotions that ises on Wiresday, 6th of � Sep'tembe;q
�. 'tract of TlilrtY-flve Dollars' It Is Poaftively the best remedy , Ire * �
;I The 'Council iidlourned (o. meet agc1n, our risk. TIvo giizes:5oc. and $1�.00. are excell6t1or this condltlon� Wip- 19(vir .at 1. V. in. (Ldb 1110 14, and wesY-,
for itheir tregular MDnt-hly' business -The Rexall 9Tore.___jW:. is. pole, Ing off the face with pure alcohol has half of ,Lot Igo. 15 6
I mee'Ung on !Sospt. r4th, 19�1 at 1. OM111 .113oundar' at.
. P, mif * I 7
I -
.1 I . Weniry Bilber Tp�-'Slerlr ' ' � I------,&— � . � it drying eCect on. the skin. Varioup, Stephen WorwnsbIZ;, 00thh farmi is
I I . . .: � X ISUN13BA-M I good. lotions are sold for th . is purpbse, a good brickbouse With &I'me kitclt�'
. .. . . - � HOW. -TO J3301 . .. - but a feaspoonful of borax In a basft en. 2 large frame barns, 12 eprin.19., .
'Learn Ito laugh.. , A good.1i'augh * is . of water is excellent., wells, 12 windmills, small -bush, a , nd
I RUSSELDALB better than medicine. orchard. ,The soil is first class - ij%
- , , t we
I ' I .��-,=M_ Learn 'to keep your own Irouble. It you fear pure borax try this le- good sta! e Of ,curtiva!tion and is 1� 11
I Mr. and 1irs,,Thos. .Hanson left on 'to I e I
I Tucsd;IV yours tion: One tablespoonful of powdered drained, I I_
, for two molAbs, trip �.o eIL . . I 1Z %�' V? bora,t, two tablespoonfuls- of glyce'lu. ' . *0 .
. Sal,lkatoonl Edmonton, .'Cdlga.ry .a -ad The Nvorld is to b.asy to care for I - r 0HATTELS-1 borse'4 years old, I I
, other Ivestern oilitts : your ills and sorrows. . . .� and. 4 quart of,ciiin or water. Dip, a maie4years-old,l mare9 -years bld
soft linen cloth in'this and e years .
Ofr. Yilrleason Gill lr,e�t left on .We6 Learn Ito hide your pains and aches mop the supposed to be in foal; I hors 3, I I 1
i V Ca day Ito r" Visit _ under pleasant I old, I mare 3 years a
I his pareifts at Oak smiles. � I � face several times a day- Id.. I colb 2, yosais, .
I'River Ma'nitobL . No one cares itb bear whether you old, 3 steers 3, years old, I steer I year I �
: , I . Do not -make the mistake of using old, 2belfers 3 years old, 2 heifers 2
Mrs. R'obeft IGrabaju very ple have Ithe earache. headaelit- or rheg- spirits of campborl; whloEb 113 diluted In years old, Ion
4sa'dt- maltism, -:, �
1 ly en't-2ftalued the in.enbers of her 11. . � - . I alcoftol and much stronger. . W, llealf, 9 pigi 5 n3outbs.
Sumday-School class.,,ana Dor0tcry. Tears do well anoti.,h in Camp4or old, 2 sows, 19 pigs 5 weeks old, Vinder,
'a number of Water Is made .by letting twD ounces � cultivator, disc. I
others. on Thursdoy afternoon.. novels but are out of place in real aife� 1p, . mowers sulky rake, I
Mrs. Smith, and son of Tdron'to are Losarj� i�o meet iyotir friend with `a Of mi camphor Stand in -Nateir for drill, 2 Plows, gang plow, set harrows, X
ort prese�lr't thr r,'tllestof .Mr. and Zrj4, smile. A, good-humored man or we,_ twenty4lour hours. The lump can be roller, scuffler, scraper, 2 wagions,
. R_ D. t3loy. . . man is always,welcome. L . used repeatedly, as Its size is little sleigbv, cutter, buggy, bay rack, 2 Set
. . .1 I I - de- �
Wi,ss Jenrile-H. Hanson, is aft pr4gevu I Above all. give ,pleasure. - Lose no .1. I .1, _ double harness, set single
.11 011c, aying in N div 11, York OrLy. � chance of giving pleasure. You will creased. . . harness,
, I . . grindstone, 10 bunches shffigles, quan. .
Miss Cora and 1%1'r� Beft Venno pasathrough the world but once. . , I titY of wood, robe, sugar kettle, water,. I
r of L What, Are Your Eyebrows tank, grain bagsir new floor
Chiselhurdt were�.-tlre_ gneA OP Bliss Be confen't to do the Ithinas you co�u Straigh I I . Like? I Xug,-,
Marie Hodpit ,tiie beginnimg and frisit n6f because you c .=411-�:;�i_
e. arano�! no t and level eyebrows den tres§tew� bedv&j6 a it """ .
. of �b everythingi ' I O�O !P at e, new; dining �, �
. - 1!r� r � . . mentality. Musicians often havelthese room suite, new, -parlor ,
�. . , . . . suite, new,
.. . ------ 10- ,Never reply in kind �o a sharp or Brows that meet over the nose ufinctIly also saw, forks, shovel, cow chains
. angry 'word ; it is the second Ivord 1).rove the lo,ve of '' and other articles too numerous to
I . authority and inark a .
. ZURWRI . that makes 'the quazrel.-Onward. bapable person. I mention.
� .1 I �
-_ . - I . . I I Beautifully arched brows usually TERM. 'Iliarm; 10 per cent. 'on
GIRDS WANTED-Smait girls re- Ministers Lawyers *teachiers and
qaired 'to .work 'on Boys 'Cldthin.� dthers. whose ocoupation gives but . k1doria a rather empty, forehead and: 14- day of *sale and balance' in 30 days.
.. 4
either operating machines dri Iftle exercise. should use Varberl. Mocate an oppositd degree of intelligence CRATTEL!S $5.OQ and mrider Iodsh'
power or as hand sewers. to that shown by, th over, that amouu� 10 ,Mon creg�
es. . Good W,Rg. Lfftle Liv,er Pills for;torpid liver and 6 0 long, straight wl],,I)e ;gIven on furn thw
-t work 'the year through. - 1 P I I _. . 1-14
stan Good clean cin'PloYnien't and con- biliousness. One a do e. Try 'hem MOW- jol& ndt-es4. . . 1 � shing approved
, ,., �
. . Sackson ,`ilf� Co.,,,,E.Ve(Ee * ! - I ,Wheu the arch -Is -but slight the for& V ul'ther Iterms and Pai�iculars m4idg�4
. r. head may be striong.,full, of Individual- known on''day of sale or, mdY be, had
. Nfi-s.. Ed. Challis and child of Sag- . Iti - and With a fine central S
niaw, is visfting� heir Por.routs Mr. end pread. on -application 6 James ff�anley �N:qc, ,
Web. John Schnell. � , - . CASTORIA When. like this,. how6yer, there is usu. tioneer,' Lucin; Edward ,Ryan' Wd -
lyll'. Win. Xalbfleish Of OTtawa is For Tufants and Children, hily It lack either 4>1 time, tune or ministrator, 1C'. Carmel, or Gladman'T . I
spauding ,the week Ivitli bls'parevtis Ilocality . and Staub E ' v' Polieltors, Exeo�er,
Ur.,ind Airs. Menry Kalbfleieh. , The Kind YOU fialve AlWays BOUght Very 'fine, distinctly, outlined brows Dated la!t urcive.r. 10th Wuga.qh 1-9,X14
Ml:. 1G. Holltzmari returned on Tu,es- - - I
� .
day rxorn Mild Bears the ,;2���� Indicate an artistic nature. �
I .
L-111'ro , may having been called I f t , Much elevated eyebrows show artis, �
- to visit his aged mother whp is gig"ture o . " _ tic perception of color and shape, good I I
vV;Vy low. I - 1, , . Estray. Sow �
____ _____ . , - I . 4aste, organization and mathematical , I
. I � 11 . . �owers. . - � � I- Otrayed on'to ithe premises of Kt. �
I I I . Kydd on'lot 78 .'con. 4. Vaborne on ,or .
� A Toilet Economy. about -the - 22x(d : Iilbite, Sow apply on
Where'. the Farmer Stands to Gaini-in Buying The particular licisfists now ,use.4 in" the premises to Mr, Xydd. -
: 3 -----I*— � -_ - -, - I � I
With reciprocity in operation Canadian farmers will be especi C —�-WNM lividual Pieces of soap In her guest l,lillil,iii:iii:iiii����;������������������������ �' --...- -
ted in their buying as well as in their I ally beneflt- �Ooin and gives to each new gu
t from the United States will- be reduced. . Presh piece. Where much entertaelotina
which farmers impoi selling. The, duty on many articles
The tax on wagons will be cut from 25 per cenf to 22J per cent. P9 done this, means numeroa6 odds and . � 6 *_-%V,0_3* . --.*--
On Plows from 20 per cent to 15 per cent. I inds of fine soap. ' I . 1e.ffl&d4!i4sAr, -
On tooth and disc harrowsfrom 20 per cent to 15 per cent, One, woman has bit upon the plan of �7 . I.- 11, .1 -
On binders from 17J per cent to 15 per cent. - I �slng thid for the Children In a wire , .7111. . , ( � . I -
On horse rakes from 20 per cent to 15 per cent. . poap shaker, such as is found for -1 . . . . . - I
I On drills and Planters from'20 per cent to 15 per cent.. .
. On cultivators from 20 per cent to 15 per' cent, I . I , . . dighwashl&g- The tinlist pieces -can
I On mowers from 17J per cent to 15 per cent. I I I be thus utilized.. A basin is filled with - I
I On t bresbing machines from 20 per cent to 15 per cen.t. I ivarm water and the shaker agitate . d 'TORONT 0
. On windstackers, baggers, etc,, from 20 per cent to 15 per -cent. until a thick lather is formed.
On bayloaders 95 per cent to 20 per cent, Another way to use up small pieces
On Potato diggers 25 per cent.to 20 per cent. .
Fodder or feed cutters 25 per cent to 20 per cent. I � bf fine soap is to Put thoint into small
Grain crushers 25 per cent to 20 �er cent . - oheesecloth ba I gs and use as one would $3.85 ..$2.90 1
� - - � r� r cent, , I 11 . it bran or almond meal bag. , RETURN � 'RIPTURN
- __ ' ;_ c�;t t '20 P
o u - m "" 25 pe
'a T1 is r � . .
Hay te der 21 pe cent to 20 per cent. I
'ield rollers 25 per ce I t 20 er cen t. . . Low Shoo Peril. ' I August 26 to Aug., 29 anil 3,V
r 11, and gongs 30 P, I 0 tt P - , ,
0 _
Be , , ocen 2. . per cent, . The constant wearing of low shoes Sept, 9
- __ - . , , Sept. 5 and 7
� - and 'slippers will Spoil the shape of I
. wl� - "2T===_ the ankles, especially if one must be . From EXPETIER
. _Nm� much on the feet. " exercise which I . 11
. .
gives shapellness to the lower' limbs I
THEMREAT EXHIBITION OF119111 consists 'in kanding straight, hands WIN IBM[ MOTION ,11'
. ,$THE 'On hips, beels 'togethei� then rising -
.1 slowly on the UPS 'of the toes while Relturn.Limit Sept. 12, 1911
I . I . I drawing in the breath; then while ex-
haUng it SIOIVTI�, return to the first Single Fare
WES""ERN ''U"Al ` . positiont feet flat oil floor, Do this . I
. R . levery morning and evening for ten � . (Winimato charge 25 cents)
minutes; also as much as you can I I I 101,
London, Canada,' Sept. Sth, to 16th. I Wettr 'blgh,laced boots,.. drawing -the FORDILABOR DAY ,
111111:;� 2 .11 I . faces as Su.0917 as comfort will pera. Between all stations in Oahada, also � I .
I . i mit Draw them In by: degrees, not to Detroit, and Port 19
. . ZP 8,9 0 0 Ole 0 10 , '� all at once.. .1 1. � Niag�rarlallsaxidl�ufialo"ron, rdich,o . �
A.NLD � � . �. I , . , N. Y. �
I Xxv, 3?,v1Zr.S . i I
. ARACTIOZfS - I �. , - Peffurning th6 Half'. I I �1(100D;001 No SEPT.r 1,,'2, 3,,,4,' . I I
.Exbibition:of live stock The best e�er seen fil: Canada The perfumedhair cap has. met wit ' � . .1
: . . . I ,� � I 11 " . . I I . 14 P,E7 URN LIMIT 9EPT, 6th, lgtw I . ,_.0-
V ' " ' I favor VIth women ' WhO are tond- of 1 I I �
' .
I �1 I any Vnique Sp` ec'41'. Attractions,, - ine-hidin � daitty-concleltm, and one may be qjasla - .. .1 �� 11 . � I I L 1- . . I
AERXAI�,- MILITARY AND HyDRO ELECTRIC rIE 9'. - , IY .made at home, fter * i ,
I . . L ATVRES p000 and at night t IhAxq-, 1� � '' , ` 1 .
. . JUMPING AM . . hese.caps'sliatild' be 00 00fi � pulln gig , .
� - ' . 11 , id, the 'ftkk I I , , , . . .. � 8 TO- I 04019 . �
, BIG. -DOG AND OAT Ho' . . I ance b lasting. . W - 1. . ..
A 0 8 WS-F6UP- S-PLENWD BANJD,�,, r7a0s's1h,ion", Lit att& the SEyls Of thO ' . Winnipeg an " I
I . X ST ATTRACTIVp,. MIDWAY.-Be'st, ever seen in Lor�d . " I . Dutbh, ' I I . � d 6rnonioin � * -
. I I . :. 1. .. I . . I , . ,� . I , . �, . . on'. �ounet,'_ Between"two layers " 10s,96 arid-Sti. I Paul . � , , ,,,
. � . , _ . r , ,.- -;� Ma Ch .
� FIREWORKS DISPLAY EVE - Of sflk*' put 'd , Alleet of 'Cotton YEL& A :22nd Sept- 5th dild v o . W ,
. I - I , � I I Ry EVENINIG 'tlng , rith, P1611ty 'Of 6a.0111?t Powder ug , ' In ("difthectlobvith - , , ''
I . . I . aging Allwfvo� the Mine Perfume, . .
� , I .
I Reduced Rates on all Railways 1. - I I . I . I Many vomea prefer ths VlorlentIne, or- - - "Ornesto0kers VXcursio'ns I I
� . � � .� I rlo, but Whein 7''Ou flud ' a" L
pri2 11 I ,h PtAftmoe to Vull Particulars frown an� Oram,V �
6 atelf Entry Vcruis, andotber information from our liking ume.1t g1l'.t1jo time ,�
.. I I y , 0 It Trunk, Agent or address I
We J, Imno �rdsfd,etfft I bespeaks mn;t6 r
I . , efluew6nt,than havinh I
� . . I � A. �5 11UNr, secratir all� sorW of Woeoeeg, ttVout ip �, ggr_ I A. 13. DVFP �
, I . .
. . , , �
I -11- I 11- 1- - . I 11 ur �, I ( 1). P. A., �Orouto',
I on , I ___ , 1 -7-7- - ------ . I "I Pouts. I � - 1. � ., � _ - � ..., � I . I . "P
11 : . 1, . I 1 I . � , I . ., . � .1. ., I
�; I i . . , � , I � � � , , I I ! i . . .
. .� , , - 11 I , ,� . i � I � I I I .
�__�,�'_. 1. A"...." 11 � �111, � " _m_'_�, ��_' _�_ .1 ,� 1�� � " 11 ..,� � "�. I I I 11r, .- - � I , I I I � L I I
I.". � - - -, � . I - ��,:��,_k� , ., I �, � i, . . I � . f I I � I