The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-06-24, Page 28114 PA • 1-+P'g', • , 17. • /41ESPASY JUNKS* /9114 • s federal allrienikwe ministers years. Stre, will saythat HarrY Remake, Even Bud tbeLiberal S!enfartarbe held ,fiernactive 'frown** void hi the iome PraPeAT" " Rad '71 00110$1* I • 'III '1411 WEIM:HoolciwlyA• ;"; ,1 • . • newspapers. What aff1nother ministry 4eve1opmentbranch icipal soarci that land, a for "ft farm %WM no pen"arelth," sfrythe ie amind of .01A, " • ' •Letters Are ire.cgolgeil LW sob Tramp is 41eNdEenrwia One 713112C 7 40' their OM and ean express it erly is an affront to a detnagrattetlltateta- Again, just Swot) three weeks ago, more than 700 fanners jeered dainty* atMr. Mr. Henderson in :trent*. I won't go into the fatness rental* made bY Whelar about fanners being tacky to live in a society Where they eriklmitkivelialiticians Melt 0),W that it appears mane c his leader's arrogance, bas rubbed off onto Gene,• .• The =Val of farm= laughed' • hen EmaleMon said fir province. has tried to respond to the problems of farmers Who ore harder Id than most segments of th papnkilien by the exorbitant interest rates in Canada, beef farmem., nt'sb.s[andyint knew% Lome," me y4ed. •'Te mai** the lay/ prices and high interest rate to the farmer," Henderson said to a chorus of boos mid yells. • He Maned those interest rates on the federal government whichPraduceilshoutsof"buckpassing." • NO one knows better than this veteran reporter that politi- clant have a tough 'ob.Cabinet ministers have an even tougher job. They are on call- for many more hours than backbenchers. They are under considerable pressure from •many places, many peopk. Why anyone would wanttogetin- topoljttciisbeyondrne. I can get into enough trouble penning a ,little deathless prose every week. Lae reporters, politi- c*islearito roll with the [Ameba. They get thideskinned. Bid when the fanners of this country lose faith in their • cabinet ministers almoit to a man, then that minister should be looldng at his own performance. 1-,amenre-thstAviiin-that nmjarity„ now at_ gmen's Par• is. wider the Conservative banner, a better agminist' er must • surely be waiting in the wings. " "'- ga.A1416`.'"" ..'" ,41,"„474:"A• ---Amoture, "1.;;":•.", • inconputers agdeultund vailable to fanners; and the catalogue will be produc- 40 establish a,ewsletter ed by Allen rind Ross at software that is- Both the newsletter and Mic °late- \ II.C.A.T. John Cardiff of the Of to keeP oniarrn eemPuter nsliiiPa—n!; ; ''%enaea.i&:1enIt*11fl' Iteg2"'..-Mft wm compile the three. 4and Food, nntary, soar mscrketii....,10. "We Want- farmers using Board .g :••• •••• At; I . L.; a, I4 1 , :111,I1,'' 1 ...g,. .,,,..' 1:41.1,11 II: 44. o ' I I "--4 '.4.-:.• :- 1 ' 1 II 1.1 I 1.11111111'., Gnh, the Peer/set us to tory. Interested farmers - ter industry, herutgracamoileta ---- the should direct their eon. the list for mar direct- ory-and to contribute, respondence to Randy Ross, ac- via &questionnaire, to the coo .11idgetown College Col- catalogue," said Allen. The Agricultural •Technology, staf- directory will be updated Ridgetown, Ontario. NOP use regularly. • • 2CO. 11. .A4,4 ts4 ; < "; I g g• g, 11' 1.1 III 1•4: • , • he Goderich Towns a s accounts Avieetentre-.- 1otalitag- 199&19 were entered pad when Goderieb TMO* tel We hi molar maks Jane 15 01 this amount $265,9Z1.33 was for Huron thunly Board of Educationtaxes. Dave Reed .of F. Cowan lumpance was preset to review the township in - Swam policies. No changes were made and no motions recorded. Mae Van der Wal and A. De Fitter were piesent to discuss the possibility of exchanging lot number 6 on the SaLBL sub-diVision for • another , lot of township's choke. No motions were recorded regenlingthis , • Kathy lams objeeted to • various items whidi she considered to be under the township jurisdiction in plan number 13. The clerk was instructed to reply, ex- plaining the township's actions and saying that many 4 hercomplaints were not of township's actions. By-law number 9, 1961, a PUEj,11 4,4.44" i4 5, , • ••• ,• , tte • means money hi. situation. apPlication4 cat- niamwe "•." an acre.' to a .farmer. tins • spring's fertili*rprices. ' Farmers need manure analysis to get full Wilde , from the Manure they. Spread on their fields, says • Professior'Tom Bates of the Soil Testing Laboratory at the liniversity of Onelph. • The pcopularity. of manure analysisi 'is growing rapidly in the face of did* fertilizer cOts and greater awareness of the value of using mamwe wisely, says Professor Pates.. The lab tests manure for nitregen, •phosphorous, potassium, galciimn and dry matter content. Using this information, farmers 'can adjust fertilizer applications to complete the soil's re- quirements. re • . The bitaic illiests cost $13 and the lab will analyze the sample for trace minerals - boron, copper, magnesimn and zinc - for another $3. Manure analysis is easier now since the introduction of a safe container for shipping samples to Guelph. Before 1960, slow mail and ineffi- cient containers aroused fears of samples exploding because of methane gas build-up. One -litre plastic con tainers and shipping cartons are available at local agriculture offices for a cost of $1.50. Put one-half litre of manure into the container. Place the -container in a plastic bag. Put the bag in the box provided and then send it, via courier, to the Soil Testing Laboratory. The sample should not spend any more than two days in tran- • sit. For a Dickens of a BARGAIN! ( heck the ( Lissirgetk fr The place where bine!, and sellers meet r-oin _ SIGNAL -STAR 524-8331 .• ".' WATER WELL DRILLING •use IMAMS EXPERIENCE" . •eARMs 21/0111KIAIX0INDUSTRIAL • MUNICIPAL • • ESTiMATES ARANTEERWELLS' • • * 4R0TACY& isencutsiom,onnas • "OUR IMERIENCE ASSURES* LOWER COSTWATER WAS" DAV SON WELL El 4 Rotary and Percussion Drills LIMICI PHONE 352-1440 WINGHAM Collect Calls Accepted "ONTARIO'S FINEST WATER WELLS SINCE IWO" debenture of 49,300 on three owners, was given three readinsandpassed. By-law number 10,1961, a by-law to govern parades, concerts and festivals, was given three readings and penaed. Buildhee permits -were issued to John Ladd for a log cabin on lots 14 and 15, Plan 3; to Walter Callway for a sun porch on lot 10, con- cession 1; to George Caplan for a mobile holm on lot 10, Base Line; 'to Elaine Blair for house additions on 14 13, Huron Road; and to R.J. Semple for a garage an lot 40, concession 6. Council then • adjourned until July6 at ap.m. At a special meeting of Goderich Township Council on June 12, an unpaid bill regarding the Forbes Municipal Drain was , referred to council for set- tlement. Council agreed to bill 25 feet of the covered drain to 14 25, concession 16 and pro rate the, balance over the entire drain. Visitors. at BNPD The Bruce Nuclear Power Development began its daily free visitor program on June 19. The daily program, in- cluding Saturdays and Sun- days, begins each day at 10 a.m. in the mornkg and con- tinues throughout the day witil 5 p.m. Signs on highway 21 direct visitors to the large parking lot at the Visitors Centre on the 4111 Concession of Bruce Township and guests board buses for a one hour guided tour of the nuclear stations, heavy water plants and sup- port facilities. The program continues me hi Labour Day. Wastes can be fatal Liquid • man= systems are increasingly used by farmers for efficient handl- ing of livestock wastes. They can produce large concen- trations of hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide which can be fatal to both farmers and stock. The Canada Safe- ty (Zonal urges you m follow recommended pro- ceduns when agitating or pumping liquid manure. Ju- ly 25-31 is Farm Safety Week. Learn about the dangers of liquid manure gases- yoiwknowledge could save your life. Your authorized Dealer for... ARCTIC CAT SNOWMOBILES • SUZUKI MOTORCYCLES HONDA MOTORCYCLES - 111 1011 la 111 111 soilar,einat VARNA, ONT. (HWY. 11, NORTH OF HOLSALL, LOOK FOR THE SIGNS) 262-3318 or 262-5809 Vacation as Give -A -Way We'li Give You 5.00 Cash If You Join the ub Before YOU Go On Vacation 482-9773 Membership Fee -s35.00 Offer Expires -July 15th, 1981 Covered M. Leelding .the Goderkh O.P.P. was present to inform council of b prowled rock concert to be held la the lowish* on July 4 and to suggest that ap- propriatemeasures be taken to control nide gattedngs. Council discussed several • Wales which might be used to control such gatherings and the clerk was hoshructed to obtain mote definite in- formation for the June 15 meetrng. By-law number 8, 1961, a bylaw for setting the rates of taxation for 1961, and the manner of collecting taxes, was given three readings andpassed. K. McNair' n was present to enquire into the laws governL% the use of travel trailers in the tovniship' when not in a licenced tram early. No metiers were recorded regarding thin Council donated $100 to the Town and Country Hafacioakers towards the purchase of their headtpartersinWingham. G. ri presented a pre. design of the Hartman PrePertln a request or which had been made relative to a severance request.Counal approved the predesign winkled tint the number of DEM= were reduced. Zemmol accepted the quote of Baker's Nursery for the supply 4 ninety stock for the grounds of %the cern- munity centre and a motion was passed that %ethers be engaged to lay sod in the fret section of the cam- mimfty centre. Building permits were issued to Irene Oltelleobi for a sun dedi on lot 10, con- cession 1; and to the Salvation Army for a dining hall and renovations on hit 37, concessina 1. A land severance request from D. Westerhout of Bullet was referred to FARMERS IN HURON COUNTY "THINKING OF REAL ESTATE. THINK STEVE AW' SPECT IN ME SALE Of FARMS FOR 20iNg SQUAIN GODERICH cALL 524-4700 avaiitios 524-9097 OFFICE Gaderieli •Township for COmment.. Council passed a motion that the request be dealt with as questionaire. per OUIL Wing Drive Silo Usloodeds ifig JUDO,* Ualooders Volume Sett feeders Canvey -is -feed Omni* Fesdess Single Clain Conveyors Sent Coddlers Ossialt Ensildnisers FARMATIC- IlIender Ifecntner Mills Wander Roller Mills Ilender Mills for Ground 111-Mcdstme Caen AdiPe's Los Elevators ACORN - Gado Aare Ceiss Itygraulk Manure ramps WESSEEL-R0$00 Grain lens - 1.350 to 250.000 hu. Bulk F..411 NU*, ACME- FaddAst Ventilation Systems ASTON- Ventilation Systems II IL ',- Complete Hog Confine- ment Systems SLURRY-SUNGER tsd.ps filligmagare Spreaders CLAY - Pares and Service for° Clay Equipment AERO.FLUSH Liquid Manure Pumps. Aerators. SoPeroters WE HANDLE EVERYTHING -ALMOST LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS. en 1, Kincardine, Ont. Phone 395-5215 every farm should reap the many benefits of Daymond Sub -surface Drainage Lake Huron Farm Drainage R.R. 1 Dungannon, Ontario (519) 529-7510