HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-8-31, Page 7� I - 11 I I � - � Y11.1111111ON111111,1471TWI -11, I I I ... �� " � " -, 1-11-1- � � . , . ,I 1111'-- ,r7�-� . , � FNMPiw� .,��
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.1 -4, valmorl -49 Anyr-allig to MAKe
'this Match, A1,14 "m ,,cannot either,
!ox,,itlis ,made already. � , , xar,gare,t
, I I , , a . 4a 'Part'
I is warrie(, , And the of it
is;.1.i9r husband has gone, a,w,a.y."
I �"Awayl "Wherel": - i
� � "S -ho' Acioa hob, knoiv', She ia:. nok
certain if lie is' aliyo.' She. thinks
. , � I
he may not want ,io, �come bad1c. I
33ut ' that- is Impossiblo. NTob .want I
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. . I Death Rate" I"
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. . . I I , drVtml1t*1. Cr 11 J)Ie low dt
N TIONAlo -PIAVO ANO CHEMICAL r,o, OF �0Ar4ApA.'J,1MlT%V., MONWMAL. 17 , y C),f tile giob4L if �4tll ,
A , . I
I I - I .11 'L I . . I I L 1, L' I I '""'"""_"Q;W'a"' " .. .. ... � - I ' r4te4Of 10,96. .4 jttkoasaxW 4 year.i%lu.v
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� .
. I I . L DO Come Daek to Margaret! It you I od to go to Win-nipeg by ov-r WAR ,&Xbr ARITISIf 01tf,'1)Lr,C. Al't"'nifal ""ecor'O' 1.
ca rt. ,
C.TIAPUR VIII.-�Cont'd) Of thLO roof; his last words were saw ber, you would nay so. too. I L [Afr, WX Voy will write for na I.., . The ideatil rate'from, tal)wTulosis :
IL, I saw my first real live Indian — . has ste, L
Sho 4e . xpecteJ that the torraced audible, The housekeeper shrank could cry a;bout it, -only you know this paper 4 a. -ries cif letters to -day. There are lots of lakes all ROer War Xaereued Die " . . adily b"11 'declinink, 4oring
I , , bt B,ight tile I I
I walk above the river would be thel'Amay bahin4 a laurel, fearful of it wo-1114 bel unlucky if I cried to- I ast twenty-five, years and o6w I , 7
� . discovery; Land there came & fur- aigbtl�j 66m the' west. They will througli this country, you are Hiblare'd 111111101A D01141's" is, less than 9 p u- Cent, of the total "I
I � pla-c's of meeting, beeau,se, rei)aot(;,S.b L . hardly ever out -of .sight of water . . I 11 L
I �ther alarm. The wicket from the 4(you must not cry, lucky or un- appear in i899 tlle� debt 'of � Great Bri- d("liths I
, : trom interrupoon. The way which from time to time un- in this part of Ontario, Ju ' tha ' Which As a lower peroentaga ,�, �,
L' to 0 tain istood at the lowost, PO , , ny 001or
park &wtliig -open, a, quick, firm luck - Get her to ,come , 11--, at de , the, -ab Ve headinw, -and as w in"t since n any published by 4 I 4
L loci directly thither. wain a narliioW it wa y 0, L . 0 .passed ond" lake I vaught, four coun�ry which - compiles its .5to,ti3_ . I
aside mliong step approached; Gower, for I ,a Greudon, a,nA then we will see, I I the Napoleonic )kars, and for .
L ]� one, but she could Slip < I Will 4g'iN-e III 'PiCtIUVe of the night -of, an Indian tepee on an %a- I . ties in an equalliir accurate wan, , ..
I I i thov Shrubs if she heard ascending he,, the brid-exrooril'of the morrow, what call be clone."' land, .with a squam heading over a years Government boadi bearing L - � , I
�� ,)�, S'Way bo D I , hen a great Canadian west fro .- ner.: . . 1
Steps. But no such Steps came, u passed ,on hi ulcie, nhist� �'Can anything be done w two and three-quarter per ce�tt in-, .
Ing a sna . .
P 1, 11 � M fire, There was a birch -bark canoe In New South. W-41es the not . '.
I � to meet her, 'anld- the br tell tune. " person goes awavi" Dulcie ap- the standpoiat of a yoQ110' ter at had sold 'at a premium aver- - A. ,,",� ,
: L Probably the 'interview ha d . 0 g,p t -of cases of pulmonary an4 � 1�
� oad wA!k -the gellliiiI5 thing --drawn. out of a In atiOu ;
-was empty from end. to end, In ' peared doubtful of ber lover's pow- Ontario man going out there the .water and lying upside down, about t6n. per cent. Then L,
� , r . " I
� I ahade as woll as in light. L eache-d its na,tural close, Xrs- er to help, not of his will � came the Boer War, increasing the, throat tubei!ctdosis has been com.
I � _
I 4 . 'tpJ to make his way, These let- -close 'to the, tepee. You go, for ,debt by eigh� hundred 'Million dol- pulsory for over tell years. The.
-� 1)iS, _ Va,, 'Ile shadow and "Yes',' a great deal can ie done. Ivalls id a' lingS. of
I . )ojiltale nt MingledL With her S Ynei glided intol, � b ' a and miles in the train with- L L an ei "L holtSes il ,� .-
waa, lost; Vincy drew back, and, The debectiVe police are better in ters abotild be full of inte,est "" . JarS and making the total nearly I . L
Anger. 'To be. drawn out on a false , clut seeing anybody, and then you I which c�ses occur are sprayed witu, 4 L �1
. I L �,
I w4en this way was clear, betook Fra.nice, than in ,England—" for every Ontaxio fat,hor.1' g W,bb L a solat t a , .1
� soent-tbab was worso than all;L him , � L May come on a little cleariD four billions. .,"This," tile editor Ion of formalin and 4
. .
� I Bad at a thme when she should have I - self through that, same W'ickeb . ('George, ,how can you I Fancy � . I . . I of the Hoonomist recently obnerv- Solution L L
lL, 11 L I � . a L little bit -of a wooden house, un- , f I floors are washed with,a , 'of I
I—!, been ,enjoying her well -e bAckJ9 his waiting motor, Har- aemding A Nliceman. af6er ono's . I I - - , was the highest point since corro . ,. ,_ ' L
L. , 11,1. arned rest, . L painted ,and looking more like a od . sive sul-Ainiate. I I -
j I the superioxity of her better gown, topp returned to her own quarters, husband Ill � ' I , . I eer6a Bay, Ght., Aug, 96h. ' box with windows 'than a house 1867; -so, that. the national saving,i The effectiveness of' the educai- '.�., �
I , Ili, 'breathless and, perplexed, . L . , . '17,
`�.��i . th.e.-savoury supper served to her L L to find "Or we could put an advertise- My Dear Father,-' But there may be a, flag-pole,along- of thirty,six years of peace were tional campaign is shbra, ky the I 1"i�,
, . I
. . � I'll's 1.1, ,i
I r L L "' a , nion Jack is run wings fact that open air sleepingq ' ' -, , " I
,;,! ip&rb. And tbat,s'lipper, was dolibb_ her doli�,yea SUM) e well-nigh cold, Ment in the papers. He ',,,' id it, swept away by national borro L -1 ,
I . � Her L " Perhaps it would be well to , ex- Oid,", where the U . 11 1.
i though duly covered by Betty. - nking, .and then wictei!d a. Tho chill-drex during,. three, years Lof " L A ad general than in any Othe , '�- � ";
I less growing cold, for it would be - wit-hout. thi plain the ,shakiness of my. hand- up Oil holiday a who I -war. L'� � I , . I
'L "I , appetite for it was not great, de- as he, recollected how a Certain a4- rill 19003, interest on consols There is scarcely a dwelii�' ,
I -, ,., like.. Betty to'k-liget to cover it. . I writing before going any further ,.a run out of these "bins and wave " Alp
., e,i . -r�ss li�ave� `P"e th"' exertion of the., last lialfL bad- inqiiired . for . was rouced to twp.,. and, a, half.
" i . W.-li' e could thei mist vertise-ment ' , I this letter'. Althoughover.k.liddy,in -ab- -the -,train, as- it goes byt seem , . I., constructed aowadays 'in A � L'�
,- . en a I ' I . �
, �&h,'e was -lost in ,considera- George, Cullen, and the circum- our 4 ar i' in 'Someone, ever I I � I a cottage; -- I
I � 1'&i6? , 0ould -she be -&ssibly' 4uli: hour, -quite glad to se -6 ,l if per cent, � 1
1 . tidn,- jjp Clot_ 'ratan6ea Which lie haA been c . 3 excellent spirito, we b (�fio I Fo , r- a good while' consols havo not provided with a suitab�c� �� 11.
I tijig her.home, as .Mii&Iin',a- Fiekld- , ,!ovea While Scooping a7e.e all..aobek. The fact is, howe"r, it's Only to shou " wdy," &,a the I
� I , I � I " 11 about dah for outdoor sb�.epiag, Therp',,
,. I th e, 1 coldl`�otaibde-s, an -d fouli'a. L . ould dob get away that in spite of the little Movable 'train run ea Y.' ' . I been sellin& at a discount of, .
,� .
I ing ',did before herl But no, ;'e,d 'grMry and '11;d,�% ,h b I . 0 ..i�
1� ,housekee er, felt ante ,,tllab ,�Ould pouring.oub (with a bead)-froin her from the voLid; 46very incident turn- t�ible, whidh the porter has fitte We'Passed 4 grave to -day, where, twenty per cent., and in'the middle very little expectorating. on ,�OL I
", . p . .11 ., Vd I I � d L O` r
L ,
I � I ill) ' dropPed t seventy,- sidewalks or othe puhlid placep
� ,n6t. be. It was not in tile tew mis- m -est jug oi �Ie- ed him back to it�; the: most ftival L I LW - �
- . , I " thit remark converted itself into a fing- � for me, *the motion of the car 1, suppose, some settler is buri-ed. Of 'Tuly they �L I
''L�' �" , ,She had ma& & discovery, , eighl and- a �quarterthe lowest Ordinances to pv�veat the Xo, .",
. 'treiss's.natuie fi�D put froin her ad- . . lity years. The drop tamination. of milk and.otherLA.er'L
, I � ' - Son�mthiiig Was ,on -er. pointing. But it did not. o occasionally makes ray writing, rau It was all'alone in a, sinall-cleare-d price 1P eig . , L
-Mritage, and dignity, though, .she::w" . Certain. . . I L ' peiir ther sbaky, , ey, are.,giioat little, sPaqe amoi W,jill, L ' I . I 11 -
I - -'We to .him it Colinec' - With Mar� Atributied - to -appr,ehensien. stuffs are well o4'served. In s f0 ,
A . at' hadn't; 6ught to b� i � b it Th ag the trees and bushes, �
'I 0 *
I te tasting of foot th ' I . tables that fit into the si<,e of the It looked a ,y lonely in tha't wa's a Isi
I : Ji" abolen sweets. If not on the. river *ill here boi-row her own expres- garet's loss. f Some WaYL car near the windows and they are wilderness, but there must have over the Morocco situation�which where fresh meat is. offerred Q'I" . 11
I -$ion.- But she was driven tO doubb �iW, will think o , . b naturally raises a question as to sale, it is customary to finid. si L
I terrace, . where I And Ahen the L and ,supported at the, other end -een someone to. think. kindly .of � I I 11.
. th on. o,ne ' I ,
garden -b ' so came into Harto-pp's 'whether it was of ,the simple. -sort find . e real, .ori inal She'rlock leg. They come in use th' t rest what would become of consols if of water riiiining over the - .. !��
.. Ou . . ,9 fill f.or,.all o man who is taking his las dindows and walls for the pul . L L
11 wiiich had been her first Suspicion, Holmes, if you are -shocked at a ,sorts, of things: X there were'a real war scare. '
" mind, though it was less private, Ve use them as there, for a wooden. picket fence , .
V. and She hardly knew what com- -i. Bub now, Dulcip, real- dininglables, and just now an,old Money cannot be had ab two and of catching dust. All large C.,�Lk,a`., 'J" , .1, "
� being neinir the, . often -used gate . - policemai had be�n built round the grave, like Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, ,
pbexion to p It, on the 4ffair-when I time is short, and.1 haveLSOMe'- man and his three sons just &DrOas a eather-worn woo e � i' I
, V . which -led ,out into the .park � u Y) Ud a W 'd n. cross & half ,per cent. because there are I. i
� I 4 _�OU4 , she -went to, tell Colonel Swayne. - , . too many competitors for the and others, have tuberculosis sana- ,L �
1� She must try the garden 0, . - I — 1. . . thing for you in my pocket." - the aisle are playing a game of stood at its head. I toria and also. a, large number of �
- -0 I and now came the. effort of the up- I . "George I Not the. necklace? I cards on illeir little, table. Thev Say, D&d, I do wish "u. could world's savings. ' The relativel pric- beds for chronic cases. The Green- �
., es o -f British t
I ward climb, difficult, forHartopp"o CHAPTER .IX - th6ught it. would never have. been are going -out, to take up solne �f have been With me this la,st half vale Sanatorium, near Afelbotirne ' , L
all I I . L ich hpur. . We have just come into cents and French three per cents 'I o ,11 IL
� . ,wind had grown shorter ready. " the irrigated lands of Alberta wh will compare favorably with silial - "': L
i I d 'I"'t- The mail who whistles is supposed gests that investors du not like _-14
. er with added, years. Shame that . "Exactly so, � the, neckl ace. I am are watered by the C' .P. R. irri- view of Lake Superior. All day Sug - ar institutions in Eur;pe audAm.- "
. tiobe of good cbeer,. and who should L a very low -rate bond'L .even at a I . f , I
I jL -eery if not a, brid L egroom - gation canal. I got acquainted we have been rolling along be- discount.. erica- . -1 .1
�1� the need for this should -be-, ,shame be ell told it is ready only by an extra,
oil the hu sy and'hdr loVeLr forlead- aste ordinary effort; but that is aleg- with them through mother not put- tween fairly high hills. Just as -b at Gratifying progress has been �� L I
h ning to so fair a bride I Bub The more important point is t made in isolating chronic and More, *
ing an honest -woman such a dancer, despite that stave of in'differeat end always trotted out if a thing till.- a cup in may valise when she the shadows of evening were Pont- about a year -of actual fighting with r� I
. . , I
I as well as the greater alfame' of -usic, it may be douted wh is wanted by a fixeddate. I hope packed ther grub for me to eat on In. on we turned down the valley particularly Open cases of tuber-, "I "
I the domestic treason.* She was in ether you will' like it. I don't under- the. trip. I,boLrrowed a cup from of a river, and. Suddenly came in a handful of Boers caused Britain's oulosis. I� New South Wales, Via- - 1 1 1 ,
. Gower forgot tile black void which - debt to increase three-fouxtbz as toija and South Australia if" *is. -11
� :forced to wait 9, while till the la- yawnea behind him in the past; its stand ti ' heee things, bub is seems to them and traded twG bananas for fUll view of the Wide expame of much as twelve -,years of fighting l I �!
bored breathin- beca,ine tranquil, me -they have -done it rather well." a. cup of coffee. and some -dried Lake Superior. It was grand. The estimated that at least 50 per dent."i � �
. as those pants 'wou'ld have betray-- suggested dread' was present even A considerable amount of value beef. They are a fine jolly crowd lake was a bright blue,. far out to with Napoleon at the height of his of these cases have been placed Ili ) I I
when Dulcie came down to the I 1. 0 Un power. That Suggests the colossal- hospitals and a good proportion ofl, ':
: ed her. But here at la,st was, Vie libTary and he received her with a may be compressed into small com- in this car, and there is all sorts the horizon, where 'a bl, ie m . - -
, . I
I shelter, and voices, yes, voices, ikiss. The lamp was lit, banging pass. The cases Gower took, from of fun all the time, especially at tainous island loomed up. It, destructiveness of modern warfare. the remainder under Supervision,!, �
� I
I �i within. . . ,. from the ceiling, and there was. a his pocket were neither of them meal times., shore, a hundred feet or .so below 1 —.14-- The health offieials believe that on- ' I
I . I I If Airs. Hartopp had been taxed large, ones; not large enough to ' I am mighty glad already tbab us, the waves were dashing in ly a few years will elapse beforn . 1, ':
,LjLe . . vacant settee; 'but the room did not . wy breakers -on the rocks. All ,GET P.OWER. I every case of pulmonary and thr-,at I
with dicalnese 'She Would indignantly ,suggest comfort. It was crowded make a too conspicudus� bulge we decid-ea. I should come out sa-0 I 11 . The SuPply Coates From Food. tubeirculosis -will Le under Such v,111 -
A have denied the charge, but now from end to end -vytth the display under a coat. The necklace was west this summer, even if I don"t about the lake were high, To Ing . trol as to reduce ,tile ,clanger, �il� I �
L �
ahe ackii 6WIedged to herself that- of bridal gifts; Objects of art, -of a lliore string of single stones, but stop here. Why, I never realized hills, their i�oodcd sides bathed in If Nve get power from food wk� transmitting the infection to a m . it- 1�
she 'was hard of hearing. $'he laid household use or useless fa,ncy, thei central . gems were large ones, befo-re what'iL ' Iiii I .place Ontario the mellow ruddy light of sunset. not strive to get all the power we iinum. � i, I
� L -e whole line held .under the is. Of cou ,' o
her �ear against the boarded Side of and th rse that biw.map of tile Tile track here winds in and out can. That is only possible by use —_ - .1%_ I
. the garden-h6use, crouching close silver, china,* and bijouterie, each light seemed to be on fire with bril- Dominion hanging ,oil tile School- around the hills, and sometimes . Ill . .
.- I with its accompanying - ticket-, and L es throug'a tunnels, -whil, � at of skilfully selected foud that ex- 11
to the chinks. Yes) there ,,,,r,l ,i 1, Ce . When the second casd was house -%vall, showed that the Prov- 90 . WRITE 31AN D00X1'D*..- � I L I
altogether transformed from the 'a' . Cipit- &Ctly fits the requirements of the .
voices, and one of them was Airs. ),t opened, Dulcie cried .out' in sur� ince was some size, but here I hu'V45 other times it runs along a prel — . .
� 11 I comfortable shabby apartme " . o body. I
)Ir - Swayne's; but, prise. L � been travelling along for pretty ous ,wall, at the foot of which the Profe,,gor Thinks Fair Skbtned \ L�,
try a's shr' M'ghb; known and loved of every -day, (( . o waves constEtntly dash. Poor fuel makes a poor fire and I 5
all that reached her was an occa- L Geor.ge! Why, it is a tiara. near twenty-four hours, and we not & go Rae(% Will Tallish Front Earth. .
which had witnessed other meet- For soine, reason, the view of a poor fire L is Od Steam ::
sional. 'w-ord, a fragm4put here and . I For me 7 And wh'at pearls 1" - have to go over fourteen �ours
ings between theSeLbwo. . . . ce seriously tho - __�-
4 If we are to tak
there. They -wrere, speaking low, of "I thoagb t You Would like pearls more before we get to Manitoba. those great Yills, and the mighty producer. LL
. course, I wh I i6 -was like their Sly- "Well," said Gower interro-a- better than coloured stones. There We cross the boundary at Rennie, lake in the..sunset light made me "From not knowing how to select predictions of Pi;,of. Lionel NN'. I . I LL
I iely, the first greeting being eds, I Lyde, of London University, the T., � �
� I ti With the right food to fit my ne ., �
I . , '�'... _W ha�l to be contres, you see, forthe just 11611 miles from ,the Union Sta- think of us singing "Abide C' - 11
... � .1 _u4_1kut,.dqqpite her over, -'I suppcse Margaret is here, . . suffered grievously for a long time outlook for the white mail on I tha 6, *
to believe, th L c6 ome, , I_
, �
iiou so . = devices; and the rivieYe. Yon re'al- tion, Toronto, where you saw me Me" in the church at h ", "
. e and you are happy?" 1. ly like itl Why, don't yott, see, I off I when I climbed up into -this car especially that verse: from stomach troubles," writes a face of this earth is glo�onlv -AL. L L� : ,
did not sound like fhat� of a lov- . .1 'I
"I have just left her upstairs. ey-fix, to- in the Canadian Pacific train for . lady from a little town in Missouri. deed. .Mucb has been. writt;n at ��' ,*� .
, I ) ts close e-bbs out "It Seemed as if I won'J riel-er o e time and another regarding Liloo -
-OPle We had supper W my sifting -room "Swift to i life's I o .
I ers' meeting. These two pe these are the spray's. Th 11
I were plainly angry, there was some ��Iee two by o-urselves. Yes, �it is his thing; see Vancouver. I . . little day; . . . �: be able to, find out tile sort. of food �Ile abuity of the,white, mail tu livo
ma�ter of contention between them, V the screw attachmont!z nt the, back. Do y<hi know, Dad, for all they in the tropics and to retain his I
6�'64 denial nice to have her; she is just the Undo those, ar,6 i,be ,,-tr falls a- talk of the Wesb, we have a good . Earth's joys -row dim, its glories that was best for me. Hardly any- bodily. and mental vigor. The cxon-
, L Same old -dbar. I wanted t& bring a - lie -e I pass awa�; thing that I could eat would stay, sus of opinion, as pointed out by L
-011 t.b,e other.., .Mrs. Swayne was her to see -you, but She .said that part into the separatt . -c. -a, line -of country in Ontario ' IV Change and decay in all around I -On my stoniach. . Every attlempt som
; which you can fasten wheic You didn't see much of Muskoka, as we The Medical Record, has been that ',
I one Of the speakers; but the other, would -dO to -morrow. She Seemed see; � gave me heartburn and filled m,V he eannot do so, but after a tinia -
I I ssed through there at night but
who did most.of the talking, some- to think.you wanted only me." plpase." pa a ) 0 Tho it, Who cliangest not, abide stomach with gas. I got thinner
how d*id not ,sound like. iye secre- It was hardly necessary to ask I woke at Muskoka station and he will surely deteriorate, physical- I
I ' "Margaret has the gift of divina- , . With me." I and thinner untilLI literally became I
1; . May - - 'tion alnonig her other perf"�tions- if Dulcie liked it, her. face was suf- raised the�blind at my window and . ly and mentally. . .
: tary, Mr rbear, safe ficient answer. He had filled up saw the trunks of the nearest trees ' . a living skeleton and in thre was , Furthermore, white nativez
'! As she could not ove I shall be, glad to see her 'tO-MO,r- I 'Perhaps it was the thought that compelled to keep to my bed. Ir-
- hidden at the ba-ck, blie must run rowl but to -night I -did want only the mea,gure -of her delight,, a i �d the looking ghostly � in the electric wa of this lake were dash- . "A few montlis ago I was per- whose ancestors have lhed threeor
,. I the ig ate' risk a�d try t6 See. She you. For I must not stay longer ;diamonds were a. last glittering lights of the.ntation. Behind them �ho yes More generations in the tropics &rJ L 11 ;.
re r . I Tuts food, not, with rare exceptions, the peert I
. I f course I ing, about that distant island, and suaded to try Graps-IN
� 1, � drew tile grey shawl closer over than five minutes." pinnacle added to the suinmit of was black mystery. 0 3 at the feet of those hills, for'un- and it had such good effect from ,either. in body or mind of their ro- .. . I
�; ll . I . . ' I .
L� 1lar cap ; it was shadow'tint and - 1,F' e minutes Ill -with a, ut her triumphi And Dulcle 'was couldn't see much, but it looked as
1-1 . I . IV L po - 1. ' - L'i - here for told centuries without change, that the very beginning that I ,have latives living in the temperats, . I . I
�� bol attract notice, th ugh xbouts. Meet when she was placed, wbea though the folks that yo t- kept up its use ever since. I was
. ikely o ero� .
I tio t li "Five minutes, or th made me think of the hymn. It 7one. .
� I a wlii�e face looked outfrom it with They keep early hours, I fanvy, xt the wA,ys of life wer6 �M,doth for,:their holidays ought to get a was a sort of glimpse of' eternity. surprised at the'ease with which I Prof. Ly(le not only insists that .
Would L w *;
I ha.rd,. eager eyes. She the . tl feet were' made to 'Prefty'good cilange F -m the cities. We are running , on with con- dige . sted it. It proved to be just the white man cannot live in bealtk .
� I = . Vicarage, and I prolaised her Her lit e, At breakfast tiiw- !A the :Arst . .
I creep.round to the glass side and Hungerford I would not be, long walk -on velvet, not to stumble a, . . stantly changing views - f the lake, what I needed. in tropical countries, but, lie alp* I
" -, , 11 . t 11 I
- look in.. The panes were ne,wly away. So you and Maragariet have mong thorns.. She could be good morning of our ti, .. we were Ili . o
which is disappearing in the' gath- All my unpleasant sYMPtOms, professes to believe, tha t e whits
4 . would be clear en,ough, it's some- .
,washed and , been: supping tebew-a-tete? And, when she bad all she wanted;- ib the Sli-d-bury distrwi an,J -weh v' --f the earth, giving may t., 00 I
I wager, talking all the -time, one was 9, hursery say -e me so n ain eli-- face ,;
for tile garZlenier's boy was busy Iql . I ing of bei., and thing to. make Li� --hrow out, our oring night. It is immense. I the heartburn, the inflated foolin.- inan is doomed to vanish from tho 1".
I a truth. chests, and feel PI-L'I.d NO think that 'would sort of like to hear the hum which gai
I tit -ere only on Saturday. intoL against the other. Which of you lil1d grown u� still to, be of the separator at home now, and appeared. illy . weight gradutilly voloreki races. The E'nglish prol-, ,� ' , � . ,
. The moon still sho I i the richest nickel and cupper de- " '�
no th e- two, after three years, bad the most ,She meant to be good now, keep- ' can imagine tb at you are about i ine reased frui n 08 to I lfj 1),),tai�ds, fessor bases his belief on tho t I i,a - . L
I . ing faith of Wifehood, and loving Posits in the wilo,e Ni,urld are right na o I h* . I
. hitching up INTellie, to go to the my figure rounded out, my stren-th cry thdt the origi ,I col ' of t
.shelter. Another cloud Was, risi-ng,, to Say 1" L 1-futise Mountain ,_
f; here in' Ontarir,. "kill NX -a- ,
-but the moment of. its veiling had "I believe I' talked mosti" ,%id Gower back again for his.affection i 'post office. Well, I must say good- came back, aml I am now. nbl'ie"tu liitmaii " 'Jark brt)JVn, tlt*L � ,
L- � 'b - �.her and his gifts. And if she LSet love Range is clos+ 1- -_ to-u-tbe great. .
, I not come. 'Those cross- aTS Of light Dulcie meditatively,, arching . I bye now as the porter is beginning do -my , housework and enjoy it. variation.s �)f that (-o!or being tile L I
. were still upbn -the ,,yolt see, I and gifts on the same leviel, as a eat known irou raijge in Canada. to make up the beds. Tell mother Grape -Nuts food did it." Name results of t1w weakening or
. ., mud Shadow delicate eyebrows. - .
". floor,and tlibre, were the two fig -i ba,c,J so much -to tell her, about—" child might, -do we hold the child to This ought to be a great manufac will write to her. given by Pustuin Co., Battle Creek, sti-pngthening of the pignient, under
ures confronted, Mrs,,,Swayne and "About Me q" L � blame 7 It is only that its. under- turing district some day. L I Your loving son, .L I - Mich. I I dirf�erelit climatic conditions. . I . I
� I I ' J - I M. A ten days' trial will show any- . - autiuns it 1.
b1.a,y',' certainly- it must be May, "*ell, yes,' a;bout yon. And Standing is not w,rown. "Oh Ill There is nob much timber round Taldlig ondiiiar� prec, . I
- I � r ,Sudbury. TLie may be'pos.,hle. f�r the white wan,, L I
�. .. I I tbou.ah. in a different, dress froln Grendon-and-things in general. 11 she said, and "oh Ill again, and the tho line just nea _+ one some facts about foo,d. � L
, . exclamations werel expressive on_ trees die when they get to be six . R he R o I d t"I'll �carh of acclinlitization. to liva .
, : any she had Seen him wear.. Co . uld "And those innumerable dresses . ead the little book, ' 4T in die, tropies ,even more, iminuna
I " ough, even in their detachment. or nine inches through, Poplar to lVellville," in 1)lqs. "There's L
. he ,have adopted it &a & disg"'Sel Ste ing in the boxes , ,, now, little woman. trees grow about twenty feet high I I . �
I , phens is pack g � � . froni tropical diseases than . the
I . and was he'urgjng the mistress to h way?" I must go Hub (angrily)-"Whatl Thirtv- a reason.') ))lack. But -this period of min -i'111- . .
I 1. . �, - ,is, I have overstayed my and th n they die, and everywhere at? y�u Ever road the -'I'v? letter? A new ono
so erect an<1 k five dollars for- that new h
elope with him.1 If r "It is all very well to laugh, but As i t
" 1,1 t�mq. Y'ou will keep a safe yet' can'see these young trees cov- lipears from f' 0 tima. Th.y are ity hists for only about sev(�ji ve.ars,
I- le was plainly disinclin"I t. 'Id me hats could be boug"lit from 't 11 -
� de,flant, SI dresses are important. Yon Won ea. o genuine, true, a,, of human interest.
i ,we were on vast- , ogether with the erod with dead, shrivelled leav $4 up." - I — .----- aflor whiell the deteriorati ,
a1J4 '' .
not like me to be dowdy. But I tl'0119]lb of in'&, it' es give the ci . fc�.ts (if the ,4ronq ,,�olar liglit .
, I . 60 g,); and.the.se t trinkebs, And now, my darling, Low bush. . illy touch of Wifey-"y It is easier to accept a pn L ,
t terms from, tbb tering don't think -I have said much to Lets, dear, -this is one of , Lq
ly differell L . - eve rywh-ere , I Iti till heat begin to sh;w tllelilselve� Ov 1 L
Tylarg-'aret about the dresses. A goo I . I
of the morning, when she bad w-11- ' vid cl-nigllt." . green to be seen, and tho tups., ? . j 14han it is to 'hulid a job. the whii� skin, and rentler,the pos- . I :
� aea,sed that embrace, that kiss! she had , So . mebbing - to tell me- . (To be continued.) there are rocks of all kinds, sizes I I I , sessor thereof peculiarly suseept- '. . I
I and shapes. There are rocks that I --- . —
� It was intensely annoying th�t omebhing astonisbing, and unex- I , -affamsmsm - - __ - __ __ --izum��z-kv4zf,mvmEgxm%20!2nmr% ible to tropical di.,ea,!�ics. Tn conse-
% L .—.# . A
. a, . W — . play duck on the rock 36 - ,, I
IL ;I .her ears were not keen enough to peeted, and said.'L' . with, and others that are bigger &( Y5 1 quence the, periiianent, ,,zettleTilip,nI I I i
� i, assist her oyes. , But now Mrs. 118ad, i Then my guess won't . . THE BEST HOME PRESERVES of the. tropics by white, inen is im- .
". S W a�,n CL . t . than our barn at home, With all - � RE'ahmmm I I
I I-` ng neare'r to the .dO. 1 thoughu she might be going. I I go Possible. But while tile pi-Incut .:
. . was moviT I in between. It must have 09=Xm o
0"' . * : u .0 1;. �1, �" "A .sizes witll _IV13jeb t -he 0(1101`o�l race% is
. - I-.+- if -_would be pos- I- c 1.1 2�
- .- open .Y.I.S. .� .
I I . sible to hear. I
te marry some brenc e ow. I
i'I'll tell you if you'like, but you
A P Ila 0 CA V. , - a ;
followed by a -drink of cold wa;ber,
,been a tremendous Job -PUT'Ding iulie
railroad through here. It seem a
. .
"I will tbink of it,)' she kvits say"
-must, keep -the secret. Papa doesn't
will curo 4ck heada-che.
like railroad building was what
,I �
I I . " ing, "blit I do. not trust yo.". H`w
1� I have all,
know it yet; nobody knows about.
I It hardens the gums and makes
motber says woman's work is -it's
," - I., 1- call: I tell, wben given
it' - SO Von Lmuab no�i tell.",
the, teeth. whitc. . .
never finished. ,, Every little while
� I � �, -V.pu will not come again with
11'1'� th,a6 .
"L will be ab8olittely discreet. I
By adding a little nalt to the
We pass A. gang of Men who are
. I
I I I "I I � tile I - nloath,, next
. ,Sameoeman-d -next
suppose it is the Frenchman; And
wai�'r, cut flowers niay be kept
busy doing some thing to,the track.
. I I . '.
I . 4 . year I I ,had -b,etteT face tile worst
. be. -no
'has, ','or is bound to
freall Much longer, I
They build culverts of concreto
I I I � now, and then you, Will be dis-.
ask his mamma, ,ae-cor-ding to the
By using very fine, dry salt, ,%a
seeCions and turn streamsthrougli
I I arrue.d." . .
. . 11 Ig 1 (4A.y, :think of it," exclaimed tile
C-06 xapol6on.11 . I
(IMargaret said be was Eng-
one, would sulift. for colds, � hay
fever way be relieved.
�hem, then they All in solid all
,round them, so that a number of
W, . ,, , M
. all behind, but thin remoter voice
,�A shallow teaspoonful Of salb
little bridges havo �een done q,way
. -
. I . 'Was indistinct to �Mrs, Hartopp.
� I
"Weill, 'English or Frerlebi I am
d.issolvecl it a cupful ot hob water
it ,
wl h Long trestles have been
�: _ -os that You
.... 1��._/ 111k -rel those, �advanta,g
I �
'glib that it is an ellgagetiollb.
,will relieve ,dyspepsia ,Ind indiges-
filled it the Sam way with solid
I ,hase, even
. . on1loy nob1,6)rth tho..pli I
, O'se, therO, is Ali Astacle,
All,d I supp
banks in ,some places thirty' or
I I � I � if .O�ly for & time I. Isball be gone
as you tay it is not only astonish-
Strong salt water Will revive an
forty feet high. The, line crw-ses
, . -a'hundr-64 things May 113PPOn-
ing but aa,d. Perhaps iw� might
undonsci-ous pe,rSon quicker than
deep valleys on thes high banks,
I . '
i .sg_��eabh. Ity absence was
I � . .
. si.ckup .
away; you � anct
help to .an I,
.1OotII it
brandy or whisky.
-ream in the �*,L-
and if thei� is a at
k,. I . : . . long before; it May be long. again.
Dulde I I am sure You wi'll .turn
Salt and pinolIpplo - juice will
tom of ito the railway May cut a
. I
. 1�11-�' you must not lingeii over de,
out an (liveterate m-ritch-
Cure mild cases of gastrib .
now channel for it through the
, I . , ter
�1�j Ou allott
�g- I will give y
. i I
nlxk4er, I feel it collaing oli",
Salt �addod to water in which
solid rock, .1 would like to see how
, I .. I I .0 , , . . "
� � , I I .1 " .
,�y 1. 11 . ' .
Bat Dulde did not -Smile"Whon lie
,,00lorcid dresses are washed �wi
they aged to gob over this,
:d 7.� � :
t . � . I I .�". ., , . 40 W. 1pt oh* i6t t
� �1. )X47.l I f �'ths 06"'
-10 .
1;101ied. her;,sho shook her haid, i"
. .
0 � .
1) reovit (,all g'.
,country in We days, whon, they ,
I provirjc�a Is ind . ispensable for life i* � I I
", I-ropi", it. is ',L sonrec of "A �
.111nang-er in the tempol1tte Or fl-NiA
?,ones; th(zr,cforq. t4e dark or yellow I
inan call lntru&. ittO tll,-. dOn"Ais
,of the man of fair "4kiil with 14WO
or no dan,,ger I �,, .
. . 0114___ I � � :.i; I
In contemplating what we do -
for others we. are apt to lose SigNt 4 1
of what others du for us, � I . I I 11
. .
___ I
I �
Many a man w.nulil rather rua ' 1 '
for uffive than walk, into till iionioA I �
j (it'l.? � ___ . I . �, � I I I I
"You ,say yoll ollea had ,% 11�.'mmf" 11
. I "DaL's what I had", all4wel-60. .
I ,
I 1?1�)6'611& 1 4 let.o. 'Wlly� didn.f t yw, I
do noillphilin . E Ahe
I ,� to Illako your & 14. �
iitolliriortable A"lla. happyt,". I I 1 i
did'. Vltif!L" ' . I i