HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-8-31, Page 6-1 " , , . � I � I
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�` � ,. ? Were Caused -By A
New York, Aug. 26. -The story of a
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� S,aur Dls,wdered Stowarcu
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byok-keeper who embezzled ;6,200 o
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his elllplo,�er's money !n. four years'
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time, only to giv(� almost 8,11 of it tO
I I—', r I ts
"I -�. ,
�-, , � I
� , �'. ", . , , Mr. James McLaughlin, Bracebri .
charity, was niade known in general
sessions, when Uiell'ard r4charnz, amt
. ��;�,.J��
_ . _
.: -N..��
I . 0 at., writes -r-" 10 order to let you kn-011:;
vears Old, was. brought before Judge
. 1 ��.
I wliat Milburil'o Lax�Uver Pikla have
Swann for sentence,
: �
;�i � , dA)ne for me, 1, an), Writing you,
From tile testimoxq of the bQok-
..... �Z.
, , "About a year ago I was troiibled a
� �
,keeper JllplSelf, it ap eared that he
Was te%l
11 � I
� _,_grqa.t deal with a very sour disordered
Possessed OT a , desire tc
... :� ;,
. I
0-1- istQmAch and h,,td terrible headmhes, that
gain socis.J distinction, One of the
. ,
;..:, . I
were so badJ could scamely do my -worl,'
I I I 11 One day in telling a friend who had
Members of the firm told the court
that Pac'harz had use
� ��d almost every
. ",", I ,:. 11
. . *
. .
1100A ." ills I'Afk_ I— I C�14� 1, + I A
cent of ,the embezzled money in giv-
as be bmight the mAchlrel, Windootao-
ly 1111(lor the fighted Porte-obeberle and
Japluied. down his levers. uts strop
uttered 4 brief comMautfing, salute,
made in a lump sum sufficient to form
I I 11 I _ 11 - .
. . I
wouldn't meet any of the old erowd
1 her hnAl)aud's leg aud was holdlit., on
for dea
an -annuity of $100 a year.
On various occa8ious Eaxl Grey has
the door woned instantly, and 4 Man
lft%ftll,� I
Z" 51111111�,1111111 111111111111119111 1; 11 tiliflililllltlllllllitilillill�i)All-I
I , i life. Refting a stone in the
- I
servant appeared.
people of Cauada d;d not take an in-
. I .
tetest in ass. -sting the rifle -shooting
"I've MI'S"ed the, road, my man,-
ye;im sinve you Inst saw her. isn't It?"
I WOndell"1111 Pre.1*nCt- of mlvd, slionted*
, "�1-4:-).
of thi.1, country which, he'said, "form-
0 S
She sparc-lied hts face with anxious
.said Justin, "and I would like to he
nrld pork should be banished from the
At tli� (1�,.,a Tbrvw it at mel,,_i,lptjip_
the nation."
family menu until winter. sets in as
tie threw in the clutch nd pulled
set right If voll can (ttrect me to, the
I �ott s.
In the Governor -General's, the fixst
tga In. the
Cross, Righwily.11 . I
him with trembling fingers.
,�i I A Busy Evening.
F or u4 Children.
"A mile back, sir, You probably
it Isn't. air; I missed it way
5110 - ___;
i . An, v:ul riarrot u,m, 4o live ill a prih-
I .. . . . I
n hopt noticjng�
From there on is private property, It
I ran away'trotLi ourse. and I've
- ,
- =�� ��Ald�__
r - L-MS2
- �_MT_
. df� bo-11-tv lKir Wilerr- Itit-re w;I.. iliwayi;
The Kind'You Have
YOU turn around and go back over
trying to tind It ever since nuX'-
. .
__ i�mw=l
- ; Ei
I ,our own tracks you'll find Your way
,ill, right."
.... . .... AM
"Thanks," said Justin, tossing the
A\7- C_M�*O. n"nflnnf�lrliv,
I �1�
I 1 4-- X, I '. � 0 � Ing Picnics and', outings to � the chil. Marcel Braunschwig, who has writ- � Man a colm "Ob, I wouder.if your r. 1; �tA . ,0,1
I I . me to try them, which I (lid and to my dran and old fol)cs of the 04dfellows' ten on "Art and the Child," Makes a It was a hard. level road with many people would allow me to use a reie Simftatingft-foodattdRe uta- I
1. , f
. great surprise after using One Vial I was Home and OrphAp. Asylum at Maniar. special plea for the artistic, decoration a sinuous curve that kept the siren fing itaStoma6s andBcolw% of , e
� . . phone for a moment I've' picked up a _ _ i .
- -
I I greatly relieved, and when the second orieck, of which he ,yviia &.�director. of the nursery. He, wages war against tooilug hoarsely as the dusk olilliterat- little lost bay and"- __ I � . A/
. ''. . I I one was Anished I was totally cured. anti Many times. he had paid for high. ugly toys, such its the pollywog, the ed the stiff sentinel wads oil either "Certainly, sir. . ) I � . �.
I It IVS Aft. Leeson's � �11
I � bave not beea troubled since with either Priced epecialists for surgical oper& jack-in-the,box and other - otesque band and gave Justin Delos little op- little boy it's all righL They've been I Signatme
I gr . . .� I
, i . my stomach or the headaches, and .1 ,feel, , tions for members of the institution. playthings, He wants everytilhig with portunity to test the speed of his new telephoning here to know it we've F�omotegUgestion,CheerrLd- I
� greatly indebted, first to the friend and It was stated that friends had Part. whict, the child plays to, lie highly racing car. � I I
� I moondly to Milburn's L.wa-Liver Pills ly made restitution, wid that the . seen him. Coule right In," Iless and Rest.Contains neiUm .
� . #�"3 beautiful and artistic, He wants the "Hi, mister. tit!" shrillp(I a young He held open the door and admitted , : Of � I.,
7 . for the great relief I derived from their Would take Pacharz back, knowing Illustrat . Ions on the nursery walls for voice above the rush of hi's, machine. d his sleepy . charge into a opium,'Morplfiae, Tor MiLlexal. I � -
I � ". . I ,
� , . )p I I that he would make good the balance
Price 25c, per vial or 5 vials for $1.00 I - 4
1 � . use. I . The firm asked for suspended son� that reason to be artistic. lie points With 9 few rapid movements he i NOT NA'RC,OTIC. i I
-, � . wide entrance hall. softly carpeted and I . �
tence. out that the child's 111ind Is impres- stopped dead short and tried to pierce I delicately lighted with carefully di.9- I — ., I
. I
� , , � - I /, mt all; dealers or mailed direct on, receipt "I've been a fool, judge," said slonable and that everything which it the twilight with his sand filled eyes, I posed elecule bulbs. A' woo(I tire AbqMjV&7"A-XVV=A7M= �
I .
, �� , of price by The T, iMburp, Co., Limited, Pacharz, as tears streamed down his sees, touches or comes into contact "Well, what's up?" he demanded whisRered in t1le wide flrep�ace. and ri�.A4 xvj- I
11 , Toronto, Otit. �' face, "and now when it's too late I with leaves its Impress, Such decora- curtly. . !
� � LIP, several comfortable chairs were gatha AW-rov- - I
� I _. realize i tious, be points out, are necessary in "It's me," said the small voice, with ered &round the hearth, where a white R0440M S01ft - 10
, . , Anin $eat * A
i He was given a month in the Tombs teaching the child cleanliness and mo- haired woman was dispensing 11
to repent. a hint of a sob in it, "I'm Lip in this tea. I"—' In,
KINDNESS THWARTED AGAIN. rality. He says: "Th : � ,01 WP. &,'.4r!'a�,
. - e Objects In a tree -right over iour, head." I There were several other women, some lrxm.Xc e d - .
�t�,` home havej besides their market value, within the tall shadow of the settle. - �
I id1r11PZ? -
I Workmen Were Too Busy to Listen to I TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS. a, more secret and quite as Important "My gracious, witat are you doing I The white haired woman dropped a I 02t, _*
I fit& Harangue. I I value --they are discreet witnesses of up there?" Justin stared upward to teaspoon with it silvery clatter arid S Use
HE Man WithL Nathan Overholt wa-s killed by a , where the limb of it wild cherry tree � AperfectReMedY for Constipa- I
, the tremulous aid, train at Grimsby Bea -ch. 11pn, Sour Stomac . 11,Diarrhoea Aft I
, our existence. intimate confidants of bent over the road. The air was filled arose to tier feet. .Tustin saw with ,
I T whiskers and the stately silk hat The last,census returns give Greater our thoughts. They gradually assume d med ,ye t t led 1,Vorals, , Convulsions,FeveriS17
- London a pop I
stopped at. the edge of the exca an expressive value because of the with the pungent smell of wild cherry " , 'O a ha
� vaition and said to the husky laborer _ula.tion of $7,252,963. blossoms and the bruised bark of tile out of Its customary sweet repose and aessandLOSSOPSLEEP. ,'1' For uver
Th..e G.T.R. Gar shops and store- recollections and associations connect- tree. There was the glimmer of a that she looked tit hiln with "toalsh- .. - 11
. who was about to Push the wheel. house at Palmerston were burned. ed with them. Our hands by touch- small white face and a 'White blouse � ml�pt and displeasure rather than wet- I rac3iff&e ,5 gnaturr of I I
barrow: � Lo -ss $7,000. Ing them leave on them a little of our CGMO� . . . . _Z�
I I'Ah my friend! It Is splendid to When an elevatc,T collapsed and fell physical being, and our eyes, so often e limb. III 1, � 44, / , 11 I I
t just slip oft that limb and as yo?r pardon, madam -Mrs. , I 11
_!�late the influence that your - resting on them, transfer to them N,El,%r y0R,
conTe five soreys a E. Chown & Co.'s whole "Now, YOU � " irty Years .
balanced perilously on th I
L 0 yon. i Stone. I I ,�
� sale h-axdwar'e -store, ]Kingston, Jimuiy some of our inner being. drop-tbat's the boy! ,Caught etkule upon your place by mis. Ii. . , $.,�
� - .
,;, 11 .
bone and sitiew will have in the con- Again, t1lose . take, and I ifaUed your Man it I might ,1,,''!:M .
, Atkins, a youth, had a miraculous objects pass through various periods. didn t I?" said Mr. Delos. -, t.. 1,, I
I ked the boy in a corner of I , " I I L ... � 11"t , , I i :
, , , i
They have their �youtft and old age , -that he'was found and that I would - �
, PUAW . . . I
a A E�heak climbed tbxough a wind,uw and thus acquire an element of poesy. the seat and prepared to resume his , . . I
� - , ;. -.
- , .1 I I,.,
structive perfection of the structure I , I I telephone to this little boy's parents R"
escape from being crushed to death. Justin tue " 1,.� ,.R�
I . INN .0 . '.
I return '-him at once." be sturainered I
"One sidol" grunted the laborer. go- from the rool of Crawford's broom ride, but the boy placed a cold little I I - i W
tug ahead with the wheelbarrow. The factory, Kingston ,took a hinge off It is our duty to extract that poetic after n little awkwilrd silence.' I i
� , band on his and raised his voice in 1 I, cx,!.c,T COPY OF WRAFFEM I ;I
� man turned to soother laborer, who the office door, and made off with $17, vbaru� from the objects among which . 11,
. � protesL Oh. It's little Frederick! Elow de - 4A ,
was atiout to (latkeend. into tile exca- w1dah. had been left in a tin box. we lite and to make our child.ren ap- lighted poor Evelyn will be. Here tZ L\�,�.,,_ I .11 I THr crmTAun compAmy. A -w Yovix or".
� vation and wtio laid a pick on Antil Lentoe, a FWander, commit. preclate that charm. Since it is chiefly "Please don't, mister! I'm afraid to
� ,, i .
his 14 is the telephone booth. Mr. Delos." HE. 11 -
, shoulder. I ted suicide tit his home in CobalL His for the sake of the aesthetic educa- 90 up that road." he bawled lustily. I , When Justin emerged after reassur. I I
"The personitiestion of euergy1`1 he I wife died very suddenly about noon tion of children that we advise par- '.What are you afraid of 7 How do ing the delighted parents that.. Ile ' �
ght side whisk- you expect to go home if you don't woWd return tile wandering Frederick - __ . _. — - .- ---. -
smiled. rugging tit his rig and grief over her death caused him ents to enhance their home. it Is evi-
er. "Energy, In the days to come to suicide an hour later. dent that they must take a peculiar take that road?". to their arms at once he found Airs. �� - - � -
f_1 Stone awaiting him at tile end of the Around the World In 40 Days.
upon eral candidate in Centre Toronto. A " I . "Where do' you five?". demanded
our childreu'q children will gage Ald. Alfted Maguire will be, the Lib- tare in adorning the nursery." "I'm lostl" wailed tile strayed on Rod In Pickle.
— I I corridor. I She held out her IL Xm Goodsole-Wby, Xohnny, arlg,,
- , I .. � the alights edifive that shall stand meeting of the executive of the rid- Justin. ha'nd, smi - New York, A U�g. 26.-A Paris cable you just going home now? Your moth-,
L , � here, and tbey will see the concrete ing's Liberal Association was held in Rules For Sweetz. "Cro-oss Hlgh--wa-ayll, Ing ratlier sadly as she did SO. says: Andre Jagerschmidt, the jour- ees been looking for you all afte&'
I :1 � result of the Inspiration of labor. the Reform headquarters last night, Discretlon� must be tlsea as to the "Well, you!re all right then -this 19 'IT must askyour pardon.,Mr. Delos, nalist, will soon finish his tour ol th6 poem i
L [ for not giving you a heartier welcome. ,World in record time. The Olympic, � .
If I vvliictv,- I and as he was their unanimous choice. amount of candy given to childreu. the Cross BUI:iway." reassured Yustin on which the lightning globe trottve J`0hnp7Yes'nI, I know. I
.,� � "Gangway!." shonted another man . The best time for such indn)gence is . . I was so startled at -sight ol You 1 sailed from New York last Saturday, I Mrs. Goodsole--Just think how wev-'
,; I with a wheelbarrow, and the man with Rumor Says Murder. quite lost my wits for the moment."
I � Immediately after a ineal. not liefore reached Cherbourg last night. A rac- ried she must bel :
o 1�; . the pick. ho ving nghted his pipe, start- New Hamburg, Aug. 26.-A voung it It surfeited with sweets There will You hardly expected to see me." in& automobile will be in w-aiting to Johnny--ob, she's near the end of�
: .� ed down the ladder. turning so that his man aged 20 years, named Iftoberl be no room left for wholesome food of . � said Delos with a rueful smile- "I'm caorry him to Pari�s' in the fastest pos� her' worrying. I'm just beginning., .
. I
��'.', pick knooked oir the Alk bat of the Spahr, son of John Spahr, of North- other varietie% Children who have afraid If I'd known you were here I'd sible time, and it is hoped he will .0
east Hope, was found dead upon the , never have ventured to knock at your arrive here at five o', mine. -Asbury Park Journal. F
� 4-UthurAia-itic 032in As the latter stoop- Grand Trunk Railway tracks about a plenty of fresh air will bring to the ". 9, ii " .clock this inorn- , 4
, ed to Pick up uls hat be was bumped Meat �, 1k door, hospitable as it always wits in ing. , I One Thin . g Sure. 1.
mile West of New Hamburg about � table a good appetile for soup. I A delegation Of globe trotters, geo-
'�. 1, by a wheelbarrow, and when be finally two o'clock yesterday morning. The and potatoes. and they would much t I I the past Pardon me for that blunder-
, ,
asselplKed himself be was being sup. deceased, Who worked at home on the better have fruit. raw or cooked, and . . Ing reminder!" he begged hastily. graphers, journalists a -ad others will. "MY wife went to town today to get
. ported by the crossing policeman. who farm, attended Barnum ar. I Bailey's pure candy by way of dessert than "Certainly, Justin. Will YOU, come m( -et hiui at Cherbourg, and another I'll good plain cook." . .
! I held the wreek ot the hat IT) his f ree circus at Berlin on Thursday. It is rich pastry and plum cakes. . and drink a cup of tea with usT She �'uch delegation will receive him at 1 "Did she get one?" I
I hand. I � supposed that he roturnd' -on the . .,w c paused at his protesting hand. tile oftices of' the Excelsior. .1 "I don't know whether she!s it good IN +
I "EIR a -R -a!" shouted I be kindly man. G.T.R. flyer, wb-,ch reached here about, I I f all goes well, he wilF have made I one yet, but she's plain all rig UL" -
I I . � - "Thank j�bit, dear Mrs. Stone, but. I I'Llie round the world trip in a few 1%3altimore American.
!. "Costrse. ulifeeling, . untbin king' was walking home uponi The Embarrassing Child. I'll couldn't -not until you change ,your I huars under forty days-
, I I a' ' a- :
, I tetnPt to SbOVr them the higher side ,; 14rna'chs, br that he was killed jump- � The overbold child is, the product of mind about me. you know." he said
,, , We. to nwaL-en in them the"- from the train opposite his home. neglect In teaching and Impressing - A Short
� I W ig, i � . I firmly. I Bad G.T.R. Freight Wreck. � Sermon. .
"Rul, On. now."' said the offleer. "Ws body was found about 2 a.m. by I rules to be observed in Intercourse . I f- , "Change my mindl Ali. Justin. We did Guelph, Aug. 26.:. -Word reached It iS reported that a Y*ung man,
� , I the crew, of the way freight, whose era by its natural protectors ) that almost immediately after you left here ye r � destruct'on by being- examined preparatory" td1join-
11_� e)- � id %be day tor you. to get stevved . in raai. -over the body. The engi- I "'I'll Oth IN who Rays something . �
I trai , tt,e ste day of th:_
rit, att� 9. � I 1� In anger. If you had only read and fire early ye*terliay of the 'Grand ing the church, Was asked, "Under (
I twaj wa.r. Sir-" . neer says, that it was lying acrims the awfully embarrassing, no Mutter now I 11 I whose preaching were you conv -t, -d?" I
� � So the man weLt. to his office and I ,t,r!cks,the head pn one rail and thd beeded our explanatory letters you Trunk car .sliop aiiii road department I
I . ofr true to her mother's caller has tie& "Under nobody's preachin�z. was
.1 , ,_-t rd - would have known that Mr. Stone was stvrehouse at Pvhnerston. Tile loss 11
, , 11 I dictated a complaint against the 0 - ' the otrier. Coroner I'darty of ,ust*such a remark mado in the faml- the Prompt reply. "I was co iverted
� _J cer, whose number be had forgotten to t�ls Place will hold an inquest. ^ I quite satisfied that tile fault or the ac- will be �7,000.
take, -Chicago Evening Fost. There are rumors that foul play is ty before. In some children (tiere to cident rested entirely on a defect In The G.T.R. freiglit, train about 7.45 ubder my mother's pra,eticin-." ..
4" __ — I connectLd witu. the case. born an Intuition that prevent,; rude- I I I our mactline and not in your driving. ye..Avrday inorimig ran off the track I Did any preacher ever uttei .,;,j pow- �
� ness. but this is trieldrig In thp mft- at,tUm�a, arid h.. erful a sermon as the yoi ,i- man ,
2 Sure to Miss. . I But you never ank*ered our letters, -3 delayed traffic so .
I Extra Prize3 For Riflemen. Jority. and Its force must be impress- that trains a-r`e �itopped running north i eml>odied in th<)&e few words? -
Xn Irishman who. with his wife, is Ottawa Aug. !i& -Mrs. E. C. Whit- ed upon them at nome. and you declined to see iny nushnnd"- and south. Seven cars are deradled, - .
! � employed on a truc:k farm to New Jet- I "I never received your letters. .Nlrs and pilrd uT) on the right of way. Two I Galvanrs Discovery. .
� L sey � rec . ently found himselt in a ba , I ney of Ottawa has made a grant of � Stone. and as soon as I learned Unit I It is to. the wife -of Prof. C�,Iini
$ U0 alear for ten yeaxs to the Dom- F' %----- Dita-Mlss Stone was out of clanger I were Ir4itiQ with cattle, one with
� . , �(-X ifle Association to- be devoted I or Children. .. Two with cement and two with of Bologna that'is due the crOA Of
�; � predicament when' in attempting t: I i�_On Pood . �
� evade the onslaughts of's. savage dog to extra prizes for cadets Fresben tip the child 4 tood In every � went abroad and have been tiorne only 1110'r8e,� .ng Rpparp having dis&vered the electa-.14,1 bat-
. i
� � in the . .t. Pilealiv tue Several of the
� I Grand Aggregate. The generous gift way. even In the matter ot cbops. I I �
� _ assistance, came in the shape.of his ' a few weeks. You see. I oougliE it live stock are renorted to have been- tery which bears his name Some
, I - -
. : wup. oame quite unexpectedly to the'D.R.A. roast and fowL Serve the daluty .i�� i I � I I . .
A I I., place not far from tiere-ttiotight I'd killed and others badly injured. skinned frogs lay upon the tall' . and,
I officials yesterday.. The grant will be spring lamb when It Is pomsible. boiled . V",I. get in a new part of the country and. _ -_ ._ . p6ticing a convulsive movem� -A in
When the wnmmn came up the dog I 11 � . I
.. ' had fastened his r*,etb in the calf of
made in a lump sum sufficient to form
or roasted. With mInt sauce. (.'at a
45_1� -
wouldn't meet any of the old erowd
1 her hnAl)aud's leg aud was holdlit., on
for dea
an -annuity of $100 a year.
On various occa8ious Eaxl Grey has
spring cbIcLen occasiona;ly instead of
lft%ftll,� I
But it*s it small world "
I , i life. Refting a stone in the
regretted, t1hat more Of the wealthy ,
tbe terrible old fowl alld broil or try, I
- I
is indeed. and .%,oil fi:iven*t asked
the Irishman s wite was about
people of Cauada d;d not take an in-
It. Any change Is beneficial. for the
after my daughter. JuAlu. It's th&ae
I (() hn"! It w1wo the husbana. with
tetest in ass. -sting the rifle -shooting
Ftonlach needs a variety.
. =
ye;im sinve you Inst saw her. isn't It?"
I WOndell"1111 Pre.1*nCt- of mlvd, slionted*
, "�1-4:-).
of thi.1, country which, he'said, "form-
Hot breads are not good at this time. GRID
She sparc-lied hts face with anxious
,',lam-, d,la t tbrow file ,."Toue
ed the backbone of the defence 61
nrld pork should be banished from the
after a he received a -tbreat-
At tli� (1�,.,a Tbrvw it at mel,,_i,lptjip_
the nation."
family menu until winter. sets in as
tie threw in the clutch nd pulled
"I haven't dared ask for her I've
I �ott s.
In the Governor -General's, the fixst
tga In. the
starting lever. but tile boy grasp-
felt that I Wits t(i blame fdr reeklvss
1p get into the last stage. Possible,
..... - .
.. ed
him with trembling fingers.
driving; and I shall never torgel tior
,�i I A Busy Evening.
1 106. ,
- .
� Red Tape In Japan. . "No,
it Isn't. air; I missed it way
White faVe 11H .4114- WY MICUIL.1110119 oil .
i . An, v:ul riarrot u,m, 4o live ill a prih-
The D.R.A. silver medal Was won
A. European, resident of Japan, who
I ran away'trotLi ourse. and I've
the stunes nor the word.,; ot your 11w+
. df� bo-11-tv lKir Wilerr- Itit-re w;I.. iliwayi;
by Captain C. R. Crowe, 30th Regt.,
1i ' been
ves — distance fm Toki- was
trying to tind It ever since nuX'-
. .
l3aud as �e aeoll"t'd me of having 11111r-
eir Ifinta, she called her hus ;. id a
attention�to the strange fact, a.il ;!e
1WAtituted a series- of experiment.l. ! A
in. 1791 he 1, -Ad the foundation o! the
galvanic battery.
. Rubbing It In..
iHe was mumbliAg about tough steak
arid cold coffee and making himself'
legy disagroeable. I A
=1it*growl so over your breakfast, .
John," said big generally meek wife.
"Nobody is going too take, it away from .
I , I . I jzrf�al trej(le oa �Z"tllrclay nights
sent a t&v bill for a -farthing (one-
ihe tittle voice rather triuw-
you did. Well. If 9 the ri rst time
Ahis old tend went twyona
aigliway! Seems to stup riguE
too. -Do you know where th2s
leads to, son?"
. perdition," daid the little fellow
repeated Justin. st-andal.
� "Wbo told you that?" ..6.
A handsome lamppost supported a
dered lit-r-mordering DiLa when - oh.
- - - .. _ - I.. - . — ... - .
I OVP V%',-l`1iU9 it)(- Parrot wat
., m !,;qed
. I 'put .(
Across Ai-nerica Flight.
quarter of a4peent). Since it was a
b1cla ,gave, clown
electric glube w .
what's the timwlt You knew n11%V I felt
- � -
I 11 iv:w mp,ilp. aud ,all length it
NYack, N.If.,*Aug. 26. -Atwood, the
nconvenient distance -'to the tax
light to convince .Justin th*t
about it. Mrs. Stone.'*- ..
, 0734 di14'o%'Pt-Pd M the cmddle of a
a�iator, . yesterday said: -"My next
he Vald no attention to the -bill,
but time
wtfs Indeed on the wrotig road.
I'll be he
Por an ln.,4taiit ner warm t�nna presq
"T"' 0 U P A Wm' H E N CURED
.91,11T01111(led Lty vrows_�Ikvho were
I .,dlfy
niove will be to try for the He,aTst
after a he received a -tbreat-
Jiggerqd!" exclainx-d
, I
ed Ills. and then she glided awa3 ru
1, . pi,.Ring ot?t, ib; teathers.
$50,0W Prize for the flight'from,
ening notice from or-
last �,
g1w. 1) 1.
lave to .1 tall. I'leflaer 1401.1i
'. ,
i, A� tbt� rf-sellel's i1Pr1roavbvu me now
t0 <Wa,st. I shill try ffiat flight some
him to.pay it. Not being al-
told you It was the, wrong ruad,"
crowned With golplvll 11.11r. %vtI.1-40 rlive
Drs., K. M-9, Kr. TAKE ALL RISKS*
I lilif Daited bird was beHrd to call oilt..
*(st at a time, ge"
. . Dtlemen. if you
.1 I JP16111,le If Y01,11 only wait you'll all
be st-evecL, "-Ideas.
I I I .
. .
time before 'October - Ist, � It is my in-
tention to Use a brand new Wright.
Burgess aer?p lam e,.of the same type
ar. the one in which I flew from St.
Louis. -1 expect V travel from e0s,st
. 'to .coast in that one car. My plan is
to, the,Pacific coal
to go st* within a
short time'with the machine. I skall
"sit from s an FraRoisoo, fly to Loi;
Ail,geles, And ,theia follow the Soutli.
era Pacific line into Takas. Front
Texas I ahall work my iyay Up to
lowed to pay taxes by post, her 'wag piped
obli sting
,gdd t make a journey co
sev�r:al 6 pliantly.
.��n':f�ecl t'7nes th a ... �Ou4t 'f "So
the taX.10 pay. the bill � This Jarthing
tax w" c I 'knew
a�� jlected.th�Q jim.eawa yd&r,
,d,h,j, aijempW to get 6d of the in- Cross
A ,
convenience by In' d'other journeys here
ui 'payi the iiax r a year in one diIive
smini'-but this the iazthbrities woufd �'To,
D6491ve=1t. cakwly.
-, I "Perilitionl"
ihe tittle voice rather triuw-
you did. Well. If 9 the ri rst time
Ahis old tend went twyona
aigliway! Seems to stup riguE
too. -Do you know where th2s
leads to, son?"
. perdition," daid the little fellow
repeated Justin. st-andal.
� "Wbo told you that?" ..6.
was ros. with tiewta auci wij,", grn.V
, .
Ves %'rere "(1w 't)igllt with .1 11:1111111it -
e .'
wbich tidd Lee4in pitstponen outh iiii,
blissful M011101L. .11,118tirl Colil(I �war(-01,1
beljov� ills nuilgry eyes whPil ner 0%Vo
answ I ered bis uu.spoken appeal ana in,.
quiet corridoil witilessed (lie, reuti mv tit.
the parted lovors .. � I
, Afte ' r awhi-le ti.ie wallinu, ,�lasivr
Frederick Tenitiletou Leeson at-timiju
ed'to be taken to his araiiiii.ia .., I
. I ,� . � -,- __ I . .
I , Was 656 Nervous
I I �
. I � 41,11 14 Af.,-.; t1- y
I '04*1 f, +h R1 ,I ized.
%.O tLo " Z,J & Uy ffl I St. Donis, CincinnAti aiad Dayton and 1111JU 1500 W U UVI 11310 erdId. laskedbef. Iwatte(t don't Ilk(- Iwrilirionrl tie priar..-it-a, ir�g- NO NAMES OR PHOTOS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT -,M �
� PTV I Anyone whose Blood le impure .. N
I � F 11'0 USe A 10 thex;ce to Syracuse, from which' - ehatild reeLd this Teatiman - iml In ibe carriage once wilen she went it) Perdiltou!" repoated .lti�m, roi-t,-P I NERVOUS DEBILITY . %1, -1
I II he p3ace
17 ..4 ne I'll folloiv%fhe same rout-, as 'on this -_ ilde and she said It was perditlou. so secona ,timp mat t-vefoug ,*%I it) .
I I'. W. Thonp-mils of young and middle-aged men aiv annually swept to it premature gr&ve
; I .1 I I trip. . # I asked cook what pertiltion was,. ima perdition. ob?" ' . through Early Indiscretions, Excesses and Blood Diseases. I
� - . Mr. Chas. Martin, Box No. 367., she said it was -you know the 1 -kit, Perdit'l 810sif, (a ..k. If You bave any of. the fol-
: . *7— Kenora, P,nt., writes: -"Three, years a . . t1glied merrily dent and gioonty, specks before the eyes, wifl, (1.1,1-k ., nervous and we" despoti-
� .go, s lowing VmMorris consult us before it is too lixte. Are yoll
, ( : Mrs. Arthur Moore, Freeport, N.S,, Mimico Brakeman',Kil,l.d. I . pktce"., such u good Joke� .histin . It ,14'tlfll.� Ills k1dr I'Lles tinder therIll ,'v,','.k back,
while working in Hamilton, Oat., I was ,gs Irritable, PalPitation of the hearb, bashful, dreanis and losses, se
; , writes-,-" I would recommend Milburn? St. Catharines, , Ont., A , , I e illmemb in wine.
; � . a ug. 26.-B. mother tolcl win tln� P, Iml) es On the Vice eyes shnicen, hollo%j, checks, CnXelyoru e.,presgion, poor m
� Heart .and Nerve Pills to myoneWho is X t, w., a, brakesnau on a taken siok, and no oie knew what ailed . "What's your name?" road 1pa to Ver, I
ifeless, distrustful lack energy axid sbrength, tirect morilln
� me. Every bit 6f food I abi I vomited "Frodteri�k!relmpl4ton Lepsor- .That'- ditli's. 1100 lie trim-slittild it llito por woods, *weak w T, restless n%olits, chaienio'T
Grand Trunk I 0 ,geab .'
. � . � weak, ran down end their nerves all fr&Ot train, was killed 'st Merrftton tip and conse uently I became very dad1i name too." I . ditlolk., ;11141 t1le'vow, 1".1ye 111bl'it Illo'llf 0 Zv; d,'Prematuro decay, bone paliig, air loose, sore throat, etc,
I thutrung. I Was troubled with n Yesterday morning b� Ialling ofV'hig we4k. My lanatord rold me that after I - . ,I UiI 4 YOU WILLOUr, A WREcr, 1 49 1 ,.I, "
. . er- �'&hll Then you're L#Pson-111 little iotevi'Vetatiol, Ot 111.1it wt.1rd, atli -
Vousness of train. His home is.ill mim�eo. . der its Inflit- �,
" the very worst kind, aad that be thought at one time Iwu 800ked 6ap,, eh? WelP. you are it good way been at�ai6 rip e(mle nere ever Alnvi-. I s aud ulcers
I 'when T started in to take your pills, Dr. Jory, coronex, i��in.Vestigating, Jor the eem6tery. V2king, down street s§ and dese
I I a, asi inquest -�vill probtibly be hel�l one I d � I happened to see fluvilook f,r4;& jilome. Gtliem I,better run up haven't yoiN Fredortek?" rns to the
vitsso bad I could-,n:ot ,T "" tI1I;,drIv6 aadleleptiono to yptir to[-lc4 . "I like, Xfh-�s Dita, but I doiii't mitit to a cease -to
I � stay in the house he bQdy *as br�ught to'i local ,dp� ed 89 I I
. I I I alone, nor could I sleep aights. Since dertakti,s. . Blo itters ip a druggist's �Ylndow,m that You're all right, What do you stay in pardition,',' yowled Fredertek I yalur ,hard
� � taking the pills- I am entirely cured and At the G,T-R. M.1mico yard office it tent in and got a bottle. Before I riad a,ay,111 Justin turned 7he car into the indtin lift('�d Min to hts sboultim, 11(id ! � .
I aken balf of it I brolce 6ut, all, rouud � 4 . I ...
I 1 4 I � call to-lommend them to anyone who is is believed that t,h0Ai0gm*Of the acci- loins in sores. I allowed it1to. my la,ullady- dr.We and sped swiftly upits length, turnod,'to, M�s. t9tone,-wAh his oid �% tij I'll, . 0 er io iag r- lod You, write for an honest 6onlon rtoo of Charae.
. bervoua run down.." dent WaPA. H� New, who epter%d the lord pad asked him what,he thouyht of `,'! don't -want to go to tha-t-plava!" �nlng smile. "I'm going to cal�p . , Itbr" (Illustr*d) dn,S,tk-�tDiseiaesof Mon.
I , atid I I. ro, I I Bobks Fkee�"The Golden r. -A I
T . To Aft y� ,of those suff'ering in my wayo service aboue six.tpoIttl1istgo, Ne wos it, fle told me it looked . as if I I QUESTION UST FoR j,,,:,1MZ TRgATMENT SENT ON REQUEST I I ,\,��
I I til a walked Master, Frederick TenApievon erick- home. Would you tnist lleravi� , i
from an? derangemeat rt or Z - . , es p. o a ou on with me'too?" . '"'
of the hea about 23 keai sof age, a, d bga�ded In heavy attack of chicken pox. Both he re o ,I W& I Ife
,commend our Ult- � � and hits wife tried all they knAw how to r
nerveo, wet eati rd ilmleol I , I 3 Inz
1. wasitine fiorks If you're naug Without. a word Xts, Stono stood n � 109%%-# " k.=
, bVg1qL,6 HE"T 'X"l JaRVE PILI, ........ I....."— ". I . . tit.v." eF%&vNk"DY&' KENNEDY
I . . . , . , � per.quade me to. stop taldnig. the 13.B 13 "Ne'er You mind., son. You're a tiptoe to klas the tatt young ma It, vnuiu I I
. . 5 - 4 as '%
� , . *1th the greatest c6pifidence. I Eleotrocutiori'at St, Kitts., but it w no use, I hati gotten so Q � n Cor. Mich' an Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit ' I I
� . . I thought it did not viatter mueh wbeth6r tl-,buy, - J%ey won't Ory ,vou nor Fordita slipped -away to dom coat -a d I 19 . .
� L St. v OAthax-ines,"'Aug, M -William I S - - , Nchi.
; � They have been tried and proved, for Midso.4, an emplQYO ,of tk6 j6n,bkes I went under or not� go I got a m�.ceond -L� . I . .. �
�, to I I gdltca6you. T�ty Tilrely fill tbeladles's"rill sciar, froul Canada must be addresseii �
I Wag Ye.s . I . . our eanadian COtttSPi5nde0ce Depart- L, .
, 'o"' I I i5�, the 6 Vvedue and, Into the winding road I 1110 Illent 1Ur.JVJtldSOr, Ont'L If ,
�11 i ch vtst,� twenty yous, to be exactly Xachilie 'G . Herditk electroz I I � , U 4 to
I I , aottle and p0ge to my gur�rise to see 898, * ,fVO .1VAd ,Adl YOU it SWROt Child." As they whirled down the dark 1W, , X RICE" All letters
� ,: %V.hatwe .1m.forthow, I the WorlZa - lie wa �a r 'ni the sorvq begia to di ear, anc "
. cle cUt4& At I a r yl '6111) _ 1. ii't,pr I'mes, .Ivd I won't be kissed�, .
�. I 11 I
Price 60, oeftts Per box or 3,�boxoalfor 11%'eleotria limp atia- in S'Al WW- time I had takAn thn tottles. I did oof k�.*�t �'L you . desire to
I I in, HarpiltoaL 4*011 ov- frIedill protested Pped- Vred6leir,anuggidd betweatt them alud � see us petsotiAlly dall at Our Wedital Institute in.betroit as I
I e�yw% I " `*ktoi the Mike I . litfOred a WeIiy, sigh.' - L We See and treat L
I , $L25, #it all dealers or intiled, direct on, touched �&,*JiVe fire. . Ae we's gs a - care for the best Matt 1 of hIs'pegeaer . no Patients in our, Whidsor officeg which .
I f � 61 yeattl of age omd am able to -40 6, "Al -1 . . Are for Correspondence and
ipt of pried by'Th , of age, Aikiried'dhd 1,eovves'one 16hild. um , , AT40e� 'Verev .-agmtlt�de, "You . "t guMio w.ete,ovf of pe UbiiratorY for Canadiati business .
. radet * T, Mbura Co. 116 wite.ah Bj�gliab � IZ 19 , I rditlob 106w," I Only, Address all letters a$ J0J1oVVa-
�', I , I . 0
L Vynif:44 T000ntai Out. I sdaft'aad pAricher# dn�.'s woric, with the. neot man, tb#A s 'r � I - ,., Al'quj"" , 1. "And right it) 0 DiRS. KWADY & KENNEDY, Windildr, on*. , .
I ro4edla�. 4 ' I . I � '. to 11,11.1�. : . #W, % �. �i 1� m , I fojlaradlae�" C0114,14"'J"ed , I
I I . .1
I r I 11 _'A�.1,;',�eI.,, .N1,1hA�J,,.*11,l. . for our M , I .
L V , I I I .. IL � . I I 1. . . . � I I mviaot� ltloj)a 13itt"Le'llimayn. � slr,l 6alld just,lu Zust1b (Amptilly., . . I I I 11.1 PrArate add dad, .
, . , I . 0,1f. . L � I I r I . !0ft"01 L I
� ; . I ...": . : I I I I I I . . by thd,.r� ��Ilburll Old.. Walt , I , I I . . I K"11111111111110UNNIVARS11111111110 � i MINN I I 1IM11008 11111 I I i
. I I . I � � I . � I . 1. . .; .. I I I L .,� L I . �- I I . I 6 I I . I I _11 -1
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. 1� , , :A��ii��14 ;1 � � 1. - . , .� ,_ 1,�,;, 1� ,�i� .-'Ll, 1� � i 6-, __.Adi