The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-06-24, Page 13Uniteds play: to 0-0 draw The Goderich United 'A' soccer club, despite having numerous scoring Op- portunities, could rt put a shot into Stratford'S net and wound up with a scoreless draw last Sunday in Strat- fordagainat F The fist ten minutes of the game were controlled by Stratford, as United waned a little unorganized after a two-week layoff. However, United's defense played well and held strong denying any solid chances on net. United then settled dawn and started to take control of the play. They had three or four chances to open the scoring but could not bit the net, as they sent their shos either over the net or wide of it. After pressing for the next 15 minutes, United seemed to let up and the game turned into a mid -field battle with neither team getting into a dangerous scoring position. The second half began with the local team pressing hard, keeping Stratford hemmed in their own end. The boys had numerous chances but again could not hit the net. At this point it became evident that which ever team scored - first Would win, bit it was not to be. The last two minutes of the game were excellent as Stratford had two good' chances to win the game, but United's keeper Greg Smith made super saves on both to preserve the shut out and the tie. Smith and Co. all played hard with special mention going to Mike Hodges, Bill Walters, Dennis Donnelly, and Greg Smith. United B played last Sunday away to Strathroy and played toa 2-2 tie. The United 'A's are now 3- 2-2 and play at home this Simday. Kidt-off time is 6 There was a fine display of slowpitch ballet last week when showing off. The Coyotes emerged the 10-4 victors. (Photo •the foyotes met the Wheelsmenlor some second base bY Can' Wooden) GOPERICHSlONALSTAR, wgpmettz 1981--P.4080 Tykes lose tough one On Saturday, June 13, the Goderich Tykes baseball Jvam travelled to Clinton and 1st a real heartbreaker 15- 14. Goderich started out with an early 6-1 lead only to go behind 9-6. The local boys Came back in the sixth hudng to go up 14-9. The last of the seventh proved cosily as Clinton came back with five runsto win 15-14. On Saturday, June 14, the boys travelled to Crediton and returned home the 44-2 winners in just three innings. On Sunday, the boys were back on the road to Dash- wood and once again were victorious by a 26-12 score. This brings the Tykes' record to three wins and one loss. On Saturday, they host Crediton at 11 a.m. at Agriculture Park. Gord's Spo Gord's Sports Won two games in Industrial Fastball League act= juel week, soundly defeating Hotel Bedford last Tuesday 11-2 and edging Fisher Builders 4-3Wednesday. Gord's went ahead 4-0 in the first inning against Bedford. Dave Scholl walked then advanced on Phil Petre's sacnfi�. Jim Ginn followed with anther walk and Bob Riehl brought in width *UUUMi. . I3I3Les PAtatiock then ibn-a-nomerinr- inside the park, cleaning up the bases. Ron Austin stored the first of Bedford's runs in the second, only to have Gord's score their fifth from Dave Scholl in their second inning. The fourth inning saw three more Gord's runs. Andy Moore got on base through an error, and Scholl tripled to bring him in. Jim Ginn then sacrificed to bring in Scholl Warren Watt got s successful twice last week in fastball the other run of the inning. Phil Petre, Bob Riehl, and Dave Scholl, viral lifts fourth nm of the game, rounded out the Gord's Sports scoring. Hotel Bedford managed one more run in the bottom of the seventh inning from Terry Austin. Not only was Scholl the most successful batter of the night, but he also was the winning pitcher, chalking up six strile-outs and allowing - Des 'Courtney toolt a turn on the mound for Gord's • against Fisher Builders and ' recorded a 4-3 win. Courtney scored the whining run in the bottom of the seventh inning as a result of an interference committed by the Fisher field. Gord's went ahead first by a score of 2,0 in the third inning when Chris Pitre and Dave MacDonald got Gn base. Warren Watt followed with a double and Jon Ginn sacrificed to bring Pitre and MacDonald in. fishers -node it 2-1 hi the' top of the fourth. Jim Durst doubled then stole third base. John Hoy singled to bring him in. It was a tie ball game in the fifth after Jim Bell singled for Fishers, John Verway sacrificed to advance him and Barry Blochdonibledtoscwe Gord's went ahead again in the bottom of the fifth on a rim from Andy Moore, oKyl to have Fishers tie it up again in the sixth. Jim Durst singled and was finally brought , in by Jim Bell's fielder's choice hit. John Verway pitched for Fisher Builders, allowing five hits and striking out two batters. STEELERS-11 McGEES-0 In other Industrial Fastball action Wednesday night, Lakeport Steel shut Mary O'Neill leads Midget girls to two wins in week The Goderich Midget. girls, led by shortstop Mary O'Neill, defeated Harriston and Teeswater in softball games played last week. On Tuesday night, the girls travelled to Ripley and defeated Harriston 173. The girls broke out of a mild hitting slump by pummelling two Harriston pitchers for 19 hits. Leading the barrage was Mary O'Neil who knocked in five runs with two Inane runs and a single. Also hitting impressively were Sue Thompson and Deb Mit- chelmore, who each had four hits. Collecting two hits apiece were Patti and Leslie Rean and Jane Ferguson while singles went to Teresa Donnelly, Theresa Osborne and Terrllyn Fisher. Playing a strong game in the field were Leslie Rean and Terrllyn Fisher, both Ming in at new positions in the absence of Susan Bell and Andrea DeWinter. On Sunday, the girls im- proved their record to 3-2 in defeating Teeswater 19-12. The girls jumped to an early lead then struggled to hang on. Goderich started the game impressively with some excellent fielding by Mary O'NeM and 'Theresa Osborne aid strong pitching from Deb Mitchelmore, but they got a little complacent near the end and started throwing the bail all over the field. Once again, spearheading a 16 -hit attack was Mary O'Neill with a home run and two singles as well as playing splendidly at shortstop Terrilyn Fisher and Susan Bell collected three hits as well as providing effective baserunning. Rounding out the attack were Deb Mitchelmore who had two hits as well as pit- ching her secced strong game in a row, Leslie Rean, Teresa Donnelly, Patti Rean, Jane Ferguson, and Andrea DeWinter who all got singles. Although she didn't collect any hits, Theresa Osborne scored four runs and played astrong game in - - -- - The girls' next home game is June 28 at 1:30 when the girls play host to Durham at the Sky Ranch for their Ag Park. The midgets would support as well as Jim hie to thank Little Bowl, Donnelly for the use of his Marj and Sonny Moore, and van. THIS WEEKEND SUZUKI You're in for what Hully Gully is famous for. It's The Suzuki MOTOCROSS WEEKEND fcciftrrin7 SPECIAL LOW PIKES an all our SUZUKI LOW RIDERS We're selling the popular Suzuki Low Riders at our lowest possible prices as PLUS 12 MONTHS INTEREST FREE ON THE PURCHASE OF ANY NEW BIKE DON'T FORGET MOTOCROSS RACES SUNDAY,JUNE 28ceses 1111 VI TN 114 NI IR CULL Slit& VARNA, ONT. Jug'. OM NWT 4 BETWEEN NENSAILL AND BRUCEFrEi 0 26 •.33 i 8 of 262.5809 out McGee Plmtiacs 11-0 in five innings. Brian Mamie pitched six ettike=ts and allowed three hits for the whirling team. Lakeport Steel was ahead 2-0 on runs by Wayne Draper and Lloyd Tigert until the fourth inning when they exploded for six runs from Tigert, Frank Hagan, Ron Miller, Frank MacDonald, Bruce Bowman, and Brian McKenzie. There_were_tbree more_ rims in the fifth from MacDonald, Bowman and Larry McCabe for the 11-0 victory., CANADA CO. -5 LAKEPORT AD. -4 Canada Company scored a nm in the seventh inning against Lakeport Adver= tising Wednesday night to win 5-4. The Company went ahead in the first inning on a run by " Mike Donnelly, who was. batted* by Brian Bowman's double. But Lakeport came beat 'the secondto go ahead 2-1. Ron Corriveau singled then Ray. Fisher tripled to bring hiM in. Dave Ross followed with a single to score Fisher. . Canada Company took back the lead in the third however, as Brian Shewfelt and Donnelly got home to take the 3-2 lead. And once again, the lead went back to Lakeport * their half of the third. TwO sacrifices by Rick Duckworth and Al. Sygrove enabled base runners Gren Hansen and Simon Langlois to score. After Rob Standen tied the score in the fourth inning for Canada Company, Brian Shewfelt -scored the winner in the last inning. He got on base after Lakeport com- mitted a fielding error. After Bill Tigert sacrificed to advance him, - Rob MacDonald got a hit to bring .hini in for the win. 1 GET IN ON THE 1 IN PURSES Soo Ontario's finest 2 year old Pacing Colts and fop drivers in an exciting On- tario Sires Stakes event. It's harness racing at its very bast. Ala Stakes CLINTON KINSMAN RACEWAY tA1140400$10S PostTime 1:30 PAC, Dean Doherty. was the seven hits. Simon Langlois winning Pitcher, S-rillin..g,,4!L,pilchgight dr* for four batters and allowing Lakeport Advertisine. THE FAMILY OF MR. & MRS. CHARLES E. BODDY (nee Catherine Shouldice) wishes to invite friends, neighbours and relatives to an OPEN HOUSE in -celebration ofibeb 25TH.WEDDING ANNIVERSARY SATURDAY, JULY 2-4 p.m. at their hangs 115 Strang Court. Goderich Please accept this as your personal invitation - Best Wishes Only. come cowl PICK YOUR INN at LOVELLIS FIRST FARM WEST OF ICIPPEM INTER- SECTION ON THE SOUTH SIDE 1 QUART, 4 QUART & 6 QUART, - BASKETS ALLOWED — NO PICKING IN POTS OR PANS — PICKING HOURS: 8 oro. to 8 p.140 daily,supply and weather permitting FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PHONE; LEONARD LOVELL AT 262,6418. ONLY . . • • . t• • SAVE THE SALES TAX ON FURNITURE AT 1. no Afilif 1 11011614061110 FURNITURE WEST ST. GODERICH • • :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ILERS • TRAILERS • TR THE NEW OWNERS SAY...."SELL! ! ! " 1 PRICES SLASHED ON $;50/000;•00 oF NEW & USED RV. TRAILERS xiwsw=s-re BUY up TO OR MORE LOWER THAN 1981 PRICES! CHECK 'EM OUT. BRAND NEW 1980 UNITS AT SLASHED PRICES COME SEE OUR SELECTION. .PRICED TO LIQUIDATE! EXAMPLE: SAVE OVER $3,700.00 BRAND NEVV 1980 • 35' TROPHY TRAILER PARK MODEL Front Bedroom Livia§ Room Tip -out. Serial No. 6636. 1980 M.S. L '15,373.93 SALE $ PRICE 1,600. It's the Sate • of the Season! SALE PRICES STRICTii WHILE CURRENT QUANTITIES LASTt RV TRAILERS BY.. ELKHART SKYLARK SHAMROCK TRAVELINER TRCIPHY AND MASTER - COACH Plus VARIOUS MAKES AND MODELS OF USED! EXAMPLE: SAVE OVER $8,000.00 BRANDNEW 1980 35' ELKHART TRAILER OUR BEST PARK MODEL. Serial No 104.4209 1980 M.S. L 527 427.40 sALE$19,417. PRICE C113 4.11 Vr.ii,V 441 4-* 'b 'U cV1.0`41•' 414, 1, 4:Lic+2,412k lq.-g -AZ • Vt"V 47,1 • Why pay 1981 Price when you can have Brand New 1930 or good Used RV Trailers at Tremendous I Savings. Cheek it Out! HWY. 21 SOUTH OF BAYFIELD (5191 .565-2450 MOTEL e RESTAURA CAMPING RV SALES