The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-06-24, Page 2PAGE'2 GODERI SIGNAL Si "AR, WEA` NES AY JUNE24, MR TaraVehr WY JOANNE DUCIEIANAN firhe winners of the GOderielk llIgure Skating Club's50 draw were: TOW Vander1mrgh-;'200; S. Pinkie-150and Bev Caritas and Frances W ttsellgf Goderich were d r 10 day reeently 7s brother e Mr. and Mrs- _ .. *boa of Fairfield, (' bfoniia and Mrs. Wor- self's Sister,. Mrs, Thelma Praying P a Ohio. Mr and Mrs. T. R. Berry in 'of .86 Waterloo Street North, Apartmesit 3, Goderich, have as guests at their home, Mr. and Mrs. Harrold Nasau of Cromer, Narfolk,'Rogtaid. Mr.and Mrs Nasau are helefor two weeks in celebration, of, their 50th weadinganniversary. -t `Summer Campus '81'\ -S h'. Guelph on July 6 with two one -Week sessions. An imuwal: vacation program of relaxation and learning, Summer Campus ac- aummbdates people of all ages and interests. Bookkeeping, writing, practical—p era. business are among the 23 Tid Bits or._ ..ipg ore_mformati , _. eonta ct Continuing Education , tlniweisity of Guelph, Gael*.. Oatarie 11G MI, (5x19) 8111 t128, eat. JOHN SIMON 11 P\ Job' Sidney Brady, son of Jack and Sylvia Brady of Goderich, graduated Thnrsday, June 11 from, the Umversity of Western,, 'Ontario with an Honors .Bachelor of. Science degree ingenetics. He is a former graduate of. ddalt Workshops sand there G.D-C.L ,:g:ri�SferfO!e L� '3 u a' Falls Joni w this weekend; Jme everyone is welcome to at- t.* 29, thetralLoRisitraa tend a campfiresing-song. Conservation Area. and ` All the old favourites will be what toes omen thfeatured- e and water beneath your : Ole Sunday at 11 .a.m. het. campers and day users are On Friday night at n30: invited to "made„ around. Come on—out for . a=Youdon't` Jimmie be a pot: "splash" good one with tery expert to ilokr in the fun family and at the of =Nag Year 000 ebY 0 moaibghemoties. leeth-. OnSateBday at i p m. join, The Falls Reserve Con - for a ramble along the is located JOANNEMARY. McCLINCHEY • Joanne Mary McClinchey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McClinchey of R.R. 2 Goderich, graduated from the Business Administration - Accounting. Program at Conestoga College in Kit- chenerrecently. She is presently employed in the office of the Stone Crock Restaurant at St. Jacobs. B1!L WALTERS Bit Walters, son of Gord and Winnie Walters of Goderich, received his Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in psychology from Wlifrid Laurier University in May. BE, a former graduate of G.D.C.L., is presently working. .as a resident counsellor at the Bluewater Centre for the Develop- mentally Handicapped. NEWBORN NEWS BROWN Mr. and Mrs. Doug Brown of R.11.6, Goderich, are very pleased to armaance the ar- rival of a new son, Justin Owen, born in Wingham and District Hospital, on June 14, for lentil and Kyle. McCONNEL L Dave and Doreen are proud to announce the safearrival of Sean's brother, . Jason David, born June 16, 1981 and weighing 7 lbs. 6'h oz. Pleased grandparents are Mr. and Mrs., L D. McCon- nell and Mr. and Mrs. M. Steenstra. Special thanks to Dr. Walker and all 2nd East nursing staff. McNEIL Glen and Vanda (nee Storey) River which .sm.- itist outside of Bim,. thank God for the safe ar- roumas three sides of the four miles east of Goderid nivel of theirdaugh ter Katie Falb Reserve. Fatima men on County Road 31 For in- «ayg id' °and take year own formation call the Falls sahlsamplealoogtbeway, Reserve at (519) 524.6479 or Saturday night at 9 pm, the Maitland Valley Con- servation Authority office in Wroxeterat37. Hu `hold reunion The third annual liagll reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Huai, lime 21, with an atteen- a eof50. swatsAn interesting program of Verna and Arnold Ratbwel and Barb and John li ler. A delkious smorgasbord meal was enjoyed by all with various table gam played at the supper table. Pre to eating Mrs. Pearl Cumm- lags said grace. A - A short btabess meeting was conducted by president Pearl . Cummings. The minutes and treasurer's rept of last year's picnic were read by Mrs. Nora A new election of officers was as follows: Wayne Hugill; vice- president, Peter Roy; secretary-, Sandra Johnson; Vivian ian Roy; km - ch, Verna Bothwell., Lois Huai,and sports, Kathy Hume Next year's picnic was decided to be held in Goderich at the Harbour Park on the second Sunday • Jima Wayne and Joyce Mal were the- .:ed for the work they had done in preparing for the picnic at their place. Mae, born at Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich, on Fri- day, - June 19th, 1981, weighing 6 lbs. 15 oz. Proud grandparents are Mrs. Frances Storey, R,R.1 Dublin and Mr. and Mrs. Cliff McNeil, R.R.6, Goderich. Great grand- parents, are Mr. and Mrs. George Campbell, Seaforth. '1.Q_ Bryan and Colin welcome with love the arrival of their requested baby sister, Shan non Plicole. Shannon arrived in Goderich on Saturday, June 200a, weighing 6 lbs. 5% oz.: Delighted parents are Norman and Nancy. Special thankstoDr. Walker. UPTHEGROVE Don and Gerry . are very pleased to aimoumoe the birth of their sen, Benjamin Arthur, wig 7 lbs. 8 oz., born June 16 at Alexandra Marine and General Hospital. Anew little brother for Tammy. Special thanks to Dr. Walker, Dr. Thomson and the nurses en second east for their care during our stay in the hospitaL--Gerry and Benj. HEAD 4 THE SQUARE FoR... SELECTION, SERVICE AND VALUE! SLAZENGER CUSTOM TOUR - SLAZENGER CUSTOM 2 GOLF BALLS REG, 41299 007 - STANFIELD GRAND SLAM GOLF SHIRTS 10 COLOURS TO CHOOSE FROM RIG. 97.00 GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES I 7" Mt 528-0555 IES D S2'CE UARE GODER1CH 524-2822 RICHARD THOMSON Richard Thomson, husband of Gill Thomsen and father of four sons, formerly of Goderich. Township and Dungannon and now of London, graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree from Huron. College at the Convocation of the University ' of Western Ontario on Jive 12. He has been accepted at the Faculty of .Theology at Huron College and will begin reading for a Master of Divinity degree in Sep- tember. voilisen Bernie Van Oscb, son of Mr. and Meas. William Van Osch of R.R. 3 Goderich, graduated May from Ryerson Polytechnical institute smith lab diploma in civil engineering technology- Richard ech ology municipaloption. Bennie is a graduate of GDCI and St. Joseph's Seamok Klugsbridge. Be 13 presently employed at B.M. Ross • and Associates Limited, Consulting Engineers, Goderich. Civic Corner The Goderich Tourist Committee will meet this evening, Wednesday, June 24 at 7 p.m.. in the council chsonbers at town hall. The Goderich Recreation Board will meet Thursday, June 25' at 7:30 p.m. in the grandstandboaid room. Goderich Town Council will hold a special meeting on Friday, June 26 at 1 p.m. in the council chambers at town hall. . TREAT YOURSELF p! THE SKI�, CAIiE. t SPECIAUShS Crimpq SKIN CARE STUDIO' . - sa SL,'cdah 524-9403 UCHI The Rotary Club of Goderich wishes to sincerely thank all those whose efforts, assistance and contributions made our first Rotary Charity Auc- tion a success. Special thanks to Jack Riddell, MPP. and Harold Lamb who donated their services as auc- tioneers. Also, to the merchants and residents of Goderich and District for their generous contributions to the sale, and to Local 1863 of the inter- national Association . of Machinists due er a ies GRE mer COMPLETE STOCK OF *DRESSES *SWIMSUITS *SUMMER PANTS *CO-ORDINATED SPORTSWEAR OFF -Paris Star -Third Dimension *SHORTS *TANK TOPS You Save Ur On Every Dollar At LADIES WEAR LIMITED GO E