The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-06-17, Page 30"4! • MONUMENTS • *Wixom - arAtiorr MONUMENT 0.0140010 & *mit! ce Mr. ariehnirs., Keektilotert Ceoddaall •taappkeiymaIfieteitmlir3TI reitee*** Oath& le* *lb eon- witile spider nmets, Itreania$00*0411M a ritltlualir Marts tilt conversation in his boa 'Born Again':: "AreymeaCiwistian?", DON AMA streeseramwe 0* *$ poi Juvologroon menthe Pha. A244021 "Hof 410NONEIMousiowssowlw• " caseation • Strange , &net, Puttitig ais my best Stediry heel srehle saYing0"Ohlee,1_11!' :1a*na "Are you a *0 be , insisted, afight fiats eye. ' 'Trask," thoright„ him and then •heldatif Restaurant Westria, Ontario. It was detained aide Vitt and relate streamers and ewe delibrasfortheoicasion• --eme atfa.lea 1;1;4 led pests wea-riiig a" Ineetie pale Use pant fact& and fon and a av es a el.). wearing a floor gam with • .• atm of-lfr- arid tbitte- treteestiL attended the Behest Goddard *0 0 lenti* aid recepame fast llandhan , , Toronto, fliallon, Barrie, Faw Asithirget 4 arervvie.c. -&fiteramo—r-earer------Hinseiated altbeLreumy, BlythandWiralsek. - Man Fonowieg aemetaring -trip • Stilitakre ,tothelfeamaTerkurandtbin • mortis t the wen& faxen, Mink foe theinsvire was air.. artiWit. Goddard teak Panelled slit *re' rand,* epresideneeat2465foharefe llitehissi len lij4ed the Ike& gastinffamiltoir, 3114E"21garte. Et jath r to her wedog, the roir° eikethe brideilasfettdatshowasirt 014.11. At Ike,.Goderiefo ginew by UM • ate. sierykr.„,, ord Cathy Strado and Kann *eig ,,,ne Smith, Pane Mal laarinche folchard„ Pentecostal the "rower" Inseashity, sialarn. Reselefl Lansafir .(Sttfainr talriareftle_fleAdEr! ="114151191111glailfgtfeitartl-';I:74r.'"AZ:laitatraie- • The bride yaw gints - Goma Istainfaethieknqtathmehlte woreadteatofelarigkhant with a train Ware anti* aiimmatinthsehmalienen She earried a besteset et 'Artesian** earoationn, tine stains de.phanotis& =Wei pithimportam and redrosessamenchtthypink nosenastiseestreassem Maki et honor wai Tarry ifanikasde of Itinfoor- She wore a floor limit pink •wise Q; wit a 4sere ineketaadeorriedatassegay et whit* doirits, pale bile crnflower& isaWs fx eatit set pink earnatinas wffio white salt& r 9trearaem were Pan as& t • M4 WQL.1 .„ •„i Gotterieter enters of the Theyweregownerlthe same as the maid c( honor and carried the same base:kerne Rower girl was Itemise offiftytkniereat &chafe.. She wore a mane •&est with tiny pi* flowers and pit* wafer Op and carried a anall 'erten at thennadolhonoesboriquet. Ortmanneff was Warren Winternintoti Groan -were ushered into tire ehoreio by Rai* Mem of Efimultonandifonanotof Rat& Ringhearer was lama Sadism of macaw,. nephew ofthethegosone Facwing the wedding ceremony, a reception was Vteo;:., gnI•Yei: 11‘1" So • -e • • * "Well, Im trYingtohe-" lio "motet of persenal ef fort win ever cls a Creature into what fie is not. The only way a person can , = a - Christian is through a charge in that only a miracle of God canacconaphsle In a steel* to Chran fielder& writerLloydeillilvie panted to,the stilt a • • gest prn, Nem -of most con- te.e, e The Char& is the f- ts. "p of redeemed people reaching out to the unsaved. It will never fulfil edam these craithingmenei have experienced them:germs the that is of- fere& We an need to eve oursefves a spiritual • • CP Chedre opportimity tads -cover if we have understood and are experiMcing the salea- tiontlrat- Chrintpossi- ble. ,..surfaee e t ;4% ; • symptomothat we shooki all ehedkourseivenfort: Attendaneecheeks Vihether on by this trip at yourself or othe re„ it still -nom that you Believe that a per can eft right with Godbyattendrigcharchser- vice& (Sothis haste, the per- sonwhagetstoracereligime in a week is holler thantheonewhogetatatwa, All of whale gives ycer relf Which6tirsgicatica-69nr entirerYL:77: ferent from the paid in ad - death ` aire Married' Ma - makes Amin& -themea mentanceand faith•. lylEiSaddeede Many folks involved with Christian organizations week bard at their religions activAties.Tbey give choir, Stmday &boot, ete, Muting gmb to the •orrappiregondoors. All of each are Ole ace Oates, if their are being doneinthespiritotlesas. Ttir, 6. Onfeee. in an unchristian Manner. &eddies; ignoreGetIs own warning that the acceptable saerifiee is that et a ioitrite heart A heart that reflects Ells grace by doing thinw fffeway.. S)) White glove inspection youwere a Christian you woddrirt door say that! And out comes the Ust of dcfs and dials Living under a man- made rule bock is enough to trigeoarage nent from stick, ling tee, er eftg. ChrtSgantagritnage• We have no right to ten a man that if he smokes he a ; caymot be a Christian, Nor are we to fay a gain trip on someone who likes to have a glass of wine with his meaL Nw bctfr of those ma be wrnsgforsTt& but dont by that °ohr& Sofia *Ripest Mid those af-eaceare "Tr-fev:Wpticsra, to prove tneir repenumceoy the way they lied and he gave the some general guidelines If the Mie does not giveue clear instructions ort an issue we had better tread carefully before Play- Inv:Intact attorneyfcrod. 4)) Productivity monitoring hest assome feel you cant be a * In you've done something wrong, others &ante,' are trimmed if they are not doing a lot of right thingtr- • A fevr days stele in bed • eseatm tremendoue anxiety, after- all;thiaeleareaX date anythingfoitheLin& A Christian is a believer. Not sO maeh someone alto does,aseomeme whoa's. 5) Cashbook balancing Many people who admit they are sinriers still don't get saved They depend on a vanity of good Works to cancelouttheirsias. . These religious folic are ahvays worhieg to keeptheir debits, &amend their crags up. Thee endthe. dav baPPY if they havemore good deeds than they dO sins. But woe if thescorelareversed. These folks areal saved by grace; They are saved by a favourable good dee&e-eins. balincesheet. What if they end up a few good • short at the end of their- ayes? WilGod have a good iaugh as Ile slits them offto hell? The grace of God is such • that we may have assaance that we are saved. Not by e -e• k e • -* the Personand work of Jesus arise. Come is Christ and put away the balanCe book • ffe says that rie will cast obi' sins into, the sea of Its forgethilnese if we will come tmtoffitn. The 'born againpersonis a new person. ffe doesn't have to do a lot of things to prove he's spiritually OK. 1L good deeds arenotanat- aretheu1tofsa1vatton. The true •" • Metes he didnft save himself. *God Mi. And he also knows that God wiff continue to save hint. Amazing grace, not amaz- ingine„ • WOr it is by grace 3r011 -have been saved, through faith - and this not from yourseivesi it is the gift of GdnotbSrworkssothatnO one can boast. for we are • God's -workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to d good vrorkse Manta, " m aclvm.4Mr us to de." - eL f•• • A.. Mr. and MrS. Larry Allin Couple wed m Bertmtll" er Benaulter United Chinch both the Wide's gown and was the scene of a pretty her own gown and Mrs. G. wedtrmg on Saturday,. April •Madden made the bride's 18 when Larry Ailin and hat Patricia Wisser were muted in marriage. The bride is the daughter Wisser of Meal& and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Cfarence Ailln ofBeuntger. -The brW:Tvori- awhile floor length dress with a ruffled stand-up collar, long full sleeves and cumberbund around the waisL She wore a hat decorated with face • apprepies and four red roses with white satin ribbons falling to the fhx•r Iran a bowonthehat Shecarried a bouquet of red rosesandpink carnations. • The maid of honor was Cathy Wisser of Goderich„ • sisterof the bride. She made • North Shied United Church MTh Anniversary SONDAY - JUNE If, 171):06) AM Guest:. MEW DW. GEORGE MUCH •"THE THINGS THAT DO NOT CHANGE" Cerateva the hegira ling of our Si%cioirentertniat Year - Pew_ te:CL Batt FOrnsisfotr Robert efackwelt Mr- of Music CALVARY 'BAPTIST CHURCH. BA YFiELD ROAD AT SLAKE STREET • 1 EVANGELtSTTC-FUNDAMEKFAL REV- re, BROBACHER Pastor To n30) am. Fatuity Bible cchoof iam '1,..00KI1iG FOR FATHOM' 11:31P PAIL Evening Service Wednesday Ten p.m.- Prayer and Bible Stud INCE .70/ IRE FRIENDLY CHURCK „ The Anglicairaffirchof Canada ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH NOrtfratuf Nefsorr Streets. Gisderich Ifeckfr:: The Reverend Robert 1 Crocker OrganistChisimasfenn loveplt 11. Hardman ROO Sm tave after Trinity June Itst 5:10) a.m. Rory Cortimuniort 9:06 eart. Eirrithertfood Breakfast T`f:00 mania Morning Prayer Niarsery available. Sermon: "V know who you are' S. Mark iIs Maitfand Masinic Lodge void attend - Yottareafway5welcorr•ear St. Georges - aare McGowan, Visiting Assist. THE SALVATION ARMY 5299341 • rswevrerazosr. s 91:4S A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL . Presbyterian Citurchl TRE REV, G. LtICIOttkeir Wit:VAL, MA., M. DIV. mtvorsrErt LORNE Fr. rorrenen, Dire& of Praise •Stf- NOATY7ItiNE 2T mas atm Kra sesaow moo a.m. Divine Warship Sunday 5chnot 2: act !Rm. P.P.S. t Srtliort: "THE BEING OF MEMBERSHIP" 1 (14Ursery (Sunday Schaaf retires Frain; the Service) incEp-rroi4r of-ifew wismaeRs Erifgir ttP. Witrship Dopart lillsorve FAMILY WORSHIP 6 :AT P.M_ EVENING SE RV IC E Alf Are Cordially Invited to Jain Our Fellowship r........—......................... -...................._....................-1 1 I 4ristiatv liefarmcb Q. li ii rc li. e Services held each Sunday at t Ts i lZaherison Memorial- Sc hoc! t TO: aaa.rne and 7 :30 p.m. Ail I LnitoCKNX Radio Sunday • t 1 of TO: 30 .11p. for the t. "astir to God Hour- BEREA-BY.THE.WATER • LUTHERAN CHURCH • Gibbons Sr. at Suncoast Drive 9: T5 Soridsy School and Bible C.:asses TO: 30 Worship Marvin L Barr, Pastisr 5244235 "preaching peace y Jesus Chris He is Lord of alt" AM TO:36 VICTORIA STREET UNITED CHURCH hirraster: Rev. John D.M. Wood Organfst: Mr. Pool W.J. Howe PENTECOST HOLY COMMUNION SUNDA Y , JUNE 21 11600 AM Groomsman was Larry McGee of Goderich, friend of thegroone __Following• the werktmg ceremony, a banquet was held at the Candlelight in Guce-k-e.;•..h and a rampt rotietra- atSdaiey HalL Guests were. present from Godericle Windsor, Toronto, Zurich and Indmow. Prior to her wedding, the bride was feted at showers hekt by Mrs. Carol Nivins and Mrs. Barbra, Stewart for relatives and by Cathy Wisser for friends and relatieres, • Mr. and Mrs. Larry Alli are residing at 2494 Bennett Street„West inGoderich. MILK MEETING.. To discuss the • Draft Official Plan Town of Goderich Tuesday, June 23 • 7:30 p.m. MACKAY HALL For further information • Contort: Mr. Ken Hunter Sotaretary/Troosurer GodfdieldirianalngBoard Y•L $24-94192 ANEW FOR NBV DRIVERS. A SAFER WAYI0 STARE „rn 01,, ••••\%1 ti , ..,” - ,47,44a047--,,- • • .1., '•••• • .•/,,,,ef'...;-:„.• •,, - -- -,--,- • -7-4,7 lip.* I • :f "•'..1 1 ' / „„,,44.956 . . ......... r, . .... r . f • ' , ..." .. Aar • • . , ,././ ...""-- ...' .„, !/,',/7 ,-,. ,-/ 0," --00-e-a-,,e',..- ,,- .77 -‹ ...,- Ontario introduced the Pn3bationary Driver Licensing System June 1st, 1981, as a new highway safety measure. EI s designed to help reduce the high percentage of traffic . violations and accidents by new drivers. Statistics show that in Ontario, new drivers, regardless of age, have accidents and break the traffic laws far more than experienced drivers. The ProbationarySystem is designed to make these drivers more aware of the traf- fic laws for everyone's safety. So,. new drivers who " the taws or drive carelessly during the two-year probation- ary period, will have their driver's licence suspended for 30 days when six demerit points have been accumulated. v=3 A dean driving record is something to be proud of... but Ws up to you. .1:tryotTransportatin and Communications Ontario James Snow, fiAiniter WamDs, Premier