HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-8-31, Page 3i ­1­1­11.� . . - 7 ----- ­ � ­ - - - - - - - � � � .­. If - I I . I I �, , .�. r-. , , � � I )� . - �, . I I I , . I . I . I . . I I . � 1� . I I I . . . I . I I luns,)Ay August Wdt� , I I . . � I I I I I I ­ . I I I " I . I * I I , , "; . I �1`1I 1 - I I I �41%N,!i_311,111- : I 81.0010 61 Mo 6111118-10111 fill 11 " � U5 NOUSST"') AsquiA-T101% . � I I .b,o i's d-% Mas A00- : A -am ,*ersc-xi In *,it , a I 40t 0, famay., Or gly zQ4114 0 - I Year,% old way homeote4d P. VarWbx ' � i0tani ofavaile0ilo-06111413AQU IGMA to Multobs., 13Spk%t0h0W%U, OV t&11tq1rtA# � fto upplioaut,lmuot Appeox irk, ROO", _. 11 �, I Ni t I I .,be borainiou. I Uenwl WX for the , AAtTY Ul pu:�!9!?�� ,,, ,­Adl�21. I 'A' . 'tNe't vadn*Lr. oil ,. . psiviliti nvVVr Twe �,,Vu 464-14, WORTe OA 04AK �Xvr I V . . __ I � A ,VA,y 044"64,�. 1 K UOSP"TlYtf Dail, 140Y lj(K'�$04'8 p,"Art'v, , �qv fff 4 "'WMA494VA-44, _r"- ",__ __ .-, " : 1, . 60 � I 4 TlV , I , .�, , A"W"r earth bw,o you been? What have you Wbom did YOU think the dulce 'hod U14, doace 10:� (ram SUI10 *-,Kxv ... � 1.1", f I . Alt Lord Ititsliton'-s—but of the I F1111 '= Laos �0101%0 9q'i 0 � �, . SM Qntstzg� ,��. il� ''? doing away from home, go leag? maq,40, then?" . , .1 .&ft I , I . I Onto slxb�,Oet 01 which be tbirsted ,sid-i'll 31 psq�xopns .L:JTrffna,q X1,114, 11 I I IL U"e have be-Ard all kinds of ruinar$ 11 111, fanoled I bad heard. tbot be -was ids whole soul to ,Xpni .4% 614 - � I I ,�� I �.. I 1100 there was not' X'IILU&' X"(X'l ' - I . I . 111 9 V A,&,L.<T0 -PA 4, cell , two been , , I ._ Aft � Betws . Loves 11bout you." (1,411490d to ,some one AS% but I may AQ ,,;;ourta, I I P, CIX0111111K Aq , ee - ,, . I 1i 4 . � I " �"14 4AJ.&$ X ;,00% R,AQ`Xa9J 11 I . He listened intently, hardly losing one _ I.;` 4 , , "'Norte, of them true, mid ,Sir Oltlriw have been Mazt,0011." I , �;, I 0'4= ONY plow 01 MINDY, . . I 41 I � .. I I � * tou. —me trutih is, I bad a, He was, beginning to 1q*4X slOwIY; word that Was Said on ejt4xer � si ,—, , , -- � �­,­­ 1-11 I I , 1 I Severe il�,­ 40 (4 , �� .; . ; �, ­­ � I . I � . _-_ I c4deirt thell � a long ij,luess; I ,welit to it seemed to him th4t the llfe,bloOkl him; .lie would fain have turned to thein ilono of It, Tiler(, wall-, �;Aixoc LL" I I ' - � . I I El�ncl was freezbi4� jn�bis v%us—that his IIK and miod: . . -,p red vir 11im,, be moved it lm� 11 � my. ., � e to recruit myseif, andfound ' were grawl,Aig st-Iff a , Vill) pre it " .L" � I 11 1� a � BY BERTHA M, CLAY. � I 41f So. bappy, there. I did Rot care to nd would .not wove� ,ven me oomethAng. of Lady Kay. PAWIltly f—ay, be did not enro for 0.* � , , , '. . . co -me home, There 10 no mystery in "I never h%rd Oat the duke was ort- He, asked Que,stlons that be thongIft ho iya�4 st)�,inx to himself that if, he b4# , ,, . I I absences you see," ;my glIged to Quy. one else. .90 wastin Irwo would lend to the isubj ff�ct, but they . only boir(l I I ior ,name, he shoAll'I bayj L� " ' I I I , -v,�d Hho Best" "The Wedding .. 0 1, I Author of . "Which Lo ) . � t I "But w1by did you never write to any with TOM Stanhope, Veolyle said, ,tall failed. So far as learning one word b0pri conteutted, I I , � I I Rin 110 � of UsT, with Lady May Trevlyn; but he i�4,aa rbich, cou,�crrlod has beautiful, lost love Ile woot in'to h14 own smily, th't'. X004 : � I �, . il!., n lier We,d4ing Morn," 91c., RAc.- "I s6ould imagine that the V �:P .LL �; *i rinelpol, Irover engaged to, eitlicr ot tlxem the whole woraing was a failure. He that be htl(I intended, even wbCn. Via'A , . . � I I .� I I — roasoia was because I had nothing to . Great drops stood or% his forehead� 1-ke (-ould' not ,help feelill-,tonched by tl rled,to ivie entirely for ,himself,, 116M � � �, l� ,� 11 'N " *y— jL _�_ -*********- 011y'" replied,L�Sjr Cljafto�, ktuf�hjajft, 411 ��qy to: w jL 11 � - clutched the, back of a, chair, and lellu.Od warm. weltome given te, hind everywh le ~. 1"* , ere it would be (_ , rite ta DAI 11 * "-- *_*� -** , � , I I app—se the -world at th— 410. heavily Irpon, it. —he w— litetrally n,-n-oU—Jmnf.�A wjOl t1le- VaI, no+hj�j�r ti) fljgi� et MeM I !I .. "a'ad 1 shQ go down to'leerAvele my) . I . . �il I . ;;�Riri-wmditiano, )by. father, TOVUXOT I 11 Just as though I had been I b— V.0. "I read At -I remember now, I 11 he said. In I tiow, I thoughts. I - �L' ; I jb,rotbor, or ,151starw$ elf to take it." . IL it 7" . Vita � I )% � I., 11 - 0 e so; we tire none of us rajs$� "I -read in one of the popers that lie Where. had he.been? What had be "I �i',-Pll P,i�� wnw -I i Oilng, Adolpl "' ,; I I . pon, daughters -rblr 44TO me-,'- saM Dairy, fursply; "Shall you?" asked Daisy, her "I suppos , hooiesteader4 vork .hear her. . I -ulpt even the best , lid 11 . ^. " I I I laton,411119 , , : . XYAIJ ed wa's to 134UTWY been doing? ;�i;,!, ":t `� o )t I;:�o,. not tell W( .� I ,ealdenft QVOIC but he did'oot o for long ' Where had he hidden him, ho �, iook; �� , tace brightening. 1. I ;.. . ,()tf,*.q Zt1,A,, I will ;�Illg . , j. r putles,:-15IX moutba I , in assh She turned , from him w1th a sigh of , 'elevevest. You have Just reached home .ben Be stopped Abruptly; riot'to have selt? lv,w i, �� -, " . .1 .. WA culltivatior 1116 I O'Yes, and I shall tell your mothee yov f yed his life could he 'have utterefa .the His hand was grasped in friendship r,equlre you; I have some Ietten;;, . . � L 01 land despugdt� I Art 161he for the close of the Season, .1 5a, � when �1�' '�" ,years -",A horneotesider WAI , Iftre so greatly ary love with the WjrlaW I ��, ., I to was at a, grand ball last eveninglF name. I 1�, , � A three 'Stay, Daisy," be said; "I want 'of France, that you could not leave it . � a 4irildred times, one pres�sed him to to, wrife.11 I I I . I w1e withia Ze nailes of Ais home, � 1, �. . ' disous* my plans, with you. What do "Wher6 was that?" asked Sir Clinton. "That 'he Was to murry Lady May dine, another begged for the everldrig, At last he vaq scatod at the wrltia�;- ­ I . ite&d On a trarru Of art . � ��, � " ­11b&V ma Occupied 1by him f,vj you say to reltuwning to England Lext gvelk for her." "It was one given, by the Duchess of Treviya," said Sir Gregory, coolly. rrl� short, Sir Clinton .Adair was balf &ble, hiefory 11411 4 rair, white sheet Of' , ­ ,,, L, , '. '. "', 'awned ELI . And that was all he understobd al5oul Ito$ecarn. She ,has . he 04 Yes, I remember reading that; but b6wfidered by the warin welcome ex- paper, pens and ink. Ile must tell Dals)R �� . I , , . lais tat . h;er, . naqt%er jjwaoter, week?", 'It. . giverul by far t , . "I '. 130a, Y "I say anything, w,,a ,hke," was the I . beat balls of the selason", � it was cwtvm,diete,4 the next day.'s - tended to him. � that the bad nrriw�d i4a:fely, and, ,,of .11 1� . ... , %, luotber or.SiAter. j, ., holme#teivd-eir gentle Teply. "Your pleasure is always He had nerved himself to hea,r her IlThen it was, not true?" ,suid Sir "And 115S As the �W-Ofld I flew front," course, add a few words, to say. hovn_ 1 ��,7 � , In, oartain disteiOtg t I mine." . . 11_4,J*Q , 0HAPV 44R XXIV. . illime; -it -might even be Oat he should Clinton. he thought -to, himself; "these ax&�Iihe much he had missed ber--that woglo _ , L . ,his bwne- XWON ouallux, � S 2 ce or to . be- .11, I, , tU good Standing Inny *r6'6135P ' Again he did not- seem to bear Me �20. be compelled' to look on her fa "Truet, How- could it be true? Year friends I left in disguot, simply only be simple kinduess; lie would , � okaarter se0tIOU', alongside � . . SIR W, speak to her; it )v e left you, Adair. Row could cause. it wpman'gi folly bad driven ine finish Me rAgar before, be began. How, 11 .. L likeed. �pxioef $3. 1per acce, b4ties-r reply.. � flis quite impossible wit's h47' pyrurt ieside,six iiao,atba inea0h fal, oil Daisy took courage. She raised her Voyer * word said Daisy. She! heape4 to tell what complications might arise. it be true when he m5rried Ludy Anne? mad,,, long had letter-w4tiXig been so, great s� , , �; , re.&" -troint d,a:e ,of hd=eSt0%d eotry facL, -tr4 hia, Ik Shand in ail his pacldn;, she *r' I Re bad -steelod Wiriself, a."be honestly .1 know thlat he admired Lady Treylyn He lunched with Colonel Dempater, nuisance to him? He lily baQ% in: b1ii I . I . t time re,quired ,to aara ,,T.el M hu , very much, but she would have rl&ifl�lq and its they sat at the,table he taied cb=,i irfusait.4 agui ; how tra e f160iming the - I I me, Caro," She said, "ho;r ft Ifinged his books end puvo�Ts. b4ieved, I n a Lig thok , ,., . tene, land Owhiytag is tivit Avq are so differeut? You say 41 need not 4ake. those," Said Sir CUM . "The Duchess of Rosecara?" he said, tocosay -to 'him." h&rd to introduce the name of Lady, no one spoke of her, that of all the I , bomestead pe, I � fifty. acres extra. ,vou. have no interest'in life here; I say -too-. 1% shall,be back EA the antumn' .01 knew both the duke Wlty?" he asked, in a hoaxse voice, Alay. The Gallant colonel talko,l of all parties and balis diiscussed there was, I I xbauatei J tj I quite unlike his own. , tu . A h-ameskead-or who has e th-ht you fill aly lifor so exc-lusively I I cau take thent theu. ,whon. I left England," .'e belles and, beauties, but never mou� no mendon made. of her. He had Ueard, , . No biamestead Tigbt said. cmn-110t ob' have �room .. for nothing else, What ,$lie did not complain Or repToa0h hilllr "They were only marxied last years" ,I .6 I do not know," replied Sir Gregory, tioned her, I � of no particular marriages, A0, OW ' re-emP tion may take a V'r' inakes the diffewence?" I _ ,. ! tut day, by day she grew peorm and saijl Sir Gregory. . ghtly. "People were kind enough to "It must be," thought Sir Clinton, seerned to be missing from the circles.- I ' " tomeatea y it was because she liked Some oaw . ' He could have told ber in 000 Mo- Q)�uuet; her eyes grew more sctd, hN "TbsY Were not Married W'hen I know Sa . 0, d d in oextain distviOto 11that A4e bus married and gone abroad. couild it be that she had not boo, t,o ' . C acre. 'DuitiesA-Must . Wbut -has come to you, AdNiz-9 I cannot account for It in , tiny otfiew London for the season 'at 0111 and a* rXice, 03. PeI . ment the difference lay between love 16mille came les the ugh there was some idea of �'lse � I . . oreside eix mallifths in � each of thr PO mud w.ant of it, He laughed carelessay, I kind to hw, but he did � ztt notice ,the It even then, Raw is the duke"', What are you aooking at? I believe you way", . . had faded from the fickleml-Ad of the � I i.*­a,r� cirl.tivA ,d arect RiQiently Interested in the 4 . hange; e�ev had lie done so, lie would 94 louged to SAY, I'llow is . the Ave left your sense, and reason, and He. -rode out after luneb, and acee,,�t- fickle world? : . . te fifty tiores &I I not an . qUes- � in V rance." ed an ki,itation, to dine at Lord Afer� He dipped his pen in the lulk, sighata I V, jlon�se worth 090DJO(Ir tion to ,think a it -not loving. her well Inever have aktdbut4 it to anything, duche"?" but his courage failed hera. '"Itta � .K I I ­ W, W. colty, eflcg enough to UndOrStarld 'What' pXOMpted lddtFan�eati�,l with himself, It was h" Ills heart beat, his pulses thrilled ut "Tihis London world Is new to me," lo(.Vs. to hiniself, trying to recall his scatterel . .. � � I Deputyoftne lniit0f0f%1k9 ut it. . I -okwh vdplA to remabi-he did not kuovO the sound -of her name. He d not he Said. "lust a quiet bachelor party," said thoughts, sai,ing to himself that hat , 1, I I I �, I . . V B.,�_'Uriautbo F14-pnbIic%t10noh1 - . "I do not know, Daisy; you sho, , answer. id I ,, 11V ayil I or, irld q� thilt Wsh was prompted by his in,- 4ven hear Sir Gregory's Just then the Duke of Roseoarn saw Mg lordabip. "I like a b.1'ehelor's dinUer had to vrIrite to Daisy. Surely the spirit ". ' ' I I I � =n.,_--- � stbdy metaphysics if. such questions in-. 10-erenCe to her. She saw that frora "What dolly I's he said �o himself. 111, him, zad came awoss the room to greet myself. You can say what you like, of unrest was on him; he ,had writtea .� " . _;_�= " , I I . -B. 0ARLING Life, A66dent,FilecandPlste texest you -they are quite beyond me.' I #he houx he decided on returning to Who ought to be, who swure to be, him. and you are not compelled to waste, so fair as "Aly dear Daisy," wbea h*. I , : � , Is 'ce 06160 Collecting ,&Oeounte . "Yoni -are an entire stranger, Sir Clin- the best part of youi time in attending was drearring again. I . � , � Glue In$ 1 What tzain shall we travel by? I ain 'Drigland, ,his spirits grew hiGlim and btroegl I will -I will be mastcr of my� . . 111. I To' .11YU �? . an4AU061.0neering. . . ------�-= almost longirig to StaTt." 1� I Ughtefr; ,4bp heard hiih singing onee� ,selil Neither her name, nor ber fp,-,�% tcn," he said; "you have brad time to, on ladle&" I I Sir Clinton rose from, his chalr,. , 11 ,� W o. . - over the world. You find a At a bachelor's dinner there was "This will.not do," he said; "I 11AVO 11 , 1, . � W. BROWNING, M. 10-� M- () How little lie eared -dear Reavell, ome ,sw;A little Snatch of song -3 Itlev -her voice shall have power tb, move travel , t . , ' : � P. S., (Jt�Atate Victoria IJ how littlehe loved her! He great many changes aniong us. Let me some -hope, as a rule, ladies were pretty 'no excuse. for such foVy. I deqlare.bea* �� , JS W 1. r face biad 96bg he had never daw-_ since they had Inell, �- . Varsity. offine and resid Latniou wn P�ale ,even to the lips; he (lid not b . . he Generally walked "How is the due-hess?" he asked; and , introduce YQU to the dilobves." freely discussed on such ,occasions. Sure- fore Heaven t1hat I am aAamied of myr ,� i ,Vpnoe, gro �4u, ma ed; IIAI)Oratory, Exeter tice it. Her eyes were heavy with gbout 1XI a nraux, ,overburdened With US friend wondered at -the sk-ange tone , .4 ud, before Sir Clinton couj� answer, ly they would, among others, . . iriention self. I have been -how many hours W * orbuer 61 HUrOn- lie - -very lovely lad.r, I Assoclatc C ,, be was bowing to a Lady May. London? and yet during that time 1 I vushed tears; hd did not see them. Slie glob.. He ,sagg anT laughed, lie talked ?if his -voice. I omise I e thing eel) . . .�, P. and gir-l-wife. turned away -with the bitter.- *qAy 0*.,ut Ab-p ftievide whom he "She is what 'she always pr .d to with pink and white face, golclen mown The dinner was a gaT One; piciiinitt have thought of no sing -1 - ex t .. - , M, I)., M. 0, heart; he saw noth. , "= befir and laughin,- (-Tes. How diffix-mrt IlWer hits of SC811dAl Were daintly di -s- Lady, May. This win MIot do. I h24 . ,.., rX R, bright, ness of death an her ta 0 mqsk, hoseemed better anabriGh - be, the prettiest woman Ili Lwidarl,'and, ,- 11 11 , . . ing of it, He went on talking to he", 0 fha'� he Ih-4 beed, foi years. I -Wuk, one df the most popular. tno., I , Lay .Alny! ITe never mmeinlym%�d . .. He$., Ilonov Graduate Toronto Un- . . 'Al� cussed, a. reputation welit with each beter go back ta France again." , 1, A . Versity. TWO yea,ra resident physician o *r, , t he litad said to her, and the dw h- 91ass Of wine, the principal divorce But it was Useless, attempting ,to� . I while a desperate resolve formed itself 11le bTplleTvatt) Get ,&Way from Me," , "She Was always that," Mid F."ir I L I I . � 11.0yal Alexandre, HOOP! ' tab etc- Offics ,' - ber,mind.- I tb6u*t J?qgzy.; "the vek'y though a I e&,j mus -t have thonght him .itninge ', ft;T Cases o,f the day were freely talked of, write. Sir Clinton Ad�dr went abraptly" . , ­­ �� . I 9 Dr, Amos$ oliL stand " , `9 I y "No, mat always, I think." replied .sr ­ -P eaeo,z It -ore ealivas-s-11. out of his study; L "I md regidence� I He did not love her. Lift � with hft has 6hee6, ed him. Why c d he n arr ,' Nyhou he came to ,I foll con-;ciollsll,��,; pi-obable divon ,� te be must. write on thid , ­ ndrew Street, Exeter. 'WAS so monotonous for him he could not aze?'� � I of -what was u-assing arrifind him, .Qhe brokea erigzagerneuts. plainly cammen .d momw; he would go to,the drawing- ,z . � cmdure it; she was but a burden to him. 'I#. " � co, ."11 carelesk references Gv,,gory. "She altered very much after - upon; in fact, the discussion was ernin- roonA and Bad. . , . � � I R. QUAC NBfisia, e N UlAvid her marrlage�" . was asking (him if he had -been ill. I . I . I Why be, Irad. mar,ried her Heuven only to tilp blal he should be gone, ntlemau're- � . I '0 ; He ..never knew elther how the might ently pleasant, and each ge He went, buting himself for W, a weak- . U kne,w­_,he ch cjtf-lo I eon and�i Ac- d not;' OhL- could ". not ;PRQQ*S �. tl%t ea& one wa,�3 as a Then Ile werit on to speak of some went on, People spdke to him, and ,he tired much edified by it, . riess ALd fofiy, yet unuble to c!iquet . � . . I . . . -0tired in Ws'yojug Infe's heart. ThLIU Other friends Whom Sir Minton ba- answered them; they greeted him, and Yet he never even heard the , them �i I . Fitysicis'n and Sur fathou.if the motive. She was a burden -Iet C d name I . Cher, (iffice-Dr. Wollin's old oface . I -Corner caure when 1121 "A''! 0OU to -him, eutc,ring oil, this new life, thlig the Iduf 9 preparations known. he replied to their greeting; but one Men of Lady May. So, when the dinner 4�1 ,If ' � �!� ,, j, , -1,mv _- P CHAPTER XXI . , .., WL Main Street. Residence opposite fresh phase Of Lis existence. She would #,ere oll L�Dllnpleted, and it _3VaS time "Altered sirr6e her mArriage! I possessed, one thought engrossed him- was over and the laugh caused by the a ,,;,., . I . ; . . I ,Tt,es and Albert Street, - e should to StIart, � � was that? -4n what way?" he tried to fli he A PROUP WOUA . . I L t L I . , Methodist Parsonage* not iritru�de herself on him; If "Was she more or less beauti- f no st repartee had led away, when t HUMXMD : , 4 es Screet He Was chf,!crfu.l and smilin, whor, think. - ests had all departed, Sir Clinton ... ­ " * . Eireter, Ont. go to England without her. At first . his rival! �u The 1 -amps were not ail fthted in OV � I � e 39a, Resid dea. overwhelme.d her; then she be bid h�r a4ieu. ful, more or ,less afniable, more or less said to himself that he warild just walk bea,utdXul room. It was a room ft . A . Aphones-Offic � ende'89 the it . How had ithe altered?" I thought to hei-solf it would be a fair "You are quite sure, Dalay, that you proud? round by ClIfEe, House and see if any- I test of We love. If -he refused to allow 0o tot roperit?" he said. "It ia not. too He would h,&Te given anything to . CEUPTER XXV. think was to be discovered of Lady ; would have charmed an z,Tt1s;V, ;­!�; ... . .", 11 �� �11 _ it corrcorut�d him par- gaudy coloring, no, vulgar gilding, UO a, t. D ICKSON & CARLING) her to remain, then she shouta know late, il you would like t;o, go; 1 W311 wvAt know, mot that 11 XF r LOST,, HE HAS NOT WON." may, feX � * . �. � that, in spite of all appewvnces, lie .=tia to-morrow.s, . ticulaxly, but it is always. interestillg Ile lighted his cigar and went. Cliffe extistic mom �of colors. So , at I arrIaters, Solicitors, Notarlefio C0nv%r= to henar of a cliange In, � a bersou, one -has A. beautiful morning, and Sir Clinbn House was all -in darkness. He, this roan could be a poem, this w, as oneo r* I I , loved lier. If, on the cou*iixY,. he ,was "I do not repent," she replied. "You I I Commissionerf?. Solicitors tor the illirr­ to go 'larithout her, then she will enjoy being by yourself," appoint- ed was almost all white -white silk, wbift- , � .� W BanU:4 Etc. . wi ' known. well. Adair sat at his sumptuously f heart bout as -he looked at the familiar lace, intermixed with a pole shade 'A 'I�.: paoney Po Loan at lowest ratets of interest- Shaul know he (lid not caTe for her. He� did not aDntradiet it, thoug-h She lie was overwhelmed with Invita- breakfast table. A bright warm, Sunny windows, the door t the pretty balconie�;. : There was a nightlugale, singing in would have given. the whole world .to tiong, but he steadfdotly refused them. morming the world laughing under the Was she there, his fair, lost love? ambez There were few pictures, 141t �.. I EXETER. " VFjplCE I_uArN ' STREET, L. H. DICIZ81021 the darkened wood, there wes a sweelt, 11ave heard him say it was riot goi Ile. was not going to place himself in lovely light of the sun. He had taken He stood for, Some time Opposite the, they were of tile, best. 91te ",ef chG&* I ,11 , Mo CABLING B- A. wester g over the flow- He held her tightly Err his arms, a, , . ation La nere -he walked up a7l' flown of the roo-ra,was, perhaps, its PTC)Tud�* * --- n wind breathin nd the w1iy of tempt - up the papers one after zt#other, and house, t.1 I wT . I . I . I er ly . acb. of them found an announce- the paverneilt, then he flung h.s uigntr i*_ eis *that evening. ,when Daisy tried lier L-Iseed her. , . presl;ed him to come to h 11 . in e. of flowers -they were every lerej, gTe AN. test. - k'Good-by, -Daisys" oe said; "hake care melit. . ment of his w-riva. away with a low cry. stands of white hyadn&14 Vasels 61101, -1 ., 41-_ I — ,- _­_ . , L.� �� x TO ­ LO _, a . I �'You*wlll meet the Duke, and Duchess I'Sir Clinton Adair returned from the ch U's trop -_ I 11 � , a! n_E, - 'Ciaro," she said, 'a have something. of Yourself, enjoy yoicrsel,f, have every- "Gireat Heaven!" he said, "what , with' r' 91adiol , h4'10 e am V* we have 96 large amount of Vrivate fun"' , to Say to you." ' 1�lhg yott want; and if you feel dull) of Ilosecam," she said, lIand the duke Continent on the 23rd.$) dupe I am. HaTe I -forgotten that I = bena; it was a Grateful paradise of Ve6, 11 can on farm,and village ProPertles at 10wrabg Ili . am listening, Ddisy," be replied. be M=e Ilut you w -rite and tell me 001, is so much improved ,Since his Lear- , His couldn- home, therefore, would a maxiied rann--a. roamed man -and fume. . I I I Interest. riage." not long be � secret. One of the lamps was lighted, ad4 , � , GLADMAN & STANBURT "I do not want to go back to E nglund then I sball conie, for you at orice.11 "It is Ai, .grpt inducement," he repli- A curious1eeling was on him; grada- tle dearest little wife in all t#e world filled the lairge room with a soft, . Barristers Solicitors, main st.ifteteit 'with you just yet; I would frather stay, The next mordent he was .-one. If is waiting for me away arriong tile vine Rellr)t . ed, "but I allust decline." ally lie aw*ke to -a aiew feeling.of life; light theougil which the flowers glpxa� - i __ - A-grg, fg a S'.40rt time." . he had turned his head, -he would -have I lire laughed bitterly to himself when a new sent�mtion, as at hdpe and &in_ and olives? Am I so weak I or e so mad ed palely. Two of the windows We* . -f ne unorne and lubbert Eferleart wa's beating so quickly and see,A that Dalsyj his wife, had fallen Lady Sant had gone Alway. bition, stfirred within him. It was slith that even the air of this-pac drives opened, a -ad one Saw the tall, - I � me mad aguin? I will go home and "M so gaudly, it seemed to�har that he must Xke one dead to the ground; but he I the WX fire JUSUrl hear it; hter pulse thirobbed-it seemed Irsever turned to look at bar, and so "So -much improved, has he? Lady a busy wwdd, a, bright, busy, hopeful write to Daisy�ll trees stretolliag fair and wMe, . former's Mutual may has improyed him, I Suppose— world; men all seemed intent on busir He walked do,%vn the.broad, beautiful sky, with afts golden, eta", i 0 that her vewY Sold Was listening for the went on to Ins doom. ' I I . . answer that was to. bq so - mu,ch- or so * __ * . * , to,ilight him, elocution, p*haps. among ness or pleasure; there Was action, read- ceiviages ,containing limu-tifully Sir canton drew an easy -chair near I I : . auGe ompanD litdeto her. He did n,bt seem- much sur- It was strange to be in Dinglaind other accomplishments! I did not know energy, aninration-bow different from dQei -and J.weled women flushed pazt to the bpen windows and sait down to� i Head Office. Farquhar,.Ont pVlsed, and there as no start of dis- . that there was room for improvil"I(Int the hfe of stagnation he h�ad been living him; think; those pole, Golden stars saick . J -,v again, to. hear the well-known torigue in Ins grace!" at Seville. He shuddered as bekthought dew -the might was odorous, wet with . I '� � 1p'residen�t, a. F. RUSSELL may, -no exclamation ,of won4r; he did on all sides, to see tife familiva- white . , sweet with the breath of flowers, much 'tO Ilim- How long he had bee`0 .. - not even! turn around to see if she were cliffs, to feel at home. A few horr% He began to wonder if, after all, �'t.- rf it. fragrant with the perfume of the there he did noticnow, whenlils valtto : I 1. Vice -Pres.. RO,B,T,. GA.RDINE'R jesting or not. and he was in London -Loudon, the had done'wisely in rotuTaing. If he "After adl," be said to himself, "Men young green leaves; a thousand Stars .&aoiphe, entered the room. . . . DIRECTORS. "You do, not -want to go, to Hngfzad. scene of his love and his. sorrow. Man- was to the" continually about I.h,IY are born, to be men, not hermits.07 shone In the sky ­sweet, pure eyes that "Sir Clinton," he said, � "there Is * I � �11, j . I May, he, bad better have remained in He knew that he should never have their holy lady who wishes to see you." �. . � . I Staffs. Why, Da4sy, are you in love with this like, the first place he went to was his . . � I looked down on him with ,'A lady!" he said, rather startled-b,Vj I , : T.QZT. NORRIS, land of the olive and the virte?" club; there belmew that he should hear F rance'. gone through the hermit -'a stage of Ins light, and seemed to stop the mad fev&r � r . WROS. RYAN . . bts rd he went with existence but far the love and the 5or- thrilling in his veins, the intelligence; "at this hour?" , � 13)ulblin' "Should you. mind going without all the news, all the rumors of the day; I '1�wo 1149 `ft"' �., . o I "It is only just tens eir," said Ad- :. . � iw,�Dj. a -BOOK, Winchelsea..,me?" Daisy asked, fkdteTingly. there, without having to ask any ques- some friends to a concert, given at the row that had driven him mad. He would P:n home and write to Daisy I il I . - W,31. itoy'. FARQUEAR "Mind! No, not at -all. I only mind tions himself, he would -hear ,01 there mansion. of.a great princess, for a His returry would be EL intittex of pub- -sweet, wili4ufne Daisy, who had loved 91Phe, "and the lady wishes we to gaz . 11 I one thing, Daisy"as you plimse, it-thatt was to tell. charitable purpose. Sir Gregory join- He gossip to -day, to -morrow forgotten; him so deairiy. What need everr.to she has come, from some distance, nkil ill-, . I AGENTS. . ed him there. but one thing struck bfm� he must de- waste a thought on false Lady May? A her business is imperative." I � ! L is, thut you should in every respect He was most warmly welcomed, Sir . JOHN ESSERY-. Exeter- "Ren't 101 plewe Yourself." Clifton Adair .,had always been a tgreit' "We Shall have all the celebrities of clar-e his marriage; no one here in wh(Ae world lay between them now. "There must be a mistakes" he isaid, : ,,, � t W �_ � London, here to -night," he "dd, "-%lid, England knew anything about it, and Even if he were to meet ,her face. to cOmpOst-My. "I know no lady he' 1, I naborne and jBidduljoh. . "I ,wish I had no, self to,please," said .favorite i,];. society, and when he 'Wast th ze would come from a distance; I ldlbvr I c w, . , among otherk. the Duke and Ducheas every moment in wMeh e 1,111,7101flu - face it -would not be worth -his while to '. ; I OLIVER HAURIS. MUIWO, dWeral Daisy. "And, -Oaxo, you are quite seen once again, at' the club, every One I . . ;,� I . tW .UjbbWt, P, ullia,Fton afoo Lqa��%'- sure-----?, I greeted him with delight. Where had of RosecArn." ment Was delayed it became more dif- stop and address fier; she was nothing no business. that is impemdve. Does gh's _ i . ORN, CAMPHEL L "Yes; I am sure. I -a in- e.quulJy pleas- be been? What had he been doing? "I do not think I.shqll remains's A%e, ficult Why, -he could not tell. Daisy to him now. Yet -and his hea�t beat give no -name, Adalphe?" . . �� �,] Secy,Treas.'Far4uhar ed whether Yall remain beTe OW 90 with � r"elmed with quesbans. said, hastily. . . was a lovely, JOTable girl, devoted to 'of passions ight 'IN -in. Sir Clinton, she would not givo . , �,*�� He was ore with a Great throb -te dell L . I.. rae.71 -What had induced him to leave Eng- He was a Strong man, but the him; she was graceful and accomplish- -,-yet she had not marrl�d the Duke of _,V , -T , - � - - ed, he -had no need to feel ashamed of R m after I' -sr, ro I . �L.j thought of seeing her made Win, trem. eSe,6a al ITO VT=V=3 I , GLADMAN, & STANBEIRv. 801JOItOC' Something like an excess of despair land so suddenly'? What made him ',& Then he her; no one knew anything of her Uvth — . . . , I ah6 said to herself th&t ,stay away so Iong? He evaded all those, ble like a reed in the win "I am glad tb,;� I came to England," I � , f I . .. came o#6� lier; , . or . I I � �_----�- it would 'be better if she cO11ld know question�-ailswered thern jes-tingly, vepirmehed himself again for ,his folly, or counnections, neither was there any he mid, "if it be Ocar 9 ffie sake of HAS USED -1 �, , . .. I 'the tmt1h, the whole of -it, at once. far wealmess. need for them to know. He uske'd 114m- knowing that; not, of course, &at it —_ I . then iat down with a fl�ily journal in WUR I //` GEN I I � "You will , not miss me, Caro?" She his bualds. one of his oldest friends, I -What; is she to, me ilow?" -he said- self, over and Ovei- ftfain, how it . , rn�tteTs in the least to Mes -not the least' 4 I . . . I j ,Wrife, just as I anA that he disk,ked the idea of Annone"OnIg but.1 am pleased to know it; if M said. I . Sir Gregory Hatwet]), came in, and was "orrIy another man' I 1 o, st, DR. FC)MLEWS I . ­ . a,u,othe,r W;Ouiauls husband. What can it? Perhaps h46 feared that he would he has not won.?, I . . The wistful look of the tender eyes, . leavin- his beau I 41fal '"I I .. NT.� '6� L the wiattal sound of her low,voice, were _:_� - it.=.. tter whether I see -her or not?"' be teased for . 'So lie would go heme and write to ' "Theirre is the duke," said Sir Ore- Y�ung wife far away; perhaps he dis- Daisy. Ile wondered, just a litttle, if I I I 1* � _ * all unheeded by him. He .*felt somL. L _. Extract- of � i . 1 * 0 aljg�t;t wonder, if the real truth be told, 1, . - I , gary, Ilaud the duchess, too. She is like�i the idea of making h1huself the she bad gone to the opem-Lady May I ! " . , I . _# Fall Tem f roin 0 on taaldng to Lady Sant, and Lady Sant subject of conversation. atc er I t he meant -there would be no harm in ­ . 0 0 Same Slight pique, that. Daisy could do A NEW CRUMON I ia my paTtIcular aversion." . . was, Sir Clinton thoroughly disliked the - I _* �o well without him-I)aisv, who had L looking round. He went in; he.looked WIN- S-Itdraw err ;. I He. did not look im�- ta_,�k. L round the boxes, where he saw some of I I I %LSt 28th ' WEBSTEWS - , to S I I , Slie was the.re. I I :, Aug , * tilways,.Emented wrapped up in him, -%rho . ­ . I 'r mediately, for a bloo Year I 0 had professed kerself dull and unhap.- d -red mWt came "I will do it -niorrow," he said; "a the loveliost faces in England, but no For The Last Fiftee ­ L. .1 . I I ,!here is a great demand * py if lie were only half an hour away. NEW I before 'his eyes, the u0ige of ruMuiug few hours' pence is all I ask " Lady May. — . I . i I . 'L L .4 ror trained help. t wus 'watera in his ears; he trembled like a He looked through the, ';i�iashloaftle "I sliould like to see her just for L � , upon us f * I -le felt, something like surprise; I INTERI'ZATIONAL ows of an Afellae, 62, 6th St. North,. � en, state that our 0 . . IuteAligenre;ll there was no n Mrs. Dune . 11 Business M 40 Be new few Daisy to be indifferent to ieat, than bionched his hands and bit once," -he thought, his Lawd changed by . %_ , �. * graduates are the best. 'We : him. It was a lady's whim, he sup-'. DICT10MARY Ills lips, to keel) himself steady. 1. Ludy May. He Ionged to ask. He continual disappointment, " The desire Brandon, Ran., writes-.-�-I'It is much I 4 - , _ would speuva . I ,. . I t- have three bepartmentso ,V poced, and, as such, he ought not to " The duchess ,looks Very 'lovely t*- fliought to, himself t1int he to see her I -has been like a thirst; one pleasure for rne to say that I have used . i h THE MERRIAM WEBSTER night,,, said Sir Gregory; 'in my itlm, the morrift at his club; there he should look at her might quench it. I Should Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry ", : I , COIRMHELOIAL, SHORT- * wonder at dt� . 4 � �., :t 19AND and TELEGRAPY, * "Ishall I lfs$ you, Daisy?'; lie re- The Only New unabridged die- she is the best-diressed woman In Lon- probably hear Some news of her -she like to see her just for ouce.11 ;n my home, every Suratuer, for the last " : ­ � .4 : The tuition for six months is * peated. "The matter is sb outirely one tionary in many yeArs. dou.1% . I . � was O'ne of those of Whom Men, never if be were to, meet her, he said to iteen years. . 1. I I I � 1.,* I � * . : I V $55, and for I year W. -In- . * Of you'r Owu choosing, I cannot -say. I contains the pith and essence He remembered her -dear neavenj weary in apeakings Oil his way thete himself, the would look coldly in hOl' ,,I have six obildren and bave used it . �"rvr 0 to -lie Mils. He face and poes her without I 11. I , � vestigation will prove 4 - -athoritative library. 110"W'well he ,*membered her, a� dhe he met 0 or two Old frie word or I 1 , . I your satisfaction that there 0 shall be very much occupied on iny of an a of the light, heIr would have -gi world for sign; or, betterattill he WOUld Stop hold an every one of them. � . � a return to England. You can rema.1of Covers every field of knoWl. stood in the ful gl,a.re gul to havo asImia one of thom I 11 I use it myself and so does my � . . * is no better Business College jewels gleamingt bee, proud eyes flqsh- str(In out his hand in greeting to, her, Speak . I I , free * liel!L, for the summer, if you like, and . odge. An Encyal.opedia in a thing of Lady May --.to have husband. Last surnmer my baby, oevet . 'I', It, in ,Canada. Get our * I ,-,,ill come for you -at the end olf ing Scorn! How well he remembered 801ne . coldly, quietly, and, after some few months old, was taken very Sick with, 11 . � � � ca,talogue now. is in." I single book. the queendy Gesture, the VhTo Of tile thrown his hend bnek, ,with a careles.4, minutes, introduce has wife's riamra. I I I I I 0 Autun I I The Only Dictionary with the white hand, the Cruel, jannity air, and have asked, Most; Women Surnrcer Complaint, and we thought he - , D. ,A. ,A1cLAOHLAN. 0 ,,vety well," suld Daisy, faintly. 'Ple . cutting, bitter That would pique her I 0 seemed glad that I should remain; he New DIvided Page. I words that came from lier lips! Was he "By the wny. Tim%, Is Lady May Trev- ,,ever like to know that they have lost would die. We got a bottle of Dr,� : . I I � 1?r�xtoipal. 4 400,003 Words. 2700 PaSes. BlAid to rilix t1he -risk of Laeotiing h,c lyn? Is she married yet?" .� . , power; they nevi�r like to knew that Fowler's Extract of Wild Stra;,Wberry and, .� . ,O Seemed p�lcascrd to be Without rac: be '. I , I , . I . ; 1�11 ####*##****go*** cai-es rrotbigg about it.fr � . . 6000 Illustratious. Costilearly sgftl�? , I He evell, in I -lie solitude of his o1wIn tk victim, -has escaped them. And he started giving it to hina in Small closea- � I . 4 . I . . - � She turned a.way lest fte� should read half a million dollars. / "Do you think the fittelle,SS reach room, tried lv!iv the worcls would said to himself, with a light, bitter, and ir, three days he g6t quite well, so; � I I .11 . . . . I --------- � the. Sorrow 'on her faec. 110 went on riot Ug tell you about this most clitinged'01 asked Sir Gregory. I --min0: lie Said thern n1mirl.2lushing mocking laugh: we kept on with the medicine for aboul � , I I . ... Thenif ite raised his eyes and lool-dd. 110"TiblY fit 'his Own fo:1,N*, P ev thero ,,She"Ishall see how completely I have :. - 1. . Church ffirectory t1ill,ing to her about the journey w1th remarkable single volume. . . a week or more and he .became as vve0i- � � I �� . . Great Heaven, that Was not Lady Itrayl aloue, with no eyo to see Win, no o-cr esca 11 I .. I � I "I' all thi, calm uncoircefrn. Irriagintable. . 'w- , I Write for sample pod from her." as over � I I . , � , . I , , , " to hear him-evoll. there lie stainmered , , �1- � � 1, . JAMES STRF-E 4i You must send souie handsome pre- , " I pagan, fuU par. . "I do not see the duphess,10 he said, go werit home at last to Write to 'my little girl, two years old, woo; ''."�� � . In It house I . S.T� ...ts to� your -mother, Dals ", he Said; I , Strange Voice. I imor the words, Daisy, Sir Clinton Adairss. town. � : - . .Ct1UR,CH so I y t1aularq, eto. 0 "o, it Ttras imp*eAlble,, he gave up taken very bad with the same trouble� � MEV1001 . 41 D9 *you see the lady in lille Crealn- N � was a beautiful one; It Was called Llf- � I . 11 ."%_,� , . I uppose a . finle Hall, I - � L * an living , [V in a I , I t fliough I -a he -Would rather - Name thid ,olored bTOCUdO-thlit is the duehW5. MO id(K�-of no intul or Wonu .je, I 1t4 had once been - Lid I use,d two doses of the Same medicine, I '! � . �i , ROV�j Richard -Hobbs, Pas or have one look fit your, face than .an3r- (4) pa�per and ]A completely oured. , I 11� . I .1 ,. I .. .qhe lias, -it diamond ti,,aru� She is ;tnak. could lie tisk the (lucstiOn, to DO MAl' h-bbited by the earl of that name. As and she 'm . . .1 . � . � I. 1. Alling joij could Send heT.1� V= � we will Ing to TAdy Saiat-you know Lady I oil AVO111,131, could lie speak of hm lo�,t, soon as MS. engagement to Lady May ,,Myaelr and my husband think thet6 , : �f" . I .� Sunday Rublic W01shil)-:10 1 .30 al -w . � " My poor motherl" said Daisy, "She � L e is no other IlledioineL So good for 0 , ; :� � . I sont?" - '� ill coal, uneOulcOrIled t011PH- had become t ertal tY, ft- urlha i I I and 'I P,fa, . I 'L � 00--i love. 11 e P c, sed I I .. � -, .� I . JoLftSs 8 . erVlc(­Saad.ay'0-30 9, find did love me." . . �, a. set of 113*es," he replied, siowly; 111 I n6NV Ile triw4t tra.,# to clidiloef. st'l-Oly the"O Lifdale Hoube and fitted it up most bowef tomplaints. V I ,,Of - She flidill hb replied, not- - 0, 11 I � . ike . course .. Pocket , c . &ft,�r tdorni.ng f.'e"ide And dries. rl� , maps: Lady Sant. Is that lady the Ducbejjs at Vic clubs where they diz(!'I�Sed OM"Y magnifiew,fly; he had lavished a small "If atlyoner wishes to know Vhe,t 40 1 1 L ur,derstanding ,the giat of 4er sl)eeah. � 'no I I I I . � 1 . day rlighL .. , I � L - . of Rosecarill'i 6 ,nnd everything, they would talk 69 forttlav on it; even thou it did not seem ."'Keellent remedy Dr. Vorlor's IN'trado I : , L"! I I I "I should like� .You to choose her sorne� ; te film I �� I L . I . I '�Yeg; I tbouglit yet% ,said knoW Lady U'ay. good enough for ,his fair yo,img I Strawberry is I am Willing W �, ',,,� . I I -ZOU %Vak,e via" tod QAtA",QU"A,r"" tl-,ing__�a b(indsoole VeIlVet dreSZ." . . you of Wild L I . � , , 11 I . I ber", -suid Sil. G,IvIkoav, almost ftu- 110 was profuse in his, greetings, ill- love, He entered bis magu�fieant hou". L it It" done for me." . 0 :,L L� C�Iky At I J;4%.� .Z.813 1110A That would not be Suitable fox bpr�" � pafle,ao,y. "She was one 'Of the 144k Ways hopdag that ill roturn for what be. witb ,% foolgag ot d0solatioft not to be toll them wbat I's is A" :11 . . 19110daY AdhOOI atrd Bible ftamicit torrupltc4% Daisy; "it I would be to* 'N dales-tadv Anne tiandale-taid she had Mid 801110 0110 WOUld SPO'lk of Lady etpmssed- in words. A8X,F0'A OD9, VOWLRU . . L ill 11 ]AID, , . L - � , . goatid.11 I I .. . ;1 'L ... 11 W May. It ,would hav ee s gh MIST ON MWO VUAT YOU A I I I ... ��11 I , 1. A" . , . 01, course there was evet I . , [ �� � 4 , .1, I I I I I,'. . zpwotth Uague-TuOfty at SR P.M low, -, 0ohd Sli 0; eta* I a. 9c, -wrico. Title. inloroved WondtIrfUllY since she there wtw it P'lleral (jonspiruey I domfott, Volk, 's . I � , 1" 11 ,* will , &k its." I ilot Spil ahme, Duchess of-Ilos"4111", I not at evev lU%uUv-z1-r Cliatod 000"d Llat I %L . I J?rayer IMeeting-TiAuritaas a�t 6 lo-ni, L . . Ingfrield mass. I 'Z".IV - . Imagion her. wurtar -no 10111L. ever),. a4lidod . .1 , L �. Manufactured 6w�b' T I 6 I , I I . . . . , I . I Lnot flia . .1 st me,thodist dhurd% the PaO, 1. I "'PA,nit ladr X ,,eXp0tod , , 1, . I . I � "'. ­ — , I . I , I I LL ­ . � , ;. 0 .11,111,41 11� I L I i 0 , W vv�vao ", me a*, *. L ' . L . " . I . I � q&"" . I � . _,P"e �� AiA 0%, unistAla" ToroApo. I tMele L'� ' h 'L je.SIAI�4 lft=ybl� __1 , � . � -1. . '. , I . L tot Wi - , I L I " L ; .. 4 I I 4 . I (� I . 1, � I I I I 1. I f .1 I I � I I . � � . . . . I . .1 . I I I 11 , 1. I . L . . I I I . � I I L' . L . I 1 4 ' . . I ... I � I I ;: I _ I �� ... I I I I , � L I I OL I � . 4 L I I I � � , , , � � . L I � I 1 � I I � I . I . �1� I I I , I I � � . I .1 ,� . I I I � '�,�,� -.� . ; 1. 4 1 LL I I I I I.. I ' ' LLL L LL L � 1. I . I V� , I . I � . " L . . . : � , ' � , L �, �, � ," , ,� I ' � . L k . I . 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