The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-06-17, Page 17GK GK OK OK OK GK GK GK OK OK GK 0 0 3L -Ne"- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 to 0 G 0 0 G W 0 0 0 0 ID 0' 0 0 O c 0 Ng ID Tutt&Cauotry GLASSIFED WANT ADS 5=1 38_ Auction sale iieweiwewe 311 Auction sale EVENING ESTATE AUCTION SALE Real estate. pickup crude, trailer, fencing, equip- ment; tomb, etc. to be held in Londesbaro, Ont. for the Estate of Tone Beattie Wednesday Evening, lune 24 at 6 P.M. REAL ESTATE: Property consists of a forge lot (,mown es Part fat 25. Hegyard"s Survey with o depth of ap- kox. 227 ft. and a frontage of approx. TO It. Situated on the lot Is a Glendale mobile horn. 10 x 40 w/2 fridge. stove. oil furnace and some fur- niture. also there is a steel dad pole fa'i'ring shed 20 x 40 w/lawge double doors. wake in door, hydro ser- vice. etc. This is a well mointalaed property worthy of your attention. For viewing or information phare Ricard Lobb 4112-7190. TERMS being offered subject to a reasonable reserve bid. 10% down day of sale. balance in full In 30 days EQUIPMENT: 1977 Choy. 10 custom deluxe pickup trach w/VB automatic. 36,700 original miles in ex- cellent condition. Selling certified. Single axis h ovy duly trailer 6 x 9 ft. checker plate steel plat- form, like new. 5 HP MTD riding lawn mower, gAs push lawn mower. 6 ft. 3 pt. hitch blade, 3 pt. hitch steel post pounder PTO drive. hump back trunk. lad- s den. Consent heavy duty bench grinder; 4•• vise. ex- tension cords. page wire fence stretcher. lads all lads. electric drill. saws. shovels, discs. hand tools and items used for fendng, quantity of used steel roofing plus other items not mentioned. TERMS CASH Richard Lobb - Auctioneer a!!o!' 462-7898 EVENING ESTATE AUCTION SALE Residential lot, antiques, furniture. appliances, etc. to be held at the Blyth arena for the Estate of Cora Brown Tuesday Evening, June 23 at 6 P.M. B UILDING LOT: Property known as Lot 12 Mc - Cave's?* Survey in the eISrcge et nets !e5 • 4c '. Bir ser k. street. ZONED rssidensiaL TERMS: 10% dawn day of sake. balance in full in 30 days. Offered subiect to reservebid. Lot will be offered at the location at 6 p.m.. Sale at arena starts at 6:15 p.m_ Woods small chest freezer. square model fridge. 30`" electric stove. clothes dryer. chrome table and chairs. 4 presabadk chairs w/Queen Victoria head. 4 other proms, antique china cabinet, glass front and sides, antique secretory desk, cold gramophone, small chino cabinet, oid wardrobe, matching bed. dresser and washstand. three washstands. wooden extension table. old wooden beds. steel bed w/good mattress, continental single bed, largo bonnet chest of drawers, chests of drawers, library . table, chesterfield and chair, derange table and 6 chain. oil paintings and chalk pictures painted by Mrs Brown plus picture frames and artists supplies. dressers wlmirrars, small pedestal drop i.. dant table, wicker fern stand, White portable s machine, humidifier. vacuum defame, rollaway b _ floor and table tamps. B&W portable TV 1 year old, small quantity of bedding, dishes and aware including antique pieces, plus many other items not mentioned. pats and pans. etc. TERMS CASH „LUNCH BOOTH Richard Lobb -Auctioneer C,LINTON 41E2 -7$U ********* WANTED • MEW tar GOOD USED # FURNITURE, it ♦L APPLIANCES * # FOB AUCTION SALES * -Il WE NOW • HAVE AN • AUCTION BUILDING :OR THE SUMMERIE Apg CONTACT: Alt - HAROLD MBROMEER * # 524-9657 *'******* 40. Lost $ Found LOST - Oise small.. female, German Shepherd dog, cop- pertane+0hr,oneyealrakl. Lost in Benmiiller areaif found $75.00 reward. Phone i2'4- L06T - Glasses at Jinfcth Golder/Tann sing pool on June nth. Finder please can -905'1. -24 41. To give away TO GIVE AWAY - 2 cute kittens, 7 weeks old. Call 524 - mon -Rim MOM kicking us octt! We need homes, lily sisters are fluffy and grey and lam white and cute. - Signed Ptw feet Call 4.-233 ft -24;25 as, Marriages WRIGHT-GARDIN9iER Sue and Steve Gardiner are plleased to announce the marriage of their mother, Evelyn R. Gardiner,. to Mr. Peter J. Wright. Tike wedding took p kece in Renal. Nevada. Juni 6, 191111 Int'. and Mrs niketer Wright, , : .rasifing:..i-li Saar Aloe, etlifortria.---24 ' Sal. Engagements ARCIiAMBAULT -DOUGHERTY Mr. and Mira. Bert Dougherty, R.R.B. Gederid and Mr. and . Mrs. Leonard Archambault, R.R.1, Auburn are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their- children Shirley and Rick_ The wedding will take p k ee Saturday, June 2Zini at 4:30 p.m. in firer eUUnitted march. Reeeptios to follow at 1D p.m. in Blyth Community Centre. -247c MASON-HOY Mervyn and Rowena Eloy of Goderich are pleased to an nark• the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Fah Valerie: to Mr. Johan EHemry Archibald, son of George Mason,. Auburn. and Eleanor Mason, Brussels. The wedding will take place at 4: 001 p.m.. Saturday. July ER, 1983. in North Street United Chtirefn_ Goderich Reception to follow in Blyth at 4: 00 p.m. 24 SOW ERBF-JOHIKSSTON Ted and Sylvia Johnston, Lloyd and Juka Sowerbyr are happy to announce the for- thcoming marriage of their children Deborah Anne and David Lloyds, Sate.aefaiy, Jerre a 27. 1981. :$:3) perm. at Etolmesvillte• [United Church. Reception to follow in 1follitesville at the Godevieh Township: °I mrmunity Cen- tre -24 46il'1 trt'temo'riam E➢RAPERi 1n, loving memory of a dear, wife, Clara. who passed away Sane 16, i197l1. Et's hard to walk the road alone, innsteadof lhy myself, fiat to all comes a moment when the path of life div ides. And looking Ileal-rk with memories inner' the path we trod. E bless the years 1 had with your and leave the rest Co! Gods iLonred and sadly missed by husband N lton.-nnani 46. In memoriam BOGIE In loving memory of my dear wife, Grace E. Bogie, who passed away June 22,19713_ 1 do not need a special day, To bring yinto my mord The days,1 do not think of you, Are very hard to fad. -Ever remembered by her husband Rod. -24x 47, Card of thanks - ARMSTRONG We wish to thank our friends and neighbours for all the lovely gifts and cards we received on our 40th wedding anniversary. Your presence at the dance just made our evening. Special thanks to our famely and ethers who helped to prepare and serve the food_ It was all greatly ap- preciated..-Mr. p- preciated.Mr. and Mrs. Jack Armstrong. Auburn. -24 BISSE'r7 I wish to thank my family, friends for cards, flowers and treats and inquiries while I was a patient in Alexandra Hospital_ Special thanks to Dr_ B. Thomson, Dr. D_ Walker, Dr. L. Rourke, Dr-_ R_ Flowers, and to min -sing staff of LC_ unit and on first floor. -Ted Bissett: --24x...... . CAESAR I wish to thank all my friends, neighbors and relatives for their visits and good wishes while I was a patient . at Alexandra Marine and General Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Walker, D. Lambert and nurses on Est East_ -Bill Caesar_ -24x CHAMBERS " 1 wosrl'd Mike to express my appreciation to all my relatives. friends and neigh- bors for the many kindnesses extended to me in the recent Doss of myde ar father, George lJoet Chambers. The flowers, memorial donations, food sent to the house, and Bards of sympathy have helped so much during this trying timne. Special thanks Co Dr. Thomson and the staff at Alexandra Hospital and the doctors and nurses at SI. Joseph's in London: to Rev. Robert Ball for his message and to the Ladies Auxiliary of the Legion . for serving a delicious lunch_ These expressions of sym- pathy wilt long be remem- ber ed. -Annie Cha m- bers.-24ar - GINN It certainly was a pleasure to see all of Jim's neighbors and friends at the meeting, it wasa lovely way to spend an af- ternoon, talking to and meeting, so many. The highlight of course was the flow- lamp we received: We were very pleased and hope that everyone will feel welcome to come over and visit Jim and L -Jim and Brenda Ginn. -24 }IUCKINS The family of the late Ormond fhnekins express their sincere gratitude to relatives, friends and neighbors for flowers, donations, food and messages ,. of sympathy in the lass of a Blear husband, father, gran- dfather and great grand- father Thanks to Dr. Thom- son, De. Watt and Dr. Hollingworth: the' nurses and; staff at Maitland Manor and on 2tud Floor East at Alexandra Hospital; Rev. Crocker and St_ Georges A. C. W - Special thanks to Mrs. Eula Melick and Mrs. Derma Murray and a very special thank you to Miss RQildh'ed Marwick;. -24ar KNAPP E would life Coextend a sincere thank you to, all my friends, relatives and neighbors for the beautiful cards gifts and flowers. A special thank you to Dr. 1, M. Watts, nirses and other staff for their care and kindness while a patient in A. IME. &G. Hospital. Goderich. -Lillian Knapp, Clinton: -24 MaeI)nONALD The family of the late Archie iilanDonald wish to, thank friends relatives and neigh- . hors for flowers, cards and acts of kindness during the loss of our dear husband, father and brotheer. Your thartght- frainess will always be remembered. - Dorothy & family; Frank & Isabel and Ross & Marion -24 IMFAI2E We wou=ld like for thank relatives.. friends and neigh- bor's for the wedding gift. It was mac fn ap- preciated. -Yours truly, Mr. and 1Mlnr Rick Maize. -24a SHEAII;EikIWN E would like tothank Rev .Rall; the Stiles Fim'erai Hoche, Dave: Morn:, Stanley and aft the boys that worked with Joe, and the neighbors and everyone who were so kind and thoughtful to us in our Wet Special thanks tris the Ladies .L gidr'tt Auxiliary .Moet' _the a:condeutflmlItxnr~ r-E'ai .- 47. Card of thanks - SNOWDEN I wish to thank everyone for the cards, flowers, visits and phone calls 1 received while I was a patient in Si Joseph's Hospital, London and also for the baby cards, gifts' and visits after Joey was born. Special thanks to Dr. J. Rourke and the nurses at Goderich Hospital and to all the doctors and nurses at St. Joseph's Hospital, .London. All was greatly aplureciated_-,6Mrs. Shirley Snowden: 24 WEBSTER Tom and Hazel Webster wish, to thank their friends and -relatives for their cards, gifts and good wisps received when they both • were hospitalized. Special thanks to Gingham first floor staff and Luck now Medical Centre doctors for their patience and understanding dining Tom's ill ,Qs and since iris return home. -24 WILKIN Mrs. Archie Wilkin and son George wish to express their appreciation to relatives, neighbors and friends for the many kindnesses extended to thein an the occasion of the death of a dear husband and father and when he and Emily a sere hsopitalized for so long. Special .appreciation to the Rev. L. Royal, McCallum Funeral Horne for services rendered, the Legion Branch 109, the Ladies Legion Auxiliary for the lovely lun- cheon prepared and served to relatives, neighborsInd friends, Canoe Club and' to Alexandra Marine Hospital, Dr. Walker, nurses an First E. Wing and especially e g n nibs Anna who were so Algid and still are. And for flowers, get -well cards. Te their thoughtfulness - thank you. -24 T ®MI LATE TO CLASS FY FOR SALE - 15 acres of standing alfalfa and timothy hay. For sale by the acre or by the bale. Telephone 524110.9tt after 5 p.m .-24 TO GIVE AWAY - Three month odd. female, Border Collie. Phone524-6n68.-24 FOR RENT in Goderich; near the Square, two bedroom. upstairsapartment, fridgeand stove.. large . livinigroorm, It mated on quiet street, large back yard. Available July . tst. 1981. 32115.1)0 month, pias: hydro. Phone 1-237-:i-:1. 3 anytimciee. -24tf MAN AVAILABLE for field and barn cleaning, with dairy and beef experience. Call Frank 524A2641.-0-24 MS a Mrs. Clayton Edward and Miss Mildred Marwick and their group were in charge of the hole meeting of the WMS Afternoon Auxiliary of Knox Presbyterian Church on Tuesday, June 9. President, Mrs. Gordon Henderson opened the meeting, welcoming all who then joined in singing that fatruiliar hymn, "How Great Thou Art" with Mrs. Edward atthe piano. Minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs. James Hor- ton and Mrs. G. G. MacEwen gave the treasurer's. report. Mrs. A. Straiton gave the supply (special fund) report. Mrs. O Falconer read thank you notes from Bob and Jean Hanna and Mrs. Mae Bisset and mentioned that several cards had been sent to members. Mrs_ E. Bogie reported for Friendship and Service that members had been visited in the hospital and nursing homes and several home calls had been made. The President thanked all who helped with the pot luck dinner with the C.O.C_, Ex- plorer -a, Arthur Circle and WMS and also those who had taken part at the Presbyterial Spring Rally in Hensall. Mrs. Don Croft invited the members to her cottage at Bogie's Beach for the September meeting which will be Tuesday, September 8. . Mention was made of the fact the P-sbyte..ds Fall Rally will be held in Belgrave in October_ Plans are to be made for the Ms- sionary. Sunday on September 28.. Business being concluded, all joined in, singing the song, `They W 11 Know We Are Christians By Our Love". Mrs. Edward informed the members that India and Nepal had been chosen for study_ Mrs. FaIIgner read the 5011 ipttlre from John 13, verses 4-11 and Diss Mar- wick gave a` very. thoughtful meditation on this passage, after which Mrs. Catherine Wilson offered prayer. Members were informed of the fields of service that many church workers are engaged in with Mrs. Roy McInnis acquainting members with Doreen Mor- rison, orrison, Deana Wadsworth and Margaret lnayk serving in Alexander A Chapman R Realty Limited HORST FARM - close to Goderich - Newly updated - New drilled well. Special reduced price_ Good11 r/oy mortgage. Immediate possession. PORT ALBERT HOME - Brick bungalow with angel storm front.. Very attractive. Good T111/2% existing finandrag_ Eniay haw taxes. WIDDER STREET - Nice 3 bedroom bungalow with car- port. Gas F/A heating_ Family room. Owners Nan - Owned. CLOSE TO GODERICH - 3 bedrooms home in Menesot Park on edge of Gerhardt. Sanofi monthly lot rental - Laundry room - Storage rooks - Includes refrigerator and stove. I unsdtats possession. uttici VIEW - Park fire choice, quiet area. Brick 3 bedroom bungalow with attached garage. Price reduced- Will consider mortgage rate reduction assittance. Family s -men with fireplace. AUBURP4 FAMILY HOME - Lower Thirties - 4 bedrooms. Forge tat. Nicety decorated. ITS NEW - 3 bedroom brick & abitibi siding, 3 level split- rumify room. Bones thermal pane windows Immediate possession. HOME WITH INCOME - Presently two very Fargo 2 bsdroons apartments_ New updated. Large rot. Cross to the Square. CLOSE TO SCifOOLS - 3 bedroom semi with special mortgage amisfance: IETR1EMENT HOME - Two bedroom! brick bungalow with detached 2 garage. PRiCE REDUCED Too. FARMS® MARILIEL GARDENING - 13" acres aro edge of Goderich with executive type brick bungalow. BUSINESS OPPORTUNmES - Several good chokes. West Street - formerly Andrew Dairy sultabfe for many uses. Tem apartments upstairs. Variety stares with attached homes in Goderich and areas chase by. COUAMEY SPECIAL - Close to Gd Jrich an paved road ad - 5 bedrooms Only '21,510_ R.A. "GUS" CHISHOLM JOHN BANTER 5244554 5244149 MARTHA ROBERTSON BON ABE*HART 4727767 - 5241-7216 BERT ALEXANDER 524-7836 ltaai Estate -General lfluratice-property Management Nkunkler of the Iierois Raaf Estate Bari' TO The Square - Goderich S -i4-2177 India, while Mrs. . Mable Young informed members of the accomplishments. of Miss Agnes Hislop in Nepal, Dr. Richard Allen in Nepal and Mary Nichol in India. Mrs. Enright told of the work of Catherine. and -..Clarence McMullen, Pauline Brown and Eleanor Knott in India. A beautiful film was then shown of the scenery; homes of the rich and poor, some of the workers in the various GODERICH SIGNAL&TAR, ir4,DN "4.rSDA $, rlUNE, 17 k v. T ifiCountry , L_ RS fields of service, their way of living, the Iovely children, people assembling for their church meetings and Bible study,. hospitals, churches and the many impressive buildings. The meeting closed with the members joining in sing- ing the hynm "The Old Rug- ged Cross" and prayer by Miss Marwick, after which all enjoyed a social half hour. 38. Auction sale 38. Auction sale AUCTION SALE o� Over 60 Tractors AND 150 Pieces of Equipment AT BRINDLEY SALES YARD Dungannon SATURDAY, JUNE 20 10 a.m. More consignments welcome PHONE 529-7970 or SHOP 529-7625 Gordan Brindiey, Auctioneer 11/2 storey horns,as gheated including 4 bedrooms, TV baths, kitchen, dining and living room with workshop at back of large lot. Located on East St. close to Square and pool, playground. Priced in tow thirties. 524-2918 BILL CLIFFORD REAL ESTATE BROKER 26 Square - Goderich 5244047 524-6710 524-8951 NN AIRDRIVE - V.L.A. - Colonial style raised white angstston e. 4 bedroom executive home with attached garage. Many extras fnciuded. This property shown by appointment only. Call today, you'll lave the attrac- tive tive L-shaped completely finished family row€th log burning fireplace. No. 232 TEAR -ROUND LIVING - Why rent when you can purchase thfs cute and cozy two bedroom lakevlew home with access to the beach. Owner has offered generous ter- ms. 12% mortgage and has included an appliances and furniture in the fisted price of only '37,900.09. No. 226 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION - 336 Eldon St_ 4 level split. Now 1n the tow Ws. Remodelled deluxe kitchen - Eats of space. Family room, games room. Owner will consider carrying mortgage_ No. 115 REDUCED -REDUCED Country Estate, located ear Ben- mil(er_ 1.3' acre treed rot. Quality custom -build family home. Owner will look at all offers and will consider your home for trade as down payment, and also will carry a mortgage at 12Y1%. No. 141 HOBBY FARM - 44 Acres, 1% storey home. Barn with box stalls, hydro and water. Vendor will carry mortgage. Located opposite Century Heights Subdivision. 100 ACRES - near Sheppardn to. New home in throes of being completed_ 25 acres of cash crop, 1 acres of pine reforestation, balance in mixed bush. BELL FINGER - Near Paradise Camp. Listed for quick e y. is this 2 etorered brick schoolhouse_ Contents are dueledc(uded in low price of `20.900.00, '3,900.00 down - 12'. I mortgage_ RANCH STYLE COUNTRY ESTATE - Black's Point Rood is where this 3 bedrooms family home with attached garage Fs located, and Fnc(u'des aft apptionces_ Over an acre of land. nicety landscaped and finished basement , moires this a pleasure for showing. WE HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED to present alt offers an this 4 bedroom family home located at 98 St. Patrick St. 11'. mortgage due 1446_ Vendors will consider carrying a second_ Q RENTWITH' OPTTiON - Hever is your opportunity to rent this 4 bedroom country brick home located' on a large 1 7H lot in Sattfard.aw priced in the 20's. No. 158 SOUTH ST. APTS. - 29 units. Now reducoeff. For more in- formation on litcorates, expenses, net profit, please drop into our office. No. 113 THIS 4 EW3 SPECIAL - Stara your own business. 2 storey dement block store 25' x 60'. Located on the Main St. of Wallow. Was '20.000.00. NOW °11.300.00. '1500.00 down, 14% mortgage. P.S. There are also living quarters up- dair s: No. 134 WANTED -plu'nd'er, Thawed* to take over this long established business. Owner wishes to retire. Will sell store and shop for '115,000.00 with '5,000,00 dawn. Equipment and stock extra. • 5*05 CUMMINGS-- S24-9624 r ENIDBELL - 524-8191 fink ctorORD - 524-.014 ST8VE BUCH AN'A1'4 - 524-4100 PAGE Jr COME AND ENJOY COMFORT 4 bedroom brick faintly home, deluxe roc room, 2 baths, main floor laundry room, garage, workshop with pit. To be sold this month. PRICED IN 4WS. W-133 MIS WEB REALTY WORLDTM Cali Into Allele 5244480 W.J. Names Realty ltd. 30 East St., Godsridi IL Insurance Inc. 53 Wast St., Goderldr 524-2118 YOUR HURON COUNT' FARM SPECIALIST JOHN TALBOT 524.2520 FARMS STANLEY TWP. - Excellent cash crop farm, 200 acres clay loom, large barns, 4 harm_ ranch style home. S-1 GODERICH TWP. - 85 acres cash crop farm, tiled last year, excellent 4 bdrm. home. Priced to sell. G -i ASHFIELD TWP. - 100 acre cash crop farm with ex - settees ctmt [ :r,, _mt cum pe L x w shed. Good 4 bedroom homeA-3 . 90 SOW OPERATION in Seeforth Area, includes. 2 bores, liquid manure, 12 year ofd split levet home featured on a beautiful 5 acre setting. 595,000. T-1 GODER101 TWP. - 80 acres of cash crop land, 2 storey home, large barn. G-2 COLBORNE TWP cre Cash Crop farm, ex- cellent home rt_. C-2 STANLEY TWP. - 150 acre cash crop farm, 100 acres workable, 50 acres hardwood bush, clay loam soil, excellentbuyS-3 ASHFIELD TWP.100 acre Dairy or Cash Crop farm, can be purchased with or without cows & quota. Good 4 bdrm. Ranch style home, large barn & machine shed. A-4 ASIfFIM D TINY. --200 acre Beef form, large feedlot and good barn, 34 x 80 machinery shed. good 4 bd'rrin. 11/2 storey home, Level Perth'ctay loam sort A-6 - A-6 STANLEY TWP. - Excellent cash crop farm, 146 acres of systematically tiled, clay loam, features large barn & good 4 bdrm. home. 5-4 NAT TWP. - 100 acres of Huron day loam, systematically tiled, good boa & home, near Zurich.14-1 STANLEY TWP.- 200 acres of clay & sand loam, systematically tiled, good baa and4 bdrm. home. S-5 'HAY TWP. - 180 acres of Perth clay & sand loom, excellent cash crop form near fake. 0-2 ASHFIELD TWP. - 237 acres, beef or cash crop farm, good 4 bedroom • home, large barn and machine shed. 10% mortgage available. A-2 ASHRELD TWP, - 150 acres excellent cash crop farm with good 49012111101 home and targe barn. Spring possession_ Make us an offer: !WILLETT TWP. - Two 100 acre parcels of cash crop land systematically tile', no buildings. Wieter wheat to sell with. property. Priced resell. HT -1 COLBORNE TWP. - Farrow to finish operation, 144 acres of tiled land, excellent barns, w. 2 har- vesters 20 x 25, excellent 1 Y storey, 5 bedroom home, drilled well. C-1 HAT TWP. - 100 acres prime farm land, 95 workable, excellent 4 bedroom home, Call' Phyllis Johnson 235-2420 or 237-3547. H-3 STANLEY T'WP. - 124 acres cash crop farm, 100 acres workable, tile drained, excellent 3 bedroom home, new driving shed, also large baa. S-2 ASHFiELD TWP. - SOM. good cash cropland. A-5 30 ACRES - apple orchard mixed varieties has been pruned and sprayed this year. Excellent in- come opportunity Large cold storage and packing shed four bedroom home and born for farrowing operation. Make us an offer. G-3 HOBBY FARMS GODERICH TWP. - 20 cres with modern 3 bedroom bungalo r for market gardening GODERICH TWP. ot or hobby form Prie ro sell CLOSE TO GODERiCH - country -property ex- cellent 3 bedroom 77.sleetk iarge rec room. This 4 acre property WWI we garage with workshop small burn new in 1974 Spring creek through back of property drilled well and on extra lot that can be severed. 08-1, WEST WAWAidOSO - Cheap country living 4 bedroom home and small barn featured on 1 3 acres with beautiful_view. Priced to self W-1 GODERICH IWP. - 13 are hobby farm modern ranch style home with car garage and paved drive Barn suitable for parses tattle or sows 7 acres of pasture 6 acres of bush weft trough stream through property Owner soyaI recreatiosell HB -2n& BAYF1'EEDi AREA - a p, operry a 6 acres of bush -turnable Priced right NEAR BENIMILLER - Beautiful country retreat suitable for retirement or hobby farm formerly ,-ne of Haran Counties finest riding schools with ,arge riding arena and horse barn featuring beautiful Bavarian style home with many imported features All this an 15 acres of scenic proeprty near Lake Haran Priced for quick sole 148-7 HOLMESVILLE A0E0 - 60 Acre Country retreat twenty acres tiled 8 suitable for market gar dening- Small home gutted and ready ►a be renovated Good 24 r 40 shed Make us an offer 086 NEAR *001100 - 25 acres of beautiful country proDe'r'�° w�•'` ori ll bu4-h and sprlrg:credit proses' fly horse farm and riding stable features large riding arena with stable area workshop and tack room Aso small barn Attractive 1 • r storey 4 bedroom home with fireplace Owner says sell W 2 We have over 1,000 acres of cash crop farm property available in Huron County