HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-8-31, Page 2------ - ' - 0""WvWV4—
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over et AaAd
'r th,em" &lid I
woa %lmoist worso than the full f,)roe,
the disew, One bsA1 a
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A Oft UT DOVTO . ""
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I Hints, for B. u sy
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I V V ,, Colander
01 ,," e
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I ,s
7 1rholl
013py"e"Intlie"i Next morning turn
X) t.
and dritin all water 4.
two oupti ("el-
. .
of positive
loatiling for food in, any 6rm. .
It wasat this Stage that, Da,wso'n's
Made at (X I I
'reat Re4p'%tatiou in � 8�i .'
Noxicall Town., I .
' I
I ,
l i
Chop separately
11 11 . I .1 I
� I .
ery, two, C s onions, three Sweet
, Boolj,�S 1,�,, 0 ,.
pAS111O.,N,8 0-r . . 11,
upted him to inter-
experience prox .
Some gradl)44, of 4, medical otil"
�� .
. I I I I . . . . . I I -
. I ...
. I I
peppers, and add t�bre-c cups light
brown Sugar, three pints vinegar,
"Would master try some snail
SEPT. 3, lege,
sitting undisturbed in tlx,,I.-�
quiet ,ojmcei, might feel disposccl tA
r valuablo %ti"
.. Ift4pos no# Other VAluablo Informadom one
, .. ,
tabl" 71 cinnamwi, Ono �
soup 71,
- . .
. .
onvy th� oportunity olice enjoye,l
I 01 Partkular howreot to womon FolkX small
. mqw polkx
�pper. Mix
tablespoo�n blaek IK- I
I I I . I
The Rev. Mr� Tones, who'll he
. I
by Mr. Dillon Wallace. In his re-
I ,r I
, ---
. ,
. ,ill
-)gether' and emi hi airtight',
t L
. . lie Con.
Soule C.rjitjcqy�,(� l)1(,ke11s_O
formerly served, had foun4the soup,
w, (101 QIL
Lesson, X,1tovio 4 TQ.xt,
cent book, "Bt the Mexiew
=7r,0 -4."0=W=9
11 ___1._._-______
I . "I, ..,.�,
,, . . . . . . I 11 �� .1 0 ,calls.
� � I I
This -is delicious an will
� I
I .
Viet Boasts of Ilaving
or broth made, from ails a good
restorative in the 8XI condi-
Psa, 34, 14, ,
Sierras," Mr. Wallace tells of IN
I !
: , , ,, .. PRESERVING.
ed bread and serve at once. Tnese
are delicious hot weather swi<hvich-
keep a� yoar or more. .
- __P1.-_
Written. 1% SoTel. I
tion which followed the, fever fits, ,
Bituation into w1riCh his courier Wil-
kinson, brought him, in Canelas, � 4i
01-111, �,
r 1%
Preserved Waterluelon.-Of
�, waitarinelon lise red part
'4- .
CLA1,1119 ES
. . .---
When the English criminal is Put
ThL-, ,soup was ma,cle from the
-,in= bodies of very large snails
Lesson 1. ah, S PrUplleey )�Mftll
town of tile JV,CStern slopes of 'r��.
., �
� .
1, 6A f�. ('lit in strips some three
SuNs St-eak-Thirty cents" worth
4 good i�ounfl steak cut a� good two
clainjillit Says Re is Desi-euded
away for. a long tern, (J imprison .
11 t is ill the way of b000lni�xg a
glui ,;
which were, to be, f ound in the delise
Concerning Sonnacherib.-Of what
w rib king 7
the mountains.
The previous evening A-VIRiAsOn
� inches long, remove. all se.edi;
I I ,
weigh tho, melon and to. overy
Diches thiek. Salt, pepper, and
Frolit .-Plyluouth I.S.muggler."
luel , .he
eonlWisseUr of literature. While
gi -o-wths of the tropic forests. The
idea of eating those erawling
' r I
,What nations 4xT he, congue.
had Complained of a severe head-
: pound ,of fruit w14 three-quarters
dredge thick with flour. P0111id
with edge of a Plate. until flour is ,details
IVO fill,
Australittil. nvwspal)0's 9' I
� � illiani,
Of ths. claini of IV
practising his bi-ghly-devel oped
r folks' -
trade Qtl,le Pro
globules would have been repugnant
What (lid lie demand of Hezekiahl
Of what did he. boast? What (lid
achs, and I adnIfiliSt4n.'red a fiye,�
grain tablet of acetallilid. HO
I �
� I id , of ,,gr, ated Sugar,
�, puund anul,
1 1 Oft the sugar over th-e. fruit an,d
Nvorked in. Put, a, 900d t811QsPOOJl-
Ward, a, Melbourne bllilA�er, to the
of annexing
perty, his acquaintancO with books
!a the rudest ,state of hialtb, but
when one, was ill the Suggestion
h# say a,bout Jell-ovahl ,Who pro-
Juda,h I
10 40
noted my leathern luedicine- as
in6re,,;t; hi Itead clearect
I let it stand a ;,ho,.t time unt'll it
it., drain
fu I ,vf ),%rd into a frying pwi. When
lict fr,� Steak quicklY 4� nice broivn ley�
, andestatescif the E�arlol ])lid-
is usually confined to the volumes
kept by bookmakers, but Once in-
wit too horrible,
pliesied tli�Q, salvatiun of
lylliat did Isaiah prophesy rawnceni-
with and -s
witbin an ho ir eci e th t I 9,
L d d d M NY 0,
I .
� ,
I -� Own juice, then the
L, !Orms
, off, bring to it, boil, avid slom
on both ssides, then almoi,t eover
The vlaiinaut, who, it is Stated,
side jail he,' becomes an intellec tual
Dawson," I would say, to
change the conversation, "tell me
. he
Ing Sennacherib 7 . How was fl.
a physician, and sang my praisen
I we,,, boiling fvr some time; Ojon
I � Add two le-
with hot water� and let simmer -will
sloNN ly for une hour and. a. ball Or
shortly -visit England, left Lon-
don for AuBtralia, in 18M. He as-
persoll. At I -east, if one is to ju4ge
by Home Office reports, lie develops
what ba,ppene<l to the Reverend Xr,.
prophecy fulfilled I L
Lesson 11. , Suffer�-.ig Scr-
, -The
about town. .
1',Vilkinson had in ade friends of.
-""" "'
add the melon iwmt.
,� � mons sliced thin (skins a)t. r,-nov-
t -a -L, Ivours. JuA as good as roast,
Cravy is
serts that be is de�,cewled in A
distinct literary prelcrences,
Jo nes.?" .
"The. Rever�nd Jones, he, aie-cl
11 lit of Jehovah. -Who filifili�,d the
tile Servant
half the population. A young peon
was suffering witli tooth -ache, a1A
I 911)-
�� "', , , ed) avvd three 4ur four 1.,i-eoes (.1 -
root, cook Until fruit is tra0i.
beef and much cheaper. 'direct
I �e� . � I
very rlic . I I
line from Thomits, tile ,son Of
the seconf.t. Baxon Ward wid eleven-
There is a library in every big
prison, run. by the chaplains, as-
at Do-onguall, ,sa, ; )
� I
After another attack D '"""'On
prophecy concerning
of Jehovah ? Why was the Seriant;
INTilkinson.se b the fellow to me
I -
F parent and the Juice, I-egins to
": "qr-ilp.,': 'LRkQ
th Lord Dudley. .
Of this Thomas, who -was born
I .
sisted in some cases by well-bellaved
Educated are
would quote his treatment of the
<lespised? For whom did he nif-
ferl For wha;t. did men think lie .
for treatment.
Ili the few words of Spanish at lay
It Wilf WrEral
V .
"s pr�,.;erve, for
1, llou'rs to cook th'
mll.- Remove
Cocoanut Peach Cre,
about IC -85, a romantic st,ory is told,
prisoners. prisoners
justas prone, to intellectual fads in
Rev. Mr. Smith,
"And what happened to the Re
suffered! What did Gad lay Upon
him? HoN� did lie bear his ,suffer-
command I endeavored to explain
that I was neither physician nor
I !
! Oic-re is r- - 11111ch watt- m th-c n e -
lou. 7t v; deliciou,4. Us.-:, L'ic whilp
the milk from the -,interior of a
large coictownut and. where it
IV, hile a Young mail be. married and
settled down in tb� town Of Great
jail .as in the cultured society from
which they are drawn, There are
erond Mr. Sninn I" I would an-
ing I Wbat. will be, the result of his
dentist, ,and had no instruments .
�", part of 0e iiiel,-�)n for aweet pic�kle.
will become. cold, meanwhi',�, press
Torripg�on, situated oil a hill above,
men at Maidstone jail who demand
"Re, 8,%, lie IClie at Mansu. J)
Sacrifice? I -low may we prevent hil
having suffere-1 in our behalf in
with which to draw the tooth.
But my mozo had said- I was a
Spiced Gooseberries. - Steani
� four quarts of gooseberries and ,.*-
through a fruit a, quart of
peaelles that have, been pared and
the river Torridge, seven miles Out
of Bedford. Re soon ma,de a re-
the workg of Bernard Shaw an""
Herbert Spcn,�er., -,vilo, despist�� the
Later on the name of the Rever-
end Mr. Brown -vvoU14 Come. up as
va;n? I .
modico, and he -ought to know.
� move, stems. Cover with cold
sliced (reserve it, fewbits I -or gax-
putation for,himself as "The Bokl
Smugglerof Plymouth."'
fiction of the clay, slid will 0111 C-
by their favorite ligh-1
another evidence, in favor of snail
Lesson III.-Manasseh's W' k-
' a oun
edness, and Peniteace.-Whos
The tooth was very painful. The
blessing of the saints would rest
I w4tcr� add hall a, teaspoonful of
I mr. Add
� .valt, and boil for half an h,L
nishing), adcl t, o these a cup of eon-
feci -Iioner�s sugar and plaev, direct-
He then went to Jamaica, where.
cept-works .
class A,utbor. Often -enough their
soup. , M
"' .Cell meabolit tlie Reverend
was Manasseh? Row did he Undo -upon
his f.,ttheris goo d work? '*nat did
me if I would exert my Skill.
If I had no instruments with me,
� four p3unds of sugar, two table-
ly on ice. At serving time add to
he Contracted a bigamous marriage
� a, Spanish
demands ,cannot be met by the pri-
Brown," I would say, -with m-
he, 'erect in the temple? Row did
I'liail medicines. '�Ililkinsoli said 1-:
I apocus of ground cinnamon, one
� teupuoliful of ground cloves, half
the fruit. a. pinch of powdered ein-
nanion, one Pint of stiffly whipped
with the daughter Of
planter, and -died in Kingston in
Son librarians.
Curious fashions in books sonie-
crea�ed feebleness. of utterance,
and, I may sa,y, of decreasing hope
he influence the. peopl e? How did
. God's Who
was a great medico, for I 11a4 our-
ed him. � I
� ,
� �
; it teaspoonful of allspice, and one-
cream, add suflicient iced milk to
1 736 leaving sons by both mar riages.
tilue-s run through a, prison, TI le,
in that reverend gentleman's even-
he ,ei,,,, wa.rniag?
Tee ,
Carried, him aw ay captive? Where -
Finally, in .self-defense.,, I painted
� -xinful of m,ue. Cook
� fourth teaSpo
the cocoallut milk to form two
e, Devonshire
less -literate prisoners are, subject
I .
- W -cast
tual escape in that _qst C ..
'ha V
was lie taken? I'v .1, chmoge. took
the guin round the offending tooth
. 4 �
. � until thick. Stir almost constant-
�� ly. Seal in pint jars Or in regular
quarts; raix and serve from high
c.ryst,ai pitcher in which has beell
Wards -from, who in William
traces his r descent --began to put
"The Reverend' BroWia. die at
Accra, sa," Dawson would-solmnly
. ere? How did God
place in hiri th
rewitrd his peniteace9' ' I
with iodin, to act as a counter-ir-
ritant,. asd.,on general principlts ',, -
- I—_ q
I �
� I h for meats
in wiliter.
placed a pint of cra,ekod ice, dust-
ing the top thickly with grated
forward their claims, but Without
any substantial result. The presr
,and think that to be seen reading
declare. But nothing appeared to
shake his faith in the �fficacy. of
- e
Lesson IV.-Jogiah's Devotion to
adininistered'a,harmleas dose
� . from'.
'i� L I
Fig and Peach Pres-erves.-Take
nutrieg, garnish with sliced peach-
ent Claimant is apparently ,deter -
Shake'speare is & hall -mark of re-
spectability. There is, consequent-
. .
his recipe. .
Goil.-How old was, Josiah when
lie became IrIng I ANhat. great ,' ,vil
my �
limited sto& I
The iodin rolie4ed. the paill, and
perfectly ripe freestone Peaches
and Nrfec.tly ripe filgst with a choP-
es and large., ripe blackberries.
Apple Ice Cream. -Put two
mined, boy,ever, 'to bring his ease
before the public, and'it is with
ly eilch a demand for the works,of
) "
A gleam of.tbe grim bumor -of the
would,. sometitln,e's sitriko,
ex i.stod throughout his land? Whoy n
did he
my patient went his way re oicing,.
-o, bread
ping knife A,.)p each to a, mush and
Pounds of peeled and cut up a,pples
thitt objec� he is contemptlating an
the Bard of -Avon that it o utriiiis tile
Cue. . . I I . I
ali seek? What. cau-sa
,did Josi - -t
to be done with the beathen .%Itars �
a e Ca St.
,spread my f in
In a little while I was besieged.
I '
. 1 . inix: in -equal proportions. Add
in a Sauc,epan; add one cupful, of
early visit to England.
supply, . I
Sometimes Dickens becomes the
"Tell me Dawson." I once said
$ .
e L U
What work, did,. he unxi. ib�t� a'
ALpplicants for treatment crowded
.. .4"
I I three-qnarteTs of a pound of sugar
� to eveiy pound of mixed fruit. Put
water, a small stick of Cinnamon,
one cupful of sugar and ibe rind
. ..
. —,.L— I
viet. b
rage. Recently an ex -con ad .
to this sable consoler.of many weary�
hours, "tell,me the name. of some
. em .
Jeril-sal 7 � , "
Fi.,x3ilig of the
in Upon me thick. and fast. I felt
. .
. .
in a granite kettle and cool* to a
and puice of one lemovi. Cook-
sou�thing to say about "Oliver
fever -stricken patient of Yours who
Lesson V. -The
Book of the, La*. -Who found "he
the,pulse and looked at the
of each, assumed a �wi�p, q.7�prt�ssion,
jam, Stirring often as it gets thk,k.
Put ss ja.rs. 1
UP in small gla So
q-aickly till soft, then rub through
and mix with two C pfuls
Busily Creating interests in All
Twist" in the way of criticism-
"The general in -oral of that story
did manage to drag himself out of
this horriblp Was there any
book of the, law in the te'niplel
and as I bad nothing else anyway, .,
. . i
,� � '.
I � , many persons consider fig preserves
, . .
a si
of cream, aad V%ro cupfuls of cus-
- Parts of the World.
is all wrong," he sa id, ',Look at
his black Mtl
, co,
. aSt.
hese reverend gentle-
What did the book contain?
read the book to. Kinglc�siah? How
dealt out in ample doses- a Specific..
against bAio�snets, until I had '
I ... �
" �. ,
.1 I insipid, the blended fruits ha,ve, a,
I I � delightful favor, and with rich,
tard. Freeze, antl serve ,.%I dainty
small cups decorated wit -h large
Germany, in fact, is engaged in a
Bill Sikes, Nvith eye
his bulldog. A m�n who was get-
men who got awq.y 7"
Dawson thought for a moment.
. did the. readin siah?
Sosiah. to, Consult
ma,de ten sufferers happy. .
, ,
� .'. olottedeream and hot buttered bis-
seedless ralsins.
'" ' -
care4�r '91 w%ld ,exploitation. In
South Ameria., AlZiCiL,'the Par
wx,S�i,ch a 1�t of money as lie Was
, 1.
"The Reverend Robinson," lie
Whom did send
-till What did Hulda,h tell him?
When I returned� at dusk a
long tralup,-to which I resorted to
. �_�
I ..�� "I't.
� -i�L.ke� a very ditint�v dish
I - . .
: ", Marv" X�w -- - .
,,e Qrr-----
Rice le -4, f't)r nTc
I , T. = --*,w& -t
, .. - .
f ,,- ... -
.asT, 1� i� ii..
, _ _,,, .,,tftior, and all tbq ' �. _t�
,i; Jmo,qkin
i6uldn% b I �9
like Seven h1als.
,�,-, 14. "He left the coast at Ac era. 2)
How di d. Josiah inform the people,
escape my patients, -I gave orders,
11 .
� d I � for luicdi�wn. I
.�., I � , �. -,
!..E t � . _0 cupfuls of c-rewn, four
tant islands and continents Of the
a neighborhood .
He'd be 'With the swell mob. Thei a
Then he adde4, heard afterward.
concerning the newly found law?
to II-Tilkinson to have the mule's Sad-
4 ,,
t W_
I ,. . Zuoa-�
,� I . .-.5er Pickles. -Into a stone
tablespoonfuls of sug,b r, ,tht. rind of
seven seas, German merchants and
there's, Fagin, te aching boys to
he -die at Madeira, sa.." .
What did be cause, the people to
died to -leave at daylight. I was 11
.. I .
I jar put one gallon of good vinegar
� and one cup each of saic.- sugar,
one, lemon, three bay leaves and
one inch Of cinnamon Stick. Put
German money are sleeplessly at
I 'interests" ',or Ger-
'd ne old -man
thieve. You wer see an
in, the
_�14_ .
I .
dol ,
Lesson VI.-Joremigh Tried and
filled with mis�givings as to my
more extended practise 61 medicine.
. and mustald, stir well, and. add
three ounces of ground rice ill a
it into a, smooth
work creating
man warships to guard. The activi-
teach a boy. If 9, man
swell mob was found taking an in-
Acquitted, Whitt message did
- God Jeremiah to preach?
Oil December 27tli we again rode
into Clanelas. I.Nrilkinson urged
I cucumbers, well wiped -with a. dry
I -eeping
.� olot,h, as You them, I
basin and mix
-i � cold milk�. add the'
t 'th
ty of the Teutonic pitmeer knights is
as ,varied as finance and commerce
nocent. boy out with him nowade.,N's,
he�d chance of having
Pitch Lake PaYs Better Than Gold
When did Jeremia .h first beg"a to
that we remain for the night, but
I .)]ate over them so they will be
I a I
iquor. No
' and simnier fifteen
I llx',a,i�lceed
Pass througlisiele; when
themselves. They have invaded
stand a, good
his brains knocked out by the other
or Diamond, 311ne.
P reac h? Und:er what -ig dia
Jeremiah becorne most emphatic in
I bad misgiving's as to the re6ep-
tion my late might give me,
* ,
, -he I scum.
well, under t
,, Bhould form, but if it does, take
, I
cold, add 0 ne teaspoonful of va�
-very avenue of human venture.
e Q-,vn vast, & _ -
.�pi-aj.Ds tlip size -of
aff the alitl "Ors
ne 0 t - onjers of
1 0 f 'he natural w
his prophecies of destr Uctio'n 7 Of
.should I meet any of them. �
. . b the pitldts and prepax, :,I Iresh
* .1
Thj0 for the
g.iLlq. ej.tr&,�J�, p6nd tlp.en, iyeeze, Dvr-!
ji�g add ,Line CallRull of
. I -, 11razils' fhe'N� COn-
kSlilei-4 oins in the, .
most popular
.&A1,6 .
aye six living writers. Mrs' Henry
w 11 the great Pitch of
tile 101 is
Trinidad, the. most southerly island
what did the Priests accuse ,
miah? Before whom was he tiTiedl
Th6 fellow wth the toothache ,dis-
covered meas we were mounting to
. fe. itra. ready
, - 1. xtu
"" ' table, in a fortnight, and I have
whipped wad sweeteneki cream.
trol. tholisands of miles of railways
in Turkey and Asia Minor. They
Wood heads the list, followed by
Charles Dickens, G. A. Henty, Rid-
of the British 1AIest Indies. Pay-
ing better tham any diamond
What defense. <lid he make7 What
.,v his trial 7
ride away; aald,. to -rest .
he _i�' blessings
I .
I \, kept them for a year. I usually
t . take, out the small, nice ones, of
., e in lai t, cups, with round
c,,ery t n y g
alillondS sprinkletl on top.
-dominate the, transportation a nd
situation in great
er Haggard, Sir Walter Scott, Vvil-
Marryat, Alex-
mine, the lake is locally known as
&s the result
Lesson VII.-Jehoiakim Burns
astonishment; sho"M
Upon my hcad. .
� good shape, put then-. in glatas jar;.
Make two pints`01 Plain custard.
one ellipful of crelm
electric power
capita's like Buenos Ayres.
kie Collins, Captain
ander Dumas, Silas Hocking, Miss
"The Black Diamond.' An Ameri-
can syndicate handles most of t.bis
the, Proph-et*s Book. - Why d:d
Jeremiah no longer Preach in Pub-
By some f re, the
tooth had ceased paining him short-
I I;,
I --over with prepared vinegar and
I put away. NO heating is re,quired,
When cool add
and orange Marmalade, juice of a
They monopolize, the coffee
plantations of Central Ame i
Brad4on, Cbarles Reade, Lord
Lytton, Clark Ruqg iell, Charles
natur�l asphalt under a concession
the, Government, and from
lie ? What did God tell him to do I
Who Copied Jeremiah's pro-
ly after my "treatment," the swell -
I and I have, never had any trouble
: are kept under the
1. if the
lemon and a tables Alul Of aliPle�
t- 5 de-
jelly, Freeze. Serve in c Ine
control mines and railways in the
I work tobac-
1jingsley, Rolf Boldrewood, W alter
one corner of the lake obtains 800
phe(,jes in 9, booic? Whom and
ing had felt his face, .&-ad with
at last, I bad won -a deathless re -
. pickles
� ,vi;,)g,ar. 13. 13.
. _
corated with choppe&'nutE-
great province,
CO plantations in Sumatra,, rubber
Resant, Rosa, N. Carey,
Hall Caine, and Conan Doyle.
tons every day. I
Close to the -village of La..Brea,
where ,did Baruch read' the be-ok?
To did lie read itl Who told
putation as a great medico.
. .
L . hibed Wat.P,rmeIon--l7,ar,e Off
. 11. the thin green rind, cut tbe, melon
plantations in the Congo, cott)n
plantations in Egypt and liarno-,s
. the lake is inspected every Year by
nuille rous visitors to the island, for
the king about -tile book? What
Jehoiakim do with the book?
-r .
I 'T r
. .
� (.or white rind) -in piece -s and weigh
; it, Clook in clear water until part-
. , een
in order to, have fr,6�-' gr
waterfalls in the heart of Afri-?a,
Their flying the fla:gs of
American and En-glish, are the fav-
matter of the bulk of- it is a curiosit y not to be seen else-
What did Jeremiah do after the
, " .
Most Wonderful God's Many
��11:�� �,
, �� , '.
.......... , ;�
- - .I.y transparent, I nit not Until likely
pa.rBley all winter, Pu t it �Iown in
Iw, of
the "North German Lloyd awd the
orite reading
prisoners, when, no doubt, the
where. . I
The lake lies 138. ft. above the sea)
first book was buTnedl
S, n
Lesson VIfI,--Jerem1ah Ca , t L -
IT-onders. .
. ,��,,�,-,
J�� 1,
I ,
; ieces in a
. break. Take, out the P`
i t.6
t dish. There will be nearly enough
glass jars. First, a, . er pars-
ley about two, inches, then a la,Yer
Hamburg -American line, carry pro-
ducts "niade in Germany" to Ger-
articles illustrating the Stately
home6 of England are studied with
and is three miles in Circumference.
How deep it is knows; for,
f.0 prison.-NVI'lo. kept an ariny.
Jerusalem to Pl!event.&�re-
� I
The most wonderful forest tree in,
'tbeL, "canlli-
f I jili-ce, t4qt drains from tlie, pieces;
I ,
.1, and
t one inch thicle
I of ,Coarse s .
map -warehouses in the world's re-
peculiar - interest by the � burglars.
nobody -
all have failed, though many -at-
bellion7 N-�bat Caused the -..%TMY
world, Perhaps, is the
I . *Add a jittle frolu the kettle if nec-
� ,essary. With the juice put sugar
Canned Tomatoes -Peel pill M P,
motest Corners. . �
—A. __
In this. connection, a good story is
told by a Roman Catholic Priest,
� . tempts have 'been made to fathom
.is '
it. To this Ii �
to, -retir' fc�_r 'a tI,M-7 L � W11'a did
_e 'L
Jerenii then decid6 � tO'do7 'V�Thaot
balAree" of Australia,'whiph Some-
On.e, has most aptly oalled, I 'the most ,
I 11 . .
"I iii
... . . I ,�
. .. .
i, -half pound to
I . $o tile .amount of one
, ;Df the fillit as it we igb�ed
medium-si7 in , �'Jnd Put
,ed to atOes
Sa Jars witliout )>Tuis-
them in �
- of all'appearances,
� , pit )1, ,.
who was perplexed by thi� desire deed "the - bottomless ' .
'piisoners to
* -
I ned t,�.. h-rii at the city. V te."T
1�hpape What
vonae rfikl of God's many w on&r%
. .
ife.1 1, It .
in vegetable I -g . rows up in .
, � 11
I t :,�.
, pound
_1 1 4 1
� -well
�: , . the sugar is
1. when raw. When
ing them; park up to the t*P an'd
between respect.
The partition �
I m
in 'prote�janj's until befound
beco e �
Scientists d eseribe the Pitch �.sub�
. I
"bituminou S In r
. aeous,,d,!of1 �
W 't, was. he -
I '3n,? Wlio
aid tile nees do with I
- . ' ` ' d -�'�
the ,shape of 'a huge pineapple, an
4 * I
'-, I . Vve'd f owatoes
� tilissolved, put in the melon and pour over them ste' I
and snobbery is very thin. . .
. as .
I _- ,is
that it� was beea 6 the Protestant Stances
I . floating on -the surface of fresh
N4bli: haill' Rov�
..,to' cons,ult .
I -dont, attains height of more. 1,
Be � � I
'than "of -
I ntil eyen and clear. Flavor
, c6ok u .
�� as desired and -can,
I I e the
boiling bot. Partially ti97 t . .
lids, seton dripping Pa', r,�,k Sever-
you can judge an woman s men-
Othes much
tal Capacity by her cl )
library contained volumes of "The I I
water," For three feet down the
SArand Ma,gazine," with "Sherlock - . 1, 4. -Iii�l .,A- 1, +6 bear the
did Zedclda,h try to ljght�:i hia
4 ri-minent ? bat did the
11 f6et., It- ha-s'a serie,
`.S, .
broad, board -like leaves, growing in
.4 .
�. . Dream Biscuits. -Two Cups flour,
I , I four �t,easpooils ba,king powder, half
I . -
1 teaspoon ,�<, two tablespoons but -
m . ter three-fourths cup ofmilk; mix
: dr� ingredients and sift twice.
� I .�. . I .Work in shortening Nvith tips Of
I . fingers, add gradually the liquid,
1, I
. I I I mixing ,with a knife to a, soft dough.
i I I)r.o.p from tip of Spoon 6h butter-
! ed tin sheet and bake in hot oven
I twelve. to fifteen minutes. ,,,
� I ,Chop Suey.-Two pounds porter-
! .
:� � bouae, one-quarter box of spaghet-
I I ti, four medium sizei,l onions, four
11 � I
.11, Medium Sized tonlatoes' four me�
;, djum Sized potatoes, five stalks of
, . : oolery, four tablespoons of e-ltsnP,
� � a r,
ea,it and pepper. Boil sp, C-11 �tti
i.; � I . .'
.� in weak- water, drain and blaacae;
��. � fry onjon-s Until nice and bromn;
� .
V I freshly cooked potatoes are best,
�i_ hub cold ones will do if more con -
, I
�, . I venient; ch -op separately, very fine,
� �
I . I nt-
. . the meal, Spaghetti. onions', to% ,
� 1: , - Wes, potatoes, ana celery, theni
".. . mix ,%)I together tborousJOY With a
. .
, ,. and
" I I large spoon. Add the catsup �
't. � SO&SIOn well with salt and pepper.
r .., .1 I . ,When all is mixed well togetber
.�;. �
:� put :it in a, baking dish, place in the
; I even , baie forty-five minutes. -stir
i�: � tw<i Or three times while bAbng.
, , :�. ,Dhis afficunt will serve six people.
_� :
i 1, I ,licumbers and Cottage Cheese.
, .0
�,; , -Take . two ouarts (it lubbereO
7: i . � I milk, pla,ce over low firo, Until C'aril
:�, I I Separates," then Strain t1irriligh 8
I .
11 4 1 1. � .1 Kie-vle, pressi-Ag". all the Whey wit
. I
1: ., ie. Add to tlli�
I , I , I lRaving curd. coari ''
I , �. , P*ppOr and Salt to taEtO Rndlbllttf�)
I . '
� , 0�,f - wi.1nu,t... Ir,o this add (,)�af
�, , - I . I I+iz � ,tj ' � tn�t int,� . S,�vdl ,-lic,�
I 11rcs'n cu6ilin'bor ,
,� , ,hor
, �� I and mAx, Put on ice to cool. W
. . 'a'd tb
I . 'fur-oughlY dAilled spre LC 17
, batweon, thin slie�4Di of oil U
. t, 117 re, \ .
I � . . I .
� . I
. , , I I
11 � 4 , .
, '' I .
"! I . ,
I . I I �- , , ! I I � I I
,. I I , . . I
" -1 I - I � I
I :,: , . I I - L � I I. %
, . I I L I . � � � I 1!. I . I .
,, �.. I I � � . I I I ". � . . . I
wsPMPM R'uu better tbwn you can a, mail S. . . r_1 _V . e do.,le 4% fringe at the apex, which re- I
al thicknesses of ne , I . Holines" stories in them, while the " ' � 2
wa.rm *Water and cook in ov -I) 11 ati we 7011 make, ilses, .1. weight of men, and to allow their prjlWes demand. . I
L 11 Think beR Pron Roman Catholic library did no.. '. . minds, one of a. gigantic Central ,
�bomatoes are thorouglily hot-LbOut and think before you break them. Other aspects of prison litera- aigging up in greatslabs with pick- with Jeremiah I . American aga,ve. When standing �
ten minutes. Tighten and �;et aw* The great things in life is to avoid ture are given by Frederic Martyn, axes and spades. Underthe bard Lesson IX.-Ju4ah C�rried Cap- I . 2 . .
surface is liquid Pitch. cast up by tive to. Babylon. Who besi-eged erect these broad thick leaves hide
The tomatoes may be used ,%s fresh- care by moderating one's desires who, in his book, "A Holiday in -that Jerusalem in Zedekiah's rc.ig,.17 a. curious -looking arrangement,
� *s love subterranean fires, and Under I
oneq in the wintter, a-nd the juiNi-F and ambitions and one- of Caol " boa.sts of having written a . . -which -appears to perform the ram -e .
� . again is the fresh water of the How long (lid the, Siege last 7 What �
- ,
may be vL I t1ler novel in his cell. This . I 1i< -.,d t& Zedekiah when he functions as those of the pistils in .
y sed in SOUPS i'"d s-%Uces-�f'worldly things. - lake. . �
Corn put Down 'with 'Salt. -B -oil: �".. Friendship is like, wine., It ei "tera'ry Prl lia,ppe - pull- flowers. Naturally, these board -
Boner is a, veritable Mark Tapley, tried to ,esca,Pe? How was he
sweet, tender corn On the car. -iAature.s or goes off. ,Ide,q:is do like leaves, which are from i.o feet
When cool cut off tile car and Put Our fault, as a nation, is that -we .who asserts that the Year and 1% —q.L - I ished?. Wil,%t cli,ci tli,p Ch,q aniall r speci-
-tw -!ithes deell into a ' ink almost too much - half he spent in Wormwood Scrubs .with Jerumleml Wh,"t wa,s . do-.qe to 12 feet long in the r P I
- rison -was the -time of his life- DUTCH DOGS AS DR U 0E, 43. gild from 15 fee�t to 20 f eet. in
i, law-yer -o i - f jj�, for our
c Cover with a .,me -inch � quite en- P � I with the leaders ot "Pada,117, Wha't me,18,
stolle jar. iel�ves, and perhaps not
, This is the picture he ctraws of his � r clasi3es I the larger, liang to the ground, and 441
' .
layer of coaxse salL and '�O On to 0 1) for Our fellows. from all care, able They Are'�Uspd, ,is Beasts of Burd- was done with thO POOre ,are strong enough to bear a'man's I
the top. Cover wit), a plate and � �Ognce you start thinking abOut Condition: "Free od with enjo What became of Jeramliall � 7 weight. In old, aboriginal times, ,- . . I
I weight with a small StOl,le- On us- -yoUrgelf and your complaints, your to eat the prison fo Y_ en in Rolland. . A,q__ � . !�
ing it in th a ., . Ment, and with practi as many . Holland — in the Antipodean wilds, the native's E
, . e winter, Cover f he cor heilth begins to go. books as I wanted, I had an envi- The lot of some, dogs in . . DRE'XD OMENS APPEA.R. worshipped the "cannibal -trees,"
cold water, se - Scandal and gossip are I I . under the name of the, "4evil I
with t on ba,ck of , only other able tim,e of it; and I often thought is not atall a happy.one, for many 1�
stove. untli it becomes warm, turn names for lies. �,Speijkii, I
oft tile water and reptat twit,e: then ,—*-- withdismay of the time, when I of them are looked Upon its beasts .g Rooks- Se,ell Near Pario tree," the chief part, of the, cere-
I would be compelled to mix again of burden, and ,have to -work very . I '111d. Lisbon. . . inoily. consisting of -driving one . of,
add milk, butter and pepper, NO FIGURE OF SPEECH- in the busy world' and IYL!� -worried hard indeed for the food -that - is � . tbeir. number up the leaves Of the
C�allrtecl Stri-,ng Bcrmq�-Qllt into of all tile things that may befall a by the landlord an' the rate collect- necessary to keep them alive. In Superstitious ,persons have been tree to the� apex. Tile. ins I tant 'the .
pleces fresh, p)ump beans. boil in a great many cases, the food they Bjarmed,by the, ,simultaneous 4p` r4gt.ti - - 0. I'd touch the so�cailed "`
church,.nothing could be much. Or." . I � ' ' . I I N In $V a
salted w,a,ter as for- table. Skin) ),nger than the destruction Of a —014--.— eat is not the same as the English pearance near Paxis and Lisbon, of ,,pistils" of the monster, the leaves
out, the beans aml Place in j,%ks UP strJ ' dog bas. Some Dutch clogs will eat tile so-called ,,speaking Stones"- -Would fly together like a trg, I
little bouse of worship north of . I I ...
to tbe top. To the remain;�ng juice I A L.ILUGE EXPERIENCE carrots and turnips -in fa,ct, almost rocks in tberiver beds of the, Selne ' � -e life'out of the in- I
for Hudson Bay, as once reported by . I -e them. . sqiiee�ing tb .1
tablespoon Vinf,'gar I and the Tagus, which only come all trU4er. On this account it is Call-' -
and one Bishop Williams of Marquette. He Ali Afr[eim'q Vaith in. the Nedlein 'I anything that is put befo) .
each quart of bealls. Bring to a had attend -d a synod of the Cana- etable, Bight durilig a Severe drouglit and ed the t(cannibal-tree." . '' .
boil, pour over the beans� tund B,(,ml. rowers o� Suail SouP. * milk, .-nd other tratlesmen's carts which, legnd- says, indicate furth- . I .
n them than church at Winnipeg, anti there ork -on the, in order that my,-aheer may walk er beat an4l, drought to come, with � . _�tvv_ I I , , . .
Paybuil oned ,when YOU OI)e is�sionary bishop, who While engaged in w � . W . .
in the winter., vAd Cream, butter, had seen a in y, liay. West Coast of Africa, Sir William alongside at his ease. These dogs death and disease in their train. THE TORPEDO' FISH � I
anti pepper. had been six weeks on the wa: er was- obliged to travel a are trained f ',db this kind of work The French .stone had chiwled - . � #4
ing come most of tbo distance in a Butl o . The, torpedo, fish, known to .
� . Canoe. The missionary bishop re. great deal through tile forest- 110 from Puppies and are very patient Upon its surface the words, "Who- � I .
--- ' scientists, as the -torpedo eleatriCAls, ' I
. ported gravely that the ,cliocese of, servant intelligent and and long-suffering; but sometimes eve the . 'rile. ,..
TOMAT01"A. , , had an r sees me shall weep, for re the Clectric catfish of the N I
I to tb e had servant -a very intelligent and they -are impose4 upon terribly It world has ,wept whenever I was T jivo, all electric Shock . '
Toma.to preserves, --peel twenty. a, brotlier bishop had "gone , The Stone Was iast. no�ioed
fuur good . sized riPP, t0matc"es, dogs." Being asked for an explan- asatrustworthYman ofthe Fantee is a common sight outside the towns Seen.,, similar -to that of an.eleotric Leyden * I I
a - ation, lie said that the B skimos in nation. In llilj�� Light of tbelvVeSV' to see, Z great, hulking Dutchman � in 167o. The Lisbon stone *&a ob- jan This is 11'seful to the fish in � , �
. destroyed the city" Mild -since then - like any -1
quarter and cook lowly k,-Ae hour oceze ba,,l built, a church with Sir William gives tile story of this lolling lazily over the litt-Is. Shafts served ill 17,55, when an earthquake stunning prey and in canfounfling I
%!Lh one cupful I-ess o� mqmr than the di be medicinal ot a dogeart, smoking his Dutch . .. .
I ,ne large whale.3' ribs loy rafters, ,and cover- Servant's faith ill t tlieir eael�iias, T11iis shook, --'
I ve toma,toes, ,A4d Til -d, it, -with walrus hide. The little Pow -erg of r,nail SOUP. I . .pipe, while Cie poor little dog has .only once for a short time, "W!lm- other electricity, may lit,, couducte(j. . ,
...... I an 1, foret,el ' . 11. 1. . I
p,aJ1,,.,,,s that have been peeled and e coitrse- to -draw master, , vegetableat ,d -ever - sees. me. knows� illat It .
slic4d t�jjh, co.o�j .110-thcr' hour. ,ehuroh hold eigllty perlions, but-, in I Suffered from fever� of . thi4yugh 'a inletallia stlbstsn0e��`- aW
I - I . �
� Ar A] ogeet er t is . a Piti le evil, �' . � .- I . 11,i_s-,�often Unpleasant,, -though -uo4i � ; �, L�1
at elapsed between two That-. is a rule on the West, Nt��b , , ' b * " ab . . .
� Leavo in four of the Peach stones the time tb , I
. I . I tilre, to Be6 the Poor little animal .' , - � � _-�'�- — 11 I I jli`�ough _ ' ' L , � -
I Upo,.q removin ' ces the building wag'set up<�n that knows -very, rare exception. MY pile 11 —1111, , � I dxulgerous� 'It 18 bonyoyec I .1 " , I ,
1. . g , servi ,& � I . & - .� �, I I I . _. , � 4 1� -
while C'Ooki...Ag. I . . . a, large Struggling. under I i�'beavy Uad, * 6 � I I ,� �, � 1 �4
. , .k of famished d6gp; and de- .serva,nt, T),awson, had�ha;d iv ry lnptt � hiita s&ft,4- g�-kc4 h P-MIfise ','kn,� -,i�oly FfP,6,1r:.`6i,,kf ifd,� -"%g& tbit. tii �; I " I .
� ', [r1ft-tJ)e, fiV�. ad?! Ono tablespoonNI by,a p" I 1. 1. I ver, I this 1S`f&ieJ,9'9een 16ide.-th,6.t,6W'n.8, ' ' . .1 . I . , J, I I - " . I � - "I" i .. , I
. �
.. - -i0iotirp '� ' bl,ijhis)�i4er of 1� I -foun4 Ou't ,t' ii"holdi�g��ithor of these. lm� �
" . that are, never I I . po s, 0 . � ,
plo,ille _ , 11 L ;
119 � , . . I 1, 'T �S May re0e,
Atillm. Pilt i 'la'sl6a P, �Vhoen I b use, according to Dutch'law, it ,, - .- . .
_14, r4olislied in ii fe i � � OxPer'81100' � It _
I ,� Of. v, I — and hig sl1gg6StkJT,),s. to -me wbon the i .6 Oils I F6 &a ock when. , .
. .44-- _ I "a, ' " th �
I � lany and cur- is Ill, all t'th 11
co14 cover with P IAX -Iffin , 4ag 0 . 6 people'to niake'the � , Xo man is ,q.o .rolivi -dt, be " ,,,
e pe�,k ripe Genius is more plontifill Wag attacks Came were M , . . i.�_Cohlcs in'contaot'with the fish'. . ",
Tumato Relish-O'D . I "dk I do' a Carty Uom. . I -1 oonbidtrs , ,clyillg `& pleas.vre, I . 11 � .1
1. salt 'Plaia Common sense, t 16uo. Tho dW pa.rt Of tb� AWL 9 . . I . . �
I Wmaltoes c�opped fillo, 000, CUP" I . I . I I �. . I I . I I � . I � I 1, I I I
. I . �
I . . . . . . I
I . �
I . . . I I "I I . I L I . � � � I : . I I I
. I I . , . . . . I I I . �. . I � : � � I I
. . I I � . . . I ,� I . . I �� I . I I I I I I . .11 I � I .11 I . � . I.-.. .. I . I . � . ,�; I . - . � . . I , � . I
I ,.. . � . � �. ,�, I I . 1. I I � � ' I L I 11 . � I - I I I .. I 11 I .1 . � li, I 11 . � 1. ... . I I I I
. .. I 11 I I I � . I I . . I 11 I I . .1L . I � . 1. . .� . � I I .� � I I . � .,� . 1. � I I .� I .1 �.. ., , .
. � I . . � . I . . . I I I I I I , . , 11 I I 1.
I � . . I . . ,�. . I I I I I I . I I . . I - : , . ., .
� .1 . I 1. I ,
. I , I I I . � I . � ,,, I., � ,. . � . . 'L � , L , .. 1, I . L I .: I � I
. . . . � I . � . . 11 .. . . . . , � � 1. 11 . � �. . . : � I : , � �. 1. , , ,I � .... ... �, �; " � � ,� ,�_ , 1: ... " I .. r r. I I -1 � . . .� r. 4 " - - � � � �, , I
I . 1, I I � . _�:.. . 1. -1 �� I I I , 2�,2 1 1;�'. -.1 I ..
� . � I � V&6 1 ,. 11 � " 11 �i9i t LtL�d?i 1 i--, . i .... .. .... . �� 1.4' 1. L' t--'-1 .......... 1, L .1 - � r. I I
� I �. . . � I - I . . -11 .�. -1-111 - -11 __qrl ; M� I—— I—- ..", r ... . �_ "" . ,. I I'll, I r.1 L, 1, - I �.. ��__�