HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-8-31, Page 2------ - '­ - 0""WvWV4— .. 1i - I- - ­_ I 1 1 - '. , � I .1 � ­ . . . .. . � . . I � I . — __� . , I �, ,�� 1 F_71-7 1 I I I I I I I . I . . . !, I . . :, _T -777` � - '' I ,� ,:, i.., .. I , , I . ­ -;,w, �!_%�q_�, -1 .�",.,.,.,.""..M"�"!!!�,�."--.-�.," - ­rpw . -.11 ff­tuN�­,.N­__ —V-4WP91-4­� i:�- r�,� � I . 1. 1. I I � . I I 1� . I I . �. I � I . I I : � . - ­-."� R-0"" � : ; I � =M, ­ 11 - I -1-----', �_ ._11 ...... . �-11�l".,�,7-�"...."�"-�'ll'.�-�"IPWRF—".7—w"""-- ­Vlw_,� . � , . . 7 . , � . I I 1 I � . . I I . .1 . ., I I I. I I I I I . .1 . ,�. ''I . 1, �...'' . . I � � . I I I . . 1. . . . ., I .­ . I , I � . 11 I . I", . I , , �,���:--..T�;L�,�z",.��Z�,��-,.-_._��--�,-,�,,-�,.".---�-,�--.-.,-,.-� , _________. , ,-, - , , F� I I , ,� I 1. I .. I . � I I I . I I , I � . , , I I I � . I I . . 1 4 � . � , � 11 . ,� I � . . I 1 I 1. . � I I __1---1-__ � " ­'­'�:.�72�­: I., It "t - � I I I . ; I .1 1, 1, , ����,­­ ­_­._-__-,._­­ ------ � ,-- I ,- - - ­­- ­ , - M* -"_j-"..* ... 0-�*q"i..04"Mvll �0­�­ _-1___-_-__ I rtt== n'!�t"_= ..... . ...... - ____­­_ --11_-_-._ . ­ I'll-, ­ -,-''-' ­_.­ ,-. _ -_ " - , I . . �, 00,00100 0, . -_ _­­ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1---11111111111111111111 I _ - I � _,��;�;�111�11�-1011�o�, " I ­ --ow" ... 0o � -.,- -­ =,q;1�1!;1;­1.1­­ "� ' � � --��–.—.,.--""-",�.-"".-��,,-�-,4,4��."�""".,-,�-', over et AaAd 'r th,em" &lid I in I THIEVES. IN fR 'TISH JAILS . woa %lmoist worso than the full f,)roe, the disew, One bsA1 a L STUDY ' - A A Oft UT DOVTO . "" -1 1 . I . , , _qF"A00M11A**q".A* � I Hints, for B. u sy 'y ;"" 111--0- I . I I V V ,, Colander 01 ,," e I o riousekeeperso I ,s 7 1rholl 013py"e"Intlie"i Next morning turn X) t. - and dritin all water 4. I two oupti ("el- ,,I . . I of positive loatiling for food in, any 6rm. . I It wasat this Stage that, Da,wso'n's I . Made at (X I I 'reat Re4p'%tatiou in � 8�i .' Noxicall Town., I . �� ' I I , l i Chop separately I .. � 11 11 . I .1 I � I . ery, two, C s onions, three Sweet I* , Boolj,�S 1,�,, 0 ,. pAS111O.,N,8 0-r . . 11, upted him to inter- experience prox . INTERNNCIONAL LESSON, Some gradl)44, of 4, medical otil" �� . . I I I I . . . . . I I - . I ... . I I [!M ^ I peppers, and add t�bre-c cups light brown Sugar, three pints vinegar, _ 1�11.*,IJJENIV rJUSON So yene. "Would master try some snail , SEPT. 3, lege, sitting undisturbed in tlx,,I.-� quiet ,ojmcei, might feel disposccl tA i rnl. 111to_ r valuablo %ti" .. Ift4pos no# Other VAluablo Informadom one , .. , tabl" 71 cinnamwi, Ono � ;pQQ � soup 71, - . . . . onvy th� oportunity olice enjoye,l .. I 01 Partkular howreot to womon FolkX small . mqw polkx �pper. Mix tablespoo�n blaek IK- I I I I . I , The Rev. Mr� Tones, who'll he 'A . I by Mr. Dillon Wallace. In his re- � � I ,r I , --- . , . ,ill -)gether' and emi hi airtight', t L . . lie Con. Soule C.rjitjcqy�,(� l)1(,ke11s_O formerly served, had foun4the soup, w, (101 QIL Lesson, X,­1tovio 4 TQ.xt, ,,yond cent book, "Bt the Mexiew . � =7r,0 -4."0=W=9 11 ___1._._-______ I . "I, ..,.�, ....'�.= ­,, . . . . . . I 11 �� ­ .1 0 ,calls. � � I I This -is delicious an will � I I . Viet Boasts of Ilaving or broth made, from ails a good restorative in the 8XI condi- Psa, 34, 14, , Sierras," Mr. Wallace tells of IN I ! : , , ,, .. PRESERVING. . ed bread and serve at once. Tnese are delicious hot weather swi<hvich- keep a� yoar or more. . - __P1.-_ Written. 1% SoTel. I prostrate tion which followed the, fever fits, , I QUESTIONS FOR SICHOLARS. . Bituation into w1riCh his courier Wil- kinson, brought him, in Canelas, � 4i 01-111, �, r 1% Preserved Waterluelon.-Of �, waitarinelon lise red part largt . . '4- . ' 'TATIV, OF AN' EARL, CLA1,1119 ES . . .--- When the English criminal is Put ThL-, ,soup was ma,cle from the -,in= bodies of very large snails _Isaj, Lesson 1. ah, S PrUplleey )�Mftll :�,",-,", town of tile JV,CStern slopes of 'r��­. ., � � . 1, 6A f�. ('lit in strips some three SuNs St-eak-Thirty cents" worth 4 good i�ounfl steak cut a� good two clainjillit Says Re is Desi-euded away for. a long tern, (J imprison . 11 t is ill the way of b000lni�xg a glui ,; which were, to be, f ound in the delise Concerning Sonnacherib.-Of what w rib king 7 the mountains. The previous evening A-VIRiAsOn � inches long, remove. all se.edi; I I , weigh tho, melon and to. overy � Diches thiek. Salt, pepper, and Frolit .-Plyluouth I.S.muggler." luel , .he eonlWisseUr of literature. While gi -o-wths of the tropic forests. The idea of eating those erawling ' r I ,What nations 4xT he, congue. ' � had Complained of a severe head- A . : pound ,of fruit w14 three-quarters - dredge thick with flour. P0111id with edge of a Plate. until flour is ,details IVO fill, Australittil. nvwspal)0's 9' I � � illiani, Of ths. claini of IV practising his bi-ghly-devel oped r folks' - trade Qtl,le Pro great globules would have been repugnant What (lid lie demand of Hezekiahl Of what did he. boast? What (lid achs, and I adnIfiliSt4n.'red a fiye,� grain tablet of acetallilid. HO I � � I id , of ,,gr, ated Sugar, �, puund anul, 1 1 Oft the sugar over th-e. fruit an,d , Nvorked in. Put, a, 900d t811QsPOOJl- . Ward, a, Melbourne bllilA�er, to the of annexing perty, his acquaintancO with books !a the rudest ,state of hialtb, but e when one, was ill the Suggestion h# say a,bout Jell-ovahl ,Who pro- Juda,h I 10 40 noted my leathern luedicine- as in6re,,;t; hi Itead clearect - I let it stand a ;,ho,.t time unt'll it it., drain fu I ,vf ),%rd into a frying pwi. When lict fr,� Steak quicklY 4� nice broivn ley� , andestatescif the E�arlol ])lid- tit,le , is usually confined to the volumes . kept by bookmakers, but Once in- wit too horrible, S "Well, pliesied tli�Q, salvatiun of lylliat did Isaiah prophesy rawnceni- I with and -s witbin an ho ir eci e th t I 9, L d d d M NY 0, I . � , - I -� Own juice, then the L, !Orms , off, bring to it, boil, avid slom Rice on both ssides, then almoi,t eover The vlaiinaut, who, it is Stated, side jail he,' becomes an intellec tual Dawson," I would say, to change the conversation, "tell me . he Ing Sennacherib 7 . How was fl. a physician, and sang my praisen . I " I I I we,,, boiling fvr some time; Ojon I � Add two le- with hot water� and let simmer -will sloNN ly for une hour and. a. ball Or shortly -visit England, left Lon- don for AuBtralia, in 18M. He as- persoll. At I -east, if one is to ju4ge by Home Office reports, lie develops what ba,ppene<l to the Reverend Xr,. prophecy fulfilled I L Lesson 11. , Suffer�-.ig Scr- , -The about town. . 1',Vilkinson had in ade friends of. -""" "' ..��, add the melon iwmt. ,� � mons sliced thin (skins a)t. r,-nov- t -a -L, Ivours. JuA as good as roast, . Cravy is serts that be is de�,cewled in A distinct literary prelcrences, Jo nes.?" . "The. Rever�nd Jones, he, aie-cl 11 lit of Jehovah. -Who filifili�,d the tile Servant half the population. A young peon was suffering witli tooth -ache, a1A I 911)- �� "', , , ed) avvd three 4ur four 1.,i-eoes (.1 - root, cook Until fruit is tra0i. beef and much cheaper. 'direct I �e� . � I very rlic . I I line from Thomits, tile ,son Of the seconf.t. Baxon Ward wid eleven- There is a library in every big I prison, run. by the chaplains, as- at Do-onguall, ,sa, ; ) � I After another attack D '"""'On prophecy concerning ­ of Jehovah ? Why was the Seriant; INTilkinson.se b the fellow to me n I ger I - F parent and the Juice, I-egins to ": "qr-ilp.,': 'LRkQ NEW ICE CREAMq.. th Lord Dudley. . Of this Thomas, who -was born I . sisted in some cases by well-bellaved Educated are would quote his treatment of the <lespised? For whom did he nif- � ferl For wha;t. did men think lie . for treatment. Ili the few words of Spanish at lay � I It Wilf WrEral V . "s pr�,.;erve, for 1, llou'rs to cook th' mll.- Remove Cocoanut Peach Cre, about IC -85, a romantic st,ory is told, prisoners. prisoners justas prone, to intellectual fads in Rev. Mr. Smith, "And what happened to the Re suffered! What did Gad lay Upon him? HoN� did lie bear his ,suffer- command I endeavored to explain that I was neither physician nor I ! ! Oic-re is r- - 11111ch watt- m th-c n e - ' lou. 7t v; deliciou,4. Us.-:, L'ic whilp the milk from the -,interior of a . large coictownut and. where it IV, hile a Young mail be. married and settled down in tb� town Of Great jail .as in the cultured society from which they are drawn, There are .v' erond Mr. Sninn I" I would an- . ing I Wbat. will be, the result of his dentist, ,and had no instruments . �", part of 0e iiiel,-�)n for aweet pic�kle. place will become. cold, meanwhi',�, press 'sieve Torripg�on, situated oil a hill above, men at Maidstone jail who demand quirie. "Re, 8,%, lie IClie at Mansu. J) Sacrifice? I -low may we prevent hil having suffere-1 in our behalf in with which to draw the tooth. But my mozo had said- I was a . Spiced Gooseberries. - Steani � four quarts of gooseberries and ,.*- through a fruit a, quart of peaelles that have, been pared and I the river Torridge, seven miles Out of Bedford. Re soon ma,de a re- the workg of Bernard Shaw an"" Herbert Spcn,�er., -,vilo, despist�� the Later on the name of the Rever- end Mr. Brown -vvoU14 Come. up as . va;n? I . modico, and he -ought to know. � move, stems. Cover with cold sliced (reserve it, fewbits I -or gax- . putation for,himself as "The Bokl Smugglerof Plymouth."' fiction of the clay, slid will 0111 C- by their favorite ligh-1 another evidence, in favor of snail I ,.c Lesson III.-Manasseh's W' k- ' a oun edness, and Peniteace.-Whos The tooth was very painful. The blessing of the saints would rest I w4tcr� add hall a, teaspoonful of I mr. Add � .valt, and boil for half an h,L nishing), adcl t, o these a cup of eon- feci -Iioner�s sugar and plaev, direct- , - He then went to Jamaica, where. cept-works . class A,utbor. Often -enough their soup. , M "' .Cell meabolit tlie Reverend was Manasseh? Row did he Undo -upon his f.,ttheris goo d work? '*nat did me if I would exert my Skill. If I had no instruments with me, � four p3unds of sugar, two table- ly on ice. At serving time add to he Contracted a bigamous marriage � a, Spanish demands ,cannot be met by the pri- ,r. Brown," I would say, -with m- he, 'erect in the temple? Row did I I'liail medicines. '�Ililkinsoli said 1-: I apocus of ground cinnamon, one � teupuoliful of ground cloves, half the fruit. a. pinch of powdered ein- nanion, one Pint of stiffly whipped with the daughter Of planter, and -died in Kingston in Son librarians. Curious fashions in books sonie- crea�ed feebleness. of utterance, and, I may sa,y, of decreasing hope he influence the. peopl e? How did . God's Who was a great medico, for I 11a4 our- ed him. � I � � , � � ; it teaspoonful of allspice, and one- I cream, add suflicient iced milk to I 1 736 leaving sons by both mar riages. tilue-s run through a, prison, TI le, in that reverend gentleman's even- he ,ei,,,, wa.rniag? Tee , Carried, him aw ay captive? Where - Finally, in .self-defense.,, I painted I � -xinful of m,ue. Cook � fourth teaSpo the cocoallut milk to form two e, Devonshire Ward less -literate prisoners are, subject I . - W -cast tual escape in that _qst C .. 'ha V was lie taken? I'v .1, chmoge. took the guin round the offending tooth . 4 � ! I . � until thick. Stir almost constant- �� ly. Seal in pint jars Or in regular quarts; raix and serve from high c.ryst,ai pitcher in which has beell Wards -from, who in William - traces his r descent --began to put to A CURICPTjS FORM 'OF VANITY. "The Reverend' BroWia. die at Accra, sa," Dawson would-solmnly . ere? How did God place in hiri th rewitrd his peniteace9' ' I ' with iodin, to act as a counter-ir- ritant,. asd.,on general principlts ',, - , - I—_ q I � I � I h for meats in wiliter. placed a pint of cra,ekod ice, dust- ing the top thickly with grated forward their claims, but Without any substantial result. The presr , ,and think that to be seen reading declare. But nothing appeared to shake his faith in the �fficacy. of - e Lesson IV.-Jogiah's Devotion to I adininistered'a,harmleas dose � . from'. 'i� L I Fig and Peach Pres-erves.-Take nutrieg, garnish with sliced peach- ent Claimant is apparently ,deter - Shake'speare is & hall -mark of re- . spectability. There is, consequent- . . his recipe. . Goil.-How old was, Josiah when I lie became IrIng I ANhat. great ,' ,vil my � limited sto& I The iodin rolie4ed. the paill, and I perfectly ripe freestone Peaches and Nrfec.tly ripe filgst with a choP- es and large., ripe blackberries. Apple Ice Cream. -Put two mined, boy,ever, 'to bring his ease before the public, and'it is with ly eilch a demand for the works,of ) " A gleam of.tbe grim bumor -of the .. would,. sometitln,e's sitriko, ex i.stod throughout his land? Whoy n did he my patient went his way re oicing,. j -o, bread . ping knife A,.)p each to a, mush and Pounds of peeled and cut up a,pples thitt objec� he is contemptlating an the Bard of -Avon that it o utriiiis tile ,situakion Cue. . . I I . I ali seek? What. cau-sa ,did Josi - -t to be done with the beathen .%Itars � a e Ca St. ,spread my f in In a little while I was besieged. I ' . 1 . inix: in -equal proportions. Add in a Sauc,epan; add one cupful, of early visit to England. supply, . I Sometimes Dickens becomes the "Tell me Dawson." I once said $ . e L U What ­work, did,. he unxi. ib�t� a' ALpplicants for treatment crowded �, .. .4" I I three-qnarteTs of a pound of sugar � to eveiy pound of mixed fruit. Put water, a small stick of Cinnamon, one cupful of sugar and ibe rind . .. . —,.L— I . viet. b rage. Recently an ex -con ad . to this sable consoler.of many weary� hours, "tell,me the name. of some . em . Jeril-sal 7 � , " Fi.,x3ilig of the in Upon me thick. and fast. I felt toixgue, . . . . . in a granite kettle and cool* to a and puice of one lemovi. Cook- GER31A__N'Y SPREADING 111IN G S sou�thing to say about "Oliver , fever -stricken patient of Yours who Lesson V. -The � Book of the, La*. -Who found "he the,pulse and looked at the of each, assumed a �wi�p, q.7�prt�ssion, . jam, Stirring often as it gets thk,k. Put ss ja.rs. 1 UP in small gla So q-aickly till soft, then rub through -4 and mix with two C pfuls . Busily Creating interests in All Twist" in the way of criticism- "The general in -oral of that story did manage to drag himself out of this horriblp Was there any book of the, law in the te'niplel Who and as I bad nothing else anyway, ., . . i ,� � ­­'. I � , many persons consider fig preserves J , . . ieve, a si of cream, aad V%ro cupfuls of cus- - Parts of the World. ' is all wrong," he sa id, ',Look at his black Mtl a---- , co, . aSt. hese reverend gentle- What did the book contain? read the book to. Kinglc�siah? How lt� dealt out in ample doses- a Specific.. against bAio�snets, until I had ' I ... � " �. , .1 I insipid, the blended fruits ha,ve, a, I I � delightful favor, and with rich, tard. Freeze, antl serve ,.%I dainty small cups decorated wit -h large M Germany, in fact, is engaged in a Bill Sikes, Nvith eye his bulldog. A m�n who was get- men who got awq.y 7" Dawson thought for a moment. . did the. readin siah? Sosiah. to, Consult I ma,de ten sufferers happy. . from I � , , � .'. olottedeream and hot buttered bis- 11 seedless ralsins. '" ' - -.11 care4�r '91 w%ld ,exploitation. In South Ameria., AlZiCiL,'the Par , wx,S�i,ch a 1�t of money as lie Was , 1. AQut "The Reverend Robinson," lie Whom did send -till What did Hulda,h tell him? W1 When I returned� at dusk a long tralup,-to which I resorted to . . �_� I ­..�� "I't. � -i�L.ke� a very ditint�v dish I - . . : ", Marv" X�w -- - . ,,e Qrr----- Rice le -4, f't)r nTc I , T. = --*,w& -t ` , .. - . f ,,- ... - .asT, 1� i� ii.. , _ _,,, .,,tftior, and all tbq ' �. _t� ,i; Jmo,qkin i6uldn% b I �9 like Seven h1als. ,�,-, 14. "He left the coast at Ac era. 2) - "I How di d. Josiah inform the people, escape my patients, -I gave orders, i. 11 . � d I � for luicdi�wn. I .�., I � , �. -, !..E t � . ­ _0 cupfuls of c-rewn, four � tant islands and continents Of the a neighborhood . He'd be 'With the swell mob. Thei a Then he adde4, heard afterward. concerning the newly found law? to II-Tilkinson to have the mule's Sad- 4 ,, AF t W_ I ,. . Zuoa-� ,� I . .-.5er Pickles. -Into a stone tablespoonfuls of sug,b r, ,tht. rind of seven seas, German merchants and there's, Fagin, te aching boys to he -die at Madeira, sa.." . . What did be cause, the people to I died to -leave at daylight. I was 11 . .. .. I . I jar put one gallon of good vinegar , � and one cup each of saic.- sugar, one, lemon, three bay leaves and one inch Of cinnamon Stick. Put German money are sleeplessly at . I 'interests" ',or Ger- 'd ne old -man thieve. You wer see an in, the _�14_ . I . dol , Lesson VI.-Joremigh Tried and filled with mis�givings as to my more extended practise 61 medicine. . . and mustald, stir well, and. add three ounces of ground rice ill a it into a, smooth work creating man warships to guard. The activi- teach a boy. If 9, man swell mob was found taking an in- I "THE RL1CK DIAMOND.'! Acquitted, Whitt message did - God Jeremiah to preach? Oil December 27tli we again rode into Clanelas. I.Nrilkinson urged I cucumbers, well wiped -with a. dry I -eeping .� olot,h, as You them, I basin and mix -i � cold milk�. add the' t 'th ver'eam ty of the Teutonic pitmeer knights is as ,varied as finance and commerce nocent. boy out with him nowade.,N's, he�d chance of having Pitch Lake PaYs Better Than Gold sen,d When did Jeremia .h first beg"a to that we remain for the night, but � ,vtther I .)]ate over them so they will be I a I iquor. No ' and simnier fifteen I llx',a,i�lceed Pass througlisiele; when themselves. They have invaded I stand a, good his brains knocked out by the other I or Diamond, 311ne. kiy P reac h? Und:er what -ig dia Jeremiah becorne most emphatic in I bad misgiving's as to the re6ep- tion my late might give me, * , , -he I scum. well, under t ,, Bhould form, but if it does, take , I minutes. cold, add 0 ne teaspoonful of va� I -very avenue of human venture. e Q-,vn vast, & _ - .�pi-aj.Ds tlip size -of professipusjls�" aff the alitl "Ors ne 0 t - onjers of 1 0 f 'he natural w lake his prophecies of destr Uctio'n 7 Of Tere- patients .should I meet any of them. � . . b the pitldts and prepax, :,I Iresh .011' ­* .1 Thj0 for the g.iLlq. ej.tr&,�J�, p6nd tlp.en, iyeeze, Dvr-! . ji�g add ,Line CallRull of . I -, 11razils' fhe'N� COn- kSlilei-4 oins in the, . most popular .&A1,6 . aye six living writers. Mrs' Henry w 11 the great Pitch of tile 101 is Trinidad, the. most southerly island what did the Priests accuse , miah? Before whom was he tiTiedl Th6 fellow wth the toothache ,dis- covered meas we were mounting to . . fe. itra. ready , - 1. xtu "" ' table, in a fortnight, and I have "' the-`T�ee2lng whipped wad sweeteneki cream. trol. tholisands of miles of railways in Turkey and Asia Minor. They Wood heads the list, followed by Charles Dickens, G. A. Henty, Rid- of the British 1AIest Indies. Pay- ing better tham any diamond What defense. <lid he make7 What of .,v his trial 7 ride away; aald,. to -rest . he _i�' blessings I ­. I \, kept them for a year. I usually t . take, out the small, nice ones, of ., e in lai t, cups, with round c,,ery t n y g alillondS sprinkletl on top. -dominate the, transportation a nd situation in great er Haggard, Sir Walter Scott, Vvil- Marryat, Alex- goldor mine, the lake is locally known as &s the result Lesson VII.-Jehoiakim Burns astonishment; sho"M Upon my hcad. . I.. "I ­ .1 ", � good shape, put then-. in glatas jar;. Make two pints`01 Plain custard. one ellipful of crelm electric power capita's like Buenos Ayres. kie Collins, Captain ander Dumas, Silas Hocking, Miss "The Black Diamond.' An Ameri- can syndicate handles most of t.bis the, Proph-et*s Book. - Why d:d Jeremiah no longer Preach in Pub- By some f re, the tooth had ceased paining him short- 11 I I;, e I --over with prepared vinegar and I put away. NO heating is re,quired, When cool add and orange Marmalade, juice of a They monopolize, the coffee ri-o" plantations of Central Ame i Brad4on, Cbarles Reade, Lord Lytton, Clark Ruqg iell, Charles natur�l asphalt under a concession the, Government, and from lie ? What did God tell him to do I Who Copied Jeremiah's pro- ly after my "treatment," the swell - him, I and I have, never had any trouble : are kept under the 1. if the Poo lemon and a tables Alul Of aliPle� t- 5 de- jelly, Freeze. Serve in c Ine control mines and railways in the I work tobac- Chinese 1jingsley, Rolf Boldrewood, W alter EdnaLyell, from one corner of the lake obtains 800 -clown phe(,jes in 9, booic? Whom and ing had felt his face, .&-ad with at last, I bad won -a deathless re - . pickles � ,vi;,)g,ar. 13. 13. . _ corated with choppe&'nutE- . great province, t$ CO plantations in Sumatra,, rubber Resant, Rosa, N. Carey, Hall Caine, and Conan Doyle. tons every day. I Close to the -village of La..Brea, where ,did Baruch read' the be-ok? To did lie read itl Who told putation as a great medico. I . . L . hibed Wat.P,rmeIon--l7,ar,e Off ;0e . 11. the thin green rind, cut tbe, melon VEGETABLES FOR WINTER- plantations in the Congo, cott)n plantations in Egypt and liarno-,s VOLUMES OF MAGAZINES) . the lake is inspected every Year by nuille rous visitors to the island, for ,bom the king about -tile book? What Jehoiakim do with the book? - -r . I 'T r SOMETHING IN R ,, E 8 - . . . � (.or white rind) -in piece -s and weigh ; it, Clook in clear water until part- . - . , een in order to, have fr,6�-' gr waterfalls in the heart of Afri-?a, Their flying the fla:gs of American and En-glish, are the fav- matter of the bulk of- it is a curiosit y not to be seen else- ,did What did Jeremiah do after the 11 , " . Most Wonderful God's Many 1, ��11:�� �, , �� , '. .......... , ;� - - .I.y transparent, I nit not Until likely I I pa.rBley all winter, Pu t it �Iown in Iw, of argosies, the "North German Lloyd awd the orite reading prisoners, when, no doubt, the I where. . I The lake lies 138. ft. above the sea) first book was buTnedl S, n Lesson VIfI,--Jerem1ah Ca , t L - of IT-onders. . . ,��,,�,-, ­�,i� J�� 1, I , ; ieces in a . break. Take, out the P` i t.6 t dish. There will be nearly enough glass jars. First, a, . er pars- ley about two, inches, then a la,Yer Hamburg -American line, carry pro- ducts "niade in Germany" to Ger- articles illustrating the Stately home6 of England are studied with . and is three miles in Circumference. How deep it is knows; for, . f.0 prison.-NVI'lo. kept an ariny. Jerusalem to Pl!event.&�re- ' � I The most wonderful forest tree in, 'tbeL, "canlli- 1, ','.�,� I f I jili-ce, t4qt drains from tlie, pieces; I , .1, and t one inch thicle I of ,Coarse s . map -warehouses in the world's re- peculiar - interest by the � burglars. . nobody - all have failed, though many -at- aro'�nd bellion7 N-�bat Caused the -..%TMY world, Perhaps, is the I . *Add a jittle frolu the kettle if nec- � ,essary. With the juice put sugar seal. ' Canned Tomatoes -Peel pill M P, motest Corners. . � —A. __ ­� In this. connection, a good story is told by a Roman Catholic Priest, - � . tempts have 'been made to fathom .is ' it. To this Ii � to, -retir' fc�_r 'a tI,M-7 L � W11'a did _e 'L . Jerenii then decid6 � tO'do7 'V�Thaot balAree" of Australia,'whiph Some- On.e, has most aptly oalled, I 'the most , I 11 . . "I iii ... . . I ,� . .. . 11 i, -half pound to I . $o tile .amount of one , ;Df the fillit as it we igb�ed medium-si7 in , �'Jnd Put ,ed to atOes Sa Jars witliout )>Tuis- them in � . -WORDS or NVISDON. "I � - of all'appearances, � , pit )1, ,. who was perplexed by thi� desire deed "the - bottomless ' . 'piisoners to &4 * - I ned t,�.. h-rii at the city. V te."T 1�hpape What vonae rfikl of God's many w on&r% . . ife.1 1, It . in vegetable I -g . rows up in . , � 11 I t :,�. , pound _1 1 4 1 � -well �: , . the sugar is 1. when raw. When ing them; park up to the t*P an'd between respect. The partition � I m 60M . in 'prote�janj's until befound beco e � Scientists d eseribe the Pitch �.sub� . I atte "bituminou S In r . aeous,,d,!of1 � W 't, was. he - I '3n,? Wlio h- aid tile nees do with I I - . ' ` ' d -�'� the ,shape of 'a huge pineapple, an . 'a; 4 * I '-, I . Vve'd f owatoes � tilissolved, put in the melon and pour over them ste' I -.,i . and snobbery is very thin. . . ; . as . I _- ,is that it� was beea 6 the Protestant Stances I . floating on -the surface of fresh pri. N4bli: haill' Rov� ..,to' cons,ult . I -dont, attains height of more. 1, Be � � I 'than "of - . I ntil eyen and clear. Flavor , c6ok u . �� as desired and -can, I I e the boiling bot. Partially ti97 t . . lids, seton dripping Pa', r,�,k Sever- - you can judge an woman s men- Othes much tal Capacity by her cl ) . library contained volumes of "The I I water," For three feet down the SArand Ma,gazine," with "Sherlock - . 1, 4. -Iii�l .,A- 1, +6 bear the ,sent did Zedclda,h try to ljght�:i hia 4 ri-minent ? bat did the 11 f6et., It- ha-s'a serie, `.S, . broad, board -like leaves, growing in i. I ­ � . I I , . � I NOVEL RECIPES. , . .4 . �.­ . Dream Biscuits. -Two Cups flour, ; I , I four �t,easpooils ba,king powder, half I . - 1 teaspoon ,�&lt, two tablespoons but - I m . ter three-fourths cup ofmilk; mix . : dr� ingredients and sift twice. - � I .�. . I .Work in shortening Nvith tips Of I . fingers, add gradually the liquid, 1, I . I I I mixing ,with a knife to a, soft dough. i I I)r.o.p from tip of Spoon 6h butter- � I ! ed tin sheet and bake in hot oven I twelve. to fifteen minutes. ,,, � I ,Chop Suey.-Two pounds porter- ! . :� � bouae, one-quarter box of spaghet- I I ti, four medium sizei,l onions, four 11 � I .11, Medium Sized tonlatoes' four me� � , ;, djum Sized potatoes, five stalks of I , . : oolery, four tablespoons of e-ltsnP, � � a r, ea,it and pepper. Boil sp, C-11 �tti i.; � I . .' .� in weak- water, drain and blaacae; ��. � fry onjon-s Until nice and bromn; � . I , V I freshly cooked potatoes are best, �i_ hub cold ones will do if more con - o , I , �, . I venient; ch -op separately, very fine, � � I . I nt- . . the meal, Spaghetti. onions', to% , � 1: , - Wes, potatoes, ana celery, theni ".. . mix ,%)I together tborousJOY With a . . , ,. and " I I large spoon. Add the catsup � . , 't. � SO&SIOn well with salt and pepper. � r .., .1 I . ,When all is mixed well togetber .�;. � :� put :it in a, baking dish, place in the ; I even , baie forty-five minutes. -stir i�: � tw<i Or three times while bAbng. - , , :�. ,Dhis afficunt will serve six people. _� : I I i 1, I ,licumbers and Cottage Cheese. , .0 . �,; , -Take . two ouarts (it lubbereO 7: i . � I milk, pla,ce over low firo, Until C'aril :�, I I Separates," then Strain t1irriligh 8 I I . 11 4 1 ­ 1. � .1 Kie-vle, pressi-Ag". all the Whey wit . I 1: ., ie. Add to tlli� I , I , I lRaving curd. coari '' I I I , �. , P*ppOr and Salt to taEtO Rndlbllttf�) I . ' � , 0�,f - wi.1nu,t... Ir,o this add (,)�af �, , - I . I I+iz � ,tj ' � tn�t int,� . S,�vdl ,-lic,� I 11rcs'n cu6ilin'bor , * ,� , ,hor , �� I and mAx, Put on ice to cool. W . . 'a'd tb I . 'fur-oughlY dAilled spre LC 17 � , batweon, thin slie�4Di of oil U . t, 117 re, \ . I � . . I . � . I . , , I I I , 11 � 4 , . , '' I . "! I . , I . I I �- , , ! I I � I I ,. I I , . . I " -1 I - I � I I :,: , . I I - L � I I. % , . I I L I . � � � I 1!. I . I . ,, �.. I I � � . I I I ". � . . . I wsPMPM R'uu better tbwn you can a, mail S. . . r_1 _V . e do.,le 4% fringe at the apex, which re- I al thicknesses of ne , I . Holines" stories in them, while the " ' � 2 wa.rm *Water and cook in ov -I) 11 ati we 7011 make, ilses, .1. weight of men, and to allow their prjlWes demand. . I L 11 Think beR Pron Roman Catholic library did no.. '. . minds, one of a. gigantic Central , �bomatoes are thorouglily hot-LbOut and think before you break them. Other aspects of prison litera- aigging up in greatslabs with pick- with Jeremiah I . American aga,ve. When standing � ten minutes. Tighten and �;et aw* The great things in life is to avoid ture are given by Frederic Martyn, axes and spades. Underthe bard Lesson IX.-Ju4ah C�rried Cap- I . 2 . . surface is liquid Pitch. cast up by tive to. Babylon. Who besi-eged erect these broad thick leaves hide The tomatoes may be used ,%s fresh- care by moderating one's desires who, in his book, "A Holiday in -that Jerusalem in Zedekiah's rc.ig,.17 a. curious -looking arrangement, � *s love subterranean fires, and Under I oneq in the wintter, a-nd the juiNi-F and ambitions and one- of Caol " boa.sts of having written a . . -which -appears to perform the ram -e . � . again is the fresh water of the How long (lid the, Siege last 7 What � - , may be vL I t1ler novel in his cell. This . I 1i< -.,d t& Zedekiah when he functions as those of the pistils in . y sed in SOUPS i'"d s-%Uces-�f'worldly things. - lake. . � Corn put Down 'with 'Salt. -B -oil: �".. Friendship is like, wine., It ei "tera'ry Prl lia,ppe - pull- flowers. Naturally, these board - Boner is a, veritable Mark Tapley, tried to ,esca,Pe? How was he sweet, tender corn On the car. -iAature.s or goes off. ,Ide,q:is do like leaves, which are from i.o feet When cool cut off tile car and Put Our fault, as a nation, is that -we .who asserts that the Year and 1% —q.L - I ished?. Wil,%t cli,ci tli,p Ch,q aniall r speci- -tw -!ithes deell into a ' ink almost too much - half he spent in Wormwood Scrubs .with Jerumleml Wh,"t wa,s . do-.qe to 12 feet long in the r P I - rison -was the -time of his life- DUTCH DOGS AS DR U 0E, 43. gild from 15 fee�t to 20 f eet. in i, law-yer -o i - f jj�, for our c Cover with a .,me -inch � quite en- P � I with the leaders ot "Pada,117, Wha't me,18, stolle jar. iel�ves, and perhaps not , This is the picture he ctraws of his � r clasi3es I the larger, liang to the ground, and 441 ' . layer of coaxse salL and '�O On to 0 1) for Our fellows. from all care, able They Are'�Uspd, ,is Beasts of Burd- was done with thO POOre ,are strong enough to bear a'man's I the top. Cover wit), a plate and � �Ognce you start thinking abOut Condition: "Free od with enjo What became of Jeramliall � 7 weight. In old, aboriginal times, ,- . . I I weight with a small StOl,le- On us- -yoUrgelf and your complaints, your to eat the prison fo Y_ en in Rolland. . A,q__ � . !� ing it in th a ., . Ment, and with practi as many . Holland — in the Antipodean wilds, the native's E , . e winter, Cover f he cor heilth begins to go. books as I wanted, I had an envi- The lot of some, dogs in . . DRE'XD OMENS APPEA.R. worshipped the "cannibal -trees," cold water, se - Scandal and gossip are I I . under the name of the, "4evil I with t on ba,ck of , only other able tim,e of it; and I often thought is not atall a happy.one, for many 1� stove. untli it becomes warm, turn names for lies. �,Speijkii, I oft tile water and reptat twit,e: then ,—*-- withdismay of the time, when I of them are looked Upon its beasts .g Rooks- Se,ell Near Pario tree," the chief part, of the, cere- I would be compelled to mix again of burden, and ,have to -work very . I '111d. Lisbon. . . inoily. consisting of -driving one . of, add milk, butter and pepper, NO FIGURE OF SPEECH- in the busy world' and IYL!� -worried hard indeed for the food -that - is � . tbeir. number up the leaves Of the * C�allrtecl Stri-,ng Bcrmq�-Qllt into of all tile things that may befall a by the landlord an' the rate collect- necessary to keep them alive. In Superstitious ,persons have been tree to the� apex. Tile. ins I tant 'the . , pleces fresh, p)ump beans. boil in a great many cases, the food they Bjarmed,by the, ,simultaneous 4p` r4gt.ti - - 0. I'd touch the so�cailed "`­ church,.nothing could be much. Or." . I � ' ' . I I N In $V a salted w,a,ter as for- table. Skin) ),nger than the destruction Of a —014--.— eat is not the same as the English pearance near Paxis and Lisbon, of ,,pistils" of the monster, the leaves out, the beans aml Place in j,%ks UP strJ ' dog bas. Some Dutch clogs will eat tile so-called ,,speaking Stones"- -Would fly together like a trg, I I little bouse of worship north of . I I ... . to tbe top. To the remain;�ng juice I A L.ILUGE EXPERIENCE carrots and turnips -in fa,ct, almost rocks in tberiver beds of the, Selne ' � -e life'out of the in- I for Hudson Bay, as once reported by . I -e them. . sqiiee�ing tb .1 tablespoon Vinf,'gar I and the Tagus, which only come all trU4er. On this account it is Call-' - and one Bishop Williams of Marquette. He Ali Afr[eim'q Vaith in. the Nedlein 'I anything that is put befo) . each quart of bealls. Bring to a had attend -d a synod of the Cana- etable, Bight durilig a Severe drouglit and ed the t(cannibal-tree." . '' . boil, pour over the beans� tund B,(,ml. rowers o� Suail SouP. * milk, .-nd other tratlesmen's carts which, legnd- says, indicate furth- . I . n them than church at Winnipeg, anti there ork -on the, in order that my,-aheer may walk er beat an4l, drought to come, with � . _�tvv_ I I , , . . Paybuil oned ,when YOU OI)e is�sionary bishop, who While engaged in w � . W . . in the winter., vAd Cream, butter, had seen a in y, liay. West Coast of Africa, Sir William alongside at his ease. These dogs death and disease in their train. THE TORPEDO' FISH � I anti pepper. had been six weeks on the wa: er was- obliged to travel a are trained f ',db this kind of work The French .stone had chiwled - . � #4 ing come most of tbo distance in a Butl o . The, torpedo, fish, known to . � . Canoe. The missionary bishop re. great deal through tile forest- 110 from Puppies and are very patient Upon its surface the words, "Who- � I . --- ' scientists, as the -torpedo eleatriCAls, ' I . ported gravely that the ,cliocese of, servant intelligent and and long-suffering; but sometimes eve the . 'rile. ,.. TOMAT01"A. , , had an r sees me shall weep, for re the Clectric catfish of the N I I to tb e had servant -a very intelligent and they -are impose4 upon terribly It world has ,wept whenever I was T jivo, all electric Shock . ' Toma.to preserves, --peel twenty. a, brotlier bishop had "gone , The Stone Was iast. no�ioed fuur good . sized riPP, t0matc"es, dogs." Being asked for an explan- asatrustworthYman ofthe Fantee is a common sight outside the towns Seen.,, similar -to that of an.eleotric Leyden * I I a - ation, lie said that the B skimos in nation. In llilj�� Light of tbelvVeSV' to see, Z great, hulking Dutchman � in 167o. The Lisbon stone *&a ob- jan This is 11'seful to the fish in � , � . destroyed the city" Mild -since then - like any -1 quarter and cook lowly k,-Ae hour oceze ba,,l built, a church with Sir William gives tile story of this lolling lazily over the litt-Is. Shafts served ill 17,55, when an earthquake stunning prey and in canfounfling I %!Lh one cupful I-ess o� mqmr than the di be medicinal ot a dogeart, smoking his Dutch . .. . I ,ne large whale.3' ribs loy rafters, ,and cover- Servant's faith ill t tlieir eael�iias, T11iis shook, --' I ve toma,toes, ,A4d Til -d, it, -with walrus hide. The little Pow -erg of r,nail SOUP. I . .pipe, while Cie poor little dog has .only once for a short time, "W!lm- other electricity, may lit,, couducte(j. . , ...... I an 1, foret,el ' . 11. 1. . I p,aJ1,,.,,,s that have been peeled and e coitrse- to -draw master, , vegetableat ,d -ever - sees. me. knows� illat It . slic4d t�jjh, co.o�j .110-thcr' hour. ,ehuroh hold eigllty perlions, but-, in I Suffered from fever� of . thi4yugh 'a inletallia stlbstsn0e��`- aW I - I . � � Ar A] ogeet er t is . a Piti le evil, �' . � .- I . 11,i_s-,�often Unpleasant,, -though -uo4i � ; �, L�1 at elapsed between two That-. is a rule on the West, Nt��b , , ' b * " ab . . . , � Leavo in four of the Peach stones the time tb , I . I . I tilre, to Be6 the Poor little animal .' , - � � _-�'�- — 11 I I jli`�ough _ ' ' L , � - I Upo,.q removin ' ces the building wag'set up<�n that knows -very, rare exception. MY pile 11 —1111, , � I dxulgerous� 'It 18 bonyoyec I .1 " , I , 1. . g , servi ,& � I . & - .� �, I I I . _. , � 4 1� - while C'Ooki...Ag. I . . . a, large Struggling. under I i�'beavy Uad, * 6 � I I ,� �, � 1 �4 . , .k of famished d6gp; and de- .serva,nt, T),awson, had�ha;d iv ry lnptt � hiita s&ft,4- g�-kc4 h P-MIfise ','kn,� -,i�oly FfP,6,1r:.`6i,,kf ifd,� -"%g& tbit. tii �; I " I . , � ', [r1ft-tJ)e, fiV�. ad?! Ono tablespoonNI by,a p" I 1. 1. I ver, I this 1S`f&ieJ,9'9een 16ide.-th,6.t,6W'n.8, ' ' . .1 . I . , J, I I - " . I � - "I" i .. , I . � .. - -i0iotirp '� ' bl,ijhis)�i4er of 1� I -foun4 Ou't ,t' ii"holdi�g��ithor of these. lm� � " . that are, never I I . po s, 0 . � , plo,ille _ , 11 L ; 119 � , . . I 1, 'T �S May re0e, Atillm. Pilt i 'la'sl6a P, �Vhoen I b use, according to Dutch'law, it ,, - .- . . _14, r4olislied in ii fe i � � OxPer'81100' � It _ I ,� Of. v, I — and hig sl1gg6StkJT,),s. to -me wbon the i .6 Oils I F6 &a ock when. , . . .44-- _ I "a, ' " th � I I I � lany and cur- is Ill, all t'th 11 co14 cover with P IAX -Iffin , 4ag 0 . 6 people'to niake'the � , Xo man is ,q.o .rolivi -dt, be " ,,, e pe�,k ripe Genius is more plontifill Wag attacks Came were M , . . i.�_Cohlcs in'contaot'with the fish'. . ", Tumato Relish-O'D . I "dk I do' a Carty Uom. . I -1 oonbidtrs , ,clyillg `& pleas.vre, I . 11 � .1 1. salt 'Plaia Common sense, t 16uo. Tho dW pa.rt Of tb� AWL 9 . . I . . � I Wmaltoes c�opped fillo, 000, CUP" I . I . I I �. . I I . I I � . I � I 1, I I I . I . � . I I . . . . . . I I . � I . . . I I "I I . I L I . � � � I : . I I I . I I . , . . . . I I I . �. . I � : � � I I . . I I � . . . I ,� I . . I �� I . I I I I I I . .11 I � I .11 I . � . I.-.. .. I . I . � . ,�; I . - . � . . I , � . I I ,.. . � . � �. ,�, I I . 1. I I � � ' I L I 11 . � I - I I I .. I 11 I .1 . � li, I 11 . � 1. ... . I I I I . .. I 11 I I I � . I I . . I 11 I I . .1L . I � . 1. . .� . � I I .� � I I . � .,� . 1. � I I .� I .1 �.. ., , . . � I . . � . I . . . I I I I I I , . , 11 I I 1. I � . . I . . ,�. . I I I I I I . I I . . I - : , . ., . � .1 . I 1. I , . I , I ­ I I . � I . � ,,, I., � ,. . � . . 'L � , L , .. 1, I . L I .: I � I . . . . � I . � . . 11 .. . . . . , � � 1. 11 . � �. . . : � I : , � �. 1. , , ,I � .... ... �, �; " � � ,� ,�_ , 1: ...­­ " I .. r ­­ r. I I -1 � . . .� r. 4 " - - � � ­ �­ �, , I I . 1, I I � . _�:.. . 1. -1 �� I I I , 2�,2 1 ­­­ 1;�'. -.1 I .. � . � I � V&6 1 ,. 11 � " ­ 11 �i9i t LtL�d?i 1 i--, . i ­­ .... .. .... . ��­­­ 1.4' 1. ­ L' ­­ t--'-1 ..........­­ 1, ­ ­­ ­­ L .1 - � r. I I � I �. . . � I - I . . -11 .�­. -1-111 - ­­ -11 __qrl ; M� I—— I—- ..", r ... . �_ "" . ,. I I'll, I r.1 ­ L, 1, - I �.. ��__�