The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-06-17, Page 8PAG 8—GODERKH SIGNAL -STAB? WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17,1981 Zyluk. s gues Dave Zyluk, St. Joseph's School principal and his wife, Vtckl, were guests of honour at -en app ago .night in the form of a pot luck smor- gasbordsupper on Monday, June 8 in the Parish Hall. Mr. Zytuk has accepted a principal's position at St. PaIrlek's School, Yei[ow- knife,, N.W.T.,starting in August: _Chairman for the evening was Geor8e Brophy, who also read an address to Dave on bailiff of the school com- munity. Other speakers were Mrs. Rose Frayne, on behalf (Jibe *aching staff and Rev. Falba Ed. Dentinger, Parish Priest. Mrs. Clarice Daltonalso spoke on behalf of the Commun fy School- and pres- ented Dave with a card and gift on behalf of parents and students of the school com- munity. Mr. Zyluk thanked every- one for the evening, stating that he enjoyed his five years as principal in Kingsbridge of hi.;nor appreeiation-dinner and found the students and parents most co-operative. The good tura out insdlecd d parents and students from Lucknow, St. Augustine and Kingsbridge. On Tuesday morning, the students of grades seven and eight, Mr. Zyluk and their teacher, Mrs. Wilson, Father Ed Dentinger, Brother Carl Voll, and several mothers. boarded a bus at the school and travelled to Midland. First they attended mass at the Martyr's Shrine and qua Kingsbridge news Delores Van Osch, correspondent 529-7441 toured the grounds. After lunch, they crossed the road and enjoyed a very fulfilling and interesting tobr of St. Marie Among the Hurons Indian Village. Afterstop- ping in Collingwood for supper at McDonald's, they headed home, feeling satis- fied and tired after a most enjoyable day. Several from this area at- tended the Appreciation Night for Murray Gaunt in Teeswater, last Thursday ev- ening. Mark Heffernan of Lucan, has been spending a few days with his grandmother, Mrs. Yvette Heffernan, while his parents, Ray and Sue are on holidays. On Wednesday afternoon, June iv, a -Senior's Birth- day Party'' was held in the Parish Hall, sponsored by the C.W.L,, for all the Seniors who have had birth- days over this past winter and spring. The afternoon was spent playing cards, and birthday cake and refresh- ments were served: Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. John Miltenburg on the occasion of their fortieth wedding anniver- sary, which they celebrated this past weekend: Following Sunday Mass, which was said in their honour, the family gathered at the home of their eldest son, Tony, wife, Stephanie, and child- ren, Wendy and Roger, for a day of family celebrations. Home to celebrate with their parents were Ad and Iris Miltenburg and Colleen and Marianne Miltenburg, all of Elmira, Frank and Doreen and three children from Fonthill, Ben Miltenburg of Wiengbant, Leo and Cecelia Miltenburg, John and Angie Miltenburg and Laura, all of Ashfield. Mrs: Carl-Riegling,recent- ly spent the weekend with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. John Edmondson and family of Chatham. Tom and Karla Hogan, Ambrose and Bar- bara Redmond were week- end guests at the Holiday Inn, Chatham. They all at- tended the wedding of their nephew and cousin, Brian Giroux and Kathy Thompson at the Blessed Sacrament Church, Chatham. On returning home that Sunday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Riegling were old neighbours, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Lesy and family of Hoffman's Corners, near Chatham. H.S. FORD CO. Overhead Doors Sales & Service * RESIDENTIAL 'F INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL ELECTRIC OPERATORS PHONE: 524-4198 34 NEWGATE ST., GODEUICH, ONT. RAY'S TEXACO Conestoga Col Oga Car Wish _. on SATURDAY, JUNE 20 10 amto3pm LICENCED MECtjANIC With Every... 1.o TUNE-UP - a free oil change 20 BRAKE JOB - free wheel balance - 3. EXHAUST SYSTEM - free oil change and lube 4m TWO TIRES - free oil change S. FOUR TIRES - lube oil change and filter. SERVICE CALLS OPEN °TIE 3 A.M. ON WEEKENDS 394 HURON RD., GODERICH 524-6012 1 CES --•.F��; Xvia tf 4;.eTA O,.��EZgym,,' �, 4 ✓ rDRIVEWAY SEALER $8 88 • 40ALLON►AIL ALUMINUM DOORS Milt Finish to the opening of Langford Lumber's newest Home Centre at Bayfield Road, Clinton ,GLIDDEN EXTERIOR Alt STAIN $999 . 6 SPECIAL GRAND OPENING SALE NOBRS Thursday, June 1f -100 A.M.-saa P.M. Friday, Juno 10 - $1S A.M.-01N P.M. Saturday, Juno 20 - 11:10 A.M.-4a0 P.M. Jennifer Houton; pig tails were Hying as she participated in the sack race during Robertson Pub& School's annual play day held for Kh dergarten to Grade 4 children on Tuesday af- ternoon. IPhstoby Jsalue n) SALE SPECIALS FROM OUR YARD CUPRINOL WOOD PRESERVATIVE STAIN 19.5 • GALLON STANLEY GARAGE DOOR OPENERS OPENING THE DOOR RAILWAY TIES STRAPPING 35c.. 53 �th Do you find the doer to employment or advancement dosed because you don't have the education? Perkeps, circumstances forced you to leave school at an early age. You can do something to open the door. Our Certificate programs in ACADEMIC UPGRADING is designed for adults - instruction is individualized and you can learn at your own pace. New skills in English, math and science will help you to either meet the entry standards many employers demand or to meet the entran- ce requirements of other educational programs. Fees are reasonable and classes begin each Monday providing space is available. You may be eligible for sponsorship by Canada Employment or for financial assistance through the Ontario Student Assistance Program. (OSAP). Give us a call. and we'll give you the details on ACADEMIC UPGRADING. Clinton Campus call '4458 Ti Conestoga College of Applied Arts andlechnology Building skills today icreet needs of to. !sA- Pio. IGRADE - 11 7 Haat h. CUTTING BLOCK SI p c1RCVLpiR SAW DRYWALL1 SERDoo �E.`_SU`S rC. Iss SALE P'EICE SALE PRICE Par EI„•af Foot Par LIneati Fact WAFERROARD z. . 4220/76" • DRYWALL EstitAlie aS s„E,r,r x4"5 SIDING ALGIMfNUM U 7 itAMISOAEDX -11" Na: 4 $591` 5.N LE PRIZES/_m WE'RE HAVING OVER 50 �� DOOR PRIZES DONATED BY OUR SUPPLIERS AND LANGFORD LUMBtt ROLL DRAINAGE TILF) w. All These. a a .®nd Man More! ANGFORD LUMBER HOME CENTRES (Fly Freed J. Hud[e Ltd,) LUCAN 227-4416 230 BAYFIELD ROAD, CLINTON 482-3995 _PARKHILL 294-4755 •• QUALITY PRODUCTS *` QUALIFIED SERVICE a COMPETITIVE PRICING