Exeter Times, 1911-8-24, Page 127 J .. QK; - + I these goods tire Imported from Aus a, Ja Where the best yarn tr.1 +j 4 comes from. 4 Mens Sweaters This is a SWEATER t -ha t 4 man like, It, is heavy enough 4 for general wear and firm 14 enough for service, all Colors 44 and Sizes at 4 11:25 63.00 3 150 4.5o 4, DURMLLE, CAN, BUFFALO. NX. 40 0 Girls Sweaters 41 This Sweater is especially made for YOUNG GIRLS and 14ISSES You can get this coat in any color At 0 and trimming and is a very stij Q able garment for Fall and Winter wear at $226 C-;I A 't E. YORK Womens Sweaters This is a Particularly hand- some Sweiter with military or coat collar in White Black 10 4W Blue, Red trimmed with belts and pockets. Aleaderat $2n25 d-% UR LINE of 0hildren's. -Sweaters and Knitted Goocus --trg , unusually o 1 a e. See the itlitle- rg V, Duster Coats 10, for Sm a,11 Boys and Girls. 40, ALL KINDS OF FARM PRODUCE AD, 4P WANTED 41 WFPALO r-MADA. NEW Yom Stewart 5 -10 -Is and 25C Variety Store ROWBIL41,9S 0AZAAn PHONE55 OWEATER COATS 4 4 4 4 fast filling in. We are more determined than, ever to make this the best value store In the county. It is surprising, indeed, to see 61 4 Granite and Tinware, N SELECTING Knitted Goodayoll will find, greater ostis. +4 2,.25 " I,3S fa-etion in choosing, from our stock than elsewhere, be- A Watch G edes na. Hat Pins, etc, cause of the excellent Patterns and thoroughly up-to4ate 4 EDISON RECORDS ...... ..... at from $2.50 each to -10c ode)& we are sbowitin, The - +il,­, A 4 J .. QK; - + I these goods tire Imported from Aus a, Ja Where the best yarn tr.1 +j 4 comes from. 4 Mens Sweaters This is a SWEATER t -ha t 4 man like, It, is heavy enough 4 for general wear and firm 14 enough for service, all Colors 44 and Sizes at 4 11:25 63.00 3 150 4.5o 4, DURMLLE, CAN, BUFFALO. NX. 40 0 Girls Sweaters 41 This Sweater is especially made for YOUNG GIRLS and 14ISSES You can get this coat in any color At 0 and trimming and is a very stij Q able garment for Fall and Winter wear at $226 C-;I A 't E. YORK Womens Sweaters This is a Particularly hand- some Sweiter with military or coat collar in White Black 10 4W Blue, Red trimmed with belts and pockets. Aleaderat $2n25 d-% UR LINE of 0hildren's. -Sweaters and Knitted Goocus --trg , unusually o 1 a e. See the itlitle- rg V, Duster Coats 10, for Sm a,11 Boys and Girls. 40, ALL KINDS OF FARM PRODUCE AD, 4P WANTED 41 WFPALO r-MADA. NEW Yom Stewart 5 -10 -Is and 25C Variety Store ROWBIL41,9S 0AZAAn PHONE55 end of August will see the end of one Clearance Sale. Our 0 THe shelves have been cleared out and the new Fall Goods have been fast filling in. We are more determined than, ever to make this the best value store In the county. It is surprising, indeed, to see what you can buy at 5e, 10c and 15c at thig store You are invited to come and bring your friends and look arouxid. SOME OF OUR VARIOUS LINES: Granite and Tinware, At. 2.75 1*85 2.5o " i,6o China and Glassware, 2,.25 " I,3S Stationery and Post Cards Beauty Pins, Tie Pins Polishes -Stove and I Soaps, Perfumes, 13rooches an P .1naz Shoe I Flavoring Extracts, Watch G edes na. Hat Pins, etc, Hand Bags & Purses, Tooth Paste, Powders Dolls and Toys. Skin Creams, Lotions 14DISON PHONOGRAPHS .... ... at from $240 to $19 50 EDISON RECORDS ...... ..... at from $2.50 each to -10c We do a large Edison trade, and we gus.-rantee, every instrument we sell, Drop as a card, or drop in and see our various insbruments. No trouble to show and explain. Our rig will call if you say so, Phone 55 Thursday and Saturday always SPEOIAL BARGAIN DAYS at tkis store., SPECIAL SALE Of Coronation, China for Saturday. Now is. yotlr chance for a souyenir cheap. WE HAVE TOO MUCH AND IT MUST 00, I'lingerina Wool --4 Skeins. 30c while stock lasts. SATURDAY SPE CIAL- A pretty'Sug FRER W11th every purebase of Ono Dollar's woAh of any goods in the tore, (except tdfgon). BARGAINS EVERT' New potJ at Cards -1,000 varieties. See them, Come and bring a4riand. Uoxket Rej)Qe-A-The 011jxvw : tbo revot of 4=11:er u=kratf4, em redttd up 1[oAugust'41th i Wheat 7.51 ceuts to 60 ;exits, Oats 06 cents to, 07 ce4ts. Darley 5Q to 55 vebts, Btiekivbeat 60 coxits Pets 70 to 75, 014k. Bran. *20.00 Sborts) $24,00, '2 Model Flour $ .40 Feed flour $1.0 111after 17 cen! s 33ggs 17 cents Potatoes 75 oeVts Ray $10. 0ogs live 17.50 phoice export dtoors 6,00 o 0.15. Mediu, mexpork ste "-a 5.80 o 5.0 Cholce export belfers 16.0 11,540 'Medium export heifers 6.50 to 6A Pholce butchers heifers 6.50 to 6.8 Medium butchers beifers O.U-5-4 Phoice butchers pows 4,5,0 to 4.18 Medium butchers cows 4.00 'to 4.2 Pommon colys 'a.00 -to 0.50 'Choice sheep 4.25 -to 4.60 i 0holoe lambs 6.50to 6-75 Poultry We will pay till August 16tb th, following for live poultry in tradez Hens ..... ......... So per poun( Roosters ..... I I ........ oc Chicks (1911 hatch) 12c Young Ducks ............ 10c Old Ducks .... ... .... One cent, less for Cash. Watch this space every week fox prices. Jones & May + LUOCALS Mrs. U. Birney is visiting her s in Belgrave. Miss McNaught, of Toronto, is v ing Miss Edna Dow. Mrs. L. Billings left last week to in Detroit and St. Thomas. Mr. Fred Gould of Strathroy spendidg a fevv holidays in town. Mr. Percy Browning of Toron, holidaying at the home of his pare Miss Porterfield of Mitchell via Mr, and Mrs. H. Gould during # past week. Master Thomas Brinacombe and ter, Kay, ar4 spending a few holk at Thorxidale. Mrs, Cornm and little son, of trolt, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ha Sanders, Exeter North, Mrs. J. A. Gregory, and two cl reh of North Batbleford, Sask, visiting Mrs. T. Gregory in town. Mrs, Androw Oke and son Alwir Seaforth, visited Mrs. A. Dow week. Dr. S. Thomas, who has been sp in g a couple of weeks ab Grand B visited in town the forepart of 0 week. Ap Mr. D. D. Crittenden, of Blytb, 4 a visitor- in town Wednesday of Calgary, Wednesday aftei`ii81b-'_-1g for a weeks with his parents, ki.-an& Win. Davis, Mrs. Pearson, of London, and Cook, of St. Thomas, are visiting 4' and Mrs. C. T. Brooks and 6ther rE ives in town. The Misses Simpson, of Winni and Mr, Percy Simpson, of Detr who are visiting in Centralia., wer town on Tuesday. Mr. T. H. McCallum and fa havereturned. home after spend the summer months at their sum cotuage, Grand Bend. Mr. J. E. Jones, Junior Pastor Jennette's Creek, is visiting at home near Creditori and also Tis in towif on Tuesday. Mrs. Oakes and young 8,)13, of 0 ago, who have been visiting in 0 ton, bave returned and are again iting Mrs. T. GregorV. C Mr. W. H. Collins manager of Bank of Commerce, is holidaving Toronto; Mr, 0. T. Whitby is acti i manager during his absence. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan NfcDoug sn,d daughter returned to. Com Tuesday after spending a pleas vacation in and around town. , Mr. and Mrs, Ch . as. Linilenfi spent San.day in ZuriCIL Thev we accompanied home by Mies Greta M ner who will visit them for awlikle. EyyVixamined-Mr. Arthur Dm wasin London Tuesday having h eyeexaminedbya specialist. Itw beremexAbered that Mr. Davis w struck in the eye over a week ago I aeorkflyingoutofapopbottle. T eye is in a bad condition but Mr. D is was advised to continue too tree went he has been reteiving. - - Nearly Lost Hand -.Mr. Richa Robbins of Exeter Noth met with accident on Thursday which mivr ba,ve cost him his baud, Itisomew h1bandgolcaught in the carrie a was ei,:gdrawu into tbe,,mac ine. The machinery however w stopped in time and the only resu was a badly scratched, hand, Sbinglingat Ninety -S -ven-On day of last week Mr. Goo. Hyndm of town, accompanied by his moth drove to Olandeboye to visit his *arx Mr. Thos. Collins. Mr. Collins is years of age and Is extroardirta s.mar.t foe one -nearing the centu mark. He was engagee. in k1xingift his house which is a two story bri and is a6lao engaged in painting it, Examined Roacl-Thd members the Exeter council autoed to Parkh On Monday to examine the new rq that is being built there. The road being built with broken stone at crusher and from what they stbw f, council think the road Vrould be an e cellAnt one for Exeter. Iftrkhill hAl to get their stobe from;9t. Marys b As Exeter has a -supply right neat, band it is bolie*ea that the work town could be done a, great de che6por than 19 beftig done there, is hoped that the council goesr furth into the matter, ister isit. via - is 0 is nts. ited the sis- ays De- rlev ild- are ,of last end - end the was and left few I lra. ffrs. Mr. iat peg oit, e in aily i ixg mer at his ited ble- lin- vis- the in 13g all bee 6nt eld re er- is is ill as Y be rd an ht rs b, as it I- bn er .4e 97 ry rT 9 ck of ill id le X_ e ut at in all it TINEES, TEIE EXE11 A Juaster Loon Treblo is on Vw, z!Gk Ur,"Lloyd Davis, of Zurich, visited' our In rg on -$aturday. Tdr. 11ugh, Stmokman, moved into his, new home on Tuesday Mr& B. a3roadbon't is visiting a,, Thei. home of Mr. J* Grigg. i Mr. V. 13, Durdlo, of St'. Thomas, called on frieuds in itowl! Tuesday , Magter'ltoy Goulding of V-1hicholsea.' is visfUng a0cr. Win. Vlcltoher s. , Mr. IferbeA Ifitehell, W visiting friends around 1,,*xctvr and Cexitralla, ,Mr. August Guhr, and family moved from here to'blitchell last Thursday. 5 Alxs, Thomas and danliter May of London, tire visiting Mrs, 0. Zfarthn. 0 Mr. 1U. B, Pickard, left flal s week 5 forthe Wedt to attend the barvostixx ,, 0 D Mr. and Afrs Wru, Abbott, of Clan- dcboye visited friends in Itown, Tu%,s- day.,c Miss `T llic White Isin Torouto Lhis week- a1kending the Millirwry open - lags. Mrs. 11y. Hooper hitonds leaving nex t week for Winnipegto visit ber son, Did, Kiss Lizzle Braund, of Lindsay iis a -visitor. wrth iier brother, Xr. J lin Braand., Xiss:1101tic Hunter left Monday for I Saskatoon where she will visit for s6me time, i Mrs. Tcmlinsoxx andMa9ter Clifford of London, are visiting Ur. and. Mrs, Thos. Hailton, Kiss Annic McCirogor, of London. was Ithe guest of 1 -Ur. and 114. :0, d, Treble last Nveek. Messrs. U. and F, Ryan, of Lucan. at tended lthL f unt'ral of -'the labc Mrs. Altkinson Monday. Mr. and ThIrs. Rpg * 'Samuel, and little Mary, are visiting -4th ffi. and Mrs. Jos.,Baivden. Miss Max tha Lewis returned home Ba:tuxday evening after spending a %yeekIn Detroi C', Mich., Misses Ida and Vera B&Nrden, of Lucan spent last week vlsitiwS their cousin,'Kiss Vera 18iveet. Miss %Lly Robinson left F ridaY Sor Edmoifton, Alta_ where she will re- main for an indefinite Itime. Mr TiAmaLhan Merner, of* Zurich, was sbaking hands with Ex6cor peo- ple a couple jof days last week. Mrs. Chas.. Craig, of London is vis- iting- Mrs. Geo, Snell. )1r. Cr, ,g ;vts Lip and sp&nL Sunday with them. Mrs. F. J. Wickwire returned Out- arday evening from Boveral -%relekdl trip through Norflicza Michigan. - Xr. J. A. Stewart and family are visEfing, in Toronto. They left here last week in Mr. Stewart's autolnobile Mr. and Mrs. 'Clifford Spackman. and li'ttle daughter of (­e.lph ure vis- iting Mx.,and lNIrs. Llugli SPaLkinan. Mr. Ernest L. Davis and his bride returned, last Friday evening after a short- honeymoon in Obatham and netrok . Mr. Rd., Seldon and Miss Jean spen't Sunday in Ingersoll. Miss Brariary. who has been holidaying, 'there occom- pauled them home. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Frayne and dhild, of 13rarftford, have spe t past week visiting -the forme: ents Mr. and. 3.4s. Peter Prayne. :Mrs. W. XcAuley and children re- turned to their home in Vigeon -Mich. on Saturday after spending a few Weeks wilth Mr. and Mrs. Xuo. Fedlar Mr. S. MaAln left Monday evening for a trip tbrougk the %vest, goilli.. as fex os Edmon'ton. He was joined in 'London by.Mx. Crockell.t. of Dor- chest,'er.) 'FOR RENT -The frame shop on Main Stree't formerly occupied INY the Connor Machine Co. For r.ur- tber par'Liculars apply 'to Mrs. i0s, P!ickard. 'Miss Ruth and Master Ily Bawden Who have been visiting their grand - Parents Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Bawden for two "veeks returned to their bom" in Rldgctov p last week. Struck by .' Lightning -On Wadnes- day of lait vreek during the sever3 electrical storin 'I\Tr. Richard TTreblri the misfortune "o be knocked, C down by the lightning -%vith the rc sulk Lhat hi's nose was brnlren also a 0 home in his left wrist was fractured. n ITe ivas ciAerbig the off !Qe^ of tbe liv- cry 6arn of Mr. Geo. -Crawley %vhen 'the aecident occurred and wlxc fouyjd a few minutes later was unconscious. a Ile iras laid,up for a few days birt Ls again able to be around. A CIIANCT3, *FOR A BARGAIM le For sale-bontectionary lee Cream W and resturant. . be Doing a good live hiisiness LA a in Zood live Toivn. 'For parfroulars ad- Iress Exeter Tiems. Dox N. M I'110 PlaQ0 Where Qoocl Frorn A It Light Suits for Hot Weather Prices $12 tip Flannel Trouser. ings in the new designs. Taman The Nifty Man's Tailor CARLI NOYS ow that August is half gone we. a , , , re offering all our summer Dress Goods at cost price such as Mulls Voulards andg.uslins etc. White Lawn White Waists , Underskirts Regular $3.60 fOl $2,00 Regular $3,75 for $z,7 5 At. 2.75 1*85 2.5o " i,6o ts 2.50,9( 1.75 2,.25 " I,3S 2.25, 1,60 2,CO 1120, 5 1 15 2,00 .30 L50 r.o 1,25 At .89 1.25 A . Aq A( .76 1.00 1, -75 All Corset Covers to be Cleared out at cost Ladies Dutch Collars and Jabots Regular 500. for 400. Regal r .25c. for 20c. Regular 15c, for 11c. ........ + Also ................. + Wash Belts regulpr 25c. for + + 20ce + + - + THIRTY YEARS + + + • Our Seven Colleges have be' + Balbriggan Underwear +* • established during en + + the past 00 + Years. 'The largest trainers in + In Egyptian thread and porous knit regular, + Danada- Owing to our conuee + + tion all ove'r Ontario. we do for 40r,-. a garment for 30c. a garment. • bett6r for our graduates Ithan + ---------- • any other school. 'You may + + study at home or party alt + + ents pure silk half hose regular 5om for 4oc. ome, and f nish tit the college. + + Affiliated with the Commercial + + Educators' Association of + + Also Lisle half hose regular 5oc for 40c regular 2SC Can- I. + ada. It-wouldbe well for you + for 20C 1, to investigate before choosing. 1* Exclusive right for Ontario of + + the Nvorld-famous Bliss Book- + Jave just received a few lines of Fall Goods.. I- keeping System, which is ran- W 4 + + + equalled. It is Actual Business + in plaids and checks suitable for childrens from Start to Vinish, and the + dresses for school at i2y2c and, 1,5d a yard + studOnt 1<cqps same books ais + + p Chartered Banks and Vhole_ + We have just received several + + slale Houses. Enter any time + SPECIAL + Individual Instruction, + + pieces of Flann.clett.e 34 inches + + + t. Write4 callorphone for wide regular 12,34c weight for. ioc. + Particulars + This 'is a good time to buy 4% your Flannelettes for + P F all term from Aug 28th + + + Fall before they are'sold out. + + + + + e now have the celebrated 13BEBE + Clinton Business + PANTS AND SMOCKS. These are ++ + farmers winade from the * :. heaviest 'dennim College *. ++ and also MADE TO PIT. + + + + + + GEO. SPOTTON, President Highest Price fot Produce. Bring your Poultry to us, + + Miss 13. F. Ward, ',Principal + + We Want It. ................. + + Apples Wanted + ++ we J0 Carl + kT THE ]EXETER EVAPORATOR + 9 wing to the light crop of Apples .............. i .......... in this section this season, the Exeter Evaporator Rill only be in operation one week. We will open ...................................................... Vlohday, Septer-lber 4th, ++ and will buy all Apples deliyered + at our plan b up to (and including SATURDAY, SEPT. OTH. + U uds N I BE ++ Bring !a your Apples and get the + highest market price. + -DON'T FORGET THE DATE- + + U 4th to 9th ++ ALARMErt EPTEMBER + Sleep late in the morning. Enjoy the luxury of waki 9 n p whenever you feel like i b + Dental Offices Closed. u ou can,- but if you wji*t + X Lxxdly Itake notice (that m be ter get one of our + y office + a closed every Wednesday aftaxnoon. . rawn + + DR.. ROULSTON. Clocks, + LOSIN0 NOTICE + Please reme'mber that my Dental Watches + ffice is closed ever Wednesday after- + oun. + Tea Spoons, Berry Spoons, -DR. KINMIAN Diafflonds,, Coi + . I t. Cold Meat Forks, Cake Forks I + + Soup SPoone, Pie Knives, + Miss Edua Dow spent the weekend + 'Pearl -handled Butter Knives, Glass, Silver= + t Bayfield* Knives and Forks, + + Flab Servem, O&rving Sets, Xr.'Jas. Sparks visited at hhs home ware, Pins, Etc. i "llensall,,11onaaY. It 4- Wedding Rigpee + AlissesMay and 'Ethel Armstrong N,V,here they + Big Stock to choose fromr tlastweek for Paris + ill visit their uncle for a few da Ys foreattending the milinery open- + JEWELER& OPTICIAN gs in,Toronto. I.% . 1 1. + -* ............... *++X4 ....... 4 r ........... 41 , Mrs, L. 0. Gould, who was visiting + r. and Mrs. Richard Gould for a few days, left last week to visit her gran d - mother in Olandeboye before return- 4V unr Interek in Yom ing to her home in Galt. # Mr. and Mrs. Stanley, of Winnipeg, 0 0 Does not cease when we have sold who have been visiting in Brantford, you a Kodak. Picture taking is have returned and are visiting Mr. A very simple. now. but if there are and Mrs. J.-McLaugblin of town for any little points that bother you, a few days before retul?nirg home - we are cheerfully ready to help you Arrangements h%ve been made for a otat. The very complete little in- double header ball game in town on V'R: F A structiou books that the Kodak Labor Day between the Hxater,Pimt- company issues, sbotvs that they too are interested in your Eluccess. and Pqxkhill Juniors. Parkhill have a fast team and the games should I But, we are here on the qiound, be interest' AND Let us show you bow simple it all is. Ing. At Home with the Kodak" is the The late Mrs. Atkinson.-Oo. Fri. title of an illustrated and clearly day, Auguist 18th, Jane Brophy, rellet wriiten little book that the Kodak of the latta Riob&rd Atkinson,* died ab people have issued on botne por. her home in town ar, the age of 82 4, FURNITURBE DEALERS' traltUTe. yeays And 10 montbs. The deeeasod 4 was born in the county of Galway, 'w Ireland, and carne to this country with her pn,rents ih 18,96, settling in 0 Montreal. E Leven years afte 0 rwards 0 they moved to McGill vray where LAr, We Carry a Complete Stock. in All Lines and Mrs. Atkinson we're warned. Twenty-three years ago they moved to Exeter, and about a wouth aft -err coming here Mr, Atkinson died. Tile deceased was an industrious woman I Phone Store Sunday'& Night Calls and labored hard for the benellt. of 40 tier family. - She was a consistent I' member of Whether you have a camem or the English church ind 141, not we will was 10 hly respected by all who kne w 4. 20A 20113P be glad to give yol' tt h, %els atirvived by tht ee brothers 0 it con copy, Dvop us it postal, or I - 0 Venient call . at t be store. and three sieterp, also four souR tind 4, thiee daughters. v-iz, Richard iti Al. v, herta; George, Will LdXohn in town., . t re, Jobil Wilson of Alpena, Mich Y. so''flowey, Pht" MMrs. A. Aocver o 01 aton, and Mrs. John 961 of the )nd xx road., The L. Atkinson Chamitit %1r& Optician funeral was hold Vouday to the Ontario Exatel, cemetery. A.