The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-06-10, Page 23L Qpposition parties strongly criticizP *from page 4A rellpect to the Canada Pen- sion Plan our interest payments now exceed the amount we borrow." NPP Finance Critic Bud Wildman, criticized the budget as being unfair and inequitable and said that it should be rejected. He criticized the Miaiister of Finance for raising per- sonal ersonal income taxes by nine percent but leaving cor- porate onporate tax rates unchanged This puts a greater financial burdenon those who can least afford it. Wildman also condemned the government's decision to YOU'LL DO RErrER AT ATP switch to a percentage tax on gasoline -..-'Ml Ldiesel fuel which he described as a move to profit from inflation at the expense of the tax - at SAVE 54, Partly Skimmed SAVE 7R Kraft FRESH `' MIRACLE WHIP 2% MILK I I SALAD DRESSING. 3 quart bag hire jar (Limit 2 per family with a minimum 810.00 purchase) (Our Regular Price 2.23) Per Regular Price 3.69) All Pvrpoce Coffee . MAXWELL HOUSE SAVE 90c '/-Ib 279 You'll do bettor with BAKED GOODS ' f r� AQP ! (Our Regular. Price 89c) Jane Parker DESSERT SHELLS payers. iv Human suggested the government should have protected consumers from "oil -price gouging" by forc- ing the oil companies to pay GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10,1961 --PAGE 541 back "their ill-gotten gains." He said a federal govern- ment report had recently claimed that the major oil companies had overcharged 1T AT A&P LOOK FOR THESE "ACTION PRICE" SAVINGS SIGNS AT YOUR AQP STORE! This symbol identifies an item that has been reduced in price or one that A&P has made a quantity purchase on and is able to pass the savings on to you. Either way, A&P's "ACTION PRICE" specials mean savings. for you Canadian consumers by more than $12 billion between 1958 and 1973. The province has the con- stitutional authority to {6.„{l:.l f:lllff off; jr f'rf - ,.% ;: r:rrTff�. •lJ :-Ili:{illi-ll:-illli llfJ rrrf:::r?J; _::f lf.J..i7 f ff:l_J f; lfi ,re •:"fsffjls :lf I ff? fig?rF Xifish � riffi�'l�l. �Jll�r•!.- %sllff:X:l:s_::::::::::::, 40.7 -rs 'r== f .} ! '.{f:•:::_ .?rl r i4"/: 'lx�:: ori?.:err: if _f :: lf•'-.r _;ry; fsr:f. fail' 5f:frr..l� l rr f l r_� /t rf fir f✓; f?,: tftf� ':::r sf:;5, ,:�:::=�=/ t:s3: ---•`---• -- fJrf f':l::_r�� s��rs!{alt:- � s -s3 -.f'--• �!� l t :_.:-- ---- � r:s: lrss::;PIf• SAVE up to 1.00 Ib Semi -Boneless BLADE OR CHUC STEAKS BLADE. STEAKS :Ki Excellent for Braising SNORT RIB ROAST Fir-iw vraaia 1411-1' f "' (Our. Regular Price 2.37) -- (Our Regular Price up to 2.39 Ib) SAVE 30c of 6 591i JANE PARKER, PLAIN, SUGAR OR CINNAMON Cake Donuts Pkg of 8 89¢ English Muffins pkg of 6 83$' JANE PARKER Raisin Pie JANE PARKER Jam Buns 620 g size 1.49 pkg of 61.09 Flaked, White (Our Reg. Price 1.95 - SAVE 26e). STARKIST 6.5 -oz tin You'll do better with FROZEN FOODS fry MP! (Our Regular Price 93c) Frozen, Orange SAVE 34c AWAKE 12 -fl -oz tin C oi BREAKFAST DRINK BIRDSEYE, FROZEN (Our Rag. Pr1w 1.69 - SAVE 30c) Cool Whip 1 litre tub1.39 (WHOLE KERNEL CORN IN SLITTER SAUCE 99c) FR071 : CAJILIFLc1NER tW allIne O ! III CREW s.ucE_ BROCCOtJ ,SPEARS, BRUSSELS SPROUTS 213 g PKG Green Giant vel 1.19 CARNATION, FROZEN Hash Browns GAINSBOROUGH, FROZEN Pie Shells GAINSBOROUGH, FROZEN Tart Shells 6 MtCAIN, FROZEN Dollar Chips TUNA 4 -lb pkg 1.39 12 -oz pkg 1.29 7 -oz pkg 1.09 15 Ib pkg 89ii 12.5-fl-oX tin Sun Squeeze, White or Pink' FROZENNO. 1 GRADE, CREAMED 1 -LB PLASTIC TUB Billy Bee Honey 1.59 SCHNEIDERS, FROZEN. 1/ 4B PLUS, "GREAT ON THE• 1J1.Q." Beef Burgers 500 g pkg 2.49 CARNATION, INSTANT CREAMER Coffee -Mate 500 g lar 1.89 A&P, Sliced WHITE BREAD 16 -oz loaf SUPER ° (Limit 6 per family pvrchaz.) J LEMONADEL''a7 BLUE WATER, FROZEN, BOSTON R1 IE Fish Fries 8 -oz pkg 99/ BLUE WATER, FROZEN, CRWICNY, WITH SHRIMP Fish Roles zpk91.79 I SAVE 1.91TI A Premium Blend - Instant BOKAR COFFEE woz 9 9 Psilay (Our Rag Prig up to 2.69 Ib) SAVE up to 1.00 lb BIad., Chuck Short Rib or Shoulder BONELESS lb 69 BEEF ROASTS 1 Fresh - "Groot on the ,1B.B.Q." SHOPSYS, COLE SLAW OR 500 g TUB SHOULDER CUTS Potato Salad 1.29 Stewing Beef Ib 1.89 APPROXIMATELY 50% MEDIUM GROIRID REEF i 50% GROUND PORK COr: R. Prism 1.59 Ib - SAVE 20c 1h) Ground Meat Combination 'Great ondie 6.B.Q.161.49 "Great on the B.B.Q." (Our Reg. Price " 1.89 Ib) PORK Combination Pads Contains: 2 Iib End, Ib „urine 2Lo�nEnd, %nun, huts 59 SAVE 30W ib LOIN CENTRE CUT (BONELESS .LB 2.99) Pork Roast or Chops Ib 1.99 "GREAT ON THE B.B.Q." PORK LOIN RIB PORTION - COUNTRY STYLE Spare- Ribs 161.69 MARY MILES, SLICED Side Bacon SWIFT OLD MILL, BREAKFAST 500 g VAC PAC 1.49 Sausages Ib 1.39 "B.B.O. FAVOURITE" PRIDE OF CANADA, REGULAR OR ALA BEEP Wieners 1 -Ib vac pac 1.49 SWIFT PREMIUM, SLICED 175 g VAC PAC Cooked Ham 1.29 BURNS PRIDE OF CANADA, BY THE PIECE, VAC PAC Bologna Chunks 14 .19 MAPLE LEAF, SLICED, REGULAR, THICK, BEEF, GARLIC Bologna 500gvacpacl.99 MAPLE LEAF, SLICED, 11 VARIETIES INCLUDING LUNCHEON, MACARONI A CHEESE 175 g VAC PAC Cooked Meats 79 In Slores wit CANADA PACKERS - MAC A CHEESE LOAF, DUTCH LOAF, CHICKEN LOAF, REGULAR OR PEPPERCORN SALAMI Cold Cuts Ibizg PORK LOIN ROASTS 3 to 3% -Ib cut Rib Portion or Tenderloin Portion Ib (Boneless Rib Portion Ib 2.39) MAPLE LEAF, COIL Polish Sausage MAPLE LEAF, VAC PAC PIECES, BRISKET Corned Beef MAPLE LEAF, VAC PAC PIECES Headcheese Ib1.99 PREVIOUSLY FROZEN, SKINLESS, SLICED Beef Liver 16 99,1 MAPLE LEAF Smoked Sausage I! x.99 h Deli Shop! FRESH - CLAREMONT 1ALAD OR MUSTARD A Potato Salad Ib9 YOU'LL DO Unlit AT ALP YOU'LL AT A&P freeeze ._. gasoline prices, Wddlilan Drivers' Probation The Minister of Transportation and Conn- municaiions, James Snow advised the Legislature last week that as of Monday, June 1, 1981, new drivers in Ontario will be put on two .yearsbatiorebefore get: ting permanent licenses and the demerit point system will be redefined. Probe tionar y drivers who ac- cumulate six demerit points in a one-year period will °have their licenses lifted for 30 days under the new pro- gram Under the new demerit ..point system any .paint #n- fractions will relate to the date of the offence instead of the date of conviction for all drivels. Drivers who are: convietedef or exceeding the speed limit by more than 50 kilometres an hour, get six demerit poiri6.-'1'"ireee dot points - are assessed exceeding the ♦ speed limit by between 16 ' and 29 kilometres an hour or eg igiorin,g a stop stn, among other offences. g. When a probationary driver serves his suspension, the demerit points will be wiped out, but the proba- tinnary status will meriernee until the driver has com- pleted two, one year periods free of suspension. Human Rights Amendments to . the Human Rights -Code were debated in the Legislature last week and public hear - num earinks._. on .thnsn, _ .. a_ changes will be held during the next few weeks. If anyone wishes to appear - before the Legislative Com- mittee, please advise me as g soon as possible. 0 __ Caws fox. I disabled 71/ Once again, members of. , ▪ the Ontario Private Carly ' ;pground Association, in- diilding Huron Cliff Park in Park in Clinton, -' I help disabled people enjoy sum- mer activities in their "Campers Helping Disabled Campers" program Their goal this year is to provide vacations for 30 disabled men and women. Now in its third year of operation, the staff and, campers at privately owned campgrounds organize special summer events. Funds raised at events such as dances and suppers sup- port vacations at Ontario March of Dimes' camps for physically disabled adults. Special events and ac- tivities are now being plann- ed by campground owners across the province who have registered for the pro - The Ontario March of Dimes camping program is c ted eer,,, ai y ;w nee - summer and winter. Disabl- ed people, who- seldom have the chance to enjoy outdoor activities, have the oppor- tunity to try horseback riding, canoeing, overnight carnpouts, swimming, crafts and much more. The em- phasis at camp is tin what disabled people Tan do. ..Because of funds raised last year by the Campers Help- ing Disabled Campers pro- gram, 20 adults !some quite severely disabled) will be at- tending March of Dimes' camps this year. t "Everyone should have the opportunity to ex- perience the outdoors," says Frances Craig, Executive Director of the Ontario Private Campground As.socaition- "Ontario has some of the finest cam- pgrounds anywhere. Our program 'Campers Helping Disabled Campers' gives disabled people the chance to enjoy many things such as summertime activities and the natural beauty bf the pro- vince which many of us take for granted. We feel it is a program well worth suppor- ting because our visitors can have fun, and help others at the same time". In this International Year of Disabled Persons, fishing derbies, carnivals, dances and barbecue suppers at campgrounds will take on an added dimension. By enjoy- ing their own outdoor ac- tivities and by showing that they care, thousands of peo- ple will be involved in help- ing disabled men and women enjoy their summer and discover their potential. a )0. IV WILLIS 00 11,110A