Exeter Times, 1911-8-24, Page 11W-77777 ---- -- - 7
what has loe*u wrlttwt wbove, -the,
MONO SUF INVESTMENTS ao4teur choser o$ inveatments is
+ quit6, likely to w4kc, Bome 004bly
blurvaers. ' F
,Yen prof-osew
nal in -
Subscription List Will Open on Mondays, Aug, 14, And Will Close on or Refore 3 p.m. Monday Aug. —11
FIVE TO BE" (,'ON. '"stmen:t mltkers-411011 As
ers and -olc brokers—souc-
About the House 41 deal st,
+ OROOMINO AN times'err in their judgm6nt. One CAWTHRA MULOCK & COO OWN AND OFFER Al
exnriat, thereNre' W. too eareflil
+ +++++++++*
)Vhat Points for Study !)I IN(Odug THE. HOLLINGER HTENSION
i8imple furnishings and systema- Yestments AccordlINIg to: Re.
bio Weoldy cle.aning do away wibb
the old Unte 111410XI&O oie�aningl. ]�,Xajnvje, NEIV 110BOUPINE, `FLOT�tTIO,N $1,250,000 of 6trf first Mortgage I
I There need. uever 'be a time whe�a 70 Sinking Fund Thirty Year G 4 Bonds of
of 11,111tt, 1911.011.0tee Did TO OPEDIRAT'13 NEXT Ftll-
the. house is torn up fxoni attic, to
callar, Decorating and, repair$ For a Widows, 0(:8 NINE, Aft 21M
may c�ome titeasy intervals, if one um
41, The items below arc suggestions wom P1% T
5 To 1,110 firslb of tills series i� was voill of 11011inger ffls Been Traced CA N�A U'�' A um" R E A Cu N"mm T,ED
to ordor and method in the shuivii that, '�distributlon of risk,,
Onto ENtellsioll Pro
weeldy oleaniuq of A.Toon'. iis an important, principle of invest- (Incorporatod an;jar the Laws of t& Prooince of Ontaxia.).
Clean movable draperies, oriia- mex.;t, It is a 'very simple one, way E\teltsion ITHI Kimble Ivork a
Menta, � and. smaller furniture and howe'ver, intiolvi The same to carry, with them bonus of 25 per dent, of Common Stock.
ng no, Very con- to be Dolle
take from room. firsed, ideas.. There is another DA TED August Ist, 1911, DUE August Ist, 1.941.
"—DII-st and roll up SlMzles.- principle to -be borne in mind whou PrOsPec4q.
Remove smaller rugs and clean makin' Prmlcipal and sead-ann-tial interest February Ist and August Ist, payable at any bramh of the
thelM g iny"tments wl"Oh is Of no There appeared in our liast issue
less fin-Portaliee, but it is, howerver, Union Bank of Canada orMetropolitan Bank,
13rush, dust, and coTer larger c.onsiderably less obvioue to th'oso an adverbisement of the Hollinger
. Extension Mine, Ltd. This coin-
pleces of furniture. wh.-)se inve4sitmeDt experienc%,is Denominations 'I 00f $500 and 1 1000
Brush higher Nyoodwork a-vid 9111,all—.and eyen, to. many ho pany *ill operate a, property imz 4) tv I
wall& should, iindersta4nd its actioils niediately adjoining the now f&m- Bonds issued in coupon forM, with privilege of registration of principal
Dust picture frames and wi'Pe thoroughly. This is the principle otis Hollinger Mine on the north,
bmik� of smaller pictures. of investment "in accordance wlibli It will be remembered thata-bout T R TJ S T E E
.,glialce out wiadow and otlier actual requireanents." aine months ago Hollinger stock
was offered to the public at $3.50 Im
large tl`aperies and pin up. Aboult birenty years ago. a frietid Guardian Trust Co., L' ited, Toronto.
Sweep heayler rugs. an4* x*oll up, of the writer—& ridow who had a share, the par Yalue being $5.00.
Dust gas fixtitres, a�mplz capital to return her a fair- The stock, sold up to $10.40 per
share, and is now around $ii.00
Clean the',floor. ly substantial income—Nad & num- CAPITAL I S S U E D AND F UL LY PAID U P
per share, the development work
'LTp to a certain point, a fe"i-ther ber of bond.'a wldch she held re- having proved, the property to cola- j250,000
d-uster is allowable; whelir the dqlst deemed, J. e., gald. at maturity. 6% FIRST MORTGAGE THIRTY-YEAR SIKKING FUXD GOLD BONDS—.... ...$I
has settled itzhould be removed- VY emin, very large bodies o& high
She was anxiomt -to re-hivest, this 7% NON -CUMULATIVE, PREFERRED STOCK, ISSUED AND FULLY PAID UP ". 11250,000
using a slightly , dampened cloth. �money, and� we t to &ien to gel- rade -ore, In rihort, the Hollinger
it a I d
As ordinarily performed dusting his Wvice as to a. proper meditirn is the foremost mine in the ca=p- COMMW STOCK, ISSUED AND FULLY PAID UP ...... .... ..... ...... 2150OX0
simply whisks the lint from 'One in which to place this money. After 'The Hollinger Extension Mine,
which contains at least one of the
place to another. Ideas of dust, investigating, be divided the zisk
ing -are many and -varied; some carefully—ae4ording to his lights— Rollinger "ins, is -offered to the, BOARD OF DIRECTORS:
�n sight, others public by W. Murray Alexander CA-WTHIiA MULOCK, Toronto, President. X0, TOMLIN, Toronto.
dust only, v -bat is i
and boughteliaresin abaukinithe—
w h t migh-t be seen, and a few then—territory of.Moittana,several and Ussher, Strathy & Co., both Director Imperial Bank of Canada. Toronto Bakery.
dust everywhere. They never fail nior%ages on property.in the "tein- of Toronto, at $3,00per share, the Director Confederation Life Association.
to wipe, the window sashes where par value being $5.Do, and only SO,- W. J. BOYD, Wintir a Bakery,
_�%, Boyd!
derloin" distriot of New York, wo shares are being issued at the MkjjK BRVIDIN, Toronto, Vice -Pres. and Gen. Manager.
they meet and lock. They upen all
�shares, in a patent medidne. com- present price. The Capital is $I,- President Bredin Bread Co., Limited. A_LF RED JOHNSTON, Toronto, of IV, R. Johnston & CO.1
do,ors and clean'them on top and Vany, and a partnership in a bors-e Ltd. Wholesale Clothing.
two sides, as well as. back and: 500,000, with $500,000 left in' the
ranth, in Colorado. This was. over treasury to develop the property GBORGE WBSTON,, Toronto.
fTomt. More than that, the), dust t,�Neut�- years. ago, so, that the ab- Model Bakery. E. H. LASCHINGE , ToroDto, Secretary; formerly As -
and active work will -be comm
the casing where the- door touches solutely speculative character of enced Fresident!'George Weston, Limited, sistant Deputy Postmaster -General of Canada.
at -once.
-when closed. One never� finds a ithe so-ealled investments was evven
solid blaek line down their door The recent fir�e has, quite natur-
more palpable thaa It would be to- ally, caused & relcession. in th6 BANKERS
cagings. adviser failed altogether
day. This, price of 41. Porcupine shares, but
!Sometimes it, is nece-5sary to P01- to invesit in accordance with &dtual Urtion Bank of Canada. The lKetropolitan Bank.
it is agreed by-eweryone. that the
-is dust. The anibeatea requiremenits. He -took highly
Itth, as well ,
camp will be rapidly vebuilt on a
white of an egg stirred into cold speculative rislas which he ealcu- TRANSFER AGENTS AND REGISTRARS
cleans poli surfaces lated would result in increazing his much more stibs-tantial basis. In
water ,Qhea, fact the work -al rebuilding is be- Guardian Trust Co., Limited
well. NVork in small sections, dry fii-end's capiial, quite overlooking - n -g rushed rapidly. Mitch surface AUDITORS
quickly, and rub till bright. Cloths the faet that as her capital wa-s 'n'o k h ever, has been accom-
must be s -oft, and clean. W00d�- limited and all tha-t she had to wde
�or 0)� Price, Waterhouse & Co., Afantreal and Toronto; Oscar Hudson & Co., Toronto.
work that ha d only pend on for a livelihood, she should
s been istaine plishe by the, fire, which has laid
bare the veins in many places..
',4 -should be cleaned- with, & cloth have choscii investments in w1ii4ch , Severil well posted men who PLANTS AT: Molalfrealq Toronl,% Villinflipeo
-slightly oiled, and chigted with a, the� s-alety of the principal and the have recently returned from the HEAD OFFICE a* Toronto.
wiry cloth. thite, spots nt.kle by certainty of the income-wexe -of the
water or heat on varnished fun -11- camp have. given it as their opiri-
bb highest class. It may be iisteresb- ion thatthe Pearl & Gwies Lake
,eture aye removed by ru i?19 m-ith ing to note in passiiig that of tile here tile Hollinger Bx- PURPOSES OF COMPANY
spirits of camiphor. A good. fur- stim so i Distriot—iv
nveFted not ton per cent. tension Mine is, aitualed—has, a.l- oauadr, Bread Compan . y, Lit -ailed, bar. acquired as goLug coneerTm the plants and hiltAaesses of tlxe 13redIn Bread company, Tjlm-
niture renovator should al -ways be ya,s e -ver recovered. ready idemonsitrated that the gold Ited, og Toronto; Geo. Weeton (The Model Balrcrlv), or Toron H. 0. Tanflhi (Teronto Bakery). of Toronto; Stunris. jilailt-
at hand and irsed for polishing. R this man. had even thottgIA -%f 1104d, the real property Is excluded, but a parcel of
. is there in large, paying quantitiesi ed, ox"montreal, and W. J. Boyd, of Winuipeg. Inthecaseo
Bare floors are eleaned. like any the principal of investing i res in 0-ctent, is substlinted. Tho first three Companies have been In operation for almost tiorty years,
in. ac- City of wimipeg, about two
_0 and the securities! based oir- pro- end. uxe iast twb1wr-L%1ose to twent), )-ears. Tbey have all grown from -mtall begivWnprs till they ar
0 noW ainong the jwrgest in aleir ra-
�,efore relvaxings he would at le 'st pertiea lying in that district should spertive 11elcjs �n Canada. Tile qoinbimed output. of tue compa-Aes ai Prese vioxi� 00,000 leaves of bread per week. It
him 'n,
X;7, f
other woodwork. Waxed floors c,ordanee with aotual requiremen nt Is, ap a
sli 11ma h'ave sxvec epprecia-te in price as soon as the ment plant -s and the crecdon or acquisition of nem, plants, to fortimith increase the ouwut of the
, jjw Intencied, by extenstovx to the pre
but rarely at other times. Floor selif much b iliation ax!d the wi- qi�sent selling movement is wora company t -o -one miluon loa-ves per week, with other extensibus to rollarr in the other large cities at a later date.
brushes or brooms covered with dow much of her capital. out.
santon flannel, fleeoy side out, alre tant points POSITION OF BONDS
There are five impor From, the
aspect of the, market
best for cleaming them. Bits Of to be considered, in the endeavor
during the past week the Brokers For full particulars, reference, raay4e w -de to our prospeotus, whleh is accompanied by a letter froin Mr. Mark Bredin,
damp paper or daMP tea leaves 'to inve-st our capi-tal in accordance have a the 'Vice -President and General Manaser of the CornPanY- we draw attention to the foilowing points.
ct the stock to
jully expe,
i scattered Over a. floor catch the witli actual requirements, which
substantial upward reaction in the 1. Thc. preeent $1,260,000 of 6 per rent. nrst Mortgage with the econowles to be eftected, the earnings on these plants
P dust in sweeping. Ingrain carpets the liero of this Jittle taleno doubt ' d. A is freely pre- Sinlring Fund Tbirty-year Gold Bondx are semired bY wrust W111 shartly ainount to $180,000 a year, or nearly two and one -
['0, near future, an, C
are brigbteoed by scattering corn- regretted deeply that he had, never 3Doeds to Guardian Trust Company, Limited, Toronto, dnvtl- half t1nies the bond Interest.
*The dicted by those, best informed, th-at tuting d nrat mortgage on all the property, real, personal, Or 4. With the extensions that it is proposed to errect fortli-
weal or dry salt. before sweeping. learned. The. first is, briefly lass of stocks have seen mixed, xow ownea or hereafter acquired bV the COMP&nY, 203
1; the best c Deeds It witb, the Camrj2ny, by the end of Its first fiscal N*ear, ahould be
The digging required, to re-MOTO safety of principal and interest jr, lowest prices in this move- raore fully daserlbed in said Trust Deeds. In the Trust Jn a position 11p show earaings of $260,000 a year. equal to three
a t1torough cleaDing- Th'at is the assurance of getting the is specially stipulated that of the ;1,000,000 cash bellig placed
f'! these insures ent. in ibe treasury, the svrn of $500,000 shall be held bY the Trus- and one-ha)f times the jnter&q requirements ou the bond Issue,
As. soon as a section of a room is one's money, both principal and in- m �abd with all the additional plia.:ftts that w111 be provided with the
The Hollinger Extension is the, tee, to be used only in the redemption of bonds or in investraent ca,*b now in the trtasun�, iiie earnIngs should steadily gain to
410110 the. dift should be takela UP* tereet., when it is due. Now it must -firs-tstock offered to the public hav- In additional plants and real estate, chus Inemasing the fixed over $530,000 a year, or more tfia�n seven times the bond In -
notice whether she i ered that these two fea- assets uncier the raortgace. A. 131aking rund of I per cent. Is
One should Is be rememb ing a property immediately adjoiDL- terest requirements.
esing the best method in sweeping, tures are by no means the same, operative from Aus-ust lot, 1911.
ing the Hollinger, and is -expeot- ' 6. The Company, with its plants situated In ihe laxger
She should give short, quick nor do they inhere equally in ally ed, to become a marked fwvoxite, 2. The assets of the OoMpanlefi alre-ad3r taa:en over stand In alties of the alfferent provinces of Canada, will be ba an ex-
etrokes., beaying down on the one' investment. For example, a ceptionally fAvorable positlon to benefit 'py tile Marked
and to sell at appreciably 6,ver the excesz. of all liabilities and without aAY anowance for good -will,
Varoom . and. lifting it back in%Ua-d ixnap may invest in a well secured o bsat:��,plaeed in economies ilmt will be posarble in. manufacturing and, more
Issue price.. of course, the fact trtLde warks, etc., st 1841,428. 10. There has a)L
the treasurX 11,006,221.08 of cash. which, besIdes furrdahing funds especially, -in distribution, and all the time will be turning out a
Of dTagginz'. Mortgage on which the. mortgagee 4that it ad* 'ns the. Hollinger does for the purchasing or construction of additional 10an's, win pro- more uniform prod -act 'under the most sanitary oonditionp.
-Afti-v the wo()dw,
,ork com�e the, may fail to pay the int�rest, while -here is
S. The proefloal. men who bave rnade the dIfferent coni -
not. make it 9, mine, but, t vide ample working 01DItal.
eT the prinoipal-, owing to the value Zvery pro-$peet thvt all the good
jpif,�tjji,6 - frames ; next the larg pxn;es partioularb, sueaessful will be Ident1fled with the manage-
roperty backing the mort-
pieceR. ol furniture; tbe�n the ]a)'ge of the P things did not stop at the-Holli-ji- 3. The earnings of the present Plants, as per certificate of ment and diroeflon of tiie new Company. Mr. Mark Dredin, who
0 Tugs axe spread out, hu-niture gage, would ibe perfectly safe. Rx- Messrs. Price, vulaterhonse & co., atter ealowing for depreci,_L is probably one of the rnotd successful bread ma-wifacturers in
ger botIndaries. The property is tion, arnounted from April 30th, �1010, to Aptil 80th, 1911, to Canada, will occupy the position of Vice -President and Geiieral
t in and arranged, and "pting when investing-bi stocks, easily worked, and- the exte)2sion
1byougb to whieh may be added �35,000. being Interest at Manager, while the services of the heads of four of the difterent
draperies and bric-a-brac pul-, in this point does noi in any degree $107,016.14,
L,jee of the of the T. & N. 0. Railway to the tile rate of s,,/2 per cent. an si,000,000 cash in the treasury etampanles taken over and of an efficient representative of the
depend on the market pi Hollinger, which is now being con- pinding Its emPloYmOnt QA extetariaris. 7A is eatim , ated that', fifth have been assured to the Company.
dows may be cleaned at any security. The safety ol a bond de-
Avin strutted, froln S011ti-I Porcupine, S U B S C R I P T 10 N S
convenient time When in the slmde. penai an Cie certainty wbith it has will enable tbe Hollinger Exten- s. and are payable as foHovrs:--
A )itt)e akohol in +he water keepoz of being paid off at mat"ritY. The to brijig in i�tq supplies with- SuUscriptious should be made Qu the form =conzDanying tile prospectu
a or dOWn ill the jo per cent. on par value on appUentlon, and In Instalments ar. follows, In which case Interest at the rate of
it Irom freezing on the -glass in cold Price may 111 v6 up iner out -delay, and at a minimum Of ssy, per cent. on par value on anotment. o per cent. uIll be ebarged from dato of allounent.-
10 per cent. on par valuo on applIcaUen.
nieantime without. in an.v mai expense.
affecting the saXety of the invest- 981% per cent, 13 per cent. on par vabie on allotaient.
OR 25 per cent. on par valite oil Ist Sept., 1911.
SUPE&USTITIOUS SA.1LORS. 25 per e-ent on pax- value on ist OcL, loix.
(2) "Rate of income" is the- P-oint 25 per cent: on par value on Ist Noy., 19t I.
H()USEHOLD HINTS, Isecond in importance, It should
I the -re- not be, confused with 11rate of in- 'Ifitch in Launching a Ship Is a
Calic.0 shrinks in vashing, 98 per cent.
f -ore, allow three-quarters, of an terest," %,hich, as will be 'Point d )Bad 01110n. jj'pon final PA.Mellt by the subscriber for gJ1 the bonds allotted, the Guardian Trust Conipaiiy, Limited, will deliver the bonds, to-
out later, is quite a difterent mat- Those men who go down t�o the gefher lvjth flilly paid-up shares of the Common Stock of the Company equIvalent tLt par'to 25 per cent. of the ilar value of bonds
hich oil every yard. 0* 1) -sea, in -ships, and who have recently allotted.
Combs should n t be wa-shed- ter.
Pass a, clean piece of r.%g bebwe (3) "Convertibility into cash ApplIcation w111 be made to list the bonds and common stock on the Toronto Stock Ex -change.
en 'been in the thmes of an industrial 'Al. Stewart and eert1ficates of Price. Waterhouse Co., and Canadlan-
Tie dispute, are full of su copy of the trust mortgage and legal opJnfon of A.
Wel,%ns the re-v.lines.� with which 0 perstitions. inspection at the oMceg of the Guardian Tvust CompanY, Limited, Toronto.
tj)e teeth to clean them. American AppralsM Co., aro open to
NVhen hanging out clothes hmigp may sell and thus cash in" on his Yoticannot shake them. Prospectus and application forms may be, obtained from and subscriptions F.hould be forwarded to
Airts by the �and-s, night-dreases inlrestalle!"t., Indeed, yon -%-ill find it practical -
b tile, sboulders, and stockingg by (4) "Prospect of appreciating in ly finpossitle to convince sailors GUARDIAN TRUST 00NIPANY. L�MITEDI TORONTO
ar 9 that ill -luck oes n t cling to a k'�' BAI I
rvialue" is thE�, point thl�t depe J d o A-�vranoh UNI
Choose, 1�,,tp wicks that- are �on the security in qn�stion so In- V4p8sel whose namo has been chang- 0 N KIK OF CANAD-A and THE METROPOLITAN BANK
);oft and loosely woven. Soak oaeasing in val I tie as to'increase the ed, or that.& Craft Whose name ends __oR TO_—
of capitit I in, -sted in "a" does not rest under an mdl
111,em ill -,,ijje.qAr and dry thorough- anioun�t L T-, , - Nvill be
spell. Persist, and you
3y before u -sing. (5) "Sta-bilitY Of market 117'ice," ed aboub the Victoria, -sunk'in
Stareh� tbat 'has �'n, few drops Of relerg to the feature some sectirl- CAWTHRA MIUMLOCK & COMPANY1
iterranean; the -Arequipa,
a mW 14 the Med (ffir_P,,jBE;r8 70HONTO STOCK EXCHANGE.)
�jjrpenLi?)e a4ded, in III ties possess of not falling in price ashore on i -lie AVest Coast of Amer-
produce a gloss Oil e ars a$3'11 vvirlien the market is declining, It ica- tbe Cobra, a destroyer, which
klifis. may seem a httle Irish to, say so, brok'e, ber back oil her maiden yosr- 12 KONG 'STREET EAS T 0 R 01M T 0
Black sjockings slioidd be ri),sed but the, se�urities unaffeated by age in the North Sea; and the Sar -
In blue water to pie-se-rve their .&-ay severe deoline in the, market, Yjinia, b%inb in harbor at Malta, Of
'd- are as 4 generaj rule, only those ooLrse, t e
colox. They shLould be Manglc - re are hundreds of ves-
b0t iT40-ned. IwIlich are not traded in On the tels aftab 'with bear the unlucky Lam curtafi0- Oiould 'be so4 ed
Wet boots should, be Alled 'With anarket. This po I int should Mot be final letter and in which it is safer hn invitation to stay in -a. tyPical ;enjoyed himself altbough be had to in of.11d Water o . Verlilglib before-ve-
soft, paper. orb e ponfueed w farm or country house. Here he rge, ing wq:slied, ' In the morning wring
This will abS - to travel tba'n on the railway, but s'Z(I. of Cupboards, -Rilt Ser,1111110us- 6asin behind the kitchen door, One
tb itli safety In princip&l 'perform his ablutions in a � In.
moisture, and 'belp to 1weP thO These. qualities axe present in %110 list 0� losses is a -formidable slept in one, of those extraordinary oirt and waob in a nice, lather of
booto in rbape. varydng -de,grees in OVOTY in -vest- o n e. ly Clean� Says TraYeller. bed cupboards wbieh surround the would iniagine that these miniature 0
cold, floora are very trying. It if, illkleiDd, eVcr, sometimes it is. a member g of sitting room and have just 611011[gh cubicles must be stifling in summer, 90"d '011" s -RP' to
. mient, 'but seldom The -A, Among the most entOrtminiu 'but, as Aft. Edwards' exp n_ig — Joxemiah's vi
they am of oement, Put sevOl'a3 ar4 Vie -y Present 11, any one invest- of the crew to whom a.particularly- the experiences detailed by 0. W. space, foi a bed. Undressing in the orieftle rih6_�tj.molecb, 'This most naturally
layers .q, paper raider the carpeto niolik- in equal degrees. Therefore, ;evil influence is attacbm, some- t1dwards in his "E,011a,114 of To- sitting. room has to be effected Wit -11 Svas in Avinter, be Cannot tell its. In Id 0�),Mt, 0 the clozLA 61 Sere-
aj)d. it wiff.otop Lho draughL nil jhv6storvnisb icousider whioli times it is a passenger. But if yoll day," wero thore of Boer life. The tome skill and. delicacy %wa tllcu '&ny, &'ISO they are scrapitlouOy I'v 40 11 a e left,
- 'the visitor slides ba,.,k the ranel of clean,. and he'did not suffer from nji�tj, 28. but. ovklonfly,h s h en
ly,00den spoons, And Pattry P*��Its he aeres-and purchase his, 'wam to seeo a sailor man shiver 'Dutch Boers rosemble the old yea, all )I mv an (.4or to matm no break
�Ia'hosts i6f Rea �-- ealled, facctiou�i
bollptis %vill be all tho 1�etter for a, Vit1j, $hAt end ID VUV. �Vjtjj �sjjpergtitiDn, t0t there be some nienof EnglArL4. Once, when trav�- J.& receptacle, entort It and aare�-
Mad -varub with. sand, -Try. it in- This i bthina bim. ly ',the little birthi"-�vhich tj.p X t, ill e'x-
short-, oots.1ifutes. the chief bltoh in the, solemn ceremony of ellina. near Harlem, be, was at a fully closes the door I0
ts b reaks qoss, where to put up, and I r
n in wakit lnvo ",en �auaohins. It w0j4rly 'hiB Slko-tCha ',4Ya4aor tMS r001 AAd 966mol U b&V the fall (4 the ciV-
W�,V*d of Soap, and yoll -will be 40,- Iaek'is owed' to jl' dwards passed three Yiigbts '1171h,"'Oun in DutOi provk)w� tu and, dt,M41
e jnWra5b tak-01l in
IL&UPA vitb, tb*. ftsmlra'. W)4 as it 0,11A be, reajis',0A f rorn te&r6. Ibb