Exeter Times, 1911-8-24, Page 8SUMER MONTH$ FATAL RE WILL I rho TO SMAIL CHILDREN Ring Georgo 04a No Nood for sit. WHE eeided to A The Bulnuier months are the Xln-g George has d INVEST? rea Shin 111RIS dis-, -a phot 1, hardest of the, year on small child- pense with the services of Sol 0 of late Cholora, Wfautum, diar- 1 the "Silver The pro - I give tile ofloials an dysent.r.N, and awivacb. trou- i pol- designation of 1� To any person of mea )" A E I'N' INT PAR1,9 8110P.S. bles are lit common at this time question is Foreign Serviee Mes� a pertliwnt &!I an� -ecious life - � sengers and in )King 1WWard's the above is (.I ln� y a, pi , is snuf k bo4kel�� out after only a. few hours, ill. roija they were,. requisitioned 0 question. Piet &quare ind. round neQ are equally popular. ness. As a safep good deal ow� that the 4� BONDS represent the pose�uard mothers ing to the fact d Ills -oyal pur 44u, e ? ng's health necesaitate star Faahiona;ble are i 040uld keep :Baby s Own Tablet$ in Ki ntiu- safest kind of an invest- big para�ols with whito silk linings. the, howie. Art occasional dose of spending Inuch time on the Co ment as the payment of tile Sailor eoliRrs of satill. orsilk are the Tabletq Will prevent stomach ent, ani it was often well that a both principal and inter - ow y�eiied With black- or whiteehif� een a and bo-wel troubles, oi- if the trou- verbal message should accompany EL est is guaranteed by the a I! f0a. despatca. The present King 1148, ble comes on suddenly will bring corporation issuing the A n ceals to diminish the partiality for -tile Colitill- Nothing s the little one through safe`IY� B�%. no,great bond. at t po Larry DeGrave M6unette, b and entrusts mo pul"trity of the foollarlew, bodive, I st of hi�4 mes tile SIT, seallges to the ordinary Pest. or gown. �vriteq -, ­Lmt stimmer my I)ab,) 1� We. , would like an A novel ind pretty conoeit front falej. greatly from ber s�oinachand The "Silver Greyhoands" wear ! disaI ilver disk which opportunity to place be- I Witt Paris is colored sashes and shoe8 bowels and 'not4ing liolped'her till � as a, badge a broacl at fore you a list of bonds to match� I began giving her Baby's Own i is ataraped with a, greyhound in pro' Tabk�t,�. Th egulated her bow- full gallop, Surmounted with a that afford not only abso- bro Satin a�nd velve.tcen axe By r dloted as the lea4evi in suit M,%- eIs, sweetened her stontach, and crown. These -gentlemen are en late Safety but splen . did of g delkmte duties. Tile interest return. Witt terial for the fall. no%v she is a big, healthy, happy trusted with ost is a $up IrregulAr shape% and plentl Of chitd." Tile, Tablets are sold by chief qualification for the P -,I 4L our. enquiry will re - by mail at 25 knowledge of the gentle art of ride uncltTied o�ztrich plumes mark 'the medicine dealel�s or several ceive prompt attention. era Williams' "holding vour tongue in lato5t larg<, hats as a rule. cent� a. box from The Dr. wit] S-weet peaB in their delicate pink., mLidi��bie Co., Brockville, Ont. languages," a definition given bY VIA Lord Palmerston to a friend who a t blue,, lavender, and pink shades R WIT A L T be oface of r the afternoon hat-, WRy Hr STAXED. applied to him for t are i4pal ftv e wearing chap Silver Greyhound. S ECURITIES who Girls Qf 14 Ind tip ar ,Can't understand that ceited _44 4�,u tbe.�ir skiris short, This, of course, over there," said the con CORPORAT10M wit] shoes and hosiery Is been staring at ITANE YOU A, BAD 89RE9. L f M I T E 0 tint means. prett,� - ' Roberts. "He lion tan, lisle or co�i_v 4 minutes. Look It so, remember these facts—' BANK OF MONTREAL BUILDING as whit me for the last tell. - YONGE AND QUEEN STS. stock-ings '1114 puatps� Zam-Buk is by far the most vid Fed t,,k are laee trimmed and in question atill, con- used balm in Canada I W by has it TORONTO ins New ja6o The man t are-Worli with linen suits or sep- tilined to stare hard until Roberts become so popularl Because it ed, &rafe b1tgises. The one� Sidedeffect grew $0 CUrlOus he could stand it heals sores, cures skin diseases, "Harris's cow bro-ke into iny un is evident s. wido frill being at- and does what- is claimed for it- It no longer. me like Remember that Zam-Buk is at the garden and ate all the grass Off a central, trill of lace. you stare at "What did be; 0'0 wit Velvet Of all colors, especially 'Why do 0 d- same time healin& soothiiig, and the lalvmll tha that Ill he inquired. I 'Are y li a ic. Kills poison instantly, aibout it?" "Sent me in a bill for byids fair to hold place as classical nosel Or do anfisePt 0 sho black, miring my It is suit- using hi& cow as a lawninower" trimitting even through the hot sea- I remincl you of some dear one who and all harmful germs, can son. _NTothing more effectively has departed from this lifel" able alike for recent injuries anil tones down S116 Vivid 'Colorings as lt�s like this," replied the diseases, and for chronic sores, ld- Its Virtue Cannot be Described, T na-ble. (My wife has alwaYs cers, etc. Test how different and —No one can explain the subtle now are iashio and stranger. aliv is. All tio A fashitalable idea, for linen superior Zam-Buk re at 50C. , bo- power that Dr. Thomas' Eclectric told me that I'm the ugliest man x. are voile frocks is to plate 8, twelve oil i.iossesses. The originator was mrth, and, by Jove, it sheldruggists and stores to sixteen inch colored barld on 1 it I b. -t she'd change i TTse also Zam-Buk Soap. Relieves himself surprised by the wonderfill tre could see yo -velits freckles suff around the b�LNttoin of the skirt and her opinion I" sunburn and Pre h. 250 tablet. ' qualities that his cOmPO11nd P05- ver then introduce a t*uDh of the color Best for baby's bat sessed. That lie was the benefac- in the, waist. A Sure Corrective Of Flatulency. A.—_ tor of humanity is shown by the Pa Girls' evening froc-ks are of light VARIETY. nivriads that rise in praise of this ace —When tile undigested 1,00d lies ti sunuIl-ex Silkm, I&Wn, orgalldie, in the Joinach it throws off gages, Blodds—I never knew a womall wonderful Oil. So familiar is ev- ma swiss. etc., with wdenciennes lace ssion in so changeable as Mrs. Dashaway. e - ith it that it is prized as elvet, espe- causing pains and oppre it. She n rYone w verywhere. Fo and often a touch of v on. The belch- Slobbs-1 know eyer % household medicine e :43jaily -of king's blue. I Copenhagen the stomachic regi . I even -wears the same complexion blue c(irgl pink, or cerise. ing or teructation of these gases isi an., ft ensive and the only way to pre- twice. "Johnny, you have been fight- es e look in A novel treatnient Of white lawa 0 nt them is to restore the stomach ing. I can tell it by tb morning f rocks is to trim them With T` 1�yes, in-oth-er, and to proper action. Parmelee's Ve- your eye. �checked -Lnghamh—the Pretty lit- Simple you ona-ht to see the look in the tle blue and white. lavender and getable Pills will do this. other boy , s e-,, e. ity a;t �directjons go with each packet and hite th 0 white. and pink and w talken systemati- i-nows and lihes. a course of them Mtnard'S Linlinent cures carset in raws. cally is certain to effect a, cure. This is to cer,­, 1- us,?d XLN The XapOeollic tendenev is ARD'S Li-aiment in my family for years, I and consider it the best lini-eut on the Borrow—"Until now I have nev- strong in Paris fashions. A ellie USUAL REASON. mariet. I have found it for turn of the hat brim, a milit,%ry horsefiesh. erf had to ask you for a small dasIt -of tile collar, lapel, cuffs, or "He used to be a straigilb enough (Signed) 0 W. S. PINEO, loan. Money—"And till now I separate ba.- are the little things I young chap. What made him.get "Woodlands," Middleton, N.S. have Is never been obliged to refu I Be that stiggest, the conqueror. crookedq�� you. velvet are "Trying, to make, both ends Ribbons and piece Pt I believe." W. is, e mothers who know the Vir. both mast aenerously used on hats me 1 , tues of Mother Graves' Worm E-,�- of a,11 kineos-, and. i�t is thought by ID CHILD 1D HEALTH TO MOTHER AX terminator always have it at hand, experts that velvet esr. o sinv �AD- iecially will REST Ak P bas bten soo,rixtN 11ARD TIMES ARE r continuously for the V yl� A.Is by MILLIONS Of because it proves its value. be skrung . used for over SIXT 'W1111,14 —"They Say Paris next �,welv e months in the millinery for their CITILDrB-N AS It Mrs, Kuicker TEUTHIN , with pU"I�CT 1;17C=, is crazy over fringe." Be sure-ofyour ability as a fight-, S00'rRFS the CHILD, S0FTr,1qS t1le GUTAS, ALLAyS all PAIN -, CURUs, -,VIxD COLIC. and wear it on ack'a man who is ab- Knicker—" Well, er before you stt The vogue of the sweet peas in f,�r I)TARRH(I.A. it is Is the laist reme,lv C no a -k for ­ Mrs. my trousers if you get any more 11,as be -come pronounced ;oGteiv itarnile�,- ii s r a s scare -proof. millinery. ary -ted that �Vjnsl6w,, .�aothia- iwrap,­ and take ­ othe. rdresses." since Qucien M� sele- SinCL TU-euty_JjVe�C911Lsa bottle. AN ANGLER'S ELYSIUM. chain-Aing blosSom as her favorite DOMin- According to advertisements; sil summer, when Toll . C. flower. and thereby gave. an impet tIlVere you nerrous Dr Gordon Howitt ring resorts ar alike. Tfies, are the best ever says, refer: us to sqveet pea. motifs in dreeis r wife'r` asked the ion Entomologist, -but it fishing is better. anywhere also. proposed to you an Bay" we do not -nd &cce��90ries- sentimental person. -No," re- to the infantile death rate from than it ii in "GeOrIv, . goods, ribbons a iarrhoea Imow where it is. T ere is a greater var- There is adeci efe, rc n ce f o I* lied Mr. Meek. ,but if I -could intestinal diseases and d LvLy of Asb, in this water than any-�,vbere ided Pr p- �e fly, he believes else, and they are always hungry. The the slia-des' e, next ten years Spread by the hoW . is, place where you can afford to ffi.�h if., evening gowns of gray have fureseen th less fly is On are numerous, bir, and de. being. of Course. those'that are ait � I would have been." that the so-called harm Where tbO f7sh artifWal light. 1 rly Causing the death of thou- ne-ious in flavor. and that Place IS Georg- ian BaY-90 the fisherme" qfty- 81101)OL'e their be�it un ' �Oo let 1,5ach bN ti4GYR _'d i� e nd Stone gnay is not, favored, though e a about Wilson's Fly Pads are sold by sands of infants, as well nu Be r g4l 011te and k ise vario= practically, all Of kvPbOicl ' a combined with cer in Druggists, Groceri 1 spreading the germs 'rrun R f th WIS P 'A. T1. as 7 to tome d res e th e ble OU ani a Wilson's FI -y X t J in silver it; and Gell'eral Stores throughout'fever, , 0 1 tr 't Pads ai the 6 ti oton 0 U no a on ways and embroidere, D vp V n has found sL�nle Canada. They kill many times only thing that will rid your house more Ries than any other article. of ihose dangerous Pest s, And the average girl would Ta- RALF CAT. RALF 111RE. they be- a silly goose tha4 an ugly, re thes L you are duckling. "Here. waiter, a e [v—"Do you knor Diner— ac . as Wditer It L t nth person ty-daY who itten-leTer(A, Whitch I Leaps. M'alks: pork Or mutton Chap,,?" — he te Rlia Prefers Gardell. "Can't you tell . by the taste?" asked me for help?" Tramp (sarl- minard's Liniment Cures Dlphtherla� Im 'ter "Then Jy)—l'Yes I Ow the comp acquaintance Diner—" No." Wa — FARMS_ FOR SALE OR RENT. A perion uf my 011� �`ting awfully keen, leddy. ent in -what does it, matterl tion.'s ge (sayti a Reuter�s correspond I suppose some -of us'll have to go ASK DAWSON HE KNOWS. P TOU waut to a farm, Consult Crete) sonie m4inths ago lost his cat, a feniale. Walking in the coun- I We have no hesitation in saying to work, sooll." me. F you Iva a feLrm, cOnstIlt try the. other day Ile came across i that Dr. J. D� Kellogg's Dysentery nt to buy TRY MURINr-- C -YF- REMEDY accompal�iied by his cat, Oondial is without doubt the best a hare, for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes medicine ever introduced for dY, sn't HAVE, some of the best Fruit. Stork, who was carrTing, in her mollth a anetGranulateflEyelids, IsTurille Doe Grain. Or Dairy Parma in Ontario, 1�ttl(_, kittcn-levcv�t, sentery, offlarrhoca, cholera, and Smart—Soothes ijye Pain. Druggists charming and prices right. wJJJClJ Slie lakI at his feet He took: all summer comlolaints, sea sick, Sell iqurine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25cl NVI DAWSON, Ninety Colborne H. street., Toronto, it Il()lnLN NvitIl bim. The animal has! ness, etc. It Pr'omptly gives7- re- roc, $i.00. '_Nlurine Eye Salve in the lica-d awl piws of a cat, but all! lief and never f&ilg to effe6t -a posi- Aseptic Tubes, 250, $1.00. 'Eye 330oks e by Mail. ASKATOON, saskatche*an, roquir�s of the body is hare, not! ti,, cure. A.Tothers should never be and Eye Advice Pre Five Thousand Harvesters to take in tile rest ine Eye Remedy Co., Chicag - aLnd help. Good furni. but in the quality without a, bottle -when their chil� Mur onorluouq erop. Come UP 1 only in Iiiendid ( Set, country to, Ho7pestead. aii� volor of tile fur. The mixture dren are teething. Charitable Lady ­"Poor wo- and at tile same time secure of tile father and mother in its Walk On arrival call oil The COIXLmISE;i011�3', mail. Are you a widow?" The, B,,,,d of iFr,de Offices, sasliatoon, he will and leaps is most remarkable. In Bea4s of perspiration are thc "Worse than that, Place you. Poor Woman- -ity of hare it profcrs the jewels of toil. its capa( I ady 1) "What do you meanl," p7QENTS WANTFI), garden to indoor life� but its cat living, and I have nature bi-higA it regularly to the Minarti-i Liniment cures' Distemper. husband is GRNTS WANTUD.-A Study fit other dining rooni -at mea, I tir�e. wllpn to ;IlppoTt him," 1k Agency Ropositions convinces us that none cat' e(11191 our$, Yen will al. SHE WAS WISE. *t apply for by a soft parring I Was's regret it if xOU dou locing fed and caressed. orn Cure is particulars to - Xravellers' Dept., 923 I I 11Why do you insist -an asking When HollowaY'B C pleasure at Albert ',t. Ottawa that young T�an to sing?" applied to a corn' or wart- it kills MISCELLANEOUS, DON'T BREATHE LAZILY. I "Becau�p-?' replied Aliss Cha7- the roots and the callosity comes IS "If you are. <�Onsumptive, if you lenne, "when he`h *singinel Ile isn�t jut without injury to the flesh. I:f Ay and FAit",% SCALY, - Wilson's JA "cale Works, nsplampcle, Toronto.. I trying to converse." think y4au arc drifting into con- 1 3 CjAWMILL VACHINLRY, Portable Of sumptioll, sing. � "YLA a medical DELICATE, OF HER. k-.13 heavy, Latbe ShiuTle Mills., "of cour-&(!, Zinging 4011491 Whe4 an Ordinary man succeeds '. , I Boilers, Will supp lea. '2110 tion ! in aceo'mplishing sonletl1i I ng worth "How. diLl Goqievieye get rid of: unines alit ring CO-, L", Weal v�lu fl -um consumP �Long manufactu J i will not Sa� ;trp.et, orillia. Ontario. vokt-. singing -,N7,0111 while, lie ceasies to. be, ordintry. her caller who staved, so late?" Ims, to Iii. or cut e.- n -i A TUMORS, bu), air and, 'Gellevieve is a girl of very de- A -N CL without mu't have plelity of fresh ternal and, extcrnal. cured licate feelings. 'She -merely brought: 'U by olar home trontmant. Write, Us A vtwl good food. A lud sipeaking of fresh to of breakfa b food," bafers too late. Dr. IS01101111-1 ,ot 4 . mo Ppr- MIM in a Isla 3 Wood, Ont. sot in a himilred know lClor .1 Ila to-doy for our choice list. ople -'athe T TcacIicr--"Wb1 t little W A9,111ts, Supplies, No Outlay air, T nitts't say tilat h in- 'it N s how i _'ov an C))J�e doly. brc in I i hale it, a� bey are 1110005' ­ * tell m e it is that `P. 7. 229 MU'lprt 031t' ply ortualgli 01cy 5eldaln pn5lcr- Lid�, de, lion and goes Out like a'ne"'* ly vantilate their hing en% like a "Ple"Iso, nthis, Our " glat - I., w o. Ont. stuffy inS:aT1itaJ`y Ws which re',emble TON SWATAT GUAIIANT1,MD. AV1180t*8. the back'6 "Cale NVorlj. 9 Juspianade, Toronto-! P, landl(�rd whiin lie gets aparintentP,, where All erInE thl'ivO Avf1idro flie habit of MI i?iv 'E Consult H rent. 11E(A ALISTA Lowest undishirbP4. I IV' 5 rart, to anT diseass, breatil NVIdell .01 1� us w res, all kinds, in drugs S ati, -�,kirjg the big� of fur any kind is (,asier to look thotiplithill 01`rs In a I ­--scl fitted 1�y mly alm Write to -day I Is, mont. Masses titt-ni h "of)d� all�rl t;'�',l 0. 41� �11.14 in firfitl(MMS5 drub, singing. 1),,141 or thayl it ii tu deliver the tholig i�,, 1!4'. 1 for awkyng oold (Ierl�' A fro'n it will - n i, Ora PIINde!, jo� rt a to I)r. -so ris voll t,l relfirse 1,11to 041 As a, mafter of fact few pet �IZ7i "M40K-1411 .% .1 110 14zy bi-oathill!". Fllrthcrrnore� the ."treet. LAMM"" t-oulpol"; . thc NM, �44­ . . . . . . . . �1' I ', 'fill .11 Tp"W,.� oil Easy OLEANING, 0 Rle're of S111"Inp _Vi� -to an4 to I WALKIM0 OR OTERO 0 -Jyoc t,,tly by,uy Pronob proeess; TrrAt. 8r A good bluff may ba more c -,"%t, a good 0) vim, ealt tlie 0 tive than tfic real thing. Dyeing' go BrIttsh AmOftk 1 0 1 i.va for 0-A hat] 1A;1yqjeaJ lialati of � I OLtUW' Mild Quebed- I s, Nipatreal, Toronto, tqjlnard's Alnivient Cures colds, Vo. L J Have You a Copy of This Catalovue M M WA W-3, W rommewimalft'' a lie. emamm %&1W0M 0 Oman= it is PRE E.- Write for It To-Daw OUR BEAUTIFUL Al We PaLy all Mail or EXPIress 0harf;-P_9 to your CATALOGUE IL- mattee where YOU -M-Ity LUSTRATED - live, an *L11 plurr-hatace It is the best ex- P" avor. Of $100.00 QXt elusively Fur Ca - When buying !I:k!r talogue issued in frorn .01"!9 Canada. ltcontaiils one 9-tundred fflustra_� house you are *ions and deacr;PVOns pioteoted by of the latest Nevv York, tho -rollowing London, and Pawls styles guarantcez. in ladles" rnen's, miss -es'. TH9 o,nd childrenys furs, Do neffail to vvrite to -day for n"d 1hat a copy of this authenticFashlon book -sent FREE to anY -_dcJress ^ro r7nk julto' mrr-c and addro4a on tho 00tsldO O'F an application. thz paoliv.:T0 anci rotorn titerrt int talt d,-ty;4 in evt�d condit;cr" rAna-thig viby tho goods rzra ratti;,nodj a-1-3 �xo will pmy -the WE A RE THE LARGEST EYLCLU q�'Ur- -I. I FURRIERS M THE BrUTWH EMPIRE anti ex. -Jes w -e er i a- I correct, and have reachea this position by merit and Inerit alone, 01ir sL, wlus ve ad and our t*mmense turnover enables us to give values that are impossible in the ordinary way of doing, bu-,LneGs. 'We guarantee eveX3E fur that beam our label. FURS E`XCT&4,AUS,1VE1LT Our entire capjital and tirne are devoted.to tile makixig and sellins of furs. We are specialists in the truest of ' the word, k%_rld, ZZ =11%, y1e, tha"ri Y'. .Are can give you greater satisfaction in bolh quality 4n4 AL you bought in a general way. Our styles, vplaes, and :qivalltyy wre e2,cl,us*Evely Sellers -Gough. Conipaye them with -what you have been accustomed to. Our entire business is manned in every deparilnent by an expert�nothing is left tn chance. Every fur and fur garment sold in this store is exantined Personally by a member ot the firm before it is allowed to leave our instizution. This assures you of not only correct stY e and fit, but also correct �Iuahty and thorough workniansbAiri. We can make your alterwtians and fem'odelingL DOW better &nCl ALTERATIONS cheaper than later 'on in the Season whenNve, have more than we e ' alta do it right away REMODELING Can attend to. Write to for , lsfikna SZE WHITE FOR GATALOGUM TO -DAY The Se Here, Gough Fur Comp'la Red The Yargest Exclusivo Furriers in the syltish ON Tild RI;Ual kL TORONTO -4- ^xu TAX 10*4 Ult"S 41".401831. togr4vilbs a 1,10ness lit F1111 harge and saveil by Friends, thrilling account of how X oaraph, was, taken of an Wfur- 4 lioness making, & charge is a hi,the Bast�Africaa Standard. r. J. C. Remment, ail Americ- photographer, who was taking tires Y�r 'Olaomatograph put,- % was a, member of a party ting from Nairobi ba pursuit of gainc. After a, successhil trip Party rounded up some eight- POW13ER liolls, when it was found that M A 1=� M i r-4 C A,. N oness had slipped by tbo camp, atiye boaxer took a, "pot shot" CON -rAi N s N 0 A L -u M he lioness, but only hit ber in left C-,0NF-0RMS TO THE groin, the animal, although 1-11 GH s-rAN DARD. 0 F bled, endeavoring to crawl all the aid of her forelegs. $ G OODS., ETT S im r� Hemment mediately 1 1 ''T"I'11111111f, R�, 11 � mum=_ tight out his camera in the hope Es i liT1111 gg �!! etting a fi-Im. He approached Jill fifty yar4dS of tile lioness, ported with l4ree friends witli s, and had just fixed his cam - when the animal sprang up and i a fierce snarltharge-d straight dr. Hemm�ent. lie calliera, WAS set going, ad a the lioness was within- twenty - yards. a shot was. fired, Litt out effect, Mr. Heminent con-': ed turning the handle until tile ess was Out of focus� lie ex - ted to see tile animal fall, but' ead of this $he steadily advanc- the dazed photographer being ,ble to move. was only -when the lioness was' hin fifteen feet of Mr. Hemment ------- t she was brought down by a t and fell three feet fr6m the,' era, Ed' ' 13 he Foe of In4igestion.—Indiges- i is a conamon. ailment and few e m free from it. It'is & most dis- ssing complaint and often the AM 4 liated with the 17MVITsitY of Toronto, all under the control of pe Depart, of Agriculture of OntflrlO, ITIfIrmary fordijea, Animals at the college- ering attending it is most se� MeM COLLEGE' R1�1,_0PJ.1,'_N8 OCTOBEM 2nd, 1911. e. The very best remedy is .doe's Vegetable Pills taken rm(, 1�.n.-Caiendar on aPP1ic1xttOu- E. A� A ORANGE, V -S- 14.S., principal. ording to directions. They rear the irregular action of the Etc- WONDERFUL MINTER'S CHAPEL or tile pulpit from the ceiling. The willer in tile, -colliery is gen- ch and restore healthy action, One of the most remarkable oldest erally chosen to offici&t0- r many years they have been places of worship in the world is, stan,dard remedy for dysl"Psla the miner's chapel in Mylli<ld Men- Treat an inferior as an equal and indigestion and are highly eemed for their qualities. igdd oollicry, Swanqsea, Wales, soon consider himself, your where, for move than fifty years the he'll , I per, workers have each morni ie, assent- sit --or. Clie proof ofauccess is the abil- to deliver the goods. bled to worship. This sanctualw, As a matter of fact a lOtof PeO- is situated close to the bottom L Of Cho,door of adversity alwaYl- has the shaft, and is liglite I b soli- ple ba.ve no use for you because c y a latch -string out.. t u tary Davy Safety Lamp, hung ov- they call Be �70u, J Have You a Copy of This Catalovue M M WA W-3, W rommewimalft'' a lie. emamm %&1W0M 0 Oman= it is PRE E.- Write for It To-Daw OUR BEAUTIFUL Al We PaLy all Mail or EXPIress 0harf;-P_9 to your CATALOGUE IL- mattee where YOU -M-Ity LUSTRATED - live, an *L11 plurr-hatace It is the best ex- P" avor. Of $100.00 QXt elusively Fur Ca - When buying !I:k!r talogue issued in frorn .01"!9 Canada. ltcontaiils one 9-tundred fflustra_� house you are *ions and deacr;PVOns pioteoted by of the latest Nevv York, tho -rollowing London, and Pawls styles guarantcez. in ladles" rnen's, miss -es'. TH9 o,nd childrenys furs, Do neffail to vvrite to -day for n"d 1hat a copy of this authenticFashlon book -sent FREE to anY -_dcJress ^ro r7nk julto' mrr-c and addro4a on tho 00tsldO O'F an application. thz paoliv.:T0 anci rotorn titerrt int talt d,-ty;4 in evt�d condit;cr" rAna-thig viby tho goods rzra ratti;,nodj a-1-3 �xo will pmy -the WE A RE THE LARGEST EYLCLU q�'Ur- -I. I FURRIERS M THE BrUTWH EMPIRE anti ex. -Jes w -e er i a- I correct, and have reachea this position by merit and Inerit alone, 01ir sL, wlus ve ad and our t*mmense turnover enables us to give values that are impossible in the ordinary way of doing, bu-,LneGs. 'We guarantee eveX3E fur that beam our label. FURS E`XCT&4,AUS,1VE1LT Our entire capjital and tirne are devoted.to tile makixig and sellins of furs. We are specialists in the truest of ' the word, k%_rld, ZZ =11%, y1e, tha"ri Y'. .Are can give you greater satisfaction in bolh quality 4n4 AL you bought in a general way. Our styles, vplaes, and :qivalltyy wre e2,cl,us*Evely Sellers -Gough. Conipaye them with -what you have been accustomed to. Our entire business is manned in every deparilnent by an expert�nothing is left tn chance. Every fur and fur garment sold in this store is exantined Personally by a member ot the firm before it is allowed to leave our instizution. This assures you of not only correct stY e and fit, but also correct �Iuahty and thorough workniansbAiri. We can make your alterwtians and fem'odelingL DOW better &nCl ALTERATIONS cheaper than later 'on in the Season whenNve, have more than we e ' alta do it right away REMODELING Can attend to. Write to for , lsfikna SZE WHITE FOR GATALOGUM TO -DAY The Se Here, Gough Fur Comp'la Red The Yargest Exclusivo Furriers in the syltish ON Tild RI;Ual kL TORONTO -4-