Exeter Times, 1911-8-24, Page 3. I I I I . I � . � .-----7--11'-- . ;d, � I - . � . W­­­.T,��,­­,7�­� . I . I I 11 I I � . I ., ,-—-"1,.,- —11--- ....... I �, : I . I � . �. : I I I �. I , ­�'. .. 11 � �.11-1-1 ­� I �'.7­­---��,­ M"'If"W.F.T�— .... . If , . I 7.11U.MDAY, AUG. 211th1fW . I I .. .. . . . . . . ,i � � .. . TT � .1 . . I 11 - I I I 1. . � I .1� --��--l-".?Q.Swwllloplx,Fl%vwm(Qm 11 1, "I. I 11 — A I I , . T HE -MX I I . I �� . � - I � I I I . � I I . I . I I I I I I I ,� . �., � , . , 1. i'� � I . I I I ­ .11, 1'1�1'�, �� I I 11 I . . I 1. , ­� ", ........ ­ . . - ------- ­­­­­ ... � � ---- ­­­ � -.-1------ -- -," -,------------------W �l,li'�,!,!,�,10miloo.opll!l,�i�i��,, -­-----­-­­­-­- - I �111 :11:1:11 � �l"",:11,�::I��l:,::,:�."I,:.:!:":;:'"'�"1,:!�:.:I::I �,.,.�.4i".��-.91"l""Pl��,","",I!l�ii�,��l"i�ll.ilil!o..�l�g.,I.l�I ... ,�.1-1�1.111"......,.,.".�".!��,,,,�,�� ... � ,,�w0W#0*,W,",h.&*4 .1-1 -1111"..1. � 1. �..., "I - I'll ��� I I -11 Wo ­011,101 ,1�11, I, mo., , 1. IMMI'M N! 0�pi I mm*"-"4",�,-""*0"!­1:: 11 :!1:.: :;,::"',!,pl . I , ­-­­ "' il ­­ *���=,I:� "I � �Z!11:�. = 11 .- ­ - � 11 . , 1, 11, I., �,. 1 -­ . I . � ­ I., . ­.­ ­ -1 ­ -1. ' "--- - T"A", ....... ­-, 11 11 I'll, . ­­ 1. I ­ � I -1 . . I —or vine with them at 'was all. xigurp Pe 1110�allskx 177"774 ""I"I W., " ­ ­ "" "' """' , I W'u 1'�, j ­ � I . I I � 50 -the young wiye0i � V!ayea seeme Q ��� IV ­ I I I . t 'A I � ­ �* , 140TC111 ObjecteLl. IS sulg: I rejily� "his whole s,atil seell d wrappohl zx . �- g '. I 11 I 1-fim — � - '. . 11 - " use fo 11 1; I valked *nt ,togotber, and very frequent- "I Ala welv.ey, I Am weiwy, vmitln�llfor up Ili her. I only ,Saw 010n t4tit 040o, f, E� .1 I W �1�1; , I ^ I ' ILI N. 001114W I Jy D -013Y would 90 to- Mrs. Dt� Oft.V'S I but never, forgot them. Ten M00014 - � I XI . Ith it SUCC , , the Ma ," �� , . v , i room$, . I Daisy wao ,�tnndiug out auxoljt,�� the arterwAird she was brought here to be th NK014 q I I ill, . t INT) col I , Ak� I I I A I I Then oho saw the difference between, orange, trees, waiting for bim Ivith an Iniried, a,nd 1her told me 1Aow beaililiul rein or I RARG',& 11 , t kp�. .A . 'L . I � 11L,4, � Betw, cen two oves I a loyed and gin wiloved wife. �vfr, D(� surt and w4L 1k. r " ri!rs� .1 � . I I auxifyma tace. Shia had a Daze for litlin, she looked Ili ,her eoffin, holdlim beg Isolutel barA I I C I . . . I �� — I � I � I . '0 A Grey never. scomed huPpy away from Such as anost J;Aug" ,fanciful wlym detid little babe in 'her arins. insl IVI's t up"faivi* Ano"Ae# �� � sloopsts 01 IN 600111OR HIM N1 * * * * * It * * .. .. � I his wife;, tie left her with regret, And ha*e, fox thoilr husband, In. learning ,,Then, ln(,jDdj,,, contanue4l tr Mud, T CA I I . . . ge glij4k Mod, T ty- 0, 4941 , 1-1 - - ; . Ua 110MUSTIm'D 10=44aloski I 1. I I I , be DO A* 0 .. , I i sought her Presence, with arldity, T ly Italian She had been strack witu .the for he spoke exclusIVOly tO D111147., thJUI(O �`jftw, the no,brilty O'K V,944 4 1111 � , �i A:Dyj �Fensoi% Who, Is 00 . "I # I., I � . . soon beounip accustonled 4o Daisy, and , ' , '', liqui4melody of the words. She looked Ing the subject would Please hlv,�- pg to ,b I p4nist ito ,lo'closs, llfe*: I b 40 V0 0: ).a 1 11 ", , . ', a A lamals, or Sax W410 O�V�W*% � 1. 41 1 BY BERTHA U. CLAY. . .' made no stranger of her. X4% she ill) at him, One day as sale was studying "then, iduxr.she'vras buTied, the .Young .& �e�'ja joilging for tba Or'-4�, a de- . , I years old may homestead 74ar`tor - . heard woTds that W04.1 3101'r 1:4 her� h(A. lesson. . husbanil oame'llere, every d(w, no xnat- sire to, be ouce moro in the liattle-flolO I . , I . I sooton! of available Demiligot = 14 11 11* � . J'Poos. your busbaind always all you "Carol,, 0he "Id; 11,01at means door." ter whojt the weuther—,sumbfile. r-oiny Of Lfe - lie to die i X%nitubm, Sagko-tehowan, - or."hortal .. . Aufhor of "WWch LQve4 Him Best)"), "The WzUlng I darfing?" she asked ,Mrs. De Grey one "I think at MeAMS son -would . � ciJule over hill). 11'a, I I . I sit by w,thout bavilig ti,inp 4pap single �oqeat or .. - I . I . � day, and the wife who was loved look. deure%r than oftrill said Sir Clinton; her gilave for houns. Onve s6ine, of ht$ good deed? Was -A woman's liali�i to, . I j .. . 410th'bIg 9, trifle or snays—be came; and lie 1, � Who applicant ,meot appear m p4ro" Ring," "On Her WeU,,ng Motnip' Etc., Etc. , . I at tah Domin.lon Lands 'Agmqg 01 I . I I . - ed �at her with -it simile, ;and answered: I'daraing would be -a better tmlislatlon." falends followed him, and remonstrated slay him so entirely tilat ovexl th* I �j I sub� ejoy - try ­.....­ . ;.�,.,.-,��,-�" 'I , , - "I'll", I - - I 4tyes--does zot Yours?" She went up to him tly-Adly. wKU him. I tnIeUtS and the g1l"J.4 whiell HeITY011 11114 1.� i�l for the dietriCtA 0A , bill I -- ­ -- , � I . � 7-�W' � I `�;, -,,,- -j. I - ? * 00b . 4. � I �w I 1, ,, I . oroxy may be had at the 0 1 � � A ,� "�, :: ,, no!" ci,jed Daisy, shrinking from III should ilike to Oita) you Caro," she "You wall kill yourm4f,' 'they sal glirm him were. us0oms? Ile h4a, MxV . I � �, sortain conditions, )by, fsthex. �------ ixu4 generous to :i)adW; hq. had �p ad the question -,she hardly knew .syby; ,,at' siti4, gen � 0 11 'My heart Is .dead,' lie replied,, 'it fe fer%ed ,has pain, and uow'he longed to 11 . "later od $1 1 , tly. 4,. 1 y 1?,, I I . I � am, daughter, brother, or ed 4 quiet Inn* and gladdened MINW. to spe'aX cheerfully to her, to s is quite a 31o)v ward to me. I � I Ill . Ile, - . '). , "Yes, Daisy; I shall be dellghted to bu-ijed here; what Illutt('r how KQ0A My be back -in the arenn. Thore w -a') ag,f, . "I � , \� , � intending ho0lW,tea46r, Erne with a glass, of good w4no. took interested; he -was passiv , .. "I think it a vegy Pretty word, 9414 hear, sudh a pietty word from, youl, Up% body follows? I would rather Ile dead Other thing which nw4j.o Win feel 1641t; , i . . , 11 I I , ,� it e4ek go b 'Tey, "and I 111ce, M;r Cilia me Caro, If y:va fte.11 , in IvIfe's grave thun; 1-174,116* (11,10-D tile -,y.j9e%t thing be 1100d do was to, Kq , , , [Duties: -Six months Tesidenoetwom Pile laid hOr White arins oxv big and told � little BIT% De G ,''. sad cultivation of the land They were to g y wall to Dover Lijud him bow dearly 5be, loved, it t, , my I ,e . Then she ventured more than. she had where., bgck to the world and work. He hal I homestetider ma) to cross to Oalals� by the night boat. him. She was husband to las . of three ,Years, A . learalirg Italian with Ili=, aud it was Another time, whea both Indies were ever. done behore; she ,raised her tender "Day by day we -watched him grow. sought that retirernent in order tho !a , 1 4� Ove within vAne miles of ,his honul- The luggage had all gone on, and there Pretty to. hear how she culled 14 in-. in Mrs. De G I I 1, � . nothing left to trouble about. , rey's i�com, her husband eyes to 949 face. Ing thinner, paler, more, 'worn and ling. solitude he ixdght learn to foTg,pt his, �,- 1. , otead ou 4 (far a , .Was "Life -of my lifo, my soul, nity jioart, lir011ght ill a be�illfiflll Spray of ortlxlge ',Are you really Cam?" she said, "I gard; duy by (lay he stayed longer 40.11 fatal love, but solitude tn.voasc-4 Its in-#� , 1� I . wely, owned end occupied bY'bim- 01 Sop -when the luncheon, was over, � % . , � I � . . hter, . 'wh the motliew Wy 411.11 bloa�'-'olns. I I , 0, ,,, I � � . bis father, moit%or'. eon, 1)94i Sar,011111ton Went out, Ile . know thaft I love You, btit do you,jove hex gm -re, and seemed more unwilling tejksqty� Ile had, nothiug but lelaqire 11 I It was pretty to see h -r ItIs- his "Kate, let -me be Your bair-dresser," me?" to am,re it; and one evollinig, win the and leisure was not good for hiM. jj , �,, L �� 1, 11 i � .brother or sister.' , and daughtex, sald "good-by.11 He 1"18 bonds, nevev, dr6airlia., of id-ilpt, Ills he s,aid; and he fastened it In, the glossy "Why, viblat a question, Daisy, 'gates ok the cemetery 'were ab on. . , I 11 � � WO $VU,fill tendee ,Of heart, and could not ondUre , out to he looked 4,ream-ily to the GhUng s leo� I � I", ". ­jA oertain dist-ilots a ham -0 . 94ce. She .was gto,wing -very i� y coil" of her hdr. . . eighteen; mwths, after marriage; pray, be closed, remembeiing that he wad be eaw there the face Of Lady Ma � -,,, . 1. , , ­ standi,ng may jge-emvt 0 the sight of a woramxps temxs. TlIell, wy and Y, 0i - " 4 '. to (zo*4 ingside bla.bwme- tbe fly came that was to� take. them to 01%weZal, this simple flead dalsv, ,her She laughed at him, . what rivals huve,,you here? IN'bom else still here, I came in sear.ch of hini, lus,dotas perfunle of the flowers, t4d . .1 . . . . . 11",L quarter se0tiO4 &10 Il!a9lds Iliad grocwni soft and whitc'.1" t,hey "Oran-ge blossoms are for bridees, pot have, X to love, save the Sweet wife who mean'di. He lay dead, ,with ,his arms , ,� L I 11 stca.& -Price $2. ,per Elora, [13111ti-es- the station, and turning, guyely ti.) . music of tate birds, the soft, w1iisperlaz I ,! . i . 'the inewdli of . sill Daisy wheu they were, alone, be sa-id; hod lost all trace of work; sha hail for 'wives," she said. . 1ovN Me?" ,over her grave, and face buxit,d in bhd wind, all avught her back to him .Sho I ; I . ��, Nuat residesix M0111, ilopt the slight country aecent that he "You will always be a bride to me," Still, -as she remembewed afterwarkl, flowel-A. Meladl, they -say men ue",z haunted his so,latudt-verhaPs in the- .. I'll r �� I IrRwrs ,from date of hOM"tead'Oult`3 "It hus been ,a Wil for you, parting -tiad once ttought a�most protty. It buil Daigy heard him WhisPer, "the fairest he did not say that he ,loved 13�er. 96 die for lo -ye; this man did." busy turmoil of the world there woald , , � , 1� � � jbioluding ,the tims required 'to sars with your xxxothor, Daisy; 'bat I must , ,e I . I ',I ! 11 . boexestead piltent', 'aad On-ItiTtAii try to prevent you from infissing her," been one, of his Occupations to oducke Wife, the sweetest bride the world neyee forgot th fit. Daisy looked up at him with a won, be less room for her. . � I I fifty Rores extra. " � And Daisy cl;jilg to him, crying out her; he -had bow taingillt FToileh ,and 11016-42' . . So Daisy went up to him new. dering expression on her, face. He ineant to do right before God iln:f% I . � I A homesteader ,whpo has exhallot'ad that she should miss nothi.n. in the k6aian; Daasy could sing gay J�rejx(�h Then" he bent down and kissed his "Garo," she said, "I was gro,wing 141DIed ofrlove," ,she Paid. "Ile lo-ried ts4f sia oz wrong -doing g mazi; no though . , bis homestead Tight and oa,pnot ob mide, world now -that sbe h4d him. chemonis ,=4 ItaVan airs -she bad de. "'Ife's face. alarmed.; w-hy did you start ofE in that his )1ritc, so dearly that he could not entered his mind. I -Ie was cursed witillf ,� ��1,1�� 11 . , � I'Laia a pre--smPtion May take R !Per" Even. then, though he was touched by veloped linto, 0.,mvat churmin&r, ac6m- DOW, looked on in mute wouder. Atrainge fashion? Was there anything live *Ithoint Wr, 4o he (lied," a hauuta;ng sorrow and a bitunting M41 .1 whased homestead In oextain diatr,10t, her gentle beauty, iby her. lo",Iluoos, by p1jished womh]4 W11 ind ­! �, y, w1vat ki -of husband and Wife -in what I read th,at distressed you? I "Did you beur that etory, Cnro?" moTy; but he meant Do wrong. H6 Ile- . I rxtco $3. per acre. Dutleis�-Vusl her emotion -even then 3me did not Idw QlAte, oonitent-that was the great woxe t&�.se? Her busband never canea thought fliat halind so charming Cara, "Yes," replied Sir Cilirlian, "I heard tended to be, a kind, faitIll-Lil hl]44�, .. i , . reside six mo,dths in each of ,throw , hew Vice, beauty of It --quite content with her lot; her darling, never Placed floWers in her Tell me, (lid the friend you loved' ale in every word of it." I to, Daisy, to live with her in peaeo, arA � � , lye,ars, cuiltivate fifty acres and eTewl . I . . . � I I � , I I . � I . I I . bvaXg him with, the sa-le enthusiastic hadk, aever kisscd her. There must be May?" . . "And do you bfiaeve it-dO You be� 'harmony; lie hud no drm,m Of evil. � ,I - h,eae - ,rth, $300.iva: I . so-mething wroug; tbey weie certainly 1,3videntay simple Daisy had no idea of 11eye that a, man ever died from love,?" But he must go aWaY; he roust 110M 'L� I - OL w W. W. CORY, I CHAPTER XXT. love, yet 9"er finftxg out ,what was differe'lit. � May as a woman's name. He looked fur awai, over the hills and work- to do; ,he must run i'A, the atdft . I I nl Deputy Of the Inliter of tte nteklor I I Wanted in him; never exacting, always ­ � : T-TUSBAND', CONTRASTED. humble, docile, submissave; content. it That isaxue day she went 7AP to M11. "No," be. iepided, hurriedly. "I am the blue sea; he, -wboxxx love 'had diriveta of the ,world, take, his place in its raak� O.' ' I :�.� , V. B. -Unauthorized publication Ohf� I . De Grey ivith a W,v, blu4hi face, capricious, Daisy; never let ,my whims road, lo6ked dreamily, sadly out oa the He sald to himself that he would . 1. ; 11 W411notbepildfor- In the South of France, where saimy 0 WaTe intervals he laid his hand caa,es- ing, 90 I � Wirt ----� singly on dvew, sofft, brown hair, and said, "I could not hell) alearing till your trouble you. I -have not beea quite the fair, bright world. back to England -not to ricastwold, the � � . I A Plate seas kissed the shoces, where the or- ,, hus,band said to you this mornin,-; does same, since that 14jug 111niess." "Yes, I believe It, Daisy," he sadd- I ��. '' . mm B. CARLING, Life, Accident, Fire an, MypwettyDnisy-'1co=t%tif once in, a I 0 tome be 'had brightened for Lady 11471� I I :j " I m , Glass InBuranoe, also coueodug Aceounts 1114P an.1 the myrtle, the olive and vine Way he took axerpa'%�ty hand and held it lie -you will %lot be angry ,with me- ,She took -his hand between her own, "love is not'the plaything ,and pa.stime but -he would go to London., he would ; ,. �, � , .- V, X - and Auotion.eering. . grew in luxuraunce., where flowers Of clasped in his .own; content if he spoke does he often. kiss you?" wnd 1-1 . bised it loviiingly. tbat some people would make it. It is �ee what was going on. in the world-,* I I � . : . st odor made the air faint I '� . .� ­­ ..... - Swoote with Talc, inex,riest Peal of haughter she had "It was a ernol 11hregs to you," she a 1-ijewing or a curse, It is h q) moss of b ul res e 9 T W. BROWNING, M- D-1 M- () pt,rfunie; where birds sang songs Mildly to h(* and seemed to, remember ever heard came from Mrs. Do Grey. said, "but a kind one to me -4t sent You de,,paix," . t P e wo d um some o. his long. .. � I aP, P. S,, Graduate 'Victoria U that L she was there. Not a7v exacting wdfe- . "Kass me --Charley Idse me? W-hy, of to, me. I should like to have kno-wil you neglected duties. He said to 1ximasit ! i , I Torsity. office and residenence. DOM1111010 they uei,er sing bf Ragland�taxere Sir 'not a wife la%ely to be tiresome ow jeal. Then she looked at him with a sweet, that one would be very careful-thAt he � i, �'� Clinton had made his home. He ha4 course, he does. I often fed quite before that, when pou were bright and wistful exTrossion in tier eyes. would, never voluntarily look upolt.th-0 ' ' - sboratory, Exeter ous. It was. simpily thht he remained I 1; �� I cut himsolf off from his old life, he had xe L. oroner of Huron. ve.L.d when my htbr looks nice: -be does happy." . "Cero," she ,said, gently "could you face of Lady Ma)y, "Duchess of *Rose- � I _Associate C passive under the'aweatness, of her love, t L, 1� foxgoitten ,old friends, - oid 4ablts, he no .tire. 'Wha,t: it strange quostiold irlsy?" he ever die for love of me?" ' ' ' cam by this time," he thought. . I . I " and medel noretuwn. . I I !. ACT R, bright,, M. D., M.C. F. and tried to begin his life from the timo he 12 any one bad asked her was she Does your husbmid never kiss youl?" askod, touched by her gentle, loving He loolzed down at her; great tears "No, I will mo -t voluntarily meet heirr te) Un. nmrded Duls�. They lived an a lovely . � , : i � I Jd. S., Honor Graduate Toron "Never," replied Daisy, feeling as niannor. were shinfug in her eyes; her lips tzelin- I will not throw intysolf into the *a34 1� I versity. Two years resident physician little Y111a on the shores of the sunny happy, she wouad have answered, 1, . Itoyal Alexandra Hospital, etc. Office sOuthern sea. --No 4suolst perfact[7 �so.?, She knew .no though ,she were very intich behind tho, "Sometimes, I fancy -not quite." she bled. What could be say? In the .of temptation. T may uot love Daisy., : i"" I . visitors., no letters, higher happinless than that of being al- rest of tile world. "I do -not remeniboz replied. deptilis of his ,heart 'lie knew -well that but I wW be true to, her." . ) and residence, Dr. Amos' WL stand ,no papers came to inar his idea of is- ways wath him, ahll being allowed to that -he lha.% ,ever kissed me. Is it ilich aisy," he he ji,14 no sHch love ter her. . He resolved upon going, az-4, all that I I '.V Exeter. olation. He ,had brought.wMith film au a gmit sign of Jove?" . said, loiking domm at the Pure yotin, 1'2� ly dear Dals'y," be, ,.suid, tryip- to remained waa for him to tell . I ridrew Street, love Mmi. She had seen ;Whttle of tilto ,, , � P�001. - I ;- i enormo-fis quantaty of books, - he cud ti- I do not believ6," said Mrs. De face, m fair du the moonlight, "it I aln snille, "this Pretty cemetery gives You He bad kept his real n1ame, Us title, I � I R. QUACKENBUSH, wted Iris itaste for sketc1hing, be busi-ad world, so Iltdo oklai44, so little of maT* Grey, brusquely, "that there 19 lilliah not happy with Tell, I ouglit ta be glooixy ideas; -is it not better to live for and roptame a secret f-rom heirp parttyl, . I I D I I himseif in �rylng to edumte Daisy, he jqjage, that, she probably t;ho-ug;ht the love without IV' .9sihamod of myself. No man ever -had a luv(- than to die for it?" . because le lil-ed to think Ghe loved h1mv . W=ial st#e (if thangs- Ivas thal: the Physician and Surgeon and. Ac- foillid for himself a thousued occupa- W . ,phen seeing the sildden keen pain on more, loving wife." "Ile evades my question," thwigirt for'llimself, and. purtly because he, I �L tions; he , Re should do all the pet - Mucher. Uffice-Dr. Rollin's old office Interested hinigelf in the tilng' con" ng' Daisy',s hiev. she hastont-d to add: I -To knew it; yet all night, as the wind Daisy; "he always does w1len it is wamted zo 'one word to remind him a I on Main Street. Residence -Corner beautifull gardens that suirrounded the ersuadang, aud the husband be the ,,- James and Albert Street, opposite villa, be studied hard for several hours 9-ginifted recipkaltlot her love'. . "Ilix)ple, differ -so, it N impossible �o sighed thxv,ugh the trees, and the -waves about love." the past. He pictured himself DaIsAts I : ' A, hi the day, and all taxis he cud with tale So, wh2-a pretty Daby was linarant, j1ldV; my '11118111111d, is 0110 of the LIC- bToke on the shore, they seemed to mur- She wa.,4 silent fai a few minutes, wonderment, Daisy's surprise. ', � �� mes Sereet Methodist Parson&90p she was happ mansta"Itive kind-pmbaps yours is mur: thou she said. "It wall be a case of Lord BuflelgRil "'� I I Wketer, Ont. one sole object and hope of forgetting .y, knbwiln­� Oothbg hIgher (A." I :'Gkiro, will you make, me one Pro- over ag�ln," he said to bimself. 0% I APhones-0frace 39a, Residence 39 Lady M ay. He honestly dt his best or. better; but ffie time was coming 11' Ske spoke Idildly, but Dalsy panae,,- "I am weary, -waiting for the '-,Nfay." - I : to fbege.t her; he turned as resolutely 4vhen she was C* awake to the fact tliht Daisy -though much of this little, epl- "-" �" . shall take her in, the thne to come W. I I wl inuch Ili secret over it. It mine home "Yes," lie replied briefly. Bastwold, and tell her ' sh�-. is LaO :, �1 " 1i Jo4e, w4a op her 'side. g4r-dp-, to her -it had no me-iiiing. What � j W%ICKSON & CARLING, ftom the thGugait of her �as he would _,__ ____ -o her with fill], cruel for ­i% that (put- I I ly hmve turned from the temptation to Some repqp were, Tequived at the t warddv, tt le�ilst, her hustrin-1 did not cr-lild May mean more than .Time oT "Pronme that 'when I olie ,you jyj!l Adair." Mcft I arri8tern, Solicitors, Notaries, ConlegnCerY "mimit, a crime. ,vMm, au$l Sir Clintog, whop had a; sho-w ally great signs, of love fuz hcr. July? Yet there was evidently .,,o -nip- bring, Die hen -yon will burr Die bi-e-, She would well become the posi - �, I to-atiliang for the smiell of paint and var- . thing in her husband's mind abotit it. and V.nro, I ';ho111(1 Inke to be near -f-i's and title. He had -cal- led her a fielcl commissioners, solicitors tor the olsons Yet how was -it? He paluted,sketoh- , /I Bank, Etc. I Wwi, said, while tb�ey v4eTe e2iecuted, After this she pirijio�ely mentionod the bewitif-al grave, near tilt, grave of th, daisy, but she was .not a fidd-floveo 11 ed, drew, but eyery face his'pelicil tzrac- CTIAPTER XXIL - love. You will .lat no ; t re was 0 t r la Y in ;z t6o ) Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest. 1. tftey� woulti go to, ilia -Pretty aittle water- - word: she talked of flowers in ,%lay, Of nizai who died fai W he n rue d - ed witli'like -hers. No matter how lie izig paace called Le,valle, a �ew, mAlm, DIED Or I.OvE. Eliglxnd in May.- and she saw that he forget?" I -and than Daisy Adair. � X, ", jDFFICB I-MAJN STREET, EX TER, tried, her beautiful month, her proud, _ :1 - 3.10ARLING 11- A. . L. H. DICUSON bright eyes, tlh'e lovely hues of her face X-staut; the elloalge would do tf�era good. From that time Dais,r's flesive to witi, hvI from the word u,s thongh lit "I will not oven listen; and Dfrlsy, . "Daisy," said Sir Clinton, its *ell, - I � , Daisy was alothing. 11t)t1r. There was ome hilow the trutin beemise irr(­4NtIb1,v­ hurt h'm, yoll shall not stay ill this Led one evening bY the sea-shoofft- . 1� . � � and -xteck were sure to creep in. If ' niolanchaly wal , I en did., pretty little thing Six Clinton aaV to, bi=seI:f--thLV-' Ed her husbaud love her -ivith re:)l love "Ut- hnn b%] wnm- ,-rreat troublo� i -m place :iny lqnLer." "Daisy, are yon not growing tired it :, I V"ONEY TO LOAN. poems, how was it he felt compelled to Would bei o4o English there-Leville vr%; this 11're?" 1, � i LA . . En,�jish. or not? True, as Mn. De Grey W'd, May," thmght Daisy, "but I shall nov- He took her away at once, but they "Tired?" she, mlled; '�no. ,What Iff- . . XOQke eveTy.othcr line rhyme with 'May? k�fte*out Of the way 69 *6 . . 4r � We have a large amount of private funds - They -went, and rpnilaaned for so,mo, there were many kinds of love, many e, know what it fis­he, will never tell neither of them forgot the cemetery of cmild be more beautiful?" � I � Pau onfarm,andvii1ageproperbles ablowrate She . -had such complete and Perfeet pos- s of showin- It. Some were demon. me; I am. only ,outside his, lifep after St- Marie PiOrrv- 6� ' ' Interest. dv," at the Hotel Erepray­--;m chaTindno w'lly . "D,ut we see no one, we hear noW " ----Iz-� --- �t!­�­­ R,,j!,A-P,3,�A.N & STANBURY fiesslm Of his whole being that, do as house, standing oil the brow of a K.j,1' seautive, othws were not; but surely all all:y Ing, we know nothing of what is goki* . -q74 - be would, he co�ld not sepanite Iiiia'st4f . love must have a soul ig it. Was there CHAPTER XXIIL 44 � Barristers solicitors.. Main SMExeter There were few people, but after a Dad he love how? Dafilsy yet dreaded I on in the woIL1--we aie burled alivd.'* ,r- I I .., ...­73� 1 r ---. from her. More tha,n once Daisy askA day ,*r two, to, the iliteilse amazemont any soul in the greht, kindly affection to know. '"phs he different to Other DAISVS TEST. "I thought that was what y0in"CL-V �v . 3 , irfic morne M mmort, him to. take some En,-Iqs,h neia-t-,I)aper, Sir Clinton, and the secxd�,t deiligitt of that 'her husband showed to her? She husbands? He was better than sonxe--, Three years have passed since Sir be -t. and wished for nwit," said 1) . - , � and it was almost the oally wish that Of wit,h sat one day in .the Pretty, vine-Nirreatl "NAlby, Caro, you would n4ver conwA% � Daisy, an English gentleman came led he had never been ,unkind to her, he Clinton Adair took Ws young wife to � . he ever refused her. summew-house t1iinking it Over -trying an th IX to seo or know anv ow." . , ,. fflrffl@f'8 MUtUal firB Insurl, "I do not care to, know English news, his 5rdung wife, Mr. add Mrs. De Grey. had never refused her ;a request, denied the land Of the, olive d e v-1 e. . . Daisy," he said, "and it y�;,, -read it. I NVhen, Sir Clinton fleard at his first im- to decide for herself wheffier he loved her a wish; -he had always t-rtti�od hu Daisy -had grown, into all elegant wo- "I feel befter now," he said, 11strg- 11 � I .. .. pulse was to fly, but he found Mr. De Ile" Or Dot, She could remember how with kindness and courtesy. But WIls man; -her fair face retained -the innot- er, and the morbid dis like I had to ro2r, �� auGo OJERRU am sure you would repent it to me." Grey as .-)by and, retiwd as be was often, -"-hell, she spoke to him suddenly, that 9, sure sign, of aove? He had laugh- eixc�- of childhood, and had gained the kind is dying away. I want to go into- - HopLd Offlcci� Farquhar,.Ont He had a. -nervous, morbid dread o,f himself. Many days passed, during he looked ,of her with dazed, drea,my ad often ,and often at the dreadful ideas loveliness of womanhood; it was it the world -again, Daisy; there is nailh- � : reading her name, of Teading of her 6, as though -he ,had forgottvi� ­Lnt 6he had entertained about matrImOny beautiful face, puTe and fair, with sad flig to do, hexe,'noth!us to give au. hip - president, j. F, RUSSELL . which -they morely exchanged the to,ur- eye I � I -progress, of parties, of balls, or swrcot; ito' civilities at table; then, seeing thet how existeme, and was suddenly i.lil ` before her in,awriage" ained sweet eyes, and sad sweet lips. tbrest in ilife." I I Vioe-j?xeis.. ROBT. GARDINER given by the Duchess of-Plogecarn: ba neither of them -had the least desire to ed of it; how often the sound of lCr :,, her that it WnS Only' ill the lowrat dreaded to read of her Voiluty and her Daisy had lea,med the truth at last. Ile clad act see the mute reproach of' � . I : DIRECTORS. fame, lest, remembering how -,,lit, had make the othem's acquaintance, they voice seemed to xeeall him from cloild- eass, in the most brutal of men, the She knew niow that love of her did not the sweet sad eyes raised to his. . : UOLT. NOR�RXS, Staffa. I duped him, and how he had loved liev, spoke oemsaonailly, Daisy studied them land. Ile spent quite the half of Iiis t,,,,t debased and degraded, that there fill her husband's life, she was, - it No interest In life, when she was I THM. RYAN DuMba. the old madner,s ,should brenk out anil -they were. the first people she ,had life in thoughts, and dreanw, and me- was such a thim- as 'wife -beating or were, outside his life; she had no share with him -nothing to live for wheii he� - "I . Winchelsea. destroy him. He axed lc,�ft EnglZind seen in -her new sphere of life, and she morles, in which she had no share. Personal uUId.Udn;;s. So that his copur- iii its inmost depth,. He had thoughts,, bad her! , Daisy grew sick and faint, a � jw-�A. Lu R 0 0 K, was struck with the difference between One day she was reading to 1111m from. tesy to her might not arise from love. fa,mcies, memo -Ties, dreams in which she fteling of despair came over her. She- .1 � � . WZ1. a0y. FARQUHAR and he had no -wish to see it. to hviir them and her own husband. She used it selection of Irish ballu'ds-they still She would have given all she had to had no.sft,jj-j�. Slowly, sorrowfully, sad- was less than nothing to, ham -why b-adt . . of itagaia; the past was all dva,l­ kept up that custoin; Daisy liked noth- find cut whether ale did fove 'her or not. I I to dook with wonder at Mr. De Grey. . y, Daisy had awakened to the knDvr- he married her? . AGENTS. burled -the old love slain; he Nvzi,4 t in- mg better than -those evenings when, She was always muliing excuses now to - - lippy all . dry ' Sir Clinton was always & ledge of the. truth. Only by degimmas; "I thought," he said, ",of - Ing baek 11 * his ,best to in, fo,r- ttentive to I JOHN ,F,SSERY,. Exeter. �49,ent got ahe Daisy h her, after the fashion of a well-bred while, thii run set over the purple hills go out, an order that she might watch her own greoLt love lind quickened her jainj go I o I jyjabeirne amd J31fldulgh. 'get the rest. Ile did his best; ever,N, gentleman; but when Mr. De Grey did and the blue sea, sale read to him. Did . to, Dingland and ren ng there for .. � I * -wish an -1 whim of -bars wil�; gra[Ovd: the behavior of othew married people. Instinct. She judged him by hexs,--If; some time; I shall See then, what them, I � I oLIVER HARRIS. Munwo, AR01114 he tried to think . of everything that anytinkig for his wife, it was as though he hear every "O`d that fell froZn those Outwardly, she did not oee inach differ- and how far he was vantingl NO; he is to, do. After all, these eEorts at Oc- , :1 .Hibbewit, Pullarton amd Logau. he did it for love of her, and not be- kindly, loving lips? It ,was to be feared ence; but on faces ot other men she did y no d littl e fox . wouild be likely to please her, or e; -,e 3- did act lo ae her. She tice au-patioli that I make are wretched � JOHN 0A:MPiUHLL 11 cause it was etiquette. Then she heard nbt; but on this evening lie seemed more - not -read indifference, restlessness -that things; his face never brightened for enough. Books and lauguagos are mot 1� secy.Treas- Farquhar thin -that could hi the least coiitlltu,� the cilrc-asing words; she saw that he abstracted than ever, and she had vague sorrow. wh6ch she saw on her her. If she ento.Ted a room where he enough to fill a maWs life aa:4 ; to i�er happiness; lie nuide bor, .w he chosen, f'rom �ajl Others, tile lovely ; . I QLADMAN, & STANBURY. Soficitar bad snid he would, his stlidy. never left ithe, house without conling ballad, "INValtang for the May." He did huebands's face; u�itlier did she see was, he looked pleased; he had always tholic-lits.p, I � I a to kiss his wife; .and always did the wives im-dous and -wistful as herself. a kindly smile for her; but that bright- 7 1 1�11 She y he droadled the not seem to pay -much attention until he Daisy found that, rTn 'Pr "N-mvErm � . I w -me of England, Nvby,be neyer t -,fl 6'.1 same On amOlng most Of tile ness which only comes from the hoaxes -IT, I I wondered wb . ,his -return. - ' J Tile two ladies had grown 'to like heard the refrain, "I am weary, I am husbauft and wives Bile Mot,44theTe WIUS love never overspread his face for her; I., - ; � to ber of the pa.st, why he c -lie' .I..- each other aud I Sir Clinton saw no pus- weary, waiting for the May." She saw U. friendly, kindly undersbanding�they nor if heheard a strain of sweet music, � avoided -611 topic -4 -except thost) of the, r - lest word. * pr"eut life and wity.s. I .. sible fuco-�;exxionce could arise from 1,Wlmt as that, Dafsy?-what about had bat one interest, one way in life. it he relld the words of a song, did his Cholera InfamtUM I him. start at the solind of the 110 waa not happy; the blin,tNollle hice I t1lat. The De Greys were not quite of It,happetand, among other Places, that thoughts ever wander to her. The per- � his class. and if DftEs.v liked to spend MayT' The words left has lips with Sill- Ciinton took her once, to see -L fam- fume of flowers, the,gleam of the stars, . tlint ,had first Nyon L:idy lllay*s nittlri- . I a violent effort, "What about May?" 1. Id cemeteTy near the sunny sea- the murmur of the waves, did not make ,e of the 11 /11/?� . I us 0 is on 0 1 0 Von was worn gild baggplrd: the-' !-yos' . he repeated. I I + I a cemetery so beautiful in its gurround- him think of her. Nothing ev(,x seemed �. 11, wL,re ohadowed as tho,,e of one who lin-1 — And she read calmly: Most Fa -,'al Diseases r . 0 .0 . ** ings and in itself, that people b,.u�bt to bring them .car" .together, no t 4 4 NC "I am weary, I am wezry, waiting SITee ; '* Fall '"erm from a con.staut ablding care; he never laTigh- y * theil dead from far and near to be in- impulse ever drew him to her; there -* ! ed: ,seldom sinfled, exeept. ,i'dien it w. 6 for the May." of Young Children '. � 10 * tv please Daisy; lie was grave, -4,ifi, I terred there. I wa n them, the love # 0 He left jila sent. August 28th * i Sir Clinton never fc�rgot that day. Tt was all on ther side, and none on his. .� � 0 . # s"lont, sttandhig always, .as it wtne, b.y 11�, "Do not read any -re,, Daisy," he was not often that a-lisy imprepie D-dsy did not judge quickly or reLsh- Mothers should look well after theim � .0 There is a great demand # the gIltye Of hiq lost love., He tried I).-,' . ., 1 said; "I cannot bear any more." - It wils. an Itali d him 10 I # tie , -,,he did then. all (lily, ly; she deliberated Ion- before she came � -1 0 c�,Ilsblut occliplitio'll to crolte all .&nd the next minkite, to -her ! * upon us for trained help. It present life, Init Ili. "'WEBSTEM7 I children during the hot summer months, �, 'Ili his - su'T�'rso' the min warm and bright, tale deep -blue to this concluslo.m. izeir another thing � 4 Business men state that our * te, Est t6er.- - - . lie was walking with, rapid steps ao,,wn �s this is the time of year this trouble ," I . .0 -wore -finics when he fniled most lxiisor- I the road taint led to the sea. Ali, Heia- sky 1111,17'VelOTIS i7I eOlOT; the air Was began to puzzle her -it he did not love is most prevalent. � graduates are the best. We : . I NEw filled with perfume from the vines and lier, why liad he married (her? Daisy ; - I have three bepartmenr)s,- * obly; there -were hours and houi,.q N'.-.hv�i . Yen, how true it was! he wns faiilt, he olavcs; a, thousand fair flowers were in could not account for that. The Only If any of your children become troubled- � ,� . � ldk COMMEROIAL, SHORT- 0 his Pretty young -wifc sang to him, Valk- - AVI ONAI was weawy-weawy, Ionging for the bloom; the birds were singing in the gleam of! hope or.comfort she had lay in this way it will not pay you to ex- � I - HAND and TELEGRAPY, ed tO hini, alld lie never heard vithcr a Ord 1 : " " I NIERNAI sm-ft May. The sound of the familiar NY trees, and the wnve,% seemed to klas the in alow utter dilability to disco -Ver any periment with some new and untried, lv 2, The tuition foi six months is * note of her musfb or ont-wor(l th4lit .'..".c thrilled him with the keenest paiii, with # sjiiti� lie owned to illainself t . I I . goiden shores. The graves in the came- motive iu his xrxaTw%9L- except love. It remedy. ; 855 and for I year $ft In- * D KETIONARY' . possloquate love. tory of St. MaTle I"jerre wore beaulti- could not be for her beAuty-he Who k !� ' vestigation will prove to 0 a torrible thing to love -is be had ­­ "May! Mayll' he criod aloud, and the fill, in,iny of them covered -with festoons had ta-aveled far and wide must surely Get one having stood the test of time.. ,-fill fliz'ng to placf, onv's life awl � ­ your satisfaction tha,t there 0 a fm L THE MERRIAM WEBSTER? ' waves. secaled to re-echo tile dDund. of vine leaves, roses, und lilies, all round Dr. Fowler's Extract,of Wild Strawberry , . is no better Business College * bodit, one's love and soul, in a wDinan's Ile flung, himself despairingly on the have seen women far moire beautiful has been on the in arket for over 65 years � t I * I them. D.ab;y watched them silently. than she; it could not be for, any world- I , --p, I in Canada. Got our free * Ii.-uti. He t;pvilt no time in lamenting it is a NEW CREA- sands. Oh, Heaven I it he could end it- and we have yet to bear of a case of � * catalogue now. * ,or nionTring ,- Becaus .Wheirgaide tolld theni'many a mid story; ly motive, seeing that she was poor, ; I �� I.. �� , ; lip. spont no thile in droarx TION, covering every end tffls Passionate, terri[b1g, love, or die! cholera infantum it has )act cured. .. 10 0 in!-, of a Past lie dreaded: but to na here, Av.-is the grave of a girl Only humble and unknown. - , # tllt- field of the world?a thoughto 12o think that a. mail -should be so tin- who (lied Mrs. S. S. Johnstone, Ochre River, �� * 15. A. jqcLAOHLAN. # tv�illve 01w�orver one look at his fa.,e action and culture. ,Tbe ozz1jv doitocai; of a young motlier Then -a little hope would come to �11 4 I pxkncipal. * wg,i onangh to show t1int he was in veir unabridged dictionary in manned? He cried shame on hlonself; Nvith ber babe in her tirms; of the f-,t,Vh- Daisy, and she would say to heri of, Man., writes: -"About four years ago I -0 0 many years. I he called himself weak cowardly -he vr NI -410 I.I.N. thero. leaving .so many little 4 -1 -Te must have loved me a little;" for gave Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild, � # NI(TY txutb a most iniscrable man. I reproached hiniself with, litter words; 090#q" rmoq to limmit him: there, were ry a � I . Ile wildc, no ftemwilltances in that Because it defines over 400,000 yet the burning love wDs Ohere, the tll(� Jit'- that be had .Overheard her conversation Strawber good test. '� 1. * � ,�, tij, graves whe- lay innocent children IN�itax her mother, and had maxr1ed her 11 My oldest son, five years old, got very . lz��- -1. f,Jr hind. Sunny-honx-red Frenobinmi — Words; more th:a.n over sionate, dosiraking-love that was so plelisfilA, to G"O. I from sheier pity, Daisy never dreamed. . . . two P416 1 NA(,kjjd r4jin bove given kindly grcvtilig ,before appeared between two never to grow less. He hated himself bad with cholera infanturn; two days � LhurCh "irecto Covers. 2700 P49eS, 6000 nj "It does not ,,�,jqn I," -o fj�-jr-," qaAd 0 1 to t.hv-reqer),c(l, sad Eng-lishnion aud lustrations. for his, weakness, Yet he wished that, Dais ' ,She -vvas mot jealsous, as yet, for she (lid son took it; and the third , imon best' flOWLVS. JAMES STREE . Ws raii, Y011119 wife, ' I - 'y' ,,to lit, bv.�L, .1 g t, mot think he bad ever iloved, amy one else after my, next I I -Y asked pach other. I it is the onZjr dlodo�ary as lie laythero, the wayes would wash ill(, 64iadows jig the vilie lvnvV�l 1�1-ing q(1 --he never mentioned any other wo- dkv my little girl also took it. I doctored. "Wily 16 10" Plu Because crew hini and bear him 0,W4y. He shwild It with all kinds of things but they,kept mF,,rt10D1ST C H U PIC, 11 1�itll wundeling 111ces. "lit, is rich; with the now dMded be happy hi, deittal, not in, life- he could ­,htly, the oull ehinijig ,so wimuly. the mgn,S name. Then would Daisy sigh on getting worse and the doctors could. , : . I page. A "Stroke of Gonlus." notfindreistorpeace. Them he$ stood tit) kil-11's singing so sweetly -it h; 'lot likP faintly, and think to herself what i I jRev. Richard Hobbs, Pa5tor 11-1.4 0 fine house, a lovcly' wite, T1 ­ - d"Ong to Ito bere!' Imoblem. life was -what ,it grand puzzlo do them no good, I then started tho. , w4y'l(Tefful -are the ways of all Englisill- Lecause it is An encyclopedia In in tile starlight, and, raising his face to '. 15anday RubliO 'WorshiP-10-30 am%- ni.­,n!­he� -has ,01 t1his,'yet is -not hnppy." _ a single Volume. tale high helavens, he prayed that -he 1"'111-11 froo, guide. showed flymn a hN111ti- titis, love which occupied all hee Dr. Fowler)s Extract of -Wild Strawberry . I 1, . \,, / 11'e, lind been flivre. for two yon -11.;, I it is accepted by the jiligilt ]IV(' down the lovei that wixis fill grovv; it was covered with A-4to').118 thoughts. tind after two or three days could see & ! atid 7 p�m. ' Because . oil rble lvaves., tall white leaves J! Xt scene- an the tXagedy 'was . I %vid tand bad 'mude no i0ilimiuMnees. f4t, Courts, Schools slid destroying Min, * , I rem, . Tbe Ile difterence, so kept on with the treatment, Cla,s,s ServiN-8upday 4,30 4 -ml Press no ilte on' a $in ixonesf', upright OV('r 44 riodi red roses gTtmr near it. � that Sir CEntoxx Adair began to weary �. after Morning Oexy'joe and Wedneg- prf-w t11,111"Or and 1).il(,r;, the. congt-i,nt a suprelue an- � "I ivish to b , ,I Ini'Ve no L W but they wereso bad it took about two, 'L Wmggle was w(mwhig MN strongth myny, �thorjrty. I �Vhat its the protties,t. grtive tit the ,j the mopixotolly of his life. Until noW . . . L day night, �, a-hofileilm Ile had swolu ,to do right, but lie conld . . 4 uum," ho sWd to himse4f; ' ecille4eaT," said Dicisr, thoughtf,111,Y, it had ,seemed to him the blow whicli weeks to complete the cure. ' I 11 . , he who knows 'wx*n.q desire for wrong. I (11ave a faithfull "And at ha.% the sn"e--t story," q I tbat Were t people have asked me how L . Young Kev'R Qum Wad Ga's not: Recalls .4inoces.s. I il -- tenger, dirijocent wilte-4 -gray Heaven . aid ha.d struck lhim down waa so, great "I filladA.3 Alt I j0offt. It"t ro.rg(it hio last love -be coilld I no' zet ustei the guide. "11111(bill-id .'And Wife 0001) thore could be no rebound, He hLri MY ChiltircaoS liye$ that timer ' � � 1�� ... . aunday fiobool end jyj,jDjo Caaaais z.su love D,097 0-11 as lie bad 110ped to srou about this now ,Work. - fhtl�t I xn�y be faithful to her; I have thrre'L They on-DIQ onVe. soon r 6othi ,, sad I always say it was Dr. Fowler's � L -% The I 11:1.1 1. , L ' - no w-611 VII -at eve'll ft. talough-� should Lft('r believed that there ronmi-nod n� ­ . h pidl, lo, -e her. only coulf0i be I ' , of Wild Strawberry, I am, now, �, at 6 L P VaL 1%tI,q in 1:40iflong this life would not 111'st th0w m4wringe, to s0c this e0vleterY, for Ifim but to re-nidin a, fow yelixg )1111 Extract I ,I Epworth League -Tuesday . . I VMITS for spbolmen bf new dMdod V stray frotil ber," � I . � X 8 v4b, 11111OVelp, 111110 'iftex it ,wila ell&ed, if notil- , age �".,. �rhell, when, lie wng,4 calln, ftnd.0$1�9 wid X iftevor saw anything like them, exile, then die, I never without it in the house." Pray r fueeting—TIAUnAdo IQ i, , & C, MEHRIAIN CO., Publishers, Sprielifield, tem It wao.like, looking at n picture or read- k;ow It, Was strong ,an strongt,b 1 1, ,0 A. ory er d the 0 1 L Wilmas le ;as, ;ijg better, tihvre would at least lit, ]denlAoht]dgpiLp6totoodIV61�,UUE a, Oat Of1wakst MILP0, 11 Post had in, some degree Passr I them.*, � Price 85 cents. I ist, Methodist obufoh, U � Evio4j. He had been, ,all that Was kbid I I I . . 11 �;. lie went 6ome� but. as. ho weut� itue Ing 0, pueei to watch or his matlhoo& the foToe of his char- F byL tor wlill V 1 4sw hast'll.v. Mantl*tured, ow The T. MIburn : - reach next Sunday. I . � I --P—--,---- , . jh�ftpp A"fAftmirokall 'DAUT. . : . . L ­ NIZ11,01,11" .00 . I . I . ­ J. . I r f=11114b. - ." Lim,ited. Torquok.04t. . � k -M;- . . . . �a ""I 11� 10111t, I I L I �., . , I . . . I I I I 1� I �. � � I I 'I I �L , 'I I � , , , I v . � I I I - I I I I 41 i Ill: ir� r� I I" I . b�, I . I I . t" �., I I . , � . , . . � . I � . �1� . I I . 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