HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-8-17, Page 12Mr— TH, rket Roporto+­The followin + of k_XtAQr � inirkets rlrec U 0 Atignist, 17(h WA S Wheatp7t5 cents 0 0 cents. ts 46 cents to 1.37 cev.ta. arlL to 55 eekyte. Public Rath NOR Buckwheat 50 cent FRONR It -s Pe,a,�q 70 to 75 evInt4-t. �16 t THE STORe -laK"1ND THe 0900* - + liboxts,11�24�110 Feed flaur $1.45 + 4� Hot aud cold baths lautter 17 ceilLs ,Eggs 17 cents UST will be an interesting ana profitable Au" 101, 1?citatoes 75 ceats Pay MO. nionthforpatrousof this store. Allsummer 1* I'logs live welglif, 7,40, goods wid be cleared out this mouth to make ph�lce expor� stoo!.s 6.00 o 6.15 + + rket Roporto+­The followin + of k_XtAQr � inirkets rlrec U 0 Atignist, 17(h Wheatp7t5 cents 0 0 cents. ts 46 cents to 1.37 cev.ta. arlL to 55 eekyte. Public Rath Buckwheat 50 cent It -s Pe,a,�q 70 to 75 evInt4-t. Bran U0.00 + liboxts,11�24�110 Feed flaur $1.45 + 4� Hot aud cold baths lautter 17 ceilLs ,Eggs 17 cents 1?citatoes 75 ceats Pay MO. + at W. D. BurKe's I'logs live welglif, 7,40, ph�lce expor� stoo!.s 6.00 o 6.15 + + Blediu. Wexport scerN 5.80 to ux.� Choice export helfer6 5,60 b-80 ' + Barber 1.4 Shop. + Medium export belfers 5.50 to 5.00 + Phoice butchers heifers 6.50 to 5.85 + begiLtning to arrive. You will hear more about Aledium butchers- heifers O.U-5-40 t7 Price 25c. 1: Choice butobexa oouls 4,,50 to 4.,80 them later. AledLum butchers covvs 4,00 'to 4.25 + common cows 8.00 to 0,50 Choice sheep 4,25 !to 4.50 + -OWee lambs 6,50 fo 6.75 + New Silks ......... .......... %++�41:-+++ 4# -Alias R. p1hillips was in London A buying opportunity and one that is seldom offered Poul -Er on Righ Class Plain Silks. They come in Messaline, Y over Sunday. Paillette and Taffeta, in black only, all 86 in. wide. Ofrs. Ed. Bissett. af Winnipeg, is Per Yard.. ................ $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 10Lb the visiting with relatives in 'town. We will pay till August fwlowing -for live poultry in ttade: Xr. 1S."Gidley, of fflyLfi, viartedi in Black rlessaline Colored Paillette Hens ..... i � ............... So per pound, town Ich'e forepart of the weelt, Roosters ...... ........ .... 00 Alias 71 Is. Jones is visiting ber Beautiful rich finish in Chif. In all colors. This is a great Grandmother )Ira. Cooper. London, fon Messaline Silk guaranteed silk to wear. It is 20 in, wide Young Ducks ........ 100 Air. LeRoy Coultia, of Goderich, to wear, SO in. widei in black Old Ducks ....... So visited at his hoine here -this wa,*- only. Just the thing for and is greatly used for trim- 0 #* One cent lees for Cash. Mary Mack hrLs returned 'to Tor - dresses and odd waists. ming and add waists. See it. 0 * Watch this space every week for onto. after holidaying al her home sp�,clal p + here, rice peryard...$1.25 Special price per yard.....56 prices. Mr. J. T. Mor�,van is advertising for See Jones & May %AL stra� steer. ad. on another White Waists gage, - - 4 4 4� home '* 0 Bliss Susie Case has returned 4 0 About Four Dozen to choose from. Every welst after visiting in Dorchester and R this season's make, and eyery one is good value, Am gersoll, odd one will never come amias, so get first choice. LOCALS Blaster Silas Reid returnedto Lon- * don after visiting for a couple weeks Special Price ................................ 98 cents 0*00#004 in town. Miss(Mth Liddicoff, of London, is Miss 'Steil-,, Wilson, of Rensall, visiting Bliss Lela Gould. spent Sunday with her sister Bliss Black Underskirts 1 nto, is vi.9- Cora. Wilson. Miss U. Brown, of Toro You ought to see our range of Black Petticoats. iting her sister. Mrs, Robina. Mrs. Smale ittlended tche f tinl�ral of her neice Bliss Edna Blortimer,. in The material represents the latest triumph in the miss J. 8. Murray, of Kippen, via- r , itpd in town for a few days 'this ivLek London on Sanday. treatment of cotton. It has -all the lasting lustre I I . Miss Victoria AUners returned Mrs, Tasker -and daughter Myrftle 4 40 and the crispy swish of real silk. Its beautiful finisix . * # home Saturday after ok Itrip up 'the from Seaforth visited with A[r. and is guaranteed to be permanent and to remain uu- lakes, Mrs. J. Tarrott last week. . it.jured under any and all atmospheric changes. Mrs. Shirley Bobiex, of Belgrave, Mr, Edwin Jones left Saturday for They are made in the Forme-Fitte style,which is visited with friends tri Coivq during the west- Mrs. Jones and son Grant accompanied him to London, the pas,t week, quickly and easily adjusted. Price ............. $0150 MisscsBertha and Katie Guenther. Air. and Mrs. Herb. Alitchell, of' London are visiting -the fbrmer's par - visited their parents in Dashwood cuts, Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell. - Toilet Sets Dinner Sets over Sunda.V, Mrs. Roland Squires spent a few Dr. [Will Knight has returned from Many new sets have been + If you do not want a, complete * daye 'here last week -with her mother Calgary 'where he wrote on 'the Med- 0 added to our stock, We have Dinner Set we can supply * Mrs ..Blatchford. ical Council exams. Ile was in town 0 for a few days and left again # about fifty sets to choose. you with any piece you want 4-0 The many friends of Bliss Aunia Joseph's '.Uospittal London. trimmed from stock patterni This is Blssetb. will be pleased.to learn( tbat The cream body, Miss.Broderick, Margaret4 a very dainty pattern fin- she is on the mend. with gold, is a popular seller. ished on a hard clean body. Arrs. Wm. DaNr tnd Lilly and Katie AILLM118,Miss Annie Eadlt- I orbrook, all of town and Bliss Logan, Price ....... .... $2.00 to $1100 Complete Set .......... $15.00 Harris of&Salt ford, re'turned home on of Kippen, have returned after spend- 'Sa),tuTday ftfter visit.ing in ttown. ing a week at Grand.Dend. Alias Brown, of Vay City, Mich., is *Picnic in the Park—The Young # isiting Mrs, Hawkins, and other Ladies Bible Class of James tstrezil friends arrotmd town. ALLL RENLDS OF PRODUCE WANTED held a very enjoyable picnic in thi, Mr. and Mrs, Walter 'Whyte !'of ' Hamiota, are renewing A�quainta*n�ds park last Thursday afternoon. Re- freshments were served and a pro - in and around Exeter. gram given. oo Miss Martin, a graduate, of khe jqrs. E. Christie was called to 64 0+ Toronto General Hospital, is visiting Catherines last week on account of'. with Bliss Edna Dow. th A E W A R --OF= 4* the illness of her mot er, Mrs. The Alisses Levett, of Parkhill, via- Luker- We are pleased to learn thal Ued with friends in tawn a few d a y a Mrs. 'Luker is improving somewhat. during the past week. Air. -and Are. J. T. Wood,* and Alias Miss Milroy, returned 4o 'London, qay. Wood, Blisses Narl Kestle, and Alonday after visiting for a few days Violet Vbnhale, all oftovn and Mrs ith the Alisses Weekes. - : D� D. Crittenden, of l3lyilth, have re- Y-rs. C. W Balfour. and littlo, turned after spending several days lat + daughters, of Alitcholl, were visitors 10-Go-Ezie'- cottage Grand Bend. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + ++,+++++ in town during the weqk. - Dr. Bennett, of Bessemer, Alieh., lm, + Mrs. Bproat, or Saskatoon, is via- and, 111is ennett, of Ble eim, on + Iting. her pareiiis, Mr. and Mrs. Rd the'guests of Dr and Mrs� Quacken- am + a B nh vore Robinson, London Boad South. bush during the -past week. Dr. Bon - AM T + 4. + Mr. and Mrs. Edwards, of Winnipeg nott returned. home Monday while + (nee Bliss Jennie Harton) are visiting Bliss BenneVt is remainidg(this week. with Mr. and Mrs, Thos. 1-farton. The Blections—Everywhere are ALARM E 0 In ti. Bliss Maud Bennington, of Cleveland signs of activity in preparation for + 4- + visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harry the Dominion elections on, Sept 2Jst,. The returning officers for lHuron ar? Saleep late in the morning. -, Horton for a feir days this week. R y of waking + Sonth, Jacob W.-Mermann, Dashwood; njoy the luxur + Alias Alexander,. of F crest, a form - up whenever you feel like it East, J. A. Brorton,,Win-ham;, West.. 4- + or- teacher In our public school, -vts- J'hn, W. Yeo, Holmeaviri�. if you can, but if you can't + ited in itown during the past -;V�ck. 0 The 11oliday—Civic, oliday passed Alias Mary Acheson. returned from Lown. last� Thars- better gab one of our + off, very'qaictly, in St. Thom�aq, Monday, wItpre she has + been I D dhy, Quite,, a number. Of the citizens + Clocks, + visitin- for the padt two'wn;eks. took advantageof 'the cheap rtttes to + 'Air. John Brooks returned to O%Yos, spend the day out of to%vn, many + so, Arich., after visiting for several taking in the Old Poys at London. Watches. + days Nrith I)is brother, Mr-. 0. T. 6therst. went: fishing or 1.o the d3end 4� Brools. Bloat of Ithem, It w �71r, s'taycld al. TeaSpoons, Berry Spoons, L Diamo n -us s, Cu t Aliss Lily Taylor, of Welseley, Mass.. home'and enipyco a rest. 4. + Cold Meat Forks, Cake Forks r + who is visiting her pareVits at Kirk- One of Exet-ar's popular young nion Soup Spoone, Pie Knives, and a popular young lady froui the ton, visited with friends in 'town on Pearl -handled Butter Knives, Glass, Silver= + Knives and Forks� + Alonday, same town went for 9. drive lo Grand MeKibbon, Methodist 3end on Thursday last and -,%rhen, re- + Fish Servers, Carving Sets, ware, Pilm, Etc$ + ',,-v- Air. + Evangelist, will 000UPY Ahe James urning home it started,to rain, very + street pulpit 'the last two Sunday�a licmvlly and as tbey had no '01.) on Wadding Rings + I n in August. their buggy and the lady bad o Alre. W. Goodison, and son Jack, wraps the gentleman bad U gira Big Stock to choose from R. MarGhma + of Sarnia, returned to their (:home the lady his coat and be g6trery-wat. + JEWELER & OPTICIAN after visiting ;the former's m6dher, 'Se'lious Alistake--On Thursday of Mrs. D. Job -as. last week Aft, James Willis, of Exctor ............................................... 4++ Air, and Mrs. Geo. Bloir, their son North made a mistake which nearly George, also two daughters, leflt Iasi, coet him his life. He Look a. drink week for the west, where 'they will rrom ,, bottle in whieb he supposed spend the summer. wee cider but which contained, a strong solution of bluestone. Ile mo - 'a T 1`1 11lr and Mrs. 9. HardY and son, and is Newman, were ba New Hamburg th tiodd the mistake imniodiat%,ly celd: week attending the funeral of Mr, Dr. Tlyndman was called and succ, ed in relieving the stomach m* ch. CLIBARIAU S`A L E Hardy's sister, Mrs, Fa,%jr, j;.olson. Mr. Willis 'was laid up for Mrs. Gordon Marine and'soM, Ara.8�-, so me days Vat is now able to be ter Prod and John are visiting' at the 4around although feeling ' Noinewhat, Air. John Watson on 'S AT "ALF "RICE h -m- of t k (' sore, OF ALL SUMER, SHHE 11 r Sauble Line, near Bayfield. Mrs. Hand -ford and two children, ob- Itenftew who have been Yisiting in (1, 1 t F" MUF S T Til t l", AT IN 'Alls town left riday Ito �sgeiad a weel* in Yea are all invite& to attend . the New Patent Oxfords worth $3.50, now $1.75 London before retuxntng home. Reception and Band Concert �o b-., New Patent Ox -fords worth $4 to $5, now 192.25 Mrs. John VoijUake.,who haa been held on the.Exeter'Scho6l, grounds on visiting her daughter Mrs. David New Harvest Shoes going at 75c a pair "M 0' the evening of Angusf 17t'h in honor i Nicol. of Stratford, has returnQd to. or 1Vrr.'S.A, popplest I one beilig clecte'd Canvas Shoes clearing at 60c a pair hexi home accom panied by Afiktm Flor- to the office of Grand Afastex, of the ladies, Low Shoes in Tan, Chocolate and Black, sizes 2J to once Geldart;, T, 0. 0. F� of Ontario. One of Lon- ;klr. nrid Mrs. J*fin Mestlako, vim- dox's best Bands will 'be in att� d� 4, clearing out at h4f price ited their daughter Mrai 'las- whYte ance als:o Tast.Grand TAkster hlewatt :31 dozen Tan Lace Hose, all sizes, double &wl and toe� on �erlda_v Nvhb recently underwent wx If, I)[ gtrltj,roj�d %,ill d(!IivV operation for apporidicitis in Guni'% oration A, Procession will leave the Yular 25c, for 15c a pair IfosTital, Clinton. 1. 0, 0. lf - Ilall at 7.00 p in and march reg. Men's Hose 100, IV., 20c Mr. �Viill Atewart, of Dctoott. vk. to'tbe grounds. pieces of fine Swiss Embroidery left at IVp a yard ited hlis brother A -lex. in Itown dur- L. 11, Dickson will be chairm-in. A few I J�Jg tl�cforcpat of the Ireek, 1-1 o, The Acting, Reeve W. N. Xta,�ett. Uederwaist Embroidery worth 26.e for 150" a visi cd his brother Ed. in Dondon will- give an address of ivolcoutn on but ricea along during 1 01 1 d 'Boys W ael� �eh;llf of, the town. h , ODe piece Table Liften, worth more money P X. G, 19tanbury -�yill. give py.01dress with. otb er. goods, 30c a yard., Among. those' who fook in 'the ex- -of welcoriid �6m- behalf 'ot"tl& Lodg,,,, cursion'to tho 'wbs'Lo'n Na4bidwf, va� The Grand Master will R� AY, the'U. 1?' -were; Jobn Mr, f?*X0Y' a t G.k.6d Mister. Blowett. It. C. will Vive­w. short 'Ca an-oddrel. willprt"'And Theo, It.% ' dex,i y, sbbrt- Atpeceb6s ind a San, 4QVs0n,,0f No. I Band' bo the or- t 3 t3e.fo Ver 47� .;A, 00"WiLW t of Everything1s Ur�; and Mrs. Q, 'A. Rrooko, of town, Nveldome. The Exeter Bargain StQre ttud m1po relittives toar Oteditoti, 5=10-15 and 25c Variety, Store, PO"'WErIL'S BAZ`AAR PHONE 55 VEAS we are making 5, 10, 15 and 25c a specialty feature of this store. It, is surprisin %the values voki prices. As a lady said this wee —66Rxeter needs a sto e of t, is can get here at these I p klad.11 Now t hey have it. patronize it. It will pay you to STEP IN AND TEIH SIGHTS every. day Q. even it you, don7t need anything. We buy large quantities, so can sell at low prices. We may be crazy, but we are doing the �usiness. 4*' OUR 9 CENT HARDWARE TA13LE IS A W19NER. OUR 6 OBNT and *10 CENT TABLES BRING THE BUSINUl SS. + + EVERTTHING FROM A NERDLE TO A PHONOGRAPH. 'WEDDING PRESENTS We have just put in stock a crate. of ROYAL PRINCESS CHINA, beautifully tinted, rose patterni gold trimmed. To see.this is to want it. A few of the prices— HANDLED BISCUIT JAR ................. �$2 25 SPOOX.TRAY ......... I ........... ...... $0 65 COCOA JUG hnd 6 CUPS and SAUCERS. 150 BREADPLATE ............ ... ...... ... 1 145 SUGAR, CREAM and%'TRA POT .... ...... 250 SALADS, ............. I ........ ........... 1 7 5 ASK TO S88 THEM- CONFECTIONE�Y FRUITS This bra�ch of our business is a whopper. We Oranges, Bananas and Lemons—good, sound fruit sell only the best and keep it fresh, Our mixed at-rig'ht prices, chocolat6s at 40c a lb, are delicious.. Our le goods are new and wholesome, Send the children here, 'out- Jumbo Peanuts, nicely roasted, have a flavor and come yourselves, Special prices in quantitleo of their own. 20u lb. for weddings, etc, DRUG GOODS We handle a complete line of Toilet articles, from We i3ell the Edisoti—the only true -toned and long 49�, a good Tooth Paste to a Hair Tonic, including lived instrument in the world. We have them at Soa:ps, Etc, Our Lemonade Exbract is all prices and on easy terms, from $24 Perfumes, 0 to $19.50. a good one. We give Premiums with these goods. Ask about them. Lar ge stock always on hand. post Cards and Stationery in great variety. Thursday and Saturday are always special days at this Store, Surprise Packages '0 , 44, for Saturday at from 20C to 75-.1. If you Niant something interesting get one of these Surprises. Come and bring your friends. POWFUUIS E3A"vAA1K_,_%`h Z-0 40 A CHANCR FOR A BARGAENT For Sale—Contectionary lee Cream and resturant. Doing a gcod live business iA. a good live To*wn. Vor particulars ad- 0 & AT 40 '�A dress Exeter Tiems, Box N. r Atiss H. Kinsman is visiting at Er- �,R FAKR 0* iettix on Lake Brie. 0. Air. Norman Kellerman, of Dash- wood, is the new junior, & 'the Al:ol- AND sons Bank here. Mrs. J. Bawden wid 1hro children of Ridgetown are visiting Mr. and Mrs. 7os. Bawden. .. 41 FURNITURE UEALERS Mr. X. E. Handford xeturnea To' Muskoka Tuesday -svhtre he will re- main for a few weeks longer. Shafts -Broken — Oil Wednesday 0 - morning as Mr. Louis DaY, jr., was -turning the coxner d`t the Bank of W e Carry a Complete Stock in All Liffes Commerce his horse staxted to run away but did nol get. far, when it began to kick and broke Tthe shafts of the milk wagon. 0 - Davis.— Brook — A qfuictf ivedding Phone Store, took place, last Thursday whon Bliss Sunday & Night Calls Jennie Orock, daugh�er of Mr. and Mrs. IThos. Biock, of (folvii and Mr. V. Ernest; Davis of Exeter `Norih were 2 0" A 20B 4. united in marriage. The young couple 4� have spent the past week visiting., in 41 and Hamilton. 4*� he Exeter 0 Bowling Tournament—T bowlers are inaking preparations hold a 'two day's 'tournament on August 21th and 25th. 'This is the KOw e 'Am tk1011S,#%1u1 first of rthe kind 'to be held in Bxe!berl and it is expected fthat.a large num- ber of rinks will be present Ito take part. Over $150 are to be offervA in prizes. . 11� ........ �+++++ ........... Eye Jnjured—Mr.- Arthur Davis, + who has been clerking at !the Central The Place Where G00d + i0ile Mr -J. Malleft has been 'takin Clothes Come From + THIRU YEARS ovtu + his holidays, met with a misf n �the dther day and as a, result has + Our Seven Colleges hare been his 'eye bandaged. He put 4 bottle� + established during the past 130 of pop on ice"when the cork blow omo + years. The largest trainers in + striking him in 'the eye and some- Ganada. Ox;qng to our connee.. what injuring �he sight. + tion all over Ontario. we dq + SerioAs Accident—On Tuesday af- MMOF + better for oiu.- givAduates Ithan + + + I Lernoon )�Tr. John 8. Charlton, son of + any other qc1tool. Yon may . Geo. Charlton of Ailsa Craig, aird no- study at home or party alt 41 phow of Mr. John Marlton of town home and finish at the college. + met with a serious acciden!L While + Affiliated with the Commercial =,�ng, i; ip oats. 'The team xan away Educators' Association of Can - __him off and the load + ada. It %vouldbe .11 for 'you ed ova -r his left side breaking, all th i Light Suits for + to investigate before. choosing. ribs on tha!t side. He is now in a Exalusille right tor Ontario of Wier the %vorld-faluotis Pliss 13 ok- 4' Hot Wea'" critical -condition. 0 + The Exeter Pirates Take Four + keeping System, which is ain- -L Games Oat,of Six from aelltmlia.� eqw-dird. It iw Aetmal Business"+ The Pirates drove to Centralia, Tues- Prices $12 up from, StAirl: to. Villisli, ood the.. + student lcceps saino bool�Ai as + day evening, and played.their sixth Chartered fhuiks 11ild Whole- garne, winjong b� a acore (if 1311, The game*wAs not; a 6rat, class exbibi FlaHnel Trouser- sale Hens". 113'itter any titnc, Individual bistrilcLion t tion, +sts the Pirates hail a. nigh(, off P,, Writc, call or phone ior and' Alanagee Burkp m&s Iryinq ow, tfld'pa in thV new -P particillars + twogreenpl1iyers Burkesa�isllureon Voll term front Ang 28th + can plaY firs6 all right, htit Harness, design$, the ��tght fielder. did�jiot get it chance to 8= his good wnrk� Svvept, pitched + hard foe (lie first, four innings, but Clinton Business luck and -poor support were ogidost TdOn College him. assett, vvent intq tne box in thefourtli'and allovwd ile6trAlia but thrpertin,-� He g(t better su or �pp t Tfte Nifty. Man's' GM� SPOTTON, Presid + Tiny saow lj;s thirtV cents was all:" en They connected wilh lf�ggy andlut Tail6r him for tow iun6, the first three'inn- + Alias, B. 10. Word, Vxh).clpal ingg., A. Daplan was then put o i the slabfor the home team and pitched, Alball. Austin is the pircher,"(poor Hoogy), Tbe f#At&eiq e,f the gitroo :Qhi--1.,d-T:0A Were Reg. striking out 11, Daplan and Dental Off ices, Closed. ,:� ", FOR ­FLET0HER.'S­ Puke catelfliig the ball on tke surn. ,;S, or 0., Iq Xt*Adly take notice' Ila -it my 4600 Thetxeter battery wtis Voke,Sweet 61oa�,d ev�ry I�V&dno8day ;tnd Pisgett, Fwd tfio 0,nfrnlia,batteny Elliqft, gloomfield, an(I url-fu, W, D It. 11., VVYR, Ig rt to G -rel 11 1plr6d �Alatae rily. �;� '. T CLOSING NOTICE :s�oi,�-'by innings wa,g Exeter �5 2 q C I 1) 1.5 %; 1)6ntP61 Oentraiia--2 0 2 2 Fbq FLETCHEWS Off1co is closed ever Wednesday'r It. t I er I - A 70 1 A