HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-8-17, Page 1111 I I . � . I I- i ­ ­ I_' 11-1�.",,�'ll"�4-�,,�,�7--�-1- 1 ­­­__,­­_,�7­',W , " I -_ ____.___..,__, . I I . Imm I I 11 : � , , .. '"","""�,�-�­- : — _"`e*%WW4WW 11 PIMP 'P�O�"! ! ____ . ,�,� � ; , :1 , � : _11"IT �RR - I � . I , ,;1P , , . I . � 1 : . � : I — '7 1 1 � , , I I _" : � � I ,� . ,� I I , . � , -!"!!�7,T , , 1,11,111,1111, -��%"� .... 11 . I . I I . . . : I I I I � � I . . , ,,�,� I, - 0 ", I � . � I . I I 11 � I � ,. . �. I . I . � I I .. I I I I � 11 I 1, I , " 7 ,, ,�,� __ ,�%" �111, �111,, I I ,l �, "I . I I I . � I I I . � 1. I I I I . . I I � . I . � 11 � , I . I . � I'll, ..... ..... �� I I I * I I I I I I � : ; : . I I I . I . I I � I I .� I 1: 1, . 11112�4ff, � ;�­ """:i " I � I I I � I I � I . 1� 1. t, � � ­­ _­___..___. , �, " . , I . I- - plo IQ : , . 1. — __ ­­ ---- -- ______­_­­ I A VV-* __ ------ ­_ I I .. M, Ri i, ... I 1,11M., 1.1 I.. ­­ ...1.11 11 I . I ., 1,�,. ,, f t� i , o ,��I. W � *"._ "i, '' �"O"orvloyo*_"6.11. RA _0 : lz� ." . ­-, . I .-#01 � M�"A I : - , ­ . : �� � , , � I 11 1. I '. . I - -1-1-11- .. 1-111-1--l- - � I I . 11 I—. ­ . I I 11 , ---", : I � . . . . . . 11 . . __ � I I I , , 11 I I I I 11 , �, I i", I � , . ' I I AV* . .11 I . ,0OU,LDX'T BELIM =, . S -I I I 'Health ­�440 powor to enjor to. tho (4111'wm �, , I I ­�,� I ROUSMIM is 01KE � I I . I . I , — . I I ,work uro corno aW *l*,* I . I -_ I I Bill wow 4 Far West cowboy, )%n4 . 1. 11 . .1, I I I toga 11 1. � y I � I ., I'll � I SEAKS TRIED TWO DOCTORS Peoplo of XVSt , I I orous 41 I& I ; I . 411 I ", I � I ... . `$ Eatou by Voor coted for his crs,ftluosp. 4w",i_ . I V so I 11 q OTIF . ., ... �,i � F11 04 I I 1. ilk � I � I ,� I V I � .... I 1. - I � 13 L�E' �, � i�', � 11111! w I I I'll ­ - I i . . 11 - I . � : � " I ;!12 I . . . . . . . . ...... .... . I ! � I . 2h I "I'll, I .1 I I ,,80APBS OF AD- � I 11 . and delegations. to Germany ! 121 at ,his trial he pleaded guilty, . .1 , , I . , I I . .1 .. .1, .... I I so � .. -'at* the toila of tho la 1) �": "'IT FIT I Buropean colt�atrloso pQasiblo to trust him.. Ho vot,fiz-, , W ,H NO BERE A - WONDERFUL r I , 1. 1. . The adivi of British commis- ally . , 004 . A .,- . : . - �S 741RAL JELLICOF, .. I sions ,� 11 I I I E . I i . . to investigate material conditions He did well, f�r the case against I I I I "I � ; I Thell Dr, WJ111SMO' PlUk FillS. has been all the fashion. Political bes,4 r A�' him was Strong . and� irrefutable. t*" up w*4 IiOfRaobs—supply the 4= JuJQ#$ wt*h om 140 0 . I � 11 . I - . � � . parties and leaguqs %nd societies known for rn, Nevertheleiss,, the jury in its vor- food being properly convarte4 I a &A4.ii44W,:1,04 b0a zoallallt;vro , . : ,"I I ; Was Commander of Oks Tictorla JTr04 t S L&SUBg UUM I advocating this or .that have had, beat. rashes, ecpmd, ' �r`111114, 00c# % box at your druccist's or from � . 02 ! I I 9h � . dio decla,red him inpocent, Dru , I wgveol, , � 1. I . X a-4,(;heM1C61 Co. of 4�anoao, utn#04 # , - - - mowveal, ; �� . ia%aisito,jrs ransacking the f sore feeb,. stlog4 an T+z Judge wasthunderstruok. NA0.9hol . � . - 1. 1. 1 I I .1 . � �.... . I - ­ RN V When $he Was Rammed by, aitlier- . d --.------------ � I � Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have made land frotalrontier to frontier and "blisters. A 41i food! I I I � � I - $;Inn000nt I" he said. "Inno.00nt I I 11 11 — __ . ­ ; Qe Camperdown. . -so many romarkable cures in, seri- tou,ir findings, have been emb'odied .All Dmotri* R,14 04rds,--Ak.. But the, man, himself pleads gui , . , I � I 1. I . , , I cases that people a,,* liable to in tons of reports, some instructive, ... - ONT4 A . � , . 11 ... tyllp. I I ARJO VETERINARY COLLEGE I 1. ; . Sailors and others connected with ous ut Most of them unconvincing and __ - I . I.. 11 . . I � : overlook their valW1 33 go tronic for b � the sea usually have their fair the blood and. -,�w�os in 4obility !stupid. . . "We know that,," said ,the fore- � Temperance $treet, Toronto I I I �, '% , I I share of adventure. Admiral Sir "': i general ruA-down conditions, Hundreds of "Fress Vrade Lea - man of the? jury, "but he is, such a . Affiliated with thoUniversity'of Toronto, au4 under the control of the, . Depart-.. , � � I � .1 , - I , 'I, , aohn Jellicoe, has had a paktiou- 1A4 , 9 Globetrotter-11you g3ay this is a liax -that we caulb believe him!" mout of Agriculture of Ontario, infirmary for Sick Animais at the Collette, �_ . . � . , I . . I I i ,, ,� . I larly exciting life, having been That such conditions are the cause uers" and "tariff f,eippers" have healthy ,climate, but look at your I COLLEGE RE -OPENS -OCTOBER 2nd.'� 1911. , ' � , .� . , . . 11, ogarly killed no fewer than three of much raise and unhappiness is sought the secret oi German pros� gr I . . . I 4 1 � I ': I � ry I aveyard, It's full -of graves." V I � N.B.—Calendar on application. I I . � L I 11 I . fully known to � those w rity, and their j'anketings have ) -cry many persons die an-nually � . . 11 I "I I times, says Pearson'a Weekly, ring produced -deductions wonderfully Cowboy -"That ain't, got, nothin Yrom. choler& and. 2n4red summer . I . � 9. A, A. GRANQ91., V.0.0 M.S., Pr1nqJP*t, , : �.. .. .. He entered the Nwvy as a cadet trom, them and the need of cu to do with the climate. None o' � I ­.�..1.1111111 11 . .., ",� ,- I ======­=� , ,�, � . . ' ,I he -was gazetted lieu- them is a I 0 vital as is relief from expressed, a%,,. might have been ex� led I 'complaints, whoL mighb have been, . During last year 476,083 alien I a ar- FARMS F . . ". . I 11 11 �� , i� _4 in 1672, anc � ilections of the via- them Sellers d" a natural death,' s&ve4 i -f proper remedies had, been - . OR RENT AND SALE. ­­ 11 , : 'i , , 1, I tenant in 1880. - diseases with higher sounding pected, the Prea . - , . I 1. _ I I'' I I �i � "I . . ASK DAWSON, HE KNOWS. I , , , , , , , .... �, His first. narrow ocurred names. We commend the follow- itors have /,,6und ample support ,as � uzed. If attacked do not ,delay in rived in Great Britain. . ..... ,escape o coof the investigation. � A Safe Pill fo-rSuffaring Women. ol Dr. Jr. D. Eel- I m,, consult ''I I I when he was serving 4, , a a lieuten- ing statement to any ,one sufferi-ag a consequen I me. I I Free tri4 ;hat Ger- -Th4b Secluded life of wome-11 gott'ag 11 b"I'ttle' I , I -Ant on H.M.S. Monarch, near Gib- from weak, thin blood, or shatter- , , era discovered I � because which permila of little healithful logg's, Dysentery Cordial 'the* me. The destruction of the house fly F you waut to -buy, sk farm, consult 11 . I .... I _,____1 , inany was not prospering di6ne that never fails, t$ effeeb a is a pubko, duty. Almost every I me. I ralts.r. The weather was thicka'ad ed nerves, Mrs� Mae Mwabe, of proWetion, and vice versa. Ern- exe.rcise, is a. fruitful cause of de- 0 I � � -leichen, Alta., say . HAVE some Of the best Fruit, atormy, and early one morning 4 G a: � (A few ploye,p; of labojr invariabiy learned ra:ngements of the abomach and cure. Those -who have used it say American -State Board of Health --- "to"" � agains Grain or Dairy Farms in O.I.I.I.: . ,:, e, run down� not that C -he toiling -masses were poor- -liver and is aocountable for e and Prices right. I . I ` Glasgow atearner, the Ettrickdb,lo, years ago I becam th it ,acis, promptly, and thoroughly iv carrying on a crusa,de 6 I . I stranded off Europa Point, on the seriously ill, but' just tired and ly pa � A and worked more hours paina and lassitude that so many subdues the pain ,and disea,se, him. His filthy origin and- habits, r- ! I I I ,I � Spanish coast, about three miles and the fact t4at his body is gen- W. DAWSON, Ninety , QQlborn; .1 � from "Gib.." weak all the time. I consulted -our than at home. In fact, every in, �')f -them eXporienoo. Parmelee's "Don't, mope around the house, erally laden ,�f,_%h &sease�produc- H. Street, Tcrouto. I I I , � I All attempts by her ciew to get family doctor, who gave me tonic, v6stigator seemed to discovers what - Vegetable Pills will corre,Qt irre- Tommy. Why don't you, gty a -ad in,g germs� maies him one of the . SASKATOON I . � . ition after tonic with no effect. I gradu- he wished to find. 'Nearly every jularities of the digestive organs I are second to none. Hence ,the . I Iter off failed, and tho pos , play with Willj,0" 1-CosIplayed greatesteaemies of the human LAN!to'nishing prosperity of our form- . I . aefamed hopeless. . . I ally t weaker and weaker. until delogate published his "report" and restore healith and Tigor. The with Willie yesterday, and, I don't race if the hou,selkee0en of Can. ers. Why be one or those who knows 'he L The Mo arch had gone out for I cour� not do py work. Then I vith the result that England has, most delica�.a woman can use them - - do.better,-yot lacks the spirit3.o try? n . ada will use Wilson's Fly Pads 0""' Alen who cc= $$ at to another doctor, who pro- had & plague of leaflets. Hundreds suppose �hel-a well enough yet." There is no -risk. Le here ' L ;; target practice, and had leftall li�r we I ,with, a4feby, bec,ause, their aclU,om, pexsistently, this peril would be realise bow much of life they have was , . �L ; I bo ine and descrihe4 what they believed they .� . I . ,,,, 07. ats but one small on 1, , nounced my case one of deel ,, � -e effective, is mild and sooth- E. elsew' Ite COXXISSIO . I e, behinc , tripper tersely tol� whil . . . tremendously redkioed. ta. BOA Saskatoon, Sao- I I � saw, but one . t�h.w. Lda� �� �pi' See"Ing the almost hopeless position recommended , a warmer climate, 'what he'dW not see,. and ,&s was ing. 1, I . I ­ �- ;, .'. 1. of the Errickdale's crew, the com- with complete rest. This I could, . — . � . . I I . I "'! ACENTS WANTED. . �,`-',� the best report of the avalanche. ANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS. oto. In- . 1, 5��­ mandef of the battleship called fW not afford, and 'I be,gan'to worry C ternal mild external. cured without I - ,� I : IL�,:'. 'Here is what he saifJ of Germany: Mrs. Duiini�-"Elow did ,you Minard's Liniment Co.,� Limited. . gain bf.our home treatment. Write us - __ - __ __ . . 1, volunteers,, and Lieutenant Jellicoe' 4nd fret, until I became a complete ', husband out off his Gentlemen, ­1 have used MIN ARD'S e ate. Dr. Bonman medical on, GENTS WANTED, -A study of ot'her - !��, . No unemployed,standing at street make your my fam_ ,� one clay while . j�,� ond ,seven got sesmen into the small nervous wreck. . - beard I" Mrs. Stoppit--"I gave LINIMENT dn my vessel and In Limited. Collingwood. Oat. A. Agency propositions convinces us I . - � � 18 I , none can equal ours, You will. at ,,; I ;;, � corners. No drun'Venness or brawl ily for years, and for the everyday it � . . . L' .. ., boat and pulled for all they were visiting a neighbor an old gentle- ing. No ao,oliganism. No slums of h11m a diafiilond vcari-piii for a nd accidents 6f life I consider it has no BITE us to -dal, for our choloo list ways regret it ifyou don't .1 �, , equal. lars to Travellers' appt.. 229 . worth. The boat could not live in man who was ttaiing Dr. Williams' No dis- biDbhday present," . I W Of Agents, applies. No outlay part tawa. . Deply for 11 : , poverty, as in England'. would not start on a go without necessary, They are money makers. A.1�2,c,ust., Ot . .1 ** I ms, however, and be- Pink pills forpartial paralysis re- courtesy. No begging or havising. I — , it, if it cost a dollar a b.vtotf.4 ply B ASE , I . . . 0. 1. Co. Ltd., 228 ,Albert - .. I, , I PAPT. P. R. DESSARDIN, Ottawa, Ont. � . MISCELLANEOUS. I . � I 11 lore they could reach the wreck it commended them to me. I seat out No deformed persons. No landout MInard's Liniment cures nistemper. Schr. "Storke.' St. Andre, Kamou - .11 I . capsized. and got three boxes, but without ,of oultiva,tion. No ragged children, PECIALISTS ADVICE 'F BEE. Consult . I I ,� ! . . AY and rARM SCALES. Wilson's I . , . .. Fortunately, each man had don- ) I'Marnma, mayn't- I go to the S. us in reirard to any disease. Lowest H Seale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. . .1 L. I . , " much laith that they would help No late trains.' prices in drugs of all kinds. I ed a cork jacket before -starting, me, but before* they were gone, I The alarmil�g discovery was made fitney ,dress ball as a milkmaid?" Trusses fitted by mail, — 11 .. n y �UMBER interior trim, doors, flooring. I and after 8 a a 0 aa , 'Well, mout. Glasses fitted by, age. Write to -day .. noticed an improvement and I that thousands of poor sub i t 0 "You ar too am I-" or anything sold in first-class JU sash. 'Price oted at vir station. . I dornuf argo or$. . T. ... ve the hor- can't I be a condensed mill -maid?" stores to Dr. 73ellman, collingwood, . Lituall or I orud P. Rose. 11, A TE RRIBLE STRUGGLE continued taking th,e, Pil con- horsefiesh, and, to pro . Mrs. Hay�"Is your daughter Toronto. � I .1 Z:J stantly growing stronger, u til I ror, scores of investigators brought . . � 1, nUT YOUR GLASS AT HOMB.-Our new "I . in the waves all of them. were wash- had taken, seven or', eight boxes, home the public advertisements of peevish, pale., restless, and sickly happily married?" Mrs. Boe- OLEANING LADIES' k_� "Red Devil" Glass Cutter out -5 wired . 1. L I I their condition to "Thank goodness, yes I Her h glass, plate glass, smoked and window .1 . 1 A ed itishore, more dead than alive. I horsefluh merchants, These pro- children owe ' us- WALKING OR OUTING SUITS � when I was compleiely cured. - band is soared to -death of her." ass. OBY mail 25e. W. E. Pottot & Co.. � ,I The Errick-dale's crew were final- oould c[,o my work as easily as ever (1`11001cl an outburst of righteous in- worms. Mother GraVe-s' Wo.rrn Ex C*n be done perfectly by our Franob procen. Try It 4g6' Ben it St.. Montreal. I ,!,; I ly reso � uod by a Sp&uish, fishing- . ' dignation. About a hundredth terminator will relieve them and British Amarloan Dyeing Go. 4 I had done in my life, and the doo- ap -nOULTRY WANTED -Highest prices 't I . . , boat, after Lloyd's agent ha,d offer- pa ofthe meat eaten in Germany restore health. Corns and wartsi disappear w1i.en Montreal, Toronto, O,ta%va and Quebec. J� ,.1 . tola me that he could sca,rcely rt .paid for poultry, eggs, rabbits; . , �L ed &,reward. The Boardof Trade tor is horseflesh. It is sold openly as I treated with Holloway'& Co,rn Cure prompt return; get price list, it wilt Pay -1 . I McDuff & Co,, 776 St. Dominique I distributed rewards all round, beliove the change in me, as he had such, and it is held f* be whole- - Lieutenant Jellicoe receiving' a nothadthe least hope that I would tome and palatable, and is rigidly T'l-Le way out of trouble is rougb- without lea,ving a, .sear. Tho Heart of a Piano ls the Kt'�,;ct, Montreal. .1 �J Ways - ted by health oMcials- Pro- . S heavy, liathe Mills. Shingle Mills. , , . or thin the way in. Action. Insist an the AWMILL MACIIINERY, Portable or :.%, I medal. be strong again. Now I al n ct . Minard's Liniment cures carget in cows., . �, ineo and Eoilers, Min Supplies. The , How he lost this medal 1 1 ' ape e a '�J Iment Cures Cold% Etc. "'OTTO RIGEL"' 'FlagLong Manufacturing Co.. Ltd., Wes's . jringa� us keep the Pills on ha;ad and if I bably ver Continental country Minard's Lin . . - _ ?!,., feel fatigued or weary take, them as people - horseflesh on - Johnny�"The camel can go street, Orillia, Ontario. 1. to his next narrow escape. h who eat , !�-, By this time he was commander for three or four days so as not to account of its cheapness (in Ger- HIS BIT OF LUCK. eight days. without water. " Freddy Piano Action (; TON S son's 0 1.�, . on board the Victoria, under Ad- get run down." I many ir, sells at 8 or 10 cents a, After suffering a, roaxing tooth- - 4, So coi'.il,cl I if ma would let me." . I . _ � - __ - __ ___.-I.�_� Scale Worksi 9 Esplanade, Toronto. � J r � . I -�_ miral Sir George Tryon, in the Sold by all medicine dealers -or pound). Other British investigat- 1_----.__" I." . Mediterranean. Commander Jelli- by mail at 50 cents . a, box or six ors pounced upon the black bread ache. for fourteene days, Tommy - . aings, com- Co" . coe was down with a sharp attack boxes for $2.60 from The Dr. Wil- as unfit for human be nsented to visit th& dentTst's. . . of fever, and was confined to his liams, Medicine Co., Brockville, paring it detrimentally with the . But he'll kW ma I" asserted bfie 7�. bunk. Between three and four Ont. armor-coa,ted loaves of rural Eng- nea,-vous youngster on the, -verge of .1. o'clook on the afternoon of June 1 __4(_ land�Reviow of Reviews. I tears. "I know he'll kill me!" BREAD M Alr XU'�"'ACTURIKG lAii DUST R'"y " I . , I . 22nd, 1893, he was startled by a . 13 . � "What a hideous ruffian the- pri- _%114— But it was a, case, of cho.osing be- . . O' terrific crash. The inrvalld strus- A Powerful Medicine. -The, heal- tweon two evil.j. gled. from his bunk and staggered soner is," whispered the old. lady ing propexties in six esseaktial oils He went,with his nurse, and when up on deck, clad only in pyjamas. at the police -court. "I feel quite d in ,every bottle of lie ,ire6urned, greeted. his mother w a mat- afraid wh-en I look at hinill) are concentrate ctric'On, forming beamingly. ESTABLISHED 0 N 80'U'ND BASIS ,, I What had happened is no ,husband. "That,s Dr. Thomas? Eele .;", ­­ , -1. I . ,"I - .­'­- _ -, . I I ter of history. The Victoria had I 'Hush!" said ber one of the) most beneficial liniments "Not deadill bantered mamma. . `� .., I _.._.__ __ � � 7 , been r�,agm�me .by the, Camperdown, -not tfie prisoner. That's the ever offered fto the use, of mau. "No," answered Tommy) tt?cos I - - - - � _�� - A ... . I)i I Thousand -01 As just before the dentist killed me , .3 1) " 'and � judge . a oaa testffY as t many Canada Broad Company, Limited, With Its Rants In , WAS SINKING FAST.- ,power in. allying painsp and I the toof came out!" . 1'� � A Pill That. Lighttens Lil�o.-Tb L' . ! Commander Jellicoe stood on the . i- ore can- certify that man. who is a victim of ind' thousands, m, . ids ready the their heaJA tO, it. Iti 41%, M-2 TOO BAD. Lara-er Cities of Canada Will Have Output of ' 1�1 bridge, the flaga in his hai .*.e,y owe IiD hfor signa,16, when SluddornlY, with & gietion the trawdaction of business wonderful power is not expresse 'T I I I , � 'Cl cc ' , . .. a vessel becomes an added misexy. He ran- I You,.'�'dh very lired," remarked , I 11 11 . wild plunge, the enormou rate his mibd upon his 137 it's cheaq?ness. I I James to 1.1s 2�,tdc.no.. �Oilson.. 1,000,000 Loaves Per Weak, or Aninual Production " I i buried her bow beneath the surface not concent . I __ � . I 11 . ', of the sea. Most of those on deck ftasks, and loss , 't'n'd, Vexation &t- , Public baths for dogs have been "I'm naar',:, &,�-a-J,'- replied the I . -were thrown into the Bea, and then tend hira. To &Uch a man Parme- opened at Munich, in Germany. -tired one. "La�',,a;-ht I didn't, get of 50,000,000 Loaves. Company I's in Strong; � I I . I followed 'a scene that those who lee's Vegeta,ble Pills offer reli.e,f. —_ . a wink of sleep because Johnson's JL IN . . I- ' I ' ' . , * I ,saw it would willingly forget. A course of treatment, aecovdiag minard's Liniment cures Diphtheria. 0A wais howling so. � Rhancial POSITIOn. I �. . 'The Victoria's iceel. was high in to direotions, will 'convince him of "Couldn't, you do auything7" � . ' the air, her twin-screw propellers their great excellence. They are 3?uring the month of April, gold ,iWait. I got up, opened my . - I � .L inces, and valued win&w and heaved a boot at, the . I . " racing madly. Gradually� as the confidently recommended, because weighing 18,081 oi ) I 1. I �, at $373,295 was found in New Zea a came out t � Toron�o,, 'Aug. 7 (SPecial)­It other entexpxi-ging bread manu- siderable attention tt','Ilie, qulecftori, ; � , vessel sank, the screws caniedown they will do all that is claimed for - cati just as Johnso 0 . 1. I land. I . 4 . lower and lower towards the mass them the cat in. " was a ha,ppy suggeationi - for the fwturers, devised a plan to bring' will be, &ware of the eno-ruious sav- , I I . . bring .. I . I � of monstruggling-in the water. At — "Wasn 't that all rightl" consumer of brea4l which was made togetfier sev6ral of the la,rgest and., ing which can be effetoted. through � :,:� � . . � last the great steel flanges, still I TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY "Nto. The boot hit John�son, and to Mark Bredin, of Toronto, some most up-itio-date, plamts in the city' the use of Ql�e raodexn oven--ione in' : � whirling, sank into the 'waves, and A good bait for a rat trap is a 06r Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eye . . I I., ' 1, -several hundred men were literally paste, made Of cornmeal and "d Granulated Eyelids. murine Doesn"t' he %brew it b,ack over ths wall and time ago, which suggestion, taking of Torantio. In order to gat bhe� which. one batch -ol bread may fol- . I .. :. 1 , � If eggs. Smart -Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists broke my cucumbor frames. But root, has, with the co-operation full advan-tagpis for the purehasing low the iother without refiring the I.. . torn to pieces in the maelstrom. Bell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25e, that wasn't the worst." and finandial- assistance of Mr. departmei:�t, it was adi�_Qa;Wte* to furnia-ce. It is stated. -on the. best . 1:11 � . I . Commander Jellicoe was too - 5oo, $i.00. Murine Eye Salve In "What' happoned then I" Camthra Mulock, resulte�d in the bring in also �&s many Of the. busi� oT authority that the eimploymen-t- I weak with fever to do much to save Every pa,eket of Wilson's Fly Aseptie'Tubes, 25d, $1.00. Eye BoOlEs "Why, -he went back indoors and formaition ol the Ca,nade, Bread nes,ses in other cities as were at- of these "con,tinuous, ovens" re� I , . j a himself, and had it not been for a Pads will kill more flie-s, than ran and Eye Advice rree by Mail. ,.,.� .. young' midshipman, who helped possibly be cau lit on i1hree. hun- ,muriue ]Dye Remedy. Co, Chicago, 14dt the cat howling away Outside I" , Company, Limited. cepta,ble, the result being thait a duces, thle. c6e�t, [of fuel from 150. . .11 .9 . It waa only to be expected that laxge Montreal bakery and a, large per i4arrel of flour to so per barrel. I � Y I �Ostruggle away from the sink- dred sheets of -sticky paper. 11. him I . . - sooner or laiter scleintifie and sani- Winnipeg ba-kery were included. -or, i � ing ship, it is unlikely, that he would , I THE CRY "HURRAH !". tary methods would be adopted in The probabilities are, howev �: � I 1 4 I have been amongst the survivors, "My, hair comes out in handfuls. "Hip I Hip I Hurrah I" -the dis- 66 V I COMPANLY IN STWNG that the great. -est sa-ving of all may 11 ' the manufacture of the most essea� 1.�' � His Board of Trade medal went be -effec-ted in the makiter of dieliv- I �: if it keeps on I'll ioon be bald * " tinctly British cry -is surprisingly That's tial article in ,the diet of the na- POSITION. I ,� down with the r4s5t of his property) "Nonsense; if it keeps. on you can modern. The "Hip 1" and the ioa, namely, bread. When one TEe Ca-nads Bread Company ery. It would appear th,a:t the .'' " . and when he applied for 8' dupl'_ never be bald." "Hurrahl" do not seem to have . - wa-Vns, ol the average small bake- . I � , -xe Board informed him that . 4 improve starts with an einlarmous advantage - f 1800 , 1� ,� cate tl . cbme together before the nine- Good" ' sbop deliver an average o or :; i he would ments which have. been made dur- ov,er any other business �of a simi- say, 2000 loaves of bread per we,ek. �� REST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD. teenth century. In the eighteenth I . . I � I HAVE, To PAY FOR IT 1 - ,,�iRs.wmsLow,s soo=nm svxup lias becu I -d to just. "Hi I" or aid of ing the past decade in nearlye-very -lar character in the Dominion of I.t is a certainty that the Cana,da , �1 sed for over srXTY YEARS bv MIT.L10111.1; of ,:Hip !I I amounte Is often s, branoli of industry, he, is simPly 'Canada. At the Iltselt is it's Bread Company will deliver at ., next narrow Mb'rHnRS for their CHXLf)RF,:n WHIL-S Hullol" while "Hurrah!" was " . 0 " I . Admiral Jelliooe's 1tr*V,TH1XG, wi $S, t' then asually "Huzzaill It is very . astounded that such an important enormous requirements,.and. the least an a-verageof over 4000 loaves , I , I escape took plwe.on land after he SooT11.W,S the CHILD, qOFTENS,no bylvis hout "Ora I" but V_1% industry as that of the manufaciture a,d,an,tages, which, will result in the - &LI AYS all PAIN.; CURUS WIND COLIC, and like the Cossack a per weie.k. .. ' . ad to be, captain. I It is ab, - 1--p of bread should so long ha,ve be -eta . . . . had been promote I n 'a Ger- A d(yNst These ,pariticulars go to show , I � 1 ie best remedy for J)1A,RRRCEA. ," us -little lasoltilitely harmless. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. h is supposeld to have bee purchasing departmeat. In a busi- �, He' -was one of the famo of the chase, adapted by neglected. In the iron inclu-,try, nova which expeote to, shartly con- . . accompanied Admiral winslow,s sooti,ing syrap," and take no other man cry what nec-essity bliere was fram the . I I .... band that a unsuccessful at- kiud. Twenty-five cents a bottle. German s.oldiers, to wwr, and bor- he tentile industry, and in sooxes sume such env.rmous quantities as IM, � . i Seymour on. hi - rowed from thaw by the British, of other industries there �as been 59j0,000 bags of flour, 364,000 poun.cls .1andpoiat ol the can-sumer for . .1 - lieve the poking Lega QUITE TRUE. .� � time of , Pr o.a s t 1p ul'% S t ing the past fe-w each of compressed yeas,; and malt such an organization as the Canada �.: tempt t'ilnre.the Boxer Rebellion. � p9'rhaps first of all at the � introduced dur ; tion dur g � I Bread Company, and, at the same 4 Surrounded on all hands' they "Worry wears out more people the Thirty Years' War. "Hurra 1" . years specia.Uza,tion and stax�dard- extxact, and 572,000 pfo,ands, each time, what profits, there will be . I 1! ant n. On than work does," said the ready- is said to ha,ve been the battle -cry izaiom, E conomies, have, been ef- . decided to retreat to Tip Si when eaten with cream or . of shoxtening and, sugar, to say no- �:� , i feicted either through the, merging thing of toal for fuel, it oaa be 11 ade- philos,.)pher. "Of course it of the Prussians in the War of Lib- I from. the s-ta,ndpoint of the, share- ' the way they sighted a large body ra - �12-13). Still, the curious rich ,milk and a siniukle, of . " hold-er. With such economi,a-� as �� -vairy, ,and, mistaking them Zoos," replied Mr. Growelier: "for oration (1E enteenth and eight- . - sugar. of various intareAs in stroh a mmn� readily appreciated what advanit- referredito above, i1t is not ef'fficult . I � of ca ins -force of COssack-a, the simpl ' eason that iso many of fact that sev , ner as to distribute optrat-ing c-osits go, will accrue in the matiter of : ",.-for a relley e r nth ,century writers call 'Huz- over aa enormously larger o*tput a to see that an enormous future is .1� I . they stood out in the open .and sig- us woulld rather put in our time ee. That's the one for house- . Iscounts and cost of material. It � I nis- . oing rg �, ...� I nalled. They found out their i i worrying aAbout work than d i I za I" a .Sailors' shout lends support koopers who want io please than previously, or by various me- r1hould not be So &tteu . in. store for the Ca-mauda, Brea -d fire. , e I � � , also, that - �. le cavalry Opened � to the conjecture that it may r ally . , thods which the pressu,re of com- the biisinersa startg with an ample, Company. Because of the a4optioa I i , 1'i'� I I � take, whon, t it," � . been -the hoisting cry, '"His- '60 whole family. of the late -i'5 typle of machinery and �: " __ I 11 � �� In the melee that followed'Capt&in . have etition or the strantious, melthods kal to accomplish i6s, financing I.. - p Cap, ". . . , sa !'I der life have, brouglit about molat modlerli systanisi, it will rilot �; JolliCoe, charging at thB . Post Toastles are ready of mo a in the most a-dirsaitagelous, manner. I .1 �, , shot through the- lung, I . I it. would almost seem* as though After paying for the variolis pl,ants on'v be able ,ho s,upply a befter I 4 . his men, was t I 1 a enough, . H ." O serve alrect from the -eglected ality of bread, buit the cost of , .1� -W-) His w0jind was ,daugeroll I � the only business to be n which are being taken inbo. the qu . I., I I i1i i but it was made much worse by the I I I I X .1jusband was being ,arraigned package- was the mos,t, importaut a -ad bisk cion,ciolidation, $1,000,000 will re_ production and dellivery will -he ill, � - next five days"retreat to Tientsin, 'in bourt in a rmit, brought. .by his A industry of aLl, namely., that of main in 6he treasury of the com- enormously reduced It is the ex- '. I a of the I . . ,,i . ,the paotation. of,tlYe �ireotors fbat, . 11 : I I harrassed by,t,b,e enemy Mo wife for cruelty. Convenient . the manufaOture, of bread. p"y for the carrying on of I I i ; I I I I "I understandi sir," -said coUn- 'from time to time, plants will be . � �� � N 1 time. . . I . LARGE CAPITAL REWIRED- business aed for fart -her exben- �� . � � But,cv6n from this, Perhqs the I . sel, Addressing the husband, "that Economical That su.coes . a would *ttend the oi*ns, frc�m time to time, to pla,nits, est,abl,ah,ed An other den,tros and I � � � narrowest of his; escape$', Mo Ad- . one of -the indignities' You have � . thak .the plawto adTewdy taken over ,:; A , - . . I Delicious,, ,fforta, of amyone having the eapi- " the same May be decided upon. �: miral Ough. : . I I bowered upon . Your lie is that , I � managed to pull thr wi in the oWes ot Toronto, Montreal � i�".�. I 0 . - 4-a,advantageix ma,y, , 1, ' 11 _ell, �, -*), . I . , I � - . you -have not spoken to her for ger.991 tal and�. the courage W i4opt mod deatt as the,� and Wdnnipeg will be added to at "I �,� I I . ,, — ,B� � 46The Memory Lin cra methods in( the ,conduct -of the be, thoy axe not on,& whit grA�Aer I . . - I . a. is that so 7" . * the earlies,t possdiblo monaent. I 5 . . I three, year . 'aread industry was a Aoragou-s *on- 'th&n those whieh w4ll accrua frora I � * _1� ,� 1 .,. . � I � A MATTER Or' REPAIR, Jt js�)) quickly answered the — lenhifto we.hoda The oompany With. %6% elAsting � . 11 � . I I . 11 - . . clusian, but for some reason or Itba s,doption of t6i I . I ,. pj6id Hicks, 11that they .1 . btul and. SOLD BY GROCERS-. ufs4ure. &nd, from the, pro�- � pl4n.-�s. aa4 t400b, whieh-will, be im- ,,.'�,� ,�, � J, see, " �. I . I - I I other, I pathatto tho .W,oa. hard fre- 0i Mao , . � � . mrt�d ' ` qyomont 6v6f.irl'" ":,._ .1 4,�Well , air 11 thundered . . I *. -revl and . 1, � _� ,the I st a rac . I � . % .., . I ) , I I . . queattly been c1laousged s,nd several pwr gypton*tizin Of doliverldi, AS �,,ttila;l%oW�er�mAed in MoDe. . � �..�, �," � ��' . . I ,� I ave . I L� L. . I __ I . L 14 , - you speak to �, '' . , __ � ' .. . ot'd " W0 :1. . I . a �'Com_, 60till%el, ', w, ly didn't I algIt 1, �', , , , , , , Pith . T�e . � �, C M y a thi:owd Inur rea4ly be LaOted, th^ Post - Winr4pek 'Wal, V, b&v* s" ek- . . "t, ligland, to: f e; I - . I " : - ho,x; may L, I ithadrah Fastuo Csrdal�06 Pan , I ttforbl were mada,fOward . 0 d1_111061 I , L . n6"- t.14 . ..'� I - I . I �. . I . - ., %'��ix,q:aa,WeT"' t' Y, ­, ,� ,11 ­1� . I I I . I. . can*. 1p� itenis 1V autplit of, I 000 OW loaves�, gir- . ''. l , . : & - . LIMIt0h , - - , " - t4NVr04L t6; - SUL At krl';g� im, out, 4 0,*.rT1'Ad1 'M I I , L. . L, 44 ., �" I '. ­ � . :., '11 ­�� . L. i'?$,.mP �') replied- the huaband, � . -f4,1 M'"4jr& )tjJ0&' 06' " bf--briaW­ raw. ,G,w- J- 't,p, I Ct OV07 � :.LL � . ., ; ,t6jtea; jy.ojk� 11 ` ' _ - . � I . - I ly, � * wliiftei, 04**�.� L I . � I . 1. , I I � 111.11 I I . � , U�_ir' I .1 0�411 *r -e � '-'7 - - - - � �." Ii I h .to., I n, *pYnTiO PfO&Wft .�� �e ; �. , I .1 L ,­� �didn,t I tubu M, - 0 lob"tho 60st I .. I 1 I-$ _11 _., , I I .1 -.' -. ; , I want, to, inter- .. ... L� g, = . � I I I I . I , �, '%Ihab a�'tRff`at`e' 0 Me� .911, I . llbe&aime . ' . . .�__ L ­ aii, - -ba h*,ft--"4 saw somd600-n- 10'F*0 0"m jr�o*, , 1. .1 J* s, 1 . i m i - : 1�"SU'J", 3�-11 J'u'p Case disraism-1 - *P�Xvttwi- ;jkh'- A � lsr�aa *Ttr, * I . .. I j� , n,eej is. re4or 61.�OM'-. , . L' I", '�J". 7 ,; , b � her." I . __ , I I . . I I I L 1.� I .� . I IVY I .1 1. L Ati, , , - I I. . . I I I . I'll, ., L U � , , ", , , , " , , , , I I , i, , "i , I , I I ti I �1` i I - I � , L i "� """' 0 ` I -1 � I , 11 � .1 ` I., 1$�, , I 11 ` ,4 � � "I 11 � �', �, ��.�.�.�l I I i it , " "'i I ,_ I V I", �� 1" �. 4 � .. , . � I . I I L . I . � I I I. I � . . I 11 . 11 . I . .1 I L . . I I . . I . . I . I . 114 , I . I , L .p ­ . I I I ­ .1 1 - , I , .... . � 1. . I .. I .11 L� I 11 I I . I I 1. I . I L . I . (I . � I .1 � .1 I 1 I . I . . L I I . . I , 11 . . . . I .1 . I t I I . I . I 1 4 .1 I 11 I 1. ''I . ,�, . 7 1 .. I I . I . I I L. ; I L I .. I I � L I . I L I 11 . . 11 I . . 1 . . . I I �, I I I I . , I . LL I . ­ .1 I . - I I . . . . 11 . . L 1 � I . � I I I.,. ! I , ,.'' I 11 .1 L � . L I � I . 1. I I I I ), . 1 . . L ., I,. I . I L I I I I � . t, . . . � I 1". .1 I., ' I ' L I il . I. L. I . . . L . 1, � :, , I. I �. � ILI L . L 11 I . I . 1. , , . ' L � I 4 I . I �., - I .. � , , I ' � ": , L � L , '' L I : I �.��.� - , .;, I I � L I L , I L I � . . - 111. I. .1 . � 1, L -L, �_ ­ ".1 ,4 'L, L, L ... ..... I 'I" '­ . .. �� . "I. .111.1 L .." ....1. �'�., I I I.,. N ..� ., L "'L .L", ...., �.. " - 'L- ­'­'­�,­­��', L L --A: ... �' J& , I , , _ ­ � ­.­� ", I'll, �q. -14-1-, .1 I I �". '"': L , �, � '��L : I : , "�:..�­ ­:_. -_---JL'- _ ., _ , ,�.�,, � � ... ... `-1)'L, 1111�1 ,��1�1­1.11 ,,.,'L_._, .1 ­;�� , I- ­­ 11.�,­ , ,�� . i .� A ' � ' ' - , " 'N �