HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-8-17, Page 6W ...... ­­ , - - , - -- , , , ,- 1 ­- - - ­,"­ ­-,- ". 1.1--.... I _­.­ ... 1. . ­ 11 I 1. I 1. .1 .1 - -1 I I 1. ,­ - 'qV,M4?!,AVr" " , ,. " . I . . I __­ "W"1"WM=I11T_, , , ---- I - -I- , 111, , I— ­._,,, - - I ___-._1_1-- 7 7- 7 I I . I . I :.. . . . . I , ! 1 . I N7 . , I I --,"'I"14 - . .. .... ,'. , I I I I I I _11-11--_7 -1 ­ ,,, .- I . 7 , I I I I I . I 1. I I . . . I 011101,01111410MO . 7 , , .. , I I . . . I I . I I , . 11; I I . . I . I I I :, . . , . ; I I . . I . I I , . I I I . I :, . . I I I . I . . . I . . ! . I . I . . I ,, I I I ,, . f I . I . I I I I i I . : , I I . I I I I I I I . I I I I . . . I I I : - , . . I . I I I . . I 4 . . I I I I I i . . . I I I I I I I I I I . I I I . I I . I I I I . I I ( I I . , . I I . . . I I . 10, " V1 , " , . I I I . I I 11 . . , I I __.__.____.__ 0,0.1 I TRUS imixxxTz", , Txx"s . Ir 0, % :, ::1111,: __1 __...____..____,.__._.___ n -W , ,, . - I - . . . I I I I I I .. , ,, .M. ,... 1 1 1­MV.1-0-1 i . .1.1. , ,­ 71;1— I '11, .:.Il ": ,, ::" 1:1-: ":lo!.-', ­­ I I I , , I 11 I :1 11 1111 1:1ZI, :1,1,'l ­­ . ------- I . . . I _1-_--_1__..._ ­ - ­ __ - ! !::11111111. 11= : : '11z 111:11::w , i . I , plementsbotl8rUt in the 1741ted AUVm : Will be ealled, will bave a. Xrontage, of -1 ------ :1 l'I'l, I - k , . I . : "I­*%.... ...... ^--=====11 I I 1 14 1 1 . Ni ill bo xedticed,.the. redu otio iiolZ about 155 feet on Broftway, betm, n Where tbO Farmer Stands to G 41 i -) ^ ^' - and ollo half per , *. .Ijt. 11 ' ' 5 1 1. , #' * Barelay mtree't -,tnd 14 ,rk Place and , al I . L ff .A , ,U L,D,S, two,. I I In somo —10 — . a Selli Sale . It and , it will ON(.034 i4ltu Ithe black for ,-, I 09 Adminstrafors . Farm, For Sale . , , , oses , ' III . . . I , 4 i VU I , ViT -Ir (sent. in otbters. depth, of abag,t 26Q too, fX A in a With the reciprocity agreeme . . . I , t 0 t I in products, ex" 1"Orm eoitaluL%ig ift I I 1 4 1 1 ived States without Ok M131; 006" aund at V40, vila I 'a slight $have In cem,ext and illatingulsbiuQ; vbaraatj , h,t je as,t Ito CePt wool, Will be elititlea to entry to the Ua irolt axuv_ IL I ; I There is , at ratified all Canadian far -or- . salt is suade froe. In common wlih t'110 POPUIAX eY,0 -will ,be , f grea ti' duty.. The free list include. . payment, of A , I I height fuT fti$ 'PrOwulng elemeiit ball , Cattle of all kinds, 0. Ce , - a ago Or NVoOdh4m, Good kWd*toreyl. , I I %, farmers. 11 4111at 9r. Itkutors, Or 411141 or wliatever R Iorsea of all Classes, . . Taint tolloo : bank b4ra, ;X by 8,%, i .J I oth( r cousallier, wl Ch 1 ,Timber L ad "' 4 13ROGUY I I 11 .. too, from Ue redwAjou in Ithe; ttariff M' ', " , A , PHONE 47 , ay%te valled will The adminl trgitors of the Estate of vlkli ay-to daft% istabW fou (I ti 11 i3tana eXa'Otlyj *275 Sbeep and swine. , , . I 001 I I ou prepared food otuVs, such, .-;a bacon, -t tibove fthe, street le the late Paul Doig have Instructed , I V ?R1 Inpi i fee v 4" 1. Poultry, whether li e or dead and eggs, juilt oboat it yon"r Qzo- I 4, t' , Tbos. Cameron, auot RniQukkil ithro4ghoO, Allao A WOO , OppofAte Electric Light Plant' find, ham,;;, lobsters, oysteris, ,and ,sar- At the ialle there is ftho, a.aractor- All varieties of glralllv . I . loneer to. sell by Olar UxA wit)i coment top, ikudgit - VV I . istio dn, bed of ( (Quicksand axV.1 Beans. Public auction at the Commercial Ile I a v drivina Ehed 9 oov . - di)aesf canui4 meatg' CAd 14xfds$ 'cOvOl through his fthe folinda1lons are now Garden, field and grass seeds. I hotel, Henea)), Out. on Sa'turday the , w4gway. Vlor% , 16 ; '"! - . I ;TgOtUbles, Cereal foods and b' ' carried dwom everywh . . at, 19 . . I I . isculte. , 20thAu . , en a , I being - gu 11, at 2 0,elock p, X,, 1100a s o, 15 in A oxe to Flax seed. I . the following Yalpable property 11748. Rpo. xi ood ma. I I Oft ' t, X e is a solid rook wicli ls,110 feet below ,the Hay and straw. _-2 and ; ', , Mh . -! , , eep Happy In the Home . , Ta.t011 All In 'All the "agreelueut . I I L mighiy good t,hjng for fth Lot 29$ Con. 1, I 11 wat T, e fa or a ttle township of by getting YOUR . farmers sidewalk. Hence the s!truoture from Potatoes, turnips, onions, cabbage and all other vegetables in their natu Hay, County of Huron, containing a oughly , ra I . of Canada, 4and ,will c lowest fdandgtlou ,Wv 11a ft!'Opluo" 0 uralstAte, . - inod, and well Ifen * , Ru$(1 a . ra os'.,.'l y wl ali neir NO a CIS 7 1 , : I . , t , , 110 injur,v X*111,t. Ylll ha e . I hundred acres wore or leas, 00 acres 11 . a ,total belgialf of .882 Apples, pears, peaches grapes., berries of alt classes; all other edible fruits of this land is cleared, there -are ao,tue I to any Other legitimate interest, feet. . o ban oioreLq- of Vbodb I ta I 4 I I I ---------- ­ I I . I heir naburalstate, and honey, *odars .a * '4 3 . u t fra wood, )For PaTtiodars .a ,to ' ,, HOV$EHOLL - ,: - me buildings on it, a good orchard I , , * * 0 Butter, obeese,, milk and ercam. . ey Shier, Woo, , in. Oat. 171-2 .: .." NeCESSITIES . I and never failing spring. The balance " Note and Comment I I ".", . . I is thickly timbered *Ith soft. elm, - . : I . I . . Here, - IM handle only It ,4' man has & reparation of bo . . i I " , I ,rook elm, maple and beech, with we I ; . ,Us BUST and we Jhave Wltboiit eii1husiasm but ltt tle would 133'9 A bad egg, dou'l!try !to, ?;)Ca t him, . W '111 '90 Oadkatlng Class ' oak, basswood and .white ash. "The *_ . I at . I Farm for Sale - everything' you nee( be accomplished, Locals . doubtful it there is ' gt Is farm is 80 to , , I I . aildther business . ds from Rippen station on I . I . all seasons, * a * *, 1, *. * I * t 40 * ,.,* I . I I 6011094 In k7kaindg, g L H. and B, Ry and. miles from I . m4-AtIng 0 Henss'll Miss Martha Leiria is yIstfiiig in " each yeai ai the jjeu traj ,. That chof,ce fatrin prooeilty - looh-4 I 'ISRAELIS. LOST TRIBES. " `nirag 150 acres bei :; vom d 61 ' I I I 11ore Is one iiistaAcewhare the, -wel- , I etroil. . PIRO I 11 Terms; Ten percent on, day sale and tal ,6 1 pism L . I I — .. I the demand ' 't'l b 140 20 ,and N. half 27. Pam, -4 - - : I f faru of Canada. is sacrificed to -patty I D =35 Ilege of Stratford. A Mance on Ist November nexb with- . a., Itois I ., * THE Ila MARE STOR ,, Bolievi,tg thai Mr 10has. Grafton is pisitilag pel- upon it for 'trained heip out interes ,, - U borne, On 'the J)remlsesls - I . . (In argument with a wester- tribes may be fa,11(he lost Zlongolea'a 0i,ze4i in !to . . is many .timea 'the $,iipply. Pasine,As,, at, Furthertermsand par- shrlip ofo, . J . politics n wni . t .men. state tha't .0. 13. 0. 'gra4tiatea arg I I L' WAXTZD-Cbo1ce Rutter and ,net, ha 'Stated tlitet- th uli4bo-Oate brfick dweinoz d in 11be fatthes'k f ticulars will be made known ou day of Fat Use 114th frame woold and drivi:V0 . . e wett was north ,6f Canada, Mr.'Chrishain Led,n, Rev,,'Z, G.13piveli is v1s)tIng at his give jh D, b&; t, oditi sale or may be had on application to ho 11, I I . Fresh Eggs. strong for reclprueity,a lConservetive old,h ' - . I sfaoton, 21i a;se who . Thos. Cameron, ;Farquhar,, W iW h ' of towu wound up his arg I .ouse'&Vtatched Hard wid-ii.oft we6iii*., , I I the cekbra",ed Polar xplorvr, and Dix . ome in Satiala.. I desire !the beA buRfnvos iollige, (train. . I `L _ umo: ts­ by Irarald Rhqtilaw, of t0hristiania, are Mr. U. E. Pickard -of Frobishei, Aasli, Ing and the high-grade -t- COOP - . . ik dwelling house. Bank barn 574.0, - . 1. - -, "11010000M 11 , J , I ­ . — at . . ')()'a' tons Hens er, Rippen, Xas, Bell, ,Tr., Box 74, w0th 26 Xodt podtjL 'Hog anZt . - reolp,2 oefty never ill Id _14,31011treal , -he lvllde t ik 044129 LAT hk'40140 reliable school I ou should _ R %e'en maae-a political I on. rau,'e Ito tL he-r6i I , 4 select Ithe old all, or Gladman & Stauburyy hou'se 3OX50, Ce sb#17'A I ;"";; Issue Und and `Masi -1upolvilized poi:41ou lot 'the k . Mike: Oe 1011600 :f7 11tp,.f,p2iQ., GAiERI., solicitors, Exeter, Out, . mcult hog h000. 0ox , .. if It -had nut teen Imade a, poln- Dominion. IThe trip irill nd lie Jim. rs, S, 1K_1.T,Lr_'t1n,.af't V4 Brarys, if" 60 ,Water In . I I I A"%P that would have voted for ite'd only 1`0 Invedtigafting Ithe habn s visiting Mr. .and Mrs. S. Xar)tin). . is ' I I - ]Datfd at Exeter this Ifth day 'of barn an4 dwelling hd4pei 1 09M4 1 , I .,: '61 , -Ik I : .Cal issue he -f ."w, - t 46W & 1<!j In oth . it, ------- 0— July, A. D., 1911. . 'from' Yiever fa lffig sprin.g ivell vv; ft-Q , ' thougher '%vgxds this , Conserva.11tive, and antocedoxits of re0y lu-neivilizea Mr. Norman Senior of ,Xoronto is 1 .RJZU 3y, UNVAN i : . ... w1h,ainill; Jarge- orahard af lohdte I t reciprocity would be a b * 7-20-0.t. -; 6 acres of bu" Thia farm is, on- rodnion of the nortli, but it is believed visitin Mr. and X s J s h , I . . frilkli FA U 0 efit to r . 0 ep Senior. A' wedding wbioh. .' has I ... ­ I ======= a; iffakdeep.1soll in la1blat olags,lkwa - ''. RM` T'L his couttry but he would to Im ,within !the range of possibilkties .Miss 'A, Baer d , been looked forward Ito with . . q. oppose it because it was li,eing opposed tbet a new pass,agor,khrough lt;he Ar- e*, .of Mran'tfor , is in- . of culUration 80 acres in i It- , ;­ , n, ` --___0___ , =_- kl F-.liis parbr, . I visiting Xx. :and Ms. B, INF, IF. fBeav- %eredU by 11be bride's friends Zerq - . Alfalfa; 60 acres iin grain robto a3sa , 11. , _Aa ­ . ,it tie Sea imay be discov.;bred a disco ers. . ,took Place - in Yanco;arer 03, 101, oi . Farm for Sale - I .1 1.4471: 1 which would lead to me very corn; well fenood and undetdrabio . Nil ,ways and W'e are fir a poosItfoxx to supply your I . means of intercourse with 'the Asia'do Mrs.. M 1411lidt1fabil dV Mim Vlara ',Tt Duncan, youngest. daugh 'The farm is ceAveiilently pji taa.rbo, I I - I I _ ghltor Wau'd Itert of. M , John Dunoax , sr, pof Far, . ''I ,va;nts and can save you i).aoney. Come' Be .,foolish, to-morraw, if. yo a -will natlon . I left for 'the we& on ,the baries bBts w4har and alto M W.,Plig, ofth ie cil,y. , by Tender *ting 1wo and a half miles Irom E xe- . . I . 76 us for your . . bat be wise ,to -day, , . The pliject of ,'their Iftip is (to h"lkt exOurslau, ': i W h-e marriage. was pert6rmed a'b 1J.' ter and four m aes from ,H=*,IJj, ; I I ­ . Indians, not with p6irderor ,shd4 but V:T- ,Tolin Walker, junior pas%or of at in. On August ITE)i by Aev, Ml,'). to Sept I eadbu given December isf, J,191 11 . 1 . . Tenders will be racelved up i23th' the privelege of ,goin.? ar.d d I d * * * * * * * with cameras, cinemetograph ma-- the Servile VirCUlt is holidaying at Thompson 0. D.,.and Niras of a yery ' hilte: Laue Lump I . 1. ­ _. . chines I 'ere. . quiit ndture, NVhs bridal ': ... Pospession glyen this fall. any work hi. the rersto of g=01 I ; I , 'The Anglican Archbishop. f Otta-wa sa and phonographs In much, th 0 hi,q home h .F TI,is fdrm contains 100 acres being farmWg,'as soon as ' he preseln't erqiW, , ,! me WAY tha!t Up wild aninials be pE3Z, Edi Dyer te turned ka 33x&u*L% tng the noon bod on aA ex4enar"y "'_ L06 9, first concession, of 'Ray(. tzfd is 913 removed Must be sold as Ithe. p*.4 0 dedtour I . ; : Threshin Coal _h9s issued the fO1101wng praye:r ito be,' has la owii have been shadowed by tord"Wiiesday after ylafting wl.th re to Yidtoela, Sa7i Francise; in splendid location. beinj half way I Petetor. bought intown and is reUripiM - :. : said in all the chu.Tches,of the ])Iooe_a Ernest Thompson -Seton. The King la!tivcs in k - Aeles, X Go's An- between Exeter and Hensall on ,the E asy .t,.rmm , I Torway approve 'of the , MI. outhern Ofa!Zes Irliere' Ithe 14 London goad. . I of.'Ottawa Auring J ithe period for ,the , and Queen of TN . lass Dena anQ )th;l I of P0men't. For iteraiier,, . I . I election of member's of Parliament, expedition and have Jen't fthei llrs..'[Snell and Miss Annie 'San.ders on,e3r- and aprttoulars apply 'to Chas. Rarrm. I I I—— Blue Lake 'ATOst Gracious God, ,we ,humbly be. patronage The ­ r royal rdturned Tuesday after visfUng for moolk1will -be spent, Mr( pffill I sen-, * On the premises there is a good on Ue prenirvaeL3 or o Zhoz. Camerad I I seech Thou, as for this Dominion . of : tia . University of VIrls-i U ""reek in %ondoi ,. . ior member of Ithe'firm of Hl and bank barn Nx55 finished Inside with' Auct(ioneer. Faxquhar. i I mographic Museum ­ . - - ally for Of Berlin are also in sympathy with --alessrs. R. BrInInell, E. ZlAdbi and oessful busWess man. Ile two sto-reys, slate root, good collar I JOanada, in geiae.ral, so espe.ci, I cement floors and a good brick house I a and fthe..Vth fWatson merahmito,,jand a ,'kery sue- , i. Portland Cement I all her people, who, are at this Itime this Polar idea and bave gomm;ssion,d Ber't fRivers left for Ithe, wes bj on thL, i1i 'a bra-. I . , en -a- d in the election of Itriie and Mr. Leden, thex of Mrs. Dr. Rivers, of- also a-gobd root -house under &-angway , = .e who lathe getoexal of Ithe, Harvegtoxs' -excursion. * Leth-P ok bridge, fromerly of .0rediton, ,while, inade of cement and bri , and good. i : upright and faithful men, to represent campraig3a to find out Ithings for 'them. Mrs' ,"Dr.) Xo'Ahlay and It-wo child- ithe 'bride is a sister of Alta. G. T. drive shed; also gdod orchard, two Houses for Sale I I leerless Wire Fence. them in Parliament Sa.vj lis iroh all ,It Is Mr. Zeden's theory thaft there ren Of` Wgeon Mich., are visitin.- 111r. Mantle, pf ILown, and was weX and nevertailing wells spring creek aev- . I I ignorance, -error,pride- and passiou iana is a radical connection betwem 'the 'In- gnd Mrs. J'ohn Pled -lar-, . fav er dry. good feii L I . 1, Qrably kneirb t6 many of o'ar read.- I a seven acres of s for sale, and shoo if , leadlUs toithow-zercise of aoundjudg- dianswho areaboveand beyong the Mrs. Watson and son Laurie and ers, On Itheir return ,they -will re'- good bush with good grass, first ola* wanted. &pply o ,_, Tr. an.rl M - I i . ---------*-- ment. and 'the mahitemance vf tru,,, great lakes and the Eau ulmo. "It is nut lirr. Loney Heywood rdftLrnedTue9day ,side 1,It 27.112,Trinfty Ave.., Yane soil. 6 acres ready for wheat. -Ti!,:rms Braun. X.. D, I OtIvel" I I . I - . : principles, so that juitice and right- civilized -Indians ire i ant to ,!,'I d 13. C.. where they will bei ait h me lio easy apply to H. N. Rowe Pxctor. . I : A J after visiting at Riamd Bend. 0 - . I ro . _711 Y" . --- .- -_ . I _.LL KINDS OF eousness and honesty may evory; 1'7e said Aft- Thaululy, "bid the un ,e their many friends a0ter Kai. ­'. --- . -umber, Cedar Posts and prevail amongst 'us to Thy honor and onesP- Not he 11ndlan who lives on Mr. and Mrs. T. ArmArong and X$. Thebride received a number of mag- I I , . glory 'and our everlasting, profit the boj der of civilization, -who lies and AIrs. F. Hunt visited in Seafortb nificent *resen'ts fx6mthe firm of A . . . For Sale I ".., Shingles through J7esus Christ our Lard.. Ameie a taite for Phillip 31orris tigare'etes Tuesday and Wedneiday, I A. Lefurgey, Ex. I.T. P,. whose pri.-. Estray Steer , , , -a sook -btYt' onea Lryrr, Md. Treble is in Toronto this was. The I I and appreciates silk s, irate stenographer sh6 * which nobody knows anything about, week- and while there w! groom's gift Ito,the bride -was a, Ben. . , I ------ I*,— 'we he . 11 see abouk Kbra-yed -from W, N. QbJn!foyt,s Pas- . fl Or, Salc at 010cQ-200 acres Stanley . I - When money is tight it prer-e3its. a Wnd ' pe to find oat,' -L .-V xom new inslirliments and music for 'the dent Pin set' Wirth whole Pearls. Their tute farm on or iabou July '1513a, "rd)cun.. 3 miles from ClLnjon. Schoo( I A trial order will convince 3:ou that tot,Df men froan becoming ,qo. Arontreal tthey 'trill 'travel by D. P. new band many .friends here join ini ' h* 19M f t 'teer color ,red, ,weighing 4A rods. 'In good state Of cultivation . carry only the best at a price that ;R, straight Ito Edmontoin, fro 'the happy couple ""95 bet7;0, , , , 0, 100 acres in grain. 10 acres alfalfa. : . L in there Mrs ehos, Wood and kwor childrea ,all hap iness eV 12 0 and 13QQ lbs, Ithe prop. I -4 11 pay you to deal with us. on and on up.the Athabaska river and t viq_ I prosplprityf . ,, - t . i erty of J. T. Morgan. Any ' 12 acres bueb. rest bay and pastureI, . -, "Sea', as Mr. Xhaulow called the lak ot Lobo returned 8a!turday afte _ farnishing Information Ithali will lead one , 1 e itin&,To a week with Mr. and Mrs; person St - . ,house. Iwo storey, slate xoay, 21, 1PA", Ar% 1-3 1 -IJ According to Dr. Laberg;! Mon'treaTs no and across the Gr v o Ithe recovery of same -%vill be lib- ,ceme, vt floor in cellar. furnace tis er.d . , eat Slave ri John Ppillar.. '. ITIKBEINER , V= 9 a n health officer. diseases of (the mo9t and lake into the MdrItheast ena 'Oul . - * One baim 85x56. wiudmiA " '..K. GLATWVII I I I Y Z erally rewarded. J1. T. Morgan, Hay telopho ne. 1 ulent and contagious fna ture lurk the Country. . I Mrs. 'Capt. Willoughby, and little . On Wednesday of this week the "Ek Og , N v son of Windsor spenta few days dur- home of Mr. and Mrs. Christian Fink- . . . — Pumper. 'waterworks. Stabling u V,%A TON. __ ONTAIvIO iA the harmless looking 1transmitters , -------- 4b.— - - head caTtle alod 9 horses. j5ecqnA . : I Of the public service telephones and Ir 19 FOR 1yor, . ing 'the pas't week with Mr. andUrs. beiner, of Stephen, was the scene of a ' . __ . barn 66x,16. Er,ay barn 50xas. Crop 1 ,Chas Lindenfield. They left Taesday very pretty wedding when the eldest -_ ' - I , 1. . -M in the lntero* of public health, the, 'To those who say the Canadian for a visit in Godexich, . - . stild,vylkh farm if famiDed. Ap ly ' _* W - I dockor'bas made a report on the .sub- daughter, ARss Cla And Thit's No'Joke. . 'Wen. J30x 56 Glintalb.. - . , -ot to the Board of control -with a Government A:nnuities ISO ra, was ignited in .1 . . AraleoliA MeE . - I ,11. ic . -home is of Among (the Ifilliners who left for marriage to Mr. George Totten, a . I., VERS NVILL GAIN AT Lc)Tn I . - _. --- I . vie'r to the Provision of some 1igis_ bpnefit to Ithose onIv ,who can take Toronto khis -week were Misses Maud prominent grain merchant of Wey- . i I ._ Z, _NDS lation looking towards the sanita. advantage of it whil they are young Rollins Lida ,Quance, Way Hawkins, burn, Sask. The ceremony Was per- I . . ,_ I tion of thes instruments. it inay be -pointed Out 'that 'the bene- Miss Yelland of to -vim and Miss ,Jary formed at 2,30 in the afternoon b - ' Administration Sale of " I y I . I ; AkA of zrdcles produced cri 'the ,P !ople zuffering from tub rcuicsis [it is equally as great for old people Hepburn bf !Centralia. Rev. Mr. Burn. . I - ., , - I - I - 61, whieh will li­ tentitled to fr and kindred oth r drQadfu dlsE ases 1,The following example irill illustrate. 'Mr. J. G. Stanbury ,has returned The bride entered the parlor leaning I .. , 150 Acre Farm - - ____L1*_ - Dr- -Laber _e. srild irer,t just as r ady this. A wido-w 75 -,years of age who at on the arm of her father to the strains . I - , , , Farna ­ 14 Jkb nit_--d Stat3-s under, ve inome after spending two weeks . . "I , _ . and likeki to ,,se (-he 1celephone as had bce.0 spending a, portion of her Jackson's Point on Georgian p3ey. of the wedding march played by her .... I ( . : I . 70c,-ItT is given a-- this Pa-ge. Merely anyciie c nsaquently it ,was hightime capital each year n-hich was deposit- Mrs, Stanbury and children are vfsv. sister. Minnie. The bride was gowned .112, 4 1 1 Stock Etc. - I : I - iance at the lisr is suffic,nt to I tha4 something was done to remedy ed in the Post Office Savings Bank, Iting xelatlTes al NVIRby, in a, beautif al gown of cream duchess ..1. , 1. '-%r flit, great advantage that farm conditions. . ., , as well as the interest. found to her satin, and wore the bridal veil and . , I I The Administrdtox of (the estate of I - Do not forge't the big Celebration . . the late James McXe lver has iiastrue. The tharou-1i wa.shing - to Itake place on ithe school grounds . ted Mr. -Tames Stanley, ' in all parts of Canada stand :to ,_ and ehmain horror that shelad litit $1,500 left. orange blossoms. She was attended a on - of d she .. I Aue'tioneerf I'll ' daily of all telephor.r.s. Nri ' ' She -was without rela'tives, an by heir sister Lida, as bridesmaid, who ; . o sell by public auction on the prem. te Ir—ould , ' tiolls of 'I he ogr.ee- the principal measures in -his respect Mr. S. A. Popplestone, Grand Alaeter 6 A ises on Tuesday, §th of ,i by the ratifica suddenly realized what her fa this (Thursday) evening in honor of was gowned in steel grey silk. The 16 , .' it %. . . I I . , , snzl-qeitz ,-d -ky Lt. Laberge. ultimately be it life ,was spared fto- groom was supported by Mr. S, Sweit- i . Sep`tembe,! j - ' 1; %ke livestock o start with. her' for a few 'rears longer. [B at of 'the 1. 0,',O, P. Everything is free zer. The bride carried a bou . 19aXet 1, P. m .Zo% NO,, 14 and west '' quet of when the cloud was darkeit, 'the. sil. Matilic Exams. -Those who passed white roses, while the bridesmaid car- I - half of Lot Nu.15 Sou'th Boundary at ozz-as thnl are valued i t .1,-150 p !r - ver lining appeared, A friend told the,Tunior Matriculation exams from ried pink and white carnations. Miss , , , - I S.tephen Mownshij, On itlais farm is ._ , , 1.1 Or Jess are taxed ,M on enter Work I* nols, in nro.",ress..at 2-coad- her of thv" C- J . ­ A good brickhouse -with frame kitch. . I . I anadian Government :&n. the Exeter school were ra. Gaiser, H. Emma Finklielner, sister of the bride, ,' . . .1 the Un't States while tho way'and 32.arc!ny Sts. on Cho found- nuitles Scheme. and her faclings.may Sones, A. McPherson, W . on. 2 large frame barns, 12 spring, I ed . S­ ations of one of ihose buge ste-A-and be imagined i hon she was informed Dow, 1. Marchand, W. Monteith. flower girl and ring bearer. - , . I . wells, 4 windmills, small bash and . ..Fh over $150 are Putiable at 25 . Birney, A. dressed in blue silk made a pretty . I concrete office 'cuildings.- wbieh are that hL.r o4.bOO would ielfl her for The first three passed the complete Aftep'the ceremony a ve `,rpo orchard. ,The soil is first clasis, In 11 1 I P t . ry dainty - _ ', ag..&.st. -or?" I . - goodi, iAs,'te of cultivation and is well . ­ , y ' 'ea! ure ,of the the r malndex Of her lifa no matt r 'exams this. year, while the last f our wedding dinner was served. The room c= . way"T drained. I I 1 _'Cent. Still in the face of thL,sj such a char-acteTistic f _ nV,__,W; M% -what on earth are yoIR I, I ,, impost"", CIO -q.-, oil .half a milli modern arebiteettire f Now York how long 1-6he in ght live ,in income passed in French at a previous exa I . I M I " o , . . On citA T& Voolworthobuilding as it , , I i . mi- and tables were tastily decorated with I!Boobool My teeth stepped on my All the horses, call le jmplcm L, ,ts - .:1.,rs -worth of Canadian horses ,were - of ,$22,5.90 a year. nation. Those wuo passed in at least ferris, palms and roses. The groom's tchg I Ile!" I I . I 1A the. United States las!t; Fu' and effects of the ZsWte will also be I . :1 , year. — A inforin tion concerning this eight subjects were G,_ KestT6, M. gift to the bride Was a sunburst of . I sold at (the'same " ime and place. par- ; ". "I . I -reat scheme may be bad on 4plica Bratin, M: Finkbeiner and B. 0. Rag- pearls; to the bridesmaid a pearl Evety Pr aijtion Taken, itioulars will be ' , I I. pTase!nt calves cidtaring th__ 1:n; I t it Cal, to khe SuPerintendeat of Gain- . - ,garth. . . . given in fthe. t04 4d- . tdto-y flom Canada are taxed S2 adian Government Annuities, o,t tajva I - crescent brooch - to the pianist .a, During a recent imallpo yertisomen'd and bills. . I ;I FOR FAMILY USE . . 4 ---------- &_ , pearl brooch ; to 6e flower girl a gold ill Alabainj ape x epidemie WE'RITS. riarm,, 10 I per cent. on tead'-whilu catile,worth i postage free. . I -1 not mor ­ - cial precautions against .Yaq 'hardly re lize that it I,% meA,,j'pin, and to the groomsman a tie pin. * day of sale and balance in 30 day . . I ________-3P_ tU6,&sease were taken in the mining s . J11, , 1 ' — .. icine,when taking Carter's LittleLiver The bride was be recepi n 4 . ' 01IIATTEVS $5.00 and tnder 1casb, . , , 11 have 'to ,pay $QJ75. ,Qt fjtle _' — — e t of many -dps. 11 I o,?er $14 c.ach .ire dutiablo. at I An Ideal Remedy for OoUgho, Pills they are'very smallr no bad ef -.. beautif ul and useful presents. ca., -In one of these camps^the over. that amoun 10 months' crediV , . . . Dates for Fall F a I* rS isots all troubles from Torpid livet Mr. and Mrs. Totten left in the Pres4ilent of the mining comiany4paid will be given o4 furnishing approved _-2 per ,cent. And yt- 1`1*1 ,,O!,f I Sore Tin -oat, Catarrii, are relieved by their use, o _ . eve , ning for Toronto, Buffalo 41 . - of ingpection. and came upon ,in I I I . . I , , "OvL r $600,000 worth of Cattle ill I Toronto ... ......... Aug. L26th to Sept, 1 . and Ni. q:2PWt joirk noltes. di Weak 0hest, . * -a ­ - "'Uniia Etates last ,T,-,aT London ... ............ .... 1. .------.A .- agara. They will return to kid - nst the side of V urther 'terms .and DaVUculars made . _1 _ I ...... Bept 8th to 16 WHY IIIEETTATE ,, Prior to leaving for Stephen .negro leaning a.ai known on day of sale -or may be had e1r." _. __ urn, where .... . g. alf a. milliolA - -19 20 An Offer that 7nvolves no Risk V or they will make their future home. 'ria,116,11 asked ' : !; iderably over h, 11 Zlvlitch ' ! ­­ Weyb X*311(1136 a i -, s' worth After liaving niade a special sfjidy Seaforth Sept 267,-, d k"epf . the ,President, "ar. on application o James Manley, Auc- _ Of Sh(.'Lp and IamL..ij W, ngham,i .. ..... _4._._..cJepf_ n jm, . 'Those -Who Accept ft,j , . The bride's traveling dress was a yau,afraid of the smallpox ou tioneer, Lucan-; Edward )Rya3a,' Ad- , , . sold in the'Amariman marke, in lungs for twent years, 13rof4 D.. ack ). . t here?" mlnis'traltor,M . Varmel, or Gladman , I ' the treatment of the throat and Bly th .... .............. I ... October 1 . 4j completely ,relleve constipation, ho join with the eir many friends will "Some -may be, sah," Sake replied, and Staub ' . I - Of , Z *Welare so pos wll brown silk. Th . I Is:.. .-- ....,_ ,-ot 5. 13 Times in extending "As fo' rn , *1 ain!t scahed. urY, Solicitors, Exe'Ler. . ame year, although son states that in hbt opinion no %),re matter how 'chronic it may- be, fthat. congratulations. , .4 t I's Jest DaIed Vt Exel * 'h Wugust 1911., . , khe 'tax on 03r.'u,-se . s 1.50 and on-t-lic. ].it- 7mration for general family . we gVln u!rmer 1va, . use io* so Dungalbi6a ...... ...... ...... ... Oct. 5 ,6 offer to f tlxni:-:b it ree of , - e oh get me some jbne an! limAt6. er 10L I I efficient, so'healing, so certain tu cure .Rxetor ...... ...... ...... . - Sepbomber 18 19 .pit I., L f . ,ill cost '. I I . __ . I . I ,. , 5o. pur head. . Goderlob ... I ,tils. , I — ______4_ la house, an' don de doctah be's —_ , - ,____ - I as Catarrhozone. ... ..... ­.­.... Sept 20,21,22 . 1, 2 . .- :Ilay ! 67-3,000 worth f -Constipation is caused by weakness . coinir up an' Isassinate mah fa I Not 'one in twenty are free'from All Aboard. I . .*, .. . was sold im As his reasons for making t'.tiis claim Zurich ... " .... I ........ ...".4 Sept. ,20, .21: of the nerves and muscies of th-a larg- Modiste -Do you want a train so dat den, sah; if we do git de Some little a Iment caused by boac. ! : - for Catarrhozone, Dr. Jackson says:, Kirkton Odto. 5. and 6. intestines or descending CulOn. T I * Van Of the liver, L'8e Vakteed! Lieth( " .11 ..),I a duty of $4 per long ,ton. .Catarrba,zone is free from opiwil. Ailsa Craig SePt. 26 and 27, 6 IeX- your gown, madam? on Otwon't be nothinI but e d i 11 . ,, otatoes our sales reached $316. "The patient can breathe its rich, I poct'a cure you Must therefore "Itone . lo1d.I'­Womaz!s Home Coin ani . ,be, , L I I . ' - -------- 0— Customer -Yes, and I want Liver, Valls. - Thi result will i . ,, "ospiflc 'the Lax of 25c per bushel balsamic fumes direct to the diseased . up and strengthen Ithose organs and it ou 11 Z , . _________ Pleasant ,surprise. They give posltiv, I , ,,1r1nips,, $174,000 notivithsla,ladiag sPO - & 'GRUAT CHANCE F OR NENV'S restore them to healtbi.?r activity. time too. -Boston T.ranscript. . I rellef - '' . ` 19t is s remedy that treats and :BoY3 Fmi.,E, - We want you to try Rexall Order- ''I , ­ , -ae!'AKMI. I . ! it­of 25 per ccn t., and in vegL, rures causes --prevents. disease. spread-, I TRIP To Tiiu, lies on our gurantec.. 'They are eat- A Clever Saleswoman. - ! . ,.* ......... ++++ +4 _ . , .,, 'Of ",150006 after payineist- of Ing. EX11,1131TIO-N . on like candy. and are particularly "Let me see some ladies' . I t ; t'ime rate a,' duty. "Reaches the innermost recesses of ideal for children. They act ;direct- I ,hosiery." + ......... ii I I Two i3oys in this town who are .+ , .',,. i. " , f Oicse and many athor articles lung V44 Zose, bronchial tubes, and on the n rves hnd. museles of the "For your wife, or do you w.lut + - . , -, 9. I i y so'netbirig more expeiisIve?,,_VlI . + I . . ',f"be, made frc in the great ,Toronto Exhibition for 1wels. They have a neutral notion, ' + .11, * the thro bustlLrs have an opportunitylo Take C + Y -0 under r -ciproclty "Alleviates Chest soreness, an tho other organs or glands. They t @! I de Matter, I 4',StOP5 Coughing Instantly. I n;oLh1ny,,ri"bi_,gldes carnin-- some ad- - . .- ..... ---..--.- .. * ,, JIdA no arguraeut Ito show UvA $'Prevents bronchial irrit&tions. do not Purge or eause-any, incoxivell-I X,. - ., I' & -----,a— '. .1. ditional money, -%,ithout much trouble ience whatever. gt. IN URN, *'* ;rt kLlSt expand enormously when ' 1 I I + , 'Melleires Clogged nostrils. bY simply selling and securing orders ,They ,will. positively ' t - - + I" 4) 11,, rc- altnost prohibi overcome chronic or habit I To be free Xkom slakheadache bil, . . . . . . . . . a -%,- r IT -tire barriers "Cures sniffles and nasal tatarrh. l'or the spe-cial Exhibition number of ual oon- t stipation and the niVriads of + N ... . I I - go. per s + =11 - V& ,J i2d, Farmers in 41 or depenoant chronic 'Try Little ffilvor Pills striolf I AJ t ocn romof 4'Prevents La Grippe. "Exhibition llustratcdl- at - 'OSSOclatO bilousnes .constipation dto we Car'ber% Ilas proven itself a cure for weak POPY'. Th!-_ beautiful paper is one of ailments. I + 13 6*.i and Essex will gain gre Rexall Orderlies at ly. veket`able I -_ U41N L U ge ry toN +' _ I I ­ atly lungs, loss of volce, speakers, sore the n4iii)y attractive featuros of 'this - I O"T ?'sk- 'Two '-They g,ntly, stlJ41WRE OW11 'hl, I . . . - dom in iseffing thoir 'betelts 10 throat, asthma, broncliftlS, . catarrh, big annual fair. 4t is filled with LhL sizes 10c. and 05c, 'Sold only at o!iir free the stoffiacb'froW bile, lvlex and , , . , . ' *" ... 'L . coughs, colds, and winter ills,,, inost aftractive and vl vid views ftha store, 'The Rexall Stora. W,,,& ' I I w * . I U 4vgar factories- X nt farm- Catarrhozone is unquestionably the i.lan be possibly obtained'of all the in t I I ,,,, __ I Caj,o I I + NvorId's greatest breathable cold, toresting featLIro's 0 - I -------- ,* - us + ,at ld(, rivc Profit from fthe op,li- n 'the g.rounds. . $ 4"", 00 to WINNIP EIG 0 1 - Call + . I (lie -Amerisan bean m1rkot. gli, and catarrh medicine, and be- Y, t %vill be filled with information of IVI-ere the Farmer Stands to Gain in Buying 4 . . AND CERTAIN POINTS IN I . . . 6 * : "61-06 . Ing free from all drowsy drugs, entire" Ty 11 1 ,11 MraiA and Wentuorrh, great value to the visitor 'wbich can . I WESTERN CANADA " S1, , WVI" Ire 1 ly safe for ebildren and old folks; It be grotten in no ol:hor torm, Zvery . including Points on I 11 , . I" will profit by. the removal makes an ideal family rernecb.. Re- .0 I I Grand Trunk Pakeffic Ry. -via Cbf ago; o I , commended by the in( vi,dtor to the Exhibition will 41 ',,4,cstrietions on sales of L'urnlp.i . dical profession, ,,vanst Wilh reciprocity in operation 11 . a' "th, -I- . a aot)y. $[any ,will wanf: cop c s to : . , aind FOrt, Francis:` $18 Additional q 4. and sold by all reliable dealers. Be- i -Canadian farmers will be especially benefit- 1. . . . , - Reta.ming, ­ - 4; . I . . I . .. , -1 I ' , , ,q;jd 'r es -will find a -ware of , Imitations, get "Catarrh- ad. The safe of which farmers import from mAuY articles ,qrn 411 stationg nbrtli of, bub nob including X41p Lizie Toronto . r , orkdounti I ted -,'in thgir buying as well as In their selling. The duty o I . I . 'J. 1,e#t iharket, for Thoir hor.qk% Oz6no' OnlY; large size lasts. tNVO this unique paper -will be very ,eas the Vnited States will be reduced. 12 . k" Y . Thetax on wagons will be cub from 2 pe + 12th fr. Sarnia Tunnal,'vili Sttatfoi,d, to and ifieludihg, t1ij *Jifte iroll) . j . "Cork'Stale, Virult and. v nionths, and is guaranteed, price $1, ond twd'arf thb liustilljg boys in this 5 r cent to 22i per cent. . . . ., I egv + LToromo,toXortli nayand westin Ontario, + , ,- smaller.. sizes'- 25c and 60c, -ay ftiall town, aro.'igolng. to be Jualcy onough On Plows ftOrm 20 per dent to 15 per cent. I . . .1 . .. e +. . ' * " 4* AugUst " i6th- r' I , VroM VoYonto and Otab;ng dagt-4j.j, oijt' -f- - all al6nglhe laka front fl,ain The Catarrhozone Company, io scicurg,, the local agexi6y, If yoll - . : - , .. , - , 4 , f­4,8coti fmablonin,on a06Y"a1$r6'6R8'- 'of Orillia I "rowens , I I , On tooth and disc harrows from 20 pav cent to 15 ppp pent, , I On bin d ars from M Pe'Vceh 6 to 15 . I * . vl( new and valuable markets, Ringstonj Out, I . rc one of thein yv.ritti ,it 1) * per cent , _ titr4p. , ;;_.­. I I ,4 . . I nea to Bx- On boree rakes fr . - .,A-'.-` . .. . -1 "I I 4 . . 'L *01in sh , hibition lllllstr tctJ, Saturday "' Auvist :23rd ,oIt'O'll BbAtivs Toninto Vol b Bfty ,In ),'.ia " , lm !'IIV i Aft, ,thrown open 19 . . . . - Nighf, On drills I om 20 per dent to 15 per celat + , 11 . 'L 4 ^ 0% rh OLN 8 ()URe D , Bofldingg Tox-6nto r "' 11,11 pa "j, ' ' ' ' and PlAbters frurn 20 per. cent to I.,5 per cent, L' , 7 I It, + I M Ito ;.S'l , I 0 ` ricufar,15. . . . ,. ! 1. ti I 11 Ontarjo. . I I ,Mry prWdvock of *IF W Fit IVA .. , . On culbiv-%tors, from 20 per cent to 15 per ce , * I I '. _ . 1- 1, . . 1. 1, IN 24 H01VILS 'at, _ I I , . ,I. I . . _.....''L I 1. ­­­­ . . . . . 1+ A -g - [,r,X-,,,,1001 S Aion orouto'q - 'I L I * 1" :tt_ or Sheep; 1; V:L ry' dft t'y_ , 013 niower from 17 Per cent to 15 per, cent, , 11 USt , 2,5th a(14, .1 ,k).d-dasL,of-oxilliatLIldswtia,jtlrotlo,,. ­ I . , You can Painlesply reinove any.corti, .. 11 ­ I -1 . . ,,, i. , . I ' . . , I— . , I I I 11 I On threshing ffiachines from. 2OLper Cent to 15 ber ' cent, ­ . . I ' 4' i ' ­ ­ 4 *, . I ' I ` d every poultry prodnce.e _, ilj , eftht,,r J or bl "i * . On vib&ta6kers, bagkdra eic,, from 2'0 pet con -. - 'I ++ , , Xanadlan, N,atio"""1, ­­- 1 , , - " . " I'll I . bard , -s6ft,,: etaing, .by ap-, " , .. . i 0 " . , ply,frig Putnam's Co 13 ,,Bxtractor it , t to 15 p,ar.cegb.. , ., , +. . ',: ,lia . . ' antage fr M' Vii;g 1;1 vo Ynar n ever 1>urns, I r . , ­ . . Exhibition T - .. ! Ji" . ,: .1 eaves no scar, coniains ' _ . . . + ljarrnlLeSS, bdoaaSe mft?a On havloiyde s 25 per deh't to 20 per cm -f ' ,. '. . . . 1, , . 1. 1. . . . L. . 9 oroaev . C I I .Oni T*#s L I L L nL SIV I ­ — 1, "t , - 'lAch to sell insIrmd of.b0n - , C A Or potatoe diggers 05 per c6nt to 20 par Cent I I .. . , L '" ' I ! " ., +. L ' I I . I I I . , . AUO P OTtV:lMd .TO,. t " _ . L . I I " fS baling gums an . . . + . FARE S . , L +, _oltlo* ' no. 0 . L posed only of h . 1. . I . fu orw, I L I Vifty Years in use, ' Pbdder or feed cutters 25 per cent to 20 - , G 'L E , ' d bairns, I Vor Infants an,k Ohililren, , I . I I Core guaranteed, I ver cevfi, + L BER &) I 'I , ' ... , '- 11 Sold by all druggists,.ze. bottles. Re- lWaYS L + I C1, 14, , ,: I 1 . 0 . Grain crushers 25 per cent to 20, per c L N k1i flit! benefit be confin,,d 't Lfii qp eA, . +. Injim Charge 25c 4- L' I I , _ SUbZtrtUteS, L I (he Kind '10-0 '411ve A oogb __ USIVC- L4 ri z,,eiid. Vgd:ta i)vill b, some- 0 1""01D9 mills 25 Per qpnf to 20 per cent L " lr I I I 0 I AOY I . tedders, 25 per cent to 20 per cent, . + FPfOM ALL 8TATIONS I N'tANADA WE58TIOF CORNWALL I & o 1--T I +1 I L I I'M Aralm'd at Itlip bnyi,ng ofi,,l PUTNAM'S PAINLEss Boars the X ! L Alelyid *_ AWA - ,C- , , . .1 SPOcial Low Rates and Train Service on Certglu Dates '1 .,,,,, rollers 25 per cent to 20'per cent . I I I 1., " T& dtify on marly all Iiii- CORN EXTRAOTOR Mguatvxv ,1, 646 It 11 I ar d 90XJW 80 per Cent to 2JJ per ceitt I FuTparticulars froni any Grand, TrunIc Agent, or acidress A, 1 , A, If t I , " _ . I 11 . I I . . ,: I I i , . *A: : oolm", , I . . . . I . I I d DWY, D. P. . A., Tor tq.al - , 1-; 4 1 A I a d 001. ir Xen ,44,4 1 U qb WO bh3A I)PI7 -Wea_ ! ' i , I I I I 'I It I I I I I i I i I I inbly, I Inalf.' P d k- I + 1 I . 1. I I . I I I I -++++"++++++ . . . . . . . . . . * . . . +-1-.40.+ *4 ,,-,- . L I I . , , - . 1. I . . . I . L ** ~_++, *hu'+,4 ++ ' '"*" L I I — . I L . .. I . . . I . I . I 4 _ 71, 1 1, I . . L :. ., L: - ,i . L I I . I .- I .1 . I I . I I I ; I I I L . I I 1, 1. I . . I I I I - I , 11 I . . . L . I I 11 . I L 11 L I I I . I .1 - . L' 11 14 , , . . .. 1 L - . _ I I 'i : , , - .1 ­­ I - .1. 1. I I . L L . , ­ . I - 1 . 11 I I . . 1. L I I I I - I I I . - : ,, . " ". . . _-7. 1 .1 _1: : I . . . . I . , '' I '­ - I . . : I ; I. . ­ I . , . I I . I ''I . . I . I - .1 I 11 ­ I - , ' ­' ­ -1 1 1 , ,, ,, L ," L . 11, I . . . . I . " , 1. L ' , " L" ­.', ,__. , . . - . , d , , , . 1 I . L I .1 _.1 I 11 1 1.".­I­r,.­ ­' 1; , 21 1 - I I . . , I I . L I I I I . . L .. I I I ' .1. I I L " , " L: , ': d . I'll 1, ; ­ : .. 'L . .1 1. . . I I I I . , t 1 1 L I L I , I I , - I . . , . I I I . I . I - , ,. I . ­ A..,_ , ­ I , . . ,. I I I I . ____ ,"'.., LL'. .. .AL '. - __ , %'­ . I .1 , . L . I .. . L 'L I I f L I ­ ­­.- . ._ L :1. . J' ­ - ... ... :% 1. . .L. .. I L L . , L ­ f— _ , , " '1111111111111111 , ,, ,i I 1. ­ . - ... - 1-1 .1_111 ­i. IJ 4 ,. , , I 11 . . :, I . ,. , . I I L . L , I I I L . i L L . I 1. I :. ­­ . , ... "­ , , " ' 1