HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-8-17, Page 4— , . ­ ­ ­ I . I I 11 I 11 1- I 11 ... 11 r- ­ I I I I . . I .. � � , RA ....... . __--"71_ .­­­!­ � . , . .. I I � . . I I , �� I . , - _ ,� : , I I . . I I . I � I � . .. 11 ,.—.. . � ­­­"��-,7-�-*-W�. F­,1-R1f­- , , , �. � . I I . : � I 11 . . I ­`__,­,__ , . . I . I I'll ..,:::,;;. - I . I - I I I . ­ iw_w. Ax _� ... �, , I .1 I � � I I . . I �, I " ;1 �_.,­ 11 I I ''. I � ��.":7�""�"""''�,;�,�,,�,,��,,���,�,�,���,���""�.���lI III ... I . I . I I � . I I � , 'm I � . . I . �I .1 , � I . I— _ � , ____ , I . . . I'�ill''''I'',!,.,!!."�—!,���,�q".I � 1 11 "i !:111.1 11 . I . . . . :1 I I , " _ . ­­ .0 11 IIIIII � . I . . I I ­­­ ... ", ...... I'll I! I I, 1',� ....... , Ill . FAMOUS VINE� ��:i�ii!�l���ll;li�;illl!llll � I ... ���' :,I , I! , " "I"' . . . . : �:. . I �� I AOREEM 11 __ __ . , �, � 5" . N X I GERI VOitt ,,,,T"Ey ".11.111 . _� I '"" 11:111�111� ... IZII!t�!tl!�:!, I ". -_ - ----,-., I i, -_ -_ �, I I , FARMS FOR SALE. ,11,11"f- 4 4- 1 ,I---- �, arl"Otly Of Belief Old Not Lead Remirka. Record of Plant At HOLLEY PO$T. . ". I . 1� OYSTRIVII $AID T -Q. 0 woug The'! tO, , P0400 Between Then), I Hampton Court 04'raens, , B3.4y Eczema , ,V, K DAWSON_H�,, Rz-q6-V�76­1 T I . � . �1, I. I I , . . : , , F. ,44 and Countess. of 0aasillia The famous I . 0 � 0 IN ", PL I How :Iar.c,l Delivery Is , ar I � � IWA BRITISH Coj:oNy, are -a vi :; ! I I , .morw those. w.lio ne, atUampton Court If" - Pied on In � I � I I . have iatim%w will this r VOTY Bradford, England. ' I & I .� the$k, ntentio . y('ar Ylpld some 250 bunches I WANT TO 8XILL A IPAR.1,1, ! I . ir of joining the � party 1Pd% Consult I ,. . I t", .- . . _� � III, I whiol tr,avell. I ?f grapm averaging &bout 2 lbs, each Xne, Now that there is so much talk of .. -_ WWI I , I I � ,on the vessel char. In we 1"OrThree"Ife-al.) ' extendiag tht, Darc�q post sylstem, it is [V' W BID . � .. I I bunches are now I '\VAN"' To 13UY A VA -RX Interesting to read whal; bp�; 1) -I 11 I 11'I House Rule Ordill V" Afr* tered, by parli4alentuy Qommit, �,JT a d u _ consult I � 9, � the light, The 11" YOU I . 11 � 4' tee tolconvey vis! ally turning color, and 4 fine . me. , .. , L� I I , .tors to the great to — in the t0tVn 01 Bradford, England� for .. ,�; .: ; � , I I 0"'etato 's Sublert 9f 1)'"I'llss"00 Durbar Ceremony, at. Dolhi. The w is made by the purple and the Three Do. 111XV10, SOXN ( the convenience aj]d econoln%y 61 sell I I . � In 'En4;larld onti,Reform 14 Undo , )ILITFIXT3,1111ATIP3.1171'r _ .. r th 3,0111I green .of th,,l fruit, which. both in . Oors and Scores of Ock, Vllta ani d ) nl� er find custolner n c � I I I 11187 Will be commenced In, o I st airy fat. � ji�jco I'll$ in ( _ I. . 11" , � � week Of 'November and terminate in the standard of recent years. ll Ill ,Failed. tario . oil lily list ab rb;ht price'i. � . Here the streot railways Fire used, 1 4. Way�-Nativlp 13.1acil All HVId In rst quantity and quality, is well up, to - , � . I I Boll - Rull. I I I 7-reatme — � . � '. � I ; ,Ay Whipped and r,o,,,j . -nd agents, offices are, located at the I the lasb'4476 *1 the follow"' _ .a ;1 I T f Sent -Back. 9 JanuVY, ated in the glass house. at the end I 11a ly'- DAWPON NINNTY (,,OT,: teirminal stations i __'.. 11 . �t the MarCq4id8sMoisji3jvt%b.'e` eldest son' of Of thel�Pond Garden, the vine was The Dreadful 130ANRI 8t1,-!,�­i,,',T,2ronbo. of eaoh' route. � ..­­ ... 11 I , "_ � ,. I i la thel violell AAd,proloxigel ' 11'e served for Planted in 176s front a cutting oft a �. itching Was Stop* . I ­_ ­­­. '' , - , . ___­_­� Staillps ranging in value ji,bill 2 to 14 . I I I , 1 , . . HELP W,k-WfEb- -- cents are sold bV tile tramway com. I I I . ,�;4:: , j A;l0n, 00noerniDg admin' 5'146" ewzagrhtewainthmet�ultebs3',i]da'tBh,ett$,Oliu,t,b AfrIcaa famous vine whicli grew at Valen- ped and the Sores Healed by 7�_ � �jp p1mv Just as lett' ' . 1 � ,I 1�c � the Of the tines, in the parish of Illord, Essex. 3I i N- i,6x- I ; (11 H 0 0 L 4k VITY Pr stanIps aie sold at , I :i. ' I 'Ms'i I I iP�,,�_�N_l 13 ilj� the POstoffice, and for those prices . . . I` " . I *Ie Belgian Congo, U -1'" ­mora, au no n ee 0 . "stmUou -of -ROY(a ScOtk:,FusWexs� . The first Earl The v! . a d Ind ,d the whole of ("l't'IrO,'�l63CQllegi3Sbl,u�)b Toronto., paclmgos woj& I ­�, .1 1 ,47 �', � of Cassl vaa one of Xames the the palace gardens, were in those Ureat reduced rates for jlj()jjtjj of . . . - ? $400. � been alleged ' _, .,�4!: 1, � 41 � list, tadles wlslxin� t Au. , I , le-bWe FX 'Zg'at,Flo�den.'Fit t- 0 11 , 1 - �Siell:fum, tl are delivered Rt any I t .4. I I I , kiluad, 'ivy C-Ou"noillors 'Re was days under the Care Of one Lancelot , with n .half a Milo of the car tracT,o,' Ornamental Wire Fence-, . , .both. iij I X*jj , . P* DR. CHASE'S INTMENT six pounds , 'hing fi,om sevp,ll to -fifty _ -at,G%Va*.Bii_^ , ., with hisAd �ld� Brown, other,% ��bl. a,j,j,,l iilb,,estl ' learl, this Pro ' I I , Sla. I The soo ,of a qate, earl _,� profession all I . 41, , " in I se known as "Capa.- Rere is an illustration of the won- it.f Particulars at Once. A. cc s ' � nauoes.,slairery in hel a I �. 'I I : - 'I bility" Brown, on - account of his ,,,,,, control,whiell Dr. Chase's Oiut- PO"(1011ce Course arVaugod for olit of t cost but $17,0.13, and f1ft3'-tNvo- boys I I . I � ,, iu x1od. a4augh�6r *1 King William IV., frequeilt use derful . Tile whole e(juipinent of thrt service K, , � ( - Pupils. � , �1. J- ul&,olm Nigeria, under,.whst 45 stl and"his jabhe�,;Vas a )f that word in regard .has over todurin ite and sixteen men p n'tint, , 1. ��, . , d-van-ced to a 1. g, hing . I , , .::. )ef the Native House Ru1et+0rdIn=oe.�.marqujs&be ,eighty Years ago, to grounds submitted to hi's skill, e,,,,a, By its soothing influence it N%7'A N T H-5 ' ' ' � ! ��,, j, , A —T-1, force. Bub in the last fiso,91 year. the ­ ; 1 .!� 17 s successor to -day is Mr. jas. I 1 I I! i: 1!, I 1,; ,,, 1 110 ule succee, It heals the an � I ,*J�h was introduced-insoithe, The Prel mwq and h, $top$ 'the itching, and , ,V, 'I y ,.,, , � . cc ny ded to I either sex, 10011117, on goods neoes , V � aack. who has held Office for the last sol if by - Co'll quickly d safely carried , .1 ­ �, - Th e system w1mcb., the �or'di. Alto title at the. age of twenty-three. . sUrpti bread; salarY two dollar3 pet. 675,719 parcels had inade a net profit I I . � . �� filk 1901 -;, -magio. day 0 P E R, _ r �:, I 11 , �' e reg.'aplies is Itot, ll c,o,w.e., and marnect"&,.daughte� 28 years. A hundred years ago, he ,O Mrs. Win. ndoommission, ex,perietioe unnopessary. Of K473.. . � . I "I . � T of the 12th rit., write Miller, St. Catharines, lal- -u- -N 10hOls Co., Limited Tot RUNNING - � . �. . �Lord Blantyre.:' says, as many -as'2,200 bunches were 6:- �"My daudhter Mary, '__ nto, . The . Bradfor'd � �, UOWA 0 ciallY as One - of; lelg6l Lord Oa�ss,llis�b ,re un -o _. ��,�,, � Mr. Harcowt y1o, aques- as co commonly gathered In one year, And when six ­_ _� _ StOrekeepe`Vg. have : , " ­ .1 ,ia rel ted a story this .series __ - ­­� thUs been Able to diRcontinue the ein. , i" ,'' K n. P.1 ,. Months Old, contracted I I I , TEACHEIiS WANTED. I .. 1.'. " ­ It tOl in the Houseof 00' of,van?oldiconple ,lon.,�a4-country. road of jmraense;�crops was al- eczema, and for three years the die; Q I 11 �� ` � ployment of errand boys, for bF this _ I m- . , - � I ll Februal , lowed to continue for a long -time. I'll ba.11led. LCHERF _ - I I -y last, deolured-.thaV ,� w4werO evidlently ,having All treatment. Her cas : I OR RURAL trannyay parcels service a parcel,oan I ' ::: � � Woxds-'-i� -, Thinkijig he4'��, might pacify Q in was one of 1, s;ro;l" on;.;, state salary, experience, be delivered to, their ,customers within . . 11 status Of slavery is no� recal highl"OnlY quantity was considered be worst that had ever tele FOOT . I., ' thenil.'a'Acutzish asked-'wh they hadl be��Jo graph addyess; dittles commence se,R� two I)ours after ,its reiceipt by h =2 .1 � I A Southern X ,the ueen V r fruit 00me,undermy I1_' ently suffered �what rt'� j)en. could ever blo. 4, Dobt Barwicir _ f, . I [11201magammumculaw I El House eTla, Nevertheless 'not,theisenseitbo agree. � I d Vrjaws day, but large . notice and she appar. tember Isb. Xssac Fearo , Secretary S.S. parcel depaTtment,11tich is uIc er J, J I lwey art ailted t e "I, ,tile System dm,.,! L re no dis- nd color are w now." r�L .� t . describe. Iliad three different doctors — man the Posboffice pw6cals posil. , In-. Wopaythafrolshfors this extralseavy FREICHI I ' olve important encroachments, O' agreedn.,�­al said'Ithe Old man. an so in the earlier part of the year k a the ItT , 11 .. .. , , berty of ZAe subject, which axe " he�fai�t iii,iMe'te. baith o' the same III 1111 1, ''I 'I I �; I'll: — ­: ! . I - Mr. Jack was busy clipping -off hun- lattend her, all to no Purpose what- 12. Xliia�betiitow' T, OR S. S. NO. deed, the traimwaY`Parcels service mkk ,­I,anised, guarranteled fence, to any , TICAC 11 . -with conceI and repugnan( mind," - dreds of tiny clusters of incipient ever a -ad all kinds of bilms, soaps and Ply, n -, salary. �450- Vert of Canada. . .. `:vie1w` "'And how's thatp- said the AP- be said to oomriieli.ce when t ; "', . 1 al ;' , , qtAtIng qualifications and ex erieno ' PREPAI . I , . Who have the older ideas I visitoT a little -aurprised. grapes. I t, ere tried, with no'results. to A , e office service ends, as the j s FROhl LDQM Regal fencing lawovenon ourown4poratj "Tinallyi decided to try Dr. Chase's Ont, O., . r t es We ire one of the largest buyers on th , �.. .... . 1� � X Hend,rie, Seo.-Troas,, LiMe P. , . attV I � . I .he 1-aswer 'I've got a cro,-wn inl 0 Ions w parcels up 'to eleven � 'ds only TO LAWN .1 . 0111 under the British _:ftag- of t , "Weel 'i'was Two Years ago 12 l5unalles which , " k The e thinks slia's no,, g Ointment, an ,II,,I!''I!'I!' . po - . Canadian fence wire market our Im' - !!! -collects and deI " Once is zu per cc t. I or th, that of any other a uf c ,., , -Slavery 4ud Aborigi,n4e.. pool and sh were sellt 'to Windsor weighed be- d to my surprise she im. - �__ � - 1. ­ I while the former !;,U.yaroanit , I sun I A OW Ila M A (a I :1 � a Society in, �rotec' to get it, an', I think. -the,;,.& . Ibs., and sit Year one . I - , 1 .1 tweert them 40 mediately began to improve, and F.R SALE. them up, r� turer. Ne employ no agents nor iobbers, but sell '' ,( � I � � iloulax,4.,has made smel I I . was I I I:l , I to f1ftY-six pounds. the consumer. saving you the deall commission. 0 .' 1 1, I . conditions, � uded to.1ho.,subject Another�yarn,00ij�cern&l. cbmPleltely cured of that 'loug-stand- I Q, I'!' 1:1, I I I I I t FOR SA -L4 -IN GOOD I I raw matertal plus the cost of labor Plus 0 f 0 Is . ' . Murphy an was gathered having a ' � . or one am I " , , lbs. Modern weight of 4 ing -disease. - liv; town in Centre of fine agricul- � ,p I , I .. Investigation. and as -a v esult Tzishm an. - He' *Was, seen ,�in. the I e�r�et 11 S -of cultivation That was four years ago, � Some Feeling, , ., �1 .g, �has equi,13 our ins3do price of 8 cents per foot and up. 11 � , � I have no, only proved b when we lived ,at Cornwall Ont and tUral district; 1,400 eirculatIO4, nearly all -e -day small Tommy was given a EXTRA REGAL. 71- Regal Oval Top Ornament - breaking a -glass. bottle.�and when t t eneficial in ' On 6 ,. I , tic js]avery, and 'is prek,dog -� 1 I as not a s ]paid In advance, . , had done so, -lie � took �,'oat jjjs�pipe a mate Of size, Lut have also Ymptom. has sKown" , godd. advertising and fash for dinner, "What kind F E'A T U R E S Carl knee in uatry. Neverb i i ed the system as/cons. utl he It r piece ot � �, .1 !0I , � Wire-Fencemarks .-CI , � ediate reform ;` P.Med - with -.!glass fand ' tried to "k, lighi restored to since, itself jobbing trade; Droprletor must leave in a � I new epoch in I I . � the fruit it " the oure must be permanent. hurr. of flab. i,s this?" he asked. . forebasarl made & fctl good as :1 I ", s o-Eginal y to look after other Interests, don't. "Shad," re Ot eT wemaketheRA -:1 I C color. The grape is of the black .wltn a grateful heart plied his in h . �ndsoldjtaithesacrifimprimswea& Timlicualisbea '" � ,, I , - 6 action of the society I.q � � . . " -r I ,based I -:wUle.-seeing him.asked him what testimony to the I tiful, artistic and durable- it will Protect and increase.theval sreat value of Dr. can go on time. Address Box 1301, Con of Your'propel it i4 enhance,the attractiveness of th , orgal " ,secrel was, doing send.ho �roplield, '!Dooley Chase�a Ointment. . ralPressAgency T ronto. t- -be pret sure of anything'a ill '11n wounds of any mansion. j:ottavo, f6m.house, church, ichopt. �epi - .1 _�Hls Hamburg varisty,. but during the 1 gve this wr'tePnl0ssYOlXbave§2,000oash; balance "Well"' sald,Tommy,"'a ll must" .. .0 -t Irom its � , . , :� I — I 0 . 1, '.,H&17is, "'OsI .1 . "that.' c spoken and written of as -a red Ham_ f ways Dr. Chase's Oint- � .82- its bones." . . Publi� building or park; itwon't rwt ' corrod Ill nor X , _"! , , " ;by; allo - glass '0ii;cUd r6ee i th' spots oil b - Were such; heavy at is useful in every home to . 'I, . $ Rev. J. M, -ILUXIS. -� 'Illf,",%ays told'_meg 'If Oi ,smoked a ' Period 'Of Ov&r-producl was'both In scores o iy . I ig a slave, I . name in.' English ' _ urg. me rol No matter where you live it Z � � ,,, . . IS'.. th! sun. 't . crops � now aj14Y MISOELLANEO'US. — 1. � . cost you , I Y. � 5*to*6 Per cent.- lin than the fence ,ad thl 0 - .­ : ,, " dfish Gifts. , I 490% Atembod6thefolLovAng- Uprights 0. . I 'N''I'�'MILALX GRANTS WANTED—ON- Goldfish are exchanged as - 1 ��:� oli I sh a system, then,jalaycient 0 ()I � aith'er�'�','h,av,en`tgo th i the roiglitasort allowed to mature, it is possible that skin. irritations and heal and ,cure - Got .piesenta 1;re ree inches apart and crimped f d*to - - �',` ; . TWO a, us - gla'sav or ,else `he's'$uI - I ther ' sores, wo Id ulcers. 50 cents a TARIO, unlocated or located—in any among the better class of -Chmo-se. ch embrace two No. 12 - iwelnjlc alt , t ` ' i exist in the Eastera,and Ce me eg. �, , I 8 would be no,,more grapes for 11 I i � a ,,,Lnrl 11 . . unds &I . i . " I known to be . V-1it e Edmanson, . I ca Te, u ris It and H �, � 11 the other hand, loss of perso 1 now under cul'tiv ed, Toro . 6 lest casliprice Pala. mulhollan(I & araAubledcllt sil adoin 0 any on,, desire es of Southe= Nigeria. 'Intiorly.- lanother two Yeaxa- - There Is -no ' box, at ll t nshIP Or district, Northern Ontario., =ereach stay; a ecia , 'bertV the denial of EmPtYlng a�`Bol in England hich is ____�_ --- Co., Toronto. ___ ,il ii ',on Co. Limit ' 7;1 I B ates & W. x ;i. "' Ail �� ---,---. , , � I . " freedom .. w -of ch great . ASTONISI By theint,od.elljolsof new moth , �:. ", ,, It. t age, but those at Cumbe su --- M M'�__­__________ � , . .F -v LOW PRICES ','F.,t?-d"` " ' �- III the .- - �,', 1 � I House, . have cut the cost of 'an"U"i".94II i Wire I a of*i , j$ ��_-- WILON"A "" SCALES - .3 .1 --up. and tr of Col , � 0118 ja,b6tlle,,es�kially a 1prge AGENTS WANTED. 11 . the break lallsfer . � ,_� r1and Lodge, - ---- � �,� I I , " Manresa House, and Kinue 'Units of- a family to'othAr and, lone.jiquMpUll STUDI 0 MEDAL V"ICK team ractory. no � q� Y.ARt should be heldinvel 11reattalbane, are all larger lack of %, I .0 Ito our ow bu ' I, ; _,=erent owners—it those� .conaiti,�ns ed:.Olfreceptacle *ixxto which the .4 A GNCY I ; - . I mit enables us to �uoto t c I . �, other reptignatit coneartijanis. cOntsats'l-al to �be turned. Theii,. Systee having, made it necessary to Propositions convIncesusthat none You ca"'get Wilson same time offer . mucn Sul . i le Pri and at �, I limit thB growth of the old plant at , 41r can equal ours. You will always regret . ,much su not An You can b � ' d'astitute slavery, then fbera jsl.��som�o_ *hile il n6c& is held in. a, steady Hampton cc It if Von don't app, scale$ at wholesale I � I chewherclio,r'doubc Amore . ces: ,,,, I �. � Y ror Pal -5 to 3C � .1 * , nc A I vexy near to that condition in., POI -04e . bottom of, t el t urt. It has, however,- I al .8 hiFh� . -4 h bolt 3a a stern the girth of which is nearly Traveners' Dept., �>ai Albert s.r33 Prices if You order --.scents Per rul, . I uthern Niggell And Mr. Haj�ris should-,"ba.'4gil rot ti '� This' I 11 . tawa. 82 :: ':.. 9 ­ " ning feet I . � i � — I, 0.'- this month. 4 _10 10 .. .. 1. I , than hints at the demand for .'III lurld�a " ,�.�McO - 11 ::::=_--------M—_- 11 4 11 . .4 4 � =all w. ,,� On. double that of any other known. In __ ' cIll . -1 , tha t "will 1800 the stem had already a girth of , . WMITE , TO -DA WilsOn PaYs the Night Now 0 , clepriceslarefor011 '000nl., bor being N - .1, 'Imaine2lance of dcme4�i�,i slIsl � Y FOR OUR ntarm, Month* Proving And ueb . at Prime factor in 0 e 'admit alvto!ibe space vapated by'the, 13 inches whilst the principal "oloo list of agents, supp-es. _v ___ f an 1 1 i, t , 4 liquid, �Ij4,icsjus a it t � - - . . --itic &1�­ ­ .0 T= ifreely�from branch wa I s 114 feet in length, and OUtlay, necessary. They are nioney mak- - 1 201 is, it — , the "bottle. POr-1001. r or Alberta and B - . ptertain distrioU of thLe pro ers. AppIrBriusii dana�jiajl in GET . .5 . � I mained ' the latest measurements dustriq,l 'ICES P This increase ov I or . I at 0 Pn is no, , 11 I i�;Qnlp * The chielf's ability. to, sapply4 I show that � ` the�rfoot. ' anies of c=* ._--�_ there is now a girth of 60 inches o CO., Ltd., 228 Albert Street, Ott,el Olit. TO DAT. I . 3 additional freight rates c op .. Iers and workm.eh , n -------- — 'toot Walk Gate $2.75; I .. I . the ground level, decreasing to I RLSY . 00 atel ,ft,oaly possible under a system - vrbtich 55 — ­ �� I . III I PROTECTION We-suarantee every foot of R I'ves hi ` UCH inches a foot above. The parent POT-TLTRY WANTE TERMS. fence, including its --galvanization ; PosseI Of slaves, orla' . GUARANTEED 12 vear.s. We clullil .1 - ve Ebusel ' Rl PAIRS PlankItself'grew to a great size, . ngecc= I . I irvileomlass� The Nati - American and Canadian Scientists tell us the Remember that we pay the highest , MPLANA Simply fiuure out th , , f h - a�pzlol I I ance describes 11H A, I 1. colninon house fly is the cause of more a3e . . es forlive hens,spring chickens,ducks, DE ST, EL 0 pnce 0 1 A quantity OF ..j I i� P DIAMON eTi7*?a,,sPace of 147 square -yaxdscbove- disc C. WILSON & SON, 81 TORONTO,CAN. You require and fill out the order blank bbolow, U . I Oup of Ouse ,as � a . DS fore it perished, and death than any other e 9 and eggs. Get quotations list. ____ __ reol we will ship Your order. filisight ProI � I '� I O" W and . Persons. subject by ll ICA�TALOGUE Some� six years ago a agency. F &CO., 770 St.Dominique-,z3treet, I — Your Purchase is. not entire ­ 11 I I new stem Y satisfactorr. return wire it ' . "'Istom to the conta. at -E. FREE III Ill eal. andwewfllrefim your money in full. . -_ ioll a - - ; I 11 ' "T , - made its appearance at Hampton POT"ll r -d -=-= is our bell adveni.jit and business , r�'��,Andlrale of a, ellief ka6wn as dw, . __ Sal . . ��:' . �! of -Liembei of Court, and, having been notched .1 . "I'sa"Pendent. not connected with sull I '. , the Eliouse, and ' I urider a joint, formed a new root b t Wams 0 NIP ;5 ALVER,S NZ - R,FAILUNG RCUPINE rus ', � b 1, I I � , , Q11se" is held to -mean .a'nd in*Mde . flit0d WatCh & JOW&Y Co., T ronto � Information direct fTora the mines frDra . . -Ill YAperson. ,who. by birth,"Iel ,. I "I"..."Ill still ,attached to tile main stem. 'Tlue WtRVE T02:41C .. ORDER B'LANK N 1. I ,, 11 M. the beat men in the Canadian bush, cost- Regal pence & Gate Co. : -, old. vine shows no sign of decay, but - maices rich, Pure blood'and re- I Ing us thousands of dollars, is delivOed I � ; . er manaer," is Or babombals I ,I , 1 6 * ;:. . .11 ­ , when its inevitable end comes the builds the nerves. Cures long- - I Sar Ia. Canads� , 6 the contn-1 and aulhol m*ay el"; —TBE— Fly Pde- AS to YOU In 11TRE LETTER ON P' Gentlemen,.- n �, I tanding chronie, complicated ORCU- , � I . I �.ed $250 or imprisoned 1,6r, , � I .., �4 Young stem, which is already bear- 3 - I enclose herewith Purchase won . I.,. I � a ,� . ,idnell and uxinal diseases. -PINE." absolutely free. Send for a to the amount of. . I lure erb table doliin ...... cefits state wh I - I : . . �� : e are similaT penaltibs . " * __ ., . , ing wel will be ready to take its kill all the flies and the disease , ts (100 In box) I— copy and we will include a large map ot ;;�,­** ... "4 . our. 41 , place. price $L60- Trial box m cents. -- .11,11.11, .. cy, P. 0. order. it��re'a* order or draft) floor Yell !; � r resiAing lawful ap, 10I f i , , Its span of life has, however, cnent to an address. write, 6. p a e to ship tome (freight prepaid) ............. fe of - 169 Bay St,yet, Toronto. formation service Yery higbly; you - , h. itisn I I I'll -I. probably been greatly prolonged by I I urnamental Wire Fence ........ inches , h. ;,]: , I offemoo under the ordinano%_,and germs too. then Ow 0 mp. Investors value our in- ar ; �:, . I , .employing a native withol the LUX Y CR . the erection of a new house some ,,I,� I - — satisfactoT I am to return the fence to, an at eexpen3c �� , - I— .0s, _______­� _� will, ontle You see it. the Rega . Fence & Gate Co.. and get my en * if purch , � , Wusent of the head of his " 11%M". .seven years ago. In the present -_ --w-1commmmmuff-ma -oncYback according to the terms ol the exal u teoll I I, Ho A - building the vine- is entirely proteqted I----- — ­ Yours truly . I I Or �. I , , . by glass, the -_ � , Aud any pemon wandering abxoad� i public viewing it from lembers Doniinion Stock Exchange, Name ....... I I. ,�%, i�� ", .. " . il��A - . , _ 1 I Il I 685age which runs round the side ""' �Isistence a=eabrd lktlx�nA., 6, , � I - , . I �'. , , . . , - �,, , � . . , � � .- � 1. ree ", �, 11 SWIng no appaxent MeAns, of " MINES ". P H. H. Nightingale may be . 1, . � ". orcut)! I - .11 _ , I st hot water Pipes ­* ... '­' ....... **­­­*­*' ... I : vrarraitt and ,broul.giht b . . � I P . neMapF 35 KENT BUILDING, TORONTO, CAN. Shipping Addr . ................ '-*— . � ­ I I I efore,&I oom.�s -, have b een To Introduce the SECURITy C Member Standa.rd Stock ......... I � � 4T.-I"r- 4 ., .................................... - .1 ............ "j I . : I tioned -as to' 'his means odesubsistatica.' the Foreii- �e. . F 0 . - P.,i Cc , � � longs. . . . hexdy to suffer no damage from the first large map eauraerating 40 of the prin- V, F, I ____ ......: ................ t I - '­aer of the distdotl ques4 aw., %I kchange was made during the winter Pille Gold CaInP we will send FREE the HIGH - A ­­­ .... ­­­ ­LVII OF ASTIKA ... 668tifuted for the smoke flues. The DOLLAR M,Lp SEXVICE OfOMPANY and Mining Exchatio, . , � � I I And as to the House to ;�,ha K4 LIYZTM �inonths, but the vine was sufa liliently -GRADE , :, � I ` I — . ­ lPal Properties andreIative location ol ____ � 11 To the contention that t1lisj*dOrnostj ' � necesswy ex,posure; indeed it must e Porcupino to other Canadian 4Z. "4 u� g IL A. LYO.N. - 11 f slavery is inseparable frobi nat., 'C� -ve been accustomed ' Mining PRO and EL L � "Social life and has f ve Messrs..: Cojj� & SMITH are It to this, for, Ca 5, showing,railroad and water routes NNE STOCKS L 110,11 1 7�,, 1 � � . - . . 4.according to Mr. Jack the gusts Of to 12 0 Ca LYON & PLUMMER . rom time im, . R CorresPondence invitei al been an intWZ%pall -o " 'wind which cam THE LE ,mp, etc - also current issue of I memori ;nOw-ready-to receive subscrip- ,,' e into the ald house T AR Zik poltCUpINE, which � 33 MELINDA ST, TORON'ro. Alembors Torento stock Exchanzo, I gives fall Information oil all Porcupine I __� : ., 41 AfrieaT,i law and custom, ij is,,, ere enougli to kiU any man or plant. stocks. - "' sug-1 The Only special I t�getsted in the report th t itiOnS for stock of the ab Protection used " � ,� ,�Iroint to beer in mind e vital , ove during the building operations were I EMpire Real lo a u abits, . . t* , - is I I LTD. tY Agency afld BondS SoUght and Sold ^ I Ithe estab . _ SECURITY Co., I Stocks on 111011 Stock Exebanse, 21 RICHMOND STREET EAST A. MCITAGGART, M.D.. C.M., Toronto, Montreal, �ew York and LOB- . to guard against damage from any 1035 KENT BUILDINC4 TORONTO, CAN. �jsuch �customs by Briti , CbMpany mats Placed over the main branch Members Dotal I I 1, lishment and . I , Of accidental blow. And 127S 81-00ft ST. WEST, tim is taken specially to - 8, bjec`­� Application for prospectus,,, X ELveforsale Improved Fruit Farms of I er I ­ When. the g apes H : j%*ider the Ordinance on L. ding, report by J. W.'Van-, sent to. the head g year they will be all sizes. Also good property invest- ggart's 11 � RR disposal of fam. ies Permitted References as to Dr. lWtTa Dealers in Government and munic a] D I , � � e death of Mcln -11 axe gathered this ardener at Windsor 11011, E1111and, StoCk Enchanges. I I , 1 *� head of a House, and to the po � for the King's table but many of — ments in Toronto and country towns. professional standing and personal bontures and INvEsTAIENT SlI RES. I 11 wer , Also hotels for sale or lease. I Reports on a � t � �j Cabadlan or American , I . dergrift, with -maps and'-'fnTl them will be forwarhed from there integrity permitted by: h ; � tricting mar- . I as gifts for the Patients in the.Lon- . 117% Write for Particulars. sectiRtyil e onapplioation. "Tia, - A conference of bishops and. particulars) shol be le don hospitals. RIEE 21 Drelinda Stre,ets Toronto. ; . ge . Mac MONTHS , ,'01orgY held in Lagos in 1906, rel Sir W. R. Meredith, Chief justice Telell M 797 I � ----------- � Sir G. W. Ross of on* 1. 8-9- Cable Addrel -%yonp1m.st � i - i --- 4 over marria, e as productive of g-jeat len Buil,cl- Stories of Gi;bert. N EW S BUREAU tario. ­__ !to the exercise of the chial power direct to 402 Lumsc THE I NVESTM ENT 0 ex -Premier __�. I I 9 . One afternoon 1vililedTilling the bal- It brin s each week information ,at � Rev. N., Burwash, D.D., President of the King's Horses. . � 1-domestl un &PP'ness a -ad vicious liv- ing, Toronto. Am INCER I cloun, t serves the pocketi teres IL D. Evans, Discoverer of the famous Evang, d relief of this condition. Gilbert observed that one of the girls ty. -fa, let with extreme strictness Sir of the �",�9�.r. IG Broad St., New ric d Victoria College. . ­ � - .� ins, and urged the Government to af- W. S. I Train effectual efforts to restrain C . 1 procel j Ion, was formerly Tiding -master of th,0-f �,ordiilance is given in the report, as ; _* * her emotion. � AND ternal or Internal cancer. Write to K. D. EvANs, I -Ion. Thomas Coffey, Senator, "Ca. a Horse Artillery. He has beed.; I —, I *%'as cginig bitterly 'and making stren- horses for the royal :,� 'An example Of tho Operation of the uOug t Cancer Care, desires all who suffer with cancer Ri ht Rev. J. F. Sweeney, B . Capta n Wicholl who prepared the�i I . u tO write tO him. Two days, treatmant cures ex- of Toronto. a n W -w- 3 9 ishop Ring's I � 1 TrOof of the s7stQm, being one of . 01flP8111m, Brandon, Manitoba� Canada. _�ioyal �-slavery, It is alleged that a bay Who " 1000PPOPOtOd FINANCED I in charge of the royal in I , "What's the matter, my dear?" he' 1 !�rau away, from the own " ask — tholic Record, I I London. ews for many .,, I I er to whom smiling compassionately. STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD V% Years, and is probably the most sjtw. � 'be had been given, was seized' . !I I I I'll Air. Gilbert " sobbed the woe- Correspondent Dr. McTaggart's vegetable reme. ful handler of men and horses wh� i , tish vessel -a dredaer--on wbioh ! lt!,, lllt! . e let mistress . . i I on a 11 :, � kj 11 gon� �. : UqVi 11, b ligurante, "r S in all Financial Centre3 Z -.1111 I 11 -0 the bal r u S dies for the liqubr and tobacco ever sent 'recruits round � .-I f ... I! ; I t.,:. ORAUPINE STOCK"I" I t, %ad obt& '". _i�j­. 1�!i .11 IMMMA s J'm no better than I ought to . .tj &nt, and was "ViL Tni 11 ined emplo, 7 say . - , , , k; R INDUSTRIAL FINANCIAL CO. habits are healthful, safe, * schools at Woolwich. vd-uLien T] - UY of a Brit- : . . t . be." . Members Dominion Stock Exchange and Inexpen. las has the distinction of, a I . . -, Q9terwaxd,s, .� no C tain. . T, by the auth,01 i" :i _ ta I t '.-% we Toronto Board ol I a prett3�1 ar, 18 TORONTO STREET. TORONTO tions; 12o publicity; no little Ill which forms part of:Ruol i I I Commissioner, flogged and com- .1. .... iss .. Ill, but You're not, my de sive home treatments. No hiP0- from the ranks. He occupies I � X ed, . pti. are yo a UGHT AND SOLD dermic inj ,�, before ke could return, to his � u?" rejoined Gilbert interroga- . ' "N' We adylso the purchase of Pearl Lake Mining IOSS Of ss and Ing , .W. I v Y. ec a d is close to the ell is I on r c,D trance to the mews. To him r" task of training the King's : 1, � was full a messenger came on with a . respondence invited. . that they can go ankwhere � 111,)ar1S1:s so, ,;,� was claimed $1.75 a mouth (half hi certain ctire. Consultati 'O I I ',tMPIOYment, to enter into an agr IpA7 Oa another occasion when the stage EDDIE PIGOTT ODmp=y* tim � ) � dienb �0 pa� the ohief by whom ehee' W_ , 0 A* e from busine ham Palace an L I ;wages) for life. Copies of the docu- ll Rl parcel fox one Of thO actresses and COMIC SINGER SQOTT, DA I nd st ' � I I vity in . I 'r WSON & PATERSON, To ensure attendon address' anything, from flag-waving on the �')lnentsi in this oase are printed1n, the 001 displayed considerable acti Members Standard Stock Exchange. noses to Chin ,;TePort- The Committee of the Abori M a L ts dodging the principals and supers Open for Concerts, Garden Parties and I DR. McT-A GART. ese crackers ,among the ' ! ..'.Sines Protection Societybave' - KILL "I E I I Willie crossing from Fall Fairs. 24 KING STREET WEST, TORONTQ G feet. � ' forward- one wing to the I I ,jd to the Colo Care Cell Press Ageric I nial Secretary a memor- AND YOU REMOVE other. Jesse Bond, who was standi 467 SHAW STREET. TORONTO. �— yt - I ial pressing for certain reforms which close to the stg n`g , F � _Re manager, exclaimed: Long Distance Telephone, Coliege 3 � "Look at, that agile creat i :it is maintained, are imperatively nef " 77M CAUSE OF DISFEASES 688. 70 Pearl Street, Toro:ftto. I c. P.A.-33. 1911. � �oeasary. These reforms include t Gilbert. One would ure, Mr. ,_ � � -he 'jj — ,neing a Pas-zelil." think he were � I I - I Astabliahment Of complete freedom of �10_%NDE da ' . Soldier and Explorer. " We r0contuiend the purchase ,vt once of I , , coutract, the Prohibition of separation THE W Rpt " 'Yes," was the instantaneous reply; The Gentlettian Usher of the Black I . � I . ! ' of the units of a family, provision 'a the Only Fly-mller wIth the mat protel a brown paper pas-seul obviously., Rod, Admiral Sir Henry Frederick - I �. .- ., . ??I,% -,-% I ' vil a slave may obtain liberty whieb makes It sanitary in e,rery respect, - — I Stephenson, had a strenuous career h I a) 11 I - labor redemp- SiMPLY add a little water occasionauy and Let the Guinea Pig Mow the Lawn. before settling down into the quietude I � f�ither by a monetary oi H 0 M rl S "`�IE A D Al I N E" � � 416n, and further safegua the "Wonder" My -Killer is good for the whole It You have a law of his resent post. He saw service rds of liberty "aeon. before oys �, -he rll market. � fof marliage. d, finally, says t It Is the BEST VALUE on the or even a tiny back yard in which t now think of leaving OF SWASTJKA� LTD. ; *,rt, "we f' an -.rofj �,11 "olf1m, pri 60110,01, for hE . j . e0I most strongly that the It 13 4 �-- ,,W'.1�1 . ide to rest'. -tit the � was present at the fall �, "JajestY's Go%t,r I Is ,J�`;It�lll(',,,� of obll(;�ious weeds got a of 6ebastoPol, and was wit �.Vaachinory of His i SAFE. SANITARY, and e.j,tsw r),jll (Ad�johas Swastilra.) ., ; CENTS. h the Naval ; ment should no longer be ul T1. - - 'Mutiny, be- I I . � , . ; . alther men or Pd to f rco AT YOUR RL&TAIIII I "; f"'a 1)"p rlitl 911111"a Pii; is said to prigade during the Indian - to be issued. For paiticulars write : I I -women back ( Dorl J011 Agil �d U'l ll,-�2celluut wel-'-d Ildlior and " ing, in fact, mentioned in despatches 11mited amount Of StOch I � : � I., lo'ases.j� . , TAL SEALING Co. P1 - r a hall do7en of them loo sixteen years old. Admiral Stephen- ' , � ' � Irol 0.1 their masters or - as we -LI. Turn thu guinea oi� several occasions before lie waa CANADIAN I CRY 113 lawn mowei .1 MINING SECURITY CO. i I I I I -04 stair Biatiatug, ,I ol-4)11 tl,j 0 se on "KEAFTIM'S" P. : : I U 308 Lunisden Buildin,,;', Toronto, Ont. = -------------- � � to, RVII The animals at once attack 0-1 must have watched with interest ­ . _­­__­­. __ - t 1. . I —­­­------------.­­-.- all t1w worst weeds. These b tap I ­ ­­ ­­..� � " v the rogress of the Discovery in the I POWDER I 11 - � . 4�( ' road-leav- n r ""`l`­""`ll"ll� — : ''I I I P."'Its, which mowij� A ctio, for thirty-six years a o he CE NTRAL PRESS .1 11 ­ I , 9 machines salled towards the North Pole 9 in a AGENCY, LIMITED ':� : it -ill 11a t011011, are killed by the per- , .1 � I -4i - , vessel of the same name, in ,company REMO'M FLIES I 1, - -'-(!I,t cutting Of the guinea pigs I I ey proceed to the grass. with the Alert A safe and effective remed I r. 0 ! ' on y to insect ,if, 1� 1. PORCUPINE l`1'k`t;3- WIIPII they have finished the - The result of the ex- Harmful I , .. _.. CA-nadals Leading -Electrotyping Hous ., I v,-,,,ot1s th Pedition was that the Passaaa to the SDrinkl � . � I a Very short.time the lawn looks as ln North Pole was declared to be im- wind 0 it 11irlitly on the I Full 11-7farrnaflan Furnl.,3hed an,,� if practicable, a prophe ledge Und you will !7�� " 11 I it had b ,cy be Alodw MECTROTYPING � 1! � 1 _1� C011 cut by the very closest which has of Flies. . . I li I I 1 1113' "';l`(' . � �N 0 llarly) is done to the scal-cely b�wn barne out. AT ALL ''? . . Or'de-l's Carefll,191Y ExeCUted. I gr -,Ss. . -----,- — DRUGGISTS . STBRMTYPING � I i 1, F,NGRAVING 1; 1� . I ­ ­__. The Wrong Cue.' - IN TINS ONLY 15c�. 20c, 25c. . I WARREAT, GZO .,A Tan rooter. . DRISIGNING 1, -.-�_ - . I :�, . SKI & CO.9 1 1 1 ("'HOW (1�d You get tho black eye ?I, � R]�ADY-S ; 11 I I kna ,; I I ___ '_ I I i I IN,— A , - �1`1 ,I rt " t'h I I [ I �� � 11� , .1 I P'�, � .111,rnard Gili, who was Pxhibited in U haptwited ill a bill!&rd parlor, J�T NBWSPAPZR PLAT)�S . �: 1� "U'clab-'rs 'POrOntO StOck H lxchange,- � I . ra�c" and Germany i 1764, W98 t 1, A -Lively Future. I . I I in ! 1. ; � �911- on fol�40t 1 wasn't oil the bleachers 11 ADVI�RTISINO CONTRAC'TORS I j TRADERS SANK -SLOG., 25 BROAD STREET, I : fpvt h _____ — and criticised a man's Poor PI Ay- - Your llfc'is Lou sedentawx 4 TOAONTOI al . I �! NEW VORK. I the doctor. "Wliat you nee ' GOOD WORx : ' I � , — , The Persiam Gult, nee is con- . I PROMPT Dnl:�Ivtwv ; MOD9RATU PRTCV$ ; I 1 1 , I I * ­ !�`­�eslatli_ I ..... I The liotte.st regi Well, I guess I'll got it," replied """ --tommilm&,��,,�,i,iiilliiii,miiii� - _� ................ . �� 11 I onommommimawouzLl?kuzW=l ZZ M. I= - -1 ­ .. firth is along Why is love like a canalbo Be. th'e, fair young Patient, 111,m going to 70-76 PXAJML S _-7--­�­ �. 10 I on on a Love and a Canalboat. stant exc!tement.o� ­,,� , ' I 2.k- -':h­,--S1an Gulf. at? � I � . I . cause it is an iaternal transport. marry a man to reform 11 . I , �-,� . - k, I I , - - "-M,- - , WoxtoxTo . . . ... I .1 "... I .. I I . I I . . . .1 I . I I . 1. I . I � � . I . . . . .1 I I I . I I 1. I . . � I I . I lk_'. .1 , Ll I . � .�,' � I * I I I . . I � . It . lq� I . I I I . . I I . � . I .1 , . I . . .1 1, . ­ . �. . ., � I . .. � �; I , . r.. L . I "... I .., I I � I , . I , I . I I . I —, _ I.. ­ . I, , I . I I - il i - - " �. � � I �_A, " - �� . , I I -,..- � I . . I 1. . . 7 , I � I 1, . I I D 0 k ". #0 � . . . I , � I I ,W � I f� , " :i,i � ...� I I r . , . - . , .. .. � 1. . .�:._, __ �, � I I -11-1- I.""', 11 1-1 ,�'I'l,",-,�,%."��-�-,,,.��,,�,,�. , ­,""r',",,,,,� ,,.�. 11 � , I , I I � . I I I � . I . . i . I 11 � I . .1 . 11 I � - "IINI)" _ 1K�11",� -� I r I ;, , I . �1, 'I - - .,��.,�,o�- 1, � A � � . �11. .1 -0,A41*010049I � A _. , . I ,