HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-8-17, Page 2F7 , — .4w, . 11111-11-1.1il.11-111 lT
,:Ii I � I �l �� -7! ,IT-_�,T-Wvwomp�,, "7�"Fr,-�K —,----- ---- -,----,- ---,-- - - - -- . , � - - - - � " Rr— we,'T- . I , . . I I "' I I � � -"'�-,�,-��-�,.�.I.I.I.."�.":I 1-1177 1 1 I ...--1 I . -1.1 . "I'll. -I-177
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I I , 11, � . . In, 4 A ouse—vom.PA Jer. $8. 26, "ness, to aolneone elge., Just I 11
, � I � ., 1.0
I � . ,,, the blug;
I I . I � THE, SUNOAY SCHOOL STUDY During', tile many days (16) th4t'MAKING SAFE INVESTMENTS so with the silarch0der,,excelpt that ! �
- I ,
� I 11111ts'. I -or Busy housekee I ' "' . . Jeremiah WIND -[OWN GEMS IN SA, 91 I
I I . Pe, # I , was. ineareori�,tejd the I in the case of ipany of our large 1:0 .
� . 0hal,cleazia resllnie�ia .the, I I joint stock copapanies there Is a r1c,
I . Ir opraxa- __ �
� *%^�_*A`,�"� IN'TER"NATIONAL LESSON-, *011$ at tile walls of -tile city, Tire WJI,1T CONNSTITUTES T111111 I)IF. �
, � . I �, � � I ,king was stricken With terror. Zub . gular marlce� for these Shares,, VEXOSITS, or wmloxim Puz* �p
R04pes aad Other Valtiablo 1s%19rm,#tk,p*, AUMIr 20. 1 which are bought and �014 daily . I I
I ,, FE4 HJUN 0 " ' .
� lie feared to con-ult the, unpopular "'J "311-EW"A" B"�'08 � at a price determined laxgel by , 74J,11, Grl 01,01, GISTS . .
*I IpArtlipular 140roa to Woolen )Folk& Jereiniall openly on ,tecount of tile A -ND STOCAS, y I f i
I I . . I . I I- . � I .. , . � the ,amount of shares W be, sold, �
I __:�M-.W.:=.:::::;::� 1, - ""W Prill,c0s. It ivarks Zedeldab as a � . �
� - I I ; - - ow�_ ........ V .- Lesswn TI1I.--,TQ1,)m0hlh Cast litto ,cloward, tholigh it, .shows that bis , and tile number -of buyers 444 their � i
. I I ' eagerness to buy. Ileavy Winds Carried t1ie San(j�
. . I MAGI�Q' convictions were oil the ji,.lde, of Je- Varion i
I . REV'r BUT'VEIMILK, Pr1`Pi*;*, Xer. 37s, Golden ,s Securities fit Which We Tile chief point to be remembered I
L I I . . � I 11 ho-vah's will. I I 111yest-Bouds and Shams Pro. is that s,hares -of Stook a Nalky Miles, and Gems I
I Text, Ilatt. 5, 11, I . I
I I I 1.11prieot Lunona,de., --. One, time ButteMilk makes a� fl. ,edrink f kir 19- Where now are your pro- , . ro not at
" . 'I t of 1)10(jerij , Wont Alm),. � : l
li,oing about hale a vnip o;P apric�)t pert,,lis sugerine. . .rillies-Explain. all like bonds, for, as wo pointed
. : . . I 7 , wItIlt. inalaria and pliets, ?-Tile, propoun-, it§ed it ' " I . '
l pulp left after malclia; uPricot' ice kidney troublel. . 4. Came ill and went ,out-- ,cate tha!tl tbis is addre,,�,,ied to the ilig DIW-01"011ee BOOV04011 Bouds out above, bonds arei "promises to The -diamond ,deposits discovere4 .. �
. *
, 1� creara,, I mixedf it with a pitt�her i'o. 14leach linen which has b�comc He was 'Still. I pay", all.d. must be repaid. at a. in Damoa.land, German South-
, , ill the enjoy.meX14 Of *111tiro vveople through thei,r king, axid Pebeintures-RO)y Dol"I Ili- fixeddate, while st It : , .
:1 (-if lisill'alad6, Ivild tile r(�Bult was ,v,ell,ol-w ,qaak in butlermil - t'". ld� freedom, which almost im.medi- " ' ' lralent, to a taunt, or a terest is Pai(l. . . Stich promise. baTes involve 0 West Africa, three yeaes a -go, lie ,.. .
r1(l:!"9J1t"ph 'o 'k 'Ity" atelY after was to be taken from 'chJ91tei'a"' . . 11 among great sano dupas hundreds,
.1 It' glix-ve the bofcra� four hourS, rhuse, and wash f gna to thcm to produce the Thero is .
tb-at be,ai4iful oiange, color In the him. In fact, at this time, as the ulf, one, other feature., too, of feet In, height, which pass in con,,
I - in � , Rillce usual way. Illmo t olf their vaunted pro� This eoluma is written with the in -�
� I ay on Par- 13v Pittitiag Silverware in butter- The king of Rabylon was. svIe aim of supplying reliable in� Moat bonds carry a f xed i torest plateau that follows thet line of the
11 0i L,xx Nve , ake it thvb lov, ' oPepinl,-, -ver es cf the chapter pilocies. which bonds and ,stocks differ, tinual motion across tile granite,
pos:v, Orangm, , phleIvp' (which are a kind of sumniary of all . n
Ple, letc-, milt- over night it will reqnove *ead,Y before their gates., formation, for the ur, , and. pratea-
, � OlAv be, used abso with the a.prilcoL sta,ilis a&I tarnilb, making it, the condition, of affairsL in J11"dall) 20. Lab My supplieat�,olp -ixr 1, aticial lilditters-of tile payable, alb regular ,dates. Sitcleks coast from the Orange River to I
, , , ,
1 and lomon, ancl the, fl, show, Jeremiah was at, le , . be tion -do not ,carry any interest. Their Walfisch BaYw
1- , i,vors bleiid -bright. ,last deep- pres,ented before the'e-That is realderls af this pa,pex. Its impartial t,
agrecably.-.N,Irs. IQ. .M. There is nothing equal to it f ly trusted, .and res A return consists in a division of pro., These deposits are a puzzle to, .
-. or , pected by the A'Leit it both come before theet an'd, and. reliable character may be ide- fit.$ after all obligations geologists, since their place, of ori- '
,. Baiiana, and, Lemon Jui:ee.S_lice clealling mamon, jai, lids. COV _r the, king, Oil two coecasions, Zedelciah be accepted.), I . pencled upon. The writer of these of inter-
, '
� -1 I I
k , -four ripe bana,nas -in a, g1v'c's dish et. L had already split a deputation to 21. The con' ", e'S`62 costs of ,operation, etc., are gin is a mystery, though there, .
: I lids with butte'rInIlk a-nd i stand rt of the guard - The articles and the publi�her of this seem,, to be little doubt that they
I . mll,l squeeze -.the, juice, uFa laxge,,two or three da -yo. thel prophet (Jer. 2L 1; 37. 3), a c.)urt provided. They may carry no .-I.—I.
.1 In I of the ,sentries, who giiaTded paper have no oth, .. interests to , t(l, dend,2) .as the, are carried .with the sand by the
I . le'. on over thean. Then a,dd a gill ' Buttermilk, Pie. -One cull 'of but- fact which proves that the persoa- the 1.1alace. The loaf of brea-d that saxwe in conliedLiou wi&,Ii tlii-s m&t- < Ivi paymellb is heavy winds that blow froin the. A
, I ,of ice, water an4 One-half Cullful termilk, one- tup.of sugar, -one cup al convictions of the 30velreign ,was doled out to JeTe.1111ah have ter. I � called, -or they may carry a large south,west formine hours out of
. . were clear, h,,wever tied one; but it merely repreaenIts wdli- the twenty-four. The dialn-oldds,
. (if slinvar. Let. &tand one-h,df holir f raisins, yolks of -two e-gs (s, N his hands �rag a very mea r affa-ir, being not Exeepting parcliases, of real es- vision of - sur -
� . 11 I 0 a -t- go I
I in cold place. Delicionrl in but whites,), -one, sniall teaspo'V.-Iful of "' much large . Plus' PxOfitS- Bond in which are found mixed with gar-. .
. I r thian one of our ordial.. tate and loans secured by real es- terest, on the contrary, _-S a fixed net I agates and -other seml-pre-f
1%totther. '. I S
I all kint of splce,s teagpoonful 5. The Chaldeans . . . brake.. tip ary biscuit. These %vere regarded ta-te mortgages, most inve2tmen-ta charge, qnd must be, paid, or the clous stones, vary in size from one -
I ' i ' 0 lo from Jerusalle-m-They lifted the as nelclessalry to provide a, ineal tor are represelited by what are, get'- mortgage oil the company may be fifth to three-quarters of a carat.
Ghigeralea,de-A most nourishing vanilla. Bake with bottain crust,
i hc�t,, weather dr,lik .- �
I can be made Recit whites, add two ta-blespoon- nege against the city upon, the ap- One person. 'The nam -e of tile street erally known as "securities," Till. f "
'% orclosed.
. I y inixing one quart of gra-pe, 'itict, fuls of suglar, spread on top, and proach of the forces of .R ,gypt, un- in Jerusalem (this being the sole term inoludes bori-as, stockS, de- � '111ey are almost perfect octahe-
I . rxith one quailt of ginger ale and brown-. . der the command of Apries, the instance in the Bible of a atTeet, o,f bentures, shares and all manner, of � " INVEIS TOR - " drops, and, though Small, are of' . I.
; eour table!�qoonful, of sugar. Serve ruling Pharaoll. It was Only a the city being na,med) indicate-, that documents to show in what you —dt--- tho purest water. An extraordin-
i ' -o. one hai,le invested your money, - , A JIARD-WORTiED 31AIN'. ary feature of this discovery I ' says,
I with plenty of cracked ice and I HOUSERGLI) HINTTS. temporav let-up of the attack on the baking was confined t Some
; � I AvIlipped crea,m one-aich gla,ss, using the city, file Chal-delavis. withdraw- quarter; Small aa this kiadness times l8von, as in the. case of Cana- - I __ I F. Ni 'White in Harper's Weekly,,
at rlN111%. . Gilt frames or chaneliers cover- in, ,, is that the diamonds resemble Braz-
, .,iml),I,r because they feared was, it revealed a t -ender heart in chaa bank ,stocks, you �avo no- King George Will 1100 Traveled ilian rather than I I
-.-MakL- Some," they wera in ddnger (see verse 11). the king.. The only instances of his thing -to show, your name a,n,d '23000 Riles This Season. '. .
Tea LEt-nonade ed wi t b f ly specks, are fearf ill I
. - com- I - . It is not clear wlieth,.�r a battle *Nxercising authority whilch are re- number ,of sharesi entered in the . THE AFRICAN STONE
Aveak lemonade and weak te,7 things, but if three or four onion�;
bine t, are boilled in a- pint of water and One of the hardest worke I
hcLm .-n,d ziw.eeten to taste� i took place, although that seems corded are the two, occa' d me n .
I thee. Solution applied . sionis on "stock ledger" being the only evi- in Great Britain at present is the although the Orange River, which .;
4 1
1 This can be madie, and kept oil ice wit" I" soft likely. Jose-phas declares the which lie o -ought to initigabe the denoe of, your interest. I marks the southern boundary of ;
brush it will prove all ekeellent ,:, King. When the season has ended
I 'for zeveral, days by making strong, Egpq�ptians were ,driven! -out of all severity of leremiall's suffering Two centuries ago� if a Sir Wil- lie will have traveled German Bouth-NVest Africa, has. .
tie.& and a strop -In, le,mo, -ion against Aies Settling. , ) nearly ,Q 000
., . 14
, nade and protect 8 I. a. ,.Ter. 37. 21; 38. 10). The prophet lialn Mackenzie had conceived. the miles in Great Britain and Irela' its source among the volcanic cones
. diluting to taste. at,% thely are In cleaning wall paper with F 1 ' 11d,
Sed. 1.
I all bread crinabs, use -only two days' ' The king of Juclah, that ,Sent (unlike Ezekiel) never employa a idea of buil,ding a, great railroad visiting his subj"ts. or "diamond pipes" of the richest .
�, � Mint Teia-Sitleep tea, same s for you un,to me-Ze.dekixh's, words harsh attitude towa-rd, Zedekiali. like the 'Canadian Northern, he The season of 19ii will be remem- diamond mines in the. world in and.
, i old, bread, in small pieces. Clean
, J � ia.d tea, and while- hot, drop in . had been : "Pray now unto Jeho, In contrast to the fate. which be- would ,have foun-a- it impossiblel'to bered for many years as a record abont Kimberley. There are no
I . four Or five stalks -of mint and let with downwax�d light -stroke. .Never vah -our God for us." Th:&, forl:,ear- fell Jehicialdin, this last king" of -have raised the money. There In pageantry. Besides the scores fissurea in the many miles of gran- I , 0
�, -remain about fiftee-a mi_,I1It.2,_ ace and never I
1, . ,; go Over same Surf ance of Jehovah had been long e -x- Juidall was, promised the, boon of a were at that time few, if any, for- to the King ite floor of the new diamond coun-
I M -rain and dilute. To one. pitcher work horizontal�y. Cut aNnny P g try through which these particles,
� tended, but the turn of levents in peaceful dea,th 'and all honorable tunes of eight -y milnon dollars at the Coronation, be has receiv'ed -
. . I *-f tea add juice of two lemt)ns, �oiled par:, of bread. cont4lually. the last three reign.9 only proved buria-1 (Jer. 34. 4-5). (which the road -has c-ost). No onle similar homage from every point in of oryatalized carbon might have.
I - se�ge I
4 I t',,'-erve wit -h cracked ice. Sugar to If on-:�%,, - -vuiv becomes at ithat the hearts of the People were I I had thought of the idea of divid- his tour, when he visited Ports- been forced tip from below, and
ta�te. litthe� shiny, try spongi-ng- it. witibi i
� .
. . � harden6d beyond divine help. It _________��, . - ing up. into small amounts. the. in- mout, Aldershotl Windsor, Nor- goologists find no suggestion of
warm vinegar, diluted with wate.r,i wich Ca I cones or of what is,called "Kimber- I
I is l,, . ) rnarvon, Dublin, and Ed- . �
I I . if file vinegar is very strong. .Lh !was the unhappy lot -of Jeremiah T-UNDALISM nin, i -N FR j�N cE, -debte4diless of a -company -clegiring inburgh, �
I 17FATS. . I ley formation" -nothing, in fact, �
I . to bear the reproach of being re- -_ to borrow money on a Inartgagie. The following is a list of func- that will warrant them in giving an I .
Jellied. Loaf. -Two - 1p.ou;l-is- cil I I a I . . �
is not a permanent relief, but, cer- I , rded &s a traitor, preaching sur- Railways, RefuSal to Take ack In short, it could not have loe"en tions the -King has attended d as to the orgin of these I
I I veal shank, two pounds of boiling' tainly will knpr�-)ve the appearance � � B I uring opinion � . I
! of the garmerit for a time. � render because he knew that, conalm 311ell the Cause. 1built unless the, King anti Parlia- the season: -Four Councils, three travelling gems. The general opin- .
. be -4 Cook until tender, S r�.7 e I tinued resistance. meant, but a iment had undertaken it. , I
, . I - balls, Joii, ne
� .; cooked. 'feeble attempt to escape the cer- : .
�, liquor in which mext i, i Black gaudt�-, e2pecially when A great wave of vandalism . ap- courts, two levees, three, vertheless, is that the pre-
. ithey become aggeil, take on a gray-! ,parently has been growing Since , Then, too, if a miller wished to thirteen reviews five theatres, five vaiting sonth-west winds bring thel
� . One-half dolze,a hard boiled, leg,Ig,z.!i,li-1Iu6. , tain decree ol Jehovah. He leaves 1 �'build- a. flour mill requiring a large race meetini
`,, This defect can be reme-. ! the railway ,strike. Incited by .us, f�lllr garden diamonds from the sea, and scien-
I re- I � & parties,
, I
11.1. Put, through meat, ch(jpper. Put died bzv clean-szing the piece thor-Ino prop to support the waahag i volutionary labor newspapers, h amount- Of capital, he wouid liave three investitures, 6 banquets. Be- tists do not dispute this theory.
, I � I meat through chopper also, then i oughly with alcohol. The fluid does 1 king and people: dreds of Ana, t, "_ I ha'd either to have put up. the sides this hellas presented colors The discovery of diamonds in
� f�calson b-oth meat ancl ev richiSt-Millded ci izenz I n�Iniey himself or taken in some to ten regiments, has opened two DEmaralaild, so far as the white- I
� I I
. ' ,gs will I not injure black crepe and. is � Pharaoh's army, 'beir last cher- I seem to be awaiting only a chanco; - �
� I # ,with salt, peipper an,d mm-tard, if 1 especially good wilen. uS ished refuge, was to return to i to cut wires, stall traillis and cause 4 partners. He could not have taken Public buildings, and laid founda- mail is concerned, was first Inado, I _1�f_
Kfei;-ircd. Pla,ce laye'T of meat in I � Egypt ,- the dreaded Chaldeans 1: the Government and the railroa , . wo
11.� " I bla&c hats. I ds 1 in many, for it would have been tion and memorial stones. On t about twenty miles south of Lud-
I a. short time to comelJile greatest possible annoN I utnder edals-to erit he principal port of'
squaxe granite pan, tlien the pre- 1 Never add ham, baevil or zm(lked - were In f yance. itoo eumbersome, the old occasions he presented in zbuclit, t
, pared eggs. then the remabiderof ., meats to the �itov_-: pot, that is i-,-: again; they were 'to lky the des, -'For more than a month newspapers laws.. Moreover, the idea of ,llr�eight seamen and to colonial and German South-west Africa, whence
I the meat, tbeiii pour .over all the perate city under sdege once more,'have had daily reports of serious.joint stock,companies, had not been Iii,cliall, troops. I � the Government is building a rail-
� . liquor fr.o,,m the, meat. If the wea- I t�-aded for soups. Cook these left- i 'With all the horrors of pestilence I acts of vandalism. Occasionall .a t - It is estimated that aboiit 10,000 road across to Rectmanshoop � to,
. civer by themselves and use the y holl-lit of.
! I lther is, very -warm a. little gelatin and famine, and then. havin- tak- train wreck is traceable to this -\, 0 persons halve been presented to the connect with the proposed road in
I., ibroth for vornato Soups, sailees -or, * . C, cause, a w-a-d-ays, how -ever, it is quite King within the last month,, and the British Bechuanaland that will tap� *
. - 'Slies as com- � en. the c5ty, they were to burn it i 'markets of Kimberley land Jo-
. �, andl such d- diffLreut. .Lawyers have learlied
1, Iwill help to make the loaf firme'r- i omelet, nd in numerous instances 'o
Very nice for an informal lunch- !Avith fire (8). That was the Pro I number Of .addresses received has the
Jbine well with the Smoked meat. _ I disasters have been barelv averted. that mortgages call be Subdivided been legion. hannesburg. Here a native, who
1. con or Sunda -y �ur.pe-r, as this di I . rphet's emphatic an-swer to the re- IThese, manifeq,tations of � qual parts, ea.ch part as &a,-, When in Ireland, his I
I :
;'' V sn I flavors I i hatred are thought to be largely' _in� had -svorked in -the diamond mines
., , ima. be, preparcid the day previous I A ,c�ld laml:� loaf is deli�-iuus I quest of the distracted king. owing to the refusal of tie rail- ,,re as t -he whole, and hivolving:,day" begaii at 10'a.m., an " er of Kimberley and had been impres- I
. 'l.."..— I e �"",c'en' . I I .
i I to serving. " 10. There remained but woundeld dis ' 4 his ally lasted until midnight. He has sed into the service by the-, 'I
1, I when glazed with mspic jelly and, roads to re -.employ the men _ nol i eryl great expense. In
- . ' r
I Meat Sauce.-BlImmer Damson Ide,curated with triangles cl green � meii-Soldiers thrust through with �1 in , railroad can mortgage been twico at the Crystal Palace- builders, on big retur� 1ome Pie -e . - I .ff :
charged following the strike. The 0 P so
1 sword and spear. So inevitable 1 it. -:t property, just as An ordinary
_ I plums till tender, so 'stoyles "T;1I i mint jelly and a fe.w. ispare sprays 4 general labor situation is un,doubt- when he opened it on May i2, and 'Lip .!ll
; ,
I I I . .0iP ,out. To ,each pound of Pulp !of fresh mint. The mint, of course, � w -ere the -decrees of Jehovah t.iat, ledly also responsible. As typical Individual can. But the railroad, when the party was given to 100,- TWO OR THREE CRYSTALS I ,
�11'. add a half cup -of sugar, Put half i - � I � even with the Chaldean arniv re ' f ' 000 children on June 30. -1-N,
I Is not inten-ded to be eaten, but, � - 1 o the conditions prevailing�, 4,11e � in,,,,zead of one mortgage-, ca i
. . . � ill is- '%�,
�-, 11 011111ce ,each of cinnamoyr, cloves, I only to tempt ,the appetite by its � duced - to a fragmen r. of mutilated � f ollowing depredations reporodl I slue, foi ;IX -S hui,:j., indebted-aeo,3 Ill The King witnessed the. Naval froin, the sand and took them to a, "
I- ' "
: , i . in erlers'since July 24 may be cited. A I - station master with the information
ipind mace in ban, wild drop thiss in. Idelicious fragrance. eii, the Jew-� would be pow and Military Tournament on May
I 0 fo .clany large inimber of ,Onall mortgages, .
I Cook all thick as. jam. be re them. I that they were diamoiids. ' The sta- 11
,� . If water be of littIv use when I of the minor affairs are not made running f 1,1il -$I 01) ap id: $5, 000 (or, 10, and the same evening was pre-
. . tion master ridiculed the idea, but, I�
; cleaning lamp chimneys which 1 12, To receive his portion there,, public:- in f act, any ani-ount) in face rala.e. sent at the ,dinner and State ball �
,. . . BREAD. �-In the land of Benjamin was his Rouen -Block lights ,Stolen at Buckingham Palace. eventually sent the stones to Cape �.
I I have b"%,_�.e very much blackened I and These small mortgages are called Town, where experts pronounced �. �
1, I 1 native village, Anathoth. Jer, the- telescoping of two passenger bonds. Most bonds. oo , a ii. ___+_ ,'I
,. Good Brea-d.-.A,t noun boil tNvn with Emuke, the experiment shoul'i . fit i on them to be gems of the purest wa- ,
. . i miah's purpo2le in going there was 1 trains on a stone viaduct narrowly A
)potatoes; ppur the water from the be tried of mixing a little, spirits t � their face a copy of the-mortga.ge, TWENTIT-TWO BATTLESHIP& ter. � r
�. . I �
. I �1
i s his p-)rtion of prope-rty � of . whi-h they form a part, and . "
� l- potatoem on two rounded table- of wine with the, water. This. will f - averted; switchman arrested. It may safely be asserted that 1�
�, �spoons, Of sugar and oile that vicinity. He knew the.out- � Ha'"e-Cross-channels cable to -_
. of salt; i remove the, grea-e wilich L- con- � in . 'England cut. are personally signed. by, the nec- I Britaill Will Have a Sironger Fleet f ew- contrabrand gems have left
- � come of the sicge, and was anxi-' essary officer- of the railroad. Most Darnaraland -since the Government 1.11
,, I . add the potatoes, mash fine., let, tained in the lampblack. i ! Lille -One hundred and twenty -1, lit l0he ,�Iediterrallcan.
in the mi4st' of the people� bonds, too, have attached what are .
j, I ostand until evening. DisLwlve one When a cake of soa,p is worn!"c'u"s' � five telegraph wires severed in one' assumed control of the "'fields, i
l� fres-h conilprez,sed yeast ea.kt, i i,vho were cro-widing out, of the; night. :calleld "coupons," -which are small. In view of, the l.
. . . in a nealrly thm enough to break, stick, . ' considerable ill- though they war& probably carried �ti
� L certificates of interest, which are crease in tbe strength- of the Ttal'an away in great quantities before I
a' i Bor-deaux-Telegraph poles laid I and Austrian -fliaots khe British pol, . ..
, � I little water, and, a.dd to the liquid; it to the new cake by putting bot' ,,- i ty, to provide himself with what
, ast , belonged to him. Later (see �hap J
�. -stir w.ell. TheTe should-lbe; at le in quite. warm water, then pirflsr, � - across railroad tracks, I I eut -tiff ar,ld cashe-d-at any, bank-- ice supervision became -effective. �,
� . � -one and tin -e -half quartz of the firm] ter 32) lie bald sufficie�lt money on the ,date when the interleSl, is naval forces in the Mediterranean At, Luderitzblicht and Swakop-' ,
I y tog,lether. When cold it will t Carmaux-Block system wires cut I laret to ))a largely ' - 11
I . �
� , I lliquid. In the, morning Stir and be one solid- cake. This doles away? tD Puro'J'a-se, at a round figure, a (third act of vandalism within ten due. B.o.n4s, of course, m augmented in the mund, the two ports of departure,
1, - Spring of next year, -wheA the com- all outgoing travelers are subjected .
� . � ay be is
�, I la ' Jsucd by all.1-inds of compan I )
I take oid a ! piece of lan,d, the act being in- , .
! . . pint in a M asun fruit J With Small pieces, of goal>, and � ys). -g- pletion of new Dreadnouglits ,will to a, systematic search. Not only .
'tended to ene4jurage his fellow I �a
�, �ar; set the lid. on, but, do not there is, P -i waste. Angoulenie-Freight cars uncoup- i Governme-its and munitipali ties, enable this to be -clone without
:1 I I - I
.- ocrew down., and set besid.3 ice. icounitrymen to believe in a futilre � ,did the Customs authorities re-
� I T�o not throw away tile scra
. I ps of . led, lea -ding to an accident. ,trjo, issue"hem. weakening the forces in home w -at- qilire that a passenger's bagqage A
". Mix the remaining cluart, with � cheese left ' i restoraf;on- . Bonifacio Worsica)-Dome of the 1 The- wo " I
1: . ! in the pantry, eve -I' I rd "Debenturer" is in ers. . . be sent to the wharf for examina-
� ab to u t two and, thre-e-cluarters i thulig 11, 13. In 't. .� gate of Benja-min-It autc .
gh -dried- and. seemingly ,.,e_ i I 2mativ lighthouse unmounted. 1 many caseF, itsed in reference to Eight- battleships. o'f' the Dread- tion thr I
� . -ate them and sprinkle over, fontpelier-Heavy stones placcol bonds. Strictly speakin ' how- nou I . ee. days before the depart-
� quaTts of good bread flour wa!,,t'l.c.,�,,�.. Gi , was fill. the north Side of the city, �
�. one tablespoon of lard; let. ra*ise I i and led through the territory �f! on the tra0o,, 19, . ght type are now in full . cOm- ure of the boa',t by which lie leaves, .
. . 6wiep. and. then amake, intu )oave% i'a d; -h of creamed pqtatoes, tr,, lae �ever, a debenture is a promissary mission, - these constitute' the but a tnorough search is. mad -e of - h
I First Division of tile Home Fleet. his person and clothing before he I
�L,� �,,at in a ]lot oven till a dc�)icate!Benja - -aiin to that of Ephraim. Thai To ul ouse--,% rmy -,ergeant arrest-inote not seclilired by a mortgrtge. �.
tai, n ,e .
le a: f . n was on the vrateh at ,,bis � ed on a charge of cl�tti g III ) k 1
1 liandling and working as lift! i'brown, 'or serve with the dis J. 1,car, . . There are as 'yet -no Dreadnoughtg goes o4 board. . .
h 'They, like the bonds, are divided I
, ipotsjbtle.. When baking agaun� sta-t ',,Macaroni a,l%d tomato Sauce. I point. for any wb,.) might attempt t,) ivires. ( . t.,) small amun.-its, and are issued j,n the Second Division,. which .1 . . I
t: ! .
�., as at fli,vtl, with two pota�oes, sti- 1 ! pg�ss out that way. There had be.,-. n : Caeri--Wires severed. consists Tor th --0-0 I . i�
ll. I . . ,t as a ma ,
, , —.7.4— , I . 'f i I IfIrIll, Mon ey borrowed .. jus, , a time being of the . � it!.,
- ,
�, ., goir, and sall'o, at night add, yeast I Ma1v desart",�klls to the ranks o � Renne-ii-St4ines placed on the I ' n two 16,600 -ton Lord Nelsong and . , I
� . . . .
.. I track. igives hN note to a bank -when box- ERMONS. `
fovexl in the jar; in the murnill- � , 10�,_-, Chal-dlearns. (Jer, 33s. 13), the . , six 16,350 -ton ships of the King Ed- ,SENTENCE S 'I', -,
�: . 31A'�N'y "J)O'N'T'S FOR P('PILS,� i St. Etierine-Cliain attached t,i'r')'w'iD`- - �j
k4ir and; tak '�' I - - ; predictic.-is of the � �
e ,., e- out a Ijint as at fir.,:tt 1" . .prophet being irl ! " " -,vaxd class. con she
! !. It 1 the third ra.i. system. I Thils we ,see that bon& are If you will not hear reas. 1.
it will not be ncuo,,�xiry to litiv Sellool Children arc, GiT - . Two of the Kin- Edward --the Af- will ilap your knockles. 1�
I ",,mall ,dagres responsible dissipating . �
11" ,I ell Rilles i 110 I 1 the current and interrupting ser- * merely Mortgages, anct mortgages, rica and Commonwealtli-are al- Experience keeps a dear school , .
�.. l ,yca,A again aJl summer, and lth-el to Fight White Plague. I "Was natural that Fo conspiculous &I -, . I ,as everyone knows, are "promi . ) I
Ouread in deliciol.1s... I * " "Os rea.r �
. . . 1 figure, as Jeremiah Should ))a sus- � "cp S dy in. reserve and the King Lid- but fools will learn in no other.
I "I nillst not put mon 0 I , �
ey in . Acts (if thi% nature are op-enly en- to. pay," secured by land or some -ward VIL and New Zealand will No power, ]low great solever, call 1 . I
; y i pacted and -held, esp-cially In TIII�Av collraged 4v the Radical pre�;s. Tile -other valuable, marketable object. follow them in the next few -weeks, force men tol change their opin- I
.. Bre,ad Hint.-Brc.a.a -will keel), mouth. 1 rinust not bite its,p -)f his realti,i�ns with the king and. ' �
L.'' I . authorities profeiss to bave discov- Debentures, too, are prolp,isles, to when the Hercules and Colossus ions. �,
1�, if re�,h until itsed if it is, Kres%15-1! my schoolmate's apple. I must not 1 � his pre-Chal'Idean ubterances. �
� ,.
� I , , and covered with (laenifl) cloths I drink from any schoolmate'.. clip, Pred a secret Anarchist orgailiva- pay, but often without any se- are commissioned to take their I ��,;,
I 'Wll( I , �,
I yi -3i first taken from the oven and 1 1 mus nces were wroth wita tion, a Mafta of wreckers, with pol- ourity whatever, 4)tber than th.k,tt places in tlie Second Diision �dined with Poverty, and su ped I
i t not Ilse plV schoolmate's I n. The pr', Pride' b reakf asted with Plenty,
covere 'th th! br I Jer P , P
-LI agiin- w .� ea,d 1 pencil. must not put anythingi emiall-Thense, lemEiig men baa itical obj.cts. The Cabinet has dis- I At present 'there are on x with infancy. .
I � ' i.-I'volved ill the finitlici.al Standing iy Si
I cloths. R', --di,ould remain in the near my mouth which has been inliby this time uslirri3d inost of the cussed ineasuricFs for its supression. of the issaning coln.pany- ls.� a riv battleships in the Mediterranean. '
. I " " .The pasCisc not linchangLal;1e; it
I pans until r-oril. ,or about another persori�s mouth." cxecu�iva power. They were fierce On several occasion -.4 Sociali"t Ylews- of �tock, however, ,ire (11tite ,dif- Tliey are all of small. types, foul. I . s contained, in memory, and no-
� � � .
� I These are among the rules past- ly opposed to submisaiti. t L�Y: -
- . Q 0 Bo ,. I Papers have been f ound where the fer,ent, They involve no prol,vise being ,of the, ' 14,000-toxi. Duncarl'' ing is More impressionable, less �_
. . OGRX� ed in the hacks of Schoolbooks for lon, and halted Jeremiah fur his i outrages were committed. Tile pa- on t'he* part of the issuing ,company class, armed wluli fo r 12 -inch and itn'ldepe dent, than memory, which 11
: , pupil" in the public schools at Me- advocacy of Ballloyl'oni.an rule. Per- I pers were always fo'lde�l ill one pe, t-vvelvo 6-inob glins, Tvhile the,other p �
Corn in Cmserole.-Cut the --:urn Allester, Oklahoma. . I - to repay the amount they repre- is fed and molded ceasele's�ly by our I
alwi they recalled big refer-iculiar Tnanner, and were ed ' tw,o are the 31,800 -ton Triumph mid Wind auld heart,
I ,- cl)a,-,3 s -hares �
ly� of a, System recently ir;�iiguratcd ence to them as "bag figs"' They with a cabalistic sign. sent. When you pur Swiftsure, orighially bulit for Chile As our present moral activity re- I
.. 'from the c,t,,b aild co,uk in a ve!, They are part I la ps mark
� L',
I 1i"16 millc fiv& nlinlite3; .-Ma ' I in a conipan-y you become a, part,- I I
I thin wh�kal saucco I Ice 0, by Dr. J. W. Echols, physlcl,syl at are not to be confused Nvith tbel and armed. wich four 10 -inch and laxes, the ,things 4one in the past �
,, gela�.,,oned 'well, 'the 'State p ' -.k--' ner. In the old da s, when a mail fourteen `7.0 inch. The 'total - I
. enetentiary thOre, pTilic-es uf Jehoiakim's. reign, who -ted a business, Y lie had to put , pro- .rush in ,and assail its; and woe to i
t,l in -wbich Stir tile tooked, corn, Put whereby tile Spread of tAerculolds were friendly to, the prophot, but HELPS VEN AcQuill,r,, HomEs. stall I
� I Sent displacemellt is thus 79,600 him who leaves the door of his 1-4 i
ill) all the capital himself, oi- gather tons, and the number of guns ex- heart open,for the past to -enter and . . I �
l in Small individual ca�serole,.4, or is to be P)Tverited among children, who d-)ubtless were now in -exile. In 'Sydney, South Australia, 0, bogictli(Ir a few partners to hell)
In one large one. Cove� top N�ith The children are organized . . 1811 actly.100, and these will be increas- , him. * *1
I I 1:� into
. , .
gu; I dominate
I Put him in prison---�Ayi evidence in of $500,000 is to. be provided him out. Now, bowever, A Corn- -ad to 180,800 tons and 144 Is ra- . � �
. fine, &',ale bread critylihs, over which "School Health Clubs,;) and each , . I
I -_ - .
list of ., I � I
I . is do"t,ed lumps cl butt-er. Brow, member is supplied with a of the t(ital lisurpati-an of author- annually bNr Parliament for the use pany requiring a million dollars to specLively. I I I I —_ . � .. .
. #n ov,wi and serve,. -don'ts which are to be pasted by.tbe pyincess. The king waa of me" wh�j desire loans to enable operate will, isslie ton thollsand When this clian,q . ' .414 . �
in llt-'� thein to build a dwelling house or ,.e ll,�s beep, car- CHAMPION BRIOXUA Y'I-,,4. , 11 .1 . i, 11 �
. .
I I Corn Q,F'74"Oks�(�-j-ats ra,w corn 'I'llf"ll"OOks- I re,duced to. abject, pa,ssivily when to enlarge one already in their pos- shares, each'represonting one ten- ried out, there will be in reserve.., I - .... i, .
�frotn aub�,. To nna cupful o,f pulp -_—_4,4_4_ . ,inen coidd proceed in this high- . , or to discharge mortgages thous,andiffi partof thepropriel6or- in home waters two 15,000 ip.1 Thomas Gagne, ot M.-�iiti..eal, - ''i
I '19SI111 �
� -harided, way collittrary to his will '-� . . . ���
. . .
. add: one ogg -.r-ell bleaten, and lonel. Man i, . , hip, of the. collipany-that,is, a $ioo of the Formi ' cliawpionsbip .;A the %� .;
1 ,4 alone, Sol,, 8 claims the
� ;. on this (c,,Mpaxe the pitiful note in " their homes. The law requires . dable class, five* 14,,000- . i 11
I Iter cuph I of bour, Season . ary tip Jar. "�at thos . A. Thsseproprieburs (which tofi ships of the Duncan type, Six 'ol.).d , b i '" ' ' In a, ,day of �', �.,
. JCJua t .e wbo, belleft by 0114 F1111d. Inte'l-w . 81 ' at Ack1dyihg'. I 1.
I planet, and ami-cl all 6e forms Of 38. 15). ,,,ball earn four-fiftlis of their''in- the ,shareholders actually are),ban- 12,950 -ton Albi,ons, and nine 14,900- wne hours .0 Montreal he laid lo � .
� , highly 'wit!) salt zn,d pepper. 'Dr -OP life that ,itirround him, not one, ex- 16. Tbe cclls---A vaillbed recess a, w0l eight hiches thkk anti 50 , . ; '
8 I the repayrnent of the t011 , 1.
1�,v` P,�,bnfpls r�ii a hot, we:l'greml!.�,ed copt, the' d " has* 'made "alli rome,�Y "actual personal exer- not dernapA Majestics-a total of twenty- 1;
,_pgrkWl,a ror,til bi:owi4o I O& a,poe, 69 a'1.,p&.,5,S&gge '),r room." 1�xeava- titin" and that they gballl not ll�,ve Tnonoy they, have putAnto the com- . two battleships. I . feet�jong, 6,218 bricks, In a wall 16, , 1; ... 11
, ,
" I . .111. lie; sido with him. Soni -e, ,creature&, fear it' I I . . . � . � , ::,
, , ,�4, o n cl, , i . ,4) -Lion.S in X-erturalem ha,ve revealed I iiielvis thick an,,L:.5Grf6et
, , JO)ag bi,
s r
'are. it . S, not ope, loves ils-ll- 1. I . ,l .1 . . I I 'yealt% .., ,��, ... .1 1.� _P1f_lmallllimlm_ . ,_, 1 11 I � ,,�
I , : turn and "brcron on th'd obhe'i' rzidpi- m4r) R7t i I ' ' an i come over $i,boo a ,Pany ally more than.an ov4dinary � . I - 11� I
f * .;n I . - -inarny -i�an ' ' * t,'inf�q * , Id - 1� Cor(.4 i,1L 70M bricks. Ili- 4 20
� e -r covii is ,not al.� -�,,", I , subteryw cis e a) . I � - wall , ,r
. I —.14 . tramf mS ., , � � ,
r. , , . . . . cerny ,or' all thjji� - 0 ick � aba- 56: fieflj'onj 11 �'.61'41 - r _." , .
ley t6t� ''.", � I his' hcf6n.q�, "�in , it' ' " �, g
� .r Nv h n yo,i, . a , pf the 'dogg 4 I Tooms of variolu. ' frinds, sii,p — N%Aner 'curf' , -demahkI ' .1 J I 1liolics , "
vw.e , I S � I , parted', In. t ack fr<5t.n his, othor'pattaerq.in A Thd greatest fault, if it Is -avol( ed 9,01-1 -i&8�., -This -6rk� 4 says,
'et as you .W.i�,4h lib to bo, to eat — _.. I - ___1 . 1. , I be, , affairs, of 'this lworld-' men' b
. — by pill 11 . .. - . 11 ,� �
I I rr.,om tile eob� I I ars, arlo saved not by &M, - lit by be busintegg. � 11, � I to . ,w I
. I , lf" D . b I .. I �., ,-.an' opiv at- big in'�a�'Joyal kisq1"bed6,ii16'&"' 'crity, -,Oraq "TwOVO4"by a ,. litect5 an4l . . � I ,
, I . - 4p_ 1 � " I � ., 1. . 1),
. � �aoney out by se are, in more beautiful a in' I 1,
! ; 2 11 ISSUE 32-1t,'l, 17. The king 'asked him seeretly want of it., : t , tha : I 11 I V th '' '?'._"�l �
r I . I . . . . 411ing his I I nocence. coutract6ra. , ,r , ..
I I . I _1 � I I
� I I � I . . 11 � . I I �, .1 � _
I �Cr, ` J I 1�
L.'...."o— P 14 1
__ _ 47
1 1
�`P41'c�,_`ed_� 7 ,
- I
I- 0,I
` I
- II
` I
" . I
, I
i �,
. I
I .
I I I I " . I I
� I 11
. .
k I I I I 1* I �, � � I
I � � I I - .
I I 1� � � , . 11 I I � . � Admddbk- - I __ . I I I � I - �,.,",!
11 11 . 1 416 1 .. .1 �, 1. . I 1�', ��! . 11 �
I � � . 1. . � I, I . . . �, . I . � . I . . r I I , �
I . . I I . ; I I 1. : .1 . I I : �
L, I , . . . . � , - . . I , , ��� 11
� .... .. . _� ... __. ,�!_: - ___ ..... .. �'... - , . �, 1_11- I I.I.." I �� , 4�l L�MNW44110ft I I I I I , , ,� .. - " � . I .
., �
__ � , � I I I I 11 . 11 I . -11 Ii.. - I I `�I" ' �'� ' �"lill.111.X.I.iIW4JL'�L'�—'�ll.. IL ' �&'�, r , �