HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-05-06, Page 14PAGE 14-GoDER1Cu SIGNALSTAR, WEDNESDAY, MAY 8,1 1 Tact87c Country CLASSIFIED ANT ASS CLASSIFICATIONS 1 Articles for sale 2 Yard sale 3 Gorage sole 4 Antiques for sole 5 -Cars-or-sale 6 Trucks for sale 7 R V s for sole 8 Marine 9 Automotive 10 Pets for sale -1.1 Livestock for sale 12 Real estate for sole 13 Mobilo homes 14 Recreational properties 15 Out of town properties. 16. For rent t l' Apartments for-r-errt• 18 Houses for rent 19 Rooms for rent 20. Room & board 21 Cottages for rent, 22. lots for rent 23. -Commercial property for rent 24. Wonted to rent 25. Wanted to buy 26. Help wonted 27. Wanted (general) 28 "Business opportunity . 29 Tenders 30. Employment wonted 31 Service directory 32 Custom work 33. Farm services 34 Personal 35 Notice to creditors • 36. Announcements. notices 37 Mortgages 38. Auction sale 39. Educational 40.'lbst 8 Found' 41 To give away 42. Death notice 43. Miscellaneous' 44. Engagements 45. Marriages 46 In Memoriam - • 47. Card of thanks 1., Articles for sale+. SINGER - For authorized sales and service, sewing machines, vaaium cleaners, parts and notions, service to all makes, and machine rentals. We also do alterations and install zippers. Gen's Sewing Centre, now located at 106 The Square, Goderich, .524- 8431.-ltfar AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes mist, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available . at Hoffineyer Plumbing and Heating, Kingston Street, Goderich.-itfar TWO-PIECE outfit, skirt with matching short -sleeved top, size 1748, blue, excellent condition, $20:00. Phone 524- 67a1 after,5:30 p.m. weekdays, anytime on weekend. --14 dna CAMP -OUT TRAILERS Hwy. 8 west, Stratford, ' 393.5938, Your headquarters for +Hardtop tent trailers -+Travel Trailers - from lightweights right up to park models +Truck campers and cepa.- Dealer for Prowler, Golden Falcon, Trillium, Lionel. Sales, Rentals; Parts, Svice.--14-?& HIGH MOISTURE , corn. Phone 529.7191.-18 14"' BLACK and white Zenith TV, price $50.00; old style bathtub, white, $50.00, Both in good condition. Phone 524.8857 after 5 p.m. -18 200 GALLON oil tank: Phone 524-2429.---18 SEWING. MACHINES - Singer, White and other models. Repairs to all makes: All machines ' and repairs' guaranteed. Morris Draperies, 36 West Street, Goderich, 524- 2551.--8e0war . PERFECT -1 ` GIFT Good quality monogrammed towels, personalized fo your specifilcations. Reason- able prices. Le Trousseau 73 Hamilton St;, Goderich Phone 524.2448 1, Articles for sale 'FRIGIDAIRE 30" Coppertone stove and matching two door refrigerator, both in excellent condition. Phone 524- 6697.-18,19 JAYCO HARDTOP trpiler, inside -outside stove, ice, box, sleeps six, excellent condition. Phone 524-9565.-18,19 19 FT. GREW with canvas top with S.horelander boat trailer. Hardtop camper, like new, sleeps eight, also with add -a - room. Features 3 way fridge and propane stove. Phone 524- 8570.-18,19 ONE CHESS COMPUTER. Fidelity Electronics Sensor 8, almost new, regularly $374.00 (tax included) in Sears catalogue, only $290.00. Phone 524-4454.-18 PAINT FOR SALE - High gloss black, orange, green and white. Quantity of steel shelving. Phone 524-8602 or shop 27 Pic ton St. E.,' Goderich.-18 OSTOMY SUPPLIES and appliances. Rieck 'IDA Pharmacy, 14 , Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524- 72241.-ltfar SICK ROOM SUPPLIES, patient , aids, support 'gar- ments, convalescent products; etc.. Rieck Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524.7241.-itfar MOTHER'S DAY handcrafted gifts made in Goderich. Solid hardwood plant stands especially suitable for violets; bowls, candle lamps etc. Phone 524.6993.-18 WALLPAPER 20 % OFF MANUFACTURER'S SUGGESTED PRICE IN STOCK WALLPAPER 40 % OFF Le Trousseau 73 Hamilton St„ Goderich Phone 524-2448 Specially Priced 5 PIECE SKLAR SECTIONAL LIVINGROOM SUITE 100% nylon co,er, high back, 2. end units, 1 corner unit, 2 tingle units. ON DISPLAY IN OUR SHOW WINDOW BLACKSTONE FURNITURE et Goderich West Stre SAVE 50° EACH WEEK* off the regular price of ,a word classified ad *For up to two consecutive issues, you can save 50' each week you advertise when you pay within. seven dans of billing. Check your bill for savings 524-8331 Office hours: Mon. -Fri., 11:30-S G`oderich= SIGNAL -STAR officeloiaiei on Hwy. 21 S., Goderich 1. Articles for sale TWO-PIECE Paris Star outfit, skirt with matching short - sleeved sweater, blue, size 16, $20.00; short -sleeved white blouse, cowl neckline, size 12, $5.00. All items in excellent condition. Phone 524-6753 after 5:30 p.m. weekdays, anytime on weekend,-14tfnx DELICIOUS apples from your own back yard. Dwarf apple trees for the gardener and commercial grower. Variety - Red. Delicious, Empire Spartan, Ida Red, Golden Delicious. , Guaranteed to grow; Price $6.50 each. Order today. Send to Monta Arbre Farms Inc., R.R.1 Burgessville, N0J 1C0. Phone (519)424-9178.-18b.c. DRY IT! SAVE IT! Drying fresh summer food in an Equi - Flow Dehydrator is the most nutritious and economlcal way of preserving. Write now for information on home drying:' House By The School Ltd., Box 286, "Vineland; Ontario, LOR 2C0. Dealer inquiries in- vited .-18b, c. ROCK PICKERS: Rock -0 Matic models 546, 5' pick-up, medium dump; model 57, 7'. pickup, high dump; model HDW5, 20' pick-up, high dump, Windrowers models TM 20, 20' Width, TM12 - 12' 'width. Contact your Ideal farm equipment dealer for prices. Distributed in Ontario by L. E. Seeley, F'lesherton, .Ontario, NOC 1E0. Phone (519)922- 2389.-18b.c. TRUCK TOPPER with. camper insert, full width bed, two burner,propane stove, ice box, sink and storage space. Fits all 6' x 8' pickup, trucks. Boy's brown, three piece suit, size 16, complete with shirt, tie and shoes, size 6. Outfit worn twice. Pair black Bauer roller skates, size '6. Call 524-6533' after 5p.m, please. -18x 1979 HONDA CR 125 motor- cycle, good condition,, many new parts and runs very well. Phone 524-8014.-18,19x CEDAR POSTS, 5" to 6" tops, $3.50 each. Braces $2.00 each. Anchors $8.00 each. Tamarac logs. Phone 395-5305, ask for Steve, -18,19 . THE BENMILLER PLANT FARM We offer gardeners the • largest selection of top quality . flower & vegetable. BOX PLANTS GERANIUMS PERENNIALS GARDEN NOVELTIES ETEC., ETC. AR at low grower to gardener prices. We are open: M0N.-FRI.12:30-4 p.m. SAY. & SUN. 10 a.m.-6 Sm. ur greenhouse is located 100 yards down- stream from the large Benmlller bridge. 1101110 ‘110 NEW -USED NISHIIEI-CCM NORCO MCTOBECANE Parts and Accessories GODERICH CYCLERY "your small, one -Stop Bicycle Shop" se An.. lesita.S1. 554.2000 1, Articles for sale ONAN 3 -kilowatt generator, 110 and 220 volts. Like new. 7 h.p, motor driven. Phone 524- 6375.-18,19 1979 KAWASAKI, 200 motorcycle, in like new con- dition. • No repairs needed, •safetied, all set to go. Phone 524-2368,-1.7,18 1979 ARCTIC CAT Lynx, very low mileage, excellent shape. Best offer. Call 524-2611, 9 a,m. -511a-11,-17,18 PAIR OF BR78, 13 inch steel belted whitewall radial tires mounted on Toyota rims, excellent tread. Phone 524- 2368,-17,18 WEBCOR 12 inch black and white portable TV, in excellent condition; also Sylvania sun lamp; push lawnmower, seldom ' used, needs minor repair - as is $15.00. Phone 524- 2368,-17,18 MAN'S, OR LADY'S 10 speed 'bicycle,' only two years old, well maintained, rode very little, made by Niski, $90.00 or best offer. Complete set of weights, barbells etc,, weight bench with leg lift, make an offer. Four M.A.G. runs TRX with Michelin racing tires, no winter driving, were on 1980 Capri. Phone 524-2980 after.6 p.m. -18x ONE BOLENS riding garden tractor with full set of im- plements and blade; also engine for MG car, low miles. Call 524-8389, ask for Steve. -18 NEW SMALL foundry furnace, gas fired, complete. Phone 524- 7632.-18tf A WALL CABINET, $150.00; some baby items, car seat, $15,00; bath change. table, $25.00, etc. Phone 524-6644.-18 TWO BANK TELLER metal cash drawers, double locks great for home securities. Two tables - 40" high x 25" wide x 60" long, square aluminum legs, wood arborite tops. Four glass showcases, one wrap-up counter, 3 x 8' wall sections, sliding glass doors, all hard- ware and glass shelves. Make an offer. Phone 482-7054.-18ar ROTOTILLER - like new, 4 cycle, Briggs &Stratton, chain driven,. reverse gears, ex- tension tines. Call 482-7551 after 6 p.m, or 482-7045.-18 See up for delicious HOPPER FED. TENDER LEAN BEEF ry CUT, WRAPPED AND NICK fIIOZEN FOR YOUR FREEZER, FREE also 1/2 & Whole Pork LB. 88 For after hour service call Sandy Brown 529- 7542. JEAN'S MEAT MARKET 65 Hamilton St. 524.4692 P VANASTRA HOME FURNISHINGS 2 miles south of Clinton l !S! on Highway No. 4 '5. *NEW OR USED HOME FURNISHINGS *APPLIANCES *LAWN ! ORNAMENTS • Open 6 Days A'Wefek 482-79'22 ..-,.t.�..... �..�......' 1. Articles for sale SOFA BED, light brown, leather trim; matching coffee and end tables, all in good condition. Phone 5249159.-18 ENTERPRISE wood and coal stove with reservoir, all in good condition., $300.00. Phone 529-7777,-18 TRY C & E FURNITURE, new and used. Dia1524-7231.- Itfar ESSO - Ultimatic oil, forced air furnace, 120,000 B.T.U., eight years old; OLSEN Duo -Matic oil, forced air furnace, 114,000 B.T.U., used one winter. Apply WorseU Bros. Ltd. Phone 524- 7952. -Btf MAN'S THREE piece suit, light blue, size 38 tall. in ex eel/lent condition. Phone 529- 7132.-15tfnx • 12 H.P, MASSEY tractor, hydra -drive, 3 blade mower, Dozer blade. Like new con- dition. $1,800.00 or offers. Will take trade. Phone 529- 7314.=17 ,18 MIXED HAY bales, 80c; straw bales, 40c. Phone 529- 7517.-17,18 "MAT KIla1G'>heavy roaster cockerels, day old to two weeks, available April, May_ and June. Call McRin'ley Hatchery,•1-800.265-8536.00rder today, and put meat on y'bur table this fall: -13-24 1973 SUZUKI 400, dirt bike, good condition, $450.00. Insulated and panelled aluminum truck cap, asking $275.00. Phone 526.7283,-17,18 1977 FORD PiCKUP, cer- tified; bus with vertical siding; electric'lawnmower; new 32" book cabinet. Cali 528- 3234after 9p.m.-17,18 ORNAMENTAJ trees' and shrubs, seeding and sodding, lockstone and .timber. Call Huron Landscaping, Lucknow 529-7247.-17-24ar 1977 HONDA 550 K, asking. 51,200.00. Phone 524-6960 after 5 p.m .7,17,18 ONE GESTETNER model 320 stencil duplicator and sup- plies. Phone 524-2641 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. week- days. -17,18 HARDiNG hard twist carpet, aqua color, 18 feet x 11 feet with felt underlay; brass fireplace screen; portable bar. Pihone 524-7669. --17,18 COMPLETE SET' of World Book Encyclopedia. with stand and Syco teacher, price $125.00 or best offer, Phone 524-7293 after 4 p.m. -17,18 OVEN READY year old roosters, 7-11 pounds, $5.00 each. Hens, 5-8 pounds,' $3.50 each. Also smoked chicken. Phone 529-7373,-17-19nx INSULATED CAMPER, screen windows and door. 120 volt - lights. Fully . panelled inside. Phone 529-7373.-17- 19nx 1974 ASTRE for sale, as is. 17 ft. Rocket trailer. 16 ft. boat, trailer and motor. Phone 524- .8617.-18,19 -COMPLETE ten gallon aquarium, set up, one year old, new condition. Originally $95.00, selling price $50.00. 524- 2477 .-18x 24- 2477.-18x - 15 CU. FT. WOODS freezer: '21" color TV; 22" gas stove. Phone 524-2531 after 9 p.m. -18,19 SOLiD WOOD bedroom suite complete with mirror, vanity and stool, large dresser with mirror, double bed with new mattress, one night table. Older model in good condition. 8200.00 or best offer. Also, matching dresser with mirror and four drawer chest in good condition. 8140.00 or best offer. Phone 565-5343.-18 BELARUS 500 special 2 wheel drive tractor with only 310 hrs. One set of Kraus 10 ft. Hydraulic Wheel Disc. One Heavy Duty Singer Auger 6 ft. 4 in. Snow blower. Phone 524- 4308.-18,1905 - -- DELUXE Gendron baby buggy, complete with car bed, stroller, parcel tray and sun canopy. Excellent condition, $50.00 firm. Phone 524- 6098.-.1s 19711 YAMAHA XS 400, ex- cellent condition, mag wheels, new rear tire, 51,296.00. Phone 5244452.-18,19 1. Articles -for sale TWO TIRES and tubes on open rims. 6 ply 3T 14.9 x 24, 14.00 x 24 Firestone nylon. Asking $75.00 each. Phone 529- 7962.-18 HORSE BUGGY and brass studded saddle. Also a small • camping trailer:. Phone 526- 7719.-18tfnx NEW SOFA bed, double size, never used, brown tweed. Cost $190.00, will sell for $60.00, Phone 524-9906.-18 ONTARIO GROWN tomatoes, English cucumbers and potatoes, coming soon asparagus. Evans' Farm };Market, 2 miles north of Bayfield. Phone 482-7562.-18 ONE REGISTERED, stan- dardbred, twd-year-old Gelding, sire of Way Kid and Dam Brenda Hope, Phone 526- 7589.-18 1977' HARL1 Y Davidson Sportster, 1000 c.c., black, electric start, excellent con- dition. Phone 524-7850 after 5:30 p.m. -18 SPACE SAVER, gold color vinyl; armchair; 3 shelf utility table; adds and ends. Phone 524-2868.--18 ALUMINUM truck' top, in- sulated, to fit Chev or, Ford half ton. Asking $275.00 or best offer. Artificial fireplace with built-in electric heater, asking $80.00 or best offer. Phone 524- 4530.-18,19 . WEDDING STATIONERY - large attractive variety to choose from.- prompt service! Drop in and see them at the Signal -Star office located on the Bayfield Road. 2. Yard Sale FOUR FAMILIES at .152 - Wellington Street' South, Friday, May 8th, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., Saturday, May 9th, 10. a.m. to 3 p.m. Fridge, stove, windows, bicycle, scaffolding2 sections, 60 amp service, baby and household items, knickknacks; children's games, etc. -17,18 YARD SALE - Monday, May 18th, St. Mary's School, Bennett Street. Goderich, 10 a.m-18,19x YARD SALE in • Saltford, Saturday, May 9th,. 1 p.m., watch for. sign. Three families. Books, puzzles, toys, children's and adults' clothing, dishes and miscellaneous items., Rain date Saturday, May 16th. -18 NEIGHBORHOOD Yard Sale - Saturday, May 16 (Monday, May 18, rain date), Suncoast Dr. between Oak and Comox. Don't miss this one, 10:00 to 3:00.-18,19 AT 88 ELIZABETH Street,. Goderich, on Saturday, May 9, starting at 10 a.m. Many items of interest including good cabinet stereo. -18 4. Antiques for sale WINCHESTER Com- memoratives: Sask. and Alberta Diamond Jubilee, RCMP, Klondikes, Calgary Stampede, LBH, , etc. AR Com memora fives available. Pete's,'Commemoratives, 1839 Cathy Avenue, Kelowna, B.C. V1 X 4K4. (604)765-0350.-18b.c., 5. Cars for sale 1976 HORNET X, 6 cylinder, good condition, 47,000 miles. 82,200.00 or best offer. Call 529- 7421.- 18,19 ---`--- - - -- 1978 DELTA 88, Oldsmobile,- exceptional ldsmobile;exceptional condition. Phone Lucknow 1-396-5558.-18-- 1976 CUSTOM CePrice, power seats, thermostatically con- trolled heat and air con- ditioner, 82,000.00 or reasonable offer. 5244%13.- 18 1971 VOLKSWAGEN, 53,000 miles, good condition, safetied last fall. Selling as is. Phone 524-637 5. 18,19 6. Trucks for sale 1974 GMC half ton pickup. VB standard transmission. Fiberglas; • topper, oversize tires with white spoke wheels, low mileage, body in good condition. 82,299.00 certified. Phone 524-2888.- 18ar 6. Trucks,:for sale 1971 FORD half ton pickup truck, running order, $200.00. Phone 524-8482.-18 1980 CHEV pickup, 6 cyl-std. Power steering, power brakes, radio, rear bumper, heavy duty suspension. Phone 482- '3257.-18,19 82- '3257.-18,19 7. R.V,.'s for sale TRAVEL TRAILER, 1975, foot, fully self contained, roll up awning and TV aerial, $4,200.00. Can be seen at Kitchigami Trailer. Park. Phone 524-4165.-17,18 1978 PROWLER TRAILER, 23', sleeps nine, centre layout, bathroom, completely self- contained. Phone 523- 4359.-17,18 1975 LA SALLE travel trailer, 30 foot, like new; complete with furnishings. Call 524- 8441.-17tf 1973 WINNEBAGU, excellent condition, low mileage, cer- tified. Call 524-6073 or 524- 6736.-18,19 BON AIR hardtap camper, sleeps six, has all options, used only twice: Phone 5524.6417 after 5 p.m. -18 8. Marine O'DAY DAYSAILER, seventeen foot, fiberglas hull, dacron main jib and genoa, plus motor, trailer, anchor, ,cushions. 'Excellent condition. Peter Collier, 524-8816.-14-18 CANOES FOR • SALE - cedarstrip, fiberglas or kevlar, pleasure or racing models. Built by hand lay-up in our oWn shop. Choose a stock model, 15' to 18'6" or let us build to your specifications. Cowan Canoes, R.R.5, Brussels. To see or try out, phone Dunganoon 529- 7936.-17,18x ' MARINE FASTENINGS - stainless' brass, bronze, galvanized, Interlux 'Marine Finishers, "West" System Products, plywood and lum- ber, fiberglas cloth. John Jeffery &. Son Building Sup- plies, Goderich. Phone 524- 8171.-16eowtf FOURTEEN FOOT aluminum Springbok outboard, complete with 40 h.p. Johnson and heavy duty trailer. Gas tanks in- cluded.. $750.00. Phone 524- 8675.-18 9. Automotive - s Selling your car? Need a Safety Inspection? Coll 524-2121 Now only cAnAainn/- TiRE j $15.95 DERICH 12. Real estate for sale PRIVATE SALE - ideal retirement home with private access to Lake Huron, near Bayfield. Three years old, , cedar and stone bungalow, large deck, three bedroom, dining-liv ing room, cathedral ceilings, full basement. fireplace, extra lot. Open to offers. Phone 565-5034 after 7 p.m.- ltfnx GODERiCFI WEST END LAKEViEW, modern three bedroom hgme, large recreation mom, fireplace, attached garage. Phone 1-357- 3899. or 524.9363. 17 tf MODERN, three bedroom home, fenced yard, partially finished basement, close to park, 84(.000.00 firm ('all after 6p.m 524-46639. 17,18 NEW BRi('K ranch bungalow, 1,568 sq. ft , full basement with steel reinforcing in walls. out except broadloom thmugh kitchen, ruck Hanover cup- boards, atlacttcrl 'gi;rae. PYic'ed at $49,900 00, much below replacement Phone ('a1'e Doucette 482.3348 I8 - DEADLINES: Classified . want ads at 12 noon Tuesday. Too late to clossify ads will be ac- cepted until 4 p.m some day. WORD CLASSIFIED RATES: '3.25 min. - 22 words, 15' a word thereafter. Ire Merner4iana- 13: 5 min, plus 30' per rhymed line of verse. Cords of Thanks '3.25 m,in./25 words. 5' a word thereafter. Public Notice '15 for 3 Inserts. Notice to Creditors '25 for 3 inserts. Special rates available by 6 or 12 months, no copy change. Ask about our s,peciol discounts for prompt payment. MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. 524r8331. 13. Mobile homes. FOR 'SALE: 1977 Bendix mobile home, 14 x 70, three bedrooms, drapes, refrigerator and stove, sun - deck and storage shed in- cluded. Reasonably priced. Phone 524-7086 , after 6 p.m. --15.18 FOR SALE: Northlander mobile home 14 x 68 on leased 101 ' Unfurnished 3 bedroom, excellent condition. Best offer. Call 524-2611, 9 a.m,. - 5 ppm. -17,18 14. Recreational properties Have an inexpen- .sive holiday this summer. Rent a I,$txury motor home. For details Calls 529-7897 1111111111111111 17. Apartments for rent BEAUTIFUL, two bedroom apartment, carpeted, fridge and stove. Available April 1st. Phone days 524-8821, or evenings 524-2803.-12tf MODERN one bedroom apartment with balcony in Goderich, available May 1st. Phone 482-7081 or 527- 1315,-10tfar TWO BEDROOM apartment, ''ridge and stove included, available June 1st. $135.00 monthly. Phone 524-7365, -17tf DUPLEX in Clinton, carpeted, refrigerator, stove, $190,00 plus utilities. Phone • 529- 7949.-18 SMALL one bedroom apart- ment,with kitchen (bathroom shared). Phone 524- 2731..-18x,19tf LOOKING for person to share apartment. Call after 6 p.m, 524-4138.-18,19 BACHELOR APARTMENT Fridge and stove supplied, carpeted throughout, all utilities paid, cable T.V., alr conditioning, controlled entrance, laundry facilities avallabile. Phone 524=2200 1.6. Articles for RENTING - 27 ft. Itasca class A motor home. Air, generator, stereo. Excellent condition, sleeps six or seven. Phone 524- 8620.-17tf FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do It yourself with Deep Steam Extraction. Bluewator Cleaners 524- 623 $. 18. Houses for rent TWO BEDROOM house in Dungannon. Phone 395- 3255._ 16-19----- THREETHREE BEDROOM house for rent in Dungannon. Phone 529- 7888.-18-20 THREE BEDROOM home, double garage and large storage shed, 301 Huron Road, $225.00 per month. Phone 524- 6024,-18,19 20. Room & board . NOW AVAILABLE - Upstairs bed -sitting •room with private bath, meals included, not a nursing home. Phone Van Dammes Holiday Home 482- 3685.-1Btf 23. Commercial property for rent GROUND FLOOR, 2,000 square feet prime office space at 60 Lighthouse St. Phone 524- 271/7.- 12tf 24- 271/7.-12tf COMMERCIAL industrial building, lots of parking, on highway, centre of town.. Approximately 1,000 square feet. Phone days 524-8821, evenings 524-2803.-12tf Offices To Rent 524-8382 25. Wanted to buy CONCRETE bird bath, good , condition. Phone 524-7187,-18 APARTMENT Buildings Wanted. Major Corporate client will purchase apartment buildings or townhouse groups over 25 suites. Unlimited cash available. Contact Whitehall Realty Limited, 100 Adelaide St. West, Suite 1201, Toronto, Ontario, M5H 1S3. (416)863- b795''-18b.c. - - WANTED - One set of platform scales with two wheels and handles. Phone 524-2531 after 9 p.m. -18,19 WANTED TO BUY Wooden duck' and geese decoys. Call collect 1-337-3144 after 5 p.m. --17,18x I WOULD like tobuy%a child's spring horse. 524-6477.-18 WiLL PAY $1.00 each for 1977 Goderich trade dollars in good condition. James Brunk, 8 Elgin Avenue East, Goderich.- - - ,WANTED Old wood fur- niture regar- dless of con- dition. Phone 524-2725 26. Help wanted STUDENT for lawn and garden work. Apply to Drawer 65, c -o Signal -Star; P.O. box , 221), (hale rich; Ont. -18,19 DM('KiE DEE, the Ice Cream Bicycle People, require salespersons age 15 to 80. Plenty of fresh air and exer- cise. Contact Pat at 524-6649 anytime. 111 ---- -- DIRECTOR OF NURSES Required for small Nursing Home. Ability td manage resident tare services. Knowledge and experience in Geriatrics and Accreditation process desired. In- terested persons please submit resume to: ADMINISTRATOR C.S. fhornton Seaforih..Manor Nursing Home 100 James St. Seaforth, Ont. NOK 1000