HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-8-17, Page 1''TRIRTY-FIGHTH Y�AR-NO 1969
I I&, � A& AkL
J� AM , I Its V,40 fo
Price for complete. tredment,..
Huron & Middlesex Gazette Cole's Drag stolodft
Z V-00 per year la q04
BURNED. Exeter School Board Liberal Convention
Augustl4th. Meetirgheld in the
LricAx, August Vii -Through the ex- Town Hall at 8 p. m. ; absent H. Has, A Convention of the Liberals of
glosiOn ' Of a g4s011ne stove at her home well
JONES MAY ere about 11 O'clock this morning, ton'. The following is the order of South Uuron has been called to mee
Mrs I busIlleels duly Submitted and approv-
Wrn. 11. Downing was so severe.
ly burned that she died this afternoon ed. Per Chair minutes of previous In Hensall on Friday
at four O'clock. meeting, Reports of Committees; Re -
In the house with Mrs. Downing pairs, furnace, not yet inspected. Want
I Aug. the 18th, 11911
PHONE 32 al, No. applylug. for Normal
there was only her little son, aged 4rtnranpce 11, pass'ed 8, with honors 7; f
about six, Her clothing caught fire I I
when the stove exploded, and she ran No. for JuniQr Matriculation 11, pass- or the purpose of nominating a cand- I )r
out in the streek crying for help. ed 7. All requisites for the Science idate to contest the Riding in the
NEW FALL DRESS GOODS JUST A couple of women neighbors were Department ordered; two eight inch eouling Dominion Elections. Ton to
close at hand and came at once to her globes required, also a set of weights
ARRIVED FOR YOUR INSPECTION assistance. Dr. T. D. Orme who lives E�nd measures for Miss Kinsman's
Only acrOsd the Street, arrived at al- room, School Board
most the same time and the fire was Per S. Martin and F, Wood that the
Principles and Practice of Oral Read- Announcement
OUR New Fall Dress Goods have arrived early this year to give the early buyer soon extinguished, hub not before the Reafizt;
woman's clothing.had been burned off ing and Wrong's British Nation be
a chaace.to have their FallSuit or Dress made up right away.. We are show- her body almost from neck to feet. continued inuse as texts books in 'The Exdter 'School Board annoulaccS
ing a new range of Fancy Tweeds, Worsteds, Serges, Pan, amas, Satin Cloths, She suffered greatly before the end Form 2, the re- g of (tile H. 'S. or0ontint-
came. man that Wrong's Bri0sh Na -Von be a.. M, lyllen, '111
Broadclotbs, &c. Come and see tbp, New Goods and have an early choice. We Mr. Downing conducts - a butcher
t '!n "he Chanc
are only Per T. B, Carling and F. W. Glad- nation �07ass section for Tuesday 'Sept 17,
oo pleased to show yon, shop here, conEinued In uso in Form 3. ' students are required �o be prese.61-
Per T, B. Oarling and F. Wood that 'The alm of the Board is 'to provide
the report of the Principal be accept- , a: sound and thorough educ;ftion for
ed in f till and th a1 the congratulations the various 'walks ill life, 100mmarcial
'New Fall Underwear New Fall Staples Obituary of the board be given to the Prinei"I industrial and professional cand 'to
and staff of the H. S, section for the"' caref ullY.Itrain lrrbose under �their care
Death of w,%n Old R,,ident-The success at the recent departmental jor a good, , true, and honorable Can -
death occured On Saturday morn exams. adiall citizenship.
For Children, Ladies' and Misses. New Wrapperettes, Flannelettes, last of one of Exeter's oldest resideinr Per S. Martin and F. W. Gladman The course covered is cOmPlete for
We sell lots of Winter Underwear I I that such advertising as way be use-
inthe person of Mary Thomas,relict of Model, Normal and University VA -
Sheeting, Toweling thelateWilliam Welshatthea e r c6 a in Tto
now and our stock is just complete in Table Linens, 9 of f �il be Prepared by the Principal and t an. . SPeol I e phasis is given
83 years I month and 19days. Decea- given three insertions in the following the Commer lal Department. IS[tu-,
Kimona Cloths, Blanket Cloths, Etc. red was a daughter of Captain Thorn- . 0 . I comple'te commer-
every line, Papers: Times, Ady0cate, Expositor dcVts are "iven
as Of Penzance, Cornwall England and and Crediton Star. cialtraining. 'AS a rural High School
in 1851 was married Per T. B. Carling and S. Martin i 'to 'the. special
to Mr, William that full attention is given ,
Welsh. who deceased her on March Miss Quackenbush be engaged at a nec4s of- the f-armer and ar'Eisan.
19th. 1904. The same year they were salary of four hundred dollars per The school stands ,Governmen:t aP-
SWEEPING SALE OF ALL SUMMER GOODS married they moved to Canada set- annurn co fill the vacanc?y caused by proved" and is thoroughly equipped
tling in London where they lived for the resignation of Miss Alexander, as ko playgrounds, labara!tory needs,
m SIX Years, afterwards moving to Exe, library,and staff -
No reserve on them. -'They must all go at some price. We want the roo for the PerT. B. Carling and S. Martin The work It -as re -
ter. For the pas t two years the d e - that rred inspectoral visit of ceived full approval from both Pub -
the Board be made Friday morning, lie
New Fall Goods. Bargains in every 'department of the Summer Goods. You ceased Suffered much with heart the defe , and Vgntinq�tIon -School,
-cannot miss them. trouble and about four weeks ago was ' . M. ors . TbO. results a�r "the" J�st Depart -
and since VF�r!IaVaartiu and F. Wood that mental examinations rank the Exet-
compelled to take her bed N
that time has suffered & great deal; I the Secretary be authorized to secure er tSchool. among �the first of the Pro -
Mrs. Welsh was a member of the I an additional supply of Commercial Vince.
Methodist church and was highly re- Certificates. The iteaching- s1aff remainst 61ffi
Repp and Linen Suitings Plain and Fancy Ginghams ed by all who khew her. The Per F. Wood and T. B. Carling thsit one change, as before and foxi the Il.
=y who surviye are Mrs, W, j. all non-residen ts be required to fur- S. section is as folloWS!' "W-3-1.
Bisse nish certificates of admission at the enhammer 'B `A. Honor Graduate, of
In all colors. Regular 25c to 35c per All over 121 and 15c Ginghams to I)e tt, Of town, -Will J. of Kansas beginning of each term, ersff� and Speciauit in
OUt2 City, R. J, and J, B, of Kalamazoo; Toron!to Uni .
yard for only 15c. yajd. cleared at 10c per yard, Mrs Inksater, of Paris: Mrs, (Dr Per, S. Martin and F. W. Gladman moderns and English, has charge of
-) T, that the following payments be a the raodern languages, Higher En;
Halloway of Peterboro; and MrQ. (Dr.) P_
McDowell of Listawl most of whom proved, Times, blanks, 6.75; J, A. Ste- lish,. tBrathematics and Science. Miss
were present at the funeral service on wart, sundries, 90; S. Sanders, tele- E. 11r. Robb Fir* Class, 101asisics, Eliig-
WhiteWaists and Whitewear Faucy Silks and Foulard Tuesday afternoon. The floral tri_ grains, etc,, 1.76; W. X, Heaman acet. lish (History and Reading. )liss �I.
s 6.35
butes to the deceased were exceed' ing- IST.'campbell,- First Class, Commarch,17
All reduced to the lowest selling price. ly beautiful and required a special rig P�r T. B. Carling adjournment. andliunior work.
A few nice pieces 'left to be cleared to cOuv9V them to the cemetery. The 1. Grigg Secv. Mile 01. �3. Section is open to all
We are clearing them out fast at bar- athy of the community i� exten who (have passed the H. G. Entranor,
- Dr. Roulston intends leaving �aert and parents or guardian, . t asked rc
gain prices. out at the lowest possible prices. sdyemdtpo the sorrowing members of the q ly � ,
family. week- for I trip across the Attlaultio see that registration of students i-;
. .............. He intends visiting England France, made with the least po:sible delay.
and Switzerland before returning.An. 111or information as 'to courseS apply
announcemmEl in regard to bis office to 'the Principal. .
NEW DINNER, TEA AND TOILET SETS Death of Mrs. Richard Tfarvey-- will be' made in next weeks issue, j. GRIGG, �Sec'y-
Another Of tile early pioneers of the
Huron tract died on Thursday last in
We have just received direct from the manufacturers a large shipment of Dinner thetterson of Caroline Wakelin, relict .................. 1 ........................
of e late Richard Harvey, aged 70 + +
_.�$ets, Tea Sets and Toilet Sets. They are the cheapest goods we have ever offered +
years and 11 Toor; ths, Death was due
-some of the Toilet set'S being Hand Painti3d. to a fall which tbs, deceased received
to our customers
on July 10bb, fracturing her hip and VAR L I N Cg '01 " S +
which had since caused her a �reat + ow that August is half gone we are offering all our summer
deal of intense suffering, UP to that Dress Goods at cost price such as Mulls'Foulards and bluslins
time she had been in fairly good + +
Dinner Sets Toilet Sets Tea Sets health, and had just completed a ++ N etc.
In rich, new elesigns and colors,Some genuine Hand Painted, and A number of Real New Sets to round Of visits among her childreif.. + +
The best of quality for $6, $8, $10 all good value at $2J, $3, $1, $5 and The deceased was born in Cambridge, + + +
and $12, $6. England, and came to this country + White' Lawn Wh' I e
select from at $2J, $4 audIR5. when a child with her parents, settling + I- +
near Bowmanville, where she 'was * - Waists UndersKirts ++
married to the late Richard Harvey. + +
They resided at Tyrone for several + Regular $3,00 fOI $2.00 Regdlar .75 ++
Phone 32 Jones -May' Exete'r years when they moved to the Thames + 49 it $3 75 fOr $2
Road. On Feb. 25th, 1903, her partner + 2.7 1,85 (9 1[ -r
+ 15 (1 75
in life died, The deceased was a mem. + 2.50 1. 6o 2.50 1 - +
the James St. Methodist chur 94 (1 2.25. 1 1.60 +
ch. 2,25 1,35
She was essentially a home -keeper, cc. KEW
Locals and while a true helpmate to her late 2.CO 20 2.00 1.30 +
'ti,n husband she derived her greatest T ft� +
For ' !the report'ofthe 21atxicul pleasure in connection with li�� r-75 1.15 1,2 .89 +
r own + 5
Exams and additional locals see page family and her immediate circle of 1.50 1.05
4rx, 1 N, 1 11 , i_
. 'i friends. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey cele- ++ 1.25 89 100 -70
Miss Tillie Ball -will and [Uiss NVjl_ brated their golden wedding
con"of Hamil'ton" about +
are visilting'Af,,, R twelve years ago. T e decsa�ed was +
h 1,00 -75
Welsh and other 'rela!tives In' the mother of thirteen children , ten
town. still surviving, six girls and four boys. + +
Three sisters also suryi
,,ve, viz,: Mrs. +
Barn Burned -The. barn oil 'the fa�rm + All Corset Covers to be Cleared olit atcost
ct �;F airfield belonging to Mr. �H. E. Williams of town,
John Day- +
ton of 'town, was s'I,ruck by lightning " man of Tackersmith and Mrs John +
and burned fto the 1gro Harris of Carrievale, Sask. The fu- +
und on )Tues'd'ayk neral took place Saturday to the + atch Collars and Jabots
morning 4urh�g (We " Exetereemetery. The sympathy of +
the Aorm. + Ladies 1)
derstand tba, 'the only thibg in,'the
the entire commlinity is extended to ++ Regular 50c. for -10c.
barn at ilre time was some Pressed the bereaved.
hay !and Straw belonging (to Mr. B. +
"�'Wires 31 cents colwill') Regular 25c. for 200. +
7 Wires 28,cenus
+ a
8 Wires 32 cents, 9,"Wires 35 ce�t8 Union Saj�ylces:-On ;sun:day last the Death, Itaices Bliss Carrie W� Earl + Regular 15c, for 11c. +
Daven P(resbytexian and Alain t,(t. + 4.
AlethodiA� churches United their W. Earl passed airay! +
Bliss Carric -It. to
Atl No. 9 Hard Coiled Wire s,,r- Tuesday morning August Sth Vb 11 + -Also Wash Belts regulpr 250. for
vices of the day. In the 111017ninq
Rev. Dr. Johnston of Zloiltreal, who o'clock at her home after suffering + 20c.
for more than a year w'ith an Epi- +
is cau'Ving at Maple Grove PIreached. thelloma. She remained
We loan the Stretchers -for stretch a very acceptable +
We are
01, f f e ri n g
You to
Seco, rt;
0 Aff
R A "r S aa lid
Cov A Irm 1 zr' vi
V "y y 9. y
%Of ;r
t Prices cluaranteed
be below the actual
A and f o r I
--mon in "aven an uncon�_
church; and.,in the evoning Rev. AIr. scions condition the lastt �several day,�# +
ing Same. Yelland conducted the servio,)s 'in F uneral services Wex.a. conduct -ad from + Bamriggan Underwear money than you
Blain litree'a he]; hainie near Zion Thu sday at h,hlf + can ilia
r +
past one, Rev. Ur Ste of
adman offici- + n Egyptian thread and porous knit regular buy the same quality lada
Livings-Idne Ill -Roy. J. at!nL-. Appropriate musical seleeions
of, _11i'tchell who ia yell 11rexe tendered by the Zion choir. and akes
Lowest Prizes on Fence Gates, Et L i i6 i�. t4 for 40,-3. a arment for 30c. a garment.
tc. kn I +++ 9
w in 'town Was -takex., 8addealy B16-sars �1. 'Taylor and tflern singing + +
19SQ.day last a't Windsor, where he a. lovely duct. - ------
+ 0
+ f goods at any place
was StIpipfying at GV. Andrew's church The floral tribates 11,0170 b'aautiftil ents pure silk half hose regular 5oc. fOr 40c- +
ddring fthe absen ' train her brothcxs and s1sLft,s
ce of Rev. J, Q Tol- G
in e
and + + in Canada.
ie. On 'Ttiesday h moved to la'dies of flioll charch and + i.
was I'L other Al§o Lisle half hose regular 5oc for 40C re
'hotel Dieu and the PhYsicians d1iag- friends, + gular 25c
no8ed Ithe case as tyliboid tovor. li'll. for 20C a%
The remains were intorn,,d in thl +
liti6xAs eorlditions' 'Tuesday was r�- fflfllilY P -10t in 'tile Hxdtcr Cemetery, +
All Accou'nts are now Due. Prompt Settle-, gardLd its serioUs. MiSS �QA,Tl Was born in )XItly Town.qh1p + r,.Xl
ivent'Will be appreciate(]. Took gervices at 'the BcDd-l� . In T. August 'the '28th IV5 and when 1)1.tt + We have just received a few lftie8 of Fall (�oods 111130VA S' CLOTH G
a. ejaild of tWO MOIAIS bld removed + IN
E, Plandford RJONy with several of his witk bar Uther and mothcr to (,S- + V V in plaids and checks suitable fcr childreils Nvith,
class conducted the Sunday evgnibg + + aro -
borne near' Lumly where SACRIFICED
servise at Grand Bend. Messrs. Lon. she spent dresses for school -'at 12%c and 15C a yard. +
ey, Haywood "I'lid Laurie Watson gave most, of her ;yaung life, intil 'aboult + +
iline years ago, when ber I t +
father ivbo We have just received SeVeral 'l tile
addresses �',Tais Edna Follick sang I was 'living then, sold -r SPECIAL
solo and. S)Yessrs, Clareilse Ileywoo Out' And moved + + Ig 0t_
flumdH s ndrawdre stove sto d pieces of Flannelette I A, SNAP
re Gordon I'aylor aiid Laurie s6uth �to '7ion having purchased Mr. 4' 34 inches + A
-Wat"34, 9, Peart's farm, froin -tybere lier i o. + wide regular 12 Y2 c weight for i oc, + jeng�% :
sillig two solo$. 11r. Randford lod � , .1% 1 ain a rr
the services which were 1138 * r nd r ains were carried. IShe leavos a This is a good time to buy your Flannelettvs for + I -
Miss Fay McDonald, of Hensall, is 14vi. A, Sheer e arrived ho g-readY appreciated by pixTn,, n inother ftwo brothers and five sisters + BUY BEFORE YOU
visitiog Miss Jean Hstwksbaw. day even from me Titea. 'the large num. All the broth0' + Fall before they a�e sold out. I U
rt William Sent Mr, 11. xS and sis'ters are rnar- + + le,
in r, 0 bar Of 'cauipers pre
where she hes Steere, was accompani9t ried -excepting J'arnes, who jr.esidas +
Mr nridAlisMoDonald,and young Operit the past six weeks pe We now have the colrhrated DEEBE +
solo of Guelph are, visiting the Hisses Visiting ber son Nelson. 0 with hi� mother, Miss Unrl was a + ARE TOO LATE.
Tresentation-on Friday tiae a ,rks inamber ian chlir 11 + PANT8 AND SMOOKS, Theme are 4.
I of the ]?!resbybery , el. made from the heaviest denniul. +
weeks� Ltrick Inillklors of Mr. J, A. sowartls,. for Several years before 1(,aviiig 1,tilli- fal,111 I a _ .
MISS Ruth , Hoopar + +
Mr, H. Szeerd oftbe Molsons Bank, very PAGasal"Lly stoTc mt�'t at fda and also M ADE TO V IT.
ntartained a number of -young poo� NIA. Wi 0 home of Bfr� and ly-. FAc was a patient sufferer botil +
is eroding Rig holiftys ab hi's horne el.. in lbart Maetin and spex,(� a at the Toroll,to Hospi,tal, who, +
hQnor of her gue�t,' social evening 'on the eve of, the dc- SpLint four 11.1011,�hs I s,t X� 11 'o she +
in tilgotown, ence Theobold, �of London, Partuo of Jris8.V6rneQ a a and t %
'ampbell and tiance for -the honic where She pre o ' Elighest,Price foi Produce. Bring �our Poultry to us,
Dfi, and Mrs. Simon C West. Ill I&I f f-ri,rd to + C, + Ma
Miss 'Vera OAmpbah 'ai4riy'ed _koMe4,. J)tpg. c0111750 Of 11,ha ovening, Much Sympathy is elt for ��h(� + +
+ We Want It.
'Tuesday evening from the west. don.and Afr$- (Bev,) iTigs Otiance lvda prevented with ,I reaved, family,, +
a and bandmoytic &,old mounted tol-in'taiii Van Thoi� art gone (.o (the grave-,
Mr., Wm. Trdblo, of Huron St. has batic', ok Paliperston, V16i,t.d f i aII4,ebwy hair brush, She left $U14- We 110 longer behold tha,,�,
1 0 r
improved the appearancii�.of his ,reei� in ftown a: fe ,,days t is .1
V� h I -Cel- d&Y f6p ��askatpon where she.,_ Nlrill Nor tread tho roogh 1)atli of kilo
dence bv, a freah coat,of paint. have fAftr9a a I ladioq d Ar
epartmffitt world by thy �iichi
ltrs� Madman, of P is in 0,10rn's large depai,t�ment4l store T.I.c gave t1tea, ho Itook Itlica, U
Pon't forget the hall gamu betwoen vislti)igi liar son Air +
Cgntra'i�) and Exeter 6iJour olobod,k tio iF; also jfv. Gladmalpt Iladinaii. Migs Qikanoa haz many TrIaros .1� krid,he will restore ltba.., W
)ke ce M' ' town who wish
Iwo er '911 Ness in Ffl;�a has no
i y af taimooft, I b A-hd death W 0 ua,
Worr, of Pblterb I�R. fro'r the yS6vJr- �%nq_qjpd, .1+
ut ... . . . . . . +