HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-8-10, Page 9__1_._1 .... J_1_-_,_, . lull I 11:1�11 :1:11ig 218. ...1--1.1-
I 1. 1. - _---1 .... . "' �� 1:!111�:Iir. -11�!
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Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Futur".
Orgse Higher -Live. Stock -
I f ro Ww�� i Q%pup . Latest Quotations.
. LIVZJ�POOL, Aug� 4. -Tho market
I I Incorporated 1850 $ opened barely steady '/Ad to,, %,d higher,,
I )CAPITAL (paiduP),... .... .... .".. I_. $4 000.00Q.0-19 4; being influenced by the strong American
t, I I'll + cables yesterday 'L and the strength in
RESERVE FUND .... .... .... .... I'll 00 + Buenos Ayres. Vollowlag the openill'a
"TOTAL ASSETS OVER .... .... .... $44,000s,00009 .1. ,heaviness developed with realizing and
Has sl 13ra,uches in 0 a — . prices declined 3�d to A/Ad with the uA
I I , an%da, a d Agento and CorreoVotden�o in all I.' dertone easy. Profit-ta.Ring was tnduco4
by the better reports grom India that
I tUe rinelp4l. Cities in the Wor4, . , �
P I rains are general, except in the Junjaub,
, . 10
. ; �. I A General Bankiniv Business TraMacted ,*, � with the out n
I 9' , *�, proved, Receipts for three days ag rer,
� gate,d over 1,000,000 bushels. Austrafa*
V I - shipments for t week, 1,172,000 bushels,
I Savings Bank Depa rtment I $ I against 480,000 T11shels last week, - ail*
� 9: + =Ions are for large world's ship-
. . ra,uches. Intereo allowedat 1119he Current Rates. These Influences served to ofg�-
At all B set bullish American advices,
I � Ickson & Carlings Solicitors, N D H U R Do N, Manager. * CHICAGO. Aug. 4. -New Investment
4. t . + buying made a broad warl�et to-dak
. 1'
I 116�1. " +"+++++ ;� In wheat, Purchasing,.was based upon.
. - +," a, belief that reports of, serious dam.
. . I . age to the cropsin, 11tussia, had been-
�, ,* " confirmed and that there was truthl
. also under the stories of black rust
�, �THE CANADIAN BANK . In the Canadian northwest, ,_�',!;...,
h.w-,"'.14 -41 It, Winnipep Opt:104 ' " "
�)_ f-% 11, 8' "
%-.,IF COMMERCE Close. Open. High. Low. eloser
�_ , '; Wheat- .
. I - . Oct. .. ... 97 911/4 981/2: 96% 11
SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O.. ,41-M., P.C.L., PREstoi�:NT I Dec. --:t "I 9111� 98 96% 1903
ALEXANDER LAM% 0#tgehAl. Wqp�PEI:r Xay , 101 101y, 1021/j, , 101 �
� ' �� Oatr,-
. . 84 28% 38% SM ZST4
, G-WITAL, - $10,000,000 , REST4L. �- $8,000,OQO 8 -etc" ::::: 23 1119 38va =11� 381/b aft
. I I � %-% I . Toronto Grain Market. .
., I J -Y OPsDE S Wheat, fall, bushel...... $0 83 to J.'..
MONE — ZA- . Wheat, goose, bushel '.::: 0 80 ....
� I
. I . Rye, bushel ................ 070 .
. The Money Orders of The Canadian Bank Of COMI:ndrCe are a safe, Oats, bushel ............... 045 6,4
� �
1. . QonVement land economical method of remitting. small su=g of namey.. Barley, bushel ...... .......060 .e..
I buckwheat, bushel ....... 048 0 SO
., , ; 'y -bargi at every branch of,&,chaftered bank in Feas,'bushel ................. 0,79 Ogg
4 The. are payable without c I ,
�1 i
�. , eanada (except in the Yukon Territory) and in the princ;ipal cities of T6ronto Dairy Market. .
` , Butter, store lots ........... 017 cis
I Butter, separator, dairy, lb. 0 22 0 P
". the United States.
11 The Orders and full information regarding then;i may be obtained butter, creamery, lb. rolls.. 0 25 0 2�
, i
,� Butter, creamery, solids ... 0 24 ....
; on application at the Bank. Honeycombs, dozen ........ 250 ....
. 1�
4. of -95, new - laid ........... 024. , I
", 'I In the event ofloss,of a Money Order the Bank will, on receipt -V- ..
. Cheese, new, 1b, ............ Ols o !;%
', . i . a satisfactory guarantee, make arrangements to refund iize amount of Montreal Grain and Produce.
" . .
.7 , 1, the lost Order. A232
I � MONTREAZ, Aug. 4.-Buslness in
�,:i Ataziboba, spring wheat for export 94-,�
-, I Exeter Branch—W. H. Collins Manager the fact that
, �� count was dull owing to
� � ,� . , . foreign buyers gho-jv no, disposition as
�,� � [I �, Bra.noh also - at Cre&.1ton. Yet to follow our advance, as the price#',
� ,
, I b
I -� J,Wd were frGm. So to 5c, Pei- bushel Joe,,'
,, _.�_ . ___ , obst. A fair local trade was donel
��!_., I In. 'Data at fair prices. The demand front-
��!,�t . &Ioreign buyers fox, spring w�heat flour wot
T14 WELS FULMINATING Fired at Policeman. good and .sales amounting to 10,000 sacks:
. �il NVInnipeg, Aug. 5. -The entire police wefe -do at an advance of 16o per bax-,
. �;; department yesterday were �engaged ill rel over previous bids for .4.ugust-Sep�.
. �:l tember shipment, and bids for consider -
I 11- remist Tories Bitterly Assail a man. hunt growing out of a desper. able more were received and refus6d'.'
!, �M.,Nt
I in7d
, �� I ate fight between a highwayman The local market Is very firm In tonefi
1.4 ). I
1 :; Premier Asquith. Constable Trayner, who had arrested with P. fair volume of business Passing. ,:
. Oats -Canadian western No. 2, 42%o to[.
! 1, I him Thursday night, Nightly, for sev, 43, car )ots ex -store; extra. No. I feed.
[J ,eral days, citizens have been held ,uip 42o to 01-4c, No. 3 C,W., 411,4-c to 420; No,'
I Meeting of Those In Favor of and robbed on the streets by tiv,'! 2 local white, 41c; No. 3 local white, 400;'
� J. k . �
: thu s armed with g:Lms. No. 4 loqaJ white, 39c.
I Throwing Out Veto Bill Prime Min. 9 F lour -Manitoba. spring wheat patents.'
4 i � One was axrested Thursday nightor
I . � 1,ster Is Condemned for Allow first.,;, $55.800; seconds, $4.80; 'winter wheat
I .. ing complaint of his landlady, but Con. patents, $4.50 to $4.15; strong bakers', �P-i.60;'
!' : Redmond to "Drag King George stable Trayner did not realize he had straight rollers, $t to ;4.10, in bags, �LSO
; to 41
Into Trouhle'�-LoM Morley Pub. arrested a dangerous man until hij Rolled. oats, i,ea, barrel, Sri.M; bag of
, prisoner jerkoa away, drew a. revolvei 90 lbs., $2.25.
lishes List ,of Supporters. and fired at hint repeatedly. The Corio-Anierican No. 3 Yellow, 70c to
I I thug oocaped into the railway yards, 70y2c. 1
. 1. ondon, Aug. 5. -The progress of , .11111feed-Bran, Ontario, $21 to $2';7,- Manfw,
, . b A. search of his rowns showed unm"" toba, $20 to $21, middlings, 033L,taxi 1 $2.1 to
I � yeto ill toward the oris .S W7 -
I N I I I t iakable evidence of highwaymen. the $25, shorts, Manitoba, $23; inouillie, 425
1 . �1 , is now coming intQ clearer ,
I I . two said they oanle from Toronto and to $81.
� � Viscount Morley yesterday pub- were railway men. Lard -Compound -tierces, 375 lbs., %fic;
. ed a list fof 76 Liberal peers who boxes, BO lbs. net (parchment lined), t)1�0;
- . tubs, 50 lbs. net, gralned� ti#o, handles.
Ovie written promlSing to suppoA the
P,'04ernmerot in tile passage of the Census Takers' Pay. ",,c, palls, wood, 20 lbs. net, 100; tin
- 94 of palls, 20 lbs. gross, 9vic. e
,,�asuTe. Ottawa, Aug. b. -The Department Fork-Reavy Canada short cut in s4,
- �
"i k g2teyL-�'k':.,
, .��
� t,
t,,JA meeting of Unionist peers who Agriculture ,,v.oterday afternoon, is. bairrels, 35 to 45 Pieces, $22.50; half -bar,
, . ,w 10,or supporting the Government was sued chucks to tho c�msus enurherakori rels', $11.50; Canada short out and baelt.
I pork, 45 to 55 pieces, barrels, Irml,50: Can -
hold yesterday. It was presided over throughout tile v43iintry where th� ". dia, clear :pork, barrelsi 80 to 85 Plecesp
I bY Viscount St. Vincent, formerly Sir , inal accounts, have been eoirected, -$a2l; bean pork, small Pieces,' but fat,
I Woliael Hicks -Beach. 'The meeting 19t was deedolkid after oomp1c.tion of thol barrels, *1U.
�, 4.4cided that it would not be advisable enumeration to withholf ton per cent, Eggs -Selected, 21Y2c; fresh, ITJA-c; No. 1
,+0 talm organized action in, tl-je -VOW on all cliv,!ki until accounts 1�ad been stock, 18%.c. .
0 - Cheese -Westerns, IZI,e. to 121/_-cl, eas&
' , the 3`02--lut to leam each peer to exanihied mi,l fullild'vorreet. Many ol erns, 12o to 12i,ge.
. ... . 1� 11,
-4 �
N "--f-0t'i5R'00"'RL M1 `6A)m discretion. This may the enunwrators have been awaiting Butter-Cholcest, 231/2o to 2SAc.
I dd ten or m�ine votes to the Govern- their pay for sonw weeks. In Ottawa
�11"�� hient, side makiiig 4ie total 86 to 90 these who vovvrod Line section �01 thu, CATTLE MARKETS.
.il, -, *
I ,�� i &11� favor of the measure. The -only city wvre puld ill fall, but thle nionvy
. u
1�1-i� gst of names the followers of the Barl of ihe oth (,i- was: IiA,l up, injut-lo dis. East Buffalo Cattle Market.
. �,,'�, & Halsbury hais as yet permitted to satisfavilon arising -, I ts it result. nA.S,r BUVV,ALO, Aug. 4--Cattle-lie-
I �,, V6 published, gives 68. Thus the bill, . � celpts, 400 head; market slo,W, steady,
. �,,��, . Prime steers, $6.00 to ;7.25; butcher
. ,,"'!;f Aiccording to present probabilities, will Dutton Fourdry Burned. grades, $3 to $6.50.
�q, bla. adopted by a narrow majority of 8'. 'I'lionia,-, Aug 5. -The foundry at Calves-Recelpts, Too head; market aic-
- ,
Al between ten and twenty. Dut'ton belonarrim, . to F. Small wat, t tive, 60c higher. Cull to choice, $5 to $9.
iR -
� )4� ' - Sheep and lambs -Receipts, 3600 head;
."� The insurgents cuiltiliuc, to breathe -�,Llly 41�-�4,,,,,,y.,�,l `))y fin af an carlt)Y market fairly active and steady. Choice
`� iisliL
. ,,�. �Mdimii �il defiance to the Govern- hour .�_L'$t('A[,ly 1110i'll-11-. 1, ,,y -,is (211 lambs, ,M.85 to $6.50; cull to fair, ,4.50 to
;,,,; b=lt- TIWY hold two crowded meet. fire Thui;,1hvv a 1 h-rj-, (1,1,11 1w t the '!aluvi $5; sheep, $2 to $4,25.
If I uogs--Recelpts, 6soo; market fairly ac-
. ; �. angs last uight in London, one in wen, suplju.�od to lum, livon cmffii- tive, 10c lower. Yorkers, $7.90; pigs, o.10
� t 0�lbornc, and ono in Cliclsda, at gUlib0d. to $1.75 stags, $7.80; mixed, $7.63 to $7,70;
. �. . *hich the Barl of 11alsbury, the Rarl —.---.- heavy, 1�6 w ;6.50; roughs, $5 to $5.60.
� '
� 1 Selborne, Lord Milliur, Lord Wil- The Pone in Octe-snirian. New York Live Stock.
I loughby do, Brulke. Austen Chamber- Rorno, .�iig. 5. , Y ;-t r�4'bi�- v.ns the NEW Y01>,T<, Aug. 4.-Deeves-Recelpts
i Wn, F. E. Smith and Sir Charles eighth anniversary of tho noniln-,tion 251,0 head; steers, steady; bulls and cows,
i steady to strong; steers, $4.50 to $7.20;
� �claes, of P'll'' 1, k_ _ . . r1oate,
.. N ndliam all mado strong .4pee , "
. izeyir chief theme being denu , '_ _ , . ,�, . , lit culls, $9 to %.25; cows, ;1.50 to $5.
: liciation and lll.i::Y� .-.�Jv:" .:' ;_4 !r.:. -,r 1%�!y ,:nd Calves -Receipts, 420 head; steady;
E iR-the Governmout for what they term abrvild IN I- I 1, ,..' . - " : :, t t.1 �, %,:o';'V,11l. veals, $6.50 to $D.50,1 culls, $5 to W co,m-
� '� I 4d revolutionary proceedings in drag- . - - - " :pim I 'westerns, VX11-h-, grassers and bui-
termilks, nominal.
I . ,ging King Ge6r.-t; into trl� mire of I Hr;.VaG�,3:- Dias on Tra'in. Sheep and Larnbs--Receipts, 6700; slicep,
11 I . politics at the behest of John lZed- N�:fll �)vll% . i-,, b. --4)z- oi t',(, IiUr� dull; lambs. steady; sheep, $2 to $3.751,
1 mond, the Irish leader. Resolutions � _ I , C Hs, $1.50; lambs, ,$4.50 to $7; culls, 11.3 to
voit.,- i's, '. "'o."I ,�2--.�'.. �Ll ,0I fil" U
.. pledging a '!no surrender" policy Y,oro $I. 1
11 . .1
. 48;rried amid scenes of intense ealthus- tral,_ a�'vr 1, 4.1.,,',-. i , '� Wi;. Tll�.! r%- Iloize-IlecelpM n.",00 head; market,
iasm. 111,1',�`; ,,!'� , :, _; , - 1..1Q Ara"ll and ste-.�dy, at $7.10 to $T.G0.
I The Spectator and other modprate wl�l i" "'t `;`!� Ckdcago Live Stock.
*' —
I Unionist newspapers continue their I I UNION STOCK YAP -DS, Aug. 4.-Ifogs
. 'argent appeahi to the party,,t Recetp,s, 3A,0(10; warket strong. Mixed
() ifflow ama butchers, suo to v.p; heavy, s�-80
the bill' to pass, the Huu�e. of Lords "PILLS LIKE A ME Pp to s-,.40; rdpgli heavy. ,MrVto $6.80; light,
without tht- creation of new IM31% and $6.90 to $7,5*,1,12; pims, .T5.70 to V-30.
. thus keep the King. from a struggle - chttla-ilwcLlpts, 150. Alaricet ,strong.
I 'which could ohly pause him aii. ei � I .T5 to $'L" .�; cows and heifers, sz.10
� xiAy 80 Harsh -and Drast'c ax to"$'5.'S'5; stockeus and feeriers, $3 Lo $6.86;
,and cmbarrass:yient. They sW also I . Texaii.�, $,I.io to $t;,lv: c-alves, $5.50 to $7.75.
that if the W11 is' defeated by the Many Pills as to SerioUslyj 1SIlL,,,IP.ow.ip1.4 6,oAl. Market strong
Lords, it will no longer be a qivstion to lilglier. .N:It"Ve, $:1.25r to .$4: western,
of the areaflun of a few pdwrs, bdt'at Injure Health. . $2.50 to �4.10; Wilbs, $3:25 to $11,90; west-
' orn, 0-25 to �i.
� .the very least 400 of them. I
I I � I
— Step In Pight D',,., -,i,,
I All Haiti's Candidrates. .Tn a letter written from his Name fil
I Sari Juan, PortA) Rtico, A,�1�115*-Geti, Valencia, Mr. Marsh Selwyn, does ser, London, Aug 5.-Afteniooro papers
1.1.1 t o - vice to thousands, by dra,wing atten� uiastintudly a' -4i the- signing on
,,, .a.
Finnin. sailed Thut:selay ,6 pproi
� . lle f, . Lion -to the irdurles. Inflicted upon, dell- Thursdayof the arbitration 1reaty be.
P-rench, steaw,,�r Carave r COPe ca;te people by drutio purgatiVe p -M& tween (irvat Mit-aill. and the U'nited
' HaitiLs * Haiti, J)v wily 6f San Dom- "For a long fime I suffered from stlit,�s. I
in He Ras ri�cvive,4 a cablegram constipation. This condition �MmPell- I The gencral tretad o� opinion is that
Iromo Gev. LveynW assuring WrA that od the use of pills. Like anany an-
� 4p. will succeed to t1le 11,r(' '(JL-ne no is nuthing in the agree-
, . "Si , _y of other, I mado, -tho un -wise cholsel of while thv 't is al
. I 1.1faiti, Thirty Haitien oxiles, includ- using pills, that. were like lightning la in(nit to 11revent war, , .1 to the
I - tha
I ,.,Pr -� Gen. Roche, al.5o a candidato to their activity. 1: began to -be filled -4.)"d t tr-.�,re should il'e such a coart
1. . . , S." i eed Simon, boa,rded tlu- Carrav6le with, intestinal disturbances, constant of appealoand revision as the treaty
I �, .. . u6c : rumblings, gas In. the bowelg a.na diar- .sats up, to step ;n the breach whna
, at St. Thomas, Dnrliqb. Mlegt Indies, rhoea.. I grow pale. and, eanaelated. disrfutes urise.
-The German sWamuell"resiCT01tc si-ilOd ` Then the, doctor told me drastic irri:- . . �
� I ; YGsterdaY fox Haiid With thirtY Hai- ' &6ting pills had caused catarrh of tile Famous Mot;rist Coming.
, tien exiles VoRi St. Tho'nia.s. and Porto , � bowels, an, almost ilicurcubla, disease.
. , ,'Rico� Bxplal ild, � ..
ning my situation to. a trie .Montrea�, Aug 5. -Bob Burman,
. I I 1. I I I he advised & trial of Dr. Hamilton's ('Yampion illoforist of the world, will
FourKI Dying on Railway. I ' * Pills. e
. , I speedily e%perleneed, the heal- be the' stat at th- auto race meet to
I " St. Thomas, Lit-.. 6.�Ai-Aur Arm- Ing and curative effeot they exert on be-, held under the xuspicei of thq
, , I the 9tomach, liver and ,bowels. ThO Automobile and
� � strong, aged 35, motrried with a fam-,, -it lrrltatini� drugsI,
. _,,Aero Club of Canada
, � ,, Intestines, fseed Zroa at Dclorlmipr P,axk on Aug,. J9 A.Ild 20,
1 . ily, was found, on the Wabask tracks '! 1� rapidly regained natural tone, tile Minima will d4ve his, 200-hoilhe
, ;
nur New Sarani Thursday night with � , not Dr. power Blityseri Benz, the ear which
, bowels,&oted as If nature, and,
�: . oone handc& oft and his skull tractur. I � Ilamlltonl& Pilis were ,at work. I know, drove a mile in 254,5 seconds over
ed, :Ho was bv011ght 'to the 110SPA91 � It will be of value, to, thousands to
- . -here and died yesterday vinin.inp His � know that a pill as rnticl and, curative tilt,, sands at Dayton, Fla., last April
- . home is near Wow atuln: lj� on. bis 27th birfliday. .
� . j Was its Dr. Ha,milton's' io available, to dia 11 .
� fined in the police cmirtthprn Thurs- � . ailing."
,,,, ) day morning f,pr being drunk. . � �', Poll bowel disorders, sick headache, Seven Men ,.Engulfed.
, - - I j.00nstipation, liver and stomach da- Montreal, Aug. 5 ---Sawn men had
I -1 rt arrow F I f.ra,ngement, there is im pill so invari.� been working for about fifteen min.
� Doetc , �q �7 .sOape. ; t ably sure to care as Dr. lranilliton!s �
London, Aug, 5,-i-'D�. Avgus Gra- pills. Refuse a, subititute. Som fix a-tels. yesterday meriting in the drain
hani, a lva4ling physidan, kad a mar- 25c bo".s, all dealers, or The. Catarrh- Which- 14 to carry the sewage from
velo-W and -narrow oseape from do*ath zone Coo Kingston, Ont, ,�huntsi* into Back River, when the
,7est6rda,'V morning, -wholl his &utomo. i - sides� caved in and engulfed them in
bile was ;4.trtick by 9, freight train. at the dirt The drain, which is twen4
I flie Maitlanct strtoterossfng. .Thn, ma- Dr. Hamilton's Pills feet d.ep' by fhreo feet wide, was im-
cliixe was smasliod to lots, but, the nukliatoly On seelle of a, vast excite -
I doctor and lifs ah6iffeur vere.b.1rowt Are Mild—N. ever Gripe m,,i)[-, for all the, workmen in r the
-OleaT of thv, wbeeTs. _..M�."� , - . _io lwi.,'hborhoox� .
. .
I . . I .
. I
'*� . I
..tc.- *;4,
11 +,+W, 444 T Z 11 I il li, � *i � I 10, * lil . . �T"
� �__��__.__ 1711, -
I ,
� "
1,111 i A �,; "
i � ,!,�',,`77� �,,'
I � " �-�,,�
, ',, � , � , , ��j
"I UW 'I
Ho Becomes Postmar
iter�Genoral lo,
Cabinet. � �
� I
macht"o of oWeat''Vol"o to tho modor"
I "
4 11 , � , .,
, RTUGUES I 111, A!,
, . PO E R_
, . I . I r I . I :.,� I
- ,
Ottawa, Aug. 5, -Tho Cabinet �
Dairy Farmon . r
.. . I ,� I ,
No, dalrMan can W .
gfrord, *0
� 1. _
I ___ — ..�, I
changes toreshadowed some time ,ago
The great value ot tuo cream mo;4
,* . veal tuv better callveo *W0 -
troma *W0
- � 4
They , t AO.ainst lnoroai,e& � �7
I i
in connecUon with the ret rement of
Hon. L. P. Brodeur, Minister of Mar.
, r comes t,rojn its ce,040MIca
. .,
. It h() ,cannot ?;eepr -
, best cows , eepr
I I � �
!C. . :� 000. I
� opst r .
ine, an4 and of Naval Al-
value, Some O:t $ts, A e_
� � dyantaaw ar 40
.: them wmseu lie =J.;ht better, I
-of . � 1, I
,� . . . .1
fairs, to take the position, ,on the
Suprome. Court Bench rendered va-
, s. . I
FIrst—lay Its efAclency over 44
. 0 " sell them to a aeltlibor who Is
' *
I In neod'of good cows.
� I i
Pr;ce of Ll ing Has 0 , ,
v ,,one Up �inCO�, .
oant by the, de4th of Justice Girouard, ,
other systeras of cre=lu ,o
, _ut
, , 1� more )b
6 4 )4vw dairyman, ,no matter lut
- .
Republic, Was Form"ed. and, Oliv�q, I
will take,place next week.
Mr. Brodeur is
ter fat and cream of,a bettet flWaUX
Is obtainable. Some n3=u1acWer0
+ —
1, : he Ooesn!t haye more than a
. , ,
,011 Which Is Widely Used, Is Uq-�
Ron. rlow wiuding
up pendftV matters of depaTtmenW
claim an Increased profit of 11*10 per
-, halt dozen cows, should use ;a
:: separator. 1.
SkLt=M, is too
I I .
ntably Dear—$hots Are Fir,01 .
- � Acoov . � (
. administration in �conneotion W34 his
cow per year" by the use of the cew
- - uable to bqallowed to go Olt tbe
I%, n , 0- Troglos Are For,ced to OharO. ,41:1
. .
porftlio, so as to have things in good
. ,
ahap su"essor,
0 for his Hou. no,-
trifugal separator, and un4oubteft
:1 ta= .
. I I
, I
� . , .: I'
-1. �hc.,Riotorv, . , � � �. .1 I , 1.
dolphe Lemieux, -the present Post.
this figure Is approximately correcL
Those dairymen who have used a
�� .
.0 r tIlls—the cow, that
Romembe ,
lio, usually, egto
� , 1AW- . ,
� . �'.
1 LAO,n, Aug. 6 (via BadQo� Spai - ,
master�General, Dr. Henri 8, Beland,
the young, able and popular member'
cream separator realize the greatest
I � produces proac
. I
± Just as much as the oue pag
, I , il
TU U—$evexal ,clas11es'b&G'ft00A I .: �.. �,
, . ., . 1� �
I Goferuf*t toops and lii,r pp . . . . .
for Beadoe will enter the Cabinet as
Postmaster-G,eneral, and will be
profits In particular. �
Second.—The creara separator to it
+ P*W,s -molley. !, , ".., , -A11 ,
4 11kes
I.N� � I k, 1 �4
6courre In tila sfreets, � i I I , : A
in few days Mur-
saving time labor in the,
I , Tsition —the and -
� '
r I" I ,��
Thursday night and , ear y TF r .. .. -Ill
11 .. � -
sworn within a at
ra,y �3&y, Quo,, whQre His R=elloncy .
means of . and
dairy—ttils on account of the loss of
4 ea of each cow --may be I
�,h � I I
, L! , ,
I ornbig, -.0av4ry repeatedly :4har I .
I -
Tie `
E rl'Grey ;Polir is. N .
Yh'e iVew Minister will adAresa
meetings both In Ontario and Quebec
fte and labor required to handle the
milk; also economy 9t, room for setting
0 (
s U caefiallx wh4 thq_aul-
. . 09 are around their fwj6per�
.1 - 3M
- -
4, .and one then can feed and care
mo� qad many arrests were ra I . 11 I
- "Ill,
I . i
. -T,4e bost of food, including 01, "., ;
I . "� I :!
11, which is one of the principal ' ��
0 A I :
I ,�,L.
A , 41, 'AIr-
% - Ahr +ham a^o^"A4n,A
cessities of the poorer claases .' I
�Mlf_ I . . . �4,J154 oil. .
. hfi, -
I P, J will go to f5imcoe wilth J.�#
oft', Z�i_&�Vrime, ,. i4ister's ope'll-
' Aug.
,n io campaign on
,,!meeting pf tl
The other Ministers to accompaxly
Sir W, ilfrid to SimcGe will be Hon.
Goo, P. Graham and Hon. W. L. Mac-
kenzie Mng.
Despatches from Paris and London
announce that thi- Moroccan crisis is
over. . .
A prizoner being br�ughb to Toronto
slipped his handcuffs and jumped
from a G.T.R. train west of Wood.
Capt. Alex. Cunning, master of a
wfecking tug, was axxested on a charge
o� lax-ceny from the steamer Wissa-
hicken, in January, 1910.
Sohn F. Thompson of Green Point,
near Picton, fell from a load and,
at�iking ,his head on a cement floor,
was probably fatally injured.
S. F. McKinnon of Toronto passed
away at the HolboTn Viaduct Hotel,
London, as the result of an attack of
P. #
, . Wo produce -milk econ.omWly .-
I . 4
0 -fro ", I �
r1sea una-ccoqntably since the. r4v, �. "I 11 "I I
tion. A crowd,mar-olied tow � I � �
. . wd'should,use the rongbage on : :
. � I
Parliament Buildings, where, I
- 011r- farms wherever it is possi- * I
tional Assembly was.in.5ession . 11 " " . ,i
I :* ble, for by so doing we -not 01117
day, to protest against th Wli I I
- : sa:Te the labor of hauling bilalky
, .
prices, . I I I
: : materlal, but. Nvitl also build up
I 11,
By the time the Parlialuent BuiI46 I ''I
- - thetertillty of our l=dL. .4
Inge were rewhed the mob had aw*l�
* I .
I _._- . I ... 1. .-
.,;�P_H_1.i_1.+++_.__ _��__
, , ,,I.- . , , , ,
. len to 4,000 pc-xsons, who tried to brta
tbxough the line of infantry wbi
I ,
� .
I . ;
had been. hastily summoned to pro�
tect the Chamber. The second rbgf�
, ,
� meat of infantry, the fourth ,04,Va -
I it
Head of the Beef Hord Should Be. We.,
and detachments of the maniaGIA
guard were ,-alled out, Some revolV
I 1� �
I 1 2''�
Nourished. .
shots wore, fired at the soldiers fr;lii
I . y
The usefulness of a herd bull depends
the cr,nvd, Whereupon the troop.0
I �
, �
very much upon the way he is cared
chax,ged the mob. The manifest M
. �
for. Tbe ratioa should be such as
retreated, but later reformed and h1041.
. �,�4
will be conducive to a good growtjl,,of
ed the Cabinet Alinister.4. D 4,
frame and enough flesh to give.him
who s,,,)ught to ,ealm, the people"'we
met with. -cried of "Down. with ffi
I �
11 11 I
the appearance -of being a wen nour ,
Conservatives 1 They axe thieves!"
I . �
Ished animal. The mistake is more
I :
The manifestations were eontinueM t
often made by not feeding I lufficiellt
at intervals during the night. . I
quantity than by feeding too much,
I I � .
thinks Professor A. L. Haecker. The
Two More Victims. �
flesh marrying qvality,.which Is so hn-
Porcupme, Aug, - 05.-Raiu follovo*
orl— in beef cattle and one whlch
4- t ''I
W . a ncenso heat of lhuzsday. It, W 1,
astlima. Mrs. McKinnon is also ill. has developed generations of sk=tl' c-wler to -day, The buraea mines ig' I �
An. unknown man dived. off the Hol-
land River Road bridge at Bradford
yzsterday, evidently -with the inten-
tion of having a swim, but was drown
ed before help could reach him.
In a reax-end collision the Fort Erie
race track special smashed into a
freight train at Hamilton. Engineer
Callaghan of the passenger train 3'ump-
ed from his engine and was seri,ously
Miss amle Quinn of Beawnsfield
feeding, can. only be maintailled by the the outlying districts tue rabW - * � , I
liberal. use of the right kind of feed. ve rapidly considering the fact that, ,i
If a herd bull Is undernourished he a] tr sportation mu t be by te I
becomes thin in flesh, and his oirspring es of two more b ies were fou ' I
are likely to be less responsive to feed. in Dolo,ro, two miles south of the Tis�
dale line. No identification was made, I
The quickest way to breed out the as only the bare skeletons are left.. i
rapid fattening tendencies wldch we This brings the death list as the rew
have In our improved beef cattle is to sult of the holocaust up to 73, with
underfeed the breeding sire and dam threo unidentified.
On the other hand, nruch, cam should Tile UovLrlunent boat inspector tiecl,
eun bich Do exercised to avoid =0 ovier ex- lip all motor boats yesbwday uutil tble� I . I
avenue, Toronto, fell from the stern the mill- ter the cre. to raise -w treme. Bulls and cows that have -been n_,81ulations ,.elativa to ballast and lif6 I
of .a. boat off Howe Island, ten miles is necessary with the old fashioned subjected to forced methods of feeding pi,ervers were observe(L Many .coni.
from Kingston yesterday, and drowned methods. lor show ring purposes plied at unce and were permitted to
in sight of a number of friends with are sometimes run. The .small boats were not re -
whom she had been fishing". 11hird-Less time, labor and expense greatly incapacitated as breeding ani- leaSed. High winds on the lake made
S. Valentine landed at 6.47 o'clock are required on account of fewer trips mals. This is especially true if the beating iti'light craft dw.tgervus where � I
last evening at the Biookland's, avia, to the creamery to deliver the creanL ballast wits not ,carried,
tion field (England). He is the first Fourt!L-More and better quality of , �_.Illtl .".�ll'�;,��".�....,."....:.;";�-1-�l:,.;.". - .1,".... ___ —
'k; 11 I -
English aviator and the third,competi. skimmEk Is obtainable and of a high- . �"0140R.1!1_6\17111 11119,+,� I
Nlsi%�.k� : " "', . ,
-ii,"�]:.:;���.,,'�".",i�'.,.,,"�"�.�,"- ��,g,� .�;W� -
��%,.�§�7,7:' ., 0
. I ,
", -,, . I '.
k, 1:.,�'.." '�;,. .` ;.:v I ' `.---�"A`1 , I . Asylum Fire Er(�,:jiry.
�%.4 , ---- , .
,;� .\� .�:::;; 'k .". I ,
-;,,, :�., �;j-::�:�::- - --..\-.:N..-, �,
- �
ter 111 Tile Daily Mail's xa" frjr $50,- er -value for feeding to youn.- calves , _ . � , I
" �� 'm-, Hamilton, Aug. 5.-Tht- oliquiry in -
W." ,,.,� .,.,:.- ....,
, _ 1- I .___�k " ,
, , ,
..., , . .
, ,
,� I 11 -� - �
000 to compete the circulf, kd Great and pigs. .,r�...i-.,��."�.\-'.ii�.�.1-1� V��:�.'� ;� 4_ .4..
..,.. �.Rnl : , ...,.�. e death of the (.light. victims ot
_.;.�.�, -
�i:��."` �.,%;�*:,.-i.:�,::*:,�-:,�..�,�,�z��-��.,.,- ...%,... to th
Britain,' a distance of 1,010 rpiles. The comparative Insses of fat by the .'�. � I I '
,;�.:: ... : -, �: _-;,ir?1..;_., 1:� last Tuesday's fire at the mylum�
.1.1'. ....�. , - - .,, .. .. .. 4��n. : �
_)�, .1.:1
-1.. 11
various sy%tems of creaming are as ..! ,::.�. .. -,- &X_)�!,: _� . � I
Z. , ... . I aftQr sitting till 11 u'clock last night
.w .., I . ,
.:.:1;�..:.x:1.; - __ , ." ,
Report Cotton Goods Bill. follows. tile lier vent g1vi-n being the �::;' IN , f"'. ,� ..". . r
�,_.-� 'W"IR.1.1 `�, lWas adourned until Aug. 10, when
. _1:11",:`:::.;:�. � A
� 01,_ - ".. Ll.,.,..
� 77 :*�' 3
k�.'�.,���.,.'.�.,*.�i�.-'.�.:,��:::�:,.:."��:i::�:�, ' :.,�;;,�.�i,_: zi�_��. ii
' ' ' ,.v - 17.1�'.s� , . 4�m � U
- '....... -.: 1_- _:;...:1�'.;. , &_� it w 11 I
Washington, D.C., Aug. '!.-Tile Ill- approxim-ate umoum ot butter fat left �'..,, -..:, ill � qka i a.aain, be resumed at the asy-
, - .
coiab%iatioxi in "���,'�',i����'-��.i���'�.."�;�-.��.��'��;�,i,;�,:��:���l- -.1 � .., '' WJ1;k1.g;-N,
.ail "I
surgent-Dernocratic 11.1- Z:1,5�1,.,.:7. A.M .
.. :..,;......;.:.X, "�,�; ;.: ;,k,-",;...., , I . lum. :
. k ,��.,, �
k�!i�;'1-..-----,,,...: : , � , Mliv,o -
' in the sirinallilk by the N-arious Meth- �:. ..I......'' :1 . 4 ��-111111 !
.',, � �� I
-':.'.;�':.. ,:,� � 4�1`; -
,�,:��,*.�,:�'!:�;rX . " , ,�., Nuthing �A a particular 4sensat,onal
Senate sprang a surrr.�e Y2�,tvrday ods: Bf, 1�. :: � �
�_'. ., _ � I
.., - 4. �'
when it direcied the hnay.�o �',"�,,�,',,*':,,:i���.,�,,�.,,,,�i���:�* :���:7]x,ew . � - ... .. nature was disc,lo,-:ed in 'Ll -,e r-vid,enca . I
eommit- ;-,;�:! ........ . . .. A % ��
tee to report the Houso c,,'Zoil goods First. -By the shallow pan system, �l;;:,:..�..":.:.�,:;,�.�.��,��, . .,--,, " 'i�'4 .1 - -- kg 4 .
, , - ��,:._-_�;,1,&41` I 0
:��,�.2, , " - i
, Mig'N .-
, - ". , " ,
" ;: - - 11 I '.., adduced last night, the 14.1W pressure !
:� "I;.;- .%&, � ,.,�k.�,-,�,c - M'.. . - I
4 I V
seven-teuths per cent ,iiii,� ��:�:.� .." . � � I
.. - .., -, of the, asyluni. water wi)-!.,,. and tbe__,___-��
bill, reducing tar"f! dutius ivarly fifty �,.�,�.�:,:,:�!,;:���','�.�:;,�ii-i�;:.....::::!,�::",�.,.�, ITI,11�i.�.,.. ,
, A 3, , , " I �,
., ,
, . .. I . I . I .4.1;e �jr.. . I ,
Per cent., nut latu. Uail Au_�- 10, und Second. -By the deep cold setting 2 "' " ..�;..;.. ., .,� , , . 11-., i " loss of thile, in liotifying � In, tity fire
I. . -::t- �
-�-'�i::�.. ,
.:..... '.
predictions of an Carly ..W�vu-rnmeilt system, two-teutbs per cent. �:�- -�:!, :...-:::-.�-,�,, - .., departmen
�.''...,;::.:,..,;.:;:::�::�;:,;�.i��,,,.�-..,...4�,,--�:��:-,: I* ..... ,��]� - t livin.-l' the ,-rfly t1iings
.11 '..
11re' shattered. ':, I ,.�. . - 6� .:. brO11,011t ont v.-hich miglit .,,o, -N�e as a,
I , . ii� .1
Thirc"L-By the dilution of water sep- .__h�.',`.:�:..:�, ._4�,,' �:��:,: . ... ��:,?':!:�:�:.
, . ,
::. .::,� t'. �!..:: _:,��..�; I �
There is no d.., -,:',i fi�at the oofton L". -i'. ": bast-� oC critIcisin agaillst ta,? ujauage�
arator, '17i,A per cent (this is based on .., .,:,�-.:�,-,-,,�.,,--,,-3- , �.,;�,�!%.;"�,: `., ��i
bill will be wioil. and Aent to 11r..-si- the , 1, ;:... _":.�::' ....� ,. - , ..;" , ; -
. .,.. � , "' ` %11� .,..,..: :,-.;�:- - .
... .:::: , .,.,:;:,:; �
� . , .: .. , "... 1 , �: ,..'. . 'lit, Of tile iil�ztilut�UA`l,
..."'. : �., � I _::�.. .
.- .:: , , .., ., , ::�,:.... ..:..,- Ali, A
' . �_. ::: ,: . . .I...".2, ,:: - ,..
..... . :
. '.. - .1 . . . .., `11 , _.. . ".." I
dent Taft, , . Idmmii before the dilution). . .. � �� 14.1, ... . ... ...
aull" lNifl: tho: woul and ,."-,.,- . -, . _ - ;,:.,. I ... I
P Fourth. -By the hand centrifugal I .
farmers' free list b2lS. Made Four Flights. I . .
CuTioixSlY eliough. the conferees. (in separator, five one -hundredths of I per Toronto, Aug. 5. -Skill .overcame . . � . :
the wool bill yv.,�-,Jrtlay 11amed Sunatox cent. A well knoIrn breeder of Here- bad WLatlWr ('0l1Jjti,)J!8 at, the meet . ':
Lafollette, tht� anti -Taft Republie.an The question which arises ,with the ford cattle says: "I like the Here- h -ere, yesterday anil the crowd of 4,00a � �. . ,.
. r
from �Xliscolisijj, �1'1�1 lZeprosell�,itive person who desires to buy a, separator u hey bave been pe�lple were showil some magnificent I
. i
Underivood, of Ahil�awa. the Dc:ilioera- is, What Mild and what size shall, I tile most profitable cattl,- ever main- flying by Clihrlt-s 1�. Willard. There I , 1:
talioLd on my farm. our farm' .
tic leader Of thL' k"11- as a sub -ow. buy? The answer to this question is Is Intensely practieal in eve ma was another accitivii, wbiell plit Wil. "i
ry re- , .
mittee to dralft the blil that will ,-,c an easy one In the mind of the writer. spect. When we introduced Here- lard,6 maollhit! "Ut 1A ewillills"don .
to Taft. Always buy a machine of a size or fords into it we did not cliangeour shortly bvioru t'ln'lit k,%-,-lt�h. but the I
It is safe to say that Taft's wislice two larger than the immediate needs methods or taxe up �u called fancy daina�v iva;s ,11,_,�it and thQ 'plane I 1, �l
will not be coiisultod. I A I 1�ncs offarminz. -We required that I will b'.. ill v'1)rl6l" urder �or to -iii -lit. 1. _"
or 4 e air.v and a Luoroug.ii y &�
liable agent who will personally guar.
-_ - - antee his machine to do satisfactory
I __ I work and ag-ree to keep it In. work -
III Ing order :ter one year it properly op -
14011 M-0 I crated and cared for. Practically all
0 I
Nylllar,J makv i�our Ifights, thutigii the :
. � I
air curronts 4w"r - - vvry truach ' ,�ous and . "I
at all times Iiii niaehini� Was w4b. �� ..
bling, In a most danget,ous ,v�ay. .
� ...
Ottawa Archaeologist. :
jL,a;,) the standard makes of machines will ration used has contained starch and Otta.wa, Aug. 5 -An important X0. . ... �
do satisfactory work. The negligence Puintilivilt hao- L,,�L:ll Inao.le to the StAf . I.,
and carelessness in.opreratingthe cream fats in excess, such as Nve find when of ille vi� tvria .�Iu.�,�um in tue pemn . .1
. corn is used in largo quantit . I
separator md keeping it clean are in, _ 7. . f Ilariviii I. Sliilt i of t1w American 11
most cases responsible for the short The owner of a breeding herd could 0Mu--;(-un1 vf XULU'ral 11;,�.ioey, New . 11 .
, 'Y,,Vk . I
,� t handle Ills cattle with the greatest ;
A b 0 �_�, 1��-, life of the machine rather than any * .
fault In the construction of it. -Roy Q profit by keeping his cows in just mod- Mr. S'llith booallLs th.� arplifloolo. . 1�.
A Potts, Oklahoma Agricultural College. erate flesh with a liberal use of alfalfa 9 i. -t ,)I t1ro nv%v museuni -id ha'i alm .. .
, .V i - (if it Is avalla- roak�y ,',;I.,`,vd lvvrr�. 1-11,,. L onf� i,f the
� �
,� aud clover bay, shag-
- I � 1,
[1: - ble) and but a small quanOty of b, _�,,. '...11,v,,n aro�-,nt-,..1,A_,,'�ts nn ,bjio -,_�ou_
, ..
� .
� Pats:ftre the Pigs. grain. It is much less expensive to tillviv, wad ,,�h� lvoxk �t; -wry well I
,_X,,._e^G1_hrf `� ft" Od ..
' il-Wf "'M The pig that has been supplied ,with teed a whole Lerd. of cows in the same kII-OW11 41 CZOWUU, j1:t'1%WLd;!r1y in � .. "'!
. .1 . n Br;z�ih 0,luuibia. 11 .111
grain ration during the summer manner, and the influence on the off- ._. ---.-.--,.. I .� i
The experience of Motherhood is a s ring is the same in each case. Verdict .Against Humk. 11�
. 11
tr d weigh from 11350 to 175 pounds I ..!
ying one to most women and marks. "'oul ' 'if a mature bull has all the alfalfa Ch:uaw. Oilt., ,W,g. 5TJm c4na- . i
distinctly an epoch in their lives. Not by the -litter part of September. A . , , I
I � * or clover lie will consume, together nor'�' 1"ITY fil)1'...111, �tL 11, 01-1(litire hito, .
011c Nvoln'lln 111 a hun. short period of heavy feeding will On- J .
gg 0 NT-itli twenty to thirty pounds per day 1�t- k1,Tl1 ` 1'11�ilclfll BrOW11 1.110,10 re- . .
:� 11 V.... a dred is prepared or ish them for market at 200 to 275 ' ..
zl N . -
. ,.,�; underst of corn silage or rootz, lie should keep tunw I t'�n, vertfic� that a(.c%;rcl-.'yi. to) :
' .
I ,� ., ands how to pounds In weigb-L Pork grown in this . t'111� L_�11itl(.�'. �11;%i Thq)111:1�4 AlrOwn
,,�4 I in good breeding condition on what Is
I Ir , properly care forlier- way Will 'yield far more profit thin I -�alll.,. *� ��i- llz,a�ll hy bhws adillinis. I I
�y��, ,f ar. ration , ,.
% �1' sp' . oicoursene where the process is strung out longer usually considered hau. a fan , I
V , evcrywomannow- of grain. For a growing bull wofthing tor; J 1 �- Char�,.� 11 u r At. " 11 .
I ly and the hogs are finished to beavi ,,, Ille (-�!,Jenftl Alowcd 11,0 pk-Gvoeation
- I as medical er
� aclays h, 1,000 pounds a daily I ain ration c n- f,,r tAl" assi't..", alti-t''.,11 t,"Ilvot
11 ,1 .".,I. tr(�atmexxt ,at the weights. The cheapest galus ate al- ,r . () �*&I- -
. , Ing Of four Pounds of corn, thret, .1) .,,It V1.1"
". I time of child -birth, ways made while the pig is yowig� sist., llon� i%ru it -,:� . - ii bi,lioatoil
, � , I ell but many approach —4,,h pwindp ot oats, two ponn& of wheat tll;IL 11L[r.1t 4!tA;P� � ; *. i; I J��`,,'L_l in_--UJteCJ
� ,
^ . -NA11A I flie, exporience with Milk Fever Treatment. bran and one pound of linseed int -al tilt, MuMAll" Mjo� I .�:!'.,
ail organism nfitted for the trial Of As a rule, no medicine is needed In would (to very well. With corn silage __,__._.___..__
strWgth, and ,when the strain is 9ver cases of 11 t1fiq ration could be reduced one-third Want OL�ar;; and Shipez,
her aystem has receiveda shock from milk fever. Every dairyinam De*ro,�*,, .�ii_ �,,.-I� -C_., .\11,,�rjca.j� I
whicl! it is hard to recover. . Follow- should own a good veterinarian's pumV Much depends rpon the individuality fTl,., olo� .� ii,�, l.,-, ,��;,L,)",'�,u, 011t., yi;��xt
., ,
� I
ing right upon this comes the nervous and milk tubo attachnoent. With this of t.be aninial. 11t, should be, wade to ,.,o., ek t1w E-".,-..,t-L�P.l�,��,;;, Old lloy;l
strain of carbig for.the child, and a Inflate the udder with as inuch air as Carry as much flesh as pos:slbie, so doll't, Igo," 6:.,:',��r�'a L;.')J,.,_,�� 111.'joro, .
r? _1
distinct change in the mother results. It will hold, intlating slowly and care- toxic, .1w it does not interfere Nvith li!�4 prosidtjit ,�,f t�, 1,._�.tl.�,-..l o-',LCIloy.."� A�3-- I
There -is nothing more charming than fully. Be sure to cleanse I)errectly usb as an avflve breeding Are. so;!iafloll c� h�t,lro , t yvsjxr.',,v a�,,.�r-
a happy and heal0y mother of chil- with a 5 �er cent soluliou of carbode -----.,- ___ -_ 110011, whCa :�,*o:(" wll�-lt L�,1,1:1`, wt
chlen, and Indeed ebild-birtll under right acid every part of the pump and out- I-licoo Mng 'Pigz. be *ah-oll w� a 1"liti'L A� t�!m re_,�-.)Val q
conditions need be no hazard to.Malth fit Also carefully waqh the udder and 111ccoughing I 'I)ig.s Is ca'ased by a of �iw � Uultod 'Litates ,.i�w_.,, f,,.,Gw tim I.. I
arbeaut� The unexplainable thing is t�treet t1canvatimoi .ta L),ndoll la pre- .1 I
th, 'Its with the sn ftch I I . . �
"It, wi.,�, . e of shatte mb solution. - Farm derangemelit of tile st0m. - 0110 of - 11ext . . . . . . ��
'Lli t1ye evidene ered to, paratioll fo� �NC,J: s lo.i'le.c.
nerves and broken bealth rt0sulting Journal. the best wars to correct the trouble is ina. . 1 ,%�111. I : . ,;: ; �
from an unprepared condition, wonfeA . to change the so,sv'% ratfoD, feedIng ---..-.-- I . ..';
. .
I �
1� . I . I ;
wiJ1 persist in going blindly to the trial. The Profitablo Dairy Cow. less ot corn nod more of such feed,; Tot-orft Preacher f-ir 0� qiva. ,: �.,:
it isn't as thoug,eh the experietice Don't allow that old reprobate of a as gronncl onts and bran, V thc trou. Ottawa, Aug � 11
. .f. 5.-J.'.�.v. J. 3. I�kliis of
oameuponthemunawares. Theyba,ve cow to fbol you by giving si profime ble dw-i not vcaeso give each.plgg e1c'11t Doveraourt ;,�,iod Dapt:�A ��",,,,rcli, To. . 11
ample time in which to prepare, but .1%
flow of milk for five or s�x mouths, tlien drops of t1w,mro of nsafbetida twice V)uto, 4,celwios tllt� pullit .., cl I" -1 I
� A .11,* "IrsE
they, for the most part, trust to chance , -1� - -.7", ":krat.. ,
atid pay the penalty. . going dr , ceases. pti�it Uil,r< I",! th., f�
,y. IV$ tile cow that gives a each day mitil the cong-hing ., BA .,
,, I
140nable atnotnit V milk -from seven --..--- .. Suudn�o. ltvv. Dr. ��_ _�%. C4!�:risll ,
in many homes once childless there rM z I I left yeitorday, moraing It r *.�t.)�'.*Wlt%) 11 . . 11 I :
are riow children beextse of the fact to nine months In the year that you Push tho Pi-gs Mono. I ,dn a vwatlon -of four wcoh,,. I .1 . ,�
that Lydia E. Piukham's Vegdtable can safeiy Imak on as a profitable looed the pigs Intendod for Lai! to,ed- + I
Com -and makes women normal, vaember of your dairy hercL em well durlag summer abd vev, fluit Kicked to Death 6y Homo. I 11,
healtloy, and strong. - � ., they make sub � st.,intlat growth. They Wockville, Aug. 5.-Ilorl)crt Swan, -
I 11
specii),l advice tit regard to this A Continuous Harvest, . should.havor access to summor pasture .% Valford lad of'15 yvoar8, wt�4 drivinj I
Inatter is Cordially invited to The milk, crop can be harrostM ov. where Plenty of %lurtdo and water are a toam 00n�,, Tho rZad 1,wi)v hie, home, I I
ivrite to Dfm, Piroltliftut at Lxrnn Dry day In the yppr if you ii�ivp Ills si�lailahle. Get the p198 in good conal- wh*Nn ollo ot thf, '11111nal" 'kh"'k,ld lifin . L
$ in th,e broa�it, caushig almo6t im�tant :�, 11
mas-so 1.1 or letter will be hel*d filo right Itind of rown und. wi,i7e tbom tilo tion. so that they nisw. bi �Ilplshod I .
0 � ,death, , I .... . �� . 11
''I . . . .1 � _."Z � '01*1 "I I . I .. : - � '',
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