HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-04-29, Page 11Tiger unlop WI elects officers and hears reports 1.1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Colborne corner Gertrude Kaitting, correspondent 524-2076 Tiger Dunlop Women's Institute annual meeting was held in Colborne Township Hall on Thursday, April 23 at 1 p.m. The president, Mrs. R. Buchanan, welcomed all and after members joined in the Opening Ode, the Mary Stewart Collect and the Grace, all enjoyed a delicious pot -luck smorgasbord luncheon. The -meeting started at 2 p.m. with the secretary, Mrs. Allan Stoll reading the minutes of the last meeting. Approximately 21 members responded to the roll call and there were five guests and visitors. Correspondence was read and attended to. A letter was read from the Historical Society announcing special meetings April 29 in Clinton and May 27 in Wingham town hall. An appeal was received from the Red Cross Society and a donation was ap- proved. A letter of thanks was received from Crossroads. - . A brief report was given of the Women's Institute Huron West executive meeting held at Holmesville and members were informed ! of the workshop to be held inBlyth on Monday, May 11 frau 1:30 to 4 p.m. with a special request for conveners of standing committees to attend All Institute mem- bers are welcome. The District annual meeting will be held in St. Helens on Monday, May 25 commencing with. reg•nsiration at 9: 15 a.m. e subject of a luncheon card party was dicussed and it was decided that because there are so many other engagements at present, this event will be held over until the May meeting for a decision. Mrs. Bert McCreath in- formed members that a representative for the sport of carpet bowling would be speaking at Goderich Township Hall in Hdlmesville on Thursday, April 30 at 10 a.m. This is apparently a senior citizen project and members of the Institute who are interested, are welc otne to attend. Business being concluded, the meeting was declared dosed and then opened for the annual meeting with secretary, Mrs. Allan Stoll reading minutes of the last annual meeting and then beingappointed as acting secretary. Annual reports were heardfromsecretary, Mrs. Stoll; public relations - Mrs. Doug McNeil; card secretary -Mrs. G. Kaitting; curator -Mrs. H. Brindley; auditor -Mrs. Ila Bean; and conveners of standing committees as follows - Agriculture and clinadian Industries -Mrs. E. Sher- wood; Citizenship and World Affairs -Mrs. R. Jewell; Education and Cultural Activities -Mrs. E. Reaburn; Family and Consumers Affairs -Mrs. O. Falkiner and Resolutions -Mrs. G. Kait- ting. All reports were seconded by Mrs. J. Horton. District president, Mrs. Alice Porter, then spoke briefly and informed members of the advantages of reading the various magazines pertaining to the Women's .Institutes such as Home and Country, Federated News and Country Women. Mrs. Ann Montgomery gave the report o"f the. nominating committee which was accepted and Mrs. Porter installed the officers for 1981-82 as ffllows: past president -Mrs. E. Sherwood; president -Mrs. R. Buchanan; second vice- president -Mrs. William Clifford; secretary - treasurer -Mrs. Gerald Feagan; district director - Mrs. E. Sherwood; alternate district director -Mrs. E. Redburn; br-anch directors - Mrs. H. Brindley, Mrs. A. Young, Mrs. R. Bean and rvirs. G.' McBride; public relations -Mrs. Tait Clark; alternate p.r.-Mrs. D. McNeil; pianist -Mrs: G. Kaitting; assistant pianist - Mrs. E. Sherwood; card secretary -Mrs. G. Kaitting; curators -Mrs. Tait Clark, Mrs. T. Hunter and Mrs. H. Brindley; auditors -Mrs. O. Falk int r and Mrs. J. Horton; standing committee con- veners -Agriculture "and Canadian Industries -Mrs. E. Sherwood and Mrs. E. Bogie; Citizenship and World Affairs -Mrs. R. Brock and Mrs. R. Jewell; Education and Cultural Activities -Mrs.- E. Reaburn and Mrs. G. Feagan; Family and Consumer Affairs -Mrs. R. Bean and .Mrs. G. Robinson; and Resolutions - Mrs. G. Kaitting and Mrs. E. Elliott. Mrs. R. Buchanan thanked the officers and members for their support in the past and asked for their continued support. Programs for the new term will be arranged Tuesday, May 5 at 1:30 p.m. in Colborne Township Hall and the executive and other interested members are asked to attend if possible. Business being concluded, the meeting closed with .0 Canada Anniversary the wedding was guard of honor of R.A.F. personnel and choir members. The reception and dinner followed at the Park House in Goderich. For their 40th anniversary, a family dinner was also held at the Harbor Park House Inn on Saturday, April 18. Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson have one daughter, Mary, who with her husband Ron Prout, received the many guests at the anniversary party. The Wilsons' many friends in Goderich and Colborne nship join in extending best sat-tbis time. A host of friends, neigh- bours, relatives and family attended the 40th wedding anniversary of John and Phyllis Wilson in the Jubilee Room of the Legion Hall in Goderich on Thursday, April 16. All enjoyed visiting and renewing acquaintances, dancing and eating the appetizing lunch. It was on April 16, 1941 that Phyllis Mary Lawrence, only daughter.of Mr. and Mrs. W. Lawrence- of Goderich was united in marriage with John Wilson, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. James Wilsson of Sheffield, England in St. George's Anglican Church, Goderich with the Reverend A.C. Calder and the Reverend R.M. Weekes (cousin of the bride) of- ficiating and Professor A.W. Anderson, church organist and choirmaster and a full choir in attendance. As John was stationed at the R.A.F. 31 Air Navigation School in Port Albert at the time and was the first, to marry/from the R.A.F. at Port Albert,- a highlight of 1-5 Year Guaranteed Investment Certificates o/O Annual Interest Rale subject to change VICDRIA AND TRUST Since_1841 Goderich: 100 Kingston St. 524-7381 Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation Card Fart The euchre card party held in Colborne Township Hall on Thursday, April 23 drew the largest crowd this season and all seemed eager to have another party. There will be another one at Colborne Township Hall on Thursday, May 14at8p.m. Winners last Thursday were: ladies -Mrs. Hazel Dougherty and Mrs. Henry Brindley and gents -Ralph Horn and Jack Graham. School news Remember the Colborne Central School spring con- cert next Wednesday, May 6 with Grades 1 and 2 presenting `Spring Fantasy' and Grades 6,7 and 8 presenting the play `Virtue and Justice Triumph Again'. On Thursday, May 7, Grades 4 and 5 will present `A Measure of Pleasure' and Grades 6,7 and 8 will present `Virtue. and Justice Triumph Again'. Both evenings the concert will start at 8 p.m. The children of Colborne Township will be interested in the fact that softball and T ball will be on the schedale again this year. Parents with children interested in- these sports please not that registration will be in Colborne Township Hall on Saturday, May 9 at 10 a.m. until noon. Fee is $2 per person or $5 per family. It is important that you register on this date so that the coaches can plan their teams and informyou before the sport is in progress as to 1. what team you are, on. Help the Recreation Ctrnmittee by registering. Social News Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCabe of Colborne Township on their 50th wedding anniversary from your many friends in Colborne. Gordon McGratten of Goderich, formerly of Meneset Park, is a patient in Alexandra 'Marine and General Hospital and his many friends in Colborne wish him a speedy recovery. The community is pleased to note that Cecil Adams of Huron Haven has returned home after being a patient in Alexandra Marine and General Hospital and - his ungannon doings Marie Park correspondent 529-7719 chair for business which MI eluded minutes of the last meeting and treasurer's re- port. Members were inform- ed of an all day workshop in Seaforth. Discussion was held on landscaping the church grounds and a com- mittee , was appointed to follow up on ideas presented. A motion was made to ac- cept the opportunity to cater to the grade 8 banquet at ver. Brookside in Jane. U.C.W. Beth McConnell recited a . ladies are invited to Trinity poem, Why do you walk so Thankoffering on Sunday ev- heavy laden? Elsie Irvin told ening, May 3. some of the highlights of her Nora Saunders gave the recent trip to Washington. feature, Three Crosses on a Bessie McNee took the Hill. The April meeting of Dun- gannon U.C.W. was held on Thursday, April 23 at the home of Amy Wiggins. Four- teen members responded to the roll call which was an Easter verse or saying. Elsie Irvin and Donna Young were in charge of the devotional which was on Out- reach and Missions and material was used from, the current issue of the Obser- Huronview Auxiliary re-elect officers many friends wish hima return to better health. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Andrew of Lucknow visited Mr. and Mrs. Terence Hunter last week. . Mrs. Hunter has been delighted with the success of her houseplants this winter. She reports her begonias have been blooming abun- dantly and her amaryllis is beautiful. Right now she has an orchid in bloom with two The Huronview Auxiliary Lockhart, vice president, met in on April 20 and Mrs. Mrs. E. Webster; secretary, Leona Lockhart opened the Mrs. J. Griffiths; treasurer, meeting. Mrs. Jean Griffiths Mrs. Powell. read the minutes of the last The Blyth Senior Citizens meeting and Mrs. Marion, group will be in charge of the Powell presented the May birthday party and the treasurer's report. annual Blossom Tea has On a motion made by Mrs. been' set for Wednesday, E. Webster and seconded by June3, starting at 2 pm. Mrs. Mary Gibson, it was The Auxiliary decided to decided that the present meet again on May 18, and executive will hold office for then closed the meeting and another year. The officers visited with Huronview include: president, Mrs. residents. SHELL 1O3O/2O4O MOTOR OIL By the Case Only.. CASE OF 24 Equivalent to 99' per Litre Your Choice $2376 -E-DVG/sA T., GD RIFU.83_L� Y. 4 TEESWATER/392-6100 Shell helps lovely pinkish red flowers. This was a gift to her about six years ago and it has finally bloomed, well worth waiting for. Easter guests with Mr. and Mrs. R. Buchanan over the holiday weekend were several of their family, Mr. and Mrs: Phillip Marzo and son Nathan of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan of Acton,_ Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rnnhanan" and family of St. GI.ODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1981—PAGE 11 Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Barry Buchanan and children of Clinton, grandson Steve Buchanan and his wife Joanne of Colborne Town- ship and Mrs. Buchanan's nephew, Lt. Dan Labrie of Ottawa who is at present on course at Camp Borden. While the family were home, they of course visited their grandmother, Mrs. Lottie Pope in Alexandra Marine and General Hospital. A 7 PIANGLE�9 of Huron Ridge Acres DEST() ,EN ApriI 29 - May 3 Open Mon. - Fri. 9 - 9 Sat. 9 - 5, Sun. 1 - 5 Grand Opening Specials Before you buy that shrub or tree, Be sure to check the guarantee BE SURE TO ENTER OUR GRAND OPENING DRAW c/uzon cRidde cqczes DAVID STECKLE AND FAMILY R. R. 2, Zurich 565-2122 Closed Sundays Johnson's Mennen BABY MAGIC POWDER 29 Mennen BABY MAGIC LOTION Q-Tips COTTON SWABS VITAMIN E Capsules ONLY • 400 IU$3 100 Capsules MEDIUM POINT 2 FOR ONLY Shop e Ita.n.9•le 1F, sI G neatest Yoyi ASCO■ GOpERtCN 14 4JSOV AREERIGEtNTOR N MAIN CO gNERISEp'F� Mp1N CO Get into the Savings Groove NIKE LADIES ALL CORT $18 •__1 NIKE MEN'S BRUIN CANVAS $18 REO SPEEDWAGON Hi Infidelity $6" t° 'AreN. t AC -DC Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap INTERMEDIATE BALL GLOVE Samar Star No. 1002 $18 YOUTH BALL GLOVE Model 900 $13 KIDDIES BALL GLOVE super Star No. 800 Rade Ihaek AUTHORIZED SALES CENTRE $6a9 ASSORTED L P' S 994 60 WEST ST., GODERICH / 524-7171