HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-8-10, Page 5__ I - I- I.. - - 7-1- ­ . - 11.1-11 I ....... I . J 1:1 . "':.. 1. I;,. , : "r T 112 -1 ­­ ­­­­ __ 1.1-1 . . , . , , " , 7,__-___` '. . ___._1 -17 I,-----,---- 1 PAPA t 1.4 x1to ho 0 6 1-1 -11.11-1. —1-i ! 11.1" . — - " i i; ll, llili;,i!l ,, :;; , l;li";",.".;;z,,,* 4 1 -­ 11 A ZARTNA'S .1 T'. ,. IN, "M-WAKMIM I4 . I V -P it ii 1, . 1. "I'll , - _., 7 - _ I. - " "No 4:! :, I N . I . I =Z I that, 4 Qt any more, . ou sh 11 not ­­— . , : - --. ­ I . . , : ' I . I I I I -11 ------- ­­­­_.. . . , :, 7 j7 , I I :, ... tell mo now, for it will make us T'he BuRdlitgaad All tilie Flirlilsh. 1 41 *M . ' :, %: , . , , I I I I F"-, -_ Or, I I _ ' , 1; ,, ","". "I'll . I'll 111111,ill, ,", ,.. , I I '­- ... - ­ " ', , , ": both, sad; I should cry at once, I lugs Were of Ice. THE PRESERVING 1, ' _ , , . know, It is unlucky to. have -teats ­ Tt! O: , ., .11 11 t, , ,i:" , . A. ; , I i _ M& POO, REN V90 ARA .1"A , pl;, , - . . I Smvv jarvvo, "I, ;, 1. DIIAMONIB"'s FOR T. E BRIDE oyernight; 'aid you 'ever hear it? The use of,ice for arelate(WrO : , I I I , 1, I I I I I . .: , . , , : 2 11 II And I must take great caro, not to ses is an art.that has been I I , I . I I I .. . 110IN"FIST JAVL11% 11"ZI ;. , , =4 to a high sztato of perfee- . I F OR NEULY 69 YEARS , 1 . I , I I.. I On a, Proposal b P oxy - . red eyes, for' I want t-) look - - I I , ,` I . aye I I I I I I I I I I . . I I . I . I . — I y r my be tion in northern countries, and I . I . . . I .", I . I ,? - st, I have such a sweet .1 I Ioft ! ,,'I ! I . dress. . , some Almost incredible feats have : '. I 1, 1, ., . — I I.. .11, - 1. - ­.. I I ill show you, but YOU been accomplished in this' curious 1. , " 1.11 .1 I - I I I I wl Burglars, colners alld )101.00,, .11 I . must have supper first. YOU must bristeh of industry. I . I I I . CHAPTER V.-( -were made gay be so ve . I . ., I 1 I Cont"d) with oak Panelling, y tired, and then there I Stealers ulve, See", the Error , I , I ppr6achkl with flowers and palms,ready for was the r , Probably the moit remarkable . .11 . I . Viloy spoke as they a I crossing." . . . of. Their Wass, I 1, . the receptiIctn; the library looked tcl am ti . . building constructed wholly of ico I . 1. 11 I I I -,I he station, though not to merrt ion red but the crossing was the pai?.ce built on the Noy . 11 . I ! ,% I . I I I I . , : like, t1le show -room of 4. shop, set -did not hurt 6. The sea, 0 I I - I I - One 91, the most'remarkablo ,of. 't ,Wuabel, . I was by the Czarina Anne I . "Ill .. , . , ,u cuts ever publklwd ll'is I i. j I out as it was witlithe weddi h. of Russia, in . I . I ficial doe W 'i "I was mistaken just now in my ng Pre- smoQt , and then I felt the heave 17M rPlie xstatterApt"t,o,r,. u.strilet I I I I 1, . just been issued by the Djiiti ,h I I . Rents, Dulcie, wasou the tip -too of of every wave bro, ailding was unsuccessful, a . I . I Istimate. My price is highe-, than . ught me nearer this b Is s : I high. spirits, looking forward to a to you. Yes,, I will have iome sup- the ,slab o r t t EXTRA' GRANULATED 'SUGAR, ' "'son, (`Qmn`,'ssi()i16rs, It cl( "` , laupposed. At the, very least, two - s I ice we e oo, hin and I I IV-ltb lben who have been prufe6, i, bousand." I, nearer "vent than,that of the mor per, though I don't really want it. the building collapsed in 'the' first has stood the searching test of proser I t - , , sional .criminals, but WhO, After "0- . It ow Margareb was expected, I onl I . . I . V1119 'Wo. Thiii i , ouly - i I May did not reply; it would be " y want to look. t, my little thaw.' . 1. I I possible because of ic.% consis t high 4 1411-ty- : . " _ . ' . 1 si, ter,)) . 'A . . . I . ton I peated:o6avictiona, at -id years, spei,,t I., . kine. enough 'to answer when 'though not 'till the evening; her' 0 . . Subsequently large blocks 'of ice . . I in g, I I : ' ' I .. . I aol, have seen t1jeorror of Lhoir I , . 01111). Madge., her dearest sistor, as were out and squared with great . , I . 4 0 B ways a -ad turned O.Vor a UQ V : - 0hursday oamo,.an-d lie. had Glen "'Chat -is ,what I feet, but I am . I FROH YOUR,GROC R. .., : have . . I I I do and Co. behind him. The sov- she called liar to herself; all this going to do both together -eat an,d care, and laid on one another by I . I leaf. , 11 . I bridal triumph, we Id be somewhat 106k at you. 0 1 the , . i I U , -. skillful masons, who cemented The Q;tnada Sugar Refining Co,11 Limited Montreal Many' I , . )reigns wer,6. still in his hand. . Margaret, Greq lorl , , 1. $ of,tbese ex corlvfcts hive , less thaa triumph to, her, had Mar- is a lovely place; I didn't half tell I joints with water, which immediate- . . 1. I 1 2 1 , I "What class?" he- asked, as they Established in 1854 by Xohn Redpath. 11 battled so successfully against the . ,4, garet not been by to seq. I ly froze. Thia, building, when com- I . I paused at the booking office. you, I went over it with mamm ),. I disadvantages inlpo-ed Upon t1jeln I I - 1) = _ I There had ever beeii p eted, was . 56 feet , long, 17 14 . I : "Third will do for me; pity to 0, w a 1111 George was having my ro nis dons - .- by, their criminal antecedents, tbat, I affection between these two, And up, and he wanted to know about broad and 21 high. It was but one I I-- not only have they succeeded in I - 91101 , Ar-aste, money," I story.. I I lifting themselves ut of the deptlii,', . "' There wore still some minutes Colonel Swayne's, edict Of complete colors, There is a perfectly beau,, The facade contained a.door sur- , ' , ­..­_, . before the train came in, but M aY separation pressed hardly on them, tiful music -room, ar. d a hall in oak mounted by 4 An'. with this weapon stabbed and kill- butthey have even raised tber' - 1. I .1 was minded to wait, its arrival. He bal-th. It was perhaps, DulcWs with old a.rmour-and clear in t ie men -t and six windows, the, frames PRISONERS AND THEIR PETS ed the warder. . I selves to high salaried posts 'and 1-1 I ornamental pedi­, I - I .. dons Of trust aii d responsibil. , .-I . passed the third-class ticket over sweetest trait, this love for her park, and a hard of ti -.ay poni.e,s. and panes of which were all of ice. There wasan elderly convict who posita . I I I I , ldtr sister. She was a small per- I liked the ponies best, and George An ,elaborate balustrade, adorned in Dart- . , has spent most. of I his life ity. . . I W his oompanion, w;th the two e n of many moods and aspects is having a pair of them broken in with abatutes, ran a,long the top of WHAT Do moor, p I on, and will be I b4ok there One 0143 thief, for instance, Is novr I sovereigns and the odcl silver, and so I SOME CONVICTSi 1 S , the trusted employee of a, big firm : I I i - then he offered. him hi ' . which contradicted one another. I .7 '. a. Such the fa. other balustrade . I 11 , s tblg %rette- I on purpose for me to rdviv . cade and an . IN THEIR SPAR I shortly to serve a, fresh %entence, of jewellers. He has access to tlion. . . I , case and a light. Th -ei been five or six ,du,cics they, are -but you Will see, the building at the, lev- . I E TINE . . who is that most amazing hand with . I , . e two men There might hav surrounded I ­ sheep. 1. . . sands Of pounds' worth of vali.mblet, . . ' . . smoked As they walked tip and Dulcia's, Underlying strata, making, And George,is having the diamonds -el of the'ground' The side tentranc- I - t . He knows every sheep on the and easily negotiable property. Yet : p that engaging personality, be as ,to the. enclosure were flanked I , , down, and exchanged ft few com- 11 - reset -the necklace, you know. -alized men Haye. Great 'Gifts prison farm, and they -know ,him, lie has never betrayed the co-ofid I , . i - . . the, ' I (I,'; i monplace remarks on the aspect of sides the, one ,whidli. was', betrothed Mamma said it would be absurd on with pillars 'supporting urns, Bru( . ence of hisemployers, who have P-11- 1, I t ,, 4]i , to Gower And reflected his passion, latter containing orange trees, He never drives the sheep like any I -a country, the orchard , -a me, so George " For Taming Birds and' other shepherd, but merely whist - i! ,! th blossom The Dulcio -of every day was some- a little thing lik 18 whose branches, leaves and flowers , . ery confidence in him, although I I -beginning tQ open, the se of the getting it macle into a riviere; the Were all of ice. , 1 AnImMs. les to them, and they follow him. they ,are, of course well aware tot I 11 , ,%,bby. No in u ... said what sel'-seeking and indolent, biggest stones in a stxi-n I This poor old chap looks upon Dart- ., .great water- Ore g and'the Hollow pyramids of ic-a on each one Of th what his past recZA .has been, , i , . nd there was another side of her, I e first things, ;oil notice ! " as to the price of Vincy,Z Absence. a rest in sprays to brooch into the side of the building contained,about a big prison like Parkhurst moor as his home. He, hates lea I v- AJORGER WHO TEACHES. . .1 -h Har4 corsage. It will look sweet. I lights by night. The, grounds weie or Dartmoor -is the tameness of the f a term, that -Anotber remarkable case i% that I I The time seemed , interminable 'till' eager to play, weat-like, wit ing it, and always tells the Gov- 1. ,old May'p Unacknowledged worship, don't know where to begin with all further ,adorned with 9, life-size birds which haunt the place, says he will of an ex -forger who has served . the signal dropped, but at last the ernor at the .end c, I - if.31 I . slim moved, and the station -bell of which, woman-like, she -was cona- 1 have to tell yon,, or how to leave, figure ofan elephant, with his ma- Pearson's Weekly. "Sparrows and I be bacic -again soon, , several terms of pena.l. servitudet : .1 . , J 1 clanged Out- its warn'lig Vincy pletely aware-. She was aware.al-! off. And yot must have, a great, hout on his back.' A stream of wa- jack-daws hardly tiouble to fly out .1 ______14___ Aggregating altogether twenty- ' . o -so of another affection, so serious - . I I I 11 pen -ed the door of, a thir&.class . I great deal to tell me 7" ter was thrown from the elephant's of one's way, One reason for this NIIGARA DISTRICT eight years, and who now teacher , 11 L : . 111 smoker. 0 ,. that it alarmed her shallow, nature,, Margaret ,did not immediately trunk by day and I a flame of naPh- is no doubt the fact that thereare . in a, college, where hii has been for I li ), h not and he, impulse had been -to shrink NEEDS PROTECTION. so 6 time, I I ,: :,I. "Bye-bye, e, said, "but respond. What Ghe had to tell did tha by night. no boys with catapafflts Or air guns In - ay. And in this case also she ned a hot bath . . . I 4..; for long. At Glennie's on Thurz- aw . . , . not relate to diamonds. A tentof ice contai about the premises, but i1e, main Some of the stories of suece-'sful , ,. I f day. $) was giving pain with full knowledge. ('I want to know about your pic- in which persons actually bathed. reason is that convicts, almost,with_ Enough Peaches in Georgia Alone struggles against almost over- I ',I . ,She was ,to be ma-rried in John ture I . I 1, .He learled-t'hrough theopen win- ,s. Are you intending still to There were a1sto several cannons out exception, -are kind to animals to Supply America. whalming odds by men who have I I , - Hungerford' chur-h On the And mortars of ice, which were and birds. . I passed the beat years of their lives I i 4ow as the train moved on, watch- InOr- be an artist? And what sort of a . 1, row, and he, in company with a place is Barbizon? But, befor loaded -with bullets of ice and iron' .The relationship between Can- sin ... ) I I ing May as he stood looking after . . Even the roughest and most bru- ada. and the. United States as re- in convict p'risona a 0 , him, still, with that white, fixed related archdeacon, was to assist in anything -else., you must have sup- and discharged. talized men, who are, a terror to as well as pathetic. In not a few tying the irrovocabie knot. . The interior of the buildink was gards the fruit industry, and the ., face. When the ,son's figure be ' per. Chicken outlets -you used to warders and other prison officers, - ir;stances reformation has followed : I I cloi upon . I `1 Ma-garet would not arrive till npletely furnished with tables, will not molest the birds, but on manifest need of a Protective tariff marriage to a respectable wo- .. . -came indiqtinot with di-tilnce -tbe like chicken cutlets-ba,ve, you , , :,!! I I after the dinner hour, and Dulcie chairs, statues, looking glasses, a the other hand will save crumbsI for Canadian fruit growers have man, . ,I ". .. father threw himself into ft c(.rner If orgotten 2 And I coaxed old Har- clock, a complete tea service, etc., from their daily allowance Of been clearly shf;-wn in a series of Oue m,In who was thus saved Ili - . had planned an upstairs sup er for I " I a , . Of the empty carriage auJ lan41­,d topp to make one of the very same all made of io'e and painted to imi- I bread, and spread them on the sills articles by Dr. George 'Chorles f mI in hirns,lf has se- d no fewer , ,, . a. : aloud, laughed as a man moy do the -weary traveller in the small creams we -used to choose for our al objects. A bed-cliam- of their windows for the benefit of Buch&tnan'Of .ue,amsvil)e, Ont., P-1 e - tha a four fwr al servituA.- senten- , I I I I who holds the w' ,..-ning cards, and si ting -room which was especially birth -days." . I ) .'' t bar contained a state bed, with our- their feathered friends. sident of the Ontario and M' ri, I ov - Qjr Iv,rs(­ tn.aling, lie has now ,.J , . : at, tho sama time is well amused. her own. Mrs. Swayne was wil- Dalcie hovered over Margaret at tains, a dressing table with a mir- Lord William Neville speaks of a Co-operative Society , l,""It - 7.-,41 r-ert, tAiott ,wpropriat.c ly, to bo a , , I 1 . . I 1' r; ft,tt-111al. ­JL"'j, - -11 ' ' 1, Therz-, was some justice -in Iiii ling Dulcie should have hex way the supper which she shared, Pour- ror, pillows, bed clothes, -slippers, man at Parkhurst who had an ex- wiih the Niagara lieuinsu .r . ,,, per. Anothet d I "I m et, f(r it on this last ni-ht ti icler her fa- ing out quest'ons, but hardly wait- and nigijtcap -all macle Of iee- traordinary gift for taming birds. Buchanarl says :- . cutivivt ,-,tiv %a,; L ,,,iniilarly -ch,1- ,,F -d , - , I served him * miles. that's roof; she"herself was look . ing to -be answered she hact so There were ice candies burning He was a lazy, good-for-nothing There are in the Nia-ara P'e_nin. I . only for a few . , P through the in8uence of a -4 , , He got out at the junction to aban- 'nj pale and ill; could it be Ifar- Much herself to say. Whe 1.1 th a naphtha; and ,most wonderful Of all ruffian, idle to ft degree, and al- sula about 350 square m1les- of land ,woman, beuaniu a porter in a farn- - I I 4on his journey. "Next train to gooet's home -coming which affected"Ir,ay was taken down she lookedat an ice fire, place containing burn- waysin trouble; yet he exercised on which fruit can be well grown, IOUs Loc,don ,Jiop, and has proved I .r ,:, . her, or did she really feel the Part- ' ing ice logs i blocks of ice smeared . strictly lionest through a long term , .1 -1 . - tonclon due in immediately -on the 4 the tiny watch on her wrist, a new a sort of weird fascination. over all I . not countin- 't 1 Other side," the porter informed Ing with the daughter who was not toy, and a brighter tint warmed with naphtha and then ,kindled.- kinds of birds, and his cell was a 0 such districts as Art- f years. I .1 ., . I k: . him; but, instead of crossing the her own? her cheek. . . Scientific American. . . regular aviary. caster a -ad Dundas. Between To- ' A man who has served, amongst .1 : Dulcie went in the carriage to --14 I Sparrows and starlings were con- rolito and Hamilton there is an- : li-e, he turned to the way out, and "I shouldn't -wonder if George other 100 square miles; in all at other sent,enees, eight yearz. for i I . . coiningo I I walked clown the street of the lit- the station; and when the two girls dame in this 'evening, Just for five stantly fluttering in and cut, and . .,,, made up: his mind to "go .1 entered through the hall WHEN MARRIAGE IS LEGAL. would sit on his hands without be- least 288,000 acres. straight," and he did So although I olonel. .. . I . !, nized the two . , 0 minutes. He, said he would if he . . L 11- - e came out from his dinner In Franco the man must be 18 traying the slightest. fear. Prison i Not all'of',this is peach land, 'lot he was. often out Of wo&$` lie had I ,i I 0 'inns with theiT hanging signs, and Swa.yn could, if it was not quite too late, l y 20 per cent. of it. to be content with the worst paid 9,1 . stopped outside a garage where was to give Margaret a cool hand- and his train is clue about now. and the woman 16 in order to mar authorities do not look with favor ery little of it is of no use for forms of casual I bor. Th ob ` I the inscription, "Motor car on shake. And then the bride swept II -rill lou come down to see, hiiii, ry. In Germa,ily the man must be upon this sort of thing, but in this I But v a a R.t , I 11.1 [;, Y, I hat his any fruit.* Muchean be made fine last,. he gut a permanent job, and s . her tall elder sister away upstai at least 18 years of age, In Portu- man's case it was found t " hire." 11 , irs, TIVI ad se 7 . .1 . , ., "Better than back to that P erry to establish her in the easiest chair "No, dear, for he will want to gal arboy of fourteen is considered Pets exercised so good an effectipeach land- ,by drai stuck to it. He savec! money, set. . . 7 I I I marriageable and a girl of 12. , In upon him that the regulations were:_apple, plum or grape­land; some up as an electrical. engineer on ., I , _,.,_st, ' r the vil- and surround her with a hundred sea I -, . ., ­a,.% making talk fo only you. I won't go clown Greece the man must have seen at not strictly inforced. - If I . lagers. "\, cares and caresses. If the Tc1ceP- amain to -night. We -will. have our is only good for berries, but all of his own account with awOrk.Rhop'la. %W— _! ,:, fl, ,,,,And I'm good enough least 14 summers and the woman it is in a good fruit climate. The the rear of his hotilse and iz ,a.-)VVI7 .. I I elf. first meeting to-inorrow. So his 12. In Spitin the intended husband . unplanted land is waiting to double I I I, . clip dfeur," ,be muttered to hims tion below had been cool, the o TEACHING MOUSE TRICKS. a dealer in electrical 'appliances in , I * I I warmth -of Dulcie's went far to name is GeorgeVP , I .: And then, ale'A and purposeful, he . I 0 must have, passed his fourteenth or quadruple in value, whenever a, large way of business.' 1 I 1. I I turned within. atone for it. I "Yes; it is a nica, name,, isn't it year and the woman her iSth. In Another favorite prisoner's pet is the market demands more fruit. Of course, other criminals. :,t.,','740 : I "My dear, dear old Madge ! NO mouse. Some time ago a party of reformed themselves ere 141S, .MA . The garage -master discovered he W -George Gower I He is staying at Austria a man and a woman are It may be . 11 had to do"with a customer who that your hat is off, let me look at the Vicarage. Uncle Swinton is supposed to be c=able of con uct- convicts just released from Park- alue of ,his assumed that the have -even risen to high positions. . knew his business and the tricks of you. I feel I cannot look enough here to -night, gn-d the Archdeacon ­ ing a home of tli lr own from the burst were noticed to be turning v land for general There is, for instance, tfte w-11- . . i . .11 - to make up . for this long time I their railway carriage absolutely farming is not over $100 per acre, known case of the two. li,v ot" . , bhe- trade.. Vincy narrowly exam- we the. other people do not come till age of 14. In Turkey any youth and that for fruit purposes it is - hora I . ,: Is" . have been parted. I don't want to to -morrow, by the morning train. and maiden who can wall- properly upside down. Wakefield, both ex -convicts,, who ; :, ined the car, and ended by hiring find you a bit changed, but exact- Cousin Joan is staying ,with the and understand the necessary re- It appeared that one of them had worth $5oo per acre; although made world-wide reputations . for I I i It. ' Send it rou-nd to the 'Red gious, services and is worth themselves, the one as A general of- I I ; 'Lion' at six o'clock," lie directed in ly the same." . ' Velt,ci's. You know hero two. little Ii - are allowed to be lost a mouse which had been his pet - , ', . conclusion; "and 1 will drive my- It was a beautiful face, this face girls are to be bridesmaids, with united for life. for two years in, the. prison and $1,000 per acre; and that where it ficer in a foreign army, and the oth- 1: ., I . self." I of Margaret's. The sisters were Ernest dressed as a Page.JJ . .. I which .-e was taking home, carry- has to be drained, draining will er as a successful Australian states . alike in feature all, but the eyes, I "Phyllis and Lilla? I remember —41. ing it -of all extraordinary places, man and legislator. A d there. us- . I I , , , Vincy had more sovereigns in his but Margaret's' countenalice, was them ---dear little tots. But haywn't LUCKY MISTAKE. -in his cap 1 Happily, master It ca n'urther be stafed that ed to be in London not long since I , I .. I - roket than the two extorted from animated by a higher soul, and life you any others? No older girls?" I I — mouse was ,discovered behind ,a peach land at $1,000 per acre is a bayik nianager who had -served a. ... .;, . is son, He made arrangements had 'ta,ught her deeper lesson$. ?I cushion, and order was restored. known to pay a good return on tb'e term of penal servitude for bur- . No; I wouldn't, Ma4ge, dear, Gr000r Sent Pkg. of Postuin and The house mouse is much more investment in the hands of practi- glary -in his younger days. I . for doing himwlf very well at the Th4t, bit least, was )lain to see. as I couldn't have you. -I am so . Opened the Eyes of the Family. difficult to tame than the field : 0 " . "Red Lion," and diiied abundant- cal growers. If we,take the very 113 TIAE'S A CRIMINAL. o I .il I ly in the middle of the, afternoon. 'Sll:e returned Dulcie's kiss with sorry it is, the one thing that will A lady writes from Blooklin'e, mouse, yet many a convict has not low estimate of 10,000 acres plant- , I clu I affection. . not be right. If papa had only Mass. : . only managed to tame a mouse, but ad at $500 per aai it these men were not profes,I I ; , rhen lie called for pen and a C a -a we h,ive a value . B' . I I . aper, and proceeded to write a 'My 9hild has grown into a 01anged1is mind a little sooner- I ((A package of Postum was Re . . of $510,000'000 for'tb,e orchard an .nt even to teach it tricks' 7 1:siond criminals, They made ona I - man, I suppose, as there is go- in time for you to get a dress - your illiterate man berry lands. . r, of a few Y") It is -generally 11 tslip. and one only. The cases dealt . _. I otter' It was a latter jag to be this wedding. But to me Nor,% Tempest would have made a me one day by mistake. who cannot spend hi 'Ai l. ;rj the repirt mentioned abov,t , , 1, . , 'I. )ines only, but. the-conipositi6n of - ) "I notified the grocer, .but. find- s spare tilne Now as our home market grows, , , . to be difficuit. One or she looks like a child still. Dulcie, pair.' ,. : Ing that there was no coffee for in reading who achieves these mar- and in our home market ,n i lie -othet- ha ad, a I I relate to nwri , arling, are you happy? Ve (To be ,continued.) I vels of taming. The sinall animal we have who have de.;iherately =barlit-Al two .drafts were ,tried -i colixected my'd 1. . ry) breakfast next morning, I prepared no competition, every acre of this upon a regular caveer of OrjiTlt). very happyV . I —1-k— - '. is taught. to sit up and beg Plov I I %nd altered, before he produced the . . . some -of the Postum, following the crumbs, to run up his master's 288,000. has potentially the same and after following it more or les's fair'copy. It. raJI as follows.:. .1 "As happyas I can be, now that value, and fully half is unplanted. suc' . . I I . ou are 'here. And we will never THE KING OF LETTERS. directions very carefully. . v t bis collar, cessfully fur some time, have . I V I "It was an immediate Success in and at the slightest sign of danger There are in Canada about 8,000,- turned fr;m it and lived hon,L-ib I n' a 0 .-Ou at be parted again as we have been You Will FindIt In the Best and in my family, and from that day we to make a, bolt for the owner'a States lives for a term of years long . "A bel,, I rcc,6 nized ' ' 000 people, the United "I Fortune's Court, and I read in your th'ese three years. George says the Worst. have Used it constantly, parents pocket, . claim 93,000,000. However that enough to stamp them as being per. . , . I . lace that* the recognition was "rau- you are to come to us at Grandoa; I and children, too ---4o I r my three Seeing that every prisoner is may be, our present -oft fruit acre- 'mantently reformed characters. .., I tual. ' What lies between Us in the and you two must love each Other, Wbat letter of the alphabet out- rosy' youngsters are allowe-d to searched several times during the age is fully equal to supplying One man, for instance, served I past you know. If you wir h to to please'me." shines all the rest, and reigns king drink it freely at breakfast And. day, and that a regulair staff of Canada. It is safe to say there, is ttiirteen long terms of imprison- ' I . . %void scan -ii %1, leb'me, see you. alone Margaret smiled. "It is good of over all the othersl It came first luncheon. They think it delicious, warders is constantly at work not over 12,000 acres of peaches in ment before turning, over a new I I George, to be hospitable to -%vith God, and it will end all .. " leaf. Ano..er served seven years . this eveniiA,,,, and say no wored of your, I would have a, mutiny on my searching the cells while they are Eastern Canada. If ,this su lies I this letter to Ma,V, or any other. -an unknown ,sister. If, lie makes things, It is in what.is inost valu- 'and ime, it pp ake . I .1 eou happy I shall love, him for able to mdn-gold and 'gains that hands should I omit. the ,beloved vacant during the day t 8,000,000 , people it would t for housebreaking, after five pro. . Should you ,efuse, you will incur t.)) . bevera-e. might seem a-terly impossible for 150,000 acres to supply 9301)0000 VIOU8 convictions for the same of- I . , glitt6r-and y u will find it even in . " f ars. I I % danger th gravity -of. which you tha., .1 . 0 0 a prisoner to keep even so small a people, but there are 160, ' Ate fence, extending over twelve ye, I ', "Of course he will make me the middle of a, fight and, lit the * "My husband Used, to have a 000 res He is now a traveller for a. well. . :an estimat - I gambler) Is of peaches in Georgia alone. 11 It e, as ceriainly as I. s den. very delicate stomach while we were Pet " a mouse. But the fa,ct * III. , tin waiting r' ar at hand. I saw a happy; he, will lot me. do. -xactly And it even stoops to conquer . in using coffee., but to our surprise his that warders are much more kind — — known firm in London. I - - I . ;arclen-shelt4il- in your shrubbery- as I like. And.1 shall like to have the most inferior ,objects, in the, Istomach has grown strong and an-, to those in their charge than is I 0 Yet another remarkable -case Of I , you. Madge, it is fun to have a ,generally ,imagined, and seeing the kind is that of a man who fol- I . I will be ISAere 6oin nine'to tea . goat, while be -kicks up' his beels tirely well since we. quit coffee and that a s WORDS OF WISDOM. rit 04 1 ;111 . lover-- -I'like it. And I suppose a , men a canQ possibly help lowing a long career of chro ,. V clock, _aud shall expect ,you.- I . is and horns, and in the h; -g -in fact,, have been on P6%turA. a prisoner to escape, the searcher Every boy should .be given a walked into a police -station 11RI I I - . I I husband is nearly As good. - I 'Valter Ifney," . I . .. It in all pigs. It is in our faithful k%roting the good effects in my will usually pass over it even if he chance to be what his fancy dio- mediately on his release from , a6l. I I , V , :, ,,, 10 .J . 0 I .. . fW . "I . . ,odd, to ,think, I shall have a, hUS- friend the dog, while at our feet we f amily I wrote to my sister, who I tates; he would seldom make a all the prisoners' Aid societiel I . . .. He *hJdresse-d the letter to the band after to-mbrrow, and not be find'it in the green grass, And was a coffee toper, and after much does ha pen.to notice it. I wrong choice. having long .since given him P-1 I'' . I I . ,;;;;;; Dulcie Swayne any longer, but Mrs. ., bo -except U . . how could we build a . use i I Elonorable Mrs. Swayne,, and 'but Gower." . . I I . for the ground where it bealins? persuasion got bar to try Postum. A COXVICT'S REVENGE. Experience is the thread on wbicb arid begged the superintenderA . I . 1t. carefully ,away in ,)is pocket' it . 0 "Slhe,was prejudiced against it , we string the beads of our know- there to give bim 9, job, His re I 11 : . I , , 1. pv,as not intended , for It . he Post. And The elder girl smiled, t bu-b ' the 'Just,see how it sticks to us in gum r t h she presently For another thing, he knows par- ledge. quest was complied with, and hi 11 smile covered a sigh. Dulcie held hike g a, and in the, middle of the found that all the ailments that fectly well thatbis kindness will be Don t ,6r*ssip And don't repeat has stuck to 66.0fie situation foo I , : I at dusk the -hired car, with its n ght "' . . . : I :. her with' a hand on cither shoul- , be it, ever so dark, it can be coffee gave liar left and she got appreciated,, and that the prisoner gossip: e rtd you will never make many years, goi-ng straight all tbA. I . . '4 shining lamps, came round to the de.r, studying the familiar face, made to shine. . I will be far mor .client to rules enemies. I while. 11 - "Red Lion," and Vincy mounted , ich bad grow . While it commences in all the wall quickly she became And re- and give ,,,, a obe I . , WLI n strange. trouble if he is I -oft A fairly healthy man can worry I 11 Itild to-olt: the steering-whetel, turn- great, grand, and glorious thirkgs mains a thorough and enthusiastic in possession of his pet. . —44.. — . I . I I Ing back in the direction of the "You are altered, somehow, and of earth, it ends in the in - .,_ Posbam convert. .. himself into all manner of com- . I . I I can't think what it is. You are lost g.rue-, on the other hand, the pet is plaints by imagiting their symp- A OOLD MEET01G. "... I Court. 4 . some -of all the grave. You will "Her nerves, which had become A 4I" I '11, . - I . . . 11 the same,old dear, and your eyes find it in the best and in the shattered by the use of coffee have taken away, the, man will, very toms. Maud -I wasn't aware th&* M 11 11 . . are, just as kind, but there is some- likely, turn dangerous. Some years Enthusiasm hyi only to get the 1".. , - 1. . 'd ytA 1. .1 — . Worst, even in garba-ge. In what is grown, healtby a ain and to -day know Mr, Jones, Where. d; .. 01HAPTE R VI. thing., about them, a -shadow.. ago a new governor who had fresh. bit between its i` eth and 0 b, and I . 1. - I # 't it niore, glorious than in our flag, she is. a now woma ,, thanks to ly taken' charge of a London local it becomes exdo meet h4w V- I . , , 4 1 1 Tbat day, the, next before the is because ou have been sad and that waves, than droops over the Postum." Name given by Postum We have to f4 clihigly dangerous, ,1., , lt pl , wedding, was a stirring one for 0,11 so Much alon,61" prison issued an order for the ex- . xgive old age near- Xast, -"Oh, I fell In with hid . . 1 ih6 household at the Court. Uanv . "Perhaps 'it is, Dulible. I don't grave of the soldier?And then this 'Co., Battle Creek, Mich., and the termination o -f all prison Pets. ly ,as niuch as .Vo do youth; both while tAating," . 11 I I I 11 I 1. were the preparationewhich wen't kn o w— I ,. . I Wonderful letter immediately arises, "cause why" will be found.in, the A war4et .found 4man in posses. make terrible i-nistmkdg. . I I I I I I I I , I , ' I ' ' ' ""' "lly , 10 I i7 Q i Thi . . f , , , , I I - I I I I I I , : : , I !" R ,I , rl 1' l I [D==, =J 11 I I I I I I , , " , , , , , . , I I I A I Montreal , 1, I I ' i ' 1 4 ,I . , J , I I " . '. I . I I I I , , , -4 I - 7 , " I .1 11 I , ill I 7 I - f ; 7 111 M41 I I . 0;!,. , - I I I I i I .! I _ . and perches itself in the centre of 4 0 I I I , , (-, , preat little, book, "The Road to sl*on of a mouse, seized % and kill- Re is a wise maii-6,r a cynic, or 'Did he know wlien b6 " 1% th , 4 1 , I !PTw,%rd; the ,old drawing -rooms,, Of cotirse, it in"It be. Poor our great and glorious England. . - I 1Vel1vjll0,1.1 .Whjob comos,ill-&08. ad it. The. prisoner said nothitig at Perhaps both -who made the state- thatpretty girl to mAirY him , I . ,1-1, .1 .. I . , . .11 to 'a . I . 4 . opening one di hat'the I Lter tvaenad the 'above' I M60? A now ofto the ' , I i '(Kiip'tlio' th r, sb'qle motber 1 1: .wa,i t, 1143L r 11 , b6'116 . Who can' spUte I - time"lut next day he stole aii mont; that a fool -was b6ru t very she is poorl". "Y*4 id took, 11 . I I .:' I ._ , -a , - , , 4 i. . .1;.'r' W I& ' OW 1' ' ' 'aA. to' ight .' -s: romthoo to t1rho, Th I I . ,%4,) , , h . 4, 11 I ) a 4 `6' :tr,Dw ,and dark liar, .but .I will not' . I I list a King.OfLettbrs. ': - aj)poal are xer!W , , . t, 1, ;, - .: _ . I . . : . I . I . I I - ino, truo, And full at humark 4141terist. twl from ,the cobbler's hop and moment; and most J1 them lived.. at btor face value,"411 , ,11,- ,I Iil I.. . I I . I 7 I I, .. . . . 1. I -, . '.. 1, I I , A 11 ­ I , . - ­ . . I - I ,,,I , I., I I . . .,rl,., '. .il . . I . I . . .. 1, , . I . I. I . '. -11';'_ r I ..., ­- - - . . I I . . I ; I I - - I I I. I I..! :: I , , I , '' . ... :.: I! - 11 I - 1. I I I . 4:1 . I I I 1. I 11. .. I I I . . I . I . : . I I . I I 4 11 11 " . N. . r I I I I . .