HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-04-22, Page 5A Letters to the editor Writer feels constitute - n should recognize God Dear Editor, An open letter to- Pierre Trudeau: A bus load of us went to a session of parliament last Tuesday; each one represen- ting a different part of our province (all from Ontario except one who came from Alberta). We were there from 2 p.m. until the lights were turned out at 6 p.m. There were a number of things I found very difficult to understand. Would you ex- plain these matters, so that I, in turn may be able to ex- plain them to the people whom I represent. Is it possible that the preamble, or any part of the 'AMENDED CON- STITUTION' will not in any way recognize "TI1F SUPREMACY OF GOD"? For a-eountr founded, built, blessed, and grown to maturity on, with, and because of, the highest of Christ -like standards. I can't see that this is so. If I am correct in what I am reasonably sure I heard, but I hope I didn't understand, this will mean a revolution in our country. The people of Canada will never accept= it-? There- will no longer be a "DOMINION OF CANADA", and that would be a catastrophy in- deed! We have elected you, believing you would. repre- sent us in world affairs as honourable and dependable "MEN OF GOD". Meyers not acting on oven behalf Dear Editor: In my opinion Mr. Lynn Meyers and the G.D.C.I. deserve an apology from so- meone, concerning a com- ment and comparison made by a town council member at the April 13th tneeting (quotation in your last week's paper under "Council tables decision on the arena auditorium rental"). One cannot jump up at the coun- cil table in reaction to all the comments made by others (although one may try it at times) and I take this oppor- tunity to be the 'one who of- fers ,the apology, as I feel that the high-school project and Mr. Meyers' role in it was subjected to a totally un- suitable comparison. The topic under discussion was Mr. Frank Little's per- sonal request for rentfree use of a recreational facility where he said he intends to "make money" for "horsemen" who are, accor- ding to Mr. Little, badly organized. Mr. Meyers was not on the agenda; he was not present for any purpose Blyth Hall needs money Dear Editor,.. Blyth Memorial Hall is one of the most pleasant places to enjoy live theatre. It is in- timate, yet large enough to seat nearly 500 persons. It hds the warm feeling of aged wood, yet the comforts of modern air conditioning and the safety of full fire protec- tion: With the recent renova- tions and additions, the hall now has a wh1el chair ra-rnn and ° pleasant, mlern washrooms. Making Memorial Hall this way cost $310,000 and $50,000 of that amount must still be raised. We could do it by raising ticket prices. If each of the more than 20,000 persons who visited ' the Summer Festival last year had paid $2,50 extra, the debt would have been. quickly retired. The policy of the Festival., however, has been, from the beginning, .to keepticket prices as low as possible to allow people of, all incomes to attend and to let people br- ing the whole family and in- troduce their children to the. magic world of live theatre. We are asking instead that everyone who enjoys the Turn to page 6 whatever. Mr, Meyers has not ap- peared before the council as "an individual" or on behalf of any unsubstantiated rela- tionship. Mr. Meyers is the Head of 'Physical Education at the G.D.C.I. and Co- ordinator of Recreational Facilities, i.e. the athletic field at Eldon and Bennett, established as' a Community Recreation Centre by town council's by-law number 31 of 1978 whilst by-law number 27 of 1978 covers an agree- .ment between the Corp. of the Town of Goderich and Huron County Board of Education, the owners of the land. The town's by-law enabled. the project, to obtain a Com- munity Centres grant from the Provincial Government. 'The only contribution the town has made is the Clerk's help. with the application. On the contrary, I' notice that among the invoices paid by the projectis one submitted by the Town of Goderich for "labour and machine time" for $3,629. • . I am impressed by the fact that the G.D.C.I. students raised $26,00Q -for the first phase and expect to raise $23,000 for the, second phase nf the athletic field' which is also available to public at no cost, 'at certain times and part ofthe year. I understand that the S -Piece Place Setting Includes Salad Fork, Dinner Fork, Knife, Dessert Spoon. Teaspoon 1 2 3 ' 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 16 17 18 19 20, 21 22 23 24. 25 26 NOW! REG SAVE! COMMUNITY T" SILVERPLATE world famous for finest quality $37.99 $60 75 $22.76 1 Classic Shell 2 Royal Grandeur 3. Patrician 4 Artistry 5 Modern Baroque 6 Affection 29.99 48 00 18.01 1881(9ROGERSOTM SILVERPLATE .. truly fine quaiity, super value 7 Amoresque, 8. Baroque Rose 9. Flirtation HEIRLOOM LTDTM STAINLESS . highly crafted, superior quality 10 Classic Mood, HEIRLOOMTM STAINLESS ... heavyweight, luxury quality 11. Shelley 12. Michelangelo 13. Colonial 14. Dover COMMUNITYTM STAINLESS ... very popular. heavyweight . . 15 Satinique 16. Venetia 17. Paul Revere 18. Cherbourg 19. Frostfire ONEIDATM DELUXE STAINLESS . impressive quality, good price .... ........ 21 Mozart 22. Mddern Antique 23. Homestead 24. Chateau 25 Cherie QUANTITIES LIMITED! SHOP NOW AT 49.99 75 00 25.01 23.99 39 00 15.01 15.99 26 50 10.51 20 Louisiana 12.99 21 50 8.51 26. Capistrano A NSTETT JEWELLERS 8 Albert SI Clinton Goderich Lions Club will donate $20,000 for the pro- ject. I feel that instead of mak- ing a habit of demanding concessions at the expense of local taxpayers, as increas- ing numbers of adult groups, businesses and organiza- tions do, they could learn a thing or two from students. If I may say so, I find it somewhat difficult to believe that, if an individual wants to promote his own business Let us know that I' have been- mistaken in- what I thought I understood; that you do represent us, both at home, and in world parliaments, as "GOD 'FEARING" and "GOD HONOURING" members and renresentatives of "THIS GREAT CANADA OF OURS!" .. and the business of others in the same field (Mr.' Little saidthat he makes his living from horses), he would not have the ordinary pride of wanting to pay his expenses, instead of reaching into the recreational revenue pocket' of the public. I.. do think that the com- parison with Mr. Meyers and. the high-school project was a rather unfortunate one. Sincerely, Elsa Haydon No world empire has ever been-destro-yect by an outside force, in the last 5000 years, before it was destroyed by internal rot; and the last step of decay has always been the break up of the family. The great Roman Empire is possibly the most outstanding example. The British would come a close second. If we are not very careful, CANADA will be the next! In order to prevent this, wee must all "Put our shoulder to the wheel" and do everything in our power to keep the family unit. intact; OR WE TOO WILL GO DOWN TO DESTRUCTIQN! MAY GOD HELP US TO PREVENT IT! The' • "TEACHERS FEDERATION",. of which I am a member, and pay to help support, has hired Laurier LaPierre to take our very young children (from one year old and up) out.of their homes, away from the GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 1981 -r -PAGE 5 love and care of their parents-; and put- theta in- state -run institutions. He has gone so far as to say, and I quote, "THE CHILD IN CANADA DOES NOT BELONG TO HIS PARENTS. HE BELONGS TO THE STATE". This is a statement that should shake any country to its roots. This is the forerunner of in- evitable destruction if it is put into practise! Now! Why do I tell you this? You already know it in all its details. I repeat it because of its stealthy com- munistic undertone AND, it seemed to me, by what I heard, that the .AMENDED CONSTITUTION is overlooking the IMPOR- TANCE OF THE FAMILY in our country; the all impor- tant factor .in the building of a great and mighty GOD FEARING COUNTRY. TELL ME I AM WRONG ! W.L. Barth, Blyth WEDDING FUNERAL TRIBUTES, FRESH, SILK .& DRIED FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS See us for QII types of arrangements os well es Potted and Hanging Plants. We also offer o Flowers -by -wire Service. WE DELIVER IN GODERICH 8 AREA,: UNI11.110 ' FLOWERS BY w1RE SErYY E AT SMITH'S FARM 8 GARDEN CENTRE 82 SOUTH ST. GODERICH 524-8761 0 SIZES 10-18 WERE PRICED FROM '66.00 to '450.00 Aril Sale SUITS $49.S0To $337.50 SPORTSWEAR •BLOUSES •SWEATERS •SKIRTS •PANTS •JACKETS *BLAZERS WERE PRICED FROM '35.00 TO '88.00 Sale 526 .$66 SPRING COATS WOOL COATS AND SUEDES ASSORTED SIZES, SOME HALF SIZES WERE PRICED FROM '50.00 TO '220.00 Aprfl.1j.s16 DRESSES ASSORTED SIZES AND COLOURS SOME HALF SIZES WERE PRICED FROM '50 TO '240 Aril !38i75: ( IdAR(.t.0 VISA Mini 0 SHOPPERS SQUARE GODERICH OPEN ALL DAY WI DNFSDAYS, FRIDAYS TILL 9