HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-8-10, Page 211 I I 1, . I � � , , i 1-1 I . F- Ir T7717,7_77 - _, - -, -,-"-"-., :�.
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I I I cert4inly corim, , This, of coUrse, AKI . , . , ___r__ �_= �
I ing 4ways aim to divide the risk.
I "i nt$ to 6"* , TUOY �Ioos 'lot mearx that the Babylou- i4 .
I ,
�,: . , r u sy nousekeepors,, � M NO SAFE INVESTMENTS Thils -distribution -of risk," ,,a
I � I I . —_ � 'an king had tot come already. �s it � �
�� I I . ____,_��11111.-�.,,_,�, His attack Upon Jerusalel,-a in the I . — , I is. callod� is the first step of the N EMS, F � IOAST . I �
I � -k . INTERS Llf'lf. ( ,'AL Lr ' i
. . .
. i 11 . . )N MON, first instance, a year 01, so befol,e, I Wise, man who ainis to keep his � I
. � .
I , I I . . . 'US'.r is. DISTRII;UTIO,N or, XtISX FIRST ,,fOrtUne,, big -or lit le" I I I I . �
. I Rvelm 0%d Otbe" V41%mbfo latoiMati" ALI G � tbis� was, by no means as se t �
- I I , vere
. � � . i , . I I. I . � ' ' �_11_ ITIM11 TIIE 1vE,8,Tj,,,1�jN VL,,()pLA I
� I
'': I 1. � I � . Of Partloulir Jawrest to Women Folk* I � I As that wbich Jeremiah here pro- AUR 01" W1 8 E' I N TE S T OR -, . . :
, I . I TRIALS BJr 1,rA,
� 11, I ,� " �� . _____ _. I � . � diets. The fulfillment took- place I I I,L,.R. ARE DOING., k
I � I � —_ __ 11 In i ,. �__ I � . .
I i . . �� __=�—. == , . , Lesson. Tll�—Jellobfldlwk 11111'As tho .a few Years) ill thereign of ,T,e- . I ' I . — .
' - ... ll . . � hoiakini's, son - . A W-Stilledy Lixple-USAIR"t Way of (
I . � � I I DAINITY DISH.E . ) Jehola,chin, and still Inve,stin N)t So 3."Asy as it 801111(l, I . I . . . j, .
, . S. insert a knittill Prophet's 310ol" Jt�r. 36, G<A(Itnj 9 N- s
. . � -needle, ali'd if it � further in the, wasting of the city , .1
I . I 9 � _�J�j I Proving 0110*8 Innow'Ree, I Progress of the Great West 'rol(j�
L .
. I
11 Save all cold'i,egetables, hiclud- is ,Perfectly .clean, thou the calre Text, Isa. 40. S. at the e ly 1.1,1XIA Iflylestme tire .
S , I ,,. ,nid of the reign of Ze(leki.jb, Ilts I Throwing peopic int
, � 101V Pointed
I., I : ing potatoes, chop them, then fry ' d on e, . . o tha water " I .IU 4 r
Z11 � . �s � . . . Verses 1-19—Jemlniah's roll .olie- of 1) One to sit upon the I Not Nore Powliar—Ratura Too to let it ,determine their innocence �
, together ,with a, liberal sea4ouino . I .
1�1 . avicl—JebOiachill, withill three ' or guilt was widely in Ilse in. the I xtews� I
I I of salt &I'd Pepper, . TJ,SE.FUL k1lasi. tated to Baruch, alld read tu the .Months frolla his accession, was 1111r- Low—ReAsoll Slatill Iluvc�901' seventeenth and eiglitoeiitli: cen- �NT'elsi)u, 13- a., C,,msus authoritie2j .�,
I I people, I . I
I . I Should Try soulething ,Else�o are havilIg � I
I Rice and Raisin PUdding.—Make �ried; away a, captive to Babylon. turie: . A Synod of West- Prussi4 1:1.
� & I , A little laDd in. the starch will -do 1. Tile fourth year -of Jehoi4kiul— No ,child of 11 s I .9 considerable trouble *1 ,�'
I K 'ice Padding in the usital Way- much toward keeping irons from About B, c, eo5. i*t i succeeded to the T1 . . I I forbade its Use in with tile D . A
erc� i , 1745.. Sporadic � oul-chobors. " 1
When half c� I . is likely these throne. � 'If I 11, in 0anada. a,growin amount :.;
� OR-PIta whiob. is seeking il-114 tmeoit� ,cases, however occurred during Vancouver has lost one Of jtXL h
" sicking to the clothes, events occurred after Jerusalem His idea The experieuce or the United Rts, 6 le Of & ableteelith c 7 �'ggest industries ly the destroy. ..
t handful of stoned raWns, stir ill Save the fat from all ra d body $hall be, cast out ilia a similar period f its exists tee dur. the who ea- ,�
eat% an<1 bee , a nee, when t I . . :��'
: * bject to _Nebucliadnozzar� —The assertion in 2 Rings 24, 6 that e a," Zt.knOWledJe enabled 11rY- � I I
� ame SIX
. I
� carefull", c0vGr'ithG top Of tile Ptid- poiiltry and Use in place, of lard, Je th I k If inve'stmer Ing Of the shipyards by fire. 1. i�
remiah had alrea,4y prophesi d he "sl sliarpers of the - .1 I oD di 2 , k, iv
,� L,
I ding *with a thbil layer of bread- ,except for pie and biscuit. � e opt 'With Ili$ fathers" is in stem hundreds � 9"t-Oh-quielt' type to Prof. El , P. E ' a Taylor, who. is held at, �� I ,
� I this disaster and the P th a Of tile thrifty, has romptqd I Dalmati where in I ,
I crumbs, and on it put little bits .Steaming is I rolongea c . . Of millions of dollars fron, vans Wnto in 1895 . , I
� air better than boil- tivity aP- no m'a.)' cont"Odictory to this p1,o_ the pniblis er of ,this of its Use i V,Inicoliveir for the, Murder of Elt � I
I I of butter. Bake till the rice is $ng for fiall, fowl, and meat. Wbich was to follow, Tile Phecy.' The same a�ccount is silent e 8&vAn1%1 pper to Mote in some district A, MCOUtcheon,
� ghisbuxial, Thelaetthab l4cation of investment information, piib* . .
� cooked thorunghly. Try People were in a state of fear, an,t colicernin ""'tu]"s some space sac week to the Is it was still custoyn- 'is 82 years of age.
. 4 .
this method and you will be univil- it was a�, opportun . this end they have secured the To ary to throw all the women into � A numbor*of slides of Victoriv,�,_--, I
�rape jam should be made front ling to give it 11p. e moment for Baruch included this ill Jeremiah's' of one of the forom I . services the water on a, specified day to see were shown at the Ar
I � ost financial writors I ctic 13 M'0�6r�;
i fruit grown out of doors. the Prophet to repeat the warnings ProPbecies, after the death of J' iA OanAdm to :all this oolunin. eaby week whether the . hood Theatre 1
40 e- with would sink I Dawson City, r4s.
Wash To stop nosebleOA-Place a pie,c which lie had Uttered froiA time to � h<Aahim, shows t1lat lie felt no dif. sub golleral Inf-Ination on Anancial y or swim. ; ,
� . .�
.� the fruit carefully and stew geAtb, -of brown or tissue paper over the tims, for ll)auy years, I . I jOOts bi.tho hope that it will rove A roPe was attached to each in cently, . �� ,�
its fulfillment. iKiligs for themselves the merits of in df -der to save, from drowning those One of. the most comp �. - �
vestmen I
I till tender, then pass through � . healty as to Useful IT' helping our readers to u , � leto lib� �
teeth of the upper. jaw and tho f, 0 :
11 ..I
onieles both give only brief The following article is introductory in who 'proved their innocence, by rary buildings in Canada, is t114 . ,.
it once. -A similar conamand came to aecolizits of these times. liatlire, During the next few months the one erected at Victoria, B,Q., � a( . �..
To evexv pound of bleeding will stop ,. I a roll - - i, and write and Chr
clean sieve. 2, Take thee ,,e -T
imlp allow One pound ,of loaf -sugar. One housekeeper says she puts a Isaiah, but in his case the voll was 302. A _ 'Various kinds of in -vestments will be sinking, while those believed to be 1 �. 1
� Bring to the boil and co,ok p,ist for, rolled rack-er into A. squash pie lo . . nother yoll_Its . contents dealt with and their good and bad point,$ guilty because they floated were 'a' "'alue, of $26o o6o. . I ,
. T rather a tablet criticized. For examJ510 t11 r
, covered with wa,x. ,are doubtless prese I e merits of T1
I rved f or us to mortgages will be contrasted with those also. rescued and made to promise le model Zwn owned by tbe
. . twel,ity minutes. POur into Pots thickening when she has no egg, Jeremiah's roll ,was made of pieces of bonds and investment sto , . I p
. I
I and cover at a large extent. in the book o Jojre� sorts. The proper sort eke of various to forsake. their evil ways on pain, f 0 1 t..' "
i Once with egged and the result is 'good. . f " wel River Pulp and Paper Cora-
, I of skin stitched together, and at- miali. as we. 11 P of investments for . I I
P&Per. If liked, a little- lemon -peel To Fry Ba ave it... chapters 1-35. IyOmeu will aIGO come in for considera. of being stoned. . Pany, has msbained damage by fir,a. ", ;,:
, I
. �i I.,
I . Shrivel- tached to rollers of wood on each �Nl- tion, These will not be dry, technical to' the extent of $35,000, . I 1�
I con. Without
I — articles but will be interesting and ,,I=. A tra,veller has described a mod- ,.. w
May be used to flavor the preserve. ing -Lay Strips with ,edges slightly end. On this, in columns parallel .310DER Ple and may savp you from putting your era survival -of tli-e ordeal Used. in I . 4
. 4�avory rice is & 'very ni a change o "_ Kamloops � .
� ,c verlapping in a ,cold fry pan and t N IDEAS ABOUT SLEEP. intends spending, .
I . � money into losing ventures at some $200,_ .-
. � from the ordinary rice pudding. fry slowly Until crisp. the- rollers, lie iras to inscriba I future time. Thei impartial an detecting thieves in,southern Rus- 000for,developing 500 horse power ... ,�
: d reliable I
I utter- 3.1ally Pervoqis Take, Too Much of1j. character of the information. in this coi- Sia,, Sa,YS tile Diutetic and Hygi- on the Barrier river, a tributa.ry, �
and boil 'Whein the drawers of the dres- ed during the twenty-three years of -r . umn ma'y be depended upon. The writer . of the, North Thompson river.
Wash three ownces, of ric& . . tile- words of his pmphecies, '
I it in Wilk till quite tencter, ad- ser, chiffonier., -etc., stick, remove his public career, Tile ".1MAUre of Dreams. Of these articles and the publisher of this enic Gazette, All the, servants of
These utterances paper have no other iliterests to serve ig the household where . the robbery A Irew Post Office With U, f ront-
Sleep is � no longer indefinite, conneotion -with this miatter.� .
. t. Butter a tj a lid rub the slides Well are recorded in the chapters which consid . ,age -of 72 f
� dish, spread hall the rice on it., I a - . Y — curred -were asserlbled. and as eet is to be built at
I ra
ered a wandering abroad of (By "Investor.") niany balls -of brea,d were made as Revelstoke, Kamloops. The, struc- -
, I sprinlde one ounce ofebeese on it, per. - precede this one. .NLTo ,doubt there �he '80111, writes Fred W. Eastman I
with pZae`rW'% and save your tem 100
� I is a certain amount of condensa,tion wn . ture will be two stories in height. .
-e cheese on the top, put squa ary Poisoning of the mo�t any"fool can make a, fortune I
rest of th In the Atla'atic, but is now kno The man who remarked, "Al- cted per ou.s. Governme
. add the rest of the rice, scatter the A Btri ' p of emery tacked to M small as he would have to rely partly tip- to be a tellipor . A sorceress then i4dries2sed each lit Agent J. Xirkurr
re board is 'almost iudisPeu- on memory and partly upon frag- brain cells by the -waste prod ) one of the number, saying that the has been lippointed stipencla,ry Ilia -
little bits of butter over, and brown sable in the kitchen, for one can mentary recor4s. licts but it takes a wise, mam to keep particular ball of bread gistrate'for the province of Brit -i
resulting, during the day from the it)". was much more than half in
. in a quick Oven. The rice may be quickly sharpen the c&rving kni - It - be t t the o e o activity of the body in general. earliest wben he spoke. Keeping a held in her hand )vouldwb;'i'nhk'h'er1ish Columbia in Lite Jaulle Cache, ..
cooked in stock with a flavoring of on it.. fe 3 M4N ha h us f ;.
vegetables instead of milk, Judah will hear -The same offer of Thi's when a muscle cell or a fortune, swim as the party addressed was ssed for thet, ,
When stew-ing pears add the juice Pardon as was made previously nery -or -even a, modest alnowat new sewer system of the ,city of, lil
8 cell acts nutritive ' material guilty or innocent. She then flung I 1
Cli-se, Crusts. -This is a good of a lemon and the. grated rind, avid (compare Jer. 26. 3). of savings, -does not mean merely it into the water, I Or,anbrook. The system will ,cost I ,
The attack stored within its wall$ is broken keeping it safe. A well-chosen hole $100,000 and will t&ke two seasons
NAY of Using UP remains of cheese. two inches of � cinnamon to every by .Nebuchadnezzar ought to have down into substances that are of no Boiling water wds used in
I T-&st Some thin. slices -of bread, cut ,eight or twelve pears, according to intensified this appeal. value, and merely impede in the ground will do that. But, ,d or- to build.
I into rounds of ,equal size, and al- S, ze. further eals. by the Persians and it is
; low two rounds to each person, - 5. I am shut up-Xot imprisoned action of the, cell Unless removed. so to invest ones money that it not .referred to in the Avesto. It con- F or -allowing three prisoners to,
. AVide-mouthed bottles are much (Lee verse 19), as in Jer. 33. 1 .and . Normally these waste Products are only remains safe, but also brings tafti'6d both the sacred elemerits, escape, -while on duty, Robt, B-or-
� Mix together two ounces Of grated, better for keeping tacks than boxes. elsewhere, but restrained by, Some -w ash oil by th bloo in a substantial income, is a prob- land, jailer, Iiiis been ask-ed*to e -
cheese, a tablespoonful of cream, ed t, e d stream water and fire, suggesting the de- -
- .
e term e t�e ver olice force, . ou- I
. Led but- ther the taci,- is of t e esired indignation over his recent predic- new cell food, and is finally itself t], future. In form p I
and ball an -ounce of liquef Then one can tell at a glance wile cause, presumably by the people's which -at, the -same time provides lom which takes much thought. Inge past and the fi ry doom of " sign his position on the Vancir
ter, -with cay-enne and salt to taste. length. h a o To e average man, th the simplest n lelb
I I . . - A Pod dressing for sabb . tions. 4 the hings and the kidne 3 Meaning. As often as n ver -j clear the, fiot, wafer test the bare a" by the late Mrs. 0. M. Beecher to . .111
� Put a. tabl�spoonful Of this mix . I Purified by the excretory organs, "investment" has no Of A sura of $1,000 has bee'
a- Y19- ot, we bear -
- I
I ture between two croutons, Press ma,ae as follows 4,,e is 6. The fast -day -A day especially In course of the clay, how- men State that they have Ili 'Was plunged to the wrist in trivial the Vanc ranch of the So- ...
. - One egg, one appointed in connection with the ever, production is in excess ofi re nve%t- cases, and to the elbow in more ". I
1. ,
. "
. ,each, and if vou can spare it some �ar, half cup sweet milk, salt and moval and then the clogging effect the terra "speculation" -which in- fings or coins thrown therein. mals. I"zteirention of Cruelty i t 'I
t h er parsley on tablespoon mustard, hall cup vine- national danger. . _ ed" in a mining stock, .when even serious trials, usually to bring out ciety fov the
--hopped ha ' Pepper to taste. . of these substances is manifested volvez taking a certain amoun.t. Meetings are being held in vic,i � 11
rd-bOiled eggs. 'Make 9. In the ninth morith-December. to Ani
hot, and serve. It was perhaps the first anniver- by fatigi, of In Tibet plaintiff and defendant - ,�
.e in muscles and brain�,' chance -would be ,much too mild a settle their toria, in an effort to, arouse inter- I , I
BicaTbo;-fate of soda, ishOuld ,be sary of the capture of the city. The the extreme degrees of which re- word. ,To fliers, investment at plunging their cause judicially by -est in the. � 17 1
. Vegetable SOUP. -Place an ounce found in every house, and in 'a only stated legal fa,�t took place in. sults, in the latter organ in - arms into! boiling Project for securing a I
.Into it a small onion, one -ith. ability to act, wbich ,we now .
I of butter in a, frying -pan. Slice conspicuous place. F3r burns there the Seventh moy 2 the in- once brings 0 ,direct line of 'railway from the I
ca , know yet tip thoughts of mort- watio-r containing a black and a, peace River I I
or. �
rr-Ot, is nothing better, as it quickly I -e- . -ween these two ex- white stone, when lie, who br'nga The Daughters of the . � ,
10. Gemariah-He was broth gages bet district to Vancouv.
� -e pain. the friendly Allikam, mentioned in t-tilis spent out of commission as . . Empire � ��
one turnip, and two potatoes. Stir lieves th er of as sleep. 'The third of our time tremes-flie well-secureci farm up the white stone wins the verdict ;;
: . till all the -vegetables are slightly Hot water in mixing batter has a the la,st lesson. The place of ,read- therefore really dite, to tile inade mortgage on tile one hand, and the A King of the Goths in the Seventh have been presented with a silver �
.-ans, for I ,,,�,
excretory or e atiou �: I!, I I
-cake, which should be as be most likely to briiiL6 tile mes- Purifvixrg the blood. the other -lies a, great Reld of op- Council of Toledo, recommended work during he qcoronatio)a festi-
13a,n- add two tablespoonfuls of rice Sponge -6h the sanction of the Victoria,, 'for th, ir orgamiz
� browned, then place them in a stei�- tendency to, make cake whiter. ing described was bne that, would quacy of the - hi-bly speculative mining stock on century. wi Whield by pribminent citizens of �# ,
- and two quarts of cold water. yellow as possible, is better made sage within the hearing of all the Pe.rhaps, on account -of Popular PoTtunit.y supplying a variety of in- the boiling test for crime. vities. t
�i )�immer 11 gently for one hour I W-th ld vater. people ,coming in from the cities of opinion and personal habit, we vestments to suit all tastes and all --.I.---
I I and 0, alf and strain through 1To preveut matting from becom- Judah at the new gate ,waste much time in a, jellyfish con, requirements. INTERIOR OF. TX[E EA The receipts 'of the City of New ,
I I ,&*�vire sieve. Return to the sauce- � RTJ,f . Westminster show a jar, ,
, q
dition that would be more profit- — . , , i
pan, add two ling vello,w ,oil the floor, wash off 1.1 -19 -The roll also read in the WHAT ARE INVE-STMMT . ,.%�ase
tablespoonfuls of occ,;iona,ll TS 7 ]ffa over last year, the elegifric, doli . T..
P,ornflour moistened ly with a large coarse pyesence of the princes. .. -ably spent in active pursuit of our rdly as 1111'ell Hilown About it as �� .. I I_,
. with cold a bitions. The, answer of course Now, as to, what constitute in- . About the Stars. I ment. al,6nei showini $11,080.95 11 ` � , ,
Icloth which has been dipped in a 11. Micalah-It was in the do.. in Ill i".. I I � ��
!, J...,
water. Stir continuously -till it S _ depends Upon tile nature of our oc- -vestments. . I over the same, lhini'e last year. "I I . ,�, ,,,
boils, then avold a seasoning of pep , troll 's chamber that the cupation Te interior of theearth. is scarce- Robe rt Tw, ,.1 � F11
- Ig 'solution of salt water. of his father' If there is much muscu- ob�v. of Portland, has ..
When eggs -are frozen in the win- book was read, and the ' . !Strictly ,speaking, an investment ly more accessible than the stars to been awarded a sub -contract for 11
� Per and ,salt,. and serve. - -son. car- jar effort involved with a corres- is anything which we may buy that direct -experimentation, and is less the construction -of �,
ter putting them in cold water will Tied the news of what bad taken ponding large amount of waste in will bring us in an ine a 40 -mile !�
Meat jelly is most nourishing for draw Out the frost. If a, frozen Place to ' is father, who was ot er- the cells arid blood, ei . ome, and knolvil through valid indirect .,evi- stretr . jl,
uh glit hours or retain its value, i.e., can be dis- dence. ,h of Ca.nailian Northern ,�', I
. anyone who has tired of beef tea, -egg must be boiled, put salt in the wise engaged in another chamber more are probably necessary, . Some information is given Railway line between Ho and I'? I
which, Kamloops.. .-.1. 1.
i .
-work is -of a sedentary Thus, the purchase -of a good farm in r n S a 0 the . I
Cut two pounds of shinof beef into water and it will not run out of with the Princes of Judah. For the But if our Posed -of without material loss, by earthquake shocks pe
Small pieces about the Size of nuts, the ,hell. though local o . .
I . Position of these leading men, see nature and mainly of the brain -which may be leased or wQrked so whole earth. By igi ' 11 k I . I I I
n -91— I ,,, ;; 11
. 1. oarefully rejecting all fat; add a Cook a, can of tomato.es slowly last lesson. there is naturally a smaller qua - as to bring in a good return on cords of seismegraphs in various , ,� ;
little t�lt, place it in & covered collating the, re -
with several'slices of bacon. If 12. He 'went down -From the of accumulated waste and less . .
. its cost, is an investment. But places it has been learned that the - WORDS OF WISDOM. , :::::::: 11
jar, which put into a saucepan of already fried, all the better. Add temple to the king's house, which t2faye a required ,for its removal. this is a very small and, relative velocity of the earthquake wave I "I �';','�;.,
Pre- 11 �
boiling water, and let it stew gent- an onion cut fine, bread crumbs, stood -on lower ground. EInathan Manylare the, instances of great 5 Money talks; but not in the .... ., �.
ly for eight hours, adding more ly three or four miles per second in sence of the man who'has wi 1;�� ,
,and se"oning. Makes an appetiz- wais spoken of in the last lesson men, past ,amd present, unimportant field for the investment ,-�,:�.,
1,e who haf-ve the upper Strata of the earth and i�_o , ,
wa' r to the saucepan when Te- ing change. I ' lived healthfully and 'Of our money. Not everyone has I love .�;�,
-_ 5. Sit down now, and rea,d it_ -worked un- . Making Money arLd Inakingsdom" 1;
quired. Al:�out an hour before tak- sufficient capital to w miles per second in are ahke, in that the more you get �.,,'i
ing it up stir in balf an When the 'knob comes off your There are several evide singly and strenuously on buy a fivrin, i,�!
nces that ce& only the central nEucleus.' I I iAi,.
. ounce of granite pot lid, leaving a hole for the princes looked with f four, or five hours sleep, or, half the and, as a, rule, the rental of a the more You want. I ':,�'' � � L
Upon I; I: ,.�.
� isinglass; strain and press through ,-v'ur laborer's portion. I farin i� not a high enoug The ea 1�h as a whole, may be, If you take one, man's a 1. !e, ,
- R Jeremiah and his attendant, Dreams are, due to an increase of on the investment to make it I re r 6,..a great ,spherical bell halleas are the I ..... , �,
a sieve, then put aside for use. Be steam to escape and burn your 11 return compa id divice, the
ngers.. Baruch's position wa C I I
fore serving, scrape off eve take a common sorew, put s: the one or- worth which -when stru next man who I
ry par- f underside, screw into dinarily -assumed sensation and circulation over while. Yor one. must ck makes. only two comes, along will convince you � I I
a by an Oriental remember or three mplete. vibratio ' the
ns Per first man was wrong. . . I "I
ticle of fat that may have risen t* up rom that -which -exists in Profound sleep. that out of this return sufficient hour. Ascohe note -emitted by a Many men figure just how far 11 ,I
the top. cork, and behold a new 3id! tea,cher (see Matt. 5. 1). Observations made upon patients must be laid &Way each year to piano string depends on its length, . I
Cut new napkins apart; double 17. How didst thou w.rite?-Taey 'with cranial -defects show that rebuild all buildings at the� end of, thickness, they dara to be bad. � :
, �
j� , t,
them lengthwise* and dip the raw desired to know precisely bow muc'q whe -and Aensiou, .so, tile When we. act the. sam'e in our .
HIXTS OINY CARE-AMAKING. responsibility rested upon Baruch, n we are dreaming the brain is say, thirty 3,ears. Part -of the re- "note" of the earth bell and the house, , ; �
� i edges into boiling water to the greater in volume than in deep turn from rent represents .% velocity of , whether there .3 company ;,.;
Pay- WaXes in its different present or not, we have a prtity . 1,
� . in every branch of cookery the depth of one inch; then hang them and how much Upon Jeremiah, in sleep, and less than when -we. are went for depreciation c, * I I
� I -order that they might give a true awa n buildings, Parts give .some indication of the good -stand ill with our family. I , 'i �
. � j
�, . greatest care must be exercised to up to dry without wringing. They -ke. Thus this intermediate etc., which, despite repairs every state of the concentric stTatai� Of The man with one idea is some- 1" 1, ,
� follow the rules account to the king.
. , ,which the, earth is composed. . . . �� 1;
; I exactly, and in- will fold and hem easily. I volume of blood would indicate year, come that much nearer -the times a borewsometimes an Insplr- 4.
gredients must all be weighed, not 20 -26 -The reading of the roll -be- that dreams are an intermediate time w I
, Borax, in the first place, is one fore the The information thus obtainedis ation. 1, .,
�. king. I I hen they must be, rebuilt ' - ;
:, thrown in haphazard qua).itities of the most stage between unconsciousne It depends on the man and . I
powerful antiseptics ss `11`11 Pe�haps if they a�e well very lete, and scieutistshay.e the idea. . " "
I anyhow, but precisely in the man- known. When used to wash the 21. Stood beside the king�Liter, wakefulness, and th construct- ende iacTnl' I
. ed, thirty years is to avoie I . ,,,�.
. , . .11
. ner indicated. Attention to little head -as much ally, '.'above the king," he being and irregular intelligence would o shorb a time to fill its voids by means Tbere is notbilim that will choke I .7
: 11 as one can hold in to allow, biat it is nevertin . of Varioug Plausible hypotheses, A o . 11
I things may mean the complete suc- the hollow of the hand to about a seated, while the princes were indicate the same thing. I wise to review of our pr.( off lies and cause them to -wither 1
cess of the cake. . standing. . This increased circulation is us- err on. the side of _s%fety. 3sent knowledge of ,and di6 like . supreme indifference, 4 .
. quart, of -water-it 6-stroys da the earth, recently preselited to a Time�is a -great leveller, and if we I i I
ft. � Everything u -sed in cake-maki�ig druff. '-. 22- The winter -house -Both stim- "ally due to sensory stiAiulation af- There is, however, in addition to French Scientific, S60 0 y, 8 have pluckenongh to, act the truth : i
must be Perfectly free from damp, Most culinar, . - . g the vasomotor centre, ,and the small return and the risks of a two remarks, of especial interest, and to ' I .
mer and winter -house% were en lectil i t, contain
I y failures come fr'Or'O joyed by these, people of the East, cau4ing a return of blood to the dishonest -or unfortul3ate' leasee, concerning the va,riations of! maintain silence about lies, '. " ,
i hea,d, with resultant increased co - one - grav- the lies will die and'be, forgotten. I 1�1,11_
or the result -will be heaviness and the habit of guessing. Weigh ev- But they were almost always sep- . n .. �42'y souli'd reason why a Per- itY and pressure in the e 1, ;5., .
Yorkshire people say. scioxvqness, arth's .Thou foolish, gold -b ��, I
generally a, "sad" condition, - as er;ything that i's -to be weighed and &rate parts -Llf the sa,me house. Contrary to Popular son with limited capital sh;uld not interior. . . n-ded Dian.
Thou spendest tby health getting .".. i
n mixing suga p ,�
n- In belief dreams in the6selves do not invest in farra real estate, Unless, If a shaft were, stink vertically wealth, , �
I , , measure carefully all the other i goheral, the Inner, or d - to .the centre of the .
I ve p6rtion a farmer, who in , then thou wakest tip nd
r and butter heat gredient�. Do this even if -yon ba contribute to light Or broken sleep of -course, be is earth and an hath a pain, an A.
.� of the house,' was Used in in which they are present. I
the latter . gently before beginniiig made the article repeatedly. tends to operate it himself, and in object, suspended f . the doctor I'a
. winter, while the ,exttrnal (ofter, Sucll a col;dition is 'due to . d OAS .. � !;;
. and in mixing eggs do isonous articles to keep upper) and airy part of the ho the tbis case a high return on the balance, we,. rom a spring wisel and thenceforth thou spend- ' I'll
. e lowered down the
not attempt to add more thait three mice awa,y are dangerous if there served for summer. Ilse ever Present stimuli, which accord- amount invested xepr shaft, the weight -of the- object, as 1 about the future
� I o . esb wealth getting health, What
'' 'eggs without adding a little flour are children. Mice 'do not likA the 23. The . Ing to,their strength or the degree ,small e. esents to no ,you dreamed of
every now 'and then, I brazier --7-A depression of irritab , xLent the. payment to tile indicated by the dial of the, bal- and WOrkect for J,vl.lile you forgoE' - -,
. I .
I . smell of peppermint, and a, little was built in the centre i,:,f tile room, ev i ilitY of the -cells maintain farmer of his own salary�tbough auce, would, at first inerease, as the: to day%f' I I � I
.Ppermint spread around and this was Riled with charcoal consciousness, of which the d.-reama , I I act -and close cling object approached the - . I . . I
3 fruits, suchas cherries', are oil -of pe an a is
bettoemre I � leep a varying degree of many do not remlize this f on I
when rubbed with fi%ur so their hiding varies in. proportion -with his skill dooper and den -ser strata. After .— qk�_ ,
: as to prevent their sinking to the away. , ,places will keel) them (Mitch lik6 a wurming-pall) for heat- .are Merely a, manifestation. There- I . . � . . I
. . I .
� bottom of the tin. ng purposes. Jehudi ha,d unrolled fore the fatiguing effect often also As, an husbandman, 0 a�ny farmer Passing .0, certaill depth, however, Slie-"I'm going to give you back �
I Good .Furniture, Polish -Drain I knows. E the weight would begin to diminish I
I Only a few columns (leaves) when attributed to dreams is not 41,o'to voryone knows the old to the MY engagem6nt-ring; I love an- I "
. I .
Flour oshould bo, perfectly free off your Itftover coffee, and when the king, in spite of the inte them but to the lighter degree of adage, that it i* centre, and it would continue I
I ?r,om lumps, currants and raisins you have a quart mix with ,% table- io 0 � rces- Sleep and less complete cell restor- one) s foolish to put all to diminish to the centre of the other." He --"Give me his name . I
.� cleaned. and dried. 8 n, f some of the princes, rutill- I seggs in one basket;,the sanl� earth, where its value would be and &ddiess." She-lDo you want , 11 I
I RPOOnful of sweet oil, Wash the ti which they accompany, and applies to investmen
. 10981Y cut the roll into shre<18 with a 'on . ts, but with to kill him?" He -"No, I want to �'�
. All tins should be well buttered,. furniture with this and Polish with -which are due to. ecaust the object would � .
, ,a scribe's knife (penknife), a -rid � some irritation, greatly increased force. One should flelel% b'e.'equally attracted in e ry sell him the ring." I
. .. I � and it case of scorching it is a goad a dry cloth. If the eoff%ee is t�trong threw it into the fire. I _+ . never,. underany alrounistatces, so direction, 1 've, 6 I I I .
I I I I I '7---' I I .
,. . .P an to cover them -with a piece of it will cover all scyat6bi . LOXRO.W1,8 QR�,,':� T11 SALES. invest money that, sh I . . I . �
, a . 2 T_ I .
, . otild a, fire., a The pressur * , I
parebmant paper� 24, They were not afraid - The ly with In, e. increases enormous- ..Before Using a new lamp chimnoy,
, .
. . � If buttonholes have to be made On king's contempt for Jehovah's mes- An interesting sighb in Lon -do I failure, or other unforeseen acol-, cre .. I ���
, , ��
. . . As Mitch care is necessary in the a mat rial that frays, bad � a ,is asing depth below the wrap it in cloth and place I)l a 1:
I . b . e � ly, Pro- ,'Ue of the great periodical s I dellt,000ur, all would be lost. Out .earth.'s surface. � It must be, ,abo
aking, as in the MiXing. 'Sponge, ceecl ,ks P . ,Isage inspired thein with no terror'. a es of itA, even if it 'is very 8 it to i 11 .",
� . I W. . follows, Mark the * ca,p Ut kettle Of cold water, Bring ,'"!,,.. ,
�, and all ifight cakes ith , th oalt'on How difierent had beeii the con- raw I skills and furs hold mall, 200,000 atmosplieves at a ,de,pth of a boil and boil for fif teen. minutes. I ,, I
small Ones, baked in Patty tins, o8c, of btittonhole with a threadt then duct of Jehoiakim's father, J-osiah Wurchouse ill the city_ The magrIL ,,should be distributed over a di- 400 Miles (1-10 the earth's radius), Let the water cool before, �A� ,,
I , re- ruil & lin& of machine stitching h6n : the Bock of the_ Law I was tilde of'tbe tva4de and the L vast verse field,, And in this idistribu- 4,000,000 atmospheres at 2,000 mi.les r6rdo,v� V11-'111 , f
wb . .1 - ing chimney. No ox-dinary heat will : I'� 1�
. (,iniY6 a quick oven, " ilsi Or4inaf.v -around the threa.d. Then, cut the w amount .of money involved would C1111, ib,sl ould be remembered to (11alf the radiu-s), and,more.than 1� break la� chimney tr
� cakes of, the 6 It all found. . With a sad.heart he rent . 3 - I I I
it a lin d seed hol6 and, buttonhole it in the a ital hr � . the spread , , I � ,
I specits� itire most snecessful when minuer. I . . . � s I is garments. Through -this aeb surprise Any 0110 who visited one L make cover a wide field, ,000 atmospheres''ab the contre" ', I I � . ILeated in ,this . L i
01 I
I .
I , I � was Proolail"el the nixtion's impeni- of these sales for the first tivae, At not Only in class Of ifive8tIneA, but At!$Uch pressures the, inateria,ls of way, �. ,Z?,� �
cooked In a Moderate oven. The A white 1,616 hat w seall,ng of its doo- . the premi,e, in Great Queen street IA �locAtion, T -a this manijer,' for 010. earth i,hough heated ahov - , , ,.
hich i,i.rcquir- tence and the ra I ,e .
OveyA 66uld not be, opened Until ed to d . their melting PoTn ',;, gia probably The- King has approved tile ap- I
I I , .
"it, I#a,qt tWOut mnues after the 0 dub,v for & secar)'d season) It was Go-ol's final proffer of meioy� one can wander from floor to -flo,�,., example, .the.. faillvtbl ,01 crops in qua.si-solid igid a's glawl oIntment of Mz' William My 11
I -
j aj,f . , P�
in,' way, be easily icleallo,cl *with, pow- 27 ,Y2�'Tererajah bidden th thiasands' upo-,j bti-,u- central. ont4l.i would, not affect 'or ftt"611 '31enee the, velocity of Ch des Gladst ne, of Haward-eh .
_v I ,
oak,e hat been put atd,if it hA,q dered roiodglipsia, I . to re., Piled wi , niortga,ges hold O jyj tbat a . line I
Make a P49te Of write the roll, and to add. a thi*eat sands of skills until ono'b'gling to Part of the propaga,tions of ions'naust ex- Caftle is mo,jesty's' M611t- ��
, ,
to be closed agalt, it must be done .it with cold water and lay over tbo ,ti ` vibritt , to ,,be ho I
i or ,., ei Province; it AND C.01JntXY of Flint, in
gettly,, . � concerning the id,estruation, . of the word whoto all the. till deprez8j�ng in Canadk ceed the veloci -y of sound in' ox,dill� enabb fte t, I
11r, 1,
77*,W'�', �
7....... 1-i
fleid parts.� wh,en quite dry bru'lli thpy <)'JIL!1� Olo��be�d, lived, 0 . . ,
c ,501 eity. . . . _ would not &Nd0t ffiunioi ' Pal bonds, ary,solido, such .Is sgt iro i
When thie ,d, it *# with, a clean bi I , n n the Place of Mr.' Ifugh R, Ifflghen,
. . I . I . -uzb, I I - -Many otherexamplog .6" be 'emily Which it- i et Per secoxid.- 4eeciamdl. Th6 aew lio,utenant is a,
, . I I � . I go, The king ,of Babylon ob-&ff 14,11). g . ISSUR 91-11 thought or, The)! , dfd'ro, fit 111ves't. Scientific .
I . . .
I , I I . ". I � . � � , = I
I I I � I I grall&0* 01 Mr, W. E. - Gladstone,
1. I . � I � I 1, . I . L .. � I I � L � I I I ...
, I � I I � � . . I - - I'll . .. I . I .11�'. . �'. � �
1 1 1 1 1 . I ,, . I I � I I , . I . ,. I . I
L'' � � 1 . -,,; _. ", I'll, I I I I . . " 11 . I . � , . . I I ': I I � I I I I L . I I
� I , I'll, . ,�L, 1�'; X i I . I 11 I . , . :. . 1. I I :
�,� � ��, Ii. , I �., . � I . L 11 I .1.1 I I .. I I . ".. �
— " I ) . �ii�ll ': I JL,,,A6_ ____Llul.�� I I . I 1. � ,�, I I � 11 . I �,
,� 11 .- .4� �, :.,"-. I :,k � � - - I . �L
.. , _ , 11 .1,,_AL�,,A._ �11-1 ... I I 1; I ..�. 1 I
I � It �a"21: 11.'. I _�, J_' , , , � ' I 1. I . I .� ,�., , � _j .! "� - I ) ` I
_.,� i I.... I I ' :' , : � I I . I
� `_ I , , L , I .0