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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-04-15, Page 25
BULLETIN BOARD AD DEADLINE.. ;5 P.M. MONDAY EASTERN STAR DANCE, April- 24th, 9 -p.m - 1 a.m., Goderich Arena; lunch. D. J. Dick Ernst. $10.00 per cou- ple. Tickets 524-2839 or at door. -14,15 ANNUAL MEETING of the Huron Historic Jail Board will be held Tuesday, May 5, 1981 in the jail kitchen. The, public is invited -15 GIANT FLEA MARKET at Kincardine Go-cart Track, 2 miles south on Highway 21. Open Friday, Saturday and Sunday, April 17, 18 and 19 at 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. New brand name jeans and clothing, an- tiques, crafts, fruits and vegetables, baked goods - fudge, etc. Food on premises. Further informa- tion call 797-2494.-15 BE SURE to reserve Wednesday, April 29th for the "Bake Sale and Spring Tea" at Knox Church, from 2-4 p.m. under auspices of Arthur Circle. -,15-16 MEETING of the Auxiliary toA.M. & Q. Hospital in._the Auxiliary Room, 2 p.m., April 20th. Mr. M. Moriarty will speak on "The Role of the Volunteer ' in the Psychiatric Hospital". -15 ®®® 2MMEMEn®®®®®®RP' • OPEN RECEPTION D for SPatricia Wisser f;9 and Irk S Larry.Allin g SALTFORD 9 SAT., APRIL 18 9-1 A.M. • ME202M1' ®EZi®®Ie2®UnaC 40th EiWedding Anniversary for f] Phyllis 8 John Wilson Thurs., Apr. 16 Jubilee Room 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Royal Canadian Legion Goderich Relatives, Friends & Neighbours invited! U,1 Please - No Gifts onl Best Wishes! I= THE ANN PERSON LINGERIE CLASS by-cer- tified ycer-tified instructor of "Stretch and Sew", London, one night classes,. April 27 and April 29th. Call 524-2455 after 5 p.m, -14-15 See the Art Display, "Lithos Plus", by Leda McAllister, studio on the Bluff, at the Goderich Branch Library, during library hours, from April 7th to 21st. —14-15 BINGO every Tuesday even- ing, at Vanastra Centre, RR5 Clinton, 8 p.m. First regular card $1.00; 15 regular $15 games, three share -the - wealth. Jackpot $200.00 must go! Admission restricted to 16 years and over. --2-52x BLOOD DONOR CLINIC, Tuesday, April 28 at GDCI, 2 to 5 p.m. and 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Free babysitting 2 to 5 prm.-15-16AR YACHT SAILING or cruis- ing instruction. Fully qualified Fanshawe College instructors. Bayfield -Lake Huron "weekly courses. Star- ting June lst. Book early 1- 1300-265-9214 toll free.-15bc STILL TIME to register for the Spring Program at Vanastra Recreation Centre. Swim and Fitness classes for youth and adults start now. For a brochure or more in, formation call 482- 3544.-iSar AUBURN JUNIOR FARMERS MEMBERSHIP MONTH Meeting planned for next week. ' Anyone in- terested in joining can get in contact with any Junior Farmer mem r, or phone Sandra at 529-7323 or Susan at 529-7462, for more infor- mation. You must be between the ages of 15 and 30. All membership money must be in by April 22, 19'81 to be a member. -15 Help the Lions Club sup- port the Goderich Laketown Band's dance Saturday, May 9th at Goderich Arena featuring "Bobby Gim- by" - Canada's Pied Piper. '12.00 per couple. Tikcets available at Vic- toria & Grey, Banff of Nova Scotia, Canadian Imperial Bank of Com- merce and Royal Bank. Al! Lions and Laketown members. . Create a variety of boutique and -bazaar craft items!' If in- terested please call the Goderich Branch Library at 524-9261 and register for group one, which meets every second Tuesday after- noon; or group two, meeting the alternative Thursdays, 1:30 to 4:00 p.m. -14-15 CLINTON LEGION BINGO every Thursday, 8:00 p.m first regular `card $1.00, restricted to 16 years or over. Fifteen regular games of $15.00, $5.00 least on split. Many other specials. Jackpot $200 must go each week. -1-52x MacKAY CENTRE FOR SENIORS is having a .card party April 22nd at 7:30 p.m. Admission $1.00. Lunch. For taiu 524-7305 or 524-6594.-15 RUMMAGE SALE - St. George's Church Hall, April 25th, 11 a.m. -1 p.m. -15-16 .31 G GARAGE SALE • AND BAKE SALE n SAT.; APR. 25 I I 1®:®ii A.M. Benmiller Foresters Hall Coffee Available 1.===.11.===XIC "GOOD TIMES" ARE BACK A Disc Jockey Service with all Kinds -of music, for every occasion. Call: PHIL MAIN Jr. 524-9671 Between 9-6 p.m. or 357-3514 Since 'the time of Samuel de Champlain observers, including artist Paul Kane, various anthropologists and police and government - officials have testified to the ability of Ojibway, Blackfoot and other Canadian Indians to set large wigwams vibrating powerfully and shaking without physical contact. -from The First' ilriginal Unexpergated Authentic Canadian Book of Lists. DANCE TO "The.. Good Brothers" Friday, May 1 8:00 PM To be held at Stratford Fairgrounds Ph. 271-5130 '5 per person • 16 at the door Tickets available at the Mitchell Advocate or Stratford Fairgrounds a Held under the authority of a special oc- casions permit. ..o..... 0 e�. • - SPECIAL o 6 ATTACTION_____1• • AT THE HOTEL -BEDFORD--- 41 •0••S 11111111111111 RETURNING TO THE COURT LOUNGE NEXT WEDNESDAY TO SATURDAY APRIL 22-25 STUDIO ONE COMING TO THE COURT LOUNGE APRIL 29 -MAY 2 Recording Arttist KING BISCUIT BOY PLUM LOCO Hotel Bedford 92 THE SQUARE, GODERICH 524-7337 iD • 'X wiAstit, „or . BRING YOUR FAMILY FOR OUR EASTER SMORGASBORD FEATURING: ROAST BEEF AND ROAST TURKEY SUN.,APR©19 12:30-2 P.M. 5 P.M. -7:30 P.M. SALAD BAR & HOT BUFFET $5 95 c. PER • PERSON PER PERSON 12 & UNDER s3.Se PRE-SCHOOL '1.so THE WHITE CARNATION HOLMESVILLE 482-9228 WITH OUR FAVORITE HOMEMADE DESSERTS GODERICH SIGNAL.STAR,i•WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15,1981 -PAGE 5A POLICE and FIREMEN Appreciation Dance SPONSORED BY KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Saturday, April 25 HOLMESVILLE COMMUNITY CENTRE 'Dancing from 9 to 1 to CHICORY CALL 524.8615, 4.7684, 4-7852, 529=7598, 9-7405 Lunch provided '10 per couple DANCE TO THE MUSIC OF Walter Qstenack. Saturday, May 9, 1981 Clinton Arena Sponsored by Clinton Fair Board TIcketa'3.00 per pers©en. can be obtained from any director, the secretary Faye Fear, or The Blue Fountain Restaurant, Clinton. All Proceeds to be used to reduce the loon of ' The Fair Board. Special Permit in effect. Fresh T YOUR CAP'T .FATS PERCH & CHIPS Open Good Friday & Saturday r. CLOSED EASTER SUNDAY Open: Tuesday -Sunday Closed Monday 11:00 AM -7:00 PM Frew% Fish Daily Perch, Pickerel, Salmon Trout, White Fish Fat's South Dock I t 1. Goderich i.4 . 524-9211 GODERICH LEGION•BR. 109 BINGO { EVERY SUNDAY NIGHT LEGION HALL 11 Regular Games -'15.00, 4 Special Letter Games - °18.00 4 "Share the Wealth" with o chance at S: the Jackpot. Three doer prises. 900.00 in 55 culls ADMISSION '1.00 DOORS OPEN 6:30 ALL PROCEEDS FOR WELFARE WORK . Potted Plants for Door Prizes ......... ..ei \!, 1 hili DON'T FORGET EASTER SMORGASBORD Sunday, April 19, '81 Reserve -now 524-4431 Licensed Under L.L.B.O. 163 WEST ST. GODERICH 524-4431 "ON TOP OF THE HARBOUR HILL" 1 Victor Feldbrill conducts THE LONDON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA North Street United Church FRIDAY, APRIL 24th 8:15 PM EDWARD MINEVICH Violin Soloist. Single Pickets Adults '6.00 Students '2.00 at Campbell's, Clinton News Record and at the door. A ROTARY PROJECT -SUPPORTED BY THE SULLY FOUNDATION NWT. 8 800ERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 • • PHONE 5249981 r Box Office Open s 7:30 SHOWTIME 8:00 SATURDAY & SUNDAY ONLY DOUBLE FEATURE It's the war o1 the waiters... they capture the kitchen, demolish the dining room, and leave Camp Oskemo in ruins. fashion shops ADMITTANCE RESVOiCTED io "rasa.: ♦rus o+ AG( oe ovie CHARLES KAUFMAH'S .a bunch of fruits, nuts and flakes. A PICTURE BY AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL Regular priced values from $5:00 to $38.00 Now Clearing $ 99 $ 1 999 At to each THIS TIME THE COUNT IS NOT JUST GOING FOR THROAT:. " You can charge it at CHAK(;E X Listowel Fergus Hanover Walkerton St. Thomas London Woodstock Stratford PROGRAM SUBJECT Tb CH,A.NGE WITHOUT NOTICE LAST NIGHT THURSDAY, APRIL 16 <I no Showing Only at 8:00 p.m. ADULT ENTEITAMONT �'';dt�� ADULT it.\440 111,$G090 THE RAMON ES STARTS FRIDAY, APRIL 17 till MONDAY, APRIL 20 SHOWTIMES: FRI., SAT., 8 SUN. TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 MONDAY �.;NE SHOW 8:00 P.M. Starts Tues., April 21 ONE SHOW AT 8:00 P.M. One of the year's 10 best. Now he walks the winds of eternrr y ' AL E EI STATES