HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-7-27, Page 1241 77 C
*++++, .......... ..........
,the. xepoxt of 4x wr m4rk05 'h)Q.r + %*-
mecolld week of Our
rected up to Tuly 270, +
Wheat 74oents to 60 cenTs. + +
Oats u5veuts )to 06 Cents.
n.".11eat 46 Ceata J
Barley 60 to 55,c,41tos, PAU
11 ea s 70 to 75 0 e 4j, c Rathln'14* July Cleartunce sale
'-)Ipdel rAlQur $2,40.
14 k a A 1'"I di h5if a T
Feed flour R.45
.U*Ltter 17cents . I "
Begins the Second Week
Eggs 15 Cent$,
of th is Feast of Bargains
Profit is forgotten. Come, Look through our storea
11110NE 16
at We Del
r S
Bu Ke'
I'lay MO,
rke s r o R E s n xA I, N, D T 6 0 0 Q 0 S.
You must see the stug in order
11lo-s Ive 725
Miss Lela Gould is visiting at Grand
to appreciate the value.
Tremendous Price Reductions
Ur. Robt. Sanders spent Monday in
Many Lines have been wiped out, Others are fast filling in
,I)Tedium export steers 5.70, to uo
This iti the timeof the year thatour NewChirm and Ckvckery
begintuak0vt.. JOLN-ati m de; -ed for Xmas and. has come to hand
Choice export helfera 5.60 to 5.80
i-ivgoods aro all. 0iipped directfrom Potteriesa
early. T1 Ad we
Our whole stock of Berlin
Wool to clear at
are eel%hted with theu).
Ducklings .. ... .......... 12c
Ducks..*... 10c
in Hensall on Sunday.
Urc, R. 0, Seldon' and chil(Iren are
'Kedium biitchers helfors 5.25-5.40
Choice butchers Cows t.60 to 4,75
Turkeys .................. 12c
III fl in-glng and Parlor
In flowered patterns of
Medium butchers Cows 4,25 to 4,10
aEu 8 in all eolovo, sizesand
0 4 1 pes, o iti the Urne to
Austrian China. Very dainty
10c China Plates (per doz) 90 cents
10c China Mush Dishes 7 cents
1 0 %V . ile assurtwelit is I good
patterns.and new sh tpe cups.
25c China Cups. and Saucers (per doz) $1.50,
W1.25 to,
$1, $Z25, $10 to,
Toioiitb ,-are vi iong Miss Straug.
A: crate Of neN, Toilet
Sets just arrived front the
Anyoneinterested in buy
4 piece China Table Sets 50 cents
P ottelies They ave of the
ing a Dinner Set would do
ne Z s6apes aud desigyas.
If , you 4 . re not ready for one
well to see. our new ones -
They are beautiful. You will
at presen t, choose one and w
will set it aside far you.
gay the same when you see
$2 25 to so
WE HAVE,many lines of Summer Goods that must be cleared
out to make room for i,4w Fall Goods,
Ladiee Fancy and Colored
Lisle Hdse. Regular 45c and
We have Aout 12 skirts
50c, lines to clear at per pair
which must be sold regardless
of price.
All white. waists roust go.
We won't carry any over.
In white embroldiered and
Every waist is a bargain.
fancy designs. These are sel-
See them.
ling at greatly reducedprices.
We are open f or All the Live Poultry
Y can bring us at,the Highest
Market Prices,
This store closes every Thursday
afternoon at one 0 clock during July
and August.
An ts
............................... +++-% ........... Z-+.++++
Um +
S' 0 R E
Before making your pur- +
chases for the Bride be sure 4.
Tea Spoons, Berry Spoons,
Cold bleat Forks, Cake Forks
to call and' examine our +
Stock of +
Soup Spoorie, Ple.Knives,
Pearl -handled Butter Knives,
Knives and Forks,
Fish Servers, Carving Sets,
Lflocks, +
Wedding Rings
Diamonds, Cu' +
Big Stock to choose ff om
Glass, Silver=
ware, Pins, Etc,
Which cons.'sts of the finest quality and lowest prices making this
the beat place to buy.
Repairing done on the shortest notice. +
A Marchand
Jewler an d Opticiail
.0 r t.
Exeter +
................... % ........
I 't 11 a I f Holiday Ag-reement
'We the undersign4d, wier6hants of the village -of Exeter hereby &grae to
our places of bi siness at I o'clock noon Evety Thursday afternoo'a dur
ng July smd August loll,,
J, A., Stewart L Grigg. mr1j. Yeo
19, 0. rawderf A. P ova W. W. TavAan
W, 1). Burke, W.,L,Beer h. S
J. J , mith
W. SH0AM9,n P'eter lhaytie 13. W, F, Bdavers
S rartin. &Son George Mantle
. M Jos. Davis
11, E d, WiNis F. Wood
Ma- v Advocate
ion Hardleb
41 77 C
*++++, .......... ..........
,the. xepoxt of 4x wr m4rk05 'h)Q.r + %*-
mecolld week of Our
rected up to Tuly 270, +
Wheat 74oents to 60 cenTs. + +
Oats u5veuts )to 06 Cents.
n.".11eat 46 Ceata J
Barley 60 to 55,c,41tos, PAU
11 ea s 70 to 75 0 e 4j, c Rathln'14* July Cleartunce sale
'-)Ipdel rAlQur $2,40.
14 k a A 1'"I di h5if a T
Feed flour R.45
.U*Ltter 17cents . I "
Begins the Second Week
Eggs 15 Cent$,
of th is Feast of Bargains
Profit is forgotten. Come, Look through our storea
Votatoes 35 cents
at We Del
r S
Bu Ke'
I'lay MO,
You must see the stug in order
You'll be surprised at the
11lo-s Ive 725
Miss Lela Gould is visiting at Grand
to appreciate the value.
Tremendous Price Reductions
oh 'icc export 5te ,,Zs 5AM )to 6,00
Ur. Robt. Sanders spent Monday in
Many Lines have been wiped out, Others are fast filling in
,I)Tedium export steers 5.70, to uo
following for live poultry in trade:
Hens. . ....... .......... 30 per poun
Choice export helfera 5.60 to 5.80
Old Roofters'.. ............ 8c
Spring Chicks (1911 hatch) 15c
ing in Montreal.
M ie visited
r. and Christ
Our whole stock of Berlin
Wool to clear at
Choice btuchers belfers 5,60, to 5.75
Ducklings .. ... .......... 12c
Ducks..*... 10c
in Hensall on Sunday.
Urc, R. 0, Seldon' and chil(Iren are
50 an 0Z, 55c per lb
'Kedium biitchers helfors 5.25-5.40
Choice butchers Cows t.60 to 4,75
Turkeys .................. 12c
holidaying in Ingersoll.
Medium butchers Cows 4,25 to 4,10
Alive in trade. We cannot pay cash Miss Minnie Jewell is visiting her
during the hot weather as the shrink- uncleAr Geo. Tewell, of London.
age is so great. When cool weather Mrs, H nnab daughter Jean, of
I Slipper Soles at Cost
10c China Plates (per doz) 90 cents
10c China Mush Dishes 7 cents
Common cows 3.50 to 175,
Choice sheet) 8 1 .50 to 4.00
P.50 to 8,50 lb
Begins the Second Week
Choice spring Jambs
+ t
. . . . . . ................
of th is Feast of Bargains
Profit is forgotten. Come, Look through our storea
on all this line.
You must see the stug in order
You'll be surprised at the
o u r y
Miss Lela Gould is visiting at Grand
to appreciate the value.
Tremendous Price Reductions
We will pay till Thursday next the
Ur. Robt. Sanders spent Monday in
Many Lines have been wiped out, Others are fast filling in
following for live poultry in trade:
Hens. . ....... .......... 30 per poun
lff ,. and Mrs, J. G. Jones are visit-,
Old Roofters'.. ............ 8c
Spring Chicks (1911 hatch) 15c
ing in Montreal.
M ie visited
r. and Christ
Our whole stock of Berlin
Wool to clear at
Ducklings .. ... .......... 12c
Ducks..*... 10c
in Hensall on Sunday.
Urc, R. 0, Seldon' and chil(Iren are
50 an 0Z, 55c per lb
Turkeys .................. 12c
holidaying in Ingersoll.
Going out of thi's Line,
25c China Salad Bowls 19 cents
25c China Cake Plates.19 cents
Alive in trade. We cannot pay cash Miss Minnie Jewell is visiting her
during the hot weather as the shrink- uncleAr Geo. Tewell, of London.
age is so great. When cool weather Mrs, H nnab daughter Jean, of
I Slipper Soles at Cost
10c China Plates (per doz) 90 cents
10c China Mush Dishes 7 cents
the danger from. dying
., nd
25c China Cups. and Saucers (per doz) $1.50,
comes and
from heat is over, we will again pay
Toioiitb ,-are vi iong Miss Straug.
20c d 4 $1.25
Mrs. Scho8enberg and children, of
4 piece China Table Sets 50 cents
Ch . icks to be 4: lb. to the pair, London,.are vit-iting rs. Win. Hawk -
Ducklings. 7 shaNy.
Watch this space every week for Misses Lena and Winnifred Bennett
prices. of Toronto, are the guests of Mrs. J,
Jones & May Mrs. R. R. Rogers and children re-
turned last week after visitng in
Mr. and Mrs J, A. Yaeger of Swift
Current Alta, are -Visiting the former's
LOCALS in other Mrs. Yaeger of town.
iss Lula,Steinhaghen, of Dashwood
10c Pitchers, Mustards, Spooners 8 cents
35c Rair Brush and Comb 25 cents
10c Hatpins 8 cents
$1.25 Hand Bags (linen) 98 cents A
25c Butter Dishes 15c
Big Range of Phono Faphs and Records in stock.
Special inducements on tgis Line. Step in and hear the A
has returned home after visiting with Trium& with Oak Horn equipment $97.5o. A pleasure
Mrs, W, H. Collins is visiting in Mr. and Mrs, Chas. tindenfield. to sho* you.
Toronto. Mrs. Wm. Davis of Hamilton arriv- Fancy and Medicated Soaps 11L
Main Street, Sunday School picnic ed Tuesday to visit for a few weeks Carbolic, Tar. Sulphur, reg. 15c Edison's Phonographs $240 to $191,50 A
will be held at Grand Bend to -day with friends in and around town. cakes. sale price 10c; 3 for Ze. Records 91.5o to 40 Cents
(Thursday). Messrs. Clarence and Cecil Pickard These soaps are man ufact J
The Exeter ba,.ebah boys go to left Monday evening for Frobisher, by Crofte & Reed, Chicago, Ill.
Clinton Thursday to play the return Sask. where they will spend the sum- Try a box and you'll want more
game of ball. mer. —just 100 boxes to sell at 25c. REMEMBER THE PLACE
Miss Ina Hoskins, of Kirkton, is -vis- Mr. Sas. Creech, Jr,, returned to his DEARING'S OLD STAND
iting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, home in Dorchester TtieEday after vis.
Wm. Treble. iting for a few days with reletives in
Miss Ida Cottle left for London town,
Wednesday, where she has secured a Mrs, Russel Peart.ind. Miss L. Fox.
good position of Rockwood spent w fcw days last *+++i ..... ................
Mrs. Chas. &1,, of St. Thomas, (,e, week the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jas,
Hern. + +
Miss Amelia Oke,) is visiting at the Comf ort +
Central Hotel. Black Joe, a racer owned by Mr. W. 1 ' +
+ +
Mr, T. O. Southcott returned Sun- Hawkshaw, formerly of Exeter, cap- + with + 0 AN A W. FUL FIRE 0 100,
day after holidaying at San Soucl on turisd a two thousand dollar stake at 4
Georgian Bay the Winnipeg fair. :
+ Good Glasses +
Mrs. A. L. Handford and two child- We are pleased to see that Mr. Jos- " +
t- There is such a difference in + Never caused half the Sensation that out Stock f
m,of Renfrew are visiting Mr, and eph Senior is able to be at his Studio + glasses. 'Oar aim in every case +
S Handford. again, after b eing laid off dutv for + is to give just the right lense, + and Priceg are doing this season', Our purchases of
several weeks, with sciatica, + +
Mr. and M,, E d 0,,,,k,, of Toronto + not something near enough, - but
WANTE D—For the J unior depart. We take pains with
are visiting the former's parents Mr. + just right.
and Mrs. R. Crocker. ment of the Exeter Public School, a + ,Ourlense stock.is +
+ every case,
qualified teacher. Apply stating + completeandof the very beet + 0 oft"
Miss Lousie Mowatt, of Toronto, is + 0
ill with pleurisy t the home of Mr. qualifications to Y. Grigg, Exeter. + quality. + 0 KIT01,1018, DINING=R0#M,'
and Mrs. Wm. Rivers. Mr. and Mrs. Nvill Salter and two + We can thoroughly satisfy + 0 Ag
children, of Toronto, came up in their + you if you let us do vour optical + 0
daying at the home of her parents, a
Miss Mary black, of Toronto, is holl. uto on Saturday last and visited Mr. * work. You need good glasses, +
and Mrs. John Salter, They lef 6 Sun- + we have them. See us about +
Mr. and Mrs, D. Mack. your q
day to visit in Brussels. + your eyes and improve PARLOR & BEDROOM SUITES
Mr.Bert Rivers, of Teeswater, is Miss Lizzie Frayne, who has been + sight. +
bolidal ing at the home of his parents, visiting her sister Mrs, Thompson of . + op
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Rivers. London, lett Monday evening . for Re- Are very Choice and tower head and shoulders
Messrs. Richard, Frank and Ira ina, Sask. where she will be the guest We S. Howey Phm. Be 10,
Bissett, of London, visited in town of Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Heaman. 0 above any others offered to YOU and the 41
the latter part of last week. Chemist & Optician 0 0
Mrs, 0. :Lind6nfield and son Ned Exeter Ontario 0
The Misses Cora and Grace Fuke of left Tuesday for Goderich where they
Chicago Ill. are viisting at the home will +4 ................. Prices are. Clean out of Sight.
end'their vacation. Mr. Lin. "+++++
den4of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Harton. Md left for London" for a couple
Miss Winnie Carling, of Brantford, of days before going to Godericb.
N011 ICE
is holidaying at the home of her par- Mr. and Mrs. Da Vid, Rowcliffe and
ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Carling. little daughter. returned to Granton As I rim leaving town. all aceounts
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Alkinson, and Monday after spending a few days not paid at shop `bcfore August, 15th Rowe Atkinson
four children, of Maniton, Man. are with Mr. Roweliffe's mother, Mrs will be ler.f: with -attorney for- col-
:vlsiting Mr; and Mrs. Jas. Atkinson, Sao. Roweliffe sr. and also at Grand lection. FURNITURE AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS
Miss Neva Snell, of London, and Bend, 7,27417d, J. E. SMITH +
Miss Nora Nicholson, of Toronto, are Dr, Homer Kinsman. wife. and two
the guests of Mr. an.d 1&s. Chas, Snell children, of Sarnia, came up in their Miss Ella Link of Crediton is visit- Agency for Automatic Hand Power Vaccurn Cleaner,
Mr. and Mrs. Newton Baker, Mrs. auto on Saturday last and spent Sun. ing her aunt Mrs. Win. Kuntz, +
for rent at 75 cents a day.
Frank Coates and son Whitney lef t day visiting his sisters of town, Harvey Bkos. intend after next *
Monday evening for Fillmore Sask. The children will visit here for seVer-' week to Close down for a few days for *
al weeks.
MissMartha Carling returned to, repairs.
New Yo)ck on Tuesday af ter spending 0. W. Hobbs, of Birr, last Saturday Mr. Henlf Hooper left Tuesday
three weeks vacation at her home when a trip rope broke in his barn, eveninw for Winnipeg Mau. where he
fell backwards from a beam, ab?ut ............ ............. a
here. will visit his son Edward. +
Mr. and Mrs. Geo . Bonny, of Lon eightteet, He is suffering from nine Mr. Mills Manager of the- Crompton The Place Where Good +
- broken ribs, injury to his spine, and
don, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. slight concussion of the brain. Corset Co. Toronto, accompanied by Clothes Come From +
Gen. Thomas and other relatives in his wife, ealled on friends in town. + 4SUMME R
town. Meesrs. S. G. Bawden, J. A. Stew- +
art, Rev. D. W. Collins, and R. G. Saturday. + +
Miss Ruby Treble left Friday even- S,ld,, went to London in Mr. Stew- Mr. Reynolds of Sarepta had a val- + +
ing for London where she will visit last week. Dr. + s E AS 5 ION +
art's auto Monday to take part in the uable horse injured + +
her sister Mrs. A. Evans for a few bowling tourn%ment,. In the prelim- Sweet was called, and the animal is +
weeks. on a fair way to recovery. MUMOF
inary round they were defeated by an
Mrs. Chas. Senior, and daughter Aylmer rink, - In the second Ovent The Anti Cant Young Men's class +
Dorothy of Toronto are spendiag a thQy won the first, by default and were and Do Your Best Ladies eilass of Oav- Students may enter any +
coupleof weeks with Mr. and Mrs. defeated in the second by a London enPresbyterian Sunday School will day. Open entire year. Now +
Joseph Senior. -day (Thurs- is a. good time to enter
rink, picnic at GrancT Bend to ujt5
Mri,B. W. F, Beaver's brick re*s-.den-. day.) Largest trainers in Canada.
Graduates get best positions.
ce on Main St. is now nearing com. Mr, W. D. Burke has completed his Th I ousandE
pletion. He expects to move into it in +-*4-4 ............ 4 ........... public bathroom which makes a val- g t Suits for ; studying wo home.
'+ uable additinn to his shaving lor + rxclusive righ the 11FWm-
a, few weeks. + pat 1+ Otis Bliss BootZeepi s- +
isit- + and will be a preciated b Wis 'many H t Weather + 11 qsya
Miss M. Arnold, who has been v* " + Special Excursions t p y 0 tern for Ontario. t, I I
ing Miss Louise Carling for th4 PaNt 4. + patrons. Business from Start to 4;
mon h, returned to her home in Kin- + " Ranaw&y—On. Monday of this week
+ to Good Health .1. Finish."
4zardine on Saturday. + .4 + while a hqrse berlonging,to Dr Brown- Prices $12. up +
Mr. John McMahon, who for the + + ing was tied in front, of Mr. A. Hol- +
+ Write for particulars.
past two years has resided in Seaforth via + lands it biscarne frightened at a large +
has moved his famOy back to his farm + piece of paper which was errried near Flannel Trouser -
on the London Road North. + its head by the wind. It broke loose
+ The Nyal Line. +
and ran down to the North End fire ings in dMe'," new +
Mrs. Sordon and little daughter re" + U. the
% huggy and was cal going
turned to London Frid&Tgvening aft. + if you are taking in this ex- + hall where it freed' itself from
ptur-ed before Lon -don Business +
er spending three weeks with her cursion pack your trunk With 'lu far. The buggy -was smashed somem designs$ +
parents Mr. and Mrs. Jae. Murrayi + Nyals vacation Set. Teti: artic- +, i
+ what. +
Dr. and Mrs, i. W. garrison, of '* als for $2,50,. You'll appreciate Hip Bone Brokeri—A miraeulous e6. College
Detroit ldicb , came over in there 4 the Wisdom of taking them, cape from death took place on',tbe
auto on Saturdayt to 'spend a week N 6 Healing Salve farm of Mr. John Daneanj near Pjug- (Affiliated witia Clinton +
with the Drs,' mother Mrs. Chari. Har. R We- Tdlfldfl'
rison + f F ace Cream + town, ITsbornef on Friday of la-st Basineso College
Mr: Sno. Gillespie jr, who has been + Cascara Lomabives + week, His daughter, Miss Banat wag The Nifty Man's GEO. SPOTTON, President
in St. Joseph Hospital for some weeks + White Liniment driving the horse -working the slings.
+ Ib is supposed that the horse choked Tailor,
was able to be brougbt home on Pri- + Mosquito Lotion and the rope throw Miss Duncan'over
day last, We are pleamtd to karn + Paiii Relief
I in hea4th, + Talcum 41 the einban)irnent. 'the horse also
that he i's much improve( + tumbled over and rolled over Miss
I Tooth Paste or Powder +
We are sorry to learn that Mr. Duncan bvealkinA bar bip'bone in four
+ Wil a -Straw berry OOMP + 0, The hors6 wei hs 'about 1100. A 9'ood gve 'Igcnt Dental Offices Closed.
Wesley Snell is ill with Typhoid fever + tj + pplace.,,s Mis 9 " wanted, (0 S ll
1 0, 'd Graild. 'Trunk PlWif ig ToWilsi. I in
His many f tiends wish him speedy vd- - If you do not wish all + and bow s Duncan escape ake notice (ithat my office
eovery, Miss Johnston nurse of Lon- f abo e any one can be had for + more Serious e section. Sent! your applic.,i ioulo Kindly, (t
injury is a mystery j
D I osed every Wedn'esday afbarnoo)3,.
.. ,Dr
don, is in Mtend-04nee upon, him, + 25c,v Browning of E eter A:iftd mp the Exeter Times. VA. noTivsTax,
The Sunday School' of: the TriVitt bell of girktoiii were called and 'get
yy P Wfraotureii, The folio wing, d tty Dr.
Memorialchurch held their annue'l Was& HOWE hintBo. tile 101iild'ram' Cry, CLOSING' NOTICE
to Grand teod on Thursf."Ay obart, of London came out but
1a"It"'Phe day was MOM An4 a #ery "Chemiat awl Optkid dt stated tbat, not ing further could be FOR KETCHER'S please remember that my Dental
.tlie - ONTAr( done, The Patient is now doing$.$ orfloels closed ever Wednesday after-
enjoY016 U016 WaST 000 4t," !Ak6l EXETtitt, 10 R I A
side. ........ well As ran be expectea, 0 A XINSUAN