HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-04-15, Page 5a The first ocean-going ship of the season, the Pauline C.; arrived in Goderich harbor on Thursday morning and its captain, V. Spyropoulos, was greeted with a flag and gift by Mayor Harry Worsell. The Greek ship is here loading corn. (Photo by Cath Wooden) ' oderich obiituares JOHN BENNETT I BARTON John Bennett Barton of Lively; Ontario died in Sudbury Memorial Hospital on Friday, April 3 in his 62nd year. He is survived by his wife, Evelyn (James) Barton; one daughter, Mrs. H. (Susanne) Allin of Stoney Creek; one. son, Gregory Jahn of Lively; six 'grandchildren, Sally, Heather and Leslie Allin and Sara, Matthew and Christopher Barton; and one sister, Mrs. Burns (atherine) Jerry of Goderich. A funeral service was held in Sudbury on Monday, April. 6. The Reverend John Zacharias officiated. MRS. IVY (ELLIOTT) McTAVISH Mrs. Ivy (Elliott) McTavish of Windsor died in Hotel Dieu Hospital, Windsor on Friday, April 10 at the age , of 84. She was born in Goderich on July 4, 1896 to George and Esther (-Swaffield) Elliott. •She attended public and high school in Goderich. She lived in this' town until moving to London in 1930.. She married Fraser McTavish in 1937 and they moved to Windsor in 1939. The late Mrs. McTavish was a member 'of Chalmers United Church in Windsor. She is survived by her husband; one son James McTavish of Windsor; two granddaughters, Lynda and Judy; and one brother, George Reginald Elliott of Santa Monica, California. She was predeceased by one • brother, W.E. (Bill) Elliott of Goderich. A funeral service and committal were, held at Stiles Funeral Home. in Goderich on Sunday, April 12 at 2:30 p.m. The Reverend John D.M. Wood officiated. Interment was in the Maitland • Cemetery, Goderich. JAMS YUILL sTuRpt James Yuill Sturdy of .Goderioh- Township died in- - Victoria Hospital, London on Saturday, April 11 at the age of 57. He was born in Goderich an February 27, 1924 to Reginald and Janie (Yuill) Sturdy.. He was a farmer and a life long resident of Goderich Township. He is survived by one sister, Mrs. Gerald (Maxine) Cutler of Goderich Township • and one brother, Clifford of Goderich. A funeral service was held at McCallum Funeral Home in Goderich on Tuesday, April 14 at 2Th e Reverend Rondalci11 C. •McCallum officiated Interment was in the Maitland Cemetery, Goderich. Pallbearers were Jack Sturdy, Larry Sturdy, Bram vanEendenburg, Ben Whitely, Gerry Ginn and Dwight Porter. Letter to editor Physical return cannot be denied Dear Editor, This is a reply to the letter by Mr. C.F. Barney, dealing with the subject, "Why was man Created?" etc... at- tadting an article by Pastor Ed Anderson, in the section titled Minister's Study. Mr. Barney has thus once more tried to strike at tne very fibres of biblical Christianity. On his first remark, I would" like to state that Mr. Barney is wrong, as any true Bible student knowsthat man, before the fall in Eden, did indeedwalk with the tnie God. That's what the pastor meant when he stated that this was the purpose of man's being created. After the fall, man no longer walked with God as he had before. Now on to point number two as touched On by Mr. Barney: The Watchtower mind cannot accept the fact that The Lord Jesus Christ is coming again, despite the fact that the teachings of the Scriptures are crystal clear on the subject. Mr. Barney, who as all Russellites, has been schooled by the Wat- chtower Society to believe error, bases his assumption on one verse of scripture Which he so glibly quoted from John 14:17, "Yet a little while, and .the world seeth nrielrolfititeritlikh he-onlY quotes partway, and asks us from this spliced verse to believe that Jesus? coming would be invisible. Let the ,reader, however, read the • remainder of the chapter, and he will discover quickly ' that the verse quoted by Mr. Barney does not teach what • Barney says: it does. This leap -frog fashion of Bible quoting is surely not the way to , understanding of the Bible. All cultists, however, are quite good atit so as lo create a"---sittoketcreeii arid - thus create the impressionof biblical knowledge. Yes, Mr. Jehovah's Wit- ness, Matthew 24:3 reads "What shalt be the sign of thy coming..,? Note: it does not say the sign Of thy presence! As to your next statement that "-Bible scholars are fully aviare*hat ' the Greek word here tran- slated 'coming' is `parmisia' which is properly rendered M1 'presence' ..."; that Mr. Barney, is strictly a Wat- chtower teaching and not backed by any reputable Greek scholar. You yourself' Mr. Barney are not a Greek scholar, and the Watchtower Society has not one Greek scholar in its midst. The only Greek scholar that Jehovah's Witnesses ever hadwa.s F.W. Franz (the present Wat- chtower president) and in a trial in Scotland in 1954, he testified under oath that he could read neither Hebrew nor Greek. So why should anyone believe what you or any of the Watchtower leaders say? The Watchtower has taught its followers that ' Jesus came back "invisibly" in 1874; then changed its mind and said it was in 1914; predicted the end of the world in 1877, 1904,1910;1912, 1914, 1915, 1917, 1918, 1920, 1929, 1925, 1930, 1941, 1946, 1975. So the signs of Jesus' so-called presence men- tioned in Mr. Barney's letter are very unreliable to say the least. It does no good to deny that the Russellites or Watchtower ever made these false predictions, for I have all the Watchtower articles that deal on these false predictions in my library. In conclusion, let Mr.. Barney -read Matthew 2A-: 30; Rev. 1:7;1 Tim.6: 14,1 Thess. 4:16,17 compare Zechariah 12:10; 14:4 with Rev. 1:7; Matthew 2430 and Acts 1:9- 12 and he will (if he it honest) have to admit that Jesus' ascension was visible, for the,disciples saw Him rise, and,„ in like fashion (Greek trOpos) the angels declared He would return. Zechariah 12:10 quotes Jehovah (further proof of Christ's Deity), "And they Shal. 10.0k.....UPOO. Me . whom they have pierced." "Revelation 1:7 states that Christ is the One pierced, and visible to human eyes. Zechariah 14:4 reveals Clwist as touching the Mount of Olivet at His visible • return, and the Scriptures • teach that this literally corroborates the angelic froclarnatiah of Acts 1:9-12 evento the Lord's, return to the exact location of His ascension, the Mount of Olives (verse 12 ). • APPLIANCE REPAIR Large or •small, we'll fix •them all... Our repair experts will have your appliance in tip top shape fast. Coll us to- day. PECK APPLIANCES "IN THE HEART'OF • DOWNTOWN VARNA" VARNA 482-7103 "We personally invite you to come to Clinton to shop - and compare - on your next furniture purchase" Compare selection, quality, price and service You can 'buy the best for less at Ball & Mutch. Come browse through our vast selection of fine .home furnishings. We feel you'll be pleasantly surprised • we offer big city selection at small-town prices you can afford. EASTER • ROUNDUP OF VALUES 41o. vAP BORDEN'S 12 OZ. SPECKLED EASTER EGGS SMILES & CHUCKLES '4 OZ. 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Expert repairs done on your premises. Professional repairs, perfect color matching and graining,Alse Cleaning And-RecalourIng Vinyl • ALL SHEILA DAWSON 1k 528-2022 ATTENTION VETERANS ELService Men and Women and Dependents THE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION SERVICE BUREAU OFFICER • "Mr. Clore Wall Provincial Service Officer London, Ontario will be visiting in the area. Anyone wishing Information or assistance regarding war disability pensions, treatment, allowances. etc., Is requested to contact the service officeror secretary of the local branch, whose name appears below, not later than April 24, 1911 to arrange an intenrIew. 'HAROLD YOUNG •Service Officer PHONE 524-7145 GIVE MILES OF SMILES FOR EASTER fro„, THE BO'K' BARN FLORIST Foil wrapped with Beautiful DeCeirestiee 4 TO 6 BLOOMS Bows. Give someone something special for Easter ONLY this year. We have an excellent selection of Easter and Spring Silk, Dried & Fresh arrangements. Plus a terrific selection of beautiful green plants, including; Hydrangeas, taladiums, Mums and Azaleas. All heart warming gifts for Eas,ter. MEMBER UNITED FLOWERS - BY -.WIRE SERVICE PHONE 524-8761 Evenings Phone 524-7243 • AT SMITH'S FARM & GARDEN CENTRE 11 SOUTH ST., GODERICH . 444 44 44 A. 444 a' 4,44 4,!44 v . ‘^. • '0, 5 •O, t a! • A. •r• Lg. 4.'„!4..-• • • 5 "".4,.!,•.??, • ' • HP 4tt,D t 8 • .4 On