HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-04-08, Page 18t. , PAGE za,-8 Ill AwAH. wansrow,+ t Oi,L % the• a _8wcountry TMT^Tw •-ni„n'•n TOM' & Could� REAL ESTATE 40. Lost & Found - Two dresses in black Plastic bag. Cali. 524-7648.-14x .AlveeS✓c l 1ma_Celat. li5areb 28, 1,881, upstairs at pecans. Phone5244. 1.-.--44 RD. floc only •mora ntton •lwathng to the sato railure of ' Er ndy,, i tlmpll aprsot poodle; blond • In color with darker ears. Stands 11” • Irish.. Was unellpped. Lost In west end of '.fGodrlch on March lith. Any Info: • Please phone 'alai -7278 46.4141 e11110rial e._ .;. CANTWELL-HORTON In memory of: a dear mother, Mother-in-law , grandmother and great grandmother, .Alice Cantwell, who passed away .April 1, 1964, and Maud Har - ten, who passed away`:Apr['14, :1196, We can't have old days back, Wiienwewere all together. But secret tears andloving thoughts,. Wig be with us forever. _._-. ovingi r rememberzed Tey Lill and family. -14 CRANE In lovM' orye of adear son a bro4he 1 aihaid Crane, who pessedaway April9,1974. We miss youfrom our home dear -Ron' .' We miss you from thy place, at -bright. and halrpy smile 'fbatwas•alwayson your face. Though your senile has gone forever, .. And your 'ince . we cannot Ouch, We . have_:.._Ike ._beautiful-. gten1ory, • Of theSon we loved somuch. lbws the road that's calm and peaceful Guided by God's loving hand;• _Hehasgone upoaa journeji, Toa bright and 'better land. =Lovingly, remembered by: Mother and Dad; sister Marilyn, brother4n-law Bill, Its ends andIaso*4x In' sad but loving memoryof our loving son and brother, • Robert ' Norman Lamb, Who left us so long ago, April 7, 1945.• • . Please. 'God forgive a silent ° tear, 'I A constant wish tbat'Norman were here. • Others were taken; yes, we know, ' . , . But he was ours and we loved tern so. • If all the world mere ours to " @eve: . We'd give it yes and more To see the friceof our loved one Come smiling through the door. Please God just take a message • To Norman in Heaven above, TAe_tell hire how math -we -miss him And give him all our love. —Sadly missed, but will neva be forgotten. by his loving Mom and Brother Harold. -14x 47. Card .of`thanks MCPNEE We wish to express our thanks to Mends and relatives. for tileh' cards, gifts, flowers and is vt�iiie RoBbie andi were in e hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Thomson and all nurses in the maternity ward. Your kindness is very much ap- preciated' and always remembered.—Ron, Debbie and Robbie. --14 RODGERI I would like to take this op- portunity to thank those who sent cards and letters, br ght gifts and visited •me whi i was a patent in Victoria Hospital, London. ,'Special thanks to Dr. Wyatt and nursing staff for their. care.—Emerson Rodger.—l4nx VEARY We wouldlike to thank all our friends for their expressions of sympathy on the loss of a dear Mather, grandmother, and great grandmother. Our sincere appreciation for the memorial donations, beautiful flowers, and many acts of kindness. A special thank you to Dr. Walker for his care and to Rev.. R. Ball and Stiles Funeral.. Home, -Sincerely, 'Edna and Fred Looker and family.—l4ar TOO LATE TO- 'CLASSIFY G•CLASSIFY FOR SALE 1976 Buick Cen,. hlry, -Lenart ' Sport. Coupe, bucket seats, console. 52,700.00 certified. Phone 5248969 after 4:30pm.-14' ACCOtJNTING eler eel position, applicant should have some experience in accounting and payroll procedures, typing end mini computer operation. Please forward complete resume to P.O. Box 454, Goderich, Ont,-l4ar• WILL DO lawn.. cutting, free estimate, gratesreasonable, dependable. Phone 524-9052 after 5 p.m. -14-16 FUTURE COLLEGE student' looking for part Anne or full time work, aDl>;il the end of July, well trained in typing and office pt-bredtaes aS well "as, business procedures. Available . .immediately. ,Interested party please phone 524-9186 after 12 p.m. -14 ROTARY CLUB of Goderich Paper Drive begins Saturday, 4ri1,11th. Please have your papers securely brindled and at the curb before 10:00a -m. If you will begin to save.now'and continue to save your papers for. the Rotary, your con trillrution to ; community projects will be much greater. Plan now to help all Season. Paper Virives will take place April .11th, May 30th, July 25th, Sept. 26th and November 14th.-1l4ar• FOR SALE - electric range. , Good condition. $25.00. Phone 524.6794.-14ar 47. Card of thanks CURREY The family of the late Edna Currey wish to express sincere appreciation to relatives, friends and neighbors for their prayers and support and many acts of ° kindness, and ex- pressions of sympathy, during the illness and loss of a very dear and loving Mother and Grandma. Special thanks to Dr. Hollingworth and Dr. Flowers, and Dr. Jones at Victoria Hospital, and to all the terrific nurses and staff on Second Floor East and in the Intensive Care Unit at Alexandra 'Marine and General Hospital, for all their dedication and kindness throughout. Also to Rev. Ball and Clare McGowan for their comfort and con- cern.—Marlene, Shari lyn and famdies .-14ar EVANS The family of the late Mary A. Evans wish to express their sincere appreciation and thanks to relatives, friends, and `neighbors for their ex- pressions of sympathy, mass cards, beautiful floral tributes, memorial donations, sym- pathy cards and many gifts of food that were sent to, the house , during the loss of a loving mother and grand- mother. A sincere thanks to Rev. Father Loebach, Doctors • Chan and Hollingworth, nurses .and staff Alexandra Hospital. A special thanks to McCallum Funeral Home and the Ladies of the C.W.L. of St. Peter's Church. Your thotaghtfulness and kindness at this time will always be remembered.—The t s.a no Farr,;;,, . 1.4 - .L. Real estate for sale ' • RENT -or ' BUY Immedlbte possession, 2 storey brick, centrally located, large treed lot. Call 524-8480 W.J. Hughes Realty Ltd. 524-8100 LAUCKNER REALTY INC. BAYFIELD - 5 yr. old modern brick bungalow, attached garage, treed lot, drilled well. OLDER TYPE HOME an 1, acre treed lot. TWO BEDROOM summer cottage overlooking valley. MODERN winterized home on lake front, electric heated. NEW brick home on wooded lot. SEAFORTH - 2 storey, Vktorian typo home on ccrn•rint, GODERICH TOWNSHIP - room, 2 storey brick. Field -stone fireplace, 4.9 aerss, two car garage, small barn, hot water hooted. CALL ADAM FLOWERS Rocs 41, Royflold 514401112 ti SILL CLIFFORD REAL ESTATE BROKER 26 Square - Goderich 5244097 524.6710 5244951 NEW LISTINGS _LAKEVIIIW HOME Marti;' sided horse. Included all t room aluminum nor will assist - carry First Mortgage at 12%. o. 156 WILDWOOD HEIGHTS - Lakefront, well treed, ravine sided, extremely private lot with gentle slope to wide sandy beach. Phone Enid. No. 155 WEST WAWANOSH - 100 acres. '/o down, 13% mortgage. 60 workable and rented, balance in hardwood and mixed bush. Just north of Dungannon. Phone Steve. No. 154. EAST OF ZURICH - 100 acres. Conc. 8, Hay Twp. '95,000.00 for this vacant land. Requires clearing and drainage. Phone Steve: No. 153 65 ACtIES - Ashfield Twp: 60 workable. !h down. L. R. W:, Part Lot 33: Call Steve Buchanan. No. 153 RAVINE LOT- Bluewater Beach. Asking '12,500.00. Open for offers,,pnd terms. Call John Schneiker. No. 152 RAGLAN ST. - Large lot: Good buy. See this 4 bedroom home which is listed for quick sale. Call Enid Bell. No. 151 GODERICH TWP. - 15 acres. '/a down. All treed. Can be several building lots. Call John Schneiker. No. 150 NEW ALUMINUM MOM - Stop and look at this t bedroom home. Ideal investment. Asking only '18,900.00 with 20% down. Phone Jack Cummings. NO. 148 'OVER LOOKING LAKE - Brick bungalow with finished. basement, drilled well, electric heat and insulated, ther: mopane windows, cedar deck. Call Enid Bell. No. 147 DUNGANNON - Berry Street. 3 bedroom attractive aluminum -sided home. Many extras• included."Low down ' payment. Phone Enid Bell. No. 146 OPEN FOR OFFERS - 2 bedroom 11/2 storey frame home. 11 mortgage. Fireplace in large livingroom. Basement has huge cold storage room. Phone Bill Clifford, No. 145 INCOME PROPERTY - Two storey stucco duplex plus 11/2 storey, converted to a deluxe apt. Completely renovated. Cali Jack Cumntlhgs. No. 144 EXECUTIVE ESTATE located nearBenmiller on al nicely treed 1.3 acre lot is this 3 bedroom, 2 storey quality custom-built briek_home featuring. 3 fireplaces,_ family room,, music alcove, portly finished rec. room and 2 car garage. No. 141 DO YOU WANT. a small barn, nicely landscaped grounds, spring fed screek plus acreage'? Then, see the 3 bedroom Nome teetudpg_large, bright livingroom and. diningroom.-- Colborne Two. See Bill Clifford. No. 140 MARY ST. - 3 bedroom, family home. immediate possession. large workshop. Excellent terms. Call Enid Bell. No. 139 GODERICH TWP. - Reduced 68 acres - cash crop land. 25% dew, n,11 % mortgage. Also includes cozy bungalow. No. 1;1d' JACK CUMMINGS 524-$951 ENID BELL 524-$191 JOHN SCHMEIicER 524-9135 CLEO COIOUHOUN 452-9688 BILL CLIFFORD 524-9090 STEVE BUCHANAN 524-4700 • GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK he he 0 ac• 1 GK REALTY & Insurance Inc. 53 West St., Goderich 524-2118 YOUR HURON COUNTY FARM SPECIALIST JOHN TALBOT 524-2520 FARMS CLINTON AREA - 200 acre Dairy form, 2 homes, drilled well, large barn, 75 cows and quota. All 0 machinery & feed included. STANLEY TWP. - Excellent cosh crop f irm, .200 acres clay loam, large barns, 4 bdrm. ranch style home. V. NEAR KINCARDINE - 250 acre Cash crop farm, systematically tiled KINLOSS TWP, - 400 acres systematically tiled, Huron clay loam. NEAR PAISLEY = 450 acres beef farm. SOLD KINLOSS TWP. - 150 acres systematically tiled. GODERICH TWP. - 85 acres cosh crop form, tiled lost year, excellent 4 bdrm, home. Priced to sell. ASHFIELD TWP. - 100 acre cash crop farm with ex- cellent steel barn, set up for hogs. New 40 x 80 shed. Good 4 bedroom home, 8'/2 % . mortgage available. 90 SOW OPERATION - in Seaforth Area, includes 2 barns, liquid manure, 12 year old split level home featured on a beautiful 5 acre setting. '100,000. -0— GepergiCii TWP. - 60 acres 'of cash crop land, 2 Y storey home, large barn. O COWMEN TWP. - 100 acre Cash Crop farm, ex - Y cellant home & good barn. • STANLEY TWP. 150 acre cash crop form, 100 acres workable, 50 acres hardwood bush, clay 0 loam' soil, excellent buy. ASHFORD, TWP. - 212 acre Dairy or Cash Crop IL farm, can be purchased with or without cows & 6� quota. Good 4 bdrm. Ranch style home, large barn & machine shed. O ASHPIELD TWP. - 200 acre Beef farm, large feedlot • and good barn, 34 x 80 machinery shed, good 4 bdrm. 11/2 storey home, level Perth clay loam soil. STANLEY TWP. - Excellent cash crop farm, 146 acres of systematically tiled, clay loam, features • large barn & good 4 bdrm. home. le HAY TWP.- 100 acres of Huron cloy loam, O systematically tiled, good barn &.. home, near Zurich. Ur STANLEY TWP. - 200 acres of clay & sand loam, systematically tiled, good barn and 4 bdrm. home. • HAY TWP. - 180 acres of Perth clay & sand loam, • excellent cash crop farm near lake. Y ASHFIELD TWP. - 237 acres, beef or cash crop O form, good 4 bedroom home, large barn and le machine shed. 10% mortgage available. • ASHFIELD TWP. - 150 acres excellent cosh crop farrn with good 4 bedroom home and large barn. he Spring possession. Make us an offer. O HULLETT TWP. - Two 100 acre parcels of cash crop Ne land systematically tiled, no buildings. Winter O wheat to sell with property. Priced to sell. d5rd2M2M:21M 0 0 0 aL 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ne We have several cash crop farms available 100-500 O acres in Huron County, HOBBY FARMS GODERICH TWP. - 20 acres with mc,dern 3 bedroom bungalow. Suitable for market gardening or hobby farm. Priced to sell. CLOSE TO GODERICH - country property, ex- cellent 3 bedroom ranch, with large rec room. This 4 acre property features car garage with workshop, small born, new in 1974. Spring creek through back of property, drilled well and an extra lot that can be severed. COUNTRY PROPERTY - three acre hobby farm near the Nile, 3 bedroom home, shed with workshop and barn area. Suitable for market gar- dening. Make us an offer. GODERICH TWP. - 13 acre hobby farm, modern ranch style home with car garage and paved drive. Barn suitable for horses, cattle or sows. 7 acres of pasture, 6 acres of bush with trough stream through property. Owner says sell. BAYFIELD AREA - Beautiful recreational property, 16 acres of bush, 6 acres workable. Priced right. 0 R "I► 0 yC 0 0 0 0 0 0 4401 - Nor W - rtorWort Alexander & Chapr9a� Realty Limited IT'S NEW - Brick and abitibi siding. 3 bedroom split level. Includes finished family room. Patio doors -on diningroom. CLOSE TO THE SQUARE - Brick bungalow with detached double garage: Excellent retirement home. CLOSE TO SCHOOLS - and price reduced for quick sale - four bedroom split level with partially finished family ,- room. •Large lot. Also close to the Lake: EXECUTIVE TYPE BUNGALOW - Brick and angelstone: Very attractive home on the edge of Goderich. low taxes. Above ground pool. Large lot. Many extras. INCOME PROPERTY - several choices. Open to offers. ,\ Good locations. INVESTMENT, Two large apartment buildings. Excellent pension fund supplements. Ask us'for particulars. COTTAGES - Some new listings. Lakefront. Close to Goderich. BUILDING LOTS - Choose now for best locations for your new home or cottage lot. FARMS - Cash crop - Beef - Dairy - Hog - Recreational. Buying or selling, call "Gus" or "Martha" or any of our salespersons. R.A. "GUS" CHISHOLM 524-8554 MARTHA ROBERTSON 529-7703 JOHN BANTER 524-8149 P' DON ABERNART 524-7216 BERT ALEXANDER 524-7836 Real Estate -General Insurance -Property Management Member of the Huron Real Estate Board 10 The Square - Goderich' 524-2177 WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. SEAFOITH: HENRY MERO •527-0430 BILL HENDERSON 527-0995 STEVE MURRAY 345-2172 LON0e3SOIO: GERRIT WILTS 523-4229 GODERICH: ANNA MELSKI 524-2768 CLINTON: HAi WORifMAN 482-3456 PETER DAMSMA 482-9849 AILEEN CRAIG 482-3669 FARMS 100 ACRES- 96 workable, good cash crop land, brick house, beef barn, near Londesboro F701 MODERN BARN - 40' x 150', bank barn, good home, 50 acres, near Auburn. F785 bAIRr - 200 acres, 185 workable, 62 tie-ups, pipeline, 3 silos, 45 Holsteins & quota. Brick house, near Kincardine. F787 - BASIC LAYER QUOTA - 1.4,400, 2 barns. 7 bedroom home, 100 acres, 97 workable. Near Londesboro. F727 MODERN 50 SOW - Farrow to finish, barn, liquid manure, 187 acres, 175 workable, 3 bedroom home, 10-1/8 % mortgage. F735 S0 MILK COWS - Large quota, 24,000 broiler quota, modern barn, excellent brick home, 225 acres,workobie. F721 703 ACRES - 3 houses & barns, more land available nearby. FG 655 23 ACRES - Systemically tiled, near Seaforth. 100 ACRES - 85 workable, house & barn. East Wawahosh Twp. 147 ACRES - 100 workable, highway location. Stanley Twp, 25 ACRES - Close to highway, in Clinton. 124 ACRES - 100 workable, house & barn. Stanley Twp. GRAVEL FARM - 42 acres, river frontage, near Auburn'. FA 815 !0 SOW BARN - 115 fattening, liquid manure, brick home. Excellent buildings, 28 acres. F756 200 HOG CAPACITY - Brick bungalow, small acreage at Holmesville, '75,000..5764 BROILER QUOTA - 20,000 plus class II roaster A quota, 12,120 annual pullet production, 70,000; modern 4000 sq- ft. home, built-in pool, 20 scenic acres available with it, 18,000" layer quota, 3 bedroom home,'30 acres. F480 DAIRY - 200 acres, 165 workable, 85 free stall, double fix herringbone, quota available. F743 1313 ACRES - 125 systematically drained, 80 sow, 600 hog capacity. Modern home. Hay Twp. '420,000. F772 COUNTRY HOMES 2 ACRES OF BUSH near the Mxitland river with a beautiful home featuring 2 fireplaces, intercom. 3 bedrooms, 2 sun - decks plush N8479 RAISED BUNGALOW featuring 3 bedrooms formal dining room. double garage, highway -location near Brucefield. S8587 COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES MODERN COMMERCIAL building on Highway 4 south of Clinton. I MAIN STREETstore and apartment, good condition, '29,900.' I VACATION PROPERTIES i ACRE OF PARADISE with 2 cottages at Bayfield, S8780 V000ENS 'BEACH - 2 bedroom cottage, good condition. '30 000 °° S8753 101, Patricia Fraser and Pierre Le Chasseur, two members of a miniature modern dance- company known as Dancemakers, are shown in one of their numbers here. Dancemakers is coming to Goderich on April 13 and 14 for two evening performances. (Photo by Andrew Oxenham) , o BAILEY Real Estate ltd.. - -Clinton ' Phone: 482-9371 Residence: 523-9338 100 ACRES HULLETTTWP. - --851work,^bieg d. uiI' did- -f i beet and hogs. - - 50 ACRES - General farm in Hallett Twp. Try an offer. BLYTH - Restaurant and gas bar, main intersection. MINI MARKET -HARDWARE - and farm supply store Auburn with apartment and room for expansion. Low in- terest mortgage assumable. Try an offer. 13/4 ACRES IN BLYTH - Victorian style home, 26 fruit trees, excellent property for hobby or business. Try an offer. Shop and Lot at Londesboro on No. 4 Highway. Ideal for welding shop or similar business. GODERICIi - REDUCED TO SELL - Commercial property Hamilton St. Presently con- tains 3 apartments, and street level store, suitable for any commercial purpose. 400 ACRES, 330 workable Seaforth area, good brick home, equipped for cattle. WIL,,IAM STREET CLINTON - 2 storey home, very well kept, 4 bedrooms, formal dining room and living room with fire place, gas heat. Treed lot. Must be seen to appreciate., HOBBY FARM - 13 acres, modern 'bungalow, small barn, 4 acres wooded near Holmesville. NEW LISTING - Londesboro 3 bedroom brick bungalow in like new condition,. double garage, paved drive, nicely landscaped. 8 ACRES 8th concession Hullett township, no buildings mostly wooded. NEW LiSTiNG - Raised ranch on •Gihbons Street, natural fireplace, rec room, electric heat, like new. Available August lst. Boardendorses trespass policy If you and your children wander .,over to ; the school grounds for a game of catch, football or just a bit of fun a charge of trespassing can be Well, technically anyway. The Huron Board of Education will now enforce the Trespass to Property Act and has authorized all board employees to act as en- forcers of the act. Under the new - policy, . teachers, janitors and secretarys can legally lay a trespassing charge. Several, trustees attacked the policy insisting it would take school property away from the public and deter its use. Buit•,education committee chairman, Bert. Morin, explained the policy was not designed to deter use 'of school property but rather was to give board employees the power to lay charges against the few who abused privileges. "We don't want people to stop using school grounds," Morin said. "But there are a few who have abused the privilege and so we need legislation." Anyone wishing to use school property for leisure activity actually requires the permission of that school's principal. Trustee Jean Adams asked board mem- bers "why are playgrounds sosacred?" Trustee Frank Falconer indicated the policy was to prevent damage and van- dalism at the schools. "This is for the drop outs who come during school hours and people who do damage," he offered. Trustee Joan Van Den Broeck argued that such policy t would take com- munity schools from the public and she suggested that some employees could abuse the power to lay trespass charges. The Trespass Act has been in place since 1980 and trustee John. Elliott said the new policy simply authorizes ,employees to enforce it if necessary. . Directteer .Vf ,Education John Cochrane- said playgrounds are the target of abuse for, young people in cars. "Cars coming on to the playgrounds has been a problem and if no trespass signs 'are posted we can't .lays charges," he said. "We had to call Policeto Colborne School recenty because of that." •Civic Corner The Goderich Economic Development Committee will meet Thursday, April 9 at noon in the council chambers at town hall. Goderich town council will meet Monday, April 13 at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers at town hall. THE WINNING COMBINATION When you shop_ the Signal Classifieds, it's like having an ace up your sleeve! You can save money...and en-. joy the convenience of shopping from your easy chair. You can't hearthat' fh, Goderich SIGNAL -STAR A-1 CONDITION OLLAR SAVER USED HOMES 10' x 34' 1 BEDROOM Complete w"lth Fridge and Stove. ideal Cottage unit. Exceptionally clean. 10' x 52' 2 BEDROOM Complete with Fridge, Stove and Furnishings. Very Good Condition. 14' x 64' 3 BEDROOM With front Living Room. Includes Fridge and Stove. Ready to move into. In Exceptional Condtlon. (3,995. $5,995. :16,995. PLUS MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM .don't pay any more, /' anymore We have a haute to suit your needs HURON HAVEN HOMES I HURON HAVEN VILLAGE 054.1 -Al :1-04*14,VAREideragAlltRe..21,-,_ 524,4384, 41111111