HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-04-08, Page 15r^ ISA&Country CLIASSIFIED WANT A CLASSIFICATIONS 1 Articles for sale 2 Yard sale 3 Garage sale 4 Antiques for sale 5 Cars for sale 6 Trucks for sale 7, R V s tor sale .+0- Marine 9 Automotive 10 Pets for sale 1 I. Livestock for sale 12 Real estate for sale 13. Mobile homes,. 19 Rooms for rent ,- 24 Wonted to rent 14 Recreational propertli"s 20 Room & board 30Smpimetwanted ro *rite,. 25 Wanted to buy 311 Servicceedirectory 15 Out of town P P 21 Cottages for rent 26 Help wanted 32 Custom -work 16. For rent 22 Lots for rent 27 Wontedeneral' 17 Apartments for rent 23 Commercial property 9 33 Form services P P y 28 Business°opportunrtY 34 •Personal 18 'Houses for rev for rent ' 29 Tenders 35 Notice tq creditors GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 0,1981 -PAGE 15 36 Announcements notices 37 Mortgages 38. Auction sole 39. Educational 40. Lost 8 Found 41 'To give away 42. Death notice 43, Miscellaneous 44. Engagements 45. Marriages 46. In Memoriam 47. Card of thanks 1 Articles for sale SINGER - , For authorized sales and service, sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, parts and notions, service to all makes, and machine rentals. We also do alterations and install, zippers. Gen's Sewing Centre, row located at, 106 The Square, Goderich, 524- 8431.- It far 24-8431.-Itfar AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available at Hoffmeyer Plumbing and Heating, Kingston Street, Goderieh. -1 tf ar MAPLE SYRUP - FOR SALE - Dan Byler, R.R.1, Dungannon, concession 7, lot 11, Ashfield • Townshi p. -I2-15x. 1977 KZ 650 Custom Kawasaki, low mileage, many extras, around '$2,500.00 or consider trade-in of smaller bike', preferably an Enduro. Phone 524-6980 after 6 p.m .-12tf SNOWMOBILE trailer in excellent condition - new tires, fully licenced. Reasonable offer. Phone 524-9467.-14 (SINGER sewing , rnaebine, basic model, good condition. Includes buttonholer and other attachments. Storage case. An excellent first machine. $55.0. Phone 524-8895.-14 SLACKS, -..size 18,_ four .pair (two navy, one black, one brown), $30.00 for all or will sell separately; two-piece outfit, skirt with matching short -sleeved top, size 17-18, blue, excellent ' condition, $25.00. Phone 524-6753 after 5:30 p.m, weekdays, anytime on weekend.-14nx SEWING MACHINES -Singer, White and other models. Repairs to all makes. All machines and repairs guaranteed. Morris Draperies, 36 West Street, Goderich, 524- 2551.--13eowa r SIX DRYSTALL pens, $275.00; four garage doors, 8 x 9 ft. Phone Brussels 1-887- 9'243.-14x FURNITURE at SCHUETT'S of MILDMAY Including about 25 „DIFFERENT BEDROOM SUITES -ALSO- Chesterfield and Dinette Suites Organs, Appliances, Etc. , Look for Special BLUE TAG PRICES on certain items this month 'SCHUETT'S of MILDMAY deliver' 1. Articles for sale CAMP -OUT TRAILERS Hwy. west; Stratford, 393-5938. )(Our headquarters tor +Hardtop tent trailers +Travel Trailers - from lightweights right up to park models +Truck campers and caps. Dealer for Prowler, Golden Falcon, Trillium, Lionel. Sales, Rentals, Parts, Service. -14-25 OSTOMY SUPPLIES and appliances. Rieck IDA Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524- 7241.-ltfar SICK ROOM ' SUPPLIES, patient aids, support gar meats, convalescent products, etc. Rieck Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241. -1 tfar TWO-PIECE Paris Star outfit, skirt with matching 'short - sleeved sweater;blue, size 16, $20.00; long-sleeved dress, size 16, rose, $15.00; short -sleeved white blouse, cowl neckline, size 12, $10.00. All items. in excellent .condition. Phone 524- 6.753 after 5: 30 p.m. weekdays, anytime on weekend.-14nx 1977 250 XL HONDA, excellent condition. Phone 524- 7990.-14,15nx KENMORE portable zig-zag sewing machine, excellent condition., Phone 524-4280.-14 SEARS B&W' 12" portable TV, 110V AC - 12V DC, -very good condition, $70.00. Phone 524- 2832.-14x QUANTITY of mixed baled hay. Phone 52$-6365.-44x GOLD, short shag rug, ap- proximately 12 x 18 ft. asking $150.00. Child's car seat, asking $8.00. Phone 524- 8726.-14 i on Highway No. 4 VANASTRA HOME FURNISHINGS 2 miles south of Clinton f? r1 io,5- I i 1 *NEW OR USED HOME FURNISHINGS • j •APPLIANCES fS *LAWN _ . ORNAMENTS -- .. .... ? Open 6 Days A Week i L f 482-7922 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BLANKET COVERAGE OF ONTARIO FOR ONLY 5125 YOUR ADVERTISEMENT WILL BE Published in over 111 Community Newspapers Delivered to almost 519,000 homes Read by 1.7 million readers ALL YOU DO IS HAND YOUR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS TO THIS NEWSPAPER. WE WILL DO THE REST Why Blanket Coverage is advantageous to you WHO' Bun in more !San 111 commune ry newspapers across the orownce or 450 newspapers across Canada WHAT? Getting a classified ad message to 17 rnilLOn readers in (Dna and or 5 3 minion readers aross Canada WHERE, Right across Oniaio or Right across 6anada WHY, To serve newsoaoe, readers with more intereshnQ Classi4"00 ads and to make it easy tot you to reach more customers WHEN, Once per week Every week HOW, it S easy' One Or00' clops it all' OR YOU CAN CHOOSb YOUR COVERAGE AREA All Of Ontario Western Ontario Eastern Ontario Northern Ontario 5125 5 75 S 50 S 25 All Canada 5430 514 00 per extra word Bnhsh Columba Alberta Saskatchewan Manitoba Al lanhc ,PFi NM; N 5 ,N An Duces based on 75 words 599 5 75 5 75 S 50 S 55 Contact 524833 11 kW your t lomat Classiflzol IAIE r 1, Articles for sale LIKE NEW Roxton Colonial kitchen suite; oval extension table and four chairs. Reasonable. Phone 524- 2748.-14,15 ROTOTILLER, $165.00; 18" Remington chain saw, $85.00; dining tent, $50.00. All in ex- VIKING automatic, heavy duty . dryer, . Al condition. Phone 524-2527 after 6 p.m. 14. 1. Articles for sal, 1. Articles for sale , 24" WESTINGHOUSE electric range, four hi -speed burners, control panel, fluorescent light, automatic appliance outlet, automatic time control oven, rotisserie switch. Price reasonable. Phone 524- 94831-14x cellent condition. Phone 529- 2887.-14,15 BROWN leather. Western saddle, excellent condition. Price $275.00. Phone 524-4331 after 4 p.m. -14,15 1973 - 750 FOUR Honda, fully dressed. Phone 524-2806,-14 JULIETTE Stereo, includes turntable, radio, eight track, speakers 'and stand, $50.00. Phone 524-2368.=14,15 1978 KZ' 200, Kawasaki, low mileage. excellent condition. Call 524-9093 after p.m. -14 MURIEL MORGAN has Easter ceramics for 'sale, reasonable; will take orders for . personalized homemade Easter eggs $1.00 and $2.00. Phone 524-2205,-14 MINS{ FERTILIZER, the secreeto beautiful flowers and gardens, $2.5e per bag. Phone 524-9119. -14 EXERCISE bicycle in ex- cellent condition. Phone 524- 8116.-14 . APPLES - IDA RED; SPYS, no bitter pitt, top quality, seconds also. Bring con- tainers. Anytime. Very reasonable. Ross Middleton Storage, one mile east of Bayfield, north of river. -14-16 INTERNATIONAL seed drill 15 run powerfvlift. Massey Harris power mower in fair shape. New Idea side rake, 4 bar. Phone 529-7555.-1 4,15rix WALLPAPER 20 % OFF MANUFACTURER'S SUGGESTED PRICE IN STOCK WALLPAPER 40 % OFF Le Trousseau 73 Hamilton St., Goderich Phone 524-2448 • Compare our price HOPPER FED TENDER - LEAN BEEF SIDES '1.50 Le. HINDS •1.77 LB. FRONTS '1.30 LB. CUT. WRAPPED AND QUICK FROZEN FOR YOUR FREEZER FREE Goderich Frosted Foods 65 Hamilton St. S24-6672 EXERCISE bicycle, speedometer, odometer, timer. Like new. Only 115' miles. $65.00. Phone 524- 2360.-14 ONE USED freezer, reasonable. Phone 524- 2716,-14 •BRAND NEW vanity top; chest of drawers; used wine color chesterfield suite. Phone 524-6372.-14 DRAPES, 84" long, finished, 240" wide, finished, lined; one bedspread, two pair matching drapes. Phone 524-7471.--14 CHILD'S tricycle, high chair, bicycle baby carrier. Phone 524-4493.-14 TRY C & .E FURNITURE, new' and used. Dial 524-7231.-ltfar ESSO - U ltimatic oil, forced air furnace, 120,000 B.T.U., eight years old; OLSEN Duo -Matic oil, forced air furnace, 114,000 B.T.U., used one winter. Apply Worsell Bros, Ltd. Phone 524- 7952.-7tf CATTLE FEED - wet corn gluten plus and wet corn bran by the truckload. Call 1-338= 3912 after 6 p.m. -11-14 LIVELY BAIT worms for sale - $1. a dozen or $35 for 1,000. Also .available, grower's program and worm 'Manure. Call or write, Worm World, R.R.3, Lambeth, NOL ISO. 652- 5859.-11-14x IMPERIAL sewing machine, buttonhole and decorative. attachments. Good condition. Phone 524-2870 evenings only. -13tfn x PERFECT GIFT Good quality monogrammed towels. personalized to your -specifications. Reason- able prices. Le Trousseau 73 Hamilton St., Goderich Phone 524-2448 NEW & USED BICYCLES Parts and accessories available at DON'S BICYCLE REPAIRS 305 ONTARIO ST. CLINTON 482-9941 *SEKINE*RALEIGH *FUGI Sealy & Simmons MATTRESSES AND X SPRINGS 2 0 °r� OFF All other Mattresses & Box Spi'ngs at Sale Prices BLACKSTONE FURNITURE WEST STREET, .WST OFF THE SQUAI@t;, GOWN "MEAT KING" heavy roaster cockerels, d,ay old to two weeks, available April, May and June. CalI McKinley Hatchery, 1-800-265-8536. Order today, and put meat on your table this fall. -13-24 HAIRDRESSING equipment for sale - dryers, stations, display units, desk, air con- ditioner-.; coloring machine. Large walnut desk ready to be finished. Call 524-8507, 6 to 9 p.m. -13-16x TOMATOES Ontario grown 85c a pound and up. Seedless cucumbers . 85c each. Also potatoes.. Evans' Farm Market, 2 miles north of Bayfield, 482-7562.=13,14 CLEAN STRAW forsale. 50c per bale. Call after 6 p.m. 529- 7314.-13,14 1979 - 750' K HONDA, 11,000 kilometres, plexifaring, back rest, and carrier. Like . new condition. •Call 482-7240 after 6 p.m. -13,14 COMBINATION washer and dryer, Westinghouse, in good condition. Phone 524- 9111.-13,14a r DOUBLE CUT red clover seed, baled straw and hay. Horace Crawford, phone 524- 4482.-14 1978 KAWASAKI Enduro KE 175, bought new in 1979, only 4,000 km, $900.00. Includes two helmets. Phone 524- 2304.-14,15 FOUR CUSHION floral chesterfield, matching chair, green, rust, brown tones. Good condition. ' Lined apricot drapes, 84" long x 120" wide. Phone 524-7893.-14 TWO BABY walkers, one $15.00, one 85.88; two musical mobiles at $8.00 each; two GM infant car seats at $15.00 each. Please phone after 5 p.m. 524- (i061. -14.i 1978 KAWASAKI 200, street bike, 3,000 miles, excellent shape, $850.00 or best offer. Phone 524-2537.-14 DELICIOUS apples from your own back yard. Dwarf apple trees for the gardener and commercial grower.. Variety. Red •Delicious, Empire, Spartan, Ida Red, Mutsu. Guaranteed to grow. Price $6.50 each. Order today. Send to: Monta Arbre Farms Inc., R.R.1, Burgessville, NOJ 1C0. Ph. (519) 424-9178.-14b.c. 197$ CASE 580C Backhoe with extend -a -hoe, 1200 hours, excellent condition, 18 and 24,, inch buckets, $20,000.00 or best offer: 'Phone (519) 245- 3979.-14b.c. 5000 FORD. TRACTOR, 2300 hours, 184530 load monitor, dual powe ., 16 speed tran- smission. Phone 524-2490 after 6p.m.-14,15nx 5. Cars for sale 1975 CHEV MALIBU Classic, 350 automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes, rear defog, AM radio, cassette, new brakes, new radials, good body. Phone 524-2013 after 6 p.m. -13-15 1977 DODGE Monaco Crest- wood, nine passenger stationwagon, V8, p.s., p.b.. 56,000 miles. Phone after 6 p,m. 524-6812.-13,14 1966 BUICK Electra, very little to sa fety . Phone 524-4787.-14 1973 AMERICAN Motors Hornet, economical 6 cylinder motor, automatic, 4 door,. selling certified. Phone 524- 6375 evenings. -14,15 1978 DODGE DIPLOMAT. 4 door. cream- color, vinyl top, V8-318 lean burn, P.S., P.B., certified . Spotless condition, 25,865 km . Must be sold to close estate. Phone 526-7729 evenings. -14 1974 CAMARO 350 with 3 speed standard transmission, fully instrumentation. $800.00 as is Phone 524 -7663 a fter 6 p .m . -14 1973 CHEVROLET Impala, 2 door hardtop, power steering and brakes, Michelin tires, low mileage. Phone 524-6665 after 4 p.m. -14,15 1975 BUiCK Century, as is, best offer by Friday. Phone 4112-9960 or482-3388.-144fnx i ,s. Cars for sale '1973 ASTRE Wagon, in good running condition, $800.00 as is, or nearest offer. Phone 524- 9916.-14 CONVERTIBLE - 1969 Ford Galaxie, $800.00, as is, needs body work. Phone 524-2846.-14 1975 BUICK Century Stationwagon, power steering, brakes, roof rack, safety certificate. Phone 524-4437.-14 6. Trucks for sale 1974 CHEV TRUCK, half °tion, • six cylinder, standard tran- smission, power steering, new paint, certified: 524-2273 after 6 p.m. -14x 1975 GMC SIERRA Grande 1 ton truck, excellent condition. Will sell as is or will certify. Phone 523-9236after 6p.m.-14 1975 FORD PICKUP with topper, in good condition. Phone Brussels 1-887- 9243.-14x 1975 FORD half ton, power steering, automatic tran- smission, AM -FM radio, in excellent shape. "Phone 524- 7597, Monday to Friday after 5 p.m., ask for Don. -14,15 1981 RED SIERRA GMC half ton with topper, six cylinder, automatic. Phone 524-4757.-14 PRICED for quick sale, 20 used trucks all sizes, some with new combination grain and livestock bodies with hoists. Dobson Truck Sales, . Palmerston, Ontario (519) 343- 2703. -14b -c. 1975 GMC half ton pickup, as is, best offer by Friday. Phone 482-99600r 482-33 88.-14tfnx 7. R. V.'s for sale 1971 SUNSET travel trailer, 18 feet, two way fridge, gas stove, oven, bathroom. Phone 524- 6276 a fter 5 p.m. -12-15 1967. CORSAIR, 15 foot, sleeps six. ice box. $1,500.00 or best offer. Phone 524-6233 after 5 p.m. -13,14x 1975 JAYCO lightweight house trailer, sleeps five, three way fridge, 110 or 120 lights and water system, twin propane tanks, folding TV aerial, plenty storage, spare. Used only two seasons. Excellent condition. Asking $2,500.00. Phone 524-6065.-13,14x 1975 TRAVEL TRAILER, 23 feet, full y eq nipped. Phone 524- 6416.-14,15 - 1966 ORBIT TRAILER, sleeps six, stove, electric fridge, sink, propane bottle and TV an- tenna. Asking $2,000.00 or best offer. Also sideband CB radio, best offer. Phone after 4 p.m. 524-2885.-14,15x 1974, IMPALA TRAILER, 25 ft., full roll -up awning, front and back door, AM -FM radio, tape deck, speakers, bedroom, 4 piece bath. Other features, extras. Call 1-439-1924 (Lon- don) evenings. -14 8. Marine ARKANSAS Traveller, 18', 75 h.p. Evinrude. Gator trailer, fully enclosed top. travel tarp, full instruments, Boat in superb condition. 83,500.00. 524-291 4.-12tf SAILBOAT, 18' solid keel Minuet, top shape. Extra sails. Long -shaft motor. Storage trailer and many extras. A perfect day sailer. Phone 524- 8895 or 524-7725.-14 O'DAY DAYSAILER, seventeen foot. fiberglas hull, dacron main jib and genoa, plus motor, trailer, anchor, cushions. Excellent condition. Peter Collier, 524-:'16.-14-18 YACHT Sailing or cruising instruction. Fully qualified Fanshawe College instructors. Bayfield -Lake Huron weekly courses. Starting June 1st. Book early 1-900-265-9214 Toll Free. -14b. c . 9. Automotive AMERICAN racing style mags, 812" x 15" rims with tires. Phone 524-7663 after 6 p.m. --14 \9. Automotive Selling yourcar?•n, Need a Safety Inspection? Call 524-2121, Now only $ ■ 5 e 95 GODERICH 10. Pets for sale PUREBRED German Shepherd pups, ready• to go, excellent -markings," pal and protection, $150.00. 1-262- 5592.-14 11. Livestock for sale - THREE NANNY goats, one billy goat, one baby nanny. Phone 529-7571: l4a r COMMERCIAL Cattlemen - 30 Excellent Herd Sire Prospects, first annual Simmental Bull Sale, Barrie Fair Grounds, May 29. Catalogues available. May 1. M. McArthur, Stayner, (705) 966 -3048. -14b -c. 12. Real estate for sale PRIVATE SALE - Ideal retirement home with private. access to Lake Huron, near Bayfield. Three years old, cedar and stone bungalow, large deck, three bedroom, dining-livingroom, cathedral ceilings, full basement, fireplace, extra lot. Open to. offers. Phone 565-5034 after 7 p.m.-48tfnx NICE SUBDIVISION lot 67 feet by 132 feet, 199 Bennett Street West, $15,000.00. Phone 524-4454.-13tf 13. Mobile homes FOR SALE: Deluxe two bedroom mobile home, 14 x 70, carpet throughout. Built-in stereo, blender, clock, nightlights. Large livingroom, drapes, coffee and end tables, lamps, ba r a nd bar stools „New 9 x 10 storage shed on cement pad. Large sun deck. Many extras. Phone 524-6421.-11-14 MOBILE HOME, 40' x 8', two bedrooms, furnished, big fridge, two propane tanks, furnace. Can be moved. Reasonably priced. Phone 524- 7938.-13,14x MOBILE, 14 x 70 with basement, many extras. With or without furnishings. Any reasonable offer will be con- sidered. 524-7555.-14,15 NORTHLANDER Mobile Home (60' x 12') with addition (24' x 12'). Ample storage space. Kitchen, dining room. family room, two bedrooms, bathroom, storage room. ,814,000. Includes all ap- pliances, Franklin stove, skirting, cedar deck. unit step entrance. Ideal for year-round or summer home. Must be moved. Call Bill Taylor, Hensatl (519) 262-2922. After five 262-2021. -14 18' HOUSE TRAILER with toilet, sleeps six. $2,150.00 or best offer. 45' three bedroom mobile home. complete fur- niture, move right in. $3,950.00 or best offer. Phone 524- 6438.-14nx 14. Recreational properties GREAT spring fishing, Pickerel, Bass, Pike, H - Keeping Amer. -Plan, Lakeside Cottages, Auld Reekie Camp Tavern, Hi -Way 560, Gowganda, POJ 1JO. (705) 624- 3512 Nodirect dial --n4b.c. Have an inezpen- sive- holiday this summer. Rent luxury motor Ronne. For dotal s Otte erg"-��i f D$ADl.l1)IE$; Classified want ads at 12 noon Tuesday. Tao late to classify ad& will be ac- cepted until 4 p.m. same day. WoR' CLASSIFIED RATES: '3,25 min./22 voids, 15' a word thereafter. In Memoriam '3.25 min. plus 30' per rhymed line of verse. Cards of 'Thanks '3.25 min. /25 words; 5' 'a word thereafter. Public Notice '15 for 3 inserts. Notice to Creditors '25 for 3 inserts. Speciol rates available by 6 or 12 months, no copy change Ask about our special discounts • .for prompt payment., MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8:30 a.m.-5p.m. I 3. 16. For rent 150, ACRES cropland for rent at the Nile. Best offer. Phone 524-9900.-12-14 FOR DALLY. CLEAN CARPETS Do It ,youhself with Deep Steam Cutraetlon. Di wwoter Cleaners 524- 6231. 17. Apartments for rent TWO BEDROOM apartment; ,' heat included, available March 15th, 1$181. Phone 1-416- 877.9096 after 9 pin .-8tf MODERN one bedroom and two bedroom apartments with balconies in Goderich, available May lst. Phone 482- 7081 or 527-1315.-10tf BACHELOR and 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS All utilities paid, fridge and stove supplied, cable T.Ve, ;Or condlfleattcl, catstroned on. trance. laundry ' facilities, carpet throughout. Phone 524-2200 BEAUTIFUL, two bedroom apartment, ;carpeted, fridge and stove. Available April 1st. Phone days 524-8821, or evenings 524-2803.-9tf GROUND FLOOR, - 2,000 ,ONE BEDRQONI apartment..- _ .square feet Prime space heat included, available April at 60 Lighthouse St_ Phone 524- 15th, 1981. Phone 1-416-877-9096 2717.-53tf after 9 p.m.-8tf 23. Commercial property for rent TWO BEDROOM apartment', Dungannon. Phone 529- 7888.-12-14 APARTMENT, central location, modern. $200.00 per month plus utilities. W. J. - HughesRealty, Rita Allen, 524- 8100 or 524-8480.-13,14ar SINGLES apartment, fully furnished, available May 1st. Phone 524-9895 after 6 p.m.-14tf TWO BEDROOM apartment, good location.' Call 524- 9229.-14 QUIET residential area, two bedroom apartment, ground floor, private entrance. $190.00 per month. Not suitable for children or pets. Apply to Box 353, Goderich, Ontario N7A 406.-14,15 UPPER apartment, two bedroom, near hospital, available immediately. No pets. Phone 524-2505.-14 18. Houses for rent TWO BEDROOM hnncaa quiet streeApril R NTED il524 April 9657 ,-,0 111 COUNTRY HOME, four bedroom, newly renovated, located County Rd. 25. near Auburn. Phone 526-7759.-14,15 BUY OR RENT: Two bedroom home close to school and The Square, reference required. Phone 524-2940, if no answer 524-7312.-14,15 19. Rooms for rent ROOM WITH kitchen and living room privileges. Ideal for pensioner, male or female. Phone 524-2731.-9tf - 21 , Cottages for rent THREE BEDROOM cottage on Lake Huron near Goderich, by the season or by the month. Phone 524-9372,-13,14 1212152221 23. Commercial property for rent COMMERCIAL industrial building, lots of parking, on highway, centre of town. Approximately 1,000 square feet. Phone days 524-8821, evenings 524-2803.-9tf OFFICE SPACE at 58 Elgin Avenue East. Phone 524- 9372.-13,14 AT 44 WEST STREET, Goderich - a lower level office, composed of three large connecting rooms with private entrance. Phone 524-9694 or 524-7878. -14tf Offices To Rent ( 4 24. Wanted to rent TWO 0R THREE 'bedroom home in Goderich, for April 15th. Please call 524- 4459.-13,14 PROFESSIONAL person would like to reit a cottage in the Goderich area for July and possibly August. Apply to Drawer 58, c -o The Goderich Signal -Star, P-0. Box 220, Goderich, Ont. -13,14 `WANTED - Two bedroom house or duplex, for April 15, 1981. Phone 524-2136, ask for Rick, between 8 a.m. and' 5 p.m. -14x WANTED TO RENT - One bedroom apartment; im- mediately, in Goderich. Phone 524-2424 aftemoons .-14 WANTED - Good pasture for race horses, 30-75 acres. Water, shade and shelter: Wayne Horner's Stables, call 482-9819.-14 WANTED TO RENT - Good cash crop land, top rent paid. Phone 237-3366 (Dashwood between 6 p.m. - 7 p.m. -14 25. Wanted to buy HORSESHOE magnet. Phone- 524-7632._-12tf TOP QUALITY second cut alfalfa hay; also first cut 80 to 100 per cent alfalfa. Phone Mark Rohrer 357-2868. No Sunday calls .-13,14 WANTED TO BUY - Wedding dress, size 13. Call 524-4644 or 1-395-5039.-14 WANTED TO BUY Anything at least 34 years old. Beds. dressers. washstands, picture frames, silver- ware, tables, chairs. cupboards, wooden lee boxes, blanket boxes, watches. china cabinets. china A glass, lamps; guns. swords, candle sticks, dolls," wooden wagon wheels, etc. IT WILL PAY YOU CASH TO PHONE 228®6989 COLLECT 26. Help wanted CHAMBERMAIDS and diningroom waitresses, ex- perience preferred. Hotel Bedford, phone 524- 7337.-18,14ar FINISHING carpenters for interiors of ctcatom built beats Phone H . M . l . 524=9020. -13,14