HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-7-27, Page 8'4' ,, � I I � I �, " .I , I ­ � I'll ­; I , . � . I , . , I I 1 I � 1- .r! , - , I ,, _,"�' " . I ; , � , , . . � � I I . I I � I � I ­­113�, I .1 I I I � � I I I I—, .. ;. , "I I, � . I I i . . . . ':: .r I 1. , : , � r"': 1 , , _­_q"F4PF__­ " -.7 � ". -, . . I , I 1. ,,� I .11 _.­­ , . . . I . I I � � i --7-117 _. � I . I I . �': ,:�� _ I � , � U i I'll. ­ �,,,�,4., ,;�!y ,,,,, '' I I � I I �. . �� :!, I I , ,. . I ,.; , -, , �;�'.,� Q �: 1. . Ipw. . � ,^ t, ,­ I , , "" �', - ., , ", �-, ��.,;,, �,�� _',_ .1q, �­�­ �, I ­`�� I '�,, ", ­,�-i. 4;.,�,t�l L .W.1- ,,,­ - _4 "Jr �.: - � ���,40 �'_ -, K I �. RPM .. I �, , , , . . � "I , pl 1111 , .�, '', :_J��­i. ,, ''''! :, ­ ­ . .", ; �%V , , �! � I n , , , " :�,:'' ',;�.J*­�. I I,- �, :1, I., t �' ��. " ,_ i : . . � : I I I I . , .. �",t . . , I I I . I . I , . .1 , . � . I � I., I I � V I I � 1. I , I I � ., � , I I , �, I I I . I . 11��c � " , I., I - - I I I "I.- � ,�� . . I . �N . . , , , � : , � 1. I I. .. I I I � . I , 1111,11 I 11111 � I I - I . , __ , " , I I . I I � . I 11111,�Itli*,, I. ., , �: - , � I I ­''� �, 4., . : I I � � . -, �­--­' �­­ ­;��__--; �11'� .... ... 111'1:1,�1111�1;0 ., I . I . I I *,;, I � I . "il -, " , . - . , " ., . . . . . . . . � ­ I... I , ..""t -i, . — 1� � I .11� .", , , . . I 1 . I � I I I . � I . I . . .1 : I . . 1; I . I I . � . . . I , I :: ,. , , , I I . " - � - I i I I . I p I I 11 --..-I-- , :�11_11: I - ­ "_"W`1_4 1 � . I � I 1. 11 . - . I ""_1­1__`ii"­ I . I 11 . -------- M. i M 01' '' . � I '. � . � I 7­71-­ii���_ it I *""100 ___­_­.­ � I.. ",-1i 1.1=111 " . , . I I , ...... .. _ -1 I � � i: !!! .— � MOM w4iki" lit, i, i�, ot I ,�., 1-1-64 . I � I I . I ., """ I �. I . �� .94 M it—m— -o�m.i 0 � � - . _­ I _,____.__�Z I � I :';�� �1101�i � W—WA- I 0 � I . I I I �,�I, ,: �l: �,:.4 !:.' =z= �--,,, � ____­_­­­ ­ -­­­ ___,__­,_. . I I ­­__ I . " P:; I I . kt , S"g, .1 ... �1� .- -__.1___ -------- - ­ . _.____1-____ _____ I ____ , , 1. . � ..-,,,g ., '.. ­ , P "I .,� 1. S:, .. I , 11 .� M i .,�, . ... DAUCYING, XN' ONTIAR10. , � :...... 11 L4 " �,�� . . z: --Z; ..1:-'\_ . 11H , ,,�,­11 " ,��` . — , .. I : . I I over half � a century .�'� "". -.1 1 7. ;� I.. � R 1' - � , , I .', - . � X, .--,. mormons, ntent �o alrying".- - � I I .- � . I . I I .. .s o � I 1. .,, � . I I , *� , . I �`�z , I " �,, I 't, 1,, B E : � . Used " Oxna4 .��, ". ....." '.I 1, dustry 11 A -W% , in la foir I D1110ND3 I U T E B , —u$0A in every corner ,1� ( : �&Zl V �. ,, in lrh&,� ftyVIA04" , , , . �', �, � . I I Of 'the World whore � '. "I ,: ,; , 1, The dairy industry io the largeU 11 �. 1. 41 Ort a Proposal by Proxy I peopto stiffer from ... I "" ­­.,.­ ::, ... ., in the Province, 'She, Provincebao - . I i ' . . . , � I I , , ; �'111,v is a I � . 1. k a ON. found that I ' kore proAt.. I . . , � I . I I . I . �11 _0 iain-growing. "Ourp . Constipation and 43i �, able than ' gi'i"' I - 0 I - 1- �.. , �� , , . resultirig troubles— , I �', revenue I flioin dairy products 10, I , , I atchenigni authosity, "is I CHAPT a=ku4 about my.self, and I went 'N , %R 11.�(Cont'd) . � 111 says A Sask, I I - I" �, I . ­Wtow here must Come the rj"'- W . 4. 1 '�' �* �*#i to eoo a,doi�tor t;o,,d,%y ' town."' I nothing.like what it is in Optario- . ��AWhy), h4ave .1 lai d word of otrospe'et. Margaret you. been ill, an,3 Dr. Morse9s R.C." ; ;.., ", ie Ontario was i-4 1k V � ", V1 thirty years ago," Dairying is , , " " '. . I � I . I 11 � hadtm . , g, , % followed wjth�much success by the �w ,�,, I . 1, have not told Mel" , _ I I p was, 1XII'de"q .wwtv.w� IWAV V-V"V, i'l am not at all ill. DO1 look '@ , OiauOlter .of that utfortunate, first � ".� "�',', ; , ib? No; it is only that solne;t1iing .1 ,11 .. IN, � man that farms upon a large scale,' I : intarriage of 0olonel Swavne'a. At . . ` I", �fflvq,w'. ", - ;� I � thc tkne Of the mother's 'desertion - � AL . I�S�l ,;k... ... � 'i As well as tile. man that has 40 to , I , has ,gone wrong with my memory. Roof IP M's 9 �k 1. ­;�...,,",igp­g, : � . � 6 � ., ., 100 ,acres It.oan be made proAt- ' ,o foorgottem-pa.rit of laesb year. I �-4'-�Mhft' V , , �ble by 4 careful incluBtrious,farm- 'ttarlyto feel 1 hail , 0 � : !i,bo was old otiough bi ,�. 3 A% .. _ti'm NUI X14".."I", I ' the se aratio: �� I � � ,n.'.\.;.".' 'U'll"'.. � . ��, ,��., a, aild perhaps to I havenlib the least, recola*otion atand hisher in Public : ��_ � k, ,�', . 1 , I - 4 _', , -.1. or At a comparatively small out -lay. 1� . . - - " 6, Falff ,§','., �, 1A I �,�".­: " 1� - A few good ,cows can be maintain- , Rkp'Im - " 314.1VU. �, - R � "I , 4P ,�: eonicstlk� ,dis�scn,,iions wbich drove lut I have forgottcu a great I RE, , , uiiders�tan,d something of tb<A , L -o I was or what I did.11 , � � � A 50.1 0 49 . wher . I , �� ,1 .� " , �! .!". "" '4� ., , ", ,,. OstiM,Atioa th= any .. '. 't , , ;:,.4.%::!i;,��,."; _1 *< 110111 ed and improved at a minimura ", ` - . N,M R , , I . � I ` , � i � . . 1 VN414 1 It's .,. N . . I. , ".0" . .� I I deal of last year, too. I cainqot Gthers, and their GVV4- K0 * I ".11.1111 ; , e - - - � ,4 ", .1 151 , .. Ow that mother torth, ' But, alas - 11 lr� - - *7�;. - - -, P e, t Im,"! 4 ­�. M. cost. The sale of mitk in the to)VUW 11" I , " i� 111111 � - %. �,,�gay , - renienib-or ea h paiticular (lay. .�. 'm �.W� I g,,,x, 11 � Mad i " , .1 - .", _�,,.,�, 4 I I , � � , 11 - 01 . -4 ..,� - -�' . , �1. I , ., 1101 " � " , cline. Swayne, did ,not go forth . acreasi ,g, sales prove �1­41:,,,, - 1� - _ , �aw i'P�4 MJ;, 'I a cl cities is .one of the most re- ! `%_ A ce Was �,et ap Nobody can." , . 4 '" %, ,� " � A 0 munerative lines, and ;ulltess No defoa . �� wo,mg .1 ... 1.11, "That is not what, I tinean. I ca,n theirmer" %�jtljp: -�, ", '. "I". M M� "I. a ready I it. Phyzkians "I W!�, "'.... ,_::;�,:�,:: , _", '.11'. ­-, ,4.�.:W,­,;­' '­ ­ffi'�..' ­.. ,_:� . � , , when Coloncil ,Swayner Inntitioncil I ..� . :;�,;... ,, I " �,:. � g-�k,% ;­:��,,,; � I 11 . 'k W,_v. - -�, - ­.�.".-.._'. I F�, home market is always found ,,�klot- . . I � _� 0k., i,.. i romnember in the ordinary WAY, lip I PTCA4CITibe thern. �,�_­��;-"��:.'.,��,�: ,:4q05R.-,-.`t;.4�." i,"�,�. .1 '"M ,_I. � � lor a, divorce. but the lower ,to . -, �0 �,tm'1�11�,11'1a.�A. .­ - good dairy butter, The � cxporvt, I tq this period of five months, and . a , --N% � ;�17�:��,M. ,_ �g; f I , , , . VIM- I :1:1 ­ tK��MZN_.W-.�ft.s­, si, , '.' J, whom she flea did not live to max-, , "'�­-­';i�,, ...,.�;,,��.,,,];;.'�,,�,�,.,..i:....,Tll:t�-.1l.-,,-,3�.,",,,�,�Y�':�,\,.�,� .I?,. �IANS trade in blIttOr aad cheese i's eA *1, , _­ - � , , "O � "her � he died by an a.ccidexit not theil again beyond it. It is like a . 2. 5 C. a b ox � . P �4 �.-- . i ,� ,,,, tablished upon � a ,soli.<1 basis. But , t� � - I - It �# slice cut out of my life. An -d I � . I I i rn ft4TJy, c�ays Mter the elope'rile-lit. VMS on my I I— . 11 . I . R_ 1, by. far tho largest proportion 6f' %., The erring wife took back her mai- , ,. %way abroad, travelling, "--- . "`INITV/i*� i creamery butter fintlq a rapid sale , pk� � � . I . den,nam� of Fielding, and on hor whien it began, Thore is nob,odv � Swayno was s�eldonl talkative,-., lie 'i I", ,1KPW ­ 'm ' in the markets of , the Proviur"C', I .... i- i '.1 , I I of whom I Pan, ask, Where was I? : V'v !21, When it is underdood that Canada, , . � owil: S1111all income. lived a. life of, ! was ro�sarved in manner to'. h14 ,�, I . vl�� 1, ft,"_;��. 11 alasolute, retireinent, at B,arbivion. 7h,at did I do 9 Dear, I wished proapect.iVe 5QJn_iJl_l&J1V, though ;..Ikl is much the largesb exporter ,of' � I 1. - �, Her " ill coulge otf -time, she fell ill 'you to know of this. It does not genial in intent -1 -on. .Whatever. �,�, �: ,. .I .. cheese in the wor4l, and that 03x�. I . .".... I � I 'L' wake V0u afrai,dV' . I .". & wan.titing disease, and in ltpr, Int'ght ., �� P Of . I be, the, topic tonched ui ''Ill 1A I -- ----- I tario ' is the greatest cheese-rar.king . ?on.,, . ­.. . - =,-Le."*;�,�'�,�!�I'v�.�'Zi.�,�611,1!.",���1.1� . . . . . 411;;� I' I . . . . . . . ; � D, Icie put her head on one side . I ��; section of the Dominion, the im- ) � solitude yearilked for herdauglbters, 11 his wifels ear was evor Open t his, ' . I . . I I I . portance of the Provincis in this 11 � and esp;e-cially for Marga -ret. reflec,tively. It -was a pret�y heftid*, few remarks, heri ready witeciloed I . I I . , even Ff not a. very wise clue. I 1. . ... - . relationship is.clear. Throc-qtiar- I . 1, � A s soon as the complefloa ol her -Afraid?" she said, raising her and ampliflod them to the- best ad-, NEW GRAND TRUNK HOTEL AT OTTAWA—"CHATEAU LAURIER. I - I ters of the <lairy produclo of Can- , I , one -and -twentieth year -gave her ' vantage, and always in agroement, I � , : , lreti,dom, 'Margaret went to her cytilbrows, "why. should I be afraid I That might be, tille, prompting of. WILL BE, OPENED FOR BUSINESS IN THE - . � . ada is produced"in OntArio. Ox'eam I I "I i vexed that ,wifely cluty; but towards, "the I . � � . worth $1,250,000 was shipped to 11 il mother, and by this act so angered . V ! , "olonel Swa-=e That lie foi4bado 't r I FALL OF 1911. 1 . tho Unit,ed States in 1018r. The I t! r L it ha -s Imppened, but I don :,ee stranger M ay, sheappeared equall,�, . . I I -1 4 _____ I -_ .1 � I :)rovince has 1,173 cheese factories. - . I 1�1 , her.his hoti�e, and cut, off all com- W -11Y you should mind. I shouldn't anxious striving to draw hfi� � . -_ — I a bit if I had forgotten fi,,12, out, fo I quired a more pionorticedourve, to have united to form I One . I Roold .NLU,1tBE,R T1111tT1,i,E,N and 115 creamerics, The milk de- . - � nunimtion betwean her and Dul- care' . r lie sat for the, most pa7ft , piece. . . � . I — livered at factories in 1909 Was I,. i i V monthis of one of the years I was atJ 111d hisi dark eyes regardo-1 Gower Unless carefully clone. -the shells , . , t 'le.. Nor did healter the prohibi- . in sildice and with a clouded a � Is N,11m. 361,046,459 pounds; the cheese pro-- - Vn. Imhen, bwelve, mon,ths aft -or, a.-hool, Or evvi, the whole of it- It brow. � atteiitively�those eyes which soparate oil being put in hot water. Hotels Cannot Rent ROM c1liced ivas l25�GIl,'3,59.pounds; an4 I I mialit be differmt if it was, just k g n oan all glibtaiiing surface, and Small objects cannot he repaired boved Thirteen. ' '. rs, Fielding died. Margaret was - He was a, good -loo in you g se'- 01 I blievalue was $14,193,918, The milk- . I I Independent of. him, thou her I lately, since .Kew Year. Could the jellow of thwee or four and twenty, worie so piquantly req)eated in his by welding as a, ruie, because tile , 1,1 - . I 911 . I see that a landlord at Horn- maid& into butter at cheese factor. ,, at doctor do anything for you!" surfaces are too small to, knit pro- � , � Wails were small; she remained and his face, was an attractive one daughter's flower-like face, her�sole sey applied for permission to ies and creamerieB was 108,334,639 � *� . �arbizcin as Miss Folding, working i C sd a d to be a,smile inhelAted resemblance. He wonder- perly and because pressure suf- change the number of a house from pounds, ttia butter produced ; , i wa� ;. it ll,o,r profession as ail artist. A usual, and not diwell on it. He. upon it.. Plainly theTe was some- ed if the Young fellow sitting OP- ficient to unite the parts might de- 13 to Ila," remarked 'an hotel sup- 9,015,200 pounds, and the value $2-,.# , - pieture of h,-rs had becii'llung a , -tterns or shape. erinten4eut. "Strange how superm- 175,056. The estimated value of � I 4. . t. thinks After a while, some chance t,l11mg. ,the matter with him to-niglit posito had made a clean breast of s�roy the pa :j , . - � circumstance will supply the, link, stitious many people are about butter made ia farm dairies, con- . )he French. Salon (if the previous � betyond -his skill to conceal, and it the vi,rhole truth, or had in his tardy 1 __t14_ - . , I � re'ar. . I 11 . . I perha,ps quite, suddenly, and my, was MOt difficult ' to divine that 0011fess-ion revealed ohly a part. It TRIAL ITEDDINGS. numbers! Now) if -you went to sumed oil the farm, and supplied � i "Isn't it splendid that p memory will conle� back." ' Dulcia was the matter-Dulde, sit_ wasall awlimraird affair, Evidently many of the. big hotels in London, to towns aiid cities was ,.�,n,000,000, . . :, �Z � apa, hars . Dulcie clappied .her small hands, t . . I — . 41 ronsented V` went on Dul;cie. . ing opposite with her betroth3d discomfort. ha,d ,arisen ,in Gower's custom Still E-sists in So -me Vil. you could not engage a room nuin The total value of clairy products, ! . . rl�, � "The othe.r day, when somothi 9' which were so pretty .and, looked -b mind sin-ce February, wli,Q.n he pro- bored IS. Why 7 Because. it does not was at least $31,000,000, while in �, 11 so unfitted for the vorld's work. It hus,ban.d, so near to-wilehood, ye. � lages in Germany. exist. In some ca I : rvas said about=Tuesday, you I -mith a gleam of coquetry to flash POs,dld for Dulcie, and laid his posi- ses the room which two or three banner years the av- I I ,r know, lie asked me if I was happr, was a ohildish action, bub these. across at her unlucky lover'out of tion beftire Dulcie's father. Tho ,ancient ,custom of holding is actually No. 13 is chock full of �erago value was $35,000,000. in I I � . and if I haA everything I wanted baby ways were- part of her charm. those wonderful downcast eyes. I . "It is six months, you say, since -fairs for. selecting brides and bride- lumber, in others a. jump. is mado all "illis there is p'robably a total - "Of course %ccidea-t in Paris,p) wl I _ I saiid yes aboat IV -hen Mrs. .S,wa,.ynie andhor step� . � 'or the weddiil� it will. So you,need � I I 1. f1be , grooms on trial still ,exist& in some from 12 to 14, and in otherB the hich surpasses any other one line � net worry about it any more. I ft ,, 2) 'ct of Ger- numbers begin not at 1, but at 50, of industry, and when it is coupled � . being happy, of course; but when daughteeiii le. -the table, he rose, Within a few clays, yes villagesof the Elfeldistri . ­­ � k. carre to the, -other question, I "I dan't say that, but I shall i also on the, piretext of unfinizhe4. "Alh-d has, no echo ever reached many. � or even 300, There is one honse,rI 7ititi.pork production, which should ,­ evious t`me I N �l - I , plucked.up courage and answered keep in mind his counsel.. He woiik. Colonel Swaine and his you from. the pr 0 On the day of the fair the young believe, in which all -the numbe s N� %vs 'be a complement, dairying . � 1. f ., all I thought there was no reason why guest were left alone, with theds- letter that referred to it - no men 'and women who have been no- are even. I .18 io . � . NO Efow could I have, . no of the most extensive and I I �: , I I should not marry." L 1 . . if ,c, "The fact is, many hotel man-, profita-blei industries in tho Pro -i . I wanted -w-hen my only sister was canters and the oliv,cs, and now tradesman's account?" taled stand in groups on adjae nt . . I ., 1'1�ot, marry'?" Dulcite looked . , � not to be here,' vr" not allowed to . came, Gower's ,Opportunity. He "Nothing whatever. An Ainieri-, hillocks, their names being inscrib- agers. have ,discovered that a room vince -of Ontario, . . �* ., I be iny. bridesanai,tl? I cried - I serious for tho moment, anid ,% I opened thesutijedt so far as words can lady, a attlianger, fanckd s1le, ed on a roll in the possession of 1 numbered 13 won't let, and some- The Provincial Department of . . ,� I . pue-ker ruffled her brow. "Whv, " - culty in allotting Agriculture maintains a staff"of I 'L I rould not heln'it. and pa,pa- hegan: wenit, much a's he had done, to had m(,'6 me at Lucca last Sep'teni- ,the fair officials, who sit round a 1 times there is diru I � I I . t 1. . I I 11, . by being cross; but, I dcm't know that would have been ridiculolls, I D-alizie-the bare statement and Sir ber- But I wil ooilvin�ed it wag I table bebwoen the grouln. TJ he 1 NO- 113 Or No. 213. Soverat times thirty-five -dairy instructors, whose 1, . , at. . i I have known pcople leave an hot- duty _ is to instruct the individual -ix it , , -, -ied things, aAC Luke Mordea's opinlon-lopened it not 1. I had no into;-.it1A)n of going, anges of the young men are sta-ted I I ll� was, ail . once he s-een C� to -cliange his inin.d. I might write Stephens is evenbe,ginning to pac-k � with a certain abrapitness r1hich into It -01Y." I cil. the roll, but not those of tile el rather 'than have a. numb& con producer in the handling of milk ' , , taining the -,dreaded figures 13. And - good I to Margaret if I liked, lie sa1d, up. You are joking, Oil course." might seem to indicate, dis,co, Jwrt. "Still. you may have done so,` Airls. , 0 cr�aln and its delivery in I 11 C, I . and tell her lie would receive her ,4 je-st, she But 13 is not the only number condition, and to teach tile cheese- . ,nd, confident it was a , His hearer this V,me w as._, keen- said ,Colonel Swa-me, who was Ala -les are then called forwa-rd by il "I sinfiled. to b,elie ibliat invollit considered unlucky. A makers the scouring and maintain- I I : here fortivo days. There would be `t'17 er one, bettier, abie to judgge of tile 11,ghtin-, a cigarette - awkwardly name in the ,order of their ago, the gentle . . . I. shiver, the first touch of a,pproa,ch- " * well known at a certain hotelftle, ing a, uniform quality of high class I ; , its with his lei,b hand, as be catrried the ole.-cnb coming first, and one of bbe I I ju.�t time for her to get to the ou kno;� " slip, position and plumb the depth o' I oft -on stopped at it -was shown in- material. . � "I'l . Court On Monday Lf I sent the let- iii,c� fate- "'Do y ) , � "�� . , dange.r. Had Gower been merely righvb in a sling. "In the absenoe girls is called to meet. him, if nciA To. 4� As soon as lie caught . � .., - I 111`11,,� I I . I ' 'I believe you are right. it I George Cullen, and not Gower of of any other clue, this r#ght b� ther objects the young woman is to N . -1 ."'),W. - ­ . I ter immediately, aild I might have ."aid, ' . ,sightof the numberon tile door he I I .1 _�.­f " - � , � I f ;_� , � . . I ed it, is ould here, after all. You shall Grendon, the c,hances are his would worth followint, uli-` presented wit� a ,�eJding Ting, a stopped back -and .4sked for an- 30w- i .� �-�x ­ ­k-7a�r�"for a bridesillaid if I -w;sh . , I r.4. 41 . ; , :t. . take me back to the house." - the ,couple are declared duty we -d- 7"­ � AiT4 you wrote?"' haw encountered some pilavin (To be, continued.) I other room, ,explainin& that 4 and GROWTH 4k- CITIES, 1 1 1 - f . ." I . "Of cour,r-of course. I wrote. I , ' aking v � . ded for a year on 6pproval. — , '. : ", I � OHAPTE R II7,. spe, g. The, lover sh,ould ha e multiples of it were This unlucky - . � . had to as,k papa for tihe address; . . . told his stovy at the, beginning of __C4_ At the end of the Year they May numbers. There was not another Enormous Increases !4 Canada in ' . I i ,he Nvould vever let me, know where So the su,bject was put aside"by the courtship, not now on the eve WELDING TORTOISE . SRELL. separate, and ea.ch is free to marry room to offer him, so he went to a I Past Few Years. . � � it aga-in; or, if - they are noit quite I . she Eved or anNthing about her, Dukie. She did not want to llear of marria,ge; but wA -h Gower of neighboring hotel. in the., morning . 0 t �. exetIpt,that-slie, was ailive- and -well, more of it, she adTer did wish to Grendon Colonel S-wavne wa,s not Two -or More Layem Hade. lato a sure whether they will be haPPY, he returned f or a picture he had The growth of Canada's cities , ed her to hear of things that were 'unplea- inclined to m ltv. He was ring the past year has been un- .. r, I I wrote atonee, and ask I ake difficu' Solid Piece. they can arrange to separate for a left. du, � , I I telegraph -I shall get the wire to- saint; and, perhaps. so lightly s,tat- glad to dispose, of Dultaie, so early clay or trwo before the next fair, " (Just as well you didn't have paralleled. Building operations " morrow. But I am, sure she, will ed, it was nab wonderful she failed I and so advantageously, without Tortoiseshell is the carapace or and then be -wedded again for an- that room sir,' said the -clerk, in during 1910 in seventeen cities . 1�, come. Dear old Madge; it will be to understand. It was no part- ot tile expense, of 6, L . ondon sea-sota horny armor which protects the other year. If a cQuple renlain to- handing Tt, over. "No. 4 -was burnt rea,ched nearly a hundred million' . I back, of the hawksbill turtle. This pther over the. y,a,r the marriage out in th6 night-, a wire, fused.' dollars. While the larger Eastern . I , ju-cit wondear-ful to -see her a.ga.in, Gower'a purpose to dwell with her whrich he could ill afford; this sui- . � t> I And then, you know, Geor 'x__ on the blaek void ancl the spectreG; for w,as too, welcome to put off with Armor is composed of thirteen seg- bec'onles binding for life, or if any "After that the gentleman was centres showed marked advances in I fingering a button and Re, � ' . ments or plates -which are'llot fast family is born the union is also -va- more, than ever convinced that 4 population, the Western cities re- � I punctuating but Dulicie's way of meeting his a rougli word. Still the man of the at the outer edges but overlap one lid for life. I . her appeial with pauses ­"you can confidence renewed a former im- world did look grave Over the re- was a number to be avoided at all joiced in exceptiunal j),retsperity. � : a,%],- e f. another like tiles On a roof- . . If a, maiden relusestbe first* man costs. .. confle - , . - Theturtles are captured 'when she is supposed to marry the n -ext "'Tilere are 'unlucky' rooms. in that the populati �her to, come and. s e -us -at pres�sion. It was not easy to make velation; his ha,wk-like, pro le ac � There is - a lent * ie-kpe�tation Grendlon." . his bride comprenend things that I � on -of �Cana,da, . I � . they come on ,shore to lay their Offered to her; bu& this rule is not some hotels, though. I know a which is now seven and a half mil- l. "Certainly I -will," said Gower were ont of the common; she had a, I. I heartily. "Well, little woman, I biright little wit of heir own, but it I WRONG SORT. ' I eggs, and after being killed Are ligidly enforced now, though form- case where there were two suicides lions, will exceed exceed eight mili,i, . . I . I ,: am gladyou will have ,your wish on ran upon. this shallows; take her Perhaps Plain Old Meat, Potatoes immersed in boiling water untilthe, erly the names of candtidates were in the ,same room duriiyg a period lions'when the census -of ign ig, . � 11 plates can be removed without in- taken haphazard by the head-ma,ii of about six weeks and shortly af- taken., - I your wedding -day, and that Mar- beyond her aepth, and she was at and Bi%id may Be Against . ury. Formerly, in, some places, of the community, who did not put- terwards a sudden death -from. The gro,wth of th.e ()ana,dia V - # I I I . I , I garet -%vill be your bridetsmald after once discomforted anct impatient. You for a Time. live turtles were roasted -until the . n We,st , . - I all. " I t, e d told I I plates loosened and could be taken up with nonsense about mkide . nly natural causes this time -took also continues unabateid. Only one- . DnIcie's face g.r4ew long a -gain. for her; and in the course, Of that even- A change to the. light kind of food a -when the turtle was put back ,,coyness. - place in the same room. In fact, half of the West has been smrv-eyed, I � I A , way' Now a days it is generally ar- it is not uncommon for a series Of and only one-tenth is under culti- - - . . the nionlent, ark, she shook her ing he would find. occasion also to cam lift.one. from a sick bed, n the sea, to, -grow a new shell. It ranged beforelia' mishaps or tragedies to occur or be vation. It is estimated therefore, i bead. "She can't be my brides- acquaint her father, lady in Welden, Ill., says,: in, or nd to call toftther . is doubtful if shells grow agai connected' -with a particular room." that there is enough 1' maid now; it is such a pity. If A party of five gathered round "Last spring I becaine be -d -fast if they. -would be of much vadue. only those couDles who have been - and to give � papa� had only changed his mind the dinner-tabler at, Fortuile2s with severe stomach , trouble ac- Hawksbill turtles are found in coulitting. The system has worked ' —Ils 160 a,cres -each to 750,000 homeiii. I I at, month, -or even. a, w t with good results for centuries, a,nd IM steaders. I a peek a,goi I Court-Goloine-1 and Mrs. Swayne,,, companie,d by sick he&da,che. I got most of the tropical seas, and he MILX FED SAIISAGE, . I I Why not 7 Oh, George, that is stu- the engaged couple ,and the, se-cre- worse and worse until I bec-ame, so shells are commercially .rated as will probably last some while yet, , Everey province, as well as every I . � pid; how co , uld she 'be a brides- tai7 May. The, second Mrs. low I could scarcely retain Any East Indian and West, Indian. The until'the farming distrids become �A man who recently in -vested in city, is feeling "the throb of con. . maid when, she hasn't got,% proper Swayne was still a young woman, food at all, although I tried about East Indian shell is - much darker crowded with factories 'and towns. some sausages stays that when he scious lifei of' waking energy"; .. I dress? And.you know quite well I but there was no. -effort after van- every � kind. I than the other and has fewer .of the . I . got home he exit them apart and from the Atlantic to.t,he Pa,cifid the ,� — *91 . left them. In the morning, whe Am having -only children,. I couldn't ishing youth in her sobe-ii, ric4 "I had become, completely disor transparent markings that go. to I . I 71' tide of prosperity is running. , I he visited them, be found ,three of - The , ask any other grown-up girl with dress ,and subidued manner. Sihe wuraged, .and given up all hope . make tortoiseshellclesirable, and is Winnipeg of the' past, a . . A prisoner was brought before them twined up together and sle,BP- Hudson Bay post; to�day,, -my own sis,teri &way." played excellently wet . a country ing sweetly. Two had cramle, . d to first place in North America as.' . I her part of aad thoughtf, I was doomect to not,sa valuableas the West Indian ,% Police Magistrate in .it hold�% . �: , "I should have thought the dress wife to a much older husband, so starve to -death, until one day my shell on that account. - . town down south. The court) a 1",�"­ I " I 7� " ­ r, %-V R 11 I , "' 'I'at ""' � , "' ""' , 11" I � .11-11 1 '71 , , " " II , - .1 �11 _. -1 I � �, �11 '111,11,111" I 0 .. , ­ . L � .il � 11 I , . I L I F didn't mattet � s 'the' milk-bOwl &nd'weTe IaPPirlg wheat niarket. To-da,y it has 236 1 � . , but you women well that -the ,beholder was some- hu6bailcl, trying to And something. The plates vary in sizeand thick- knowledge of law was rudimentary, .the milk, and ,ione ,a blaick-and- mani.ifaottiritig..6sta;bli.,slimentsI em - know best about thes things. Aind times provoked into suspeot-ing it I could retain, brought home some ness, according to location, but it' and of English still less. The ,Tudge ,whibe one, was -on the garden 'wall, ploy1mg 14,000. Output doubled . 0 . � I : so ishe comes- on Monday V . was studied, and ,iot prompted by Grape -Nuts. I . . all cases taper to a thinedge where � 11 ' . . looked around and found tbat his ,trying to catch a sparrow. Then since 1906; no -w ove . - ,i . . CrOn Monday, but not till even- nature. She was praiseworthy as "To my surprise the food Agreed they overlop. In -those - cases in clerk was not present. "Here, of- he dirowned the lot, and declared r 115 millio.ns. .. . � it I . I mg. I hav,w.be;n looking up trains, a wife, praiseworthy Also in, her with me., digestect perfectly And which a large piece is required to ficer," said he. what's � the be would buy no more ba,js of mys- "Q4._ 1 1 And the most, likejy crossing. " care of Dulcie, and -of her ow.n witho,a,t dii-stress. I began to gain be of, 'uniform thickness two or barge against this man?" .1 . I 1. � w 0 e, a e -d together. and c . "Bigot-, tery. I . �. "She is abroad, then?" child. thr- little'son. and beir.. She strerng-th it once. Afly flesh ( bich m .r, plate's r lai � ---.---.----- __`t`iii­` , . et .0 I 4 .�� 11 14 'A A until tbey beco e a solid O,N,Ly 0XV. IT A TTT.TP . %ii'L ' ) Yes; sibe hats been living &T, Bar- I bizon. That., you know, was where ha -d been care u el -se about the latest methods of educan, Mid u,ee,n flabby) grew firmer, my we - I health impruved in -every way and piece of necessary thickness. . I I . __MY another died. It was 1�ke tion an,d hygione, but perhaps was In welding plates they are first every day, -and in a very few ,weeks . boiled in a salt solution until theY ,� I Madge to stay on after, witIll only I not so weill versed in thiat Other I gained 2o p nds in weight. ou I- "I become comparatively softand pit 11 n grave, I 1�now, I shall find her � mother torte which is written in, the, liked Grape -Nuts, so well that when they are - ca,"of 1111Y clean- , , just the zante as .she was three, he., In all thal aippearect on the art. for fo,ur montilis I ate, no other able, remove all foreign . matter ,��,iearsago, when.she wont away to #otllor, and sent me to- s rfac.o she had, won the Approval 11 I OfIf the,� world, aind it had nothing. food, and always felt as -M,ell sat- ed .to isfied eating as if I had sat fre`m� the surfaces to be welded. The . _ , papa, 'I It .after ont the slightest impurity will Prev , ," iii-abool. : I didn mind going to "I ,:I but condemnation for the, revolt of . I down to a fine banquct, . .. I "I shells from forming a, perfe,otjoint. " ,.-zdicior, Tor t1he house here was an "" � : . . I Margaret, " I had no return of the miser- � After the parts have been laid to- , 11� Y:terod plam with Madge, out of it, At- i1he head ol her husband's able, sick stomach nor of ,the head- they are wrapped with 86v - %nil,-eV'ei-ythfiig belonging -to , -the I . t,able Annabel S,wayne was suave . athes, that I u,,.,e,cl to, have w,hen gether - thicknesses of wet, cloth ,and or"'. I � � rarsery,ior to manim& 1 1 Now and admiraible, a, p�rroot hostess., Lato other food, .I ain no w a well on each I 11 �ion plaite put , side. I I ?-au bad bettercome, in, or perphaps �n, Gowar was, imimersed in his own ,woman, doing all ni I � y -own work %rallel. so Them,,plates must bei p, :, , amma, will be-voolidering.11 .1 , . "Give ,erts;. ho got on well ,enough con<, Again, and feel that life isi,wprth 0 � , . the pressure on -tile shell, sball b I I me anotber five Minutes -if � , 1! with his future, stepmother -in-law, living. I . I . - eqnally distributed And bits of fold- � 1,011 are not eold, for, I ,too havp. and book her altoggether for grant- 11`Grape�XiA,s food has been a ed cloti, are laid wherever required I I I )OViething to bell you, somotbing I ed--A,hat u1nrufflod smootbnessi for . . . . God' -send ,to iny family, ib surely to inaka; the pl-ossu),,te uniform, �ught'p(;�hapz 4VO ,have told you . naturto�.and no -t art, 'Bub a cti,tiral � I Kavied my life. an,d mw two lifitle ntinie hea,Vy iron tongs In, the mea �, li,o'rore. " 11 oibsorver, whizh,ho 'iwai n,ot, might , hovii lla�,e thriven. on it won,dor� - hen hot have been beatitg and w . . 'Tknow iiwltat it,is," said D,ilcio. ' have. doteo�ad ar tificiality, And fully", Xamo given by Posbum .enough to brown j bit, of paper,sre, , , I "'You coUlCt r0b gue�s my news, but would have 110tice"d biow at�tcntive- Cot , Battle Oreak, Mich. I made' to hold thli packe,ge, of 011,011 � I can guoss vvits. .Tt takes too ly / she watcliod bt�,r husband, and � ,,,�,a the I a e, "Tho Roa-cl &' is put 1411 xt(, i I to and ctoih� and the Wh( I ��' lon6. W alb�r the nooklaco, and ib also. In a. deogree, the, secrota,ryt, Ji6 . W-oj,!.ville 11 In "There's - I Nl;�. a Ilea,vy press. Pressure iis i0oreas- , , . Imo, 1) . 4 will, not ,cozo In V I a-. � I I Itarold �M ', , - . . "I tain point, and 4 reapom" ed graAU611 .11 11 10 1� I ,V,q, Duve, It iFrnlb eat �, � )a , Jarmity. Tho fact As -1 ;,,ot. it. bit tabts, The,v weri The trwo ponolis at �Jisposod to b4o silatt. Colonel A r9or r-nd thn nbov,it lettor? A now Otto to b O maintained" 06irs YOOM I 6 t"I'Mma. They Ore Veu. I until t 0 =1 ��G " 0 , t - b4. food ; . I .1 I � I . I . I I no, truo, ana fall Of haman hiLo"St, cold, when the Porte I I � I . . ,,Lot me engage the next cook," . said the meddlesome man. to his .4, wife. "Show. the applicants in to ,. I me and I will see thiab you aro Pro- . perly suited.11 . , . "Do you attend church?" h@ in- . . quired of the " first applicant. "Yes, sir. "Regularly every Sim, d% replied thepitiospeative co6�k. ) I ow long were you at, your last,, *1 ; Place 7" : I I . I . (12two y ars.1) I . 'I wouie ' ( d pay you four dollars a '. . , week., Would tha� do 7), . , "Yes, ,sir," I I . "IlAve you any f ollowers Ill I "No, SiX2) . I �,OA "Rightf 1111'engage yoll.)PI - , - I I . I The nexb.evoning th,01meddlemome rnan as,ked his wife. how the rie,� ' oodk had got on, I I . . I., r1she's gone, Irroolk", roplied bit . I , , wife. "You� oirnitt-t'd ,0-1,o� cluestior I when you ongaged her. $t : � I I . I : "Wnsnnse, Wbat , ItPng thnf,111 I "You forgot t to .&A �p,4,r 0 OY I , . . . � AMIYA A_�nlr 'AlIkA ,ii ,,,1AAW+,.0, ,