HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-7-27, Page 6­­ ­­­­ _'...''. --,---,,- ", , , '_ -, . '' . _ . I I., - ­ .. I.. ­­­­ ____-_-__1 ­­ 11 I I I - ­ I 1. .11, .... ­­ ". " ­­ I ­ 1- -.1111. I----,— I - ­ ­ ­­­ . . '' 11-1. ­ I -11.- I I . ­ I _____.__.__ .. . I . I . ) _. _:." -4.— _' I --X 1___----- I I 1. . I No 4110-riating this greAt heritage., and the f(urrah to.*r 'Clifford I Pte. W. J,. - ' . I , zP1 Ent' I I . I I . policy of,kee&1; an of tective coal We- Clifford, of tl'oronto, ,has proven Mai, I I .- .1 ran" ROults, Admiastrators Sale Farm For Sale I 1: ` 0 servpwightbe found advautai ,eous. self the RUIPIre's best obat, when In . The following fligli ISOLool E At . ranpq . , titors - ,, or iv,11have . ,, g " coiapL ,vith a hundred 1 ; C =. candidates I toel -or-, , FOR SAIX-Farm oontaini.0 100 , , 0 U L 1% S Thereis alreadya, large Government Asuwt, n ), rs,ged 44nd $ petitors from all parts of 'the I mpire . , ons . .- , at the vil- by the examiners ,for We,at aroA 11 'age or Woo I mo-tstor L, of 4'rat caa&A% I . U , 1 '&04 - nox g's prize at Disely. , I I i - I , I , C I ' olliam. God. t I rese holve Timber La d "m - ! w ,. ,rye of,coal In the Crow,'A Nest! ,he .t the Xin and .have also Wen appro yod by, th .4,yi 4 weAsure, Another reserve in Alberta Ile is the first native born Canadian . 0 . I I . L rame, 'house; bank b4m, 0 . by 80 ill , . . , iateX of 444oxtlon , I _. to win the prize. T, Co rt tM The a4ministra.tors of tWe 141state of vith uP-toC-dato etable, found0lon I I 60 G K'f would make the position still stronger. A Card giving the I buillt -about a Year a,go., 1b*oi41di,A0- I L . I " I I 41410cm, in each t ,at . Ito The people of Vnited States tire now, 0 * * # * . subject Will' o , he q P .oig have instru , # W, I , e sent it a4ch unsug Thom. 0 , aul 1) . - ot d I , . . I . L I . . . . .,; ,:. , cossfUl Candidate. I 1. . . ameron, amotioneer to sell . emamted t1lotough.o0, Agoo w. rooki. :1 I ,I.,, It ': PH 'r*$g, , by 041ar 24XIO with oement top,, under I ::. _ 'S .1, . , ; ,,. . "L. . . I . _ . _ , , , , ONE 47. trying in a hopeless way to lessen the . I . . .1. 11 , ; , : ,"Wb . , ,.-,- I Abe certificatei of I.the successful public auction at the, Commercial . y are you crying, my ., llttle . , I ,. ,,x - gaid9w,ay, New -driving i hed'Qf cor- pressureof a monopoly by separating. ft ." . Opposite Electric Light Plant, ma,01- .- " "'. can hotel, Hensall, Ont, on Saturday the rugabed. steel pWqg,24x4Q; hen liqui . I ;1 *Vo4 Jimmy kicked me.' " L L , 0!4ates, will be sent to !Llie. lt each ­ so ja good oupply, bf afl, -tsi 1, 4' 26th August, 1911, at 2 o'plocl V, X., VxW, A , 0- ;;'Ir , I the business of mining from the, br , Qr,,5eCxQtRrY of the solioplBoard , 'I , , 1 1 7 . I I I ..ffby don't you, kick him back 1 flft! ­.. 110 Anust. I Lne 1911owing valuable property; . a d bard wa.'e,,r. The farm I, 1, I I . .. ness of hauling coal, Of course ­tbe , 'i','% ,M I 4 I . ' Lot. 2 Oon. 1, in the township OT A , , ;is t.horwi- I . f9os it -would only be bis turn ,!\g ". Nbe standard required for ,pass Is 91 I I ough1v drainod, and well To,nced. . 1 .74 . eHome, beparation will not reach the cause of I I ( IN 1.1, POP marks aiad for honors 48,7, Ray, County of Huron,. containing a mos. Al.;_ ? . 4 111M§ t :% f.:`;.1. ,,Iy with all new wire fe0qes, ' , , gg marks, Ueep Happy in ih rtgain ?` !4 ,, !f hundred acresniore or less, 00. acres . . the difficulty. The men who have x_`,: : :A",,, . I :,.,,.t WAe highest Mgrks obtained 14 Ca'Q'A b ben aert4s, 0 igood bulsht moftay b I.., I , , I . by getting YOUR secured the coal measures are entrea- *11 4 * 0 * ,* * ,\ siibj ct were as 4 , , OfL this land is cleared, there are some, wood ')P'p artiouilars, apply , ,to , Ar& I , . Q11ow k,...j ,, , I . , . :. Aeading-Blargaret .4 Jof frame buildings on it, a good orchard r4, .MN: I ) I Chea behind constitutional teafeguards It is ,habitual #o dreadthe unknown I . ­ t" 11 , -orsou (tea ey Rbier, *Gdham, 'Ont. 11711f I I I I 'm'., 1. I , L "OUSE HOLD ., 11 Aars old), 4is 1 and never failing spring, The balance we ha 1.­. '.­-,.ttt N'! I .. . I 1. I I . which i7aake it virtually impossible for Tu the reelprocity discussion .Te I . "',t ` is,o thickly ti _:, M - . I ff.:,U`: ; .:t "I N I . --Dorothe , DougalL A$,, ' mberea with soft I N. : Writing , elm, _ 11111111 . Lion of 11 I` 't , .III. ltwl&,',`-., .Z 111111111.111 . , e anomalous isittiation of . I " __ M- ,, \ % ... V -- , I 1 iz ., ,! , - --, - 11 . I r6ok elm, maple and beech, with some L, . of American farmers fearing ,Vanad- , 1 ....0 ,., 11 111", . 11, legislation to reach them, In Canada witnessed th , Open NECESSITIES ..... . til 111,11. ing Violet Aiis tioi, 69 -nd white ash. The L , .`ti, k* , TIM " k " ... ;t U - oak, basswood a .. " * ............. . , "' ng,__ "...".- I , there are no constitution -0 restraints, "'M 1-1 ,;;;;;;;; " : k 0 ;R Ziterati - I Farm for,Sale . 'I" , ,,,,-,. " ; I. 1 11 ,ire or Wxitton. Aeadipg ' I minor- . I' ­ I I L , ; ,; Here, We handle only V., 1 1-1 ."11 ­,, 1.,X. .' ­'.. farm is 80 rods from lKippen station on I .. qioite .i 1111,11111, -.5,11, !an competition., and -,.-11 ,, ,tt,_ ...,.11 " Muriel Gait, -80,, . . I -1 _­.. ,, ,,, , k% . 11 ..' ,,; , V ::..: , . ";;;;; I Z adian producers predicting . X f '... . . '..." -, k, - N ; : I ; . ; he BEST and we ,have And if a monopoly of natural *svealth ity of Can. Z . & , Arithmetic I . . I . " , , ,.aid L. 11. and B. Ry and 2 miles fro W "': ..,=. . . . . . . . -Harold W,allis, lGe M That cho ,ce farm prolper!ty - k,ofit' IN. ., I 4 1 . ivei it can 'be dealt injury am theresult of American coon- :* ,,.,' R" V., .. neusall. 'mifing 150 a -ores being comppoed -ogj,. 't becomes oppress , . ', - ! . i eginald PaX5ons . .- , 11.1 * everything you need at 'Nag - " I . . !# I petition. Both magnify the compett- I Dunbar. 1111a Hasty,,9 lta). I p: , -, ,,,, all Seasons, with as circumstances may require. a , Terms; Ten percent on day sale, Mol Lot, 26 and X. half 27_0on,Z ft6ft k' ),,, I , _ . . I , tiou, and both are wrong. As well tas I 4milY Qvis09" Ad lneA MoDonell 100. balance on Ist November next with- .1. 1:. . . This lessens the danger from the alle I lGrammar-Muriel, Galt aud Auby shlip of Ulsbornee, On the preml S. ­ -1 1. I A- . . . se.9% I I 111. I 1 :1 I_ . I the New (York farmer dread hist_ Mi- Our, . Stoddako P,4, . out interest. Furtber,terms and par- . , , lk ation of coal measures and other to 8 chig'an cousin, or the Ontario farmer ^1"Do 1 1 . _._tti 95 - ticulars will be made known on day pk large up4w-cla'te brlwk dwelli#, -l- - rm . lGelography gArry Brant ot house wIlth frame wo6d and drivi,VW ", _ THE TEA AND 00911 STORE ould be the habitant of Quebec. Let recipro- . , 1, , - ofnatural wealth. Yet it w city come into forse, and internatkonal PomPomitiou Aladeline Gl ,avin. AQ, sale or may be had on application to house attached Hard and soft w4 e - I ., 1 11 WANTRD-Choice Butter and well as an additional safeguard to far- LAW PRINTING Ixotal,Mutiel .Galt 69,0_, - . Thom. Cameron, Farquhar, W. W. ia dwelling house. Bank barn 5740o . I 1; "', Fresh Eggs, I ther develope the policy instituted in competition 'will be no more feared I ffmin quite a..number of sobo ls'in Cooper, Kippen, Jam. Bell, Jr., Box 7-1s wtth 20 Xodt p,ostp, 'Hog an -d strd*, 1. I I than interprovincial. 'The easier access . I 'Hemall, or Glaffman & Stanbury, .bouse 86x5o. ()emer t bog bouas 6ex. . I ,,,,,' - Is done quickly, cor- ,. the inspectorate .rvery candidate pas. - I , : :, ,i, the Crow'e Nest Pass bargain, and .to natural markets will doubtless bene I 'i .1. se le from iome I so solicitors, Exetter, Ont, . - --- I I , a ""hi hoola eye . 60 .Water ih barn -.and dwelling lid"of I ^ . fit,many famrors of each cuontry in rectly and cheaplY- , .4 ,,,, r f . I Pi ­ — make reserves am the existatce, of new the long run, -Farmere 'Advocate. I . nolidate failed. Over seventy per DatEdat Exeter this 1904 day 9 from never fagling sprial; well lw!'W . I . . - c I , large orotlard of Johoi0e. , I . . deposits is dieclosed.. We must be cent of .the 313, candidides g ,..O ea, d July, A, D., 1011. I . , i . a . wlhdmill, I . , . . Viseful in our endowmente.-The ­ I in passing the examinatloo, . 7-20-0t.- frut'rt-; 5', ao'res of bush T Iis farm i . s, .. Z I . . I . I firot claas ft , V Globe, . I I . E xeter. . ­_ .1.1.11, Al ritli deep isoll in a I _ , RM'"DQ f Mrs, A _,,Nffhere aid you go for . . Baker Blia 1413 - I .. . or cultiNdtion 80 acres in gra0zi an I I . . it", '_ A A txwo 0 -norur new ho.0.1 - I What Reciprocity -13everley Ariel . 115k I . Alfalfa;'60 a;or&s Ila grain toots and , liP., . . - Xrs. B,,-171orooigh my husband's 1- 113latehfora Mavibn 410 Farm for Sale corn; well fenced and unklerdrakno& t , . pookets," . , I I I , .... M. - I ,Case Maggie . !4178,,' . I The farm Is conveirlently miftaa 'O, 1 - 1. ,. ', _ iielding. Minister ot . Meafis to the, Day Eth'el I , -",, , ! Bon IV. S. r k ktk I blaWg Iwo and a 'half miles from Exeli. I' ? , .0 I ''.1 - . . -ing In the House of ITIS CORONATION 'YEAR Delve Gladys - . , . AA2 I by Tend-er L . . ilar and four m ues from Hem*ll., '; , .we are ina position to supply your Finance speak - J I I I I . . I and can save vou money. Come Commons on Nonday put the ques- Firoworks at the 1G. N. E. will be in Canadian . People. Iyarvey Ernest 112,7. . . . I VbWesskbn given December Ist" 1 'Dlv . Trs;uts Hector Sydney with the privelege of,going and doing- . _ . to,08 for your Lion of Reciprocity in a way that ,ap- . Keeping . 11teCiprocity has now passed at Hill Francis . I 456 1 Tondera will be received, up to Sept I any work in 'the Interesta of good' I . , Posseisi - Lft is 9011.ig to be coronaHon Year . 11513A . on given this fall' . tarmI06r as soon as"the presew t fare ­.t peals to everyone. ae issued the f ol - t becomes . Qg ' ITI-is'farm Contains IGO acres being F 10 11'r', at,the Canadian National Exhibitionl Washington, Whether 1 Large Lump lowing challenge to his opponents. ioronto, in more .than name j'a ad- law or not rests with 'the Canadian arrie I . (I.SX. Lot 9, first concession of 'May, and ib Is removed Must be sold as ithe pr,o,4 I I May l' I I ;-"Se b and people. It is vrorth aivers Harper . 14OQ in splendid location. P-riLetor-boughtt intowniand is rctiri"- I 110 "'Shall we take now, while we 'have dition t Ithe Veg,tival of Empire, PiLrllainenl being half way T' -..es". ng Coal on recalling the terms of the agrele=Vt Sweet frao 6Q5 Easy termp of Payonei*. ffor terma, . II -Ir hi the opportunity 'this gre0 measure which will picture the glories of the d pointing put in a general ,wa I lTaylor,'Lola between Exeter and Honsall on. the ano ?Coronation Ceremonies, the fireworks an - 452 London Read. on ,,apr&mulars apply to Chas. Har'ver ; _ ­ of public benefit? The people -want will be along Patriotic and Corondtion its meaning t) tho:.ltwo coun'triek af- - Walker Brupe itpo ; , On the 'prehilses there is a, . go0a 0 prenilsem or Ito Thos. Camer*4- . .. 4 . amend- Hensall bank b 06x55 finished inside with -oneer. Tarquhar. : k k I it, There is nothing bindhig about it 1-fics, A' 'gigantic set piece,showing fected The bill is a tariff arn Aiicl( T ,, ,, Blue Lake Let me put the good faith of my bon. t1 divided into three schedules. I . . I he crown encircled with maple leaves ,ment Bell Jennie . 388. cement floors and a good brick house 1, a list on nat- DougaIl Willie - 110Q . two storeys, slate roof, good 'collar - ________k_ I will 'be conspicuous, while Prince of embodying a large frea , 1. friends opposite to the TasiL IT, chal- of Empire ural products. and reduced duties on Case Marion 536i also a ,gobd root -house under , 4,+ Portland Cement lencD them to. pass it now, give the Wales Fathers, Polumns, , al.go food -products and certain manufac - Diek Ray . i 900( made of cement and brick gampilay . I For Sale 1.' -,--, and fthe Crown Jewels, are, ' I J , . I . and. good, . " , people its benefit this year, proceed worthy 'of notice anionj Ithe half- tures. , Olen Ethel 142a drive shed., also good orchard, iwo a .Wo. " 11 - tHogga:rth Annie never failing wells, spring creek nev. The undersigned has offered I with xedistribution, and follow with hundred numbers which,ge to make For farmers there will be a distinct 'Z . . for- : Peerless Wire Fence the elestions. Then dyear or less .,-,V the programm of Coronation fire. advantage in free acuss to thal Un- Johnston Gordo'a IM er dry. good fences, seven acres I' -and sale that beautiful .residence nor'Cl I , * - ited States market for (the, following Miller. Earl i 1101 with good grass, first class hoil, 9 of the bridge. Rard and soft water,1- . , f, rwo 's' among other articles upon whleh du- Me Arthur Rennelh ","a acres ready for wheat. Terms ,easy' lil the hou ' I , hence, -when the people have tried it rl, -4. - . me and qverything in good : - , ,_111 --------.-W— out meet them for their ty is now Ievied;- . MoDonald. 4za. . 486, Apply Fto R. N. Rowe. Exeter. . repair with four lots, a good barjit. . . . I . 1 SEA, COAST RESORTS Cattle. I 'A pples. - MacDonald Wellington, 393 . . . I all kinds of fruit trees. bushes anT 111111 verai.et. The if my bon. 1 I ", ". ALL KINDS Or, , The Grand Trunk Railway System Horses ana mules Onion Pbpe J,yaja .. 114S& 1 -- grape vine.s. Anyone -svishing to seer I friends are sincere . if' their Pos- . . - Janet 01, I I -1, . the place or know the terms w-lij: ,J - offers excellent service to the seaside -Swine Pearx Em'ith I , 14185 t , I Lumber, Cedar Posts and itiou has been warranted Lo, ia`zy way resarts of the St Lawrence andAtIan- Sheep andlumbe Peacheik Stoneman lloss R. , ' LN36 VCTE1VS, LISTS,191it please call at 'the residence Main.siei,, . ''I they will have the opportaVity of tic, also the coast ot Maineand Mas- Lnultry Grapes Stoneman Harold 442 Township of Usb ' Exeter. Alex, McPherson. I . I ; % Shingles Wheat Butter I orme County of Nuron . . . I -wiping this Government out, of re- sachusetits Throngh Pullman sleep- - Cirediton I I I t7 -6 -1,4t -V. . . , ers leave nto for Portland and Rye .. lCheeso ; rle 489. . . , bro ,Clark Ale Notice is hereby givexi."Lliale Ilbave : ­. 1. I _. pealing the measure, and putting Night train Oats Fresh milk f 'ted or delivered 'to the pe, . . : _, . - 451 transmit r_ -1 ' , I Boston 9.00 a. m. dally. daily con- iRarle: . - F, resh Cr6ami. 03rown Melvin ,On,- P , I , k trial order will e011yince -you that back again the taxes which vre, holf, leaving Toronto 10r,30 P. m. - E ggs I Finkbeiner Leon4 625 golas mentioned in See. 9 of ithel I . . i I that to take off.,-- Hon. W. S. Fielding. nectsat Montreal -with train for Port- .13eans , , " est at a price Rohner Pearl '[&I.l tarlo, Vaters . Lists, AdV the- copies: , Houses-. for. Sale, '. , __ W,O carry only the b . Totatne.% Ray . Xcinzle Elsa 475 I " :* . Vill .pay you to deal, -with us. Messrs. J. G. 'Sta7abary Jos. 8 iifor land and Old.0rchard, Me. I required by said section Ito, be so . 1. I... culars from a Grand ,Cqr0%- 13traw ftellac op, if * I . W. M. Weeks ivere in tWoodil Ptill parti DY . O .X0 L, t X, Q t Ake transmieted or delivered of "!the ligt Folir bou*i4s for sale aad,sb -1 . and Look' sumers On both sides will thank . , made pursuant Ito, said act of all per. wanfiecl.. &pply jo mr, zwd AIL,, 1). : . I . Wednesday in conmection -with the Trunk Agent. ,the negotiators; of this agreement for r Dashwootl sons appearing by the last revised Bratin. , .p .0 reduced duties on. many articles now Weeb Earl !Q3 I 1, At . J. GURTWORTHY contract for the pipe organ for Caven _.- bearing varying taxes, and among Welt Olive 4.49, assessment roll of IhL said Munici., - . , . pality to be entitled to v6be in the - __;__ I's .,-, ', Z GRANTON. __ - ONTALIO Elixesbyterian church. Locals them:- I 4 Rteels?.earl : , iq:4 said municipality at Elections f -or " . . I _ Mr. Goo Sutherland of Hensall, had . Meats, fre,sh or Tefrigerated I Zurich members.of the Legislation Assembly, For Sale - ­ the misfortune to have an. arm brok- 113acon and liams Hoffman, Clarence - 09A and at Municipal Elections;,and ifi%'t ' . I I ixutyi . . .-. - en one day last week. Some men Mrs. 0. V. Elliott is ill ,,it her home. .Beef and Pork salted. Rowald, Ferdinavol Ma said lists was first'posted uV. at my For,Sale at once -200 acres Stawl: T, I . ­ - I xy- A0 office zit Whalea, on the ORA day of 3rd toon.. 3 milbs from Clint hP7V ` ' , : I at i, down by 'the Miss Annie Missett is on the Iek . Canned meat,s and poult . Hoffman. Vlayton - ., , , ;11 i",Yvh. s that moving were en aged in deepening his well . ' . Leibold, Arnold 1 4 ...... L ' - '1.1 I I 9 I TalY 1911 and remains there for R.. 40tr"Ids. ffn gook'state of, ­­­ _ .i , rist, I Lord. r . M _n. to - .. . 1; . I N. l_t, !ji,n. ,,'_', , - 11, . bicu&-1 in baitin- his hooL_ and he was lowering the bucket 'when Dr. -Rinsman .was in Forest over Tomatoes and7bother vegetables.. Usborne Wdivia-III& I speetion, . I I I .. . I 100 lacres in graXn. 10 EL -e -alfa, J - t , " . . . P, a alf _` 1: Merely and urch Wheat -flour and oatmeal And I hero -by call upon all voters 122/4eree bush. x4 t h*'and Past . ing Vhioneh his the handle of the windlass struck Sunday. No. I -Douglas James 413 I ure I , : Fish dreams are sarg . - 'Prepared cereal food. i7 " ',, . Ismall brain, . him fracturing his arm. Miss Mary Taylor war. in 'Goderich Bran, middlings and other offals of Strang William, '418 to take immediate proceedings Ito have 'Stone ,house. (tivo dtciiiy, .slate Too, .11 - " 'X04 any errors or omissions corrected ac. cemeVt floor in eellar. f urnace clabel-ni ' ; Exciting alluring, again fand oi,galn, - .0 oxi Friday. . grain. E -Allison. Jean, : 1458 . . : L [White clouds are floating soft as a , Miss LWa Hastings is visiting Mis No. 13-Doupe Eleanor . : W23 cording to law telopholik.. One bara 85x56. .,vdaulmilt, - I .s Macaroni' and -'Vermicelli. I .1 FRANOTS MORLEY , I . Note and Comment gaiTris. Leonard , 410 Puni!Per. ,waterworks: 'fffablinig 40. - dream _' ,Gladys Catt. of Blyth, jBiseuits, wafers and cakes i a I'. _t, While the sound of the mower. rings' 'L Miss Stella Southcott is visIting lCanned fruits. . I No. 14-­46ates, ,Lena . 49fa . ' Clerkof Us.borne I head ,caTtle aWid 9 b0r3eL9'L 1 ecomd tream at is now tip to Canada. Plarding. Leda bara 56x4O. glay 'barn 5Ox36. Crop ; I over the s t, IC10 - -_ 1., Of pleasures dad Miss Lillian Boyle at Grand Bend. Agricultaral implements., I . , I . sold w1ilth raim if deLgicred. A.Vply - fo , ,Coates, Verna 416 . , .)Zjily, days are full it : 'Mrs: E. J. Christie will receive on U!atlery. : 1 . . I I I 11 I ,gain wj . aunter Alice M7. VOTERS' TJJS Nalcolrd MoEweii. 33ox 56. Clinfafil. . ,. . , - ', - . . . I " . . Boating -and bathing thunder %aind NFedncsdaY 'August 2nd from 5 to 6 paving stones. I I TS 0,1 . I 1 :!,SaY1'1- k I . 10looks; and -I'vatches. - No. 5-F ord -Austin . 1442 . I If, rain, P. M. . . A ... I Rerhins Fred : W86 Village of Exoter, -County of Huron . 1. jage lilies flaunt their gay colors 1yes P- . . Mr. and 'Mrs. Aquilla Snell. of Win- Panoes No '6-'Creory, Inez 474 . . . Ora abroad. I ,11ave you gone into the knocking nipeg are spending a month at Port Motor vehicles. . est CUB- .Coward, Earl Notice is hereby given that I have Farm for Sale histle business professionallyt` , transmitted or delivered o ithe per. . I . ' ,Canada -.'is n§w the third b I . . , Pown by the school house o'er t M Frank. 11 . . tomer of the United Stakes( (Undeir Kellett Edward IpMla sons mentioned inlSec. (tof khd ,,Oa ThaP chbice piece of propa rty cap;q . I '14 j I and sea. ,What do you meanj ` 'Mr. fStephen Powell and Mrs. J. .t will sell more to the No. I-Lingard Mabel ' 409 tarlo Mote& Lists Act. -I 'the copies tal,11AX 5 acres 1 14 mile3 i I t Silenee and calin wo do , ilia frqm , , 4 t okeep my 4amm;r iudefinitelyf'- Willis Powell visited near Bryan-. of the lihings required by,said setclon to be so ur,d one mile Ito. dta tjoa. Thla, .1 . I l-olace. . ston on fSanday. . transmitted or delivered or the limet ip I "T. was wondering would you need reciproci y w-1 d SLates Stephen .Townsh . ip 1Xa,dh1'si`:rolli.qz and casil * ness reign over the I 'Benrice, liam : I I on - - - 0 * 2 * a - __ - - - hich ilia Unite .Y driineg On. --- : 4 13, 'r,utterflies romp there with rlott Mr. and Mrs. Hector Taylor, of does need; welwill buymore of what No. I -White. A&.hony 05 made p'ursuant to said act of all per- .the premise,a is a house 22x3o ' ,' No. 2- witw, I I and xaee ' . itth, The United, States Senate on Sa!t- .Zion visited Mr. and Mrs, Wont Tay- the:( have to ,, ell and what we way. -Stahls. Irving . . 3911 sons appearing by the'last revised kitchen, 14x19 ane summer'kftzhen ,. ,'.*. , Wn eve in JulYis'fit time for W . Iff - .ill ti tie to buy No. 13-illogarth. Victor, 480 awessment roll of the said Mmijoi- all in. good repair with- a firdt claa;s - , urday last passed the Canadian Ito- lor on Muesday. to buy . ' con in : . e - N,Vheg cool dews are gently refresh- c1procity' bill by a, vote of 53 to 27. -Mr. W.. -15, Cole was in* London. from Great' r', Lain the fabrics -and Parsons Reggle ., , -511 Pality to be entitled fto vote in the eallar.lund-ep -house. -There 4re itwo . , . 1. I . . ing the earth, calling .Canada can now get what she has Tuesday and weanesday attenakng Other art'cles which slid can best. sup- Willis Almer .1462 said Municipality at Elections t -or barns &. xilew one 36x7G the othar 00 I . I . ,Vrhile the cuckoo is, calling, - long been wanting merely by the t&k- the 'Rexall convention, . Ply Lis. 0 instead of free access No. 4 -Schwartz. William 457 inembers of the Logislative Assembly J?Y 00 all furnished ,with l4gUtbaingt I his mate, only to the ritish marlcc for na)t- No. 6 -Gower Harold 14,52 and at Municipal Elections; land that rods and eavetrom . , A 7' ; , I ", ,, down ln.M ' * ., I .Ir Miss M na Dow, nurs al products we will have also the in- No. '8-Carricrc, Samuel I i449 taid lists were first posted up at my new ivells 'And the moonbeams are dancing I 717—train 7-ag . ghs. . One SuPPE10% the hou e. "the i 11 *by 'the gate. I == in.a Toronto hospital. is visiting bet Creasing demapol of the United Stetes. * Patterson, Gladys 1 3 1-ki office at .Exeter on the 24th day of other the stablo with ,,nodjxh wa!'t- I I' , . . , I .. 11: -The cares of the day seem to flea far father, Mr. Alex. Dow. Laurier. and. the larger markets is No. It-Manlon. Margaret - 49 2 Julyt 1910 -and remains there for in. er to spar. I of . IV .away. ' I mpgr Miss Susie Case is visiting for a the policy forl Canada. . I I Neil, Estella . 1691 spection. I . e to sdbply a Couple )w I d slumber is wooed by the scentof . .6 _ , I tbreshinz outfit. Acro s the ba-ek cor4. . I < An Norse D'stellf couple of weeks at Dorchester. Inger- Nfount Carmel i8eparate.r.)ohokol . And .1 hereby call upon all voters n0r runs a small creek which joi' ver, / , I I , I I . , I (haA I JuAtNITAII I ) W soll and Port Colborne. I FOR GEb PEOtvLE 01avin Madelinq ' . 074 I to take immediate proceedings to have runs -drY. OVc.r the ofeelc i3 aisinaff I . - It Miss 1`Matheson 'has returned from Old Folks 'Should be Careful in Their CCrey Boirnidetta . .419, - any errors or ommissions corrected ac. bush. I . t ti 1, I . - nne I I . . i . . P I 0 MdWard F&I'Mer &i- G,derlch and Is again nursing Mr. Belection of Regulative Medicine. [Guinan 'Vincent . 433 cording to law, There is a large amOun't' of loig.proOr I , fenc t,wly put tilt, also 1W 0=111 - . 6m,aly D, ei WI . safe, dependable and . . , UR STUDY OF COAL. Jas. Snell. Main IStreet. I 4 O'HaTa 8tella 474 T. B. CARLING f iA4 ne I -1 " 0 aZ,gottereid al remedy 'that is par- Ryan Leonard I . I I . e ares Nervi- Mr. .and 'Mrs. C. Smith, and little .AM Clark of Exot r. orchard- of winter apples. . . . I I . . 11 I , The official estimate of 6,600,000-000 line,, u a Spedific. daughter of Brantford are visiting tioularly ada )ted to the requirements Ryan Hubert 429ll . - - TheY have frel,,, mail delivery and I long tons of coal in a single deposit 10- . - Mr. and Mrs. John Snell. % of aged peop e and persons. of weak Ryan James : ;06 Z====________.= T I , . constitutions ,ho muffler from cons1ti- . . I - I elep,hone conrPidtion. I J ­ 'For parficular .oilpply o , . 11 ''I I cated in Northern Alberta should re- *Ziler. 9ohn . - I 449. 1 Galt :01 Isle 540 1 ; 11 Mrs. Clemen and Miss Clemen. . of pation or oth .r bowel disorders W, 1 . may have "After fifty 7ears' -experience in rals- Winasor, are the guests, of the Mis:3- : " No. 16-Carkan. Lily i 10"I .. I .. BUCHA 'NAN i , I . lieveanytiueasiness that g horses I can safely testify that no are so certain thtit it will elleve -y Ella Galt Irrariel . . Soo I . I ALEX I I , - developed regarding Cana& s s 11 es (Robertson, 'Victoria street. those compla nts and "give. absolute . Hast 419A . Hays, Doris .14,60 . . IT,ipben P. b, '. I 4 . I -.1 . apply. reinedy gives such good results. for an, I . Hay 'Township !Green Nettie .454 I I ,,,, should arise *itbin all-round stable liniment as xervinn, , on Tuesday evening two very dis- satisfacti n every particular 'that 11 I I I . If a coal shortage tinct rainbows were seen in the East- we off , , 0it"'vi, th out personal guaran- No I-Denomy, Maximilien 438 Hartwell Hazel . -510 1 . . I the measurable future it will be dive Thwi opens the very earnest letter of x, Corrivp.aux, Edward Hamilton Ruth 4816 .0 . , . . 1i I ot to, natural but to artificial causes. J. Evanston, who lives near Welling- ord sky during the light shower of tee that, it sh 11 cost the, user n6thing No. 2-Caso. Ada . McColl Hildred . -415 -_ I . . I ton P. E, . "I had a very valuable horse rain. I ' if;it fails to TubstanitirCte our. claims. Jones. 'Ella . 418 . f rldhain --Edna . . , I - I Nat,ure,s greatest bounties can be ren- that took distemper a month ago, and amed bar da This R inedy is called Rexall,Ordar. . I . . .01Z6 11- J I Miss !Horney has rem c , Northoott Wilfred 430 Sheardown F lorence Q7 zkiaad . . I Aered nugatorY by economic erroreq was afraid I was going to lose him. ties in a Chicago hospital tafter hol- lies .all ordIrIles I jWelsh. Edward 1 4:23 . Stewart- Hazel ISO - . A I . d the beat possible world in which His throat sWelled and bard lumps de, idaying for several weeks in and Re have a soothing No. 6-Bisenbach. Lizzie Thurlow, .Irene . . 11, 4sn xists in abun- veloped. 1119 nostrils ran and he had a around town. . . tLeaiingr, stre .mthening, tonic and re,-;- No. 10 -Jackson, Ena . ilia 13.913 . . Do4le, - ,. erytibing necessary e terrible cough. I . upon the bow Is. They' Central Schoei . I .1 . ley Mr. E. F ro ative aetio 'Lain I. I , r,- ." 'L I I e the abode of vraInt, tried different re- I . owell Mrs, H. well and ul I I g. John I 39 I I . Prown Annie , 464 1 'Ih . . I ,dance can be mad Miss White roturned Tupsday from Xemove. i a i Munn, James I &J9, . 'bougall Marjorie, i medles, but was E. Lina- and -Nwoa ness They restora the bowals . 49 -_ I I . We have abundance of coal, virtually Nervillne -unable to relieve their visit to Belleville. Miss ssociate organs to more vigorous No. 1-1-1-vison, Emily . '497, Dougall Dorthea 470, . 4 .': r all time to come, and to insure an . is, bam, of Belleville. accompanied and a althy , otivity, They are ea)ten . Stanley Township . I . Elliott ­I.vY :402 1 , . fo . I and he 485 Habkirk Kate - . ?p5 . VACATION TRIPS , ,..- ,is only necessary Pain and suffering them home. like candy in Liy be taken at any,tim." No, 3 -Davidson. Margaret . . To- - 0 . . I , abundant supply ir OURES . i : . I till I starte u Rev. Mr. Stewart. of Toronto is without incotivenience do x ot cause No. 4 -Dewar. Archie 460 Tolonston Phern 1106 ka, Lake of Bays, Temagamh... I , I to properly administer it in the public Nervillne. -1 mix- ia-_ 4 ii,,'ablcirk Musko "i ,, ,. . interest. Like, the country's tionber QUICKL ed a bottle of Wer- supplying Caven Presbyterian pulpit ry.griping , -sea, diarrhea, excess- Tqo 5-MoKinloy. Elgin 4wt "X rft C L L , ;4.2 2 Algonquin Park, Georgain,Bay, I in the absence of of the. Pastor Rev, Inv,,, i0moness. flatulence or other dis- No. 16 lforrest. Elizabeth 4.66 . Frice Tiaura . . . 139*5 Xawartba Lakes, Maganeta,vvan . resources, it has been largely alienat- L_ viline And sweet Q tP. iSharp. Mr. Stewart is staying M . Stodd . . t! . oil and u he mixture on the - awreeable aflect. Vria 25c, and 10c, . Keyes. Claronco art Ruby 6146 River, French River, take Huro I te owners, but tba, . is in with Mr. and Mrs. -Geo. Manson while Sold only at our store The Rexall MeC)ymont, ViQle 414 Shaw Emily I no, * I . ,oa to PAVIA throat and chest three times a day and I I . I I . .. 1 6 Whitely Norma . 091rg Lake Superior, Mackinac Island, I I I&rg(y measure necessary to insure You would scarcely believe the way in town. Store W1. is. (."Ole. . No. *9-13aechlcr. Emma i113 1401 , Quebec, White Mountains and Sea. '11- " " 1__k a, I . And that horse picked up. Xervlllne cured Air. and Mrs. Hilborn and Mr, and I I Ivroy(Ts. Mary , wo Watson Edriea'nn 453 Side Resortsi . . I , , If . .'Operationon an adequate, scale. him I also have used Nervillne for AIrs. A, J, 'Ford took an auto trip .- I I I 1.1 - . Mol3ride Pearl 09: . iSamaders Agnes '1442 * THROUGH TOURISTS *." I I I , t It the private ownership of these gig. colic In horses and cows, and earnestlY to !Clinton and 'Goderich on. Friday . Xo -10-Aikenbead,'John .4 5 3 : Brownlee, .Cristopher '1405 . I PULLMAN SLEDi MRS , I I I I I nd it to every a are at rd, Alex 1499 McKinnon Stewart- '426 TO Wll*;Nll?gG AND EDMO NTOX- I aabjc coal measu . . "I . I . raising stook.!f . I I I . 13-JohT181,011, ) Yungblut Gordon I present visiting. the lafffer's SISL,0r. %P '4% R I A No "i'st" . lyr,;l, 1 404 I LEAVES TORONTO nmr. A . - res should at any recomme man that Is last, Mr. and Mrs. Hilb rut .1 5_ , timer result.in depriving the people, of For strains, sprains, swellings, colico near Ilonsall, ' ^A *Tw# Kays, Ruskin 1 ;4.20 Separate School 099, AUG. Sth V .1 be an Mrs., Ch apman. of . , , . , ati aburlditat supply it would dlstempewr, cougbs, and ,colds, no 11ni- ., . I.. For- In nts awl Children. Stoplacnsou Rena 1495. -Beachler .Francis. 1 429! Via Chicago St. Paul and Mianesp . - :!, 4agy matter to adopt A PolicT that ineut v'111 prove so efficacious lit the ­­ -111. I gbf "No. 1,4_-MoDoath , Wal -Cr 407 Hurley -Mhomas - 1 417 Olis, A I . . - sfabie .as "Nervillnet"-frs goodL ,L,qr I (he Kind Yo. '41aVe AlWaYS Bou Mcclyrnont. Melville , '463 'Spahr Rairnesta ' . I 1. ! vould r!qtliroe proper and contin faous, man or beast, for internal of exter"', I I ' . )Leclyfliont, Tt6yal .1403 . 8911 VERY LOW 11ATE& I eyelopeonent. There may be a sug- use. Wherever there is pain, Xerviline I I 0 D Beats ,tbb . ' . 111,rleY Nora 1407 . I I I : 4 I I . Rathwall, qdA 152 ._____44__ .1 - Retuse substltutes. Large a . . . I ",A, , I stlott ja theoebbing apart of timber will cure it SignatUre 'Nt Tow -rich: I BayfipId I ge . bottles 50c, trial size 25c, at all deal- I v,ip at iGaae . Elliott,Anna Ar. -full,, infdrwatian ' , , , . I , ts and. , , . s true that Co I I - , ... I , korla'School , . I Erwin Wilblir 1 07 Tie,: ­ resoucces lb 1 Al UlOaS4 em or The Catowthozone, Co, Mngston Z from ny Grand Trunk Agent,' or- , . , nt. ,- ­ . I abb, Willib , 1.42 , ,. , 1 1176 . . , ' "ries c%n never be restored once their O . . I . .11. . op. oforl "Otlogi 1. B, E:ing Anna L, , , ''492 address A E. Duff, District Passeng_ ., I mi. . Brimicombe 'Samb.cl 456 . . . 11 wealth is broughtf0tth, Yet a siobstan- BETTER HAN'SPANKING. I Brant 11,arry I SAO ginOt Lillian D. , '48.0 Agent, Toronto, Ont. I I - . I , , . 0,11 coal reserve la the possession of 00 R N, S '486 Public 00ol Graduation 'Class J. 3'. XXIGHT, Depot Agent, I ii % 1r,T 24 11010'n,% 00b9,111:1119 do 0 tot Wto dilldraft Of ted- Hawkins lCennoth - w" . You Everybody now admItA 4 10bal dauw for 1-fabitirk Joe 6 only flUe candidate,,4 in I I ,, 1. he,poopleivouldbei . valuable assetp, can paini6sly remove any cor1r, I . I wattltgi Thd 10 a, (magtitutj . 444 'There I . . 11 I .1 - I 11- . either bard, soft, or bleecling, by Zaih-OUR best f6j these, thia trouble, ts. M. SUMM620, Box W 8,1 1161)011ald , I -he 'ortetei school I I" i[t might be uso-ol effectively to Pro- appIv-Ing Publam's corn Dixtraetor. It Let it, give yot! 000 ' I 18p t inspect for IjUbLIjo I I , I W I X gxaduation !Three or those were . I . . r private. operation never burni, leaves no sdax,, cofttains no .."d oomfort, ' , winasot, Ont, ill goad frob to any mother )Suthexland Q17ic , , 4:37 loossfal. , . . sue- I , ,vid0r P, supply i aelds; I,q harmless, because COMPOSed . hot olaceassita toma trestwout, *w, full Stoddart, Carwan . 512 , I 1, I . . I It fn 0 9, PrAr'rish ood S on..f ivetylvil I 'D Ll I . I , I ohouldfall in any respect, &"d noight, only o,r lietiling gums and bal 3, ift, . 1. I— ".. I eye Inottidetiott, and no womoy,but Write her Watson llarry( , : !426 ngannon , I ' Years in w9e, Oure guarantoect 861a ,­, VA--- I . - . I Obviate t'he necessity OfAC160ing 11 O'day if yoliv 0 dron toublo you in this Moyd Voth 11910 111va'aford. Riley . j7lig , C'hL'Ildren Cry" I Ines b%, att druggIsts, Me bottloq, ReNge: " I I i I I I L . I . I . I ' 1"aa'! 10).O!" "r' 1 ' ' I a T,z"ewwy, 1 4 1 1 . , . I I I I I a ," Ailbstltutem pv;y. oAlt bl 0 the 61111do tho.4 063 Cox Almn "I , 1 473 , . rjit'Zgerald, Frances. M VOR FLETWER'S I A I of policy J oivjjjg a membl noe of en, ­_­ I - .. in. it. V1110 tteatmont also, Doolittle tgabA . 423 ', , , . I L 1, , L lot 'ghtsA r . . I , R, 1, . . I 1 --_-1_--.,. I " .9[n% 0 ,60,0 ; -r 0 A . . qlmeat on ppopp PUT, NAWS PAINLESS . I I outeia 4auitg a 1 1450 1 Oredlft6tn, I "o arty tj I . 'L aged people troublea w0h V, Ider, Elsie. , ; i 406 .1 Mi , lileebli i I C A S I I There is; no veed, for haisto 11n further OORN EX TRAOT1100 R ;hyclsiyok.bight'. A, .1 .VI 0 qki aft- , I I I I I I . , r I I , . . . I . I . . U . 11 I k i, I . I ­ I . . L. I . . i I I I I . I I . . ,. I I . I . I . r. I I . . I I ''., "_­­ _. ._..t-' ­_,__a . _­­, ,­' , L ' I I I I I I , I . 1. i I I 11 11 , . . ,: I, , , I'll . . . . . . . . . I .... ' rrr .i . -1 I I r . 1 - I I I . 11 I'll, I.. I - t I I . . I . I I '' . . . . . . . . . . . . I I . . .111, I 11 . I .1 . "I I . I I I I I I . L , I I 1 .1 I I . ­ , .L'. I I '' . , I . , ,." ". I I . I 1. " '' - ", , 'L ' I , - pa 11 . . ' ! , I ,F - " t ., ._ LI 111"­,­ ­: ,, 11 , . 1:1. I , . . I , .) r 61", iw , ­* . ,.P , ,-etiLi . , -,, , ,' —,- — -i-w-, _'­. , I ., — _ — . .­, ­­ d---.. --1_---1'-_ ­..j ­­­­­_ ­ EdORIFL!u_ . , , I .1 L. L j/ ;, I . . I , , I , . , —1.11. _­­­'. 11_t_..!,_ . , , , , I -. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 I 11.1 1. ,1 1 1, 1, " ­­_ . ,,, I r I I . ­­ , ." ­­­ I ! . -11" i _.`11 1.