HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-7-27, Page 4_.�111 I !i� 1.111 1�� ,� . .. 1111141111111IFF :, � ' , --1----- , - � ''I , 1�__.I 7 __
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i 1:�11! 1 4004","Pmo W #ww - ------- ______ � 11,
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. TO I r 11 11111:�1101 1:11 �1:�,,��1�111 I t _14
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. , , I A TIQER$TMq� I PIGEON POST, . 11�11!:11!!1:!!11::11w =1 .1 ALE. � 1.1 w:11�1111:: �,1�1, 11�,:. �� I :'!il::111Z�I: 11111: __*_W_"_",00,"1 "�Iv I
� , FARM$ FOR, S " 1_1;1;1_4�1'�'!"��!E. .N --
"I". 16000 ANDBAD "FISTS"I � � - , I ... I-. ` �k_____ , I E INDIAN POLICE, ''I .1
I I I . . Thrill'ino 15pisodq In the Ouroor of Scottish Lovers Fin W, PXNV.,3O.N .NIN,ii`�k I ��
. I . � . . d a Way to Ex. I
... ... � — , � SPRING H. BOAN They Are $a,dly Do you "Int I I
I I Late Sir Edward Bradford. 4 Street, Toronto. . Paid and- Have a "a � I
, I � I , . I
,. I change Endearments. I
,, p , � ,., - I
.11 . 1101REAT 14414 ME NOT ALWAYS &r Edward Bradford - for inany ,1,he air of Scotland is usually Sup. , 11" YOV WANT A Q,VARTBR, X TAVI Colossal, Task to, Perform, S rfe 11 j.,�,p
. . TA
. .� 1,; ears head of the London police-w4o. POsed to reek of romance, and two or whole section or larger p,jrcel 111) to The very bareness of the manner of I
. I I Z I hundred thousand acres of 1"tud tu MAUI. If -im6 in India," by Sir
%,4 , . . d the other day, had, 4 most dis- sots love),.$ hit upon a novel plan of Police and'q� A a ovestment?"
. � , , 'asir
�� I I tin I HUMORS tolia, ' ,atoliewan, Alberta or British llidmund'o, Cox, adds to, the effect,
.1. . - . , quished military and civil career action whereby they might correspond 001alubta, see me.
% � ' 4G was best known to the wiih . 1 -4 we are Offeriliga sub -d
%, ., one , I eao 'her despite the ban ,)I . from a � IV W 10
I , ral Belief That Clever Mon and lu Adia, but, 1i ot, —_ grely J)r110tiQAl Point of View. Atedin VaneouyerpTlbestrol 112111 is
'. , i Women Ari N6torlouSy Under' gerieral publio sta the hero of a thrill- their aterit parents. They Used a pig. IN ONTARIO STOW<, q -RAX.,;, DAIRY Tlu) aut ior, w lo was Depaty Iiiapea. - t4ov. The steeet Qpro Vill very near an
... I . . t. 'ag ti r story. . Result From the Poisoned Con- or fruit farins I call SUID'y � t I or -General of Police in Bwnbay, tells it is situated near the rra,ior Itiver.
i:l , , , � I , In 1867, "Y'len he WAS 0011, Post, and thus -wore enabled to vokiIa 5 I have .
pherablo In Their Manuscript Is i a P Wli Some of the very, boat on St a plain §toq 6 buying before the All And holoing
� I � . I . A Proven a Fall ry'-RalPh Connor Is and a i tical command at Agvx, he write to each other as often as they 1. dition oftho Blood. W�v . . withoat tXy� of the_�Kt , next spring, you ought to m9ke front 80
I I " . nown to others, They . VOTT CAIN GR,T �)tiil, ',NZI He deals *%�'Jtb crimp 0 40 Per cent. On Your loyCalttuellt,
I A 14Pt� Curtis went bunting for wished and unk I GUTS AND of the *i&riaiicer.
1, �* a tiger in & *ungle at Ditunpur. They privately trained som I -lit merely a 'i
. a Good Penman and. 0onan Doyle I , s ol I
. . each r - holidays at I I me I and his deience of Write us at once for 4 good lot ftely
, 'leote� , e homing pig 0 Two, 8ovon Tlyo wel
�, - . a tree, and Bradford Oons� and for years, this secret corre- Discharge Is' Checked ---Sores Are, 1A,vVie, i5liouesi�ltiiuwoo'alr�l-Pal.k,i:;4f., the police as he 'knew them intimate. situated.
I I � 14 .HAS a eeautiful Copperplate. seated himself in the lork'too near the spondenc . , Dltwson� lY for many years, is, as far as oile 1. R, WALREB & CO�,
� � � �e was successfully carried on Cimied Ont aud Hkaled by T== ______=== �__ can judge, entirely unprojuic4ced, Tho' 131 I
.. , I It would be a dim,oull matter to ground, The tiger came within his by their help, the love missives be. ctoris street, Toronto, Out
: ,), . 'determine whieb. of Britain's w,ell. range, and be took sUccesslUi aim- in REAL ESTATE. Indian poice hnve recently been a __ __ - - - ___ _
� L 4 tied under the wings of the birds. i — , t 7 — ,
I .
� I The tiger then oharge�i for -the tree, H ap FAu.)IS, wxoams V good dealion. their trial, alld is ---...----�.-...�----------�-.-� _._,_ !
13criown. literary men ought to be " time brought about a recon- � NNISIDOINT(MPN
� lawarded the first prize for periman. and Bradford took aim again with ciliap, y OR, CHASE'S" OINTMENT ShOP-5. mills, thubor Ian essential that that triel should be fair, ' '
f h. . � tion. of the parties concerned, and ds, etc. Write WANTED �
i is remai= . I for free illustrated catalogue; an interesu- 'IT compare the Indian with the Eng- Wofilen
I � ,
]; � f0ip, . 'Charles W. Gordon of NR-ri. , ig second barrel. b -at a, so the usual methods of ,correspond- Aside from t,.,(;� .sufferbig caused by -Ing book for the honleseelior and Investor. I is 0 Who Want to 61,1,1111from$' .10 te$5D a,Week ,�,
� tWp,eg, better known to farne as "Ralph twig Under the hammer prevented once were used. Such a happy end- NT01 ih police—the worst paid polio I I
I I � discharge. . , "" les, sores and skin eruptions, King& - Son Oo., Barton, Vt., U18. t e world wl e In to take it courso in our Beauty Culture SphooL.,
� linor," might certainly be backed �n ras certainly, deserved by..so con- Crpe is the annoyance and embar- ___ th the best paid—would, Face,8cal and Body Massa 0, Slit in , cohig I
- ' .
. � --- --- !it 1p4lf olng, Rair
I I sub L i, 8 Lif
I for a "Place I for his style is eas7i ,chance was to jump down and ru , g � rasspept to, �vliieb, they give rise, par- an �
,., - The Sportsman saw that his only tan't a pair of lovers . HELP WANTED. . mit, constitute st� test that is C i N, DricsiAng, m-m-rm, I I .. I
I . C('r'h 1-01)0( 3'.
le*tfistio, ,'annd sh ' -toUs Pe - ticularly whe nei er reas6nable nor fair," says the , 11duates assured positions and at - f
plomas. I
�, � : eminently readable, to a nudlah (ravine) ,close by . ,Eggs have been put to vea oul 4 on the hands or face, . p RACTICAL WOBIAN — ON1,1, EX, ati. or, That is what stay-at-home Don't studvaprofessidn that is already over- k
,,: I Moreover, Unlike Max PembertoWa the in lar uses at different times ' N .1 crowded. T4ere Is a bIg delliandfor d ,
: qUite proper to try to get the PRI&IENOED in nursing preferred, critics .are apt to forget. I
I � �"ilst," wh4ch is very ,generally ad- ,hope that the water woUM b� meetings have1ound them in—epy0ilditicee blIoodisright by use of.internal treat. Ad Iti,this business. Swiiiiier classes 8 t un ��
I suffiplent to cover MM, and that he dress "Vi4vi," 09rifederabion. Life A
� � itpired, it is not unduly minute. Max I on Bu � . Lord Macaulay was responsible for i Ith half fee forlune ;Jul and usit .
:,! . occasion—but it is not often that merit, but this is a tedious method Jldiug, Toronto. I Y'
''I'll. sMyteaoll by corresj)42eacoalsw
I . ng, ,however, is al might thus� elude the, beast. The , '"'"' the .first dr4fl. of the Indiall,Pen.al I L .,
Temberton's writi - dep they have been used for the purpose of overcoming the skin troubles, whi, h � -AN .
� - with t�4e ic J?J� � I T F, D—R]�,P,Ru, ,,,�,,,T ,ATI U1, Code and the Code of Criminal Proce-
I �nost "large hand" compared � th was urot more than two feet, of amatory correspondence. However, can so readily be gotten rid of by Us. . either sex, locally, ot, Ods n c994 dure, DORENWEND'S BEAUTY CULT M
! � . iwriting of Fred, M. White and Orme and the animal sprang towards him. sadli was the case once, at any rate, ing Dr. Chase's Ointment. - I set as br8%d; salary two doll rs per day W Of this, Mr. Fitzjarnes Stephen I' I ,
Bradford thrust forward his left arm for a lonelv Cann an 1�,A erlMllerl Tfla tll " I t , A . xulc I I I rote: "Lord Macaulay's great worX 105 YONG',r, STREET, �CO 0 TW&�, '46 ,._, I
I %ngU8, � I—,
.1 &I J.' _. I'S. ngle ILIXIES 01, ss on; experience unnooessary. was far t. a] I
, 1AW Tae orute's mouth to save his n egg stating her oondi- this great, g ointmeat, .T. L. Xle,hois Co.
11 I i At the other end of the scale ua. I soothing, healin ��Llmlted, Toronto. oo d drig and original to be
I !doubtedly is Bart, Kennedy, whose thmat and chest, and the tiger was tion. Luckily, the ogg fell into the are the most potent kno%yn To line accepted at once. It was a drait when
:,. "writing almost equals Mine. Clara , crunching the arm when Sir Edward's hands of a lonely widower on the oth- medical profession as a means of — TEACHERS WANT_E_D_�, lie left India in 183a. His, successors
� .. gun-be4re'r, named Dulla, rushed for- I .
�11 I S Or . Upriess. art e er side of the Atlantic; further corre- cleaningout sores and ulcers, destroy- ED NORMAL TRAINED ma e remar on it for twenty-two
;, intends at Te ntl7 ward to take aim at short range. He E --, PBRIENO years . . . . The result of the draft
, , Is readers sho .. not succeeded in obeying his master's sporiderice ensued therefrom, a -ad it Ing morbid growth, lessening the dis- . rotestant teacher wanted for S. S. and the revision has bep.n to repro-
... .ml s a si I, e word. Mr. Horace An- shoutecl direction, "Mind you shoot led to a happy union of the two par- charge, preventing blood -poisoning 0- 7, litzroy, CO, Carleton; diltles tD duce. in a concise and even beautiful
I . e Vac 11, the famous author of the tiger and not mat Bradford ties concerned ---surely a most novel and stimulating the healing process. commence let Se tember, 1911. Apply, form, the spirit of the law of England
.. $4 . 'O i utiful writer, and 40 proceeding altogether. Dr. Chase's Ointment sto s tiriVsalaory,Al to - 0. Stevenson, SLIO,
, I s a,bea
� w i S C was placed ill, an improv itchilig In-triond,
I - - u1son, Kernallan, but both of isecl stretch- A loving couple in Newcistle-on� almost soon as applied,pa'9nd often telephone. I Section connected with -the most technical. the most clumsy,
" put in the or, and had been jolted for the best Tyne were forbidden by their paxents heals allias and the most bewildoring ,of all Sys-
. , lost like magic. tems of crftninal law, though I think,
I . ,� shade by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, part of twenty-four hours, much of the tu correspond with each othei, but The. time required for cure depends TWOTHAORERS-PP-OTESTANTS-
W'h for double if Its
, Principles are fully understood,
� . I Gse writing time in the fierce heat of a May day, love proverbially laughs at look- on the nature of the ailment, but, un- salary 75; second class certifLeate. Ap- I s the most rational.
� is as easy to read as section No, 3, Dymond; it
�, , [if the page were typed, and very before the paxty was met by Surgeon smiths, and is supposed to be able to like internal treatment, the beriefits if
t . ", � !�Iuoh more beautiful to -look at. Bid. Beaumont, afterwaxds 'deputy sur- nly 0, - OamPsall, Now Liskeard, Out. 'The Indian Penal Code is to the,
,,.� . overcome every difficulty. Certainly are apparent to the eye, and yo an Ti
Xley Warwick boasts of a handwx1t. geon-general. Mortification was then this was the case with thi note from day, to day the impr.'o CH-E—RWANTEA r English criminal law what a manufac-
t , ' 'ei ve- 1 OR SCROOL tured a
1. strong, clear, and easily Tead. setting in,' and immediately Dr, These two managed to corr 6 0" in merit made. I section No. $, township South Dor- Xticla ready for use is to the
,.. . chester, dutiesto commence September materials out of which it is mad'a."
, . . .. robablY the two most beautiful or" '
q Bea-amont amputated the arm at the spite of the parental ��en8jl,)ionniti The wonderful success of Dr. Chase s 1; salary $500.00 per.annum. Apply, stat- This high praise seems altogether,
. writers among women novelists a -re joint, a blanket being held up as a .
I.. . . through the medium of a 'end. who Ointment in the cure of ecztmia, salt Ing experience and-clualffications, to T. R. justified,whea it, is remembered that
,the Baroness Orezy, who -writes - screen against the sunshine glare. was quite guiltless in the affair. They rheum, psoriasis and o s
. I IL Secret—Treasurer A-= P n
W1_ m Even -* +1- A- � a_ 1.4 ores and Far -row,
",-, �
I v 4: rendu svle, .though she is a . . — tre . c Ont, I I .1 UUe ,aq has to be so clear and free AND ,
jEungarian. and Ellen Thomeycroft ward remained a famous hunter on .xchanged book,.%, but it was not the wounds is sufficient proof that it is � I from technicalities that it can be un- companies loco ( '�
I ' foot aud .horseback. When pig -stick- stGrY which was visible to everybody bound to be satisfactory in the treat- WAINTED—TECIRD-CLASS, TEACH, 2nted RIA,NCE111
, I lVowler. Probably the Prize for the , which interests this ingenious 10011. merit 61 the less severe diseases of derstood, and largely administered by I
worst writing i h his reins in his mouth. . BP. for No. 2, Chapman, Parry a native foi-ce. That, jrtd,eed, was per. STOCHS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND Somi!
, -
.� �n the school of novel. 'ng, e held - ple, but a certain well-connected dis. the skin. 60 cents a box, at all deal. Sound; Protestant; salar �
�. ' — y $325; conveni- haps the chief diffictilty. Correspondents in all rinancial Contras. i
sts would' be divided between An- c ieced togeth- ers, or Edmanson, Dales & Cie., Ltd. ent to church and post oMce; small school. JA
I Ibony Hope, Andxew Lang and Sir er by following certain lead -pencil Toronto. Sample box free if you men! Elemy Lennox, MagailetaWan. The difficulty of getting reliable evi- INDUSTRIAL FINANCIAL CC, " I
Gilbert PaTker, and in the order giv. —TH-E— . . I ... dence in India appears to be 00105-Wd. 11 I J
. 11 maTkings. and which made a very ptir. tion this paper. - - -_ Members Dominion Stock Exchango nod i
� on. The famous author of "The pris. ring little tale of love. in order to mlsc� Under the Mahommetan, law it was Toronto Board of Trade. i
. .. TERAN GRANTS WA.NTED-ON- possible for evidence to be given y IS TORONTO STREET. TORONTO. CA3Z:
. . oner of Zerida" is the despaL- of a N d% No avoid detection, even if the vaxious THE AUTO IN CANADA. proxy, and this led s of i se
1: compositors, while Mr. Andrew Lang marks in the books were discovered, to case - __ I
� TARIO, unlocated or locatsid-in personation which still occasioiiaily i
. 1. I
.� township or district, Northern O,t�'rl`Z
I �W no credit to his Scottish writing these indications were made to read Over Seven Thousand Now In Use
Master, for Scotsmen LUGH CROSAS In occur, the tradition, naturally, dying I
.1� , . ' are promerbial. from end to beginning of the book, Highest cashprioa paid. MI-ilholland & hard.
� fly good writers. Ontario. Co., Toronto. Here is a strange modem in -
q ' Chinese fashion. It is satisfactory to CANCErt
�. A Story went the round 1.'.ely about know that these two young lovers no One of the signs of prosp___ '-- stance: I . I
: Ithe Rev. Dr. Fit.hett, MINES .1 .- I "In the Agra District, in 1908, a wo
t. the famous[ longer need to go to this trouble to Canada is the increasing number of AGENTS WANTED, IL D. Rvans. Discoverer of the famous L"TanIP;
� .
I I FAuthor of 'IDeeds that Won the Em- man Cancer Oure, desires all who suffer with calicev�
I commuui�cate with each other, as they. people who afford motor cars. The A G E X -.T S WANTED -1 named Mu-summut Janki oom-
�, fptre"..and many another stirring work have been maxried for some years. uP-keep of an automobile costs ' town,in Oanada X EVERY plained to the magistrate that by. 1,9WrItatollim. Two days)treatment cures �* ;
� ." OF SWASTIKA, its J- -to sell the best hand . i
'0 ternal or internai eancer. Write to X. D.JUVA.ig � I
� f historical word -painting. Re was Fruit has often been used as a owner well on the way to a thousand vacuum cleaner in America. E. L. Dyer, some means unknown t9 herself one Brandon, Manitoba, Canada. 111'
11 I lattending the Methodist Conference LUVETED. means of amatory correspondence. dollars a year. It is rather encourag- 47 Bast'Wellington. street, Toronto. Sponder Lal, a moneylender, to whom 11 �
. , lat Melbourne and handed up a reso- When a lady receives a basket of ap- ing, therefore, to note that in the A STUD`r OF OT13MR AGENOY - sbe owed nothilig at all but who had 2 a i �
I ". !lution upon 'something in which ht- Pies or pears as a gift from SO . tc Un- Province of Ontario, where the motor PrOPOsitiOns convincesusthat n for some time threateZe� to do her I
I", as specially interested. The preii our$. You will &I one instituted a ease * �
I , ways regret
, fdeut looked at - Known" friend there need not .e any- ` don't apply for part' against her in the Court of subordi-11, I
" I I it, turned it 'Upside Messrs. COL,1� & SMITH are V car has,in Canada secured its some injury, had
ou a I "Yal
t If .11 on
!� " down and'iound about, and at length noW re T=v ler, lars to �
suspicion attaLig to such an inno- est vog e, there are said to be = tc I upor aluald
� 6XVc it up and handed it to the ady to receive s cent-lookizig present. But when th ' seven thousand automgbiles in use- tawa. I De b .b, Ob- ate Judge -of Mutra, and obtaixed a I
P . secretary, who. was UbStr'13" largest apple in the basket is known seven thousand ci#zens I who can - decree lor two -hundred and 'fifty Tu- IN ##- . �
)sea. The magistrate made inquir
� I sitting by his fions, for stock of the above by her to contain at its heart a long spend a thousand a yeax on being WRITE US TO -DAY FOR - OUR . dies i
I I 0 _ ,
ide. Re was equally unable to de. and passionate love -letter written up- carried to nnd fro-assurning that each choicelist of'agents'supplies. Xo rid ascertained tbcat on the i or 'i I
0. ssar Theyare money mak-
: " 11 Cipher it, and handed it back to the (:�OMpAny. on foreign notepaper, all ingeniously of these citizens is, not cheating -his trIT. s a
, outlay nece the Subordinate judge .there wa & vi 0, b dAft CC; 0 flabi%,
� Uzz ers. A I Brit ish Canadian Industiiai statement by Musum-mut Janki her- . .
:, resident, i7ho said: concealed, it must be confessed that butcher or grocer in owning a -b Co., LM 128 Albert Street, Ottawa, Out. self, in which she fully admitted.that
I , "I must ask Brother FitchItt to be Apnlication for prospectus there may be more even in a rosy- wagon. A. MeTAGGART, M.D.. C,NL, .'
:1L' � 0, Tawrite his r .V_ la cheeked apple than meets the eye- Toronto possesses 1,953 cars, accord- the sum claimed by the moneylender I
; � � esolution ,
, '
. 4 1 I r. to have it or printed-arly- inClUCIing report by J. W. Van- or the palate. ing to the Provincial Secretary. Yet, thattherelsan was actually due from her. This seem-, - �
, � enormous d e. ed to entirely chiprove the complaint'. References as to Dr. '
. ,� to make it readable. At pres (,e . in I Toronto, a pedestrian does not DO YOU" KNOWmand for the :,dc'T;,_g9 " ik
". I ant resembles a doctoes prescrip- rgrfft, with maps ancl full dodge nearly as many motors in a Canadtmn edl- The good lady, howevex,'reiterat�ad her --- ]a
. laon. . HE COBBLED IT. -A1 Vt KCV. r.M- e at she prof�ssional standilig,
- , - particulars, shoulcl be made falo, American citiesveof much the I FIGHTINa THE TRAFFIC IN ha;d never made the sta . 11
!, ,� Clergymen, unlike doctors, are , of clay as in Detroit, Ole land, or, Ruf- t9tBell's eatbook assertion to the magistrat th
- YOUNG GIVILS"? ThIs' new. edition, willch has tement re. iatevitr permitted by: ,
tem VeXY"godd� writers. Perhaps it is George Edwards Tells of an Early same size. lult,be issued contains over 666 pages c9rded in her name."'
�111&t they are so a,ocustomed to. w.rjt -e __. ,_ " I . -
Why? For many rea $1 tereSting Ilustrations and retails R Sir W. R. Meredith, Chief Justitw-W
� _ Clil -46 ,pons, give best temis. to a eatigation disclosed the, I
ing their sermons and note, fol ready . When the King and Queen atterld. tically no native automobile indus- free. ssend 160. for forward cnarges. Book I 1. Fren#er 00 ,.. I I -
sent to Ta,n 1117i � _0 "-A
I, 1111 Ct tO 402 1xinsclen Build- Burglar Episode. chief of which t1bat we have prar- .W ;. gents. Outfit. ,],?olice inv, cir G. W. Ross ex-
� , � ,a,dd extraordinaxy fact that Soonder Lal I` . I
J.:.. Yftding, ofteri, in bad light, that they 'Ing, Torwito. gessnswa on receipt of had induced a friend of his to per. tario. I �. I I
ed the production of Franz Lehar's try, and to protect what we have, N ON c . Limited. 182
�, ulti te a caxeful style. ,The -Bi I I grice. C. I .UX I
I I 'I , shop opera. "The Count of LuxernbcUrg,, are required to import cars from padina A.venub, Toron-to. sonate Janki, and to admit that .she Rev. N. Burwasho D-I)-',"Presidelitj 'IV "I
1. ��rp�, uxham and the Bishop of Mpon. . ,a , London, -.- � owed the moneylender two hu-Adred . I I I
' If 1w -w* W. t Daly's Theatre re,centl� abroad, with an enormous duty at, Victoria' colk,ge. , I I
..,. L1. 325thuce, are beautiful vxitera the r I " Majesty congratulated Mr. Ge,org� tached. Another striking reason and fifty rupees. And all this, not for Right Rev. J. F. Sweeney, Bishop
��,- iting Of the former� indeed, being N Bdwardes upon the success of the 'that we haven't got the money that b,Ls -,
". I . is -Empire Realty Agency,'10� ,'ahe of the money, but merely to
1�. � �ax*sPtIOMAIIY good In form and read- I Produortion, and the Composer was citizens of Uncle Sam have. We are 21 RICHMOND STREET EAST a trIffing revenge- I I Of Toronto. I
. Wff*1 1,,gllble. Canon Mccormick, to,c, Mon. Tbomas Coffey, Setlatr�r, "Ca'.. I
I .i Inted to Their Majesties. in the poorp-T, much poorer, citizen for citi- And 1275 BLOOR ST. WEST, !%-
e famous old a�. I, I Prese, . .
ple blue, novr ' i royal box. zen, comPaxed with �citizens of the Have for sale impro' thofic Record, - London.
aT . I ved Fruit Farms of , A Monastery Fortress. I'
, 4 tv"aill, I Of St. �Wueas, rioeadmy, L I I i Ill Of stock mainly military, Mr. Ed- same great middle -class in the repub- all sizes. Also, good property invest- The most strongly fortified monas- Dr. McTaggartls vegetable reme-,
.. mribes a lovely hand, and Archdeacon I .2 It waTdes was born and reaxed in North lie, who regard such things as auto- ments in Toronto and country towns.
�.. jBinclair. who has just retired from 1�q .1 I - � k tery in the world is at' Solovetsk, in dies for the liqtor and tobac;:6,
''I �, :St. Paul's, is famed I I I I I I . � LincoInshird, and when about seven- mobiles almost among the necessities . ,Use hotels for sale or lease. i
thwaghout jour- , I ! I teen yeaDs of age of existence. . Archangel, Russia. This monastery habits are'healthful, safe, inexp=.
. . InalLstic London for his beantiful 1, was sent up to Leon- Wriltefor particulars. . is inclosed on every side by a wall of I
11� I c4_ don to "cram" for the "shop --that Our smaller cities are buying mo- — sive hotne treatment No hypo -i .
ll . Jigraphy. granite bowlders and, is nearly .a mile dernlic injections; n s*
. Amon Nonconformist, divine, un- * - is, the Royal Military Academy, Wool- tors, rapidly. Hexe awe a few records muo in circumference. The. monastery it- o publicity; u6,
�. ., I 1doubte 2 , y the Palm is bome off by ;* wicb- in Ontario: Ottawa, 129; Hamilton, R%0% C.0 KE SALI 'elf is very str-bugly fortified, being 1OSS of time from businew, and i .
. When he went up fo:r 196; London, 127; Brantford, 61.-
I I Mr, W. L. Watkimon. A Page of his -his examina- 00-urier. . supported by round and square towers Certaineure. Consultation or corl'. ,
: , ;MSS. is -a perfect ;o tion there were forty vacancies, and about thirty feet high, with walls Zespondence invited. .
Y to the eye. Dr. regarding the result M:r. EdwaTdes
I . %ouro Gibson writes Ue a vigorous KILL THE FLIES. has said: "I came out forty-seco,nd. Bavaria's Mad,Monarch SEND FOR PRICE. twenty feet thick. -_ To ensure attention addresi;
� !of strange flourishes, whil,t the p TORZONT0.5ALT WORKS ____ —_ .
1business man; and Dr. Forsyth is fun A little less attentiorl to grand opera, The word-delItSChe, Allgemein'e Zei- THEAR JEAS BEEN 01qLT � I bR. MCTAGGART,
I !;. E - Ratteribury w,x a little More attention td my books, G. J. CLIFF, Manager, Toronto, Ont. I
� , ites like a school- tung announces that "his majesty,"
'�boY- Dr. Hofton probably runs Dr. THE- CAUSE OF DISEASES might have made all the difference, - 'I
,',, 'Watkinson -day I might have been a re- King Otto of Ba-varia, is sixty-three - --- - - . a Care Centml Press Agency,
. very us= for beauty, and tired colonel,of artillery, rather HERB REMEDIES .---- ! I
I. . years old. The unfortunate king is - � �, 70 Pearl Striet, Torontmi.
� � : 1. is closely :followed by the Rev. 44 pt and to fussy interned in the castle of Fuersten- Alver's Nerve Tonle, a blood ' Oneu'o"'rop of Land - I
� � � ;V B. Meye. Probawy. the .-worst writ- THE WONDER about draughts, and firmly convinc. ried. Man maker and nerve builder, cures , � . I I ;
� . .
I -Ewer with the mat protected, c the kitchen committee of the he was tarrb, rheumatism, Stomach, , . � The More Important. I 11
I I ler among Nonconformist divines is Is the only"Fly ed that aby years have.passed since ca
I 'Dr. Alexander Whyte, of F_,Jinbu;rgh; which makes it sanitary in every re lub deserved hanging collectively and ,a to recognize even his liver,kidney constipation uri- - We have 70,000 acres of lt In I I I
I spect. 8 Betty may not be ve �
�i individually." nearest relative�. Twice yearly a nal and bloola diseases. Pure ry worldly wise,�. .1
lbut Ile is legibility personified when Simply add a little water occasionally and herbs In capsules. rrlce $ixo I , . I I
; Mean After this failure Mr. Edwardes was commission of physicians' visit the er box of 100 sent to any ad- a n rt but she is practical. She knows en4 �
: �'. . .. the "Wonder" Irly-HIller is good for the whole . I a orh to take a common sense. I
. � P'gou, Of Bristol, is consider castle, see the king and report to gress on receitt obrice. I Saskatchewan " 'A' The t'i v
I , t�d- d ngs sentimental as well . . i
� I Sometimes, this humorous dean season. It Is the BEST VALUE on the in town for a night or two, and one the Bavarian Government. Their L__aL��� Street, Toronto, I Write arid ask us HOW E.LSy you can OWN terial. as &�- .
.1. I 'h8Td to write legibly. It is then les market evening he thought he would pop stereotyped report is "No change in ,,�_�_, I some of It . So when she listened*io4bA.
. .-
f that It is SAFE, SAN,ITARY, and costs only round and see his tutor. What hap. P10POsal of the young. raar� sh , - I
� 'his unfortunate correspondents -turn the king's condition." As a matter - p I
� �Xis letter round and round to make 15 CIENTS. ported is best told in his own words. of fact, the king is in splendid phy- Scolding. fond of'she couldn't help saying'i , t , , I I
�ouro which is the AT YOUR RETAILENIS. "Arrived at the house, I s . CANADIAN HOME LAND Co., she did. I lil
. right end up. Dominion Agents. . aw a light sical health and may live be be as Scolding is mostly a habit. It is of.
still having � . � "If You reject. me, I
. Prof. Oh-eyne is one of the most in the dining -room, and old as his uncle, the prince regent. ten the rpsult of nerv,pusness and an LIMITED, -Betty dear," a, . I
.. POeatItiful writers ' ' - CRYSTAL SEALING CO. my latchkey (he used to live urged in a final &ppeal. "I* alli n t' I .
I smort 11 do He no longer remembers that he is irritable -,ndition of both mind and Bank of 11afflilten Chambers, Hal,".kOff, Ont. er, never love another. it, th I
� Ithough he is Ojos, Z co ege ns, 2H Stair Building, Toronto. just went in, expecting to s king- Ile lives in a world of spirits, body. A person is tried .r i be,; e'l*'
: 0 owed by Carl- — urprise annoyed Referene e -Traders Bank, Hamilton, Out end .11 I � �
;orl Dx1ver and A. C. Benson; but my tutor, but there was nobody about. with whom he holds communiori. The at some trivial cause and forthwith .9 I I
1"rhaps the latter ought to be plao- On the table a tempting supper was, — And if I accept'you,ls she -A J
I _ A Colossal Bismarck. outward pomp of -royalty is still main. commences finding fault I � . ask .,
. . with every- 11� ... 1111,111 __ __ P. ,.
1, lvd-among the novelists. But, a's is set, evidently against his return; *ud- tallied inside and outside the castle. tbi and everybody w thin 1 �, I 'does . the -same tiling .hola,go,dp- : -I,
� Is Artists i r e a4dh. � � . � ____1 ----- � :
titing, a school who are competing for the denly feeling hungry, I thought I There are troops of servants and sea. Scol ing is a habit very easily form- I I � I I
. master beats them all, h,oWr and. profit conneo V� H, I i . The Oldest Newspaper. �
�br the Ron. Edward Lyttelton , ted with the would have a snack, but the snack tinels ' rith helmets and rifles to ed. It is an unreasoning and unrea- F_ a J �
l_ the erection of the Bismarck memorial at grew into a 'meal, and, to cut the guard the walls. The king broods in sonable habit._ Persons who once get News_ls
, Zead of Eton,sets a good ejc,m�le to The Tsbig.-Pao, or Pekin
� NN t, C, . I .
. 'the great school which he command, Bingen are having a hard time of it, story short, I ate up pretty well a room by himself or stares fixedly at into the way of scolding always find I P the oldest newspaper in the world 1� �
. �
. I according fro Die Woche. One pitra, everything there was, also paying at-' .11 I
I ,, The House Of Lords Possesses'more - a sheet of some old newspaper. something to scold about. If 'there is 04.00 having been issued TegulaXly-for nel : ,.� , I
Zbsd writers than anY other instit . a terition to the drinkables. Then, nothing else they begin Scolding a. 17 1,400 Years. Its ,circula.tioii is ab6# 1. I 1, :
� , graph in the competition invitatio �rj_
U_ says that the monument must "domi. ax,oused to a sense 0 0, .
*011 in the kingdom. But it contains V. y guilt, I Primitive Winepresses. the mere absence anything tri — 10,000. The extreme care necess � %,
: 1-%.:*, At'194M one P, -A ,4 .3 nate completely" the Elizabeth height -0 .1i .A + — , _m, -
11 � er, an t,uaT, man
ls the Marquessof Northampton.
.tairdy the handwriting of Cer-
Cord Wbiverhamp, the late
ton was very fine,
but then he was not born in the Pur.
;p1s, and so there was some excuse
. �for his plebeian distinctness. .
on which it is to stand "and must be
equally imposing when seen from the
river and the shores." A. design by
Prof. Hans Hundrieser h as attracted
much attdrition. It includes a monu_
mental pedestal surmounted by a por.
Il- J Yk, � _.y way.
"Next day I went to pay my Te-
spects to my tutor's mother, and bare
found hergin a state of great excite- Italy
merit and full of the iniquity of the
burglars—she was sure there must
have been two or three, from the
.Grapes are gtill trodden with the
feet in many parts of Spain a4d
Soo at. It is an extremely dis-
agreeable habit. It is contagious,
Once intwodaced into a family it is
Pretty certain in a short tim.e to,af.
feet all the members. I
� I I �,
-- I
. . I It would be hard to say to whom trait
ithe Pirize for the worst writing ,would
bust of. the Iron Chancellor, the
head of which is to be about thirty.
amount they hadeonsumed—who had
entered the house the previous night
Dynamite. 6
I The latent power of dynamite is ter.
ibe awarded in the House of
: Lords,,
,but perhaps Lord Balfour of 33ur�
leigh -would stand
eight feet high.
and devoured her dear boy's sup er.
The curious behaviour of the burg ars
rifle, but its direction is simply a
question of ordinary intelligence. As
as good a chance
For Bibles, .
in riot taking any valuables was for a
.. ..
a matter of fact, ,dynamite is safer
'as anyone, and he would be closely
11 I
., I efollowed 3 by that eminent banker and land,
At St. Ives, Huntingdonshire, Edg.
six Bibles are given at, Whit.
long time.a topic ,of conversation in
the household, until at last I CIDUIeSg-
� ., .� I ,.I
to 'handle and use than ordinary gun-
powder, with which all are familiar.
in publishing this paper is shown b i�k
the fact that until recent -years 11 "I �
punishment fo.r an error in, Printing',
was instant death. Another Chinese
�ii�wspaper, , the Kin Pan, is 1,00oll-
. ,
years old. . ,
. ' . A
A Good Big Figure. � . .,
"You'd never accuse Miss, m!M,onl, I ;��
of having her fortune in her faaeP` � ..
"Xever. It's plainly in her figure.4' A �
.1 .. ..
C.P.A.-30., 1011, I I I
F'j, . ex-prec, ent) oT e Football Associa. suatiae, the ownership being decided ed. and was forgiven." I .. W I No geriamal rule can -be laid -down for .. I .. I . . . - � . � I . . . 7F, I �.,
. ;tion, Lord Kinnaird. by the throwing of dice, . - I — . � -11 the use of dynamite, 'as there are ___,,--,, , _ -_ i . I
; I I I ".." , I I.. . � . -_ I , many kinds and each kind made for a �� , — -- - � I
I , -Iiiiiii'll. I - I __ _Z Not For Her, ' I
-- CEN f
I . . I particular purpose, However, an en- TRAL PRESS AGENCY, LIMITED ' '
. .
I . I � A family noted for its internal dis. 1. . ormous amount. of 'data' has been I .
., �' i I . I sensions stood in such,urgrint need of �� compiled, and specific directions for OiMnadA's LeadIng Electrotyping House f - I..
I I a maid that extraordinary privileges �f,h --- , , I
, tho use of each grade of the explo - I
f out s,ve are fu , - W - I �
� I were offered to the last girl filterview. ere are no dead flies lying ab mished by dynamite mak MW
.",�� � PCO)" RC U P I N E ed, yet notwithstarlding,these conces� I . I � i I ,,
I ,
': wh It era and dealers.—National Magazine, * P -T -P- I
I � I �� sions she asked for a day to think it e 1. . . — .. F.UCTROTYPING STURMTYPING ! 4W
I I Full 1001?Mation Furnished, over, In the end she declined to wine, . . , ' I
I J and I'But why?" wailed the distressed 0 ri Violet Sherbets, IGNING I.
091ders Careftilly Executed. WILIPTON"m . , A sherbet made of ,extract of violets 9NQ1W%qN0 . I . - . I)M. �
11 �� . 11 L. misitress. "I orfered you everything � � was . much esteemed in the east, and . � . . I., - , �
.. . I Promised to treat you like one of thl� I UADY-StT MWS '- -R PLATIZ ,
WARREN, GZOWSK1 & ()O., family, Yet You won't come." oh ited to have, said PAPU I I I",
I . .
�� 1W 4ammed is repo ! , I
I .. .1 . ' ,o. o," said the girl, "that is why I riy , that it surpassed all other ex. ! `
. . . . Uembers Toranto Stock p Fads obmrlactis. In some paxts,ol Europe it "VURTISINO CONTRACTORS ; ,,.J
I., .. . I . gichange, o -ked .v,*u tip and found out how the is customary to mingle I
.! TRADERS:eANK 13LOG., . family are treated." are wed as directed. . ' ftlefs. roses OOOD W01ZX I L ... . �
,� . 1 128 BROAD STREET, 8,nd lime blossoms with prssei�ve PROXI'T D:E4TJV'S1ty ! MMURATA, PRICUS I . �.
I . I I . . .
. � I I TOAqNT0. NEW YORK. Electric $Ignt, All Drumatt. Grocers and Ceneral DWon add a flower element . to' the !T11 "" . . .- _ . �
11 11 . . . � '11'', ta�ly ��, I � ,�1,6 , 1111�16"I I .! —, I., . � ... �
I 1. � I ! 11 I '"' I'll t 2! !1� ... I 11
I I 11 I I I . 11 I i I i I I . i'll! I 111111111 I :!0 ii � I I . It -is said that Melbourne$ Austra. sell thew. flavor. In Egypt and Turkey vio ets " - - ___ . I I "I 11 I
� �� I... .. , ; I _11-.11. _,_____.. L I 1. are used In Malting shorbets 19A.UL ST - .
� . 11 . . . . . . . . -...,;. ....., lia,� has, but four electric je.igns, as mint is 0.1 0 . . . - .0 ToIRONTO �
- . —
I'll -1 .. , . .. �.. . � employed in julqpA, I
I 94"-W. .1 ...."...'. �_ . t I I �
I - 1.
I .- I .. I ... . . 1. I., . I 11 . I I I . . I I . I
I . I I I � . - , !_ � �, . - - .. . . . . I
,� I : ,. . I . I . I 11 I . I I , . I I I . I & ... 101*tj!�!n M-7. ,=. —_.M.-.4. . I . ;
I . � I I I I I I I . .
. � - . - � .
I I . . . . I .11 I
I I I I . . . I : .. . . . � I I . . I . . I . ,. I , J
.1 I 1� I L I I . . I I L I I . � . .. I . . .. I . I L . I 1 . I I I . , I . .1 . . I . L I I I � . "I I : L . L I..., ��
. � I I I .. . . f I I . I
1. , I - I I I . �, I . .
I . !.-L . I I I I I � � � 11, . I il . . I :: I I I . . I 1, � . ., . . . . . . .
1 _ . . I . I . . � . .L I I. . .1. . I 11. . L. i I L I 1.� I I . I I I i 1. �. I �L I I 1, .. 1, ' L ' . . I I . I I I I . I �. I .''
1. I affinaAbOL .1 1. . , , , � . , , , ,. 1 � � , I . . . � . , I � ; . , . L " �
I .
_:-l-' - ... L " -"1111"1110 , - � L , , : . _LL . , ; � I 11 1. 11 , I . ., am&" I L - ' I ,,, L L � I I . L 11 L 1 L ,
I 11.1111:��_., - ' 1---'-_--...- ... . -'--,,L__, ___ "i, "' L " - - I ", 'I I L � , �L � � , � . I . �,
__ 1-1, _ ,, , J. , __ , , , _.-.�,:_--,L,_, , IL I .11 , � , .. 11 . I I .. I , I I
L 1. 11 � ':.�".. _.' ,o - _L�� "" 4,�L.'' I`\ .� I � . I �