HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-7-27, Page 2IFI -1 "I'll lo, .11_1-1- 7 1 I ,— ..".1. _. 1-111' " — , � I , 1MM-T"-­1M­ , I 11 1 1 . 1 . I . . . . . . . . " . . 111� . I �. , � . I . I I I � . I I . ..... � . , , . . I I ; i, I'll, . I , ........ 11 I I 1. �­ ,� , "' , I .1 11 � , i. "' , , — " , - , a, , " I I . I ` I � --- — I � I .. — , , ", 0 , ,q# - ,. -, ,,, — --,- . , ) I I! . 1:1 � I 1, I , I .1 ,–,.'I--.--,,— 11 __­ ­�� _: � 1:1! !�`!`;::Z I pr_�__,V�=_--.Awqqm�,�_ Z__, - - ,',7�7-'"'�---.--,-------4-;---�9'—, ­771­_­�­.— I 1. . ,- - — _______ :!!tll I t,:.- :":., . . I 1 =77.17_� � , . . -1 I _1 . . I -rpqp-- , t , . 11 . 1. . . � I I i� 1. I ''. I � .. I I I pwpr� . I . � I � . . , I I I I .1 . 11 , �:: � ­ . I 1. I I . I , THRECI FISR RLXJPF,S, ' I !� � I .. 11 11 I . ­ - �, � � I..., 11 - ,.:,� SPEC410 TROUT EAT, THEM THE I HUD, ON BAY RAILWAY I i " I X9fA44tA4W 001e` Pus wa.vq 0 � f rrelnvaux , � S4, I , I I . I . . : I I I I I 1, I I I � , I I I ­ I I I to vairy the 811111 . luer H-ollu. I , I . I I I I . I . . , I I EkVl11TUTivuTj1 I , , I , , , I �� �. I �., , ,. U VENTEEN TtAll LOCUSTS .k ,11M V I J 1IN 1"Ito By lam'ART. I - I 'I.,, , , , , I . I � ­ . Fish Soufflo.-A�)oub hilf & �:, � I P I .1 pound of ,any fish, tiliv . 11 . I ," �, . , . :�� � BLESKXG XN.Z DISGVISE. I � Or, INTERIOR* I I I . I ,�f) pf flour, c I 11 I � vull" 110 P - : 1 I � I ,,,ill OCT41k �6.x 1 , I I 1. . I.— ­ . . I I Nzl� firill, ,stock, one, gill of oream, two � 1 .1� . ' 11 . Z I .1 I . - 11 ,,, -, � IV I I P , utter. . 1.� ,10 I , I . I *t as t Ti . I ouncc,� of. b . ,:, I : il I I . I Up�,, Will Jump Af ter Tlieso i'a Repat as. t wher Aloug Pro 49URM - � � Remove all skin and bones fl,I)II), I . I 1, . .. I .. .1 1-1 , . _ . ,� . �� I , . . �m ... . . . I . riwerwkoia to Oth,,t�ri . pon lJoute not Very PERFECT (ho fish, melt the butAor in a, sauce- � � , 11, � I., I I I . I . .. 0, � T D ur lag . pan, stir in tile flour, and mi:4 � .11 I Balt. I I BAKING '1141, � � � � : I ptolliNtle... 99 W . -ogether over tli6 fire for a . . I I . I I .9 I I filIn. spite of a prevailing belier- "The . 0 . - --OV65 0 1 them it . 1, re, is probably enough th�n few luinutes. Thea add the mllL, - - 1. :1 : I � , to th oontrary, 0io Iseverate-ea bier. availalkilt,to build the tough CONTAMS " ., or fish liquor, and i4ir until t1w I I . 4.0 I I ' -ructilor -tile Htldson i ITYLE LAU-" -t put it ill % , year Jocust, is 14), blessing in dis, const etio � work of %�auce thickens. 1 Nex I I � 1. ;) I . . I LUm � — . I , I I guise [,;aid a �Stateri Island mem� Bmy Railwal ", NO A., I 'I q rill mortar with 0, fish, and potuld, I I i�l 11 Ill . I .1 4�,'' bor -of the, Angling fraternity. , Tin During Iblie summor of 19W the Ill 11 # M111 I them well ,together, adding the 1i : , I . I . going to tell you about it, Forestry Biaach of the. Depart- KIAIYE IN i I ­ J 11 � . ogg8 one, by one. Season the raix. "I'll 7 -11 . ..... Last week I ran tip ,to Green- f I Later or had a, I � I .�c 2 wV0 'I ic i )arty CANADA 3:J� X.7.-% X r371 . 11 ' ture, carefully with saltand pope- - , I ­ . � me" ,Z t" . A' � � I I . I ,wood Lake, and while I was there, expitor�lug -7011'a a portioll of the, , 'romew �v C� V 0 N1 Ir. , per. : I I I fishad- some of tile litrt.le, strealus pxopos,od r4ite of tho Hii-clson Bay I ---.. wtmanmwAftm i R mb= Next, rub the ,mixture through 4 *_ - HUNT11,10 T near iby, for trout. r '1' -ords jlist, I !;: : =2 :I si mir one if possible), and �11 . J�bey are not wilw-ftY 405 in the w -1 : 1; 1 I !RE�_�, V1W ma"Nam;Z: eve (a I ill � .... I wonderfal''trout � strearris but I *quo -ted the �ead of the patty �Txikx. , I alix tile, 'cream wi-th the p�iree. ;4111 � ' , 11 I , air h inih for J. R, Did4sou, B.S.F., Assistant the region are much more careful How youR B11,JIN WOR r I . A,vo,rleve folileditoget, o ,L Ull e in a. plairt � , . I gr&N-ating sh lek, as i V91ciug th, r , art , RS, Then put the. mix4ii I � _ . I . . lAq � 1. I UU"XTEII U,ID ONLY! TO HIDE sm,tisfaction over their ,smartness breakfa%t_ This time 11ound them Inspe t, r f Forest Reserves) 3,11 wfal fire than the white men, . I I . niould, which fii 5 been well I 5'e"Q I It "' th " I I., � AND rMAILtN qUIET. and their enjoymon ap- so low from. the, lack I of rain thAt hii wst I � much iateresb I , oi,r-'e , the � 0 L . I � . . t of his 'di's � report, published, gives his Briet relazwks of Now Theory is Thai Bralui is Lilco but-tere4, c ,,, witr-1 � � .1 'i6- - 11: _', � .1 I . I poiniallent, . only in the pools was it possible, to impression of the. timber of ithat Are made with regard to tile topo. . . vfl 0 �, . I . Departmental S166"""', , , r�-ec�a of gfd�&e paper, or - I . . . — I � . ,(Even whorl a hunter succeeded fisli at all. And the -trout, in the part, of th,6 country. , grajpV, soil, regetation and cli- . I' 'oul,, in a, pan with boiling watev � ... 1. I . , ,,, I 1A, I . Tith the --Nugut Awiom -No in. getting a, s -hot at a night heron, pools were, so soaty that it was . I TRAVERSED ma,te of the region, its agricultural Have you ever ('116, ught of how half up the mould, and steana for' , .'� ,�.J o 11.1 4S'pk r wound it necessary� to, $talk them, With as THE 00 I!RY . I resources � yourlbrain worhg? Most people, h&lf an li,our; then coat it with I .� � . I if he did not kill it, 0 1 possibilities, mineral I ) .lm= ti,avlheir brains work as . I',!, � I I . LiVigor Permitted in Xqrth so �#,was helpless, he was suliG to great -care as one would stalk a The party istarted at The Pas and fish gamep and fur animals and ,some good white sauce,, and ,decor- � .1 � . � I , . � covered s e. eight thou . ' opics, . � I I a , ,,"but modern science says, . ; � I roub-1 befoxe he baggedf -his deer. . sana- other t ale it either with yolk of ,egg rub- �� : I I � cw,ioli". , , has,.& t 10 , lie first day I climbed ovie" square, I mil s of territory. 'Their I —A. - I . this',is, not so. The newest theory bed through a sieve, truffle, or . I I 1. I I . game.. if simply crippled, the bird �T . I is that the brain is like a big de- 11 � � I I � I "It is against, t'ne. lw . hunt would seek a hid,xg place Lil the the Bellvale Moiuitain to Black explorationi included the country . . SENTENCE SERMONS. partment ,store. When ribbons are chol:kped parsley. , I �,., ; . � I IC Mi -shto lalce, the Mitislato Fried Fish. -Any kind of fish', � the quay bird now," said a native ,bushes or thick reeds. If the shel- C'reek where, there is 9, stretch of mr0Un I i What the sageShave Baid.of man: wanted it is only the ribbon do- �. . � . - of the "dismals" district of the ter was.insufficie-ab or the hiding strb ' a Mile lo . I river, the ,ass'river system, with en de - ru=U%, . I I am About half . 11.9 � I Man has be fined by Aristotle partment, that is concerned, Sim- - fat, ,eggs, breado. .. -telaurit 's iiu,� - .as, "&reasoning alairrial?'; by Pla- ilArly your brain has innumerable 0 a : � Let, tumbling ,down thr ugh a rocky 'r. about two tablespoon - I North Carolina peninsula,, "and p,lace, was iiaoov,er�ed by tl .0 it PuTin, rol, lake expansions (in I fz'in ! - . � � . , in- ,a usko lw1e), Pakwa, (or I f��is of flour (more or less accord� I lo.t course it ought to 'be, but we th�,wouaded heron would instantly gorge called Bu. "A'ermilk r, ans. c' , Z� , . to as "a political animal"; by D an- tiny niches, corresponding to your I I I . I I � I Va I ,� - , .1, lake, Setting and te, as ,,a ridiculous . I used to thi-rik we had A, heap of fun put, itself in fierL d There is a serle� of About balf ai I . ninial" ; by various accomplishments 11 �� �e battle airraYj - I and ing to the quantity of fish), one I I � s ., - t;,. . �� I I gathering in tile long 168,god wary with As triple feathered Ores't dozen caseades with intermediate U lak &,ad the, Nelson rivey Varchi allid John Fiskeaas "an "im- branebes of knowledge, from bil- teaq)oonful of salt , half a be a, ... ,,, ,, . , �.� v. . � I ' , 4 �� �� keen-earedcritters. I dion't know erect, its long bill anappilag, its pools. and in these. the txout were system, injuding Cross And SiPi- provable animal"; and Boenhaye liard playing to reading French, Spoonful of popper. .., ,:,��,'l � just why wa fouild sport in it, eyes blazin.11 with fury, Prep � 'axe to ,gathered. wesk laked 'Wintering and Land- ,calls -him la � ,��Ii , "mud Worked up by the When you start to study a foreign Wash dry,and filleb the fisla; from ,-J , i . . . .:,."! � , , I . _o the, end. "Crossin- the mountain, I no- ing lakes, return being made. bY hand -of God." I such as sole or plaioe�, 7 th�ough, for they weren't any good, defend itEelf"t I , . language, or a musical instrument, flat fish, .0m. ! I I to bay, "the, 'tioed tha,b � of th,jmnago (or Pine) river.' Man is the animal capable of you .are literally carving a new there will be four flUets, Ir I ior the table. "Brought thus . onovery jaush and shrub Wa3 I . � . Id fight sairage- were ,dozens of savente,(.3n year In- Tile distriet inspected'oovered some political wisdom,--o-Plato. I niche in your brain. round.fisla, like haddock -or whit- I . �'It, was the swacipers that gave *ounded heron Wo.0 , 5 mi es q1 the line -of the proposed . Certainly man, is no other than The brain is like a big depart� ing, there will,be only tNvo. Min � : -the bird the name of quay bird, ap, ly with, .bill ancl clams, and its ,ousts that had just made their ap- 2-3 -1 I . ; � plying it from. the cry the bird ut- claws are so shaip and strong that up a buzz- railway- , I 'the dream of a cloud.-Pinda.r. ment store in another way --a. store the flour, pepper and salt, And di�, I . -1 water -pipes Yunning each piece of fish into tho'Tnixkire& I ters, at -certain, tiaies, a� cry that many a time th-ey have, proved a ings, droning chorus sounding not M-EYHOD OF SURVEY. Why I see all of its to be no more supplied wAl I - I.- I � sounds like 'quay, quay, quay,' Weapon so effectual that the hua­ unlike the whir of distant machin- � . I � than vain worms and shadows,- ,to emch department. In the brain This.'dries the fish, makes it fry I ' . � . I �, You will perhaps know it better by ter was compelled to retreat frola eTy. I picked several off the bush- I The. ,,,th,d followed was to run Sbpbooles. these are �epresea�ed,by a maze -of better, and improves the flavor. , �; on lines at three to si-N Man is a, bundle� of habits.-Aris-. tiny arteries carrying blood. Just - Beat tip the egg on & plate, and I . its proper name of night heron. It close co,wbat with the desperatt, es mad examined -them closely And 111-sp"t' � , , 1'.�, . is by no means ll,_arlf`�Ls oo,aamon I bird, A'wounded heron will like- found them to be velt attractive mile intervals, Tbo men worked totle. - . as the vater-pipes on one particu- pa'b the crumbs in a Piece of clean , 1. I I . . lagly, running t,hie lines by .com- AMan is what he is used to.- lar day might burst and ruin the e the pieces of.fish I V . blove with its in .their coloring, much more E;o " . . . pa,ller.. Then plao I 1, 11, walap's wise Z� I . � I , L a the juniper andeypress s wi deliver tellin- r t e . "o I � pass, a,nd were able to tra,vel from J,Lppocr' goods in that. aepartirablat alone, one by one, into t1ae egg,( brushing 4, ; � , Ings, and more thou. one 01Y,e - hau th , 5 `,,r . � I pf tha.b ,part of North Carolina, as four to six miles Der day and return Philip father -of Alexander, had if the walls of an artery in the it all over them, and coat thiem� -4"." it used to be, but. it still lingers in confident heron hunter har. been ��, � I . , , . .i. � I ORDINAR1 LOCUST. to the line. In'this way a rajaid a servant whose sole business it brains are weakened by poisoned with the crunabs, which should be $4,", � the old time haunts, and continues knocked senseless. I . - ina, that he was blood, the blood may burst through 1 � � � � .. � ng ,'" the. while a heron wounded we see every summer. reconnaisslmnoe was made, which wa,k, to remind h pressed on with � a knife. Have 1 ,�4 1 to be one of the most iateTesti .." , of aXI the creatures th,ab inhabit bottles for its life with a,huntez it "Well, -when I reached the creek was ex -tended by the use of fle,ld I ` I. -a It is said, accordingly, and ruin that particular nich'O. ready a deep pan of frying -fat, and 11 I . � * ::, I � . i�,. t he never went from the house, Manya man has risen in the morn- �. ... , :1 those 'dismals,' as we terra them utters loud and harsh cries, -doubt- I fished down through the gorge glasses. . . -when a, faint, bluish smoke rises . ,,,;, I -and having returned never 9 ,'.%�. � - fYe ing to find that he hasy say, frow it, -put in the fish, one or two `,� � - . st �1�11ill �, locally, although to the nature less 9, signal of distress, for it frie- with flies, -using s4me I considered TIMBER OF THE RZ GIOWL' audience to any one without fo-rgott(§n how to read. Or if the pieces at a time., ft -j them a prettr "',:�-,�i - - . � lover they are not dismal at all.. quentdy happened *hat the hunter especially Attractive to rainbows, ,­� �ij ; I -ed wit Through the country covered by this servant would say to him three damage is less wide, he may have golden brown, drain them on ��.;:�41!,, 1. I "To me the owy thing that has 'would ,suddenly und himself oon- for this stream was stock h , - ­ . ` "" , , 11, . - bout five years the. exploration, no, timber was times in a loud voice: "Philip thou forgotten.how to re�d his own lan �,.;., I � I. d by -other angry but uncrip- ,the Western trout a paper, and serve them. piled up on ��� ,� i;l I I �, . made them -dismal is the invasion fronte . touirid At any distance back from tile art a man I" '. �1 .guage, and still be able to readany with fried � El . 11 I "I . , IQ ,ed h -best ,efforts were in uni- a lace paper. Garnish . I . t _ I the lumbterman, who is spoiling pl - .erons, which had come to the ago, All my atter. "Only a mere !rraction of Man is a compendium of the othnr language he knomrs. This .. ), . I - ance, of their companiou in vain, so I turned and fished up w . . . parsley. .�, . .. '.�� I �them by choppin. Away their ven- assist uch cases the with angle worms, catching a, few one percent of the area, surveyed verse; in realson he -is an image 01 might also happen as the result of To fry the parsley, take the fry- , "..,, I I � � " I erable trees. It is to the undis- his difficulty. In a now,carries merchantable t�mber,�' God; in his nutritive and reprodlic- an accident. You might lose the . '-fab off the fire, allow it to co�l ��. ,� � I f , turbed portions of these dismals hunter not abundantly supplied native brook trout, only two of lar I I ho� report says. tive. functions he belong to the an- use of a,small art of your brain " I , . I p Slightly, and then plunge, some � ... that the night liefoll still resorts with ammunition always found which were large enough to keep� 11�pruce is, for the most part, ,the Tmal order; he grows like a Vogt- and yet hvve the rest of your fac' I "� � 'r I I in the spring, takes possession of pruatanoe, the better part of valor All this .time the droning of the only timber there which is large table; besides he has much of the ulties intact. I nicc� large headsof parsley into the 1;1 ,,, I fat. When the spluttering storos ; . its old haunts and Years its young, and left the field to the wounded locusts had .been ,,Sounding -in my � I ; . ); ;, 0 enough for mw-ti-mber -or railway inert substance of mi I nerals.-w­Py- Even in the niches theye are fine they can be taken ont, anTshoull I . usually relibililding the nest that heron and its briethren. ears, .and suddenly the thought o -c- ' thagoras. I . slib-divisions. The various parts `* ,� '( ;' " —,I. eurred to me that perhaps the tie�s. The, poplar, birch and jack be crisp &-ad of a ,dark green oo,lor,' �, I has been the domicile of its ances- ' . Epicuras said: Thou art an, ani- of speech, for instanoo';are arrang- ' �1_ I I - . '"' I 1 too short, spindly, limb , . er-clone, the parsley will bq- �� ., ��, ' D AN BY D AT. trout might like them as a change p ne are ,, . y -Marcus ed in a language niZe. 1�h,a books If Ov _', � tors for time out of mind. G,ilt D EN Mal carrying a corpse. .,` � I . I "In three weeks the - of d;et. and crooked for anything but fuel Aurelius. on a shelf. Andjust as the k r nd useless. I '. ,young her- - . and pulpf-w6od. Practically All the ons are ll�).tohed and they are so Each Day Brings Iis Own: SPeckil "I .soon had five or ,six in my To 'men, man is a, wolf, not a man. on a shelf may be squeezed so Fish Cakes. -Half a pound of , I - � k - 8, likely tama.m. alchas been killed by insects. vigorous that they ,do not Work. -bait, lbox, and selecting --Plautus. tight that none of them will come cold cooked potaboes, On I I .4r ­ ., pool .I casit Mr. .Looust directly in "We- did not find two hundred Man, thou coast only be oqmpar- out, so a tumor,on a language -§h1,11 OA cold cooke� fish, ---- ­ - .�' - :' !f��il*-i'-A Mb=,NZ Monday. -During a spell of hot green taidirfiek above ten inche . ` -t wast . -or , , t eggs, b t . I I I eatlier the lawn ,should not. be the shadow of anoverhangiiig rock I s' la ed. to the dirt from which thot may jam all the gl�ammatical parts butt -wo * I- ., I . . � w diamet,6r all summer," writes Mr. , t and p -,&-I 'le milk. 1, �� I e � in the nest, ,but climb out and mown too -closely, and if the clip- where there, was an eddy of white . made.-Guerrazzi. of speech so that the patient is Sal i ePPC'3� � . , ... clamber to the. topmost ,brmaches I IT, Dick-sori. . The nature of A, people is first dumb. It is known that on Ihat Rub, the, a " �� . ,� pings are allowed to lie they will flam from the waterfall above. He I pot to s through a ,%',i�i!:.�­ �1� 1, i � of the parent tree, where they i Remove all. skin and bonle ,,''," �. IN, rot-ect the sward from the ,direct hit the water rather heavily, but The total a�umber of ties avail- rude, then severe, then kind, then shelf the verbs are -placed- first, the sieve. �1�;_"'A', .. '_�_ c ur egs De `�.':`,� ling and clatter. There ale fo Keat of the sun. that made no difference. His I able in the district traversed is es- delicate, then dissolute.-Vico. pronouns next, the p positions from the fish' and chopi the fish. I �, in -each nest and as troubled began to twitch and his beautiful- timated at. some 360;000; the saw- I have read� I know not whe�e, and adverbs next, and the nouns Melt th-c butterin a saucepan, add' :�.:, , "i Tuesday. -If you are ' �; , ,,, I -, I . evexy .particular �' nest -ling leaves,witil weeds in a grovel path, the lY colored wings gave a, slight, flut- timber totals about nine and a half that man is a beast, humanity div- last. . . � about- a tablespoonful of milk to `:'1.',;; , !, 0 I " I q . the egg with an appetite demand- followin a bang! the trout had him, milli -on feet, For pile timber dead ine. It is not true. As for m , The reas6n is that our verbs are it, ana, when this is hot, a,dd the loi*l *�; I : - 9 plan will prove effective: ter whe ,-��,,�','�'��!, � ing instant and continuous atten- First procure a few cents' worth of and ,down again into the pool. tamaracks and the largest of the have always had to fix my GY8 upon the things we I -earn first long be- fish an -d potato, the beaten yolk of " 11 I . �. ".': keep up "When I 43each-ed the fish after close -grained black spruce could be the isolated, .individual man, to fore nouns. A baby sees long be- one ,of -Lheoggs, -and salt, and pe,p- - �,,�, q I t rough salt, scatter it, evenly over � , - . I , , I n apply water �t a. go,o,d il",Gll�,�" . w utored visitor th , struggle, for I was fishing Used. The possible supply of fivel- re'concile myself to men in. the fore it, knows what is sets. The per to taste,.- Siir the mixture over ;.,��..1_1'i, -a path, and the' . wood is enormous, and there will mass.�-Tarchetti. nouns that we learn last, and so I a few minutes, And �'�,V­l to t,'h,e swamp at, once ask for thO as near boiling point as possible. with a five ounce rod and had " ` �L , , I - I nearest way out,. �- - also be a lar�o supply of pulpiwood, It was the tragedian, 01rebillon, forget soonest, are people's names. then spread it -evenly on plate, ,i-E.,� I'�� ,,.�i� . Rake over, and then roll the path. NO LANDING N -ET, . a . , ,,, � I "Added to. the 5abel of sound but much of the timber is as yet who, when asked -why. he kept so That is, why old -people have such and mark it wR& a. knife into ten ""O".1"') I � Wednesday. - Choose showery I n 0; " �', proceeding'from tile young herons weather, if possible, for setting out I was ,delighted to find he was a too -..mail even for pulping. many dogs about him, said: "Since bad mornories for am ,.. or twelve -even-sized divisions. ti,,,,:.��,.,�`,i . . �. - : . � I havei come to know men, I prp- Everybody, it is now known, has `ri�,��� : is the shrill aryofthe old birds, as cabbage, cauliflower, and brussels- rainbow and.naeasured -exactly 12 . I Form each division into a. neat 1�,, -6, : � RATE OF - GROWTH OF TRE, ES - for dogs." 11N. I i .1 . if sharply ordering the youngsters sprouts plants. Bed them in firm inches. And I got one' in every two brains. They sit side by side, -round cake, about three-quarters , '. .1 ,, ly, n. has no end are exactly alike, but while of an inch `:�,'�i , I Z, I 'Tis well said tha�, ma thick. When all are t1L.A .� � 1-1 I I . pool where I had previously fished The rate of &owth, as far as ob- I 'I . to shut up or let their victuals stop but not too deeply. y than himself. -ia-F ir- the nicl4o,,s in one are crammed , ,j �, greater enem --hap-ed, brush them over with boal- zt.', �'-�,.,l � their mouths. But Although the Thursday. -It is an excellent w-ithb6th fly and worm, m1l on 10- served, is generally deci&dly slow. � s � 1r, I I . . enzuola. I with various sorts -of kno*ledga, , -;.I _k, I . � ithroats of a, thousand herolls, plan to place bowls of water near ousts and &11 measuring &,bout the Block spruce takes, on the aver- I . ,cover with crumiks. ,::�_, 1. . . Every man is a poet ,and an art- ,those at the other -side are blank When a faint, bluish smoke rises ; , �, Tottlig and old, might be, filling the the strawberry bed. Many experts sarae size. one hundred years to attain a - � �� 1. , � I agel ist in the first years of his life; an Andempty. A right-han,ded' man , . "", 1� . � - declare that birds only peck at the "On -two successive days I -tried aches, and from the, fryin-fat put them in, �, t , Vviamp with a deafening and dis � diameter of four to five i arid des�rt in. his last years. -Tar- thinks- with the left side of his .. 0 ��._,, - �. I cordant chorus, the sight ui ,a fruit for the moisture it contains. two other brooks with tile sAM0 in the same period white spruce chettk. . I . I an,rl fry them 0, pretty golden . I !,i I 0 1 1 -handed man with the I "I I brain, a left brown. Drain them on pa,per, anA A; I I )lunter creeping and crawling Friday. -Thin beetroot to *eight bait and had almost as good lue,'k. grows to a diameter of eight to . � I = . . 1. , The immediate end of humanity right. The only use, -each of us 11,1,1� �,:.'� I through the taTlgled underbrush or.nine inches apart in the row. These streams have no rainbow in twelve in,ebes, and poplar to eight i. nious development of ­ I is to Serve - on .1 lace paper garnished il I., 8 the liarmo I in ­ i and bogs would instantIv. urday. � -Vines art oftea-found ve trout -1 got to ten inches. "I saw no jackpine, . ,s -Maz- makes of -our du my brau ,)p_ with fried parsley. �'r I il I . , . all it§ -faculties.and force .. control 'the' movements of the . � ,�'111 � every Voice, ,And Cat swamp. in that growing out of doors. The bunches were, all wortb. ueeping and the stand where the treies averaged zini. , . .. I -the weaker . � _�_,� . . ,� . . i �. . � immediate vicinitv would become of fruit should now be thinned, beali it was t1lat I wasn't both- even six inches in .diameter, the Behold the life of man: At 20'a posite side of the body t learns IfUli"CING FOR TREASURE. ;, side. It knows nothing.' I . I ; � � I � I ! as silent as it was noisy before. each :superfluous berry being cut ered by the little. fellows. A 10- author isays. The slow rates of peacock; at 30, a, lion; at '40, a nothilim. you could have it � out- , �., I : away with a, pair of old scissors. If oust"is A, pretty good mouthful, I growth are largely due ta the cold carnel (burden bearer); at 50 a ser- my "ithout lessening your ment- A Romantic Business Which is but �A ' � t "It was at such times that t1le I I . � 2 out w I � ;" � I the thinning is not drastic there i er that I drained muskiegs i" . swamper hunting for his bag of . . . 18 admit, but you must rememb ., wet soi of the im pent (wise) 3- at 60, a dog ; at 70, d al ower. Many a,mani has had .- Little -Heard of. ,,,, � little hope of the fruit coming to P . � - ., . I . I ; 1. ; I y1oung quay birds would get his . a, full grown treat has, a pretty whioll,cover so much of tho -district. monkey; at 80, notbing.-Gracian. this done. I Recently the romantic business I I opportunity. They are expert h: a useful size. . I * I I � I Men could not live lon i - teach it. A. mail ­ n �. , . I d- _il .1 - big mouth. DAXLGE R FROM, F IREI AND g in so Only a child can . of- hunting for treasure-trove ha!* ,,-- * ,' , I I � : . I , � 1. I conceal themselves I "And Another ii,,'Ang. There's a . INSECTS.- , - , . ciety unless they were dupes of one with his uttersace, niche ruined had something of a revival. Var- I � 1: among the bran<,.hes of the tree, so HOLIDAY ACCIDKSTS. poind -near where I live on Staten . . , another. -La. Rochefoucauld. .. ggleis in . . � I . istru vain to use the reserve ions oij)editions ha;ve, s19t forth in � .1 1'.. ! as to � defy the keenest eyes seek, Island that Affords goo�l black bgss "The fire loss and danger it ap- The honest man, deceived in his one. It is too old to' be taught. the hop6 of recovering gold from '41, � I� .1 , ,. . I i ing to discover them. Sametimea Whitt to do an.A.What not to do fishing� After I got book from palling,' to use Mr. Dickson's illusions but still honest, is a man But many a child has,.been s-Cruck " - - 1, 0 . . � 10 . sunken. galleolas,� and one at least, 11, hen They Occur. od Lake I strolled over .111, I_: : , -ace of ly Gre6niwo great fires have occur- p . I . , ,;$, i .%Nhen frightened by the nrese , words. 4b or, cx��llence �Chamfort. . dumb and taught, its other brain, has A, fair prospect of success. But 1.-1 I I - - � . ,,V , I I e how thing _44— to start ,all over . I., , .1 f ,s looked, in red, approximately forty an -d oigh- . I I 1, � acci- there to st I It has, however, . .i�j li­, , � . I I s � il It ;4k,:,1 foes they will thrt,,,v themselves in- "No time, like holiday for d 2; lore are. reasuro-,hunters at work �IW ,4, i : I . to thawater bentatli them, and At- Idents - .said the ambul 'ce man anticipation -of the opening of the ty years : ago, respectively, and KEEP HAIR BRUSHES CLEAX- again with "Main,%", and "Da a, all through. tile --w nd t�.� ";" . . sum er, .a , ,1,,;'-1 , I ., .,h 21' L ba -as season' on the 16th of this ,e� nine or ten. -P, is no secrecy Ab %,7",l ,L ' ' i I 11 I I thou, they are not rve;bfio6ted andl "aad'it's a pity more people. doa` erl- practically ,every corner of th . One of the secrets of keeping the even at the age of I 1�. I though thei out I i� : '�111111 i , � -ing exp region has been. burned over by I � I little � is heard 6f.,., �;,, � v, �: '�1111 , as yet very scant, -of feathers, they I under -stand something About first month. With my trout I their methods, ���; , :. I I �� I I till in my mind, I these. hair in a healthy condition 'is to . I them. At a aumber " , iA I can swim ai,nd divr_ iiike ducks, and, I aid. ,Bub next to knowing just ex-. ion.0e S fresh Instances were frequently —11, . of the most t- � . I 1. ­ they se I ek safety in the soft mu,d actTy what to do. , the best thg .cu al locusts, and throw rioted where ikeise fires had leaped make 9, pointof perfect cleanliness 1. ,�. . popular spa -side, rpinl,ts in 'Rrit- 7 :�A .1 I I . 1 4 With r4agai'd to tile hair brush. This - _'�' � ­ I'livirim-a � . of the shores or in any hole or is to know what tio avoid. � , them into the po-latt, An -d the way lakes over a mile in width. Fires I I . I I . , I I ­ ­ _;�� n z F - I I hiding place they can find. "Don't,. for instance . , . try to. give those bass gobbled them up almost �s, all should.bo wazlied at least once o' . aln are men Who 1, . I . I frequently live in the dry mi , I hot water or MONEY IN POCKET. I ' � . , week, and.never wit . I I � somewhat precarious, pelaq�j- ".Knowing thest, traits of the a, person who has fainted any liq- made me disregard a rule I have later and, break but ago'?' 'a Bonds, and w! 'wi . a from. searching the. i young birdsthe hulaber hat! only to uid of any kind whatever, The on- followed All my life, never to take spring. 1. � soap, or the bristles will become : In eanarkshire theie lived 0 hide himself and reianin quiet. In ly thing to do is to loosen all cloth- game out of season.7� .1 .1 very soft and yelldw. The proper laird named Hamilton, who was� rake and sieve endeavorto itcoveir . � . I The work of the fires is supplo, method � of ol'a ing hair brush -'es. is noted for his peouliaritit& On -a, sorno of the hundro& of articles . . '%�., " 44 1 ids by visitors. It is il"� "I'll, I a few minutes the fears of the quay ing about the neck, and give them' � ,� _. e ni 11 . I entet as follows: Have ready two shallow ce,ritaijin occasion a neighbo ", i , i by �hat�of the bark beetles. r waiteid Ost, Oil tile sar ''. � .1 . I I ch fresh air as possible. . . m . ;0 ��, � , , : , I birds albate. They call one an. as lan . THE MAN WHO XXEW, Not o I -,��e thiase insects killed . - ' i woupation which requires a i�':�_J. . � , peculiar cry of "That's the chief point to bear pa�ns bf,tepi.cl water-pie'-clishes, will upon hi asking the favor as a PeA c , �,;l 11 T ��'­ i", with that a A . I 1: ,. I .0-ther accident The disgusted dinerliacked away pr&dticall,N.TJ4� the tamarack, lat ,It considerable, Amount of pationce, �1,4,k",` I , ., I I . 11 �� . . 'in mind in most cases, of . . I answer 4 the ,Purpose. To oxie ol- neighbor of a loan of $100. ' 1111.11 � I th�airs andas the cries are an,iwer- 0 'X, bi'll of accommodation ;.. � . � I �cd -iQ'Y peep, out of their hiding -plenty of fresh air. If a man has at the toughest of Lotigh steaks that they aTe ow at work destroyinj -oblospoonful, of 1v a s 0 a ly , good eyesight and above all a � ad patches of mature these add about a t, * "".. : pla ea and begin to set up: th il b -pen nearly drowned the same ad-. prnomented his plate. After try- the scatter liquid ammopiA. After freeing the for three months, which led to the .1.. � c e . . . . . should anything"Valuable be foulad � . I . � - the beetles have brush from hair, dip the bristles following reply :-- . .4, .1 , i I riquaulc again for � vice applies, . ' ing in vain to make any, impres- spruce. When . I -a bangle, br000ll, or purse-�-41-ro I - 11 I , I ' 11 upon it, lie c,alliad the waiter finished their ,work and kill -ed tile, e!Na, na; I ,carina, do .that." 11, ,I � S0=11ING T 0 E_ A'T, "Where serious bleeding results SiD . I up and down in the, aminonia sola- law of the land demands that it 11 . I �, I . I . .from an accident, don't rush to- tie to him. troeH, a strong Nvirld overtlarr"W.11 tion, taking eare not to immerse "Whaffor no'j-1airdl , Y'o ha,v,o sliall be returned to the owner, . I "Waiter!" he ofi,od. "Fetch the these. Firally lightnir.L'o" sets fire . . '.. I I I the old bir&� in-tho mr-antima bav- e wound with a haadkorchief. co!" to the tan . e of debris resulting tile back of the brush in the pro- durie the, same tlhiiig 'for ithers.', And on his diplomacy here tho.re� ' .� ...�; �11 � 11 . il i -n the air And faircled up t` d . 111,011t. I 11 11 . irlgrisen high ,irbe safie.st plan is to press your fin- proprietor to me at on "S9, an continuo until the bristles , I I Aye ' ! aye, Tawmas; bM tbere s ward of thG sand -searcher freq � ,� I I r y' cl-can and white. wheeds wAhin . yo kon ria. thilig 1. dope s i, ;.1 , �011t " ger or hand upon the� Wound, and look. perrcc9 0 y ,nd, Anyone who has Oh- ��" o � ',,as' if reconnoitrinq, l "Please, sit, you call't-----­�' and the fir% ibus sta teaj may run . 4 1 1 1 - 11,fThe ol.d. herons are exftenaely , ('Don't argue'with me! I want over A,, alilc after wile of the cioun- ,1 in I canna, do it." . , , I �-" *1 I hold it there, till 5killUl I'lelp ar- . I . I len proceed' Oic same way abootl . _1913rVed, the doteas of notices issue4, � son" of hearing is . r- I I I to see the proprietor I" try. .e, pan of clear "It's a sm4,' 4air.to T I ;wary, Their ive.q. I � I with the brush in th . . . . efuse me, by the police at 5easi& towns, o.r. . I - 1,you can't see .him now," r07 i ber of waiter so � t1lat tl .)) - .. . , so aouto. that it wag-% difficultmat- �'Except in very exceptional cir.� The repc rt inakes a, num it ammonvi i,s laird . the, small advertisem6lats - in the I 1� * I I I I - I i - -a in % . Z. I � 11� � � , lo� 6 person hunt,ing them.to SUXqcsfi6n,s for the lae rotce Shak the brush well . "Weel, y,-. see,, Tai ,, s, if I was pwpemj regarding property whieft, ter , cumstances, don't move 6a pa- plied the waiter, ",lie's gone out tter 13 riltmid away. . 0 ,� I 11 .. . ., . . �1 1:�, 1. gliat near trIOUgh W One for a shob�' tient; keep linn quiet on the spot to lunch I" � � tion of thetegion fmm Are, bilt tho and set it on a �ack to: -dry. , to pit my namo toll't ye wad g6b has boot -lost on the salads, will' I il � -hat w a . _ �7,4_­ . . _ I ee , I I I . �� I , . � T vs why I foand sport in try- whore lba accident happened until ­ . district is io e-xte.n.-8ive and piaCtj _ -e-1 the'siller, fra,o the ba,nk, and whon i-oali�io that-, although it clots not, 11 . �1- 11 I . , I ith the full grow]') the docto � 4 have cally unintabited that,1f a fire "Why are you c).Ving, mv ii 0 thl t�me cam' ioolad ye, wadna be sou� . . : I I n q oo la c. I it s i o ll g w., r arrives. Don't forget 11XV doctor told me I woifl W 3ising, profession.. I I . I W . . I nd a very pror 1� I � nigj,f, 11401'0 n , I P,' !�J t. �) ' ,� . lio send for the medical .rimn at .to afjp eating irmch rne&t." "Did bartis, the, chnne-es of 4�ontrolling. Inatt 11#�,' -Cos Jimmy kickoa me." ready, and I wad hao, to p ouini-oiclit" zoason I !. ;� � . . I I ,... 8 .1 I . . sy't, sao, i,hnro. is go�a and, i, 'Th-ey aeomed to k,,.io-w tlie, e7mi,t onco, �, a good raW�C,r a,otoin, e,Why don't you k itilk, , ;,I,, 1 , , ,,, ( 1. I s ) I ,,, I i And. until lie, comes do ve you. laugh him to scorn?" "I did if- eVo,n wit 1. I You IMA rho wad qiiarrol.' W�a may for tb(., san-d-saoi,ohol, it -D Pursue hz',�; . I I "I', ` ` , " . . I � ar & t fl rs t,. P o - � ,'��_ kllstant% a,f� -whiob.. a. Allot COuld I youl-t t' I Any braady or sim,1111, . git, w1w. ri b wnti i- his 4 . 1*1 I as 11"cel �rjunrnal tho, 1100, as kvis nailipg, What his )irofrits are only I �._: . pa,1011 0 , mro,not:all ort,&in, An f1iA,,,roqG1.tg " "Cos. it would only be, I 's t-Lir . . i� , � I .1 r I ,.I S of . I ,�q C, hm a . I 0) I ,�q 1, � r e ac h t. , n4 IwAflchod ,o v,, ry , I stitnulant. " bill X fou)qJ lie was rik-bl."' - ' %A.MM�L, praxv is that. tile Ind n , _." ��. � 11c, Am.a. tb 6 Kil I a 7, is in 'mv noonh.11 ha himself can s,V. � _� 1 i 1. I I I I I � 1. I . .. I � I � I I I � � I I � . �. I _ . ;,, ­ I � I � - J I . I I- I I I I— I I I I I I 11 - I, I I � I I, I ) .- I "'Ll. I ". `1 ' 0 � - ' � '� " s e 7',x, � — , - u1, 7 , , "I' u 9111' il �0 1, W. out 'I �11,,m, � ,� 1111'1­� c'"I', � tilive 0 1 milk '0 _ I g ill t 11, tw I Q i 4) I. 4041 � I , I s ir� ne 1113 n 4au . ., _� _, ., � 'I, ,� irt, �d 1, b 0 _ �1 .... I . I I . I . I I . I . . , r I . . I I I .11 I . I I � . I � I , � I I . � . . . . � � I � I . I I I., I . � � " I . I � � . I . . � � I I �:.� . � , , � I I I �, ! . I � ; . I � . I � 11 I ., I , . . I , I I . r I � , I ''i I . . ,:I. � , .�. . I I I I . I � . . . . 1% I I' � . I � I I I r . . . . I � I . � . � I I , . . I . I � �%�Z�. . � � . � 11 . . I I I � I I I � . �. . I I . . � , . I I 1. I � 11 I �, r . . . r . ", , I I I . .1 . I , ,� 1, � . : � I I . I � I I I I . I . 1 . � , ,� I I � . p 1� 1 ,� � . . I I . I I . I I , I . 4 1 � i . 1 � I,�, � I : . . I I . I . � I I I I � . � I � � I * � I . . . . I I I � . I I . I I . . . I I iii " ` . � . . I I I I I . 1 4 1 . , 1 4 1 . , � I 1 .11 �.r � I � , . ; � , , , r I I I , , , , I . , .. ' ' " I ' 4 ........... ' .�' I � ' " . . 1� , I I I � � , , . , , � I . � . I 1. I I . I I . � . , I . I 1, I :, J - .� �", _1 , I � ' ' � � ' r . ( . - � I I I I I I I I � I , I " I I I I i i I � . 4� 1 1 11 . � I � , I I r . . . I , , 4 , � , :� . � , , ;. . I I 14 I . 11 I � . , , . ,� � I I I ; � r �' i I I I �� 1, . "I . . . L . I I � . , . r . I � , � I � I I I , , I � � I I I . � - I I I . I - " , I I . , � I I , I , , � I I I : ,: ; I I ,r I , . � r ": , , . , i.l.bli,11,1111111iiiiii , : � li � � , � : , � 1;1 ".1 , , , , , , . 'i 1� r , I I � I � , f : - . , , , I I r , i I , r , : . I . I , . . �. ._�� .. ". ., : . , � - - � ;­�11 � ,��r�' I , . . .1 � I � , , � I . ". . L - , I : I i . �� , "� , , i� 1_ _-1 I _. . _L��­..41_ .,�. " �­ I ­_­ ­,,�L 1- -- �,��_:__�­, ­­�, :­ , 1. '� 11 , " 4' � _'­ I 11 , ._,)kL� I-_ 11, 11 I �, ,, �� ,4.*,k� , "