Exeter Times, 1911-7-27, Page 1Straw Hot cleaner ""iwmll. Vpll AKeo old batp loo,k like new if The hat is clea few )Minutes$ Ou AVO look!49 forthe mo t dadgntgv dries quickl X0044"Meck'an(t 0680 WAR"M der On the' arid looks. like now, OnlylOca, w VIOZAT D1 OkX Are slir6 to package, 4.01 well p 0 250. a can, COLE'S - U -S ron & IV11044'esex Gazette O's Oro t 9 Oro, P0, 00 A-, IS -0104 TaiRTY,F uGHT11 VEAR-NO 1966, ANADAt THURSDAYMORNINGi J*ULY 27th 1011 00 per 0 e D*4y Affsa Lraig - a a a. tut AN ARMY OF 4DIENBOD"Y P1 ys B 11 "t A Fe 14-Al'S 2WAMED 01UF;,' STOPM 13 E GIVEN AWAY 1: R E F, MOI&RDAY ONLY TOTA FAMILY WHILE THEY LAST jULY 31st.1, 1911' THIS WEEK 't F il to See This Fast Team. Admission 15c and I FOR Don a oc M0)NEY EVMX PURCFASC OF A SUIT OV A er drove everybody to shelter, but Exeter Coancil 1,1,1,.-,,n.GUARAN TEED OVtRALLS it was soon over and the play resamm . 11"W '41/ WILL GIVe GRAM AS ABOVE ONE 0,P, The Seniors went to Allsa Ciaig ed, vullarton. tallied four more runs SAVERS r .Council met at the Toi:vn 11all Sat ii Thursday afternoon of last week rday evening July I nd. ATembers and r and the score remained unchanged 41YDSOMf 0011S FOR THE LImE omps u &2 we e defeated 17 to 6, Tha boys st of the game. XPollowing was the re all Present. Minutes of the last I,f t here in two autos and oue of th; line up; - ad and approved, in ting. were re them broke down near Dlari ri ullarton Exeter 0 AT OUIZ V 1. These dolls are of clQy ,idea deatible. and will lastfor Years with the Ralper a -ad Rivers that the follow- whi h delayed them about two bours go 3)anc, he %i hardest sort of play. T I sP 0 Ond 3 P BoYW 2nd <! X h,, ne if th ee'lare. Pro_6erly made. ing accounts be passed and orders The score by innings was 00 d . et 1. it. The ne 11, Clarke Ist 2 C. ]Msner c.. & e sibly break one or hurt itself in d issued in payment. I I' h Ps Xno -of at an Poo ye.roh U xeter 0, 12. 0, 2 oy. 33yin. ildren up right and teach them to Play wit b.diy Thos C W, Nairn ss 2 T. Carling p. I dolls when kid.% and wear Peabody'a Overalls wilen as men th reech labor 2425, Bell Ailsa Craig 3, 4. 4., 2. 0, 0, 20t 0-13 , .14 their more serious duties in the worla. ey undertake do. 22.00, Jas. Ogden do, 19.25. Tno W. Baker If., X Ilbskins, of t -%A - ------ H Bothwell of I X. 13awdeiz 119 11! Gloucher . do, 1.75; Welson Vale d On Friday night the Dashwood p ., allett 5s 1.75; Jno. Xydd do, B.W Ri Robbins jumlorsf came 'out and played the. re- Woodley p I P, M; do, J,75; D.Russell do, 1 N. Ilaynes Ord 1 I'Vi ad rf I ThOs: turn game and were defeated 10 to Ist 0 Houlden do, 3.50; Tna. Norxy 1.75, 1. 0, Reld rf., 0 r1r. 8Bte-0111rn", if. enin The lGaiser brothers was the Dash F. Haynes c. I W Birney 3rd 11, R.'Gillics. do,2.63; R. Divis do 147; 11 'Jas. 'Taylor lCal Fire IQI 5.00, Queen bination. Bisset for Exeter pitched wood"battery and make strong com- Score by innings; - City Oil 'Co., oil 2.50; 'Sam (Cud Fallarton 0, .0, jO, % ff, 4, 0, 0-12 wore the first five, innings and was then Exeter 4. ?4 ill. 2, Af, 0,'.Q x-13 tile 128,K; W. J. 111eamaii ac 27.07; relieve(I by Sweet, Both of- the boys 'Struck- out byWoodley 7. by' Car. W.. Gillespie Freight 1.72; J1, Spack- are p itching excellent ball and prom - man ao. 10.70;'If. Parsons street -,v, go ; hit$ off- Woodley .11. off Qar at- ise to make good. ffollowing was I'll er*n T Mrs. 'White, cleaning the, line up.;- ling 12, errors by IF ullarton 8, by xetet' lsxeter 6; stolen bases by, Fullarton Vir.g 821 1.50 ; total '744.1,60. Dashwood Out Peabody's Overalls Kailper and Rivers that'the Clerk H. Neeb 1 0. Ieywood 2 9. by Exeter 5; left on bases 0 each. write the Canadian Fire En-ina Co. W i1faff S. Fisher 12 We tire the sole sellers of the Peabody's Guaranteed Overalls for Exeter. London, regarding rep L 0 The best that are made in .,airs for steam- C Idaiser 0 Wv Birney I Dr, T, W. Harrison and 31rs,! Har - Canada to -day. Once used, always wanted. Try them and be convinced, er. I W. Graybeil 0 = gloskins .1 rison, of Detroit. axe visiting ithe Mr. E. !i waited on the, c0au- N Kellerman 0 Freszeator I former's mother Mrs. ffarxl 'on and oil ,stating that he was sueoessfu4 in -H I Galier 0 J, Bawden I other relatives in town this week. organizing a,neiv band rind that it W. Musser 0 Campbell 0 Arr. Gordon aooper, irecently of ould be necessary to have some p., Artlta,, 0 P. 21allett 1 Chatham Business College has securad new instruments also to have some W, Dlill,, 0 R. Bissett I a position as 7 book k eper in the of the old ones repaired and the lead- >vould have to be paid , 91- Sweet 0 mail order department of the: T. Ea - OUR JULY SALE e'vr $B.00 per Week. 'i and Rivers. that a Struck out by 'Gaiser 7. Struck ton Co., Toronto, grant.of $125 be made. Carried. out by Rissett 4. Struck oAA by Apples Wanted -A large quantity Day,and Rivers that a light be Sweet 7. Elts off lGaiser 10. Hits I of early fall apples wanted, to, be de - his is the mouth for us to reduce our Summer sto(,,ks in all lines. We are offer - placed at t -be corner of Gldley and off Bissett 3. Hits off Sweet 3., livered on the Ord and 4th day of T Ing very special prices in order to clear them all out. Marlboro -streets. Oarried. Migust at the Evaporator, Exe Llerl Rivers and Walper that the Com- For the first time 'this year 'the for which I will pay 25c. per hundred missioner be 'i uthorized to move old Exeter Seniors played the Fallarten -Jos. Sutton. LINENS and REPPS gasoline engine, pump and pump nine on Monday cve ning and added! LADIES' WHITEWARE FANCY GINGRAMS In many of -the best colors. house to the cemetery for the pur- another victory to their already long Mens Suits $5 to $13 All ladies' white skirts,gowns, In'stripes or plaids, The sea. They are always good buying, pose of installing a system of list. The first three innings looked MORN corset covers and drawerf, at re- son's bgst patterns and Polors all While they last at reduced pric- er works. Carried. one sided, 'Tommy had five strike WE IDENIIA-1111RR-In Exeter duced prices. to go at reduced prices. es, Day and Walper that all stone outs to his credit and the visitor - s I all Boys' Suits 2 to 7 jonday, July 24th to aTX and mrgr, crossin-s on Main st be removed and had failed to see first base while Ex- W. 13. Weldenhammer a: daughter. FANCY PARASOLS LADIES' WHITE WAISTS MILLINERY a ceme'nt ciossing be laid half way eter scored seven runs. The fourth ()RTWEl Bronson Line on We have ODIv "Iew trimmed between Jno and James st. 'iCarrie& innings was a merry-go-round for Shirts 35c to L-00 -)?Wtion -was presented to have the visitors and %rhen. the last man Vvednesday July 12th to Mr and One for each dress. We want Getting pretty well sold out, hats and shal es left, but You Mrs. Jacob Ort-wein a daughter. to see them all go. Have Cut, hub all that are left to clear at can have your choice of them Huron st. east of Main watered to was put out Fullarton was one run HUXTABLE-In Centralia on Tues - the price on all. reducedprices. for half price. Albert street. On motion, of I)ay see- ahead. Exeter scored two in the day, Taly 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Odd Pants 85C up onded by ;Rivers the same be granted, fourth and four more in the fifth. a ligb:t 4 Win. Huxtable a son. Carried. AdjourAment. At the end of the f if th T. B. CAffM1'.\*:G. Clerk. Overalls & Smacks v July ............ ......... nins Bara ton"_09t . ar, AR - + ains Locals + + + See locals on page six + IN- + Underwear, Summer, A report of the recent entrance ex- + Co' A R L I N 0% aminations will be found on page 6. + Carpets Rugs Lace Curtains. Wall Papers + 20c to 40c Mr. Jas. Spai ks spent Sunday at + i- + his home in HenEall. + + Underwear, wool, Rev. R, G. Watt of Guelph visited ++ This store closes every Thursday 'afternoon, Mrs. B. Brown on Monday. + during th& +1 tb months of July, and August. MissErie Going of Hamilton, is the + F n- 60 to 1.00 guest of Miss Maud Sohns. + Miss Hersey, of Toronto, spent the + PN IF w W F77% w-"'i'l Work Sox, wool, week end visiting frieffds in town, + + K Phone 32 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gardiner of Bly- -+ Ln V V 1: 1_4 + 2 prs 2510 Jones May5 Exeter I - + -1- 1 the arevisiting Mr. Gardiner's mother. + I -IE MONTH end Clearings are of immense im- + + Miss Potter of London iaited at the + + Work Sox I Oc per pair -home of Courcillor L, Day over Sun- 46 portance and this the last week of July, will be day. + I + The remains of the one of the most profitable of the season for those late Mrs Pardon, * Black Cashmere 20c Toseph pass + + a f Detroit arrived in town Wednesday Mr. N, M. Cautine and family of St. + who are in search of Summer Merelkandise. _P L Y M, 0 U T ff, morning for i-Merment in the Exeter ed -through town Monday + in their auto. n. cemetery, funeral taking place fro + Fancy Cotton 20c depot.1 She wa m Mr. and Mrs E. P. Ho we and child - N S 86 years, 6 months ren of Toronto, arg visiting at Mrs. ++ AUhitewear Ties -Binder Twines O age. Thirteen years ago We de- Wm. Seckell,. TV + n - ceased was & resident of Centrali.%, + Stiff Hats 1.50 Mrs. Wm, Welsh is seriously ill with + St. Mathews Won -Four rinks of + Regular 1.25,2.00,i, and Regular We Tie heart trouble and little hopes are held + Tb e kind that's always good, the St. Mathews Bowling Club, Tor-' oc,., + Felt Hats 50c to 1.25 Onto, visited Exeter on Wednesday out for her recoverv. + 2. 50 in waists and under- for 4 + 1 of Yo + %_ b onest and reliabl' eyening last in their'tour Of Wester, skirts to be cleared at a e. I Mr., add Mrs. Win Jeckel IT Ontario. They were taken in cha,ke stown Ohio. are visiting Mrs Wm Jeg: ++ 4.00 Shoes for 2.95 by the Exeter Bowlers and play was kell London Road North. P Discount of 25 per x + commenced on the green but the Mr, Ern. Rivers who has been at. + Cent So and P1 Spec. game was not finbilbed on aceount Of tending College in Troy, is visiting + 5.00 4.00 -Gold Medal his + y rain. When the rain came on the parents Councillor Wand Mrs. Rivers + Real Silk regnlar (600 ft.) vi -Cors were a number of shots up. Mra, Poole and little datigbter and 'r + (650 ft.) Itelggh' 0' c1bck a banquet was given ++ Hose 50 cents for 40C Work Shoes all Kinds It It NAM U t h Central Hotel. Master Frank Dickson, all of London Speeches were are the guests of Councillor Louis and 4 + 7-21c, per lb., up on the Program and an excellent time Mrs. Day + Regular 50c hose + s ' Childrens Jumpers 35c was spent. The St. Matthew club BRICK LAYERS WANITRD:-At 40c Underwear + took the opportunity to prese Silk boot + nt' Rer, once, a number of first, claw workmen + Mr. Pedley, one of their number, with + Ase Gold Medal R Wages Good apply to + Regular 35c bose opes and Twines memberEll in their club. On + t -.-r%day morning a nine end game Rogers Bros. Ful,larton Ont. + hand embr(.ideried 28c Choice Balbriggan was Played when the visitors again LOST. -Between Exete' r and Grvand + defeated the I lixeterites, The visitors Bend a parcel containing bathers'out- 75c a Suit + the rvisit was much enjoyed. Come in and See the ,r,,, jolly bunch, strong bowlers and f1ts. Finder kindly leave same at this Williams Fly and Insect 'Exterminator office or with Rev. E. G. Powell, Ex. j,+' Gloves eter. + + .DThe most perfect verMin,de6iroyer and disinfectant known. In tins 1+ Men's Oxfords On Tuesday evening next the Ep- I + Long .+ r Silk Gloves VALUES YOU"SELF from, 25c to $1, 00., TJsed with an ordinary Tln.Sprayeri worth League of James street church I + lK will hold an ice cream social, A pro Reg 1.30 at 75 cents In Tan, Gan Metal, Oar Admission 10 cents. gral be given and rdf-rc r,. ent Reg. + Store Policy K Reg 60c at 40 cents and Pat + 1. 0. 0. P. Officers - On Tuead!iy Reg 2.5c at 20 cenis, $4.50 and j4 now 2.85 1. PerfeLtiOn Oil Stoves .%s alvvays been to carry the g officers were §R: evening the followin stanclard and desirable goods in + every line, That is whV, we stalled by District Deputy Grand Mas- lot`% ARE TH F, B E S T chose Kodaks for our photo. Jen N G Bro E Willis; V G Bra aPbic department. We felt gr, Dr WO19111SIton; R S Bra R N Creech, y ter Bro. W. 3. Murray: J P G Bro H + 11110* 'Sim, ple in construct- s!4re from Careful investigation F S Bra A B b'uke, Trea d that these were the s Dro R 1 1:12: goods that Dignan, War Bra L Penhale. Con Bro t Our Groceries are always Fresh and the best tba alwayg, should be 6ftared our customers -Taman, 0 G Bro A Ford,. I G - ion, W W money can I call and let tis prov 11 ` . e to ready From.our years of experience Bro (J Sweet, R S N G Bro T Boyle, 4 buy' Give -us t, we now know thatwe aille right L S N G Bro W J Statham It S V G + you that what we say is correct. _jW -weliffe, RSSBroE Westcott,LSS + " I Our sales of the + M I * Bro C Northcott, L 8 V G Bro V, Ro- 41. "': IFIL a Oil Stoves from 900 up to $11 3a Folding Pocket Bro S West, Chap Bro W 'Beer, + dw AP Oil Stove, Ove M Oil Grand Ooncert-On Monday night + I I tis *2 to $2.7 KOrDAK * Hicrhest Price foi Produce. Bt-ing your Poultvy to us. % Stove Wicks,- 5c, 100, 20c at 8 o'clock a', concert w6,g A. #1 givep to We Want It, have been PArticUlarly satisfacb' the boys and girls 0114 years and tin. American Oil ory to us because these.chmetals der in the PhonographAuditurium of and Gasolen4e have prove6 80 satiafactory to P`owells BazaAr under, 6b6 direction 31k, This store closes ever Thursday afte' r y In P" U I&TG 0 Our customers. Pletures post of Mr. J. W. Powell. There were 65 -it y card size 8,J x 5j. Past louses happy faces assembled at the hour + noon + :'splendid shutt;'v-qualit + Auguste y 0 appointed, and listened ittentiveljy p n Samson PortlAnd Cemeno through. Ppi(: $20 Let ug Scranton, Coa a d Pli 4*0 during July and Q IN forl-& hours, Amoni the 8elections ghow you. + I * rendered was a red i, on J)y Charlie Ageney.. A R. I Pord son of A 1, Ford toWv. The voice Was clear and was ktiown to be Iry S W4 y se t T_ W'd ison I I to '6 Sto lnstruwe t used was Pin Edi rL. 1 I 1 *1* 4'r JW. S '-Howe Phini Do Charlios by all those present. The + "Al I isk 4 Optician Triumph of the very latest Mr" ill.& -:- BU 4"'.3 1 E Al ype W C, Ineag RON dos ra r 00farrio. Powoll tile littj Z s Ain. + other c0ticerb before s & or ot, s. + 11A