HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-03-25, Page 7Reader sends Dear Editor: I've enclosed a couple of the pictures that were taken last weekend at the St. Patrick's Day Parade in Bay City, Michigan. Each year, Goderich is in- vited to participate and this year about 100 Branch 109, Church in Goderich was the guest minister. The tourist committee took down a float, w bits and pieces, and with the help of soladle friends in Bay City, Mac Campbell and myself put it together on Saturday ay City parade. pictures afternoon. Despite the very strong winds which threatened to blow the float apart most of the time, we were able to make it through the,. entire 41/2 mile parade route, and received lots of handclapp- ing and waves from the estimated 30,000 people who lined the route. That evening at a reception sponsored by the St. Patrick's Parade Association, we were presented with a trophy for the, "Best -Out -of -Town Float". On belied of the 'town of Goderich, we extended a special invitation to the peo- ple from Bay City to join in our. Friendship Days celebration which will be taking place here ,J1I .1 urle'LU, 27 and 28. Doug Bundy Legion members plus the • hbrary LLL le1d.11�1 .. � e growing of the tourist committee went down. In addition, the town and the Legion spon- sored a pipe band from Clin- ton that took part in the parade and some of the festivities. Ne were given an official welcome at the City Hall on Saturday, and were welcom- ed to the city by Mayor Ann Hatchel and several city commissioners. The pipe band entertained at the American Legion Post on Saturday evening, and on Sunday, they piped in the Legion color guard into St. Trinity F.Tiarnnal Chi rnh The Reverend R Crocker from St. George's Anglican La Leche League of Belgrave met at the home of Mrs. Wendy Hogenbirk in Belgrave on March 17 to discuss "Family and the Ereaasi ed Baby". Thanks Zo the many mothers who took out memberships or gave donations, as LLL now has 45 books pertaining to breastfeeding; childbirth, family, and nutrition in its library, as well as about 100 reprints available for lean. Mrs. Wendy Neufeld, librarian, added "Having a Cesarean Baby" to the library, and explained how the lending library works. A look at LLL was taken through the `Leaven and LLL News', celebrating the JubiLLLee Year. Just as it comes as a surprise to many to find oat how :much there is to know about something as natural as breastfeeding,it may come as something of a surprise to learn how much there is to know about something that looks as simple as La Leche League. LLL exists to serve each individual mother who seeks out wanting to know more ahnuut'breastfeeding and the special kind of mothering that is -so much a part of it. 7:41.1, is able to reach' out and help mothers . and babies through leaders devoted women who are first and foremost mothers, but also experts in the field of breastfeeding. Leaders are official representatives of La Leche League, the world's leading authority on breastfeeding. Many facets of LLL include World -Wide Outreach, information service centers, Calma, translations, publications, including "The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding" of. which over one million copies have been sold, public relations Legion color party on the nnarch in Bay City AFTER DRIVING AROUND THE WORLD IN 74 DAYS, THEONLYTHING WORN OUT IN THIS VOLVO WAS THE DRIVERS. chose a Volvo. Specifically, a Volvo DL station wagon, which afforded them a roomy 76 cubic feet of cargo area ide,„'em:s.l34,:-v their daily exercises. - . How did their Volvo stand up to the trip? "Frankly, a lot better than we did,- Ken and Garry remarked. "It ran so well wewwere even able to finish a few days ahead of scheduler This kind of durability and .endurance are quite common in Volvos. After all; Volvos Irlvt cul average life expectancy of 18.7 years in Sweden. And, on rare - occasions, they've even been known to log over 1,000,000 miles. Softy a Volvo, a 74°day drive ar rind the world is nothing more than Arsh xdr® a breaking -in period. ;1 car you can hehoe m. 11 AROUND THE VVORL � /psi;: li�lr r p :��„ �l rfr Ul,i tll' is ;;11 f On September 6, 1980, Canadians hen Langley and Garry Sowerby left Iorolito for a drive around the world. Their 26,514 mile trip took them through 23 countries and 92 cities. Ycterdav they returned to Toronto, slightly ethausted, but very pleased about their world record-setting drive. They were also very pleased about the car they had selected for their journe..lo make such a drive, they needed a car • could depend on, a car that handled «ell, and a car that would stand up to extremes III terrain and weather. So quite naturally 1hcv • Test Drive a Volvo toddy M -W MOTORS LTD. 184 East St. VOLVO -MA ZDA/SALES-SEPVICE God'erich Phone 524-2H:, department; -conferences, films, professiona 1 1 iaisgin department, etc. Discussion was opened with . helpful hints for families when the newborn comes home. Mrs. Barbara Kerr, leader, then in- troduced Birtha, a new birthing doll. Cesarean birth Was reviewed, followed by a des iption of natural childbirth by Mrs. Jeanette Harris. Effects of individual childbirth experiences were related in view 'of their in- fluences on ease • of mothering in the first month at home. Ideas on keeping the lines of communication open with husband and siblings were shared. The discussion was closed with an anecdote of a four year old'.s view of the best three things - cookies for kids, nursing for babies and love for mothers. GODERICH SIGMA ..STAR, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 1 1 --PA rE 7 Goderich wins trophy with this float in Bay.City BLUE' SUPER SAVE SUPERMARKET 524-9411 S OPER S AVE P RICES 104 SHOPPERS SQUARE, GODERICH Prices in effect till closing Sat., Mar. 28, 1981 or while quantities last. FLEISCHMANN'S CAKE & PASTRY MONARCH MARGARINE 2 DC 8 OZ. REGULAR CORN OIL ' oi 88, 2.5 KG. HABITANT so up BEADY TO SERVE PRIME RIB ROAST AGED 3 WEEKS FOR TENDERNESS SUNSPUN-DINNERS _ MACARONI & CHEESE 225 gr.3 / 991' TANG 4 x 3'/ OZ. ORANGE CRYSTALS $ 1.6.9 28 OZ. LB. HEINZ STRAINED BABY FOOD4'/2oz. 3/894 99* 3.39 McCORMICK'S BLOSSOM 4 VARIETIES COOKIES FAB POWDERED LAUNDRY 6 LT. DETERGENT DR. BALLARD'S SPECIALTY DCG FOOD 397 GR. 2/79c J AI 4yMAC or SPY CANADA FANCY GRADE • APPLES BAG ., RIO WHOLE MUSHROOMS QUIKKI PLASTIC CUT FROM CANADA GRADE "A" NO. 1 BEEF RIO PIECES S STEMS MUSHROOMS loot. 7a NEILSON'REGULAR OR MARSHMALLOW INSTANT HOT CHOCOLATEsoo'GR. 1 •99 GOLD SEAL - SOCKEYE SALMON 7.75 OZ. 1.99 UNCLE BEN'S CONVERTED RICE 2 KG. 3.39 FLEECY FABRIC SOFTENER 176 OZ. 2.99 001. 79!Ir AA 4 7941 99 • SANDWICH BAGS loo's TETLEY ORANGE PEKOE TEA BAGS 72'S CHIPIT. SEMI -SWEET CHIPIT CHIPS JAVEX 12 0Z. ' 79 • 3.6 LT. 1.49 (CHASE & SANBORN GROUND COFFEE 1 LB. 2.69 ) McCORMICK'S DUTCH STYLE COOKIES 200 GR. 79C Cca.a'3�s ,BE_r 99 MEAT ENTREES TURKEY " CHICKEN BLUES 100°° RE PUBEEF PATTIES 1.8. 1.79 HIGHLINER HADDOCK FILLETS 16 OZ. ' 991 :." :6Tra4.10 CNOiCE PORK LOIN CUT & WRAPPED LB. 9 OLD SOUTH ORANGE JUICE 12'/2 OZ. 89' CUT FROM FRESH CANADA GRADE A BEEF T-BONE STEAK 2 LB. •99 BLUE'S COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAGES i LB. 159 • MAPLE LEAF - CANADA PACKERS DEVON°BACON 3pKG7.1®59 SIRLOIN STEAK PORK PICNIC FRESH WHOLE OR HALF SHOULDER ROAST LB - 2 •99 1.8. • BLUE'S HAM SPREAD MAPLE LEAF COLBY CHEESE 1LB. 1 •79 LB. 2 • 39 SCHNEIDER'S BOWL HEAD CHEESE 375 GR. 1.39 MAPLE LEAF - CANADA PACKERS THRIFTY BACON SOO GR. 894 PKG. MAPLE LEAF SIDE SPARE RIES 49 LB. 1 • MAPLE LEAF BOLOGNA BY THE PIECE SCHNEIDER'S BLUE RIBBON BOLOGNA LB. 1 •99 SCHNEIDER'S WHOLE OR HALF OLD FASHIONED HAM SCHNEIDER'S POLISH SAUSAGELB.189 IDSA NO. 1 FRESH CRISPY HEAD LETTUCE 2/994 d USA SWEET JUICY ONTARIO NO. 1 2 LB ONTARIO NO. 1 FANCY GRADE SUNKIST,NAVEL ORANGES oz. 1 09 COOKING ONIONS BAG 694 IQA RED APPLES BALG. PRODUCE OF MEXICO SCHNEIDER'S LB. HAM STEAK i7SGR. 3 69 • 79 CANTALOUPES 89' USA FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT 4/99' WESTON WIENER OR HAMBURG BUNS 269 • 8'S MANY MANY MORE IN-STORE BARGAINS