HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-7-20, Page 12771
A, i mil I_
ar4e�t lteportL-,—The rollow goi!j r. Robt uders is couiping, 4t
tho lepoxt of E'selter mark4"Lls Aa r Grand Ben
r ted Mr. Garn aig of Loadou:was in
ec tit) to July 20th�
at 7
town over t
0 Oats 05 cents Ito, 30 cents.
Z5 I L:� 9 -whe k cents )"'o 60 cent's- miss IeW a
A" Barley 50 to 55 ve4t%. �� , anougl) visited in
Bly�h over
auekwbeat 45 to 50 cents C LEA RA N C,
peas 70 to 7U ecfat�4. 'Mrs. D 11�Rl ob is visiting her sister
at Fort H" Mich.
+ Shorts 02.00 Master Burdon, -of London
Bran W00.00
Model. F love $2.40 is visit
rid Stewart�,
You Pay Less Here
Powell's Bazar
Choice btuebers heifers 5.60 to $.75 ........... le and 8c 1P AA III aturc
Mr, Norman Hodgert is able to be Hair Brushes 1,
u butchers heifers 5,25-5-40 ....... 1.401
Choice butcher.-, ows 4.60 to 4.16 around. again a ter his recent- illness.
Mediam butchers cows 4.25 to 4.40 Mrs W. J. eer is visiting With her
Common. cows !3.50 to '3.75 sister, Mrs, N� I n Clark of Sunshinei W
'30 MMO-DAY, JU.1
Choice sheep 150 to 4.00 Mr. Jas. Her n is improving his res. Y 20th; we start a C ear -
Choice spring lambs 1.50 to 8.50 lb ideace by the rection of a new kitch. G-RANITEWARE ance Sale, which 'will last to the 'end of
en. August. ' We must ha V -e the room for
Me and 114r W. J. Hannah of To�_ Reductions on all this line
our la
You must see the stuff in, orde� rge Xmas stock, which will soon be to hand,
me -ing A
onto . v* sib Miss Strang this to appreciate the value, sacri ace
Poultry Week. of tremendous quantities � of CHINA, GLASS-
WARE GR AVMRWA-00 nr=.0�00 'I
SUIT CASES BATHIN G SUITS" ------- a— We are sorry to learn that Miss M COMBS, BRUSF_L�S It will pay you to come
Melissas icer 1& still confined to her
tothisbigatore, Bargainsonevery hand. Hundre*u**a� of
In leather, leatherette, and For boys and men in coin- .41 We will pay till Thursday next the. room.
additional specials besides those listed here. L
ETC., J@To
ith or without straps, in bitiation. or two-piece—buy following for live poultry in trade- X
rs. 0 ims. Draeger, of Walton is
V. t.
colors of light tan or brown, one before you go to lakeside Hens. � ............ 10c per pound. i ter, Miss Campbell In ALL CLEARANCE OF
vis, Ing er sis
sizes 22, 21, *26, at $2,00, $5,00, —75e, $1.00, $1,50. + Old Roosters ............... �So tj
$850. Own. Brushes, Wbi
Spring. Chicks (1011 batch) 15c sks, Toothpicks,
4 Ducklings ...... .......... 13c Mr. hester Coulbis has gone to Candles, and all Tinware, Dolls, CHINA and CLASSWARE
Ducks . ... 10c Goderl h where he has secured a pos- and Dolls' Heade, Fans, Toilet 0
0, Holiday Suggestions for Men ition, Combs and Mirrors_ Pretty Oups and Saucers, reg. price 15c, .20c, 25c, t
0 * Turkey$' 12c clear, 15c each or $1.25 a doz.
40 + Mrq Wilper of;London, is visiting (Berlin Wool at and below Pretty China Plates, floral pattern, 10c, or 960 doz.
0 44 Alive in trade. We cannot pay cash her f.1ther, Mr. st. Going. out of this line, Large Mugs, beauties, about 75-5e each.
S. J, Etherington, of co�
40 OUTING SHIRTS UNDERWEAR during the hot Weather as the shrink- Ubo�ne. slipper Soles too)..'
Witli, soft, reversible col- Athletic underwear, with age is so great, When cool weather Salad Bowls, 19c. Fancy Delf Jugs, reg, 85c, now 22c.
lars very cool and comfort- short sleeves and short draw- comes and the danger from dying Aillss Beatrlc(, Davis returned to 10 doz. small Cream Pitchers, to clear 2 for 15C.
La?Adon Saturday after visiting Miss ��I�UR Jugs
from beat is ovea�, we will again pay rl
able for warm weatber—at ers, in plain and mesh, at, a *+ and Mustard Pots, to clear Se. B
't �r
garment, ova and 75c.
"RudbHul- j� nu U
Chicks to be 4 lb, to the pair.
Feed flour $1.45
Dutter 17couts
Miss Lou!
ruey of Windsori 'is
home here.
A ly one is preparing, or looking for-
Votatoes 7,5 cer�ts
Miss B
Miss Pea4
ri of Hensall, visited
itt on Monday.
6, w bolidays,. We will mention, 4% fe W
I -Tay mo.
Ilogs live 9,65
Mr, Fra
e of Toronto is boll,
of which you -,m ay need before you
* *
Choice export steors 5.1,10 )to 6.00
Medium export stek�rs 5.70 to 5.80
daying ere,
Mrs, and Na
a couple of weeks.
s Hamilton of London
61101ce export helf.ers 5,00 to 5.80
visited at Mr. 'no Aaotfmm last -Ii -
You Pay Less Here
Powell's Bazar
Choice btuebers heifers 5.60 to $.75 ........... le and 8c 1P AA III aturc
Mr, Norman Hodgert is able to be Hair Brushes 1,
u butchers heifers 5,25-5-40 ....... 1.401
Choice butcher.-, ows 4.60 to 4.16 around. again a ter his recent- illness.
Mediam butchers cows 4.25 to 4.40 Mrs W. J. eer is visiting With her
Common. cows !3.50 to '3.75 sister, Mrs, N� I n Clark of Sunshinei W
'30 MMO-DAY, JU.1
Choice sheep 150 to 4.00 Mr. Jas. Her n is improving his res. Y 20th; we start a C ear -
Choice spring lambs 1.50 to 8.50 lb ideace by the rection of a new kitch. G-RANITEWARE ance Sale, which 'will last to the 'end of
en. August. ' We must ha V -e the room for
Me and 114r W. J. Hannah of To�_ Reductions on all this line
our la
You must see the stuff in, orde� rge Xmas stock, which will soon be to hand,
me -ing A
onto . v* sib Miss Strang this to appreciate the value, sacri ace
Poultry Week. of tremendous quantities � of CHINA, GLASS-
WARE GR AVMRWA-00 nr=.0�00 'I
SUIT CASES BATHIN G SUITS" ------- a— We are sorry to learn that Miss M COMBS, BRUSF_L�S It will pay you to come
Melissas icer 1& still confined to her
tothisbigatore, Bargainsonevery hand. Hundre*u**a� of
In leather, leatherette, and For boys and men in coin- .41 We will pay till Thursday next the. room.
additional specials besides those listed here. L
ETC., J@To
ith or without straps, in bitiation. or two-piece—buy following for live poultry in trade- X
rs. 0 ims. Draeger, of Walton is
V. t.
colors of light tan or brown, one before you go to lakeside Hens. � ............ 10c per pound. i ter, Miss Campbell In ALL CLEARANCE OF
vis, Ing er sis
sizes 22, 21, *26, at $2,00, $5,00, —75e, $1.00, $1,50. + Old Roosters ............... �So tj
$850. Own. Brushes, Wbi
Spring. Chicks (1011 batch) 15c sks, Toothpicks,
4 Ducklings ...... .......... 13c Mr. hester Coulbis has gone to Candles, and all Tinware, Dolls, CHINA and CLASSWARE
Ducks . ... 10c Goderl h where he has secured a pos- and Dolls' Heade, Fans, Toilet 0
0, Holiday Suggestions for Men ition, Combs and Mirrors_ Pretty Oups and Saucers, reg. price 15c, .20c, 25c, t
0 * Turkey$' 12c clear, 15c each or $1.25 a doz.
40 + Mrq Wilper of;London, is visiting (Berlin Wool at and below Pretty China Plates, floral pattern, 10c, or 960 doz.
0 44 Alive in trade. We cannot pay cash her f.1ther, Mr. st. Going. out of this line, Large Mugs, beauties, about 75-5e each.
S. J, Etherington, of co�
40 OUTING SHIRTS UNDERWEAR during the hot Weather as the shrink- Ubo�ne. slipper Soles too)..'
Witli, soft, reversible col- Athletic underwear, with age is so great, When cool weather Salad Bowls, 19c. Fancy Delf Jugs, reg, 85c, now 22c.
lars very cool and comfort- short sleeves and short draw- comes and the danger from dying Aillss Beatrlc(, Davis returned to 10 doz. small Cream Pitchers, to clear 2 for 15C.
La?Adon Saturday after visiting Miss ��I�UR Jugs
from beat is ovea�, we will again pay rl
able for warm weatber—at ers, in plain and mesh, at, a *+ and Mustard Pots, to clear Se. B
't �r
garment, ova and 75c.
Chicks to be 4 lb, to the pair.
kre. Geo Mowat t and four children
+ *
+ +
Ducklings 7 It Is.
.4 Toronto, are visiting with Air. and
Salloror soft rim styles.
The narrow belb is very
Watch this space every week for
Urs. W. Rivers.
Ali the newest shapes. Also
Outing Hats for Summer
popular. We have 16 in tan.
ggreys and black, at 25-c, 35c.
* * I
Jones &
the Misses Lila and Elsie Cole. of
Bowmanville, are visiting their uncle
wear. fioato,$29.00.
and 50c.
� Y
Mr. Sam'l Parsons.
XT Will f -Way spent a few days at
Mr. J. Willis Powell got a phono.
40 Not, so large or bulky as:old
In lisle and lightweight
graph record of the fire engi I ne at
Granil Bend this week.
style, trimmed with. brass
cashmere, in plain and fancy
practise on Tuesday last.
Mr. Alf. Walters -went to London
corners and bound with
stripes. Big assortment, .>5c,
Miss Helen Carter, of Clandeboye,
straps, special Price.
'N t�
is visiting her grandparents, IV
, r.. and
ugar oets, kreg. Me and 75c,) 48c,
49 30c ..., ...... 22c.
Fine Glass Water Sets, 59c up.
Berry and Table Sets, 45c up.
I only Large Lamp ($5.00) $3,98. A
Library Lamp, $1.50, for ffic.
Sardineer, $3.65, for $2.08.
11 $1.40, it $1.10.
3 64 $1,25, - $1,05,
Pretty Glass Bo.quet 11olders, 9c un.
A good Hair Brush and Comb for 25c.
Turs. David Cobbledick.
OMR'PA Q VV .-nd 'hr;,n
6 y V lt riends,
as some of the goods may be gone if you delay, First—
come, best choice. All goods marked in plain prices
and new goods will fill place of goods sold, A
Powvell's Bazar, A
n re urne to
'0_ Saturday- on business. Guelph Friday, after spending a few
-)Tx. Harry i0arling is home from days, calling on friends here.
4 We are open for all the Live Brantford for
4� -his holidays.
Mr. Harry Carling and Clarence Mrs. Geo. Mrooks is slowly iinpr
Mx. H. Parsons, of Loiidon, spent Pickard of. Brantford are spending - g. ov-
Poultry you can bring us at high= in
Sunday at his home here. - their vacation ITI'LlI LLt:-1-1' parents in
Mr. J. -G. Btanbury and family town. Miss Nina Kinsinan is holid aying in
est prices, London,
0 visited -over Sunday in )3ayfield. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ramsav and
Iffiss Beatrice Howey. has retuxn little daughter of Hamilton are 'visit- Mrs George Anderson is visiting in
+ * ad from her visit to Bidget Ing the former?s mother Mrs. Rsmsay Harrisburg.
Miss blargaret Handford Sr. Mrs Hoose of New York is visiting
ffledpath's Extra Standard Graiu= L3 [Gy and Bend for her holiday.s Mr. A i Elewitt has resumed his dut- her sister Mrs. A. Cottle.
Mr. Joe Harvey and f ies at the Bank of Commerce after Mr. Norman Hockey is spending his Never caused half the Sensation that out 6 tock
0 -and Bend for a
ulated Sugar, $4.89 per hundred. �ene to Gx �Milly b visiting at his home in Rockwood and holidays at Grand Bend.
f 'Ir w1n: s* Grand Bend. Miss Pollick, o and Prices are doing, this e�son- Our purchases of
.0 1 WIN. Irbursday rJuly 27th is the da�e of
f Toronto, isr visitin.-
the 11ain street Sunday School picnic Mr. Win. Ge.*ger. of Hensall, has Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. Perkins.
been successful in passing his, medical Miss Louise Eacrett is visiting Mr.
W. FA��tch-
We are glad to see mr: Council examinations a
e3f,,around again after his x�a nd is now a and Mrs, B. W. F, Beavers,
Ja AL"w0mEWAm-1"1'
ness. cent"l]- full fledged M. D. Mr. and Mrs. E 'Hillborn, of Paris
Mr. Claranee Whitby of tfie Bank KITCHEN, DININGI
]Arr- Ernest Harvey ' revisiting Me, and Mrs. A. J. Ford.' 00rd,
is learning the of Commerce, is holidaying at his
Hardware business. with Mr. W. We understand Mr. Kerslake is able
Heamaii. home in Paris. Mr. Irish of Crediton to be ub again after b is recent illness,
branch, is releiving here.
Mr. T. Boyle and family to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Heaman and
Grand Bend Monday to spend their visibin- Mr. and Mrs. G. A. K. MC- PARLOR BEDROOM SUITES
Miss Ethel Grieve of Seaforth is
son Freol returned Monday after visit- Leod.
lug for a few days with Air. and Mrs,
................................. ............. ........ :-. + Dr. Otanbury. of Toronto visi
+ tad W. E, Beresford of Cleve -land, Ohio. Miss Merle Gould has. returned
+ + his brother J. G. here a few days home after spending the miline # Are ve Choice and tower head and shoulders
+ alast Week. Mr. Alwyn White was clerking for season at Beaverton. 1* ry
+ Mr. W. J. Heaman for a 0 above any others offered to YOU and the
few days 61
+ + Mr. and Mrs. Chas. AfeDonell, of while the latter was away visitin Mr. Jabez W elsh and daughter,
0 1 * .1-lonsall visited Mr. L.' Dickson. last 9' Miss Gale, of Xalamazoo, Mich, are <�
ELL 6 Thursday. Mr. White has secured a position 113 0
I 't Hensall. the guests of Mr, W. J. Bissett. Mr. 4�
to Mr. W.. Snell and 3 M IlVood ca.-ji Welsh is an Exeter Old Boy leaving Prices are Clean 011t of Sight.
+ shipped a car load of c* Mr. and Mrs. Cardinal and d h
V aug - hereman years ago.
attle to Toron- ter and Mr. and Mrs. Ericson (ne
to on Saturday. e
MARCHANDS Miss Loraine Hooper) of Rochester, Former Exeter Boy Married.—The
+ Masler 1Uy. Dawden, of Rldgolowu* N, Y, were visitors 9,1 W, G, Bisselt?s marriage of Mr, Willilan George Bis, * m
+ + isylsiting his grandparents 11r -and on Monday. sett, formerly of Exeter, who lef there *
ftfxs. Joseph Bavi,den. 40
Mr. Ed. Fo'well Mrs. H. PoTell and several years ago for the West, took * Atkinsqj 11
+ Mrs. Wilbur'Nartin and Miss Wi. Miss White, the latter being the place on 'W edneafty, July 191, to *
+ nona Howard returned Sunday after guesb of Mrs. V1, W. Tamma,, mot_ Extiss Mabol'Sophia Treble, daughter *
+ ys-
-1. + a:, vacation at Grand Band. ored to Belleville last Thursday to 01 Mr- and Mrs. Lewis Treble, of Or
4- + Mr., Dupean McDougall, teacher of 'visit with friends, tal City, Man., at the home of the
+ Comber. is visiting friends In and bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Btssett
+ 4- Agency for Automatic Hand Power Va
+ SITORE Messrs Win. Xohn and Clarence will reside in Crystal City and will be CCUM Cleaner,
. + around Exater for his vacation.
+ Martin Folland. sons of Mr. 'Win. at home to their friends after August for rent at 75 cents a day.
Before making your pur- + Our Senior baseball team go to Folland of Sarnia, formerly of Exeter 15th. TheTimee'joins, in extending
t. Ailsa Craig to -day (for a friendly
chases for the Bride,be sure + arevisiting for a month with their congratulations.
+ Tea Spoons, Berry Spoons, to call and examine our + . game. Keep up 'the good work boys. aunt, Mrs. Monroe.
+ Mr. and AIrs. P. Row
+ Cold Meat Forks, Cake Forks Stock of + aliffe " aiad 'The London Free Press of Monday-
+ daughter, of Granton. visited 'Mr. Mrs. S. McTavish and little daughter says- Al pretty event Jtaok, plase at
Soup Spoone, Pie Knives, + Roweliffe's mother here Saturday who have been visiting the former's 5 p. in. at the residence oi- iNvir. and ......................... 41
earl-bandled Butter Knives, + +
+ Watches + and Sunday mother, Mrs, Sno Tayloro the past Mrs. S. Lcivis, 171 Hamilton Road. + -Y.
Knives and Forks, few weeks, return' d to their home in. when Miss 'Rebecca 'Solokoff, of New
+ Miss Janet Drawn has resumed her- e 4.
Fish Servers, Carving Sets, Clocks, + position with Jones and blay afte Shakespeard Tuesday. York, was united in the bonds, of ma)t- The Place Where Good + %',
+ X -I. SUMME *11,
C being laid off for several months rimony to Mr. Maurice Wexler mer- ClotheEi Come From +
Mrs. Jas. Horn who has been in ab- +
Wedding Rin
+ gs IDNiamonds, 0 r + throughi illness. tendance upon her mother. Mrs. Win. seliant of :Cixeter. Rev. Rabbi Phillip +
performed the ceremony. The bride
Big StOc + Grand;Trunk Pacific Townsites 'ja returned honie Monday. We are SE 5510N
+ + A good live agent wanted to sell Gunning, Whalen during her 'ss was handsomely gowned in pink silk
k to choose frOMr Glass, Silver=: + 11113L and wore the customary veil and or-
+ the Exeter Times. convalescing nicely. ossoms, and carried white +
ware, Pins, Etc, + roses and maidenhair (exii. +
+ ase Ball team went 0 F
this section. Send your application to pleased to learn that. Mrs. Gunning is ange bj
The Hensall 2
cre Miss
nts may epter any
+ through town Friday night on their as Mr, David Wynn and Mr. Prank -A.rollic Fisher ;who was gowned in 4; day. Open eatire year. Now
Which consists of the finest quality and lowest pricas Making this Shaft Enters Horse,—On Tuesday -hile the bridesmaids . w Studs
+ the best place to buy-, + way to Centralia (khere they ware Mallett
Repairing done on the shortest notice. defeat.ed'.1.3 to 5. werereturning from Blansh. white silk and carried pink xoses, and od time to enter
d. where they had been putting up Miss tbal Siskind who was gowned r
+ ar E %r;esto trainers in Canada. lij
.0 Kraji3eo. Brownlee and two child- lightning rods, their horse became in blue sillc and carried white earna- It K
Graduates get.best positions.
reni who have been visiting her par- frightened at an automobile about a tions while the groom was as*ted
Thousands studying at home. i
+ ents Mr. and !Mrs. Thos. Xlynn. re� mili gouth of town and jumped into by IN*,. llymie White and Mr. gsrnel Exclusive right of the "Fam-
+ As Marchand turned home lasit Uturday. I the ditch, throwing the two men_Out, Left. After the usual best wishes, Light Suits for
+ Out Bliss Bo k -Keeping Syp.
f the shafts + 0
rb,[s. Jerv. Dickson and son 6ordo The horse got over one o and congratulations a dainty repast tem" for Ontario. "Actual
and the shaft entered its'breas was served, to 160 guests the reqt of Hot Weather 4, f
Jewler and Optician of Chatham, are spending a, mo t; just T Business rom'start
the evening, be spemt. ill ar)-itc-
with the fo behind the front leg, going in near 'ing I.
Exeter rmar"a Parents Mr. an ilng and singing. 110 bxida's travel- Finish.',
On Mrs. 'Wm� Davis,'Excter Worth. a foot. Mr. Wynn Was severel.�isbaV
;++ On up, althotigh not seriously i "red. ing suit was delph blue silk with hat Prices $12. lip
........................ 4 ................. Mrs. S. lRowe and daughters T -k
......... The horse is likelyto recover. to match. Mi. and Mrs. Wexler will + Write for par ticulars.
and r4lormae retuirned to t1loir bbN leatre shortly for their new hoft� in +
in Wallacaburg� on F, r[day 1&st of, *in Torn From Arm—Th6 many Ex�tcr. -Guests were present from Flannel +
visiting for several weeks I frignftof'Mr. Geo. Coward, Of Us- Chicago. New York Toronto and De- Trouser -
t, an, r Vu. borne, will regret to iearn of his very ;troit.
a 111,9s in the new ++
"ve d f lends in tov .
I h, happened on
��e "wlers at Scaforth—A't Painful accident London Business
1, 51 alorlh Tuesday morning. Mr. Coward-.. was WHEN A WNUAN WONIT TELL $ .
bowling tournament I .. I designs. +
eek the i -.s +
two -Tinks of Exeter the act of feedicg his 96alrion Which f1f overy womin who has becia ban. +
a mnt he had:returned'to the batn and bad College
if riffolida Agreeinj ets that Went tip made a good -neglected to put the halbor on when efited by Nyal's ilair Restorer wbuld
y ing but failed to bring home an the h9rse gral6bed him by the left arw. tell her friends what, it has d I
in %
the priYes. , In' the trophy eynt, 0 � oe + (Affiliated WIN Clinton
Mr. Coward jutupear out Side the door her jf, would be greater & �nd +
man's ri,*k went down in the pr +
nry Round bet.
a ore Roover of Oil which he partly closed and prevented than it is, But a woman is perfect- + Business College)
THE MONTHS OF JULY AND AUGUS the horse- from dragging him back W* Tanldn
FOR ly right notto 'tell all her little boau- III I Z
ton 113-18. In the vecond round Rb 'The skin was tbrn from his arm'from ty socrets. The Nifty GEO. SPOTTON, Presidefit
Collins' rinat went down before Hoivever. it you will accept Our Manl)s
We the undersigned merchants of the vlllage� xeter hereby agree Aincut, 8eaforth Til ml(� below the elbow to below the wrist,
oVE to, . I , I A.$- Two rips were made in the -hand wb ich recommendation you j%rill not- be' dis- Tailo'r
t Al toh Collins' rinl went,l appointed. NYal's X -lair Restorer 44+
close our places of business at I o'clock noonErexy Thursday &f6ernoon dur "dow in' t�h'ei re ired several, stitches to close, Tbia
second ro,and and gl
I lbef ore 0 blakes the hair 9oft ossy, Stim�
8, it w" bbat the skin was ulatas growth of new hair and I
kig Jul7 andAugu b.1011, 05 00. dd part of I
aforth Taintob s Corti in a circle both beloW the elbow k
1. A. Stewart J Gr' rink wag defeated in the '8rd ro knd wrisb a� was also the coat sleeve, old hair hoaltby Qtdrps, falfing b i 7V Dental Offices Closed,
Mrs, Voo by Dr.11unterIg rink of Go&rlob TLnd removes da�Mrufr,
9; G�L Bawden I porl, The In usel a, of the arm -wero 1,9111 bAve There isn,t . JKI,,�,dly -taio notlea (that my oftieti
W. W. Taman the ' consolation match a toilet req1,1jAj(:0 ),01)
W. 1), i3w4ka W. X. Beer 11 Mr. Cowarcal sn&r6d a great dpal of is'alosat every Wedndsday atbernoott.
1'. .6. Smith rink werib into the semi finttl$ 1, want that you can't find, 'io ;ar ff 3-ou wieo try Cartar's Lftlt'v 1i, -
W. 'T. Heaman Peter PLAybe -to beaten by T. Trow's rink pain and it,will be so nie time before V.
S. M%rtin &son 11, W. Flo Beavers. iP w he Striatly tjp-�to-date stock. er I ills; foj� siclt, headbace bili 1 sness DR. XtorLsT6i
Georwe Mantle X08.1 Davis §tratfor the skin will agAin, grow over ag 6 r 'CO11,4f1pation you will ii
d 10-10, Rev. Collin's WL S
Ed. 11,11s 0, Wood %vant down in the sepowl round be skin grows ont, from the ends, It is evot be 01.091140 NOTICE
jolles & M& -r fflowey Phim.
Advocate ite posAle that some �kln may be Bs without Lbent
19-14. "The bo qtd # Xhay are purely vag.
Vx eter Times D. Aartlieb I§UPbenS0u' Y. I Please remember that, my Dontat
T, g4wkins & 8 NO in tbeir i)raises of tha trea Yriafted on Des, Ilym.An and MeGillw atable small and L"'I'sy to take, Jed over Wed"esday after�-
Itecorded them by�,, W '.q ea 1�ii8t 0[11-iciall —IDA, 1WNsliAx
0 euddV et' Iled frota town, and e forget. this, "Q0,046, Office 1841OF
Irs VeWd,tha u*d. Bleter Jelf1f. n6u
This store
closes every T ursda y
10� *
4, *
Mr. Ed. !Snell is working for Mr.
Me, Saxon Fitton has returned
hoine after spending a couple of Weeks
afternoon at
one o'clock during July
+ *
+ +
J, 11'anter, .
ITO.day is the 4inglish church Stlxt-
holidays at Owen Sound.
Miss.Edna Webb Seaforth,
Clay ISchool. picnic.
of re -
turnedTue'aday after visiting for a
and August.
+ +
Messrs T. Maker and W. iSnell have
few d4s with Miss 1. Hardy.
+ +
+ +
installed waterworks. ,
The Dashwood motor bus was out
XT Will f -Way spent a few days at
Of commission for a few days last
* +
Granil Bend this week.
week but is again on the road.
10 *
Mr. Alf. Walters -went to London
6 y V lt riends,
as some of the goods may be gone if you delay, First—
come, best choice. All goods marked in plain prices
and new goods will fill place of goods sold, A
Powvell's Bazar, A
n re urne to
'0_ Saturday- on business. Guelph Friday, after spending a few
-)Tx. Harry i0arling is home from days, calling on friends here.
4 We are open for all the Live Brantford for
4� -his holidays.
Mr. Harry Carling and Clarence Mrs. Geo. Mrooks is slowly iinpr
Mx. H. Parsons, of Loiidon, spent Pickard of. Brantford are spending - g. ov-
Poultry you can bring us at high= in
Sunday at his home here. - their vacation ITI'LlI LLt:-1-1' parents in
Mr. J. -G. Btanbury and family town. Miss Nina Kinsinan is holid aying in
est prices, London,
0 visited -over Sunday in )3ayfield. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ramsav and
Iffiss Beatrice Howey. has retuxn little daughter of Hamilton are 'visit- Mrs George Anderson is visiting in
+ * ad from her visit to Bidget Ing the former?s mother Mrs. Rsmsay Harrisburg.
Miss blargaret Handford Sr. Mrs Hoose of New York is visiting
ffledpath's Extra Standard Graiu= L3 [Gy and Bend for her holiday.s Mr. A i Elewitt has resumed his dut- her sister Mrs. A. Cottle.
Mr. Joe Harvey and f ies at the Bank of Commerce after Mr. Norman Hockey is spending his Never caused half the Sensation that out 6 tock
0 -and Bend for a
ulated Sugar, $4.89 per hundred. �ene to Gx �Milly b visiting at his home in Rockwood and holidays at Grand Bend.
f 'Ir w1n: s* Grand Bend. Miss Pollick, o and Prices are doing, this e�son- Our purchases of
.0 1 WIN. Irbursday rJuly 27th is the da�e of
f Toronto, isr visitin.-
the 11ain street Sunday School picnic Mr. Win. Ge.*ger. of Hensall, has Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. Perkins.
been successful in passing his, medical Miss Louise Eacrett is visiting Mr.
W. FA��tch-
We are glad to see mr: Council examinations a
e3f,,around again after his x�a nd is now a and Mrs, B. W. F, Beavers,
Ja AL"w0mEWAm-1"1'
ness. cent"l]- full fledged M. D. Mr. and Mrs. E 'Hillborn, of Paris
Mr. Claranee Whitby of tfie Bank KITCHEN, DININGI
]Arr- Ernest Harvey ' revisiting Me, and Mrs. A. J. Ford.' 00rd,
is learning the of Commerce, is holidaying at his
Hardware business. with Mr. W. We understand Mr. Kerslake is able
Heamaii. home in Paris. Mr. Irish of Crediton to be ub again after b is recent illness,
branch, is releiving here.
Mr. T. Boyle and family to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Heaman and
Grand Bend Monday to spend their visibin- Mr. and Mrs. G. A. K. MC- PARLOR BEDROOM SUITES
Miss Ethel Grieve of Seaforth is
son Freol returned Monday after visit- Leod.
lug for a few days with Air. and Mrs,
................................. ............. ........ :-. + Dr. Otanbury. of Toronto visi
+ tad W. E, Beresford of Cleve -land, Ohio. Miss Merle Gould has. returned
+ + his brother J. G. here a few days home after spending the miline # Are ve Choice and tower head and shoulders
+ alast Week. Mr. Alwyn White was clerking for season at Beaverton. 1* ry
+ Mr. W. J. Heaman for a 0 above any others offered to YOU and the
few days 61
+ + Mr. and Mrs. Chas. AfeDonell, of while the latter was away visitin Mr. Jabez W elsh and daughter,
0 1 * .1-lonsall visited Mr. L.' Dickson. last 9' Miss Gale, of Xalamazoo, Mich, are <�
ELL 6 Thursday. Mr. White has secured a position 113 0
I 't Hensall. the guests of Mr, W. J. Bissett. Mr. 4�
to Mr. W.. Snell and 3 M IlVood ca.-ji Welsh is an Exeter Old Boy leaving Prices are Clean 011t of Sight.
+ shipped a car load of c* Mr. and Mrs. Cardinal and d h
V aug - hereman years ago.
attle to Toron- ter and Mr. and Mrs. Ericson (ne
to on Saturday. e
MARCHANDS Miss Loraine Hooper) of Rochester, Former Exeter Boy Married.—The
+ Masler 1Uy. Dawden, of Rldgolowu* N, Y, were visitors 9,1 W, G, Bisselt?s marriage of Mr, Willilan George Bis, * m
+ + isylsiting his grandparents 11r -and on Monday. sett, formerly of Exeter, who lef there *
ftfxs. Joseph Bavi,den. 40
Mr. Ed. Fo'well Mrs. H. PoTell and several years ago for the West, took * Atkinsqj 11
+ Mrs. Wilbur'Nartin and Miss Wi. Miss White, the latter being the place on 'W edneafty, July 191, to *
+ nona Howard returned Sunday after guesb of Mrs. V1, W. Tamma,, mot_ Extiss Mabol'Sophia Treble, daughter *
+ ys-
-1. + a:, vacation at Grand Band. ored to Belleville last Thursday to 01 Mr- and Mrs. Lewis Treble, of Or
4- + Mr., Dupean McDougall, teacher of 'visit with friends, tal City, Man., at the home of the
+ Comber. is visiting friends In and bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Btssett
+ 4- Agency for Automatic Hand Power Va
+ SITORE Messrs Win. Xohn and Clarence will reside in Crystal City and will be CCUM Cleaner,
. + around Exater for his vacation.
+ Martin Folland. sons of Mr. 'Win. at home to their friends after August for rent at 75 cents a day.
Before making your pur- + Our Senior baseball team go to Folland of Sarnia, formerly of Exeter 15th. TheTimee'joins, in extending
t. Ailsa Craig to -day (for a friendly
chases for the Bride,be sure + arevisiting for a month with their congratulations.
+ Tea Spoons, Berry Spoons, to call and examine our + . game. Keep up 'the good work boys. aunt, Mrs. Monroe.
+ Mr. and AIrs. P. Row
+ Cold Meat Forks, Cake Forks Stock of + aliffe " aiad 'The London Free Press of Monday-
+ daughter, of Granton. visited 'Mr. Mrs. S. McTavish and little daughter says- Al pretty event Jtaok, plase at
Soup Spoone, Pie Knives, + Roweliffe's mother here Saturday who have been visiting the former's 5 p. in. at the residence oi- iNvir. and ......................... 41
earl-bandled Butter Knives, + +
+ Watches + and Sunday mother, Mrs, Sno Tayloro the past Mrs. S. Lcivis, 171 Hamilton Road. + -Y.
Knives and Forks, few weeks, return' d to their home in. when Miss 'Rebecca 'Solokoff, of New
+ Miss Janet Drawn has resumed her- e 4.
Fish Servers, Carving Sets, Clocks, + position with Jones and blay afte Shakespeard Tuesday. York, was united in the bonds, of ma)t- The Place Where Good + %',
+ X -I. SUMME *11,
C being laid off for several months rimony to Mr. Maurice Wexler mer- ClotheEi Come From +
Mrs. Jas. Horn who has been in ab- +
Wedding Rin
+ gs IDNiamonds, 0 r + throughi illness. tendance upon her mother. Mrs. Win. seliant of :Cixeter. Rev. Rabbi Phillip +
performed the ceremony. The bride
Big StOc + Grand;Trunk Pacific Townsites 'ja returned honie Monday. We are SE 5510N
+ + A good live agent wanted to sell Gunning, Whalen during her 'ss was handsomely gowned in pink silk
k to choose frOMr Glass, Silver=: + 11113L and wore the customary veil and or-
+ the Exeter Times. convalescing nicely. ossoms, and carried white +
ware, Pins, Etc, + roses and maidenhair (exii. +
+ ase Ball team went 0 F
this section. Send your application to pleased to learn that. Mrs. Gunning is ange bj
The Hensall 2
cre Miss
nts may epter any
+ through town Friday night on their as Mr, David Wynn and Mr. Prank -A.rollic Fisher ;who was gowned in 4; day. Open eatire year. Now
Which consists of the finest quality and lowest pricas Making this Shaft Enters Horse,—On Tuesday -hile the bridesmaids . w Studs
+ the best place to buy-, + way to Centralia (khere they ware Mallett
Repairing done on the shortest notice. defeat.ed'.1.3 to 5. werereturning from Blansh. white silk and carried pink xoses, and od time to enter
d. where they had been putting up Miss tbal Siskind who was gowned r
+ ar E %r;esto trainers in Canada. lij
.0 Kraji3eo. Brownlee and two child- lightning rods, their horse became in blue sillc and carried white earna- It K
Graduates get.best positions.
reni who have been visiting her par- frightened at an automobile about a tions while the groom was as*ted
Thousands studying at home. i
+ ents Mr. and !Mrs. Thos. Xlynn. re� mili gouth of town and jumped into by IN*,. llymie White and Mr. gsrnel Exclusive right of the "Fam-
+ As Marchand turned home lasit Uturday. I the ditch, throwing the two men_Out, Left. After the usual best wishes, Light Suits for
+ Out Bliss Bo k -Keeping Syp.
f the shafts + 0
rb,[s. Jerv. Dickson and son 6ordo The horse got over one o and congratulations a dainty repast tem" for Ontario. "Actual
and the shaft entered its'breas was served, to 160 guests the reqt of Hot Weather 4, f
Jewler and Optician of Chatham, are spending a, mo t; just T Business rom'start
the evening, be spemt. ill ar)-itc-
with the fo behind the front leg, going in near 'ing I.
Exeter rmar"a Parents Mr. an ilng and singing. 110 bxida's travel- Finish.',
On Mrs. 'Wm� Davis,'Excter Worth. a foot. Mr. Wynn Was severel.�isbaV
;++ On up, althotigh not seriously i "red. ing suit was delph blue silk with hat Prices $12. lip
........................ 4 ................. Mrs. S. lRowe and daughters T -k
......... The horse is likelyto recover. to match. Mi. and Mrs. Wexler will + Write for par ticulars.
and r4lormae retuirned to t1loir bbN leatre shortly for their new hoft� in +
in Wallacaburg� on F, r[day 1&st of, *in Torn From Arm—Th6 many Ex�tcr. -Guests were present from Flannel +
visiting for several weeks I frignftof'Mr. Geo. Coward, Of Us- Chicago. New York Toronto and De- Trouser -
t, an, r Vu. borne, will regret to iearn of his very ;troit.
a 111,9s in the new ++
"ve d f lends in tov .
I h, happened on
��e "wlers at Scaforth—A't Painful accident London Business
1, 51 alorlh Tuesday morning. Mr. Coward-.. was WHEN A WNUAN WONIT TELL $ .
bowling tournament I .. I designs. +
eek the i -.s +
two -Tinks of Exeter the act of feedicg his 96alrion Which f1f overy womin who has becia ban. +
a mnt he had:returned'to the batn and bad College
if riffolida Agreeinj ets that Went tip made a good -neglected to put the halbor on when efited by Nyal's ilair Restorer wbuld
y ing but failed to bring home an the h9rse gral6bed him by the left arw. tell her friends what, it has d I
in %
the priYes. , In' the trophy eynt, 0 � oe + (Affiliated WIN Clinton
Mr. Coward jutupear out Side the door her jf, would be greater & �nd +
man's ri,*k went down in the pr +
nry Round bet.
a ore Roover of Oil which he partly closed and prevented than it is, But a woman is perfect- + Business College)
THE MONTHS OF JULY AND AUGUS the horse- from dragging him back W* Tanldn
FOR ly right notto 'tell all her little boau- III I Z
ton 113-18. In the vecond round Rb 'The skin was tbrn from his arm'from ty socrets. The Nifty GEO. SPOTTON, Presidefit
Collins' rinat went down before Hoivever. it you will accept Our Manl)s
We the undersigned merchants of the vlllage� xeter hereby agree Aincut, 8eaforth Til ml(� below the elbow to below the wrist,
oVE to, . I , I A.$- Two rips were made in the -hand wb ich recommendation you j%rill not- be' dis- Tailo'r
t Al toh Collins' rinl went,l appointed. NYal's X -lair Restorer 44+
close our places of business at I o'clock noonErexy Thursday &f6ernoon dur "dow in' t�h'ei re ired several, stitches to close, Tbia
second ro,and and gl
I lbef ore 0 blakes the hair 9oft ossy, Stim�
8, it w" bbat the skin was ulatas growth of new hair and I
kig Jul7 andAugu b.1011, 05 00. dd part of I
aforth Taintob s Corti in a circle both beloW the elbow k
1. A. Stewart J Gr' rink wag defeated in the '8rd ro knd wrisb a� was also the coat sleeve, old hair hoaltby Qtdrps, falfing b i 7V Dental Offices Closed,
Mrs, Voo by Dr.11unterIg rink of Go&rlob TLnd removes da�Mrufr,
9; G�L Bawden I porl, The In usel a, of the arm -wero 1,9111 bAve There isn,t . JKI,,�,dly -taio notlea (that my oftieti
W. W. Taman the ' consolation match a toilet req1,1jAj(:0 ),01)
W. 1), i3w4ka W. X. Beer 11 Mr. Cowarcal sn&r6d a great dpal of is'alosat every Wedndsday atbernoott.
1'. .6. Smith rink werib into the semi finttl$ 1, want that you can't find, 'io ;ar ff 3-ou wieo try Cartar's Lftlt'v 1i, -
W. 'T. Heaman Peter PLAybe -to beaten by T. Trow's rink pain and it,will be so nie time before V.
S. M%rtin &son 11, W. Flo Beavers. iP w he Striatly tjp-�to-date stock. er I ills; foj� siclt, headbace bili 1 sness DR. XtorLsT6i
Georwe Mantle X08.1 Davis §tratfor the skin will agAin, grow over ag 6 r 'CO11,4f1pation you will ii
d 10-10, Rev. Collin's WL S
Ed. 11,11s 0, Wood %vant down in the sepowl round be skin grows ont, from the ends, It is evot be 01.091140 NOTICE
jolles & M& -r fflowey Phim.
Advocate ite posAle that some �kln may be Bs without Lbent
19-14. "The bo qtd # Xhay are purely vag.
Vx eter Times D. Aartlieb I§UPbenS0u' Y. I Please remember that, my Dontat
T, g4wkins & 8 NO in tbeir i)raises of tha trea Yriafted on Des, Ilym.An and MeGillw atable small and L"'I'sy to take, Jed over Wed"esday after�-
Itecorded them by�,, W '.q ea 1�ii8t 0[11-iciall —IDA, 1WNsliAx
0 euddV et' Iled frota town, and e forget. this, "Q0,046, Office 1841OF
Irs VeWd,tha u*d. Bleter Jelf1f. n6u