HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-03-18, Page 7Eric Courtney to spend seven weeks in forth Africa By Delores Van Oseh Eric Courtney, first year Engineering student in the co-operative program at the University of Waterloo, em- ployed with Westinghouse Canada Limited in Hamilton since January, was transfer- red for seven weeks employ- ment in Libya, North Africa where Westinghouse has op- ened a new division. Eric's parents, Joe and Teresa Courtney visited with Eric in Hamilton on Monday, March 9, prior to his departure. Des O'Donnell was admit- ted to the Goderich hospital on Friday. We wish him a speedy recovery. Mrs. Ursula (O'Connor) Hebert is also a patient in the Goderich hospital following surgery. Mrs. Margaret Heffernan and Mrs. Juliette LeBlanc of Victoria were visitors on .Fri- day with Mrs. Yvette Heffer- nan. On the weekend other visitors were Miss Blanche Bilodeau, Waterloo, Jerry Heffernan, Stratford and Ray and Sue Heffernan and Mark of Lucan. At the Kingsbridge Area Seniors progressive euchre party held last Wednesday, the prizes were won by, high lady, a tie between . Irene Daltoui dud Teresa Couriuey with Teresa. Courtney win- ning the draw; 1o'w lady, Loretta Doherty; high man, Clarence Doherty; low man, Brother. Carl Voll. The door prize was won by Jiin Doher- ty. There will be another card party tonight,, March 18. Everyone welcome. Several from the area enjoyed a good time at the Knights of Columbus St. Patrick's Dance at the Goder- ich Legion Hall an Saturday evening. A good crowd attended the annual St. Patrick's program at the Parish Hall otit'Sunday„ evening. Don Frayne acted as chairman. First on the program was a square dance by Mrs. Frayne's grades five and six class.' Ned and Elaine Cote entertained by Ginning romn- try and western music with Ned accompanying on the guitar. The Irish Jig was danced by Denise 'Connelly followed by, Lisa Frayne's little High- land Dancing class. Included in the group were, Jennifer Tigert, Jennifer Dalton, Sandra Van Osch, Rhonda Hogan and Sarah Brophy. Lisa Frayne then danced the Sailor's Hornpipe. Two cowgirls, Linda Sin - nett and Cathy VanDiepen very capably sang Danny's Song and Me and Bobby McGee, accompanied by Lin- da, also playing the guitar. The senior classes at the school sang Sweet Molly Malone, followed by Ray Boyle with violin selections accompanied by Nancy Stap- leton at the The five Stapleton sisters sang two numbers with Heather -Ann also playing the guitar. Lively eighty year old Bill Johnston step danced accompanied by Ray Boyle on violin and Nancy Staple- ton at the piano. Resident returns from three week Texas holiday Thornton Eedy has return- ed to his home after spend- ing three weeks in Texas: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eedy spent a few hours Saturday afternoon at the Eedy home. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mac- Donald r Ottawa spent _the _... on with his mother, Mrs. Lil MacDonald: On Sat- urday Mr. and Mrs. Bill Caesar of Goderich enjoyed supper with the MacDon-. aids.- -.. Wayne Durnin won a. second prize in two cate- gories at the weekly amateur unganno doings talent night held at the Ven- dome Hotel in Teeswater. 'Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilkins (nee Joanne Mole) on the birth of a daughter -in Wingham Hos- pital on Sunday, March 15. This is 'a first great grand- child for Ben and Margaret Mole. Also a first grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mole. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cook, on the birth of a new son. Darryl Lockhart, on March 10th at Victoria Hospital, London. A brother for Tammy. Ray- mond and Brian. .Darryl weighed 8 lb. 8 oz. A memorial service was held on Sunday in Knox United Church, Auburn, for Thomas Donald Anderson of Oakville. Mr. Anderson was an uncle of Mrs. Greg (Nancy) Park and our sym- pathy is extended at this time. Sympathy is extended to the Reed family on the death on Friday morning of their mother, Mrs. Elma Reed. The funeral was held,' on Sunday from Lucknow. Mrs. Ruth Austin of Tor-• onto visited her mother, Mrs. Mary Bere and Jamie on the weekend. . Several from here attend- ed the all candidates meeting. in the Lucknow Legion on Tuesday evening, capably chaired by Girvin Reed. Pat and Bob Ott and boys of Kitchener visited with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Eedy on the weekend. Mrs. Elsie Irvin enjoyed the company of her sister, Mrs. Frances Papernick for a few days last week. Mrs. Olive Blake returned on Monday after spending at week in Cambridge with the Bill Blake family. Dungannon United Church Mr. George Cowan spoke 'on the topic. From Here and There. The children's story was. 1 Think I Can. The choir sang the hymn, Lord 6f the Dance. Dungannon U.C.W. will meet at the manse on Tues- day afternoon. The roll call is to he answered by an Irish saying. Dungannon Willing Work- ers are holding their annual Easter Dinner in the church basement on April 10. Brookside Broadcast By Holly MacDonald and Kirsten Irwin On March 10 the grade eight had an evening party w4th .a. 50's theme for this, their last year at Brookside. They enjoyed Kentucky Fried Chicken, supplement - td with salads and desserts brought by the students. The music and dress for the evening were based on the styles of the 50's for the games and dances which followed. The extra activities at the school such as Borden Ball, Broom Ball and Basketball are going along smoothly. On Monday, March 16 the -Marie Park correspondent rep'6rt cards are being sent home for the second term. On Friday, March 20 the School closes at 2.15 p.m. for the midterm break. It resum-. es March 30. Dungannon W.I. The Dungannon Women's Institute held their March meeting at the home of Mrs. Warren Zinn. Mrs. Clifford Purdon, Mrs. Elmer Black and Mrs. Len Chisholm served dessert and coffee. 529-7719 In the absence of the pres- ident, the first vice presid- ent, Mrs. Roy Robson, con- ducted the meeting. She thanked our hostess for her home and those serving lunch. Mrs. Graham McNee •in- troduced the guest speaker, Mr. George Cowan, . who spoke on Citizenship, follow- ed by a discussion period.. This was greatly appreciated and brought out.many differ- ent thoughts. He was thank- ed by Mrs. Zinn. The roll call, an Easter verse, was answered by 14 members, two guests and two children. Final plans were made for our Dessert and -Euchre party at ,Brookside School March 26. Summary Day for the Crewel Embroidery is March 30 in Wingham. Mrs. Zinn asked that we think over serving lunch at Blyth Festival. Proceeds would go toward helping pay for facilities for the. .handi- capped which have been installed in the Blyth Centre for the Arts. w ins afghan Connie Connelly of R.R. 5 Goderich is the winner of the afghan in a draw sponsored by the Goderich Minor Hockey Association. .;te• .1°4:-,i740:n Jim Sinnett accompanied Betty Lou Dalton on guitar, sang three Irish Tunes, fol- lowed by Betty Lou, singing by herself the song, One Day at A Time. Mary Luanne Clare, accompanied by her mother at the piano, sang Vale .of Tralee and Ireland My •Homeland. Brother Carl Voll told a few jokes and gave two of his popular readings. After telling a few Irish jokes, Gene Frayne sang How Ireland Got Its- Name and Danny Boy, accompan- ied at the piano by Denise Dalton. To end the program, a quartet , consisting of Leo Murray, Father Dentinger, GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18,1981=.PAGE 7 Gene Frayne and Don Frayne sang a few numbers. During lunch a special St. Patrick's cake, made by Loretta Doherty, was won by her brother-in-law, Frank Doherty. A vote of thanks certainly goes to Denise Dalton for organizing the program and 'to all those who took part. Lochalsh area gets new correspondent By Kae Webster Well here I am your. new Lochalsh news correspond- ent. This is a new adventure for me, but hope 1 will be able to do it to thecommun- ity's satisfaction. One thing I shall do my best.,Mrs. Oliver McCharles shall be missed in the community when she moves to her new home in Kincardine. An old saying is what is someone's loss is another's gain. Marion and Oliver were a great help in anything they could in the community, and held offices in many local societies. I have lived in this Scottish community for almost thirty years now. It is here that our family, two boys and a girl, were raised. But now they have flown the coop to_. do things on their own. If there is anyone who would like to help me in this adventure, please contact Kae Webster, phone 395-5257. Congratulations to ^ Mr. and Mrs. Frank VanDiepen- beek on the arrival of a new grandson, born to Mr. and Mrs. Steven Andrew at Kin- cardine General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. David. El- phicki arrived home after spending a few days in the sunny south. Up coming is the clearing auction sale of furniture, antiques and farm machinery for Marion and Oliver Mc - Charles on April 2 at 10.30 • a.ni. Jack MacLennan of Strat- ford visited a few days with Mrs. Emile MacLennan. Kenn Finlayson -is visit ing his brother. Ian Finlay - ''son of Calgary, Alberta for a couple of weeks. . Elmer Culbert has return ed home after spending a few days in Victoria Hospital, London.. Charles Wilkins has also returned home from Wing - ham and District Hospital, where he was hospitalized for three weeks. Cecil Webster is spending a couple of weeks :with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wel- lington Webster. Betty Moncrief, Dorothy Finlayson, Leslie Moncrief, Jean MacKenzie, Barbara MacKenzie and Judy Mac- Kenzie attended the Phaff Sewing Machine Company Fashion Show at Knox Pres- byterian Church in Goderich on -Friday of last- Elect ast elect Charter officers A new Kinsmen club is being formed in the Dungannon area and oranizatio,nal meetings have led to the election of charter officers. The new club will officially be known as the Dungannon and District Kinsmen Club and the charter officers inlcude; president, Clete Dalton; secretary, Wayne Bauer and treasurer, Don McNeil. The club's next meeting will be Monday, March 23 at the Agricultural Hall in Dungannon: The Goderich Kinsmen meet the first and third Monday of each month and the Dungannon club will meet the second and fourth Monday. The new club will officially recieve its charter an Saturday, May 9. Anyone . living in Dungannon and surrounding area who wished to join the Kinsmen club may still do so by attending Monday's meeting or contacting one of the charter officers. ON MARCH 19th VOTE JIM BRITNELL YOUR HURON -MIDDLESEX P.C. CANDIDATE ROBERT G. STODDAR T GOLDSMITH, SILVERSMITH, JEWELLERY DESIGNER REPAIRS CANADIAN AWARD WINNING DESIGNER 133 ST. GEORGE'S CRESCrIT GODERIcH, ONT. 524-8433 Age 16 to 24? Out of school? Can't find a job because you lack experience? Now you can! The Ontario Career Action Program (OCAP). helps young people who are having diffi- culty landing that all-important first job.- OCAP offers you an opportunity to get on- the.job training and will payyou -an_a.l10-w ancg of $100 a week while you're training — for a maximum of 16 weeks. If you would like to know more about the OCAP opportunity, get in touch with the OCAP office at yourlhcaPcollege of applied' - arts and technologyor your local Canada Employment Centre. Ministry of Hon. Bene Stephenson, M.D.• Minister Colleges and Harry K.. Fisher. Deputy Minister . Universities Ontario 1981 80-280 • E9 SPROUL SHOES 12 SHOPPERS SQUARE GODERIC 524-8505 MEN'S All Re &, Win t `Stock PRICE '1 THERE ARE DROP I IsSIMPRWXdr *Excludes Ports International L SOME GREAT BARGAI D SEE WHAT'S HANGIN TO BE HAD, ROUND! ihe c/ot%es close v{6 36 NORTH ST. SHOPPERS SQUARE GODERICH 286 PAIR MEN'S DRESS SHOES OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAYS I BROKEN SIZES NO EXCHANGES - NO REFUNDS 10 DAYS ONLY - MARCH 18 - 28 SPROULE SHOES 12 SHOPPERS SQUARE GODERICH 524-8505