HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-03-11, Page 34PAGE 14A-R-•GQDERICH:SIGNAI STAR_ WFilNESDAv ivtARr'H 11 1wt1 Black Light Theatre's Elvis Presley Ja'yerstob e in G0.deric11 Black Light Theatre is coming to Goderich on Saturday,, 'June 5th, • at the .erich' and District --Col legiate: They are the best black light theatre on the continent. They . are the Famous .People Players, a Canadian theatre group, who have enthralled audiences across North America. They have played Las Vegas with Liberate, and -Radio 'City Music Hall, . New York. Eiman .Anderson, musical director of Radio City Music Hall told the sell out au- dience watching. the perfor- mance that the Famous Peo- ple Players are one of Canada's mostvaluable na- tional assets: The Goderich.and District Association for The Mentally Retarded and the Goderich and District Pro- Life are sponsoring the Concert for the Community as a Special Project for The United Na- tions International Year For Disabled Persons. The. Event was. --officially launched Tuesday' evening at the Recreation Hall in the Grandstand with a kick-off party for• the ticket sellers. Recreation Board and staff and council members were invited to attend. Mayor Harry . Worsell of- ficially ' opened the ticket selling campaign by pur- chasing the first ticket. Background information was given on • the Interna- tional Year of the Disabled and this special project. A private viewing of the W5 documentary was• shown thanks to Channel 12, cable TV, John Clements and Fred Salter The Black' Light Theatre technique was originally developed in Japan and is considered one .of the most difficult, unusual forms of entertainment in' the world today. • This technique requires the.performers to be dressed in black velvet suits com- plete with hoods covering their heath. They remain in - .visible throughout the per- formance. It takes anywhere from one to four, people to br- ing just one puppet- to life. Puppets are life size, and in- clude nclude such famous people as Liberate, Barbara Strei- sand, Elvis Presley and they have produced their version of the Carnival of Animals and the Sorcerer's Appren- tice. Liberate has said "that any entertainment that is able to bring laughter and tears all within the space of a few ..minutes-has__got -to _ be - something wonderful. They definitely have a place in the world f performing art." Ticket price has been set at $3.60 so that the.cornmuni- ty can afford to come out in ful force to see this un- forgettable performance. Ticket locations in Goderich are at the Wintario Booth in The Suncoast Mall, Den- nome Flower Shop and Hair - port. The purpose of the event is to bring a cultural event to the community which result in a more positive at- titude towards the disabled and to promote a greater understanding of the needs of the disabled. This is not a money- making ' . project. If any money :is raised, proceeds_ will go to the Goderich and District Association for The Mentally Retarded towards the considerable expenses entailed in the startingof s pre-school nursery at Vanastra, for children who. are physically or mentally handicapped. Help has been received from the Goderich Recrea- tion Office and from the On-. tario Arts Council Consul- tant. Committee Members for the `Committees For The Famous People Players Pro- ject' are' co -chairperson: Gail Doak and Connie Osborn; secretary, Helen McCarthy; treasurer, Teresa Courtney; box office co-chairman, George Woodall and ..Randy Smith; publicity, Michell Hansen, Cathy Hamilton, Arlein Woodall, Betty Reid and Joanne Collins. Other members are Ken Reidy, Corrie and CaSr Brand and Elsie and Peter Dykstra. Tickets are available from any of the committee members. On Wednesday evening, March 11, there will be a special program on Cable Channel 12 about the ticket- selling campaign. It will be aired after 7: 30 p.m. As a mechanic, you know the nuts and volts of good form. AskAl; He fills out the UI Record of Employment perfectly every time an employee parts company. When you're in good company, stay in good form.. Al takes care.of personnel and finance matters for a busy mid -town service station. And he knows that one of his responsibilities is to fill.out a CI Record of Employment form every time an employee has an interruption in earnings. He knows that if he doesn't get it right the first time, he may have to do it again. So Al took the time to get the booklet "How to Complete the Record of Employment" from his nearby Canada Employment Centre. Leaving in good form. •?. The Record of Erpplovment is one way we can make sure no one gets short-changed and no one gets over}iaid. This saves time and money for everyone involved. Al found out that the most common 'mistake is in reporting the "Insurable Earnings". Insurable earnings are not necessarily the same as payroll earnings. Because Al fills out the ROE accurately, ex-employees don't have to come back to him for changes. And neither do we. It's just good business to be in good form. At Unemployment Insurance, we process about 4,000,000 Records of Employment every year. Last year, employer mistakes in filling out the form cost at least S125,000,000 in overpayments. Plus the cost of recovering those overpayments and penalizing or prosecuting. We're out to cut down that 5125,000,000. And we're going to do it. together. 1+' Employment and Immigration Canada Lloyd Axworthy, Minister Emplol et Immigration Canada Lloyd Axworthy, Ministre'COril GOOd GOOu Form►. TheiJI Record of Employment. It lust good huslness form. Lookingbackthrough old files 75 YEARS AGO The handsome new North street Methodist church will be dedicated to the worship of God on Sunday, March 18. Whenye Goderich choir were returning home from attending the tea meeting at Sheppardton on Friday' night, the teamster fell asleep near Leeburn and the horses left the road and upset the whole load in the ditch. Two young women were badly hurt and it is fortunate no one was killed. John Wilson has bought a fine horse from James Raithby for $130. James Ferguson has purchased the Quinn farm of 100 acres on the ..7th con= cession, Wawanosh,•for. $800. The changes being carried on by masons and carpenters in the town hall building made the council chambers a very uncomfortable place for the session held last Friday night and -the town clerk's vigorous efforts to get sufficient heat for the room from the old wood stove were later assisted by 'a somewhat heated argument arising out of a disagreement between the members of the special committee on defining the duties of the police. The annual service of Knox Church for sailors and fishermen will be held next Sunday evening. 25 YEARS AGO Whether to keep stores open on Friday or Saturday nightk from .April on was the mainpic for discussion When .a meeting of the Goderich Retail Merchants Association was held at the town hall Tuesday evening. There were 32 present, the largest attendance since the organization was formed a year ago. <. Gordon McManus plans to renovate . his property on West Street which consists of the barber shop operated by Fred Toole and,,the gift and craft shop next door. He is. considering making the two stores into one with a, possible view to renting it out. , Johp McLean, clad only in a pair of bathing trunks and barefoot, walked completely around the Square in the snow Friday afternoon and then collected his $5 bet from local garage owner, Reg McGee. The temperature was -28 degrees. Maple Leaf Chapter IODE held a spring fashion show called "Country Gardens'•' at the Collegiate on Saturday:. evening. It was well at- tended. 5YEARSAGO Gus Chisholm, general manager of Dearborn Steel Tubing Manufacturing Company of Canada' Limited announced last week -that the company had been sold to a group of Canadians. Bob Brown and John Funk acquired control of the -new Dearborn Steel Tubing Incorporated on February 1. Employees were made aware of the charges on Friday. The transition of Goderich Psychiatric Hospital to a Mental Retardation -Resource Centre - is now nearly complete with about two weeks to go until the April 1 deadline imposed by health minister Frank Miller. Rob McEwan and Rob Bundy received awards of merit for . acting while 'Catherine Westlake received an award for • outstanding performance to highlight the -GDCI drama club's presentation of a Mid- . summer Night's Dream at the Sarnia District drama competition last weekend. ,The GDCI effort won the drama club top honors in the festival and a, berth it: the -regiona-I •competition .... Guelph,u3 April. The Goderich Tourist Committee has been asked to meet with council to clarify spending for the Celebration '77. eY',e,-/E449444744-eal Ohlice INCOME TAX RETURNS PERSONAL, FARMING, BUSINESS We will collect the information • at your home if you wish. Associated with JOHN S. McKEOWN CONSULTANTS INC. INC.. The Square •lie lerieh 544-2332 All -Season Radials priced for all budgets ' %%, 1.1 CU ar OT OAR4NTEE shocks de7e g aanteed against nd oet chaseras lons owns original'puor Plus ns services the Car, guarantee, a 90-dyj e, day ave �ICOOI9COt/ r The Season Master year 'round radial Winter, spring, summer or fall, this is the best tire for all. Keeps right oh going 12 months of the year - regardless of temperature changes or road conditions. Deeply -grooved, specially compounded tread channels away road -surface water for out- standing wet traction. Low temperature resilience gives added bite on slick ice and freezing snow. Polyester casing, encircled by 2 steel belts, ensures stability, long mileage and a whisper -quiet ride. Special hooded scuff rib provides extra whitewall protection. Our best All -Season tires on sale now! Sales prices in effect until Sat., March 14. Performance Rating 55 5,000 km (34,183 miles) ASSOCIATE STORE O.R. TAYLOR LIMITED GODERICH 524-2121 SEASONMASTER WHITEWALL SIZE Caned won gray •n pear o J ',roe. Regular Produ 4 Prr e Number Far.h P155r80R 12(155R 12) P155/809 011559 13) P165/759 13 P1851809 13(CR78 13) P196(759 14 (0978 14 8 ER78 14) 9205/759 14 (FR78 14) 92151759 14101178 14) 92251759 14 (HR78 14) P2051759 15 (FR78 15) P215175915(07815) P225/75R 15 ' (078 15 & JR78 l6) P235/759 15 (078 15) Sale T Say.nq; Price Per Fath Pau 02 1532 42 95 35.45 ° 15.00 03 1532 51 95 43.95 16.00 03 1632 53 95 45.45 17.00 03 1832 59 95 50.95 18.00 04 1932 65 95 55.95 20.00 04 2032 70 95 • 50.45 21 00 04 2132 73 95 2.95 22.00 04 223? 74 95 3.45 23.00 05 2032 72 9h 61.95 22.00 05 2132 76 95 85.45 23.00 05 2232 78 95 68.95 24.00 05 2332 ,, 81 95 69.45 25.0Q ICUNLIMITED MILEAGE mar GUARANTEE No extra charge for installation. We wil install our new tire on most standard rims when you by a Dill or Schrader valve at our regular low price of $1 50 We. must install ' new tire and valve together GRIVEI I1 TIRE 123 456 789 7 R J ROBERT Ma , rye rreT.. USE YOUR CARD Reg. 9.99 Each 22-0407X Heavy-duty shock absorbers help extend tyre life and could save you expensive repairs on your front end Now is the time to replace worn shocks to form up suspension over potholes, pumps, dips and damaged roads Our shocks contain 25°a more fluid than standard 1"bore shocks for Immediate Improvement in ride control and better tire wear Also Save 20% on Heavy Duty Shock Installation Charges Until Saturday, Mach 14. OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAYS TILL 9 a