HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-7-20, Page 911 I—.
I I A .. 11 �� -ayl. I Uld).,, Nivandomm's fainous parry. nLo F" ,. W?
. I -31 -31 olu & "WO I'll in'r ANXXS� JAV CMUMAK10. :�Ao'44Z wlunv ?4%A% .0" P&A pum W11" W 4a
. .. .. ; 1: I 4flm NVlv I SLOW'S soonswo 6yAVF has b�oll 'Suld to hisliself tilat his dalillig woul I oiler YOU fla-ke forgattell the Ivor& yon heact , It 1. .. I
. ,
. . I . . - I � � I � 11 .. _ � used foraver SIXTY WAR$ by XXLI�JoNs d itot'lle there --his proud, raft. impc?r1,lI attored. Lmly May, I bavo been ,r,,,,,-,- #$Tw UVU14 We, beew Mwer'n A* � , � , 1
1 1 l,9QT1x1,',%k$ fQr their OXXXI'M1,1111; wax love, alle Nrould not be t1lere, aald� he 11.11)py; I Ny'sh life were, one long p gy." 0*4 Kowl'y' � I ) �
I 'V1WTXl1kr0, with 1�0 . . I
I � WFLPOT SUCC. $$1 it I I I .
I 50011 '111315 the CUMP, �$Qll'TIV � G %$ would drive firl "it 1-1 oue long larcey I belleyo." Ishe "And you bwrel =Tft"� m, - :: 1.
� WS th I I to, 11
I I I ALLAYS All PAIN -,,QVRV,S WINX) COL C, � havia "A q17 � . I
. A Bretween T�wo Loves. , I A the best;rowedy for WARRH ., an Some of the interft-t had died away M!dt 1-1119411W. ,' ove, AT4 w 14y# ", *
- � 1, � a 'kit lie arew more serious. my life - out *loin � � I I I
I soliael,v barluless, Be Sure and as I or Its, ITIlen it became known tbat Sir clill- .1, . When I go , 70" V* i
I I low.$ soothisIr, SM 11 a tAk 4O.. fiL,gge, I go Into, tAe very, daft(
1 (4 _- I , ton ha(l.golle to, Paris. 'Some laughed, "Yon shall not laugh m>,r sentfUl � � . , Ap, 11 , " I
. 'r , up,,, aa; , , eat _4
sloopsis 01 100 60100100 him W91 " '11211111s Weaty-Ave cents a bott? raid. oald ope,irly that tJie didug frieud aw*y, Lady blety.11 � � CoAd,wMA of do In Wm4i ,
- � 'I I � _V01.11 I twe V 'Wo � 04� �,�� ,
� -
. .. I ' LA Imls only an exeuse--that Ile hit(] .- u�, , "I must not real - ,hIU4, Tou halve 4OA0 your ilov ,jwA .111,
, AlKQUL4TT0X0 I ��_—`��� .ra I—, , I � � � . . . . . .
.? . HeMEST"D I .11 go, ly may?" � . ., alit here, your i�t-, I � I I I
� ,,, . .11
. A�*J, lerooil *6 !4 00 hex "I . BY )BERTHA M, CLAY, . "Yes," she replied, prioudly, siX W0,11,a to avoid the ignominy of a defeat. : 1140,411ag -to ill" 110111SWIW Ally� louger," LA -4y ma'r., .
� I 11TA47 mayll rady Vayllo (W14 oor I
� . 0"' a I . I go R I knew that my Cofmr, �yo,4.1(1 pr�� Lady Ut17 said iwtbing. Wllwt--;�r baid Lady May, � i
44, A lamfty, lor "Y' 14414 her lover's ab�elwe was ,it relief Or 11.�'J. � �
� I I . t &. 're oral voicew 'Aftere are. 110ur ,
. .11 vent you from ever speald 'ro she Imew wlla� be was doing, . I . I
7,zltra old may JAMAtead 06 4ROUt I I . ng to 100 * lak ,
. . ffig . I no one knew. She kept her ow -11 C U.:� She rouged Aerselt QNne 04 04, .
469tQnl of alrai;6le, bomiinloa WA 1* ' * Authot 'of "Whi4i Loved Hhu Best," "The,Weddl agMn." 010 YoUlig" duke lind ,�P.'zed lier Little), ieented haidli to 13' i
. A%olultolbim, 19askittolionan, or WbWas I I . "Then You do not love mop sweet#lt , '$()I' One thing ,was,,bowever, 'a'n J,114-kim.-A'd it M-1111 ptl�Alt .1lit'le. F&rvt I �t, , arm=,, She 1 4%4 I . �
I I I , the most efileer ot==4 What Nnis sobaig '00 - e_ _ � .1 I
,must aVkosr � rwx I I -r-he Riftil chosen NWOUS 'i " � dIL
Wle ar;L 0$�Ut a "I Ring'" 11()n lier Wed4ing Morn," Etr.., Etc. . Ily hv�k. flashed, lirgiml. 'ImITt . 4
�� , "That does not tollow. I , "I Must g4o," .'ahQ $4adl, slowf�6 ,
. ,
. I
X44dS i4 I I I I 0 r will not 'bO means of itrakiii.- -her think about him, ,z,d ralkq;ixil." )ter v,vvs. .1,11 ir tho p,l,), d1 will not detain yoi;$ ''t . I ;I
at �he� 9minion ., . .9e0QK RX 11 . . ____ , � eatened, The Treylyng are not cow. I It lie had been on die spot, pleaddl-lig ,11' � . . I ta,o ss I
k1uh-vtReL.7. forthe distriot, utry, M . I , �,,ry filo� ar her lover, His grace is, doubtless, � Ampad )A . I
jjrov may bo'bad at the 0.90AWWW.,* q§ � I Ards- Y*11 kno*%v- ThTeatext me -1 WAY, b.1,4 oirn causle ynt,b all the eloquel,ige Ja one ullx�ullt, Ay"ill a wommils tnle �000. I 11
11 I . . I , ,
I uld Cilatov, at I knew timt have detializeO You 160AD 1101W. IPP044TO . .... * .I �'. I
peit%�n conditioas* )by, father, mother hel cvdm use, ko could. Uot U70 found � A I 1-1
. �
1 7X0,61 a WZle" To , , plias I I
ow or sister of --i citnuot help , wet she had craned t6a s(tgation-tor I "'Wapi 4 h1s: I
I .# , , -, daughter, ibrother, I ally arglualent so Pex,imagive as the fact .1 'e� L I us .
i I . �..M_L , I I .
liteiriding homesteader., more impatiently . Ohe aookea .so royally beandful in. heir tlll4t helhad gone away, trusting in Due m0lhe0, too, her heart milsgave . W% I . 0 P , .
, I �J'Ialq M4 slo , d ,only love her, , galth anq loyaIty. her tho" 1 PMU4, " , i I (51* I 1* I
paties--Six months reside/A,ft 4V02 *Ixor cause was it rh, be opul hea-, ,as she saw the scorn in 9*1 I 11
P!ad etultivation of the land In 031,11k not e\pect me to . 00 YQp, lu WTI good faith, makL� that Yet she could not,give in, Ulu Lock- Aarl, eyes. ,She advanced, wRh out- I "-T41 I t N�lvo 46han ; I . I I I .
I otantork pf I 1�
led lthTee yeara, A boxneste%de.r M%$ I that,yea ,are jealous of the duke. I b4ve, 'e 1) U w en e ell, , " I r , she asl;ed� wood, who knew the ,whole story, xe- stretched hands: 6i ... I a As It Was? , I .11 I
1. 'm at .his home- � refused � t6 marry - him because I love it frightened ,him, he r . trained from Meaking,becapse she knew .11d you , haragMgy & ,b, I .11
. *;To ,VItbiu, nine mik I . 4� "Clintoul" she ce,ed, "when f . V T. � .
.. I "I I lotevA (M % darm of at leadt 64 gores you. What need Is there tot jeomsy One day when a 1111fle, &cup blis ell 0 n' ", be said, -hoarsely; "I that any,opposition wortild Increase the ceturn?" ,#The duke is, at least, a v0oft 0, �
. , .
. triends 'were disensslim the btv,ttleq o But -he did not touch the L)rofl!ered � tharl Yourself", 011i =-Z � I
I 101,Bly owned and acoupled b'y Kai W after1hat?" . (f would if I a. I . cannot lose you, ditilm, So the brilliant, beautiMig, ii .
11 1. - . � , _ able compa;nao �
� , Iiis fat.hers mofte n thou day and soul 'ing laugh.
r, a" )danobter, g the I Uay. band. She hardly rec4gulzed his viodoe with & little mcol, ;
. . � I "I will not believe It, eye gll one turned to hiza: May, you hold my life courted young heiress Went hex way' .. ,
Wotber or Sister. you admat at Yourself. I haye faith In "You have carried off the belle ait t Your glands; OIL as he spoke.. That was her Iasi word. He 000* , I'. ..
L 4 1 cannot lose you. You .
I'll triots a hdmestewillh you7-you will ilot betray ,that faith. I last -at ledot, you intend . and to fAeudly hard was raised to show I .,
"I I I In oertain dis caTryIng her 'v" I hot go. Yoti tire only saying these 13: am sorry to disturb a very futej,�st, out with him into the coldoess ' ,,, �.
I la k9od Standing )nV !PTep�,�me,t a refuse to, believe that you could be so off. Lady I�Iay 11're,dyn is the come- ,_M Olin her thdt It led her to ruin. � g tete-a4ete,11 he 6aidz "I owe your darkiles w I I �:11
I Wings, to tease roe; Yen do not in Lady Swandown ignored the fact of lil , 0 -a picture of ,Ile am she ..
, rter hiins,, , liest gw Ali London. I suppose it was thom. Oh, if I loved Ton aess-oh, % her glcldex� . :,
"A spotion ajongs!4 big 1 wantouly, so ileedlessly. arue)." � Rea* Sit Chutort's opposition. The Duke of 04ce kin apolog3 Oall I say a few 4 ere, the ,light falling on I L �
I ... It 'i 1ORT1,06.0. per asr& Pultie,S-r 4,.&,(, 1 think you ileedle,ssly fooais-t ker beoutiful face tMtt wonlyouT h=V'l Vem, if I toyed you, ler.01 words to you, Lady May? I will not hijit, and lovely face. shlubg on her � � .1. ...
t resl4e Isix moinithe inewe% ,of oil I e so m,ach Of, ,�A,hftt is re,illy sO, ,Was it? Lbng after th n,owaru was Lady May's mD&t bum- , i I
�1.1 Val A emlbrY to mak at little croup $'Do you love me boo much?" she ask- ble devoted seivant-4ndeed, big sevi- fietain you." ,. jv-%vehs, g-leambig in ter dress; he sa,W, � ;
jr is tiom date of 'holmostea little, You have placed me in it most of friends bed dispersed, he asked hizal. led, 'gentay, He had just "rse�,Ieaough to read her proad, bxight el 1 ,.
� b-Aihu4kng the time required to earn bitxrvs.-,�Ing a�Dw seelf the ques , m. "Was it the face 0 Yes a t1rousand times too wall, tw Ili; contrasited. with the proud in,iepend- 1-rilgedy, usot comedy, in tize pale face :re$, late 0%l.'I of ft', I
. - f and culmytas e", position. Do -,i.lou ki � & ' � I eaCe Of her lover; Yet, Strange, to say, � - proud, sweet lips, the lia-ughtY fivITM � �
, Ptuotead pateot) . I that i)eople are positively discussiln- he loved?"' No! He said to himself early for ,my peace, my, happiness, or a He turned to quilt the drawn to Its full he4ght--ii, 'Picture ;i';t �,
I t4fFy, acres extra.1 � Ithough-she was rebelling against him. befOxe` him, � � I "I
� 'fA homesteader who bag exl1,;10tcg whethor I ditre"go. after your pulblic[ly ,that if she alost her bea,uty, it disease or my salvation! iNly love is my toriu,ent; -refusing to ackuomriedge tha,t she ow- reom. and the loveis were alone. , maddened him with its �D=Tolousl, ..
.,I , r�ssed opinion? , 11rhy did yo4ii sa accident rolUbed her of it, be should it is a. fire that burils me, a fever that .. . "Clinton," said Lady Alay; "Wha,t Is beauty- aiid queenly social Anothem �w : ,
..: � . . big hiomeSteRld Tigbt a6d oNnn)Dt 81b- eXp vch about it, Clinton?" 7, �ove� box just the same. It was not foT, never cools, a pain that never g ed him, any obedionce--she 9101'le(I 4111 . different, Your Tery ale,nt and lie was go,ael, 'It see ' 1� 1. , ,
. -_ I
,� I fttd a gre-emption may take a Pdr� So In rows his exacting R. So contradictory is thO It? You seem 80 med, to� , �
in Sin districts "WhY, Indeed? Because ' ..
1. _ , . , ,e; he coulL d not tell -%,b leis; yet, may darlimg, I would �llot be ko h2s chaliged-what is It?"
�, ' - I belleved her beauty aalon I at voi, that P4'40110 beauty as though, a 010114 z
!; jNosed -homestead cecrt fhaixeslt and most calarming sex, that she : .1
7 �4_%Qej the Nyoulan who loved me wuuld have it Was for. He �Puly kne-tv that In' allt without it. It may drive we indd, it, would beive despised him bad een I . I'll
�1; p,jrlce 03. per acrei IMtkiele . he b She ktolod und6r the light of the lauil) had fallen over her; her face grew valim- , �
_� , I lt:h�reg siterificed. a little selfis'll amusement ,to the wide wiorld she was the one women may I�All me, but I would not be )dth- ch feel upon ,her beautiful, uprais .
1 re&,WjD six mo,ultba in Oabb 01 like the Duke of Itosecam. Arbi. ed as death. I ;
l.." 4.1 Please me." for him ... that no other face was fair, no out ilt.,, r,g�ce and glitteving jewelff� She -held out -Clisiton!" she cried, with a stmu
mja,tl�, culhir, Between Lady Swundown and the
,. Ste tifty acres add erect gel
� . "It is not -it question of selfi,�h amuse- Other voice sweet,'sa,ve hers. He loved She was startled by the vehemence te she was en- ased-there was lier -hand to him again, gpsp, 'Xaxeu ,she said to herself, "No. , ,
I it 'h0wee NOTth '$30(y-Uor - I dul .rO , .
I I IV. W, CORY, . wout," she an6werml, Proudly. "it 1.4 her so, that if she glad bidden him dae of his words, touelied by them. every detail of dress end jewelry to "You are welcome home,'.! she said,, I wfil alot call Min back, and, It he came, , I . 1.
DSPUty'Of the Julger pt tjo aterlor taxis -4t is a question of my obedience for her, he would have died with a "Why do yola wake such it storm over h d n k tri him:, I ,
e4 publication abi . to Your Nsishes. " smile on. Us face. Ile Would -have notlillig then, Glintoia?" amrange. She could not help feeling ed murmur. TIxere was another demand for Latbr -
4, f6r� C -r --he flattered when she was told by the I'll
Altiall'u".1t1r. P041119 1___� "Well?" he said, for she paused ab- lavished all thlat he had on h "My darliag, -it is not what you call countess that sheliall been e!omp&led to 'll .not, t6ucb erself, W-tqv � L,
___ __ "I -m Your -4111112d," 11,10- SAM, May, and again sbe roused b
� . WOU14 have givenk her his 'life aud au �ix,lhiag.' If it wm the mere yielding Ith L
I I � "n B. CART,IXG[, Life, Accident, Fire and PlAte raptly- r6flise more then a buildred applica- hoarsely, "Is -that the band the duke it gigav-,"i a strange feeling 11hat I . �
'J:, qlallalnedran0e,-2100 Collecting Acorbl%to "Well," she continued, looking in his that it held; but -his great ;love did not of niy will to youis, I woul(I yield it tions for invitation. Just Idlesed? I came -home this eyt�niugp something terrible had happened to he -r I
aAd Allodoncerillff, ___ face with a smile, so beautiful and win- unman bam. W, ith it all, he -would xi*4 freely, as I would my.lffe. It is really "And I am quite sure,".said the coun- and they told me you -were here. I ,did in a dream. The D17IL-0 of ROWIC-1`114 :.1
I - . F0 ning that his beaTt melted withill. him- be .9, slave. I my inalthootl whicb, is tit stake. I have tess I'dving full justice to my own mt- not believe it -fool, madmau that I wast �vas by hep side, spe,aking to her in A � 11 L i�
i . "well, Id - ainst ' itme-1, �
T W. BROWNING, X- t u I am not one of the obedient Ifobehad bade ailm, for love of her, sm so niu@h. ag, such things, I -1 did not believe it, ,but I e tow, hurried voice. At first she could
. IJ a F. S., Gradua i t rl$6 . it 'Ta6us, that the great desire is to see
V� Ity. office and resid ., as. Ilk Wg Mud, ,,.is yun know." I thlrust Me light hand into the flameN have expressed my Opinion of them so n,u, my bewidlu.1 Pauline!' the ralftal who loves you oh, great Hes.- ,,,t distinguish big words, ,,hen they f&1 , , ,
. .
a, ,ory.Exeter '- ' I . What more could be say or do? and hold it there, he would have done freely, that for ... 3- proinised venl-wbo loves you better than life. It I-etinctly o -n her .ears, �
drat I wife to A few days afterward, the countesa ' q I
Associate CiDroner of Huron. AVords, arguments, entreaties were all it; but in her actiing love scenes with take a share Iwtbenl irill at oace 1'ro- showed 'the beaut,ful young heiress .it have stood thete while that man clasp- -I have not told azy one thatp -ir I : - I
in villa. Still lie could not bxin� h1ni- aaxotheT inaii-coilsent to doing that claim to all the warld either that sbe Abite from one of the royal prince4, Say- ed you in his arins, ranted and ,,area - n�an -,,vas here." he'said. "I tilewbt ,, I
� I
I- .,
11t, M. D., M - 0. P. AAd self to believe that she would"reaRly Which ale hati eiixuastly, resolutely, holir, has no respect for l"lly 01)illioll, that I . over.you, drank in the heavexi of Your - vnips you would prefer It M NA � ..
la R. Brig , iii.- how much. he should like to see Lady . 1; " ,
I .6ii��z
spA es e�_ estl en t would 'he trort do, have no influence over her, or that she - . ,
. oS., Honor Graduate Toronto Un- go, when he bad e�qyr sed such d Y flOwbidd tha` May TrevIya as Pauline. Lady Swim- eyes, -the fragrance of 'Your lips, while. , o Reems to know he has bee;�," I I 1 .1
vopralty. Two,years resident physician cided opinions. . come what would! does not love me.'f flowh laid at betore the poling helfress he Spoke S'ach words to you as I have . ,' -by should I prefer it:" sl�e t: -.i', 4 1 , :..: 11
_ I He WkIS W ft fever Of anXiet.Y- Would "And if, I st'ay awll.r, it will proelall
3%6yal A,le,kandre, HOSPH061., eta. Office "It alliall be the test," the said to, him- 11" wittl the air of one wbo- has nothing never dared to titter. Tell him, tell him ,i,, vi%it will not be a secret. rl.�. tX I
sad residence, Dr. Amoo' old Stand 'Self, as Jae watched ber-"It shall b Sure go, or would sale nlot? When he to the whole woa,ld elth(v tbat I have higher to oiler. from me, .to take what he -has touched, � i- ple have zeei-, h,.m come and- - - . .11
0 , 4211 . , ., i
I mitrew Sbre0t, Vxeter. the test. She says she loves me; sh asked her, sale looked at him, with callm, no will of my own. *br that I am fright- Surrounded by flatteky, homage, com- for I will inot? Tell him from me that 110W�J I
e �7,o one appeats to fidva .& -T I I .. �
— treats me coolly. There axe -times w SC -111011s eyes: elied of you." pliment, ladert with lionor, the whole You belong to him, and vot to Merl ". :
hen . n," suid his Vrn,�. Then she TiA: .. ,:!
RQUACKENBUSHt I tlAnk she calres for me, and times "Of course I am going Clinton. I "It would mily be a grueeful act of world of fae-blon intent upon her, it was "Clin,ton," she said, "listen to me.!' :,ct stiffl&ent to .,,,iy no more. I F - - t� : �, i
' r ... "I
"I - . again when I feel does vort. told you so from the fi,Mt-" deference to my judgment, Alla)%" She tried to take his hand in hens, hp expressiou of her face. wh?f�!i � 1, e- ' I I
. 11, sure she me wonder that She forgot the consequ- I I
, . I
kysicisn, and Surgeon ama,d' Ac, He began to despair. This was his "One," said the'prond -,voling beauty, . but be drew back from her with such I 4 I
01 I �Mce This shall be the test. If she gores me, ences that might ensue. oil her woxds, lie knew that 1� li,ir � �. ;
C.Qviver. oface-Dr. P-611in's she Will not go; df she gOes, it will be test, and he seemed to be failing, 'tliat I do not Intend to pay. Aots of Sale did olyn to herself once ofr -twice hauglity priae iD his face she dared not 11 ne ri 1�tl and had done witat 21 a�, ,tl �
*, - a*n Street.' Residence-Cornei, fhat she does not love me. And, if it "MUT," ale Said, On!'-- moirning, "I haye defereace il-re I not my forte. M.i-s Lock- that it *az a good thing Sir Cliluton even touch him. - ber. - �v �
`1 6 inkiing 0 I mecod says I sh-all be teiribty puid,illed Wets _ I ! ��J '. ,��;
I and Albert Street, OPPOOit, teitirs the heart from my breast, I wall beentara -f a, story I read once. away --4t prevented -anpleasant . It was all like a dream -she r4 ` 1 --t ;,
SEreet Methodist Parsonage, give her up -I will leave her. I W.311 cannot remember the name. In, It there for my pride some day. I tell her that eceiteS; and Ale did own also -that obe CHAPTER IX. I 1� te..;I*Ze that it 4 had pav,;ed. IT -h - z� -,y,t,4 ' �
lkee,81,r, 01at. marry no woman who does not love me, was a &I, Eke yourself, beautiful ditd I am willing tq take the punishm hoped, much as she wanted to see him, "Y01U JIAV4E ' "ry LOYE.11 I �'_
s -office 39a, Residence 39 SLAIN � no f1me for thougbt. One of t! � :, -. A
I wM not be a dupe ora, slave.!` beloved. There was a hello, too, whose Ob, temible, fatal words! In the dark he would not return until it was over. duk(�s had couserted to reiiiai-a I �,� he .
— — � Yet he loved 'her so. well, so madly, imerat ww inine-the plassionate love he after years, in the time of her sbame "If he does not see the perfolrinallice," "You -are unjust to me," she said, and grat-A banirinet, with whi-h 0; . ev, - .�
I . I _� _11111k ICKSON & CARLING, .- that even as be said these bitter. t2dngs had for has flancee." t and huroilialtion, when the b-.-iOit he -ad she said to herself, "he will care less theTe was something of unustiaA llor was. ta-,eiwke. ni-d Lnfl.y SwTiil 1 ' -) --z . � . .
. � ". "It ig not lancOMMID11," she said, wi�th Was bowed to the dust, thev rose in e decided that, humility in her voice quite foreign to �; ,� �
', . to Wirtself, ibis eyes were dim wM � r. I %v�t-',ed the bi�autirul young he..- . I . : .
, I Ile- as 'he felt slh�ollgly on the matter, she her; "you are unjust, Clinton, I
I . 41, arMers, solicitors, Nobarles, C tears. Then he felt that she was near. a Oral ierrible witness against lt� 3:, t by h'in -
a -baiMonors, Solicitors loroullow, ", . ,93ut -listen, dear. The girl was "You say you love me, illay-Yon
. g the 012.1 him -yes, she was standling there, -with I would i4eTer have "Irl1ing to do with "I am not. I ge, away from you- "You "Q the, star of 'DAY Cq VT - .
11 3911149i 3060. a pretfy moss rosebud in her white beautif-ul, llgbLof heart, elinay led; and have promised to be ,my wife -yet you Private thentricals again. , ulothing less than deuth voiilld have lient," ,'be said; "You rall,"St a t C'?,M�!!
1 zkonot to Lo= at lowest ratm of interest.
" fingers. She fastoned it in -his coat.. she, just as you have been-, Was pressed would rather part from me than give She could not draw back now, she caused me to go, I left you, trusting 41431hig yet," 'i I .
� �11 1
, . �,A [lFFICE:-XAXN STREET, EXETH.H. IM very breath of that pe-ifume is a to take a put in some Private thea. in?" he"replied. , argued. Matters had gone too far, in your faith and loyalty. True, yom So Lady Ala -y. with tbat la.-lX,,"_ .1
,g L. Ell D1090CP message from me," she said. iTicaas. Her lover forttade it." '.'Certainly," s h r hd expressed have said ridthing, written riotbilig-you � lit ill.b. feelibg at her lienit, t, - - a
— And he kissed the sw(,ct ,;vbite hand, "Forbade it?" repeated Lady May. The worlds sou-nded'blirsol, cold, cruel; a desd,re, -to see .her; she must go on with gave me no promise, but I trusted. !a �h eary th'ire ,of brain. sat by th - I; ,'- 14 . >.
.11 saying to himself, over and. over againt ,,yes; mcn� know how to� command. but therer was a love light in her eyes, ' ='! .. I I
ONEY TO LOAN. It. Yet she knew in her own mind -that you. I hasten., allome-what is the first .e -(Ip, nlid throughout tbint Yrlq, , 7. 11
nt I that she would iever do this th�inq, He forbade .4t. Sho resisted, and he a smile on, her lip, it 4onaething in her it was not so much the gTatification of thing I see? Not the woman, Ns,ho aifivent banquet, sbe was Oil r ;1 I ., I
I itmde . nUch she knew would vex and grieve toad her to . choose between, her New face that seemed to say she cared for 4' ,. .
We have a la e aLmountl of private her vaulty as the proud, rebellions spirit should ,have shared my sorrow; n* lor- , 1A,urce and center of ."ll attrAv4 ',It, -11-- :
r geptoperUesaitlowTStli him,. I solute; he '� ;" . . .11
T him. rHe was uncertain, irre .
011111 On IMMan TL11a sure and himself -that if, against his . itad never beet seer to grtmtpi �, " I ,
Ifterfi9t. . I think. within her that refused to submit, that Ing face waiting for me, no voice to 1. �'
GLADMAN & STANBURY II;N1 � wish, she persisted in ,going, they must knew not what to say, what to scorned 21"cont-rol. Lid me welcome. I find my promised age; she was alrinizited, br1lF-l. i U-��] .1 I :
:1 axt"y 11en lie stized her hands an a Pits- a witty; pointed rep4irtew, brRY-t- --v- � I ,:
. .lRxetey _�� I '. p . . So the might came, ,axid its brilliant wife before -the admixing -eyes of a.
13arristers Solloitors.� Main St _J CHAPTER VIT. 4 i-', I :
� Her face grow pale, her eyes flashed plonate Olasp, the luemory of which splendor still lingers in the nifinds ot crowd, I see her clasped in my rivalPs ca,,,tus, dropped fmm her bmnl !:, ., i zz. .,�
I I , .
I LOVE A21TD 'PRIDE. brouffly, . � lingered with 'her Ioug. the guests. L--idy Swandorwile's mag- &,rents. I bear passionate wards es- 'Me duke said afterward tit a t t I v � .) ,w s I
ne usborm and imbert The wicked world enjoys lovers, qu&r. "He was illsolent", she said. "I will not believe it, May� You love Nficent suite Of entertaining rooms were chealged. between them, I see glances no woman in Eri-Oand so fa -r va, so
tUal fire JUSUFJ rels. No ome knew 'how the story spread, "Not at al]. As ber accepted lover, me; I anit. sure of it; No walago Could arcmded with the elite of London. Mote that m,41 -e tay aleart bum and set my dever as Lady May Trerlyn.
Farmer,9 Mu but before long every one was talking I �e SQ fair and Yet false, You will wt than one royai duke hoilored her with blood on fire. 'All paay,l of course- .
,, as her promised husband, be had hl� Lnokiiig at hot-, no one woulO It 'e
' I .
. I ,about itl teihxt-�, with lail-g-&-ing fli,ces, rights; he )vas not involent in enforc- '4o� 1. have all faith in- youi my love- h. presence. A allDze brilliant, select, stage 3ove-muldng� I come away from tbung"hit that she had just biW.(,n !,�r "
Me WPM dIl fadth� I oculd lose mY life sooner Is lover's heart, and desttroved her 11 it
. that Lady May was going to take a Ing them.", or imposingthrong -had not been gather- the stage and find the game thing go. -
"How did It end?" she asked. than lose my faith." �
I Head Office, Farquhar,'_Ont pant in the play, and that Sir Clinton Then, he left hen Ile could m,- -- ed duaing the wh,ole of the season. ing on. My pToDused wife, hex be..,,.,- � happruiess. It was like a dream to 1, 1,; I
. � 'Was trot. willing. Wagers were I -aid "How do such stories generally end?" - As a matter of course, the star of the tiful face a -K alight, her eyes b,right s-, ,bp had not realized it yet. Front �-'w. :
. - . I ,President, J. F. RUSULL "It ended as you. rgore; his heart was fill,]. And sbo, ' was the Plitaline; the charades -her diamonds, and ray rival, -no longer �g-Xtte,iing Idghts, the gleam 'Of Jew.e�. .
. Vtoa-P�reis.. RO,]B,Ti. GARDINER, pretty freely. Hopeless lovers, who de- he asked, mournfully. ftent -the door closed behind Mia, had it *, _-, t � the crowd of fair faces, her lover', .R.-, .
tested Sir Okulton because he had won may Imagine. Women, -I tell You, only ro g�od, tlh,L� tableulix perfect in their oil the stage, making love to her still- I .
play at love. She went, and he kept swift, sweet impulse. It was to (xCl "' vollite and thaggard is she had Jits , 4-'l 1.
DIRECTORS aebeatitifulheiress, fancied them wim I way, but the star Of the fete was Pau- tealing her -lie would be Peasant or sol- . I( � I
. 9 a gleam of light. If she pexsisted in has word -he left her, and never spoke Jbint back, to throw herself in his axms, line. It is not often that ,one sees a dier for her sake, kissang the- white it, looked at her; Int she turned it-aY . �
K%�. NGRRIS, 151tal4fai going, it might lead to a qu,ar . ito tell -him that she valued -his wish perfectly beautiful woman, � -was all fanvy --� .
_ , I ea -If to, her again." - . Lady May hand that has crushed my heart ets a wiTh a shudder. It .
I must not think yet -of what had 1� t'j-
IRYAIN Dubl'n. they quarreled, Partin- milght follow; ,,,"Without doubt she married some One more than, ,ill the world; that she would was perfect, and when her bea-lity was el-ild, crashes a flower." I I
all I 'r lip, all idea. of going- pened; she musit wait until she rell(heJ I
W. - ia-flom, I WInolle3sea. and ifthey parted, there was most ce - se, ., - d 11 -red happily ever afterward," obey it, land give enhouced by the pietuTesque aress amil 11): could P�t help it -1 con9d not, iu-
w M, Roy" FAR�QUH� said Lady Alay, with ayerted face. a sweet,, swift Imp-lilse; but she did not cestume of the "Lady ,of 'L'Yons," She deed, Olblto� I told bim he was tit1k. home, until she -%Tzis alone; tht,n dre, I I
I ,AR Willy a chance for someone else. No Yield to it. Pride came to the reseum was something wonlIterful th behold. ing timsense, land I Was just going'. I rzold think as she nifigbt. I
AGENTS, - oite dared to speak to Six Clinton about "Wfltho,ut Idoubt," he Tepeastedi bitL . IgRot even. for him ,should the world Accuitained as she Was to homa& , am tot to blame." Lady Rley was queen of the fete. As
it. With all his geniality and pie,asunt terly., -"A little accident of that kind- ' 1.
JOHN, zSSBRY_ Exotex, algient for say she subliahted-she who was ad- shla; had never been so courted or 'SL a drove -Mine they talked ab lift
, manneir, -there was somethlog -of itaugh- a - broken euga gw-rielit, a ruined life-- . 10 "I 'Say that you -acre; but I am Obt PeDP`1
ag%lnae and JUAdul-p1h. 0, were in. is not much compared to the amusement bii'tted to be prouder thilly most. No fitttered as on that night. People ray- here to quarrel-wo,l-ds, &rL- quite use- her; they said to each other that -he-
ty reserve. The ladies, . tb . perfect in her lOve4isliess sad in bar
g)I�I,V , unr0y Alzfti terested in the question; It bad a pecu- of an evening." . One should say that she had vleaded to led ,bout her; on all sides ,she met with iess now. You told me if you had to was
- 11 �XR HARRIS. M -wish m I
fto-J16�blex,rt, kullertan wO L0900# IAar personal application for Ali o�. twa*. Suddenly Lady Alay looked tip at the her lover's ; no Ono should laugh at nothing but compliments, homage, ad- choose between pariting fTom we gaol grace; that she was proud, bxtt tbL
, &I. for Went of spirit or want of ptide2l wirat*om. It was a night to be remem- giving up ,these plays, you preferred the d%wt was only nattural-a. beauty and a I �
k JOHN CAMPlUELU rt was -a matter of abedieluce and sub- grave, hamclsome face of her lover. " -40 -71 .
Secy.freas. ParclUhar mission. Most of -them could rentem- "Caintoln/l she said, "is i,our story an And before she mw Wiri. again, Sir bered.-a dream of lights, flowers, JE,'vv- parting. I ilid not believe it then. I - prA mr r,^------ 1
. . Glintou was sudden4y sumnio.31LM to oas, smiles, muste-.01 that the eartilt Yen help me! now I see that it Wftg trtxc. - ____ - � . k
. ber -such struggles in their own career, allegory? Does it vall a, -threat?" Paos, where one of his oldest and dear. ,,as of the brightest and fairest -a night. I am only h4n-e to say good -by." - � I
GUARMAN & STANBURY. 8011101tOtIA and they looked on with Amused in- "I really read ,quelt % story, 1-11ay. But est friends lay (ITIng. He had not eves 0,be arestmed Of flar Years afterward. "Good -by!" eke repeated. "Nay, you - - --' -
— terest. They knew that 'wholeirer, won now let as suppose -only suppose-tellat time to ray good -by to Lady Alay. r - You -would not =ze- �
I in, this t; )
case would be master for life. ours was such nuother ease, that we . The Duke of. Roseclaxn Wns beside him caiuvDt mean that. ,fta
"' CEN AL Would Lady Wlay go, or would ,,,he ortme to a. s1rafthar issite--that we were ' ls�jf with eqtbuOlasm and del -4,11t; every 'y make it sexious quarrel about Such a Diarik6&
I . For such a trifling m ter, it was to part if you insisted In— I CHAPTEIL WII 141 I scene in which be flPPeaXed with the tril]e." �
not? . # outraging my . . . ,
beautiful Pauline was -rapturously ap- "It is no Wfle to, me. You have 20%,, I
, ,
. won-deirful 11relv much discussion was w heo-If you, knew that ,DOWN'S I Iff a 11115411k i
. is your going LADY Swl,'.\ VETE. p1landod. 91e, onIT regret he felt Weis shown every one that You do not MW
STRATFORD,, ONT.--10' exalted. A struggle for suprernacy Is to that .1aaas, would oaxt no. Aould you "yselatery i
# always amusing-th-at was piquant, � But Sir Clinton wirote, and his letter thal the play was not ,& TealItY. for me,, you have gloried in sihowing i
4'. ,was a prayeV t -hat she would do its he The splendid pageant was ended at how little you cared for or valued my Aft 1 i
-, Our graduates are in dem , * Would she go? Some declared thitt she __ h&d. He did niot know wben, he last. Lady May, tired with the unusual opinion. We will part before Worse �
�� ; ., : had assisted at the relleargals-thit wi,- . I
I and, Business men state . should -return, but he 'hopod that ,his exei4tions, but beautiful as a houd, was happens.,P 5, uwq r m 1471, er !
. pi that they are the best. 4 they had seen the : supeit costumes; ARM 0 9 . - absence iretif ading in the Wilhant little room. they "Usten to me, Clinton." . I
1,�, - I g * others detlared that Lady.Moy had ad- d not extend over many stil . callea the g7reell-mom, She was ,11 will not. You tuay try to bewilder Afft 0
�!, I- - tudents from the class room * days; avd, an the meantime, he told her, had
f-61, , andorted t1e idea, and the countess %,,,.is WESSTERIS,,� ' e r a Me itih th So histry of your words; A" "
, ere placed recently at $46, � - I I he should rest secure in, Bier faith amd sailated with conivIlimlents; th OY I w e p
s - . -
" Iv to, $60 and $70, per mouth, in despair. When any one ventured to I Icyalty. She might like to tease and dukes ,had praised her as even they Yb.ti ntight dazzle my sense, you will not Compl"119t, I
F1, i was placed re- I * Iries of the young dalco, he 3 3 W- .
0 9 T graduate, al' '('11 frightelln blin, but he f6t sure ghe would seldom priiise. His Grace Of ttosecam canTince my reason."
,�l ' '1n.M!d',rr,,1,u,y happy, and said: "Wait I
. cently at $1800 Per azkrium- . 01TER N'A'VONAL not ,how herself to the world with tbe� could mot leave her. the pride of her haughty nature, dhlr-
: - W kli graduates secure ' V - I A'M_ - ' � -,
�4 I 1'ant� the evanalig comes." It Itras but and all
1 4 log fl -her lover, even "I h"e but one reg-retlyt he said, In mamt datring fffiose few minateo olllfeitr,�
!! , P - I J ) -cc lives; Duke of Rosecarn as I ,A.
tions. The demand in the a t1a e. elatho,ugh it affected thi DICTIONARY ssiontite tones"OnWY One reg"et. began, to aa;seTt itself. I
� I I ' ix times the and it was marvelou-s what,intensity of though it were only in the Inin-itle love- lom% pa, Bowel Troubles 0
I I., past year WAS S . MERRIAM WEBSTER making of the etne. He said that he and at is -that the play as not a reality. lly�u are at full liberty to do as You
11 , I inte ' Ob. Lady
lf,� I . .rest' such a trifle excited. THE
,��:� * number graduating. belloved 1t--Jhe tried to make bimiself May, Lady AU�l I would please," she a -aid, Nudeed, the Most
,,��. 0 Sir Clinton wondered in after yew's The Ozzly Neiv unabridged dic- . .
1, . 1", We have three departments- how he ,had elidured the suspensel of tionary'in 3nany years. believe it-4le w,oaId adinit no doubt, work as Claude . Nelnobi6 worked -I sensible couTse' we could pursue is to Are Curable by thefUse of . .
MI .up fear, lie suspicion. It ,must be so, wou�d ba peasairtl, aDidier, anything part. You are a ts,man
;1 I for ,t -I like fmcdotkl.
I . those few days. He 1(, -,-ed Lady 11fay Contains the pith and essence to think anything doe -011M SITTINY your sake!" I � I'Ve are unsuited tO ta0h Other- yOa
1W. MMERCIAL, �rltfi such depth of wondill), 49uch hl- of an autIxoritative library. ar6 nal,1-ow-inin ed; you vul re cc F"WLER'S,
.4 , ,,� � t' 00 SHORTHAND and tensity of affection, that big love.,,was I addeal him. He would ouly be abselit "You mw,t mDt talk nonsense to me,91 a w d du DR. 0
,I I -eg-v I
ii�,, I Covers every field of knowl- tmwo or throel dqys, he thought, and on said Lady May, with a keen, aistaste everything to certain, given rul . on �
. , TELEGRAPHY lilmost a pabi to gilm. . He had no �)
�, I . . edge. An VncyclopOdia in a hit return he would -,vill, the promAse, for the situation. No moAtell what was cannot do, it. I am glad to part, My W"'k A. .A $I I
� I " �� '. -qfto Get our Free Catalogue, thmight but for her; he hitil no Olthor from her. I said on the stuge, off the stage it Seem- engagement will, loll has been a mis-
J� , . . � . ideei no other Interest in IWo. She W.11614 single book. i l6ve I -in ac, .1 a take' a burd , from which I hastea to tXyract of
t - The Only Dictionary with the He went, trying hard to bell -n oil like z t ol dicsloy. ItY to liste to i '
Old to him. Nations might Tee myselfillm
� z 1), A. XeLAOALAN, - the whole wo New Divided'Page. that which he most wi,miled; ' btit he his grace's love inakia-z ,
. . Principal Aecay, kings rise and fall -11L, had life .,To 140011 as he had "Nonsense?" lie rt,�)vatvd; "It seeilis to She uttered each wbrd with quick, ,C T,
* %vcwld, the bad -nu'ritcreot. Looking on 400,000 words. 2700 Pages. .could not retam Wild Strawbelc.r Y'
'0$***,0**+**0******0+*#***Q the face he loved, lie forgotall else. He 6000 IllustrationS. Cost nearly hoped to do -his dying friend required ale the fine -,t se'!.90 in all the w0lid, pasionate scorn. Re drew back amiaz- W I
. . . so� much at-Lontioll, lie bad so M413Y lit- Lady INIAY. 1 ,4111W .,-.,�v" forget to -night; ea.. It he had thought she would hum- . .
.4 t liad loved her with thc s1amo passion, half a million dollars. f.lil-S to attenil to for bim, that It m,as oild it YOU never l"Y ,nn� !1wr UwT word ble herself to him he was ulastakell. She . I .
.::, � love trom. the first ixtoment ,he ,,,aiv Le't us tell you about this MOSt littvily 1.111possible to got away, Ile had to me. bither in jo�-t or karw�,., I sliall becante but the 1protdor Or that which rMS -STERLING RUXEDY Ius 1. , I I
:. I � at -e � . 139 � � .
.., Church Directory liea� �said he WoOld so' love her ull-til he emarkable, sing19 volume. - two Ivtters from Lady May. In thoill ilt least have becti lwvz,r once'. I 1'rh!)II litrould have softened a less proud nil- 0'_�f TH9 MARXZT FOR 0mut �. .
� � / lied. Re loidd, to himself that even I � I I
N .�� JAMES STREET -,---,.- . Wribeforsample she ruade Ilk) mention of. the t1itnitrieltis. nvver lose the Mentor), of thi.4 lilght. ture. Without anlotheT word, She Slow-
.%,-.-. M� I I
,ifto death he must ,love her, tow his �� 2=_ , - Irr 'ridly written-tendor, we. I have been in lutrad�sP, :1114 it I.,; ,.,,)nic- AgAgemen't. ring from her YP,ARS AWD HAS IMT TO V . . .
I � � pages, fall Par ney were Id ly drew the e
I ET eth""`� x" , tioulars, eta, n ti"iag to litive been t1lare, even it tbe �
�11 ' __ HODIST CHURCH I(Jve was more ortod. , . ruailly lel�te,ts-anld ,his beart grew Nvari I finger and gave it to him. TO DO WHAT WE CLAIK POR �
. � , 1, I M . . 1 -le -knew that lie had g4lined a won- Name this as lie read them. g.l,JL% .are ba,med forevermlort, 2y I "You will find some other hand for I � � � , I
Rev, Richard Hobbs,PaStOlr 'domful -victory On winuling Alex-di"It * � I
r paper eta �qho did care for himl she would not ,"Nolls"I'St- agaill", , said L,mly May. t.L,at to fit,,$ $he mid, wid% slom" cruj% It an tmadrupulow druant Or 4,04 , � I �
�, 10 am7b, A -hors were enylotis iind jealous. He 11 ,� . ,fIt is not Very (liras �9�1 I
1. SaridaY RublIO WOZOMP-1" itact fel,t, suprenib scorn, when people 'W" we will Arrite slich sweet words It she were daft -like to call tho scorn; "it was always w0hel, sinUll for #Ayo.- I I. . I �. .."'. 1. � I
� � and 7 plM. l 'd he, liras inualTilig her for money. � - sendfree told and ilidiff".0A. It would be all lgige para-41se-4ndood, I coal it dedid- me.,, . . I I 1. � 1.
; and gai a set, of 1-ight; sile Nvnould yield to ,his wishos, edly heathenish." Then they stood tot a Moment looking "This is just as �06 or better 19 . I
... I �
. �,
I I I . L ulass .13ervio.e_-.,Sunday,9-30 a.ma otio hair of her beautiful heumd wils Focket 611L would no.t go; and, perhaps, oil his "It WAS ,yO11l' w67718 1110 S111-flos that at ench ,other in ,silence. il , , � ,
titter Morning f-ILexilloe and WedAes- I I .1 I
�voalth more to Uini tholl, ftll the mo,110Y I ;� adi.-se," he will. "Yoti inay Sir Clinton sitid, slowly: , IV, ,
I I - day night. In the woirld-OM- glance of tier loy6y - X Maps returp� he should, be able to pereavide made my per, ine for the re� "Good -by bmirtiflil dream of MY life idle what I ask for." � t I V. � I . .
her to marry him 110 buoyed himself be cold aild cruel to
.0akadhilm,6" ey.w. 4 from her lips, out-- I abalilider of Illy life, if You wffl# but You -farewell lo, all my hopes and wishesl 1% I
young merl's.1016" 41.0d One. swoot ITOT t
. . I with sweet hopes; lie liVould not admit I I) .
Stinday &t I Daft., . weighed all_rIches. "Loved her tot, hc�r I could go have been kind"' - I h4ve loved mle, fabeas she is The prioe la 36 falantg. pev bottle, , 0 .
Itmo 2.30 I . the possibility tbat 411i7thilAg' fair; idle - I , 4M tifill
VRM,r 04 IV "
.0 -7� *
l -W , , 4 ,
, , � � 0 1
aga; IV. ob ti
te V do I
0,11011 . Do in
i" ?v X_ _T_ W, L - M -R,
, #
I* ,
flanday.80hool and Mbfe Met monerill He, laughad at the DOW", Y -1. . I 41C,fint6a Was quite , rigit," thou.&t �haf the name, The �
1)%M0 I .1 �ved -her for her own beaultifal 1-11'.. wrong. I I has: wounded ma, 4is false, womal do Urnited, Totonto, 04t., 11 , I I ..
� I 1-10 I( He -would have 11 I It *0 , n stra-119010 euco, be L, I ady vlay to hersoilt."this -Amat6ur ,.wouftd, to the very dftth. )"'Ou would . � I I � 1.
. '80wortil Uague-Tuesday tit Eq 0-0 lwif� nud nofhotg ease. I I &C.RarrimCO, thought, that in return 0 thould 10. , - Uk* * bad for any one," Lavo boon kiiider to me, Lady MAYO lable lem ,we; are the mAUuf"t0Ar4 � . .1
. L 0 tho b0=0 .. I., - I I * In ilig is Ivory $1 1;
I . eeking-T&WIr"" 4 '04041mitauica hot had she been .. i� Sp � r. I he $4 Ico).,o , 6 toto of twittamoo � - . I
Vjayer Im � g1161d, Arask 11 t ahAll tpo, luOMOV1 Of Y,Dl1r Ilarl �Vwj tA,1tea a, daggor jar 3roar JiLtle v proq a .1
11 I ' he XWoPoolif . 111.i_.-111 - � ftoh, �Mdou C& ti . I 016 I
. . ooila,% ft. Upthod* 4ugeakt the vw 10i A I -fua. � -1, I I I i :1 .. . w�# .gt . � . I'll, 'I I I . '! . : 1. I I � I
I 21 . ,� . . ) IL I . L' I
. und . 1. I .1 �� I y " I I . , 1: � . I I . I
t6i;vilil VX�"ach,wxt - I . ! , I I I /L �, , ' ' I t� � I I I I 11 . I
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1� I . r I I 11 � 11 I �. I'll, 11, I I I :� - d � -, , ". � ! L ' ;
. . I 11 � � I., .1 '. �_ ".',, .:,�� �,.�, "'. _�,�� - "
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I � . . I . : , L . . . . . � r IL,� I , 11 , Iscim,11A , , ilim -1, I, J&&_ ' 11'-- :�_'I'�
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