Exeter Times, 1911-7-20, Page 8__
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I i I *'* "",-It*�i-�*'��*'i'r,*�,*4,�'V,-Ij,to'-,A*'.ko "Poor 'man I * AT
1� I I . * I , ,I sick 11 I
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� I � T I ` ' -re was no aasw
I 11 ,be
. , I U Brett
I I 11 . � " 4 tr th, Harry
. � It, " but ,all the morning
. I
� . � Ir playing poker and i
I I 0 whiskey at Mick He
I I I Ilk D. 71'
1 1 1 0 A and as lie staggered
i . ", had given.'way twen
I � . 4T I his tent, and lie, slepi
. 0A4F,'16,+,*JW10+,WV1C+,0 C,4,'"k-6A
I I . I He iAnttered soini
� I . 'There was no ma,n in camp who ailly, and, thinking I
�, I I ha:d a, good w'),rd to Bay for Harry Vena put her little f
I I � I . Brett. In .all that collection of his iteck and her lil
I I diamonds he was the hardest forehead. The touch
I., . � I . lag
� . . drinil"er,, the heaviest gambler, -and on his eyes, and her
. � . ther ,,,,,t $inner in every way he saw a face like th.
; I . I Against law and order =d the gen- haunted his dreams.
� I
I . exal smoothness 401 things. More- - "Hilda!" he said,
� , I
�. 1 I " a was silent and tacititrii, She gave a little (
, 2'�rl, 'camp that ,could overlook a if she thought the
I : � an, , s
I I . I many things could not overlook funny.
I I , . . I that, I . "I'se not Hilda," t
I .� � . : � . Yet there was.a mysteryabout him Veiia." .
I . � that none could explain, though He sat up, and, ti.,
I .
I I I sometimes in drunken moments lie been sobered, the wo
I �
i 1: I 'nts of a past that had to ving queerly round J'
I . . let fall 11:1 N
� � I I do, with a- world very di&rent from "Wheradid you ca
� Lightning Ridge.
� . I jerked alit.
I . The ridge was not a very big "Up there I" she s
I place as yet, for the outside world to the ridge.
I . . did not know that in the clay pipes For a moment a pai
� I under its surface ran threads of the tion siting him -as he
I :� �- �, , . I finest opal to be found in Austra- himself, all dishevelle
� lia. How -ever, the fifty or sixty men eyed, in contact witb
1 ;� '* who lived in the scattered tents and fresh life of this child
, shanties among the undergrowth "You oughtn't to I
1� � dkI know this And
1� profited thereby. said roughlv. "Com�
� . Then P,mvin-irri t�_n�ma - - � ; � — 4. -- 4--I-- _ t,_'_1. )I
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Who soamod to be Jl4sbe.,Jr with 6110 r .1 , _ _ _- -7-7-- . I - .. -.,- . --,�,—�-----4--,�-----,------,"'I - - - I*_-__ r _ _ _.'_77!��-77%*!�%'�
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. QLASS, MUSES. . r � I I . .1 -
1. approaeh Of foyer, 4xid his uuakill- r I I . .
� I . . .�_ ,, , , ot 0 [TONS
I ed halWs Could do nothing for hor' 0" blo NA40 St."OlIg EJ1QUg1J JQ X" 4 , . I
Wrl _, r I NOTME
� ` tired,aud nerve,_rucks4, SOMI
I , lie ' — - — �
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r aII Purpos('s. = == .� ..... �
,Irlrll(V,1�114 A* at the shanty with tile � r �_ M�� M ---
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11 - g R! :=�_==_: .- - -- ---: ... . _-
o, 4=- = �-_._ Z a I = 9�� ==;�: .
== !:t7 _� __ i �
r ootor� Inan Slipped past bini, in , "Within ten years POOP16 in this - EM 05 ---__ _==_ -
4ttiie .o 1�411 r ===.,
� country will be building houses -of .M.-_ - - �_ L . im ERE ---,-- LAIR11', 91JANTIT11,18 Op i'009,
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: I "LoOks As Harry Brett," lie gla,ss, NvIiiell will ox4eel in s,tnitary __ � -,-- . CONSURE11).
said. "I worule: what -the deuce appowtiltents, ,beauty, And (jur - R 7- mts , _. --- ! .
V_ -z
- ii , � � ._,/� .i I
,� . � ,R Z='= r r 1 4
. - " *1 : �� . - 4A .
Mr,U) D, -;ar � � �J, , I., ,
e <loing I , I I . Z; :_2E_:=_ I �
could b , �_ ir
ho, bilItY, and Also low cost of main- . - � ul ; - .= -_ ., .�� —, . �. I
. W 0 '; I FE -1) = .1 ,
r_t : = I .17
. I
�i And while, jhf.� doctor was look- touance, and type; of sbruct-Ure of. i = ; — I=- �
. Esz-c- R��:L � I �t _: r I astronolniok'Q ts of Royal j."111. I
L .
ingat little Veiia .. ho examined his � he present tinlo." . . -, G,
.1.1 belongings, His face flushed as hq ,, This was the, intoreking doclara- clir(xs and Othong allia Ng
. . - --.= -1 , Z,
, saw the opon, safe in the corner, ti,on. made recent to 11(�ad r ,�
,�-,4 but h, Lept Silent then, ly by Roger S, � , � I
ir "T (Tel
.�.T, � 0 . 0 1
,V'ZT1 .
I � mw �k for his I'l &$a, one of the ,oldest glassmak
'I 0A chief the tights wero . Cen tred on the ers in . the Uniteo State,$, A, mail 10 i,]3eQ1sts r f0etl, Man cats, The,
- "' 4i2l"'Af �Zr� ,anie b,
I ,, child. The. (Joctorr 0 aek in, a as taken an active part in all " "%: 41 ,J RO �-
" '' '. �'.. I r - I I who,11, 'r. wiso mail alone kao*s how to, eat,,, , ,�, �
ffiw�_,�� 111" little whilc, and iisi face was grave. the IMPINuvemonts that have set the I
, - INMIVIVVIIN" N -2 -ANN -A Biit not AlNvaYs- It would f,,careoly
'Z,q�'�,, "I don't think 2
, ,
^:� , the e's � much glass world face to face with new I � - beinoorrect to 'd'c-2cr1,beBalZa(,, I
3 SINKS. . I
O�lg," he said, "but I'll r stay conditions, and placed it in lin,a i 1. vo-ItMre-, alld Vlvtur Ifugu, for in -
It mightL IrA ,,r ...
ter her. r I 11 .4 SETS91DRAINS, wise incii in their own
- .-----.. here, for a, day or two and look A& for the greatest developn�ent in its . W CLO, � stane
You vewY bad case. , I dev L el op into a � long history,' By glass li-oijses Mr. r W IL . , .. I . SOLD F_VE.RyWHERF_. ETC. wayr; ,and yet they were, human I I
. . , . I 4
. . 'o g,
Pease said he meant just what lie . REFUSr. SUBSTITUTFS r 9111(tt0liz, who,, ai�itronomio, fea w.
But in the morning she seemed said, Foundations --of concrete, "I'l""".!,!!,:,:!"","'"':I .1 . .
. To tell the better and Packard. made hisway I E==-=-:=-=-=-=--= . would strike the.avorage readeras
- Whic)L aro, now recognized -_ --- _=�===___7 ::!�!!��!!!::!!!!!!!!!!!:::::!::!:!!!,:!::!!::,:! . see � le,wh
6s )lot sick) down to the There was on- " Stan- - At amazhig, to say tho�
Le bad been ly one thing Cmdoplin acase of rob- da -rd, the walls of wired glass, the __ 7-7.7 .. � , _!��,�, . -11. . - I.. � � I _. . I I .,— . lea -sib. . I .
�nking neat beryAnd that -svias to call the men c0ilill9s, and roofs of wired glan,, MODtiRN NARTy]RS. I Balza.c has told us hiniscl� that at
Y�s shanty , ; together And tell them, And the floors of tile, covered with. . . I . fe-Vor, .with a view to discovering the and of a night of hard wriGiaq
W T - thes en a certain famous, eatly
onte his legs a 'light sheeting of wood-sti-ab a Some, P,ti,,It,. r, . a- I Iceine to prevent -a Aisoaa- he w. , 6 to S and . t1pre .0 " IT I
"Mates," he said, "I've been. Dootol-s ho Have.Wed for as, By an accident he contr&cted house 'in Pari rZ±e
yards from robbed. Some of my beat opals building will prove practically in- . I
..here he fell. were missing wilen I ca,me home ,destructible, can be made ofany set � . . rr . � both, add his nam -e, was added to and -ate, a little ,din . I
iing . drunk- last night. Of Colors desired, and requires no Amongst physicia the roll of martyrs in the laborar composed of twelve doiez t .
. I don't want to accuse I ,
-s In Pain) any One, so I leave the be P1 n that . -W
. .Its of t6 -day toXT t3
wa matter in. painting, no ipering inside, will there. is a sort. of superati.tio OYsters, -.elv,e mutton, Outlets, .4
arms round your hands," I . soulld-Pro-of, maisture-p,roof, a man who specializes in .a,ny par- It is ploasant to turn from eu,ch duok, two roast partridges,. a Nor- -
touched his The men looked at on's another and fire -proof. � , bicular. disease will become Pathistic inst to the trillm- mandy bole, fruit, coffee, an4
tade him op- silently for a few minutes, and then Mr, Pease has planned a house tim, vooner or later. This an 'tsv'c- pliant and euacmceces
persti-�, asiful caree, of Ma" liquors, Victor Hugo, whose -iron
ng over him Steve Dawson spoko: that will be composed -of glass and tioll has ce'xtainly not arisen with- jo�r Ross,,who, was, awardad the teeth could ortish a cutlet bone. at
me that had " Well, I guess y,o all standequal is going 0 have it finished, i' Nobel prize for medicine in .1 9 if ib were an almond, sometimeu
. � n some out mudh cause, for medical his- . 190 . ,
in this matter� Two men had bet- color that will make it attra,ctive, tory of the last few years teems for his invaluxblei w6rk iI.t verif;! ani'tilsed his grandcMldren, after
,lie mosquito origin of
ildly. ter be told off to search the tents, and such colors will be permanent, with instances of man who, fightivi- "g ' � malaxia oati�n'g through a dinner of siA
)king laughl Start on mine, first.", The moment this idea is started, .against disease in the cause "' * favor. lklajor. Ross, who spent cour%s, by collecting tile remnanti
I - of hu-
tme sounded They stoocr round talking and Mr. Pease declared, the public will manity, have succumbed to it them- eighteen years in -the ladian Medi- ,Of sourp, entree, 19h, roast, vega-
smoking while tent after tent was be quick to See the value of the selves. . . cal Service commenced a special .twblc,s, and sweeb dislies, mixing
� said, "I'so ransacked, Harry Brett lounged a. material. Its chs&pness and relia- Take, for insta'noe, blie case Of study O'f mallaria in 1892, and his, . re- them, and ,eating this rhorribl'A
little apart from the rest, his hat bility are understood. Glass, he Dr. A,pthur Sha,rp at .Nottingham, serches took him i-�rrto the deadliest - "salad'? there and then with obvi-
igh he had pulled dowilover his eyes; but he sa,id, is the most honest and most England, whose death last year il- districts of West Africa, where for ous pleazure. . . .
l was revol- seemed to glare at Packard as if easily Understood material in the Instrates the dangers Associated moatlis he rWced his life every 10
I he knew what was to come. Then ,world. It is not mysterious, a(i,d -with surgical work, , This doctor hour, night and day, for tile cause ROYAL GLUTTONS, I .
) from I" he the two men came back with the People will not haire'to employ ex- ,conducted a Post-mortem examina- of medical science -and humanity. Voltaire, who almost lived. on
opals, and when the no "I's became perts to see that the quality is tion on the. body of a,child who died I — 44 — Strong coffee, blegged of drinking 6
1, poiatin� ,I known, all eyes were fixed On Har- right. The glass for the walls -of from. a virulent form of blood-pbi- R41CING PIGEONS. r sixty cups a day, which reminds �
ry Brett. Steve Dawson walked ov- houses need not be transparent, saning. An abrasion Of the skin one of Dr. Johnson, who. could al -
Of m-Ortiflem er to him and said kindly -enough : ,but .dense, like slate -or stone. It on one, of his hands resulted in he SU'Trising 1nterdst In Roming Pig. nlIst.equal ,this record in the mwb-
thought of "Now then, Harry Brett, I guess will,, however, be hard and durable. himself contrao.1in � ter of tea. . I
and bleary- you'll havoto go. We'll give You The roofs can be madeof the sarfie , g blood', poison- Con$ kl� E11glanr(l. Judgging, however, from . the in -
the sweet, till-sundbwn to pack your swag and I *character oE glass. ing, and in spi-t-e -of all scientific Fifty � Years ago a
It withstands skill could suggest, he succumbed very few. Peo- formation contuii,ied III an biter -
I quit, and you're mighty lucky r to heat and' � ple knew what a homing pigeon osting book lately published in .
here, " he 1 get out of it so .a cold alike, and whatever after a painful illness. was. To -day therer are over half a France, ((
asily. " patents may interfere with the Ajbout the sa -on Dining and its Ameni- ! I
e me time death put I ri�illion racing. birds in Great Brit- I ties,- it w�ail,I,Li ,q.nnn.q .r +11�q.�, �q �&.
)n, and I'111 Sam thing seemed to rise in the cheanness of tbA m,-rF,Pi,4_n1 ,_ I — I - . - -
I 11 . . - . - . I -
I oliZ�,-_- 1-1 --. . k--- AWX I � LkV J k��U V1W,AA LIM �U"81 %V111AZIL .UZ V - � iii oacic. .us gave one final glance . but a, sl�ort-4im- __ __ - " ZLUX-ry,,Vy. Uox, tiie Z. -ray maxlyr, ip:,,uu eaca, ano ofte m eating -champions we, -cc- I
I the a before these will who contracted the dre�ded mal�- 10,000 birds take part ' modern " -----' -_ _
. Of molle, : so that there was ple,, er left him, came crawling to his! at Packard that expressed all the'be eliminated as a cost factor. in one ram, ca,,:ioually read About, whose feats
� Y to burn for tht'lucky, and feet. It was the only living crea i . ady known .as X-ray The average
I t- t hatred and revenge that surged up dermatitis person is apt to re- isposing of a
� big �opoq for the han-dful of un- tire that bad ever �;Iuck to 11ar . I
I . ry -within him, and then staggeder I through accidentally putting a tub -o' J gard, the man w ho, makes a hobby trifle I ,a 20 pounds of plum-daff, .
I Brett was :Brett in his dark days, and he lov-, _q4_ ik
� lucky, of whom Harry 1 dazedly back to his tent. of the appartits near his face. it of pigeon -racing as the humble in- fifty or six,by eggs, ,or a score of I
. One. ed it with an almost superhuman " might be mentioned.that the agony dividual who is often to, be seen on
- .
Tht men liked Packard, but they love, Vtna gave a little cry, After sundown. he shouldered his HELPFUL HOUSEHOLD HINTS caused by this disease, is so excru- Sunday mornings, with a, muffler pigeons -would ,not have stood I -',I,>.-
� were interested in Ill it?)) swag, and disappeared' over the When polishing th, much ohanee, if matched ago inst o,A,'e ,
� In chiefly be- "Can't I stay and play wif crest of the ridge. littl a store add a ciatingas to resisteven the power round his neck, and.smokinga clay '11
, -a sugar or.syrup to the Polish, of opiates, is way 11
. who was just four, and who had "Why, yes, . a few Louis XIV;, for instance, who was
girlie, I guess You i side of his child, while the doctor' d it will not burn off so quickly. by no means the only pioneer -of miles 'Out with his wicher basket,
-ad wistfully. All that night Packard sat by the an Mr. Cox, -however, is Pipe a
I cause of little Vena, his only child, she as], . s. he makes h -or two -of the; French ki gs. Ta,lw
1 7-1 conquered the camp from the -day can," lie replied. m,oved about viih anxious foot- To remove stains, on spoons X-ray surgery who has thus suffier- there to release his birds for the a gourmand .and a gourmet'too. He
. her tinv feet had first stepped down And twilight was slipping clown. , steps. She bad taken a turn for caiised by. using them ,v�,ith boiled ed. . � homeward flight. As a matter of'bad as many as 1,500 men to cook
from & before he cozi:'ild get her to go. Eler: the worse. eg,,a_,�§, take a 13'ttle common salt, fact, men of all classes to for him and to wait -at his bau-
I " Fancy 13U bringing thumb Many readers will doubtless re- -clay take . �-.
hin -a kid like little feet were tired by then, and I ,,I want Harry Bwett," were, the niolst6ned, between the and member the, case of I)x. Hall Ed, a keen interest in the pig,eon-rac_ quebs. ..
�� titat here!" they said. "We'll have he had to carry her in his arms till!, nly words her lips forn Anger and .briskly rub the -stain, wards. the X-ray specialist, who �ng, a, sport -whicli received a Here is the manki of one of his
.. I to look out and see that nothing they were -near Packard's shanty; io Packard tried to .ad. which will soon disappear.. impetus when the late King great inary dinners: On.- bxoth mada
.�, soothe her � I has bid both hands destroyed by Ed- Ord
b g George then Prince - and o- - four part-
. , g,)es wrong. There's not a woman but no one saw him. for most a S a was ra7ing; but he) -ter wash- the Rontgen rays. Then there was � .
,within forty miles." Of � thinkin h Te-Ople who take ,cold af ward and Kin of two fowls ne of
- them were inside their 'Lents. - , ing their liair should put spirits' -of the wall-kno-wn French -doctor, M. of Wales, established lofts At Sand- ridges and cabb,"es; one adcli- ;
... --l- � was hurt by the longing in he' I camphor ai the -back of the, eiCra ringhain and entered their birds for t-ional soup, made tio of- - zix..Jii-g,t�on&. �J ,po
-_ 1, , And thev made clumsy overtures She, came -often agkin. and Pack- 1,eve . And� when night came once Rmdiguet, who for two years de- . � ,"
I . for her affections, All except Har- ard did not notice, for she had be- I ' s a most of the races. Indeed, it was and One of cocks'-conrb,s; twb fu,F`�""�_
, ry Brett. They said he was I more, ,and he leaned over her h along the, temple, and at the b&el voted hians-elf to the s
I" too come used to playing anywhere t . tu'dy Of the one of the late King Edilvard's birds ther soups, one of fowl and one of .
� , )� heard her say again: . of thd neck a,fter the hair is dried, X-rays as ctirative agents. He, re- which established the record of fly- paitridge; a .2-D Pound side of real
, � � . . . sour at heart to care about a,child. I about the camp. Her pre " sence I "I want Harry Bwett."' Wnd Ahould take a few drops on peatedlysubjected himself to their ing 510 miles at the average rate of a.n,d twelve pigeons; a fri,Gassee Oil
, tent brought something The doctor said quickly:
� I It was ,a month before Packard I about the � a IUMP of ,sugar at the-saine tim.a. nee, I
-, I . met him at all, and then one day, I new into the, life of Hairy Brett, ,influe, apd in the -end- he con- 1,307 yards per minute, which is six ehickens and two hashed part-
� .. - I . I when he was passing Mick Heal3Ps I Bit by bit roughness slipped I "Who is this manl You'll 1111ve . �Put a, Pinch of borax in the water tracted X-ray dormatitds, dying .�f- getting on for a mile in sixty see- ridges, three roast partrid,ges, six
, from. to find him." t in which lobtuces are washed, let ter months of agony in i.905.
I � shanty, a figure came reeling out. him, and hour after hour he sat Pack d was a man who ends. And amongst the members braised pigeons, two roast turkey,%
I ,� '
�� , ar- -h , ,
� acted i them soak for half an hour t - " The discovery -of the X-rays was. of the various flying clubs through- three tmffled hens, two fat capons
Z; Packard stopped short, and, be- telling her stories about blacks and i siviftly when be made, tip his mind. shake tbeni free from -water', and I � .1
� F�, hind the rough face smeared 'all bunyips. Then, when. it was time; Ano&r hour found him racing ov- YOU will be delighted with the ad by the death of -two men. alit the country may be found no- nine chickens, nine pigeons, two
. . ." mark
I �, over with muzzy stupidity, he saw to go, she would fling her little- -er the track that be knew Harry,' crispness. Salted wa:ter softens One was. Clarence Dailey, chief blemea, merchants,, literary and young chickens, six paxtri4ges, and
; .
in a flash the clean soul of a -boy arms around his neck, and he Brett's feet had trc�lden leading a. I them, 'but borax cleans and fresh. .
1 -4 . . assist -ant to Thomas Edisoxi, and scientific,cel6brities, all Of whom four pigeons. The dessert consist-
-1 I
"I,, who had been mates with him in would turn his head away so that saddled horse beside lum. He could I ens them. � the other Dr. Louis Weigel, -of New take the keen interest in the i
. Pig- ed of tiwo chirra bowls of raw fruit, ,
1 . York-, who, in 1908, died after as - so races, the sea -son for ,which will two -of jam, and two of compote. I
, �. I I daYs. of old. The muscles of his she might not- notice the pain that not understand the why and wbere- 1 When paint brushes ha,ve been
, v - 11 I
� face worked as if with a twinge of was in his face. fore of his little girl's desire, but 1 laid aside for some time they be- ,on operations. His Aght against shortly commence again. I I
, pain.
- But there was something about its .accomplishment was his sacred! come very dry and h death wasone -of the longest in the Unfortunately, in these long dis- AN ANCIENT VEGETARIAIST.
ji� : "Good Heavens! It's Harry him that the -other men were quick ard. To rem- histary of those -who have gone to tance races many of the birds are ,
.�, Brett 1"' , 1. to notice. I trust, though be hated the man who I edy this, heat sucie vinegar to No doubt the King did not eaV �'
�.� , � - . Tne reeling figures - had inspired it. A little later he boiling -point, inimerse the brushes, their martyr-dombecause of the X- lost. In one race. for instance, of all this, btit he certainly more than
_�-_ straightened "I wonder what's wrong with was bending over a blanket -wrap- and allow thein, to SiTaMer ray. Dailey, too, endured terrible the 7,500 starters only 6,0oo birds touched it, as shown by his supper I
. I m f?r agony for many months as, -the re- "t"ned home. In one disastrous
,, . up and his eyes looked into Pack- Harry Brett," said Steve Dawson! Ped form curled beside a smoulder- about fifteen minutes or ore :In
, ard's. A flash of sudden hostility one. day. "He never comes to ing camp fire. I., . I strong soap-sudg ,a . sult bf the exposure. of �son-viz., 1903-asmany as 160,- menu of the sa.me day, which con- .
% sobered him for the moment, and Mick Healy's shanty now," . nd they vvill be his hands sea .siated -of two capons, twelve pigs -
I � ,�', he said fiercely - "Harry Drett," he said huskily. I I . .a-nd arins to the rays. A cancerous 000 birds -did .not return to their I
His mate smiled cynically. I -1 as new again, . growth developed -on his left arm, owners,, and of these probably 60 I ons, one partridge with Parmesan,.
;1, a cc So you've crossed my track "Idon'tknow. Perhaps he's got i Thosleeping man opened hisl Mi1kjugs,CsP&C1al11Y if too nar- the lower part of which had to. he or 70 per cent. were permantently four more pigeons, six chickens, 8
�, ,� I Tain. Packardl Well, keep clear -some now mischief on hai-A." I eyes and his bate �hot out in a few I row to be -wash,ed and wiped dry lost. Then., again, during the race poundsof veal, -one, pheasant, three
I -
,� I i1' %-ou�re not looking, for trouble." sudden words as he saw his enenty inside, should ha,va hot water and amputated. Then his hair, mous- I in I.q partridges, three fat hens, four -
*1 And then Packard heard of Von-' ,03 $100,000 Of homers belong-
': '- I loarting over him, but Packard some salt
,m. aching. bitterness of years . . tache, ,and eyebrows -vanish-ad, and 1 i,,, us
it , a's visits to the vagabond's tent, I spoke w th a choke in his voice: and --very clay , q to the North -country pi ,chickens, an-
�, � * put into them his right hand ai-d -arm began to I . geon-
� v-, in his voice Pack- n eye on bar � allowed to stand for five min- go. Four fingers were amputated ,
t r - ' into a memory of the ".My little girl wants you, Har- ittes. They should then be, thor- ace, the birds being driven all ov- -ens' Ili
, and it stung i flpfig club,s were lost in a single young O�bi k S
and resolved to keep a er eig four young
When she �igeolllab particular
, ' Past- in future. e : , I , oth Ons, :� I 0
�, I �, , and finally his right .arm; but it was r pige And on t
-1 ry. For God's sake, come!" oughly rinsed in cold water and o& no avail, and ill 1904 his name ''er the,country and far out to sea I clay the .King did not find the sup- .
; 1 :.-4- he had in his mind to sa,Y tracted her attention e rwi i'tth' h o tdhie�, r I R a c i n g over the track that'nigilt turne�l upside down to drain. as by a fearful rain storm. In flying per menu sufficient to satisfy his
: � "' V, I . I things, never quite knowing -all his
I � I "Let us forget everything, Har- ;.a sympathy ,sprang 'Lip, between the dry as possible I . was atdded, to the list of those- ivho across the Channel many of the Noyal Appetite,
' - veto meant to the sobbing child. two men that was born of the child After doing d'irtv have ,died because -of their dsV0- birds, owing to exhaustion, find a I more. The following h1ad to be ad-
� � - and ,called for
, work, t7o � not . . I
I I , . I ry. She's aead now, and we both Other miners came to tell "her star- who was the best thing in life wash the hand,% tion to, science, .
� I us shake hands and be mates again, -h of them. And Packard was . * watery grave; others settle at! ded to the menu � Four -partridges
I � loved her. For the sake of that, let ies, but there was. no man could tell; bot to at ,once in. water, Apart, however a
I . .them like Harry Brett, or ma.�-e.! I First rxvb a little'greaso ell into ..fr mthe victims route. for food and succor in same, roast pie of two fat chiak-
I not jealous when the saw the fever- the skin, more especially wtba d,,,, of th X-ray, thereare many other " e
� , - P'aop n
.1 . . ,But nearly every instinct in him life quite so wo�derful to her. and are captured by what are ens,, two capons, two woodcocks,
I . .. . I I ish little child auddle gratefullyin- parts, KnUon fat is e ell, a I
,� . recoiled from this man who had so She ,did not kno-w that for nearly! to the vagabond's arms. xe ,nt. instances, in connection with their known as "pigeon -tra'p'pers," who tw-o teals, and five. partridges. �
� � stained himself in the mud of life, & mouth Harry Brett waited for her I ,Then wash. in� the ustral w Z% 1,.rj1s special,do-partmerts of medical sci- make a great deal of nioney by Hors -d'oeuvre are not mention- . .
. S, ,,� -and hands el '.
! He seemed to have the ten4e:r- I greasle loose. -I the dir4 nco, -of men who have suGou-mbed I selling the, lost birds to dealers .in e4, but they included such thing's
and sullen, every �ay, straightening hL,; back in I � ness and cooling touch of a 'wOm1n, treated, In this wav will, n,ever be.- . . . I
: � I and the -flesh was flabby on hisface, the claim to listen for the sound of' .n,d . to their zeal ?jor knowledge Dr public markets. Then. again, ,% as; black -pudding, sausages, and .
I- . I . Only the ghoet of the old, dashing a her little bands clutched at the' CUMe ingraine,d Ivitli di � Seneca Powell, one of the best- la�ge'number of birds iall'victims , .
, I pattering feet. But, as he waited, neck- of his shirt as she muttered it. - truffled pies. . 1
5 , � rett. hovered about his something that had been softened 1 strange. things inbo his ear. Before I Keel) onions. celery, ,And strong- known'. prol!es-s,ors of medicine in , to the guns of sportsmen, . b Oils that Alexan- -
I . 1. I 11:t',',�Ieslland Packard could not grew hard again, and his smoulder- , tasting vegetaib'lea apart from oth-ar America, - whose death in 1907 was ___1g4 I The Oak menti ,
. bear to 'connect him with the flow- i morning the fever had gone down, vegetables -or food. Herrings,should attributed t6 -his daring investiga- I I . d the Emperor
ing hatred of Packard ones more 1 and she had sunk into an Undis- A BALD "BOOKIE." Septiraus Severus both died from �
li I . er-faced woman'who had been his came to, life again. . turbod sleep that held good also be kept w1vere they cannot tiOns in carbolic-aold poisoning, over-iii-dulgence in foad while ve-
, .
��. . I wife. He turned from him and One night he went back to Mick I for the, future. omerx taint the housshold provisions, And .announced to the medical profes- During One of the principal I getarian readers will be' intere,,Aed .
� said brusquely - I 0
" "All right,. Harry Brett, I Healy's shanty, and the Just for )I huit of all sorts should be laidoui. sion 'three veaa%% before his death -ovents at a race meeting in the
I "I. ean't Cinderstand it, said the U I I � Ito learn tbat-Albinus, the ancient � .
I I . YOU re' drink and cards broke out in him I nieparately on a shelf, if that pure alcohol was an antidote North, the cry - of "Hats Off in I Nrogetariao, showed rare digestive
1 � going on a fool's track, but that's ; doctor; "that sortu of thing beats . possible', 1,
� 1. again. It was late before his feet i alt6getber." &a Me` Piece coming in .touch for oarlboli6-acid pokoning, In the front!" was raised and ,obeyed. pows, b I
� with ,rs y consuming in one morn-
- . I . your business, There's no needfOr blundered &long the track- to his'mc another -will. quickly becol,.ne absence of volunteers he, exp�eri- When the horses had passed the in 100 che .
� � you were looking for . . 9 . s,, ten melons, 20
: - again and the fumes of liquor 8 oiled. mented on himself, and this, it c pounds of muscat grapes, and 480 .
us to remember we ever met be- tent I "iou-said pea
, tore'?, pwetby stones," lisped V , � Is batts were, of course, repla od.
! I were ;n his aching bead. When h i ' I ena, "so I 1) Children who do not like, castor� believad, Undermined his constitiu. A f w ments: l&t'er & . voting 11','Ill oysters. I .
. G I brought .you some; but you wasn't .1 I .0 mo .
. And, as he walked away, Pack- lit his candle inside the tenL bow � there, an'l jus' put them under the oil �,houieb bav-_41; prepared in the tion and catised his death, began wibrily -to lift the -bats "'of the . I
� I ar4 ,decided to keep' Veria, out of I . .. � . I
V�:_ ever, he saw a sight that. cleared, pillow." I , Paris fashion; the quantity of the - Another instance wn.s that.of Dr spec.tatoTs a.roand him, replacing I I
the vagabond's path. That- was an hi I
�"";� � 0 I s brain, ,for there, cuddled up in I I Oil prescribed is 'Placed in a'13an Jacques A ' I I . them with savage expressions I
I 1, 11 easy task. for Harry Brett's tent ,� In�m:ftashPackarclun�dei,stc,od.�lI nttinsjtemilier, so n of a . of - —.14
I � � 11 I lav far along the. ri,dge� � his bunk with bar arm arounrl the about -the � missing. opals, and the I over the fire,, and an egg brolco.ii leading mom er ckf iThe A.-cademy -of ,171'1101'ance. On lifting the bat of � V-100
�, . I . I �ba , dog's neck, was the obil4 he had �knowledge. made something ache in into it And , stir):ed When Medicine in, Paris, who, like Dr. 'One Of the spectator$ ii -e was asked � I CAUTIOUS ,SANDY-,-' , I
� , I 're. came a clay, nevertheless, Uri' i
� Ao, passionately wanted all t1i - . ecolrod, a little. salt, or ,4,ug r Or Sharp alr6a-dy mentio-Iled, died Why, . " lie . .
I . when the world Ven& knew seemed long SUrenror d � ese bis bri,ast. To -HarrY Brett hei a , whaL he was '-'ill-) to," 4C . . � I
11 ays, and the -one , . It in very difficUlt to get a scot
� . 1i exclaillie'-d'."I bet a fiver with a
�, auddenly too small for her, And gbt i. made at ment in a fe-%v �)rf)ken. I currant jolly should be added. The through 'can-dacbin"', .% post
. 11 -mprbem
'i""l; a fell softly oil her sleeping face". !Words! but,the vagabond's. han41Y,rj,1Tn93ter cannot possibly deteet examination, in the Neckar I1()s1.-,i!. balcl-licadv�d man, an' I am trying to cominit him8elf. A tourif�t once :
, , t scicine ffi.1d 11ina, l, -p-proached the, lccaeper of -a large ,,� .
I , � �, : 6ainted butterfly dancing before ; "Packard's gone to Hergott .1 In <104 th a ,
4�1 1 1 her Jured her on, , I 1 was stretched <)tit to blm� and with , b i ,, and will most likely tal. On his 11 _be,Cl lie ur,,�eil his tQ,_ .
I ,
1� � over the stubble and through the I Springs, he muttered. "She must � the grip . was brought to life a new 1 OrT for some more of the illixtUr.a. friends, t6t tc gricyc', "for- " . lie. ..� . , —0;11 "_ , cstate� . . I � . - ..
.* " , I I � . have wakened after he left an,d � , 3 . ( �
4 � I undergrowth her little feet twink- I Pia�eship that would last them all The burners in a gas stove and said. "I dio like a soklier " . 'AT. I is Mr. AlacPhevs.on likely, to be I
; �, , . slipped ,down here. I'll have to 11 Oil 9� THE ODDS WERE TOO GRI, . I
'' i .S. � Wlm -often get choked, tip ,with battleflo,1<1. I yo ,k up t I g to-worrowZ�--, . I . ,;. �,_&k .
4�1 led till she had got out of her usu- bake her home . i their lay , , 0 Wien t1ta 0 he . flDid fishin
before he COMW . — - YOII' strUggle Against the .'.'I has m,a doots," replied the , .
0,1-hatints, and at last the hot sun back.".,, I . I . 9 1 1-114-1 1 grease, ete. To rome,4-- this,'re- medical -career you tare aware of Gonseqte cc � I
I . , , . .1 I � I . , - I n a of temptation?" aqk- Scof. � �
, . gtropming, down upon her bead Lifting her gently in bis, arms, he "Who gare Move All the burn-ers and place -in 'the dan,s-ars and Iiiiiist, be rea.dy for cd the prison ob.' lain.
,� I I ' . , ye th' black eye, the copjjcj� full 6f suds (afts . "Row is that ?, Is he aWay from .....
. made bar feel faint and tired. Then wrapped the elothes round her and' Jimll" "Nobody g .,, . MOL_I . I I r wash- them." .
T � . I I ,. , ive it t. Ing, yes� I did,1113611lied the, con- homol" I I
f � . by iome ,shrubs of � mulgg, sbeaaw took her ,Out itito the, ,night, I h ad 'f/ fiwlit for Al' . i,1, done),' a)v0 add a good lland- 'the daa,th of Dr. Allen MacFad- vict. ' . � . . . �
:�,�, � � . 0 " I . . It 4 )I I
�, ,the figure of a man, stretched .6ut, * * * * *' I* I ful of common sotla. Allow to boil yan in..London four �,-(,,'Mr$ ago )1/,*,A8 . .1 . I dinna kon Whatir !is is, . . 11
IP11", When-soob fall%, upon the, em, - .1 ""Ali. bid, om sho Id have fougli "Not ill, is holl, I
.fll an I U t , . .
' I 1, . 'on of two dis-. y ,,I hae, not heard." I
his hat fallen over his eyes. She I ,pe,L � hoitr',c�� se a, than Ory thorolt.9lit �Iue to a combinat,
1i Packard had heard -that there it maybe reinoved.b�r sprink.ing oil ly , a little harder, If cm lind fol'o, , I
stared a wom,6ut,., wfAh her chubby was a doctor visiting. Itergott - ind repl, c i .
, A ,-; n stoi;e'. This'p��o- aues whi ll he co .
. d s, , . 10 nt?acted � in the llgrde),. )%j11 I
fl: I lega cross,00, aaA then. with her lit� pl:enty . of finoly-powde-vt %1 t" And �co,g (�hOU14 be 11opeated -every few course of hit seaj,cli f 1) I would nO be here _ 'fThen. what makes you think he '� �
. I
1�'_ . "I Springs, and had rid4en Over eat, I sweeping �,ft i� ille dir. . or a pl,av(,�.] I 110W. I V9 . ..
� . . I 'Its we eks 8-0 as to koep bbe ,qLovo in tiv.e of <94sas,e. He was c' -1 I cel,dono the best I ' I I
1� , . I I t10 beaft-10 of pit,y sh-o went upto I ly"in the evening to fetch him. H " e0tiOn Of t L lon't be fishingIll
. I
"I , : . hirl I I e ftieplaoa.. Repeat fill th"a in "WICS good condition, and will save, both in I 011(l1tei c"14 luister, "I 441111a SAY he, iv,ouldna. be fish- I .
- I I I .� , . 9 &,sorie of exporitlients with the I
,�� � . . 1. L I . . was a littlo worried about Venar are all go ne. , , ' . . It, took seron policemen to got. me in P I .
, . I . I . g� I said .1 has me doots, Ro �5
. I gas and t4lrjo, whon cooking. . bat-teii-, of typhold and malaria ation." I . . I
� I . . � I I . 6!I I
!,� � I � -d . . �� . . I I I I I f,q t1le s U I I I . � ,. been dead nigh on a, yioar."
�% . I � I I . I ? . I . :
I., . I I A k � I . I I I I I I . - . . � I I I I . I ,
�, I I I . I ". , I I I il I I � � � I � . L . t_ I I
, �',: , I . I'll I I I -, � . I I ""', 'I L � . . .. I I . I �111' I � I . 1, � . . - I . I 11 �., � � : , , , . I I 1, .. � . I . I I
, . , . I � . I I L 11 ,, � . � I , ,� I I I
1, I I � � 4�11 � I I I I I I , . , , , � . I �. . . . I I I I I I I . I . 1. . . . I I . 1 I I
, I . . 1 2'. ,�, I : 1. ,. , . 11.1 1 . .
- � I I � I . � . I � , I � I . I - I .. . � 1. I - I ,, . I �, . � I I
",:, � � . , ". � . � � I I . I I I .L � : . L .L . I I I � 1� 1-11 I . i� � I
I ' , " .� I . . , 4 1 . , � . . � ,� , , ,� 1, 4 1 , I I . ,)� 11 I , I 1, I - - I I . �. ., � � , 1
�44 " ,� . . �. I , , , . . M . , I , I I . 11 . I - . I I J, , . , I . I I
, ::`� ,,� ,,,� , 1. I I ,, . I , . , I .1 1_- _ � . 'L : . . . . . I . , I � I I ql I � . , I � I I I 1 . I I .
. 4 , , , � � I , , : : I , � I
. , � I r I ,. � , � � , , . I . , I ,. � . � I � - , I �'� , � � i , . .
I I I i , I 11 . 1 ,� , I I I I : I :. � . :. 1 . I "'' , , ,
� - - �_� - , .�,��tft � , � � " �-*Avkft-,. - " , I ,., �-- -
1111_,�, � , I � -1 I , I&,. .. . I �� � . � , W6_ , _',A
� �11_;�, ,:,WgL"�".--.,116".,-.,,-,-.�-,i.ilililllllllllllllll�L-1 ,� �. ." L �" ' - . � - ,� .,:. � '. . �,
- - 11 4w, 1 I_ I . , � I- . � .1. — I .j,� , , I , ,,;��!,,itAi - -