HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-03-11, Page 15Local 1863 loses
hold on .club lead
Two of the top Industrial • opposition attempted me
Lague teams . met head-on . with any success.
in the fifteenth week of com- The perfect performance
petition and when the smoke of Jewell, Culbert, Fisher
cleared Local 1863 had lost and Moore resulted in their
its season -long hold on first winning every end and deny-
' place. ing the Teacher Ink group
The cause of the Local's , even a single point. As the
demise was the flawless per- score mounted, Teacher skip
formance of the Forester Marty Bond was compelled
foursome. After losing its to ask his opposing skip if
opening day match, the' she' spelled her last name
with one or two "o's".
The Teacher Ink counter-
parts also suffered a one-
sided defeat. The Elemen-
tary Teacher unit lost 9-2 to
Fisher Builders. Sue Rit-
chie's youthful performance
sparked the Fisher victory.
Ritchie's youth was
tempered with Ray Fisher's
experience to form an
unbeatable ' partnership.
Another partnership was
outstanding in a losing
cause. Dianne and Don Bud -
nark curled in blissful har-
mony despite the final out-
While the elementary half
of Huron -County education.
had a bad night, the secon-
dary level enjoyed a suc-°
cessful one. The GDC°
Teacher No. 2 (?) unit 'rein-
forced its hold on seventh
place by overwhelming the
Champion Sales Office 10-2.
Making his debut in a posi-
tion of authority was Chris
Connotes he _.took_..over the
vice -skip responsibilities.
Connor and skip Dave Cloet
Forester crewof Ribey,
Lebrun, Bogie and "special
guest" have won 14 in a row.
The union reps appeared a
little tight in the opening
ends as the Foresters scored
three quick points without
the. benefit of the last shot
and appeared on their way to
a rout. Fine clutch curling by
Tom Profit and Glen
Falkiner turned the game
back to the close contest
everyone expected as the
Local foursome scored two
in the third.
From that point on, the
Contest swayed noticeably
toward the Foresters as
Forester skip Cam Bogie ap-
peared to control the out-
come with his final rocks.
• Bogie's coolness and preci-
sion -was needed right to the
end ,as union skip Jack
Kellough placed his final
rock in a difficult section of
ice. A miss by Bogie would
mean an extra end; .-a take-
out would clinch the victory.
Final score:' Foresters 6,
Local 1863 4.
Andrew Telford tries to sink a shot during GDCI junior
boys basketball action Tuesday. The Vikes won the Huron -
Perth title by defeating Mitchell in the final. (Photo by
Cath Wooden)
.Sharing first place with—performed 'its':smooUiiy as
the Foresters is the AM&G another famous "CC" and
"GCs". The "GCs" are the their efforts overpowered
only team to find the -every attempt by the Sales
Achilles' heel . of the unit to build an end.
Foresters and they must Connie Falkiner and
prepareto do. battle- again Monica Page added a touch
next week as fust place will of class to the out -curled
be up for grabs. The hospital "champions" while Connor
boys prepared for their con- showed his inexperience at
frontation with the Foresters the end of the match as he
by annihilating the Cham- asked to keep the "game
pion Office "Silver rock" as a reward for his
Brooms". outstanding performance.
Although Barry Page and The GDCI Teacher No. 1
friends dominated the final team also recorded a rare;
ends of the contest the match victory as they edged the
was put out of reach in the Huron Haven foursome 7-3.
third end when the "GCs" _ Once again statistics can be.
scored four points to take an very misleading since the
8-0 lead. Peter Bergin played teachers scored four in the
a large, one might even say last end to create the seem -
"giant", role in the victory ingly comfortable margin of
as he planted his shots exact- victory.
ly ,where skip "Lettuce" In reality, the Huron
wanted them and then wat- Haven curlers were equally
ched his rocks propagate in- efficient throughout the con -
to the big end. test. Jeff Kuran and Claus
It was a night of big ends Etzler were particularly
as most games turned into hard on their teachers as
runaway victories. Tlis they showed both skill and
Huron Health Unit maintain- maturity in the pressure -
ed its lofty position by dropp- packed encounter. Teachers
ing the rusty Lady Golfers Bill Worsell and Doug Bundy
14-2. In a brilliant tactical were equally skillful for the
move, usual skip Jack streaking teacher team that
MacKinnon stepped aside to has now won one game in a
allow Laurie Paquette to row.
skip against the females. Rounding out the vic-
MacKinnon, who has often torious night for GDCI was
been accused of losing his the triumph of the GDCI Vik-
concentration against all ings over the AM&G
female teams, curled expert- Hospital 6-2. The win places
ly in the vice position while the youthful Vikings right in
-novice skip Paquette showed the -top four and definitely in,
real leadership qualities as the hunt for the Signal -Star
she dominated her opponent. Grand Championship
Combine this excellent trophy. •
leadership with strong work The contest was a close
by Clare Harman and a well played tactical affair as
quietly efficient perfor- skip Mike Paquette matched
mance by John Orr and you wits and skill with Hospital
have a one-sided win. skip Craig Cass.
While one group of ladies The Vikings were able to
who wished to remain hold the five Hospital
anonymous were being members to a pair of single
destroyed, another group of point ends while scoring two
ladies were doing the when given a chance. Elmer
destroying. The Lady Taylor curled a strong game
Foresters enjoyed a game for AM&G while Lou
where everything they tried DeWinter made his presence
worked while nothing their felt and heard for GDCI.
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O'Briens and Rockets winning so far
Both ;O'Briens Meats and
Holmesville Rockets took
one game leads in their best -
of -three opening round
CHHL playoff series last
Sunday night, O'Briens
held on to edge. Hodges Mill
5-4 and last - Thursday
Holmesville defeated
Whestone Jewellers 8-5.
Dennis Lassaline scored
two goals as O'Briens saw a
three goal lead slip away
before coming back to win it.
O'Briens led 3-0 r `ter one
Doug holds
Gad Czudner . helped his
own cause by winning two
games last week and got a
break as Kirk Lyndon came
up with a big win against
Doug Brindley.
Doug still holds onto first
place but should he suffer
one more 'loss in the
remaining two weeks he will
find Gad Czadnerbreathing
down his neck in the battle
for first place honors.
Louis Stadelmann pulled
out of his slump in grand
style winning all three of his
games. Louis is now only two
wins behind Jim Kingsley in
third place. Kirk 1Lvndon has
'Doug Brindley
Gad Czudner
Jim Kingsley
Louis Stadelmann
Kirk Lyndon
ions' Juniors
competing for title
The Goderich Lions'
:Juniors Ringette team is tied
with Listowel at one game
apiece in their best -of -three
final series.
Listowel hosted the girls
on March 3 for the first game
and beat them 11-6. Tammy
Gibbons scored three of
Goderich's goals, while
Kathleen Donnelly notched
two. Sheila Donnelly netted a
' single.
On March 8 in Goderich,
the Lions' Juniors edged
Listowel 7-6 to tie the series.
Four of the Lions' goals,
came off the stick of Lisa
Kisch. Sheila Donnelly,
Stacey Rean, and Tammy
Gibbons all scored one goal
The final and cham-
pionship game will be played
this Saturday here at 7 p.m.
The Optimist Seniorswill
be playing their first game of
their final series with
Listowel immediately after
the Junior game.
The Optimists competed in
a tournament hosted by
Wingham on March 7.
Wingham defeated the
Goderich girls in the
championship game 10-3.
Goderich got by Zurich and
Seaforth to reach the final.
Kim Black, Angie Alcock,
and Allison Graham each
scored a goal in the loss to
Larry Gower
ob Fitzjames
Barry Page
Gerald Nicholson
period on goals by Lassaline,
Doug Rolston and Stu Asher.
Butch Fleet, Dan Colquoun
and Harvey Carter scored to
bring Hodges back into a tie
before Lassaline's second
goal and 'a goal by 'Fred
Arrnstong gave O'Briens a
two goal lead with four an.d.a.
half minutes remaining in
the third period.
Paul Priestap's goal- a
minute- later narrowed
O'Briens' read but Hodges
were unable to notch the
The second game in this
onto first
found himself back in the top
Level via his win against
In Level 2, Barry Page
picked up his nineteenth win
of the year to strengthen his
hold on the lead for the most
improved player a wa rd.
Last week the club
welcomed the return of a
past member - Steve
Hammill. Steve found the
going a bit tough and lost
both of his games. We also
would like to welcome a
brand new member - Mike
Grace. Mike got off to a
great start in his debut
winning.three of -four games4
W....L.... D.... Pct
series is scheduled for
Thursday night in Clinton.
• In the Holmesville and
Whetstone game, John
VanLoo, Greg Burns, Ken
Daer, Bill Hogarth, Don
Shropshell, Mike Hodge, Don
Crawford and Dennis Kelly
all scored in a winning cause
for the Rockets.
Rick McLean, Ian
McAdam, Rick Whetstone,
Mark Kernahan and Don
Bogie each had a goal for the
Jewellers who trailed 2-1
after one period, and 6-2
after two periods.
The second garne in this
series is slated for Sunday in
Goderich. The Sunset -
Optimist series gets un-
derway Wednesday March
11 in Goderich
24 3
.20 4
19 5
17 5
17' 7
12 • • 8 0
19 14 0
:11.. 10._..,
. 12 11 1
John Lalonde 9 12 0
Mike Moriarty 9 13 • 1
Mike Cox ,.13 .'_' 25 . ...1.
Jean Lalonde 3 18 0
Gerry Kingsley 0 30 .0
Mike Grace . 3 1 0
Glen Naylor 4 4 0
Owen Moriarty • 5 12 1
John Harrison • 1 . 4 0
Mark Russell 2 13 0
Steve Hammill 0 2 0
Barry Page
Mike Moriarty
Bob Fitzjames
Doug Brindley
Jim Kingsley
Kirk Lyndon
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