HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-7-20, Page 7I! I I i q 11 ll!! 11 VO 11 841-'61 1) IS B AS, MI .............. Crediton 'reatme t I a:t 4 A T ut less at Provides National 'it B11.6s Wilda 13ane;s. Is camping k 11elleg we It Grand Bend for it couple ave a. grayish white Ointment Canadia. Nat"ona t eks *10 "friends.. with a i I Exhibition lileasant odor that is clean so which We believe. is the best ,Bliss,' Martha, Wenzel, of Detroit Is 'TO spending a few'montliSr with her Mo- known remedy fox, the roll%!f of skin August 26th RONTO - September 11th + PU'rt I a, Rd + lsca$es- t is especially affiettoiQus Whir for.overcoming cezema, in a 'tt's the matt", with the base. 11 its var, C bail + teaml It is iooxi Itime we were ious forms ringworm, acue., plj4ples, CORONATM YEAR LEADS TH blo'tches, insedt biltes. tieftitler, V6 . rtain AL + having it game here. A�Z�7'm + forms,of III a to Bliss Wallie ".11ill Is Gpending QQrS. sores and Aft—Gems front I�uro. MAnufastura — Gre Greatest MY a em-elat month at lGrand Bend with friends It is 'StrOngly alitisePtio, ciewosWg. ean 94flerles—masters, -man of bash-' soothing and allng,,It ent! S cc; I ize rout best ColliCt,ong in ever sho a 4 11 spent Sunday the gueats� of Mr. Ing Cc Mr, and P.Irs, he r W nara good Supply Nvood and bura Stops all 11toli $500 0 C. GQods inan� au�,,ed by. skin or- ncr 6e Canada and Unite' We have on ba rhig :0 d Of' and Mrs.. 'C, F aliter. uptions, i a '11 classes. States, lilactured while Yor u above, cement. Let us have your hext 'We are Wait. 'and so. order. Bir. nd. Urs. II Wilkins. positive this oin!(ment is daughter Doxothy, of Detroit are Unequaled that we offer it with c)[te THREE GREAT SPECIALS siting friends around hero. distinct understanding it + iBerry-ploking , is the order of the havi lixt if af ter + Ing given: it a reasonable trial R., G 25 e I -us o n "I re$11121 , r 0 . IM/ .3r Yqu are nqt satisfied wit Of EMO—Fictu Coldstream Guards Oafld— r war 0111104th the wave$�_ day around here They are not vex h the resullts hig the g es of the, cpr. P1 ntifal around this part. br,o o have s of the Royal Showing a, battle between ,Te Only got to tell us ankL we oxiitio� 'Htt'1e1h;qn1'd by spvcia 1. a. Dreadnought and a aremoI 500 Evangelical Sunday School held will, 'vilitbout qa'bb'j1jg, return every Performers in un0rm, permissio 0 their plenio,aflGrand �.:lend last WQd_ cent paid us for it IWO ezacit 'no n f the King. Submarine. nesday Everybody seemed to on_ promises or obligations whatever, HOSTS OF 0I joy th;mselves. We want You to 'try �texall Blozema LY.&A. Regat ATTRArerT' , oNA., 0 + VAI'l,,letic Sports -Boy scout ".1" 11 ReTiew-VaitdevfII,�­Japaneqe Fireworks - 'Flax pulling has commenced arou�d. Ointment. The first aiplicahon gives -Massed 10111tary Bands l7rottingand Paclag Rac�eq, etc� here.* a refreshing. sense of relief. and be -A + Own 'visiting IV! Miss Lucy,Y ung of 'London spent cause of its germ destroying power MAGNIFICENT ]DISPLAYS OF CORONATION FIREWORKS Sunday in, t th her it eradicates the pa-eisital b r�*,It h whieh causes cc For -ill Information write ,:rs, zew"I 'I'd 14m:*- , her a Manager J. 0- ORR, City Hall, Toronto. Z Brown wbO has been going eruptions. (It quicklY alh*'s lwue in. Ito scho�i in ITavistook arrived home flamation givea Protection Ito the, in- 41 riamea surfaces and helps. restur- 'The Misses Rill and Wenzel spent t lGrand d3end, healthy tis�suo )It is particularly ii� Tuesday a Mrs. 11� Webb of- London. is spend-- tivd in releiving skin ailments p,-,cuq Ing a few days lyhth liar to children her parents Mr. You certainly oaxi. and Mrs.)'X. Wein, not lose anything by 'trying ft , Wa MidwSUms1mer ring a le -------- 0 would not dare make this offer e xcept This store claims the attention of shrewd buyers, gverythi 'Children Or Nve. are Positive JRexall 4ozenta Oint. marked dow 49, Wi I ment.will satisfactorily benefft you. 11 to a Price that will appe%, to you, Two si,"es Boo, and $1.00. FOR FLETCHERS -Remember 0 THE RESULT OV A TIP' y can only obtain it a:k out: store Pianos C A s. -r - c --4,1 A T.h",,.fV%exal1 �Store.�._W. 8. "Cole many a woman now hatA a repdta. -------- A new PRICE or MASOX Piano that sold regula tion a� a time baker Iiiho was XIIRVTOX 1913AFi ORIT, $275 rfor $425, & RISCH ftrmexly known as but eala ordiba-ar s'h- is home from Bliss Minnie Beattie. a f Niagara one. The rtp is Ito y Effie Corni One SHERLOClK & MANNING Pian Monkton. Falls,, Ont. is here on a visit to her regular $,75, sale price, 0 in UahOgany Ca e, Parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Beattie. ...... .............. USE SNOW DRIF.T FLOUR Mr. Short and family are moving to Miss Mamd 41arty '"ho has been $200 the Base Line, teaching school out West, is spending Mbat is all the' secret about it Misses Annie andr Ella Doupe are Se 'wft 1 the holidays '%vith her Parents Air. Wing Machines Me use of Snow Drift flour half the holidaying in Saskatchewan. is already done. 'With juAt andl Mrs. Wyliam. aarty. Don't overl6ok the fact that we sell Sewing Machines, aud the pri ces have DAfimary care and skill II Miss Dorothy Edgington, of Wood. 1111am. Tickard, a fo aho been reduced. The following makes to choose from: RAYMOND uus as stock, is holidaying at the Parsonage. rme r r dry ff W d the rucent i �.-eoa results are ao3ured. goods merchant of Seafor SINGER, NEW WILLIAMS, NEt' ROME, eitr th. Viat now W JR. Co Mr. Wm. Shier of Sunderland vl of Calgary, Alta. is visiting friends WHITE VINDEX SPROIAL. Co. ed his brothers, Adam and Nicholas ok Sons and recently.- I IV, town this week. Miss Rarriett I All Stationery lialf Price.. + tsivement of A goodly number from here. spent Wilson. of PhIladel-l' CHILI g Hensall Ont. phia.. is visiting her parents Mr. and the 12th In, Woodstock, and all report M . 'A ex. i son. a good time, Harry. Stephenson left for Winn!- TANI Miss Myrtle Stinson, Tor odto.spent peg on Whursday where he expects S. M a n Y and Sunday with her grand, to secure a situation. I v on, Exvt + [OT01 Saturda -e. Dr. J. R. and Airs. Marital, of Tor- * parents hex v er o =MW + An appeal was made in the Metho. onto,.spentAhe beginniarg of Ithe Iv,,,eXt Miss Jennie and Miss 13ell Brown + Mrs. E, N. 10 at Charch last Sunday night for th the former's parents Mr. and, their duties in Ear- A number from here spent last Sun - help for the fire sufferers in Noxtbern Mrs. L. -L. -MoPaul. lay �H,DsPital Flint Mich after spen& day :mes LUI 10. 16. di w! have returned to 10:131,MRALIA lbe Ontario. Shier was ap� R1. E. Archibald son of Arr. and 1=1 their vaeation at 'their respective at the Bend. For sa e pointed treasurer to receive subscrib- Mrs. James Archibald has been ap- h6m-es. Messrs, Douglas and N. Blatcliford. tions for that purpose, pointed junior science master.of Miss Of 0 are 71siting their parentsitt the + You arG most cordially invited to Galt th,2 arlingford and the C Meth- r1elon + 9s in the great attend the Blaushard and Usborne f $1.100 r year. IfFlane were the, gu,asts of Bliss The Hensall Junior ball tea + ofr the Alma III came T-7orthern addition with ' in the city lim- Townships' Old Boys' Re -Union and Soott Ilays Ban, of :Coi R -)y dul'1119 the week, down last Friday even and were *+ a ?1,wehe Page LOTS -first cla, 111 0 Pollegiate Institifte at a sal- Misses Watt and Rintoul. of Ca )dlst parsonage. t o n Ing its of calgary. This is what the Monster Field Day, to be held on rmerce Hamiota. Sashr. is visiting his Mr. Alex, Elliott and V:r.-Wallace defeated by the home boys, The WIL G. P. R.- states; Monday. Sept. 4tb, 1911, in "Diamond parents Ur� ;and DIrs. Thus. B. Hays. 2rown. of Toronto. have returned score was 13 to 5 "You can recommend this property Park," Kirkton, Thersports will be- Dri and Mrs. Cooper left on Wed- after spendind a :week with friends Four young here. men who have I . . I I working on farms on the second con - to your clients as a good investme gin at 10 a.m. by a baseball match be been Inj - nesday for a two months' ­ trip. a Ap I to 'yo tween Usborne and Blaxishard. Con- _.Pothsafe and profitable." throigh the Western Provtn�es. Mr. and "Ldr cess ir 'Will !on Of Biddulph jumped their j ob s- ' -Cole. of Toronto Isst These lots "er selling now at 9175.00 cerb at night.. 'Charles Soule left on Wednesda3j. and Birs Williams and family. , week aind have left the farmers ins q, ach one third down and balance. in to visit his sons and daughters in Mitchell are visitors at Or Of bad positions. III, TI the vs -est 'Re was IGrove. chard 4D Six. twelve and eighteen montns at 6% 1 accompanied by I Mr. Gee. Hicks and daughter Mabel ofr interest. If you want to make some his 4atighter Bliss Florenee. Many our readers have expressed their appre- L11TILL, TAIM 'The Missics �Lottie and Vora Rob. Of'lona have been visiting relatives s. raeney don't delay in looking me up as ..IT1HAT(Vo'rjN-T Will 'be found an eveellent remedy inson and Miss Leona Stone. 0, ,N -Titch. and friends here for the past ItIvo + on JbVs is a chance of a lifetime. In the s for sick headache Carter's Little; el are -at. prbsent visiting frieiids in weeks. + ciati of our efforts to proVide them with a &rge,, -Do ' Vorgetnthat we have Farm elcortion of 'the simpler Liver Pills. Thousands of letters this vicinity. * newsy sheet. Subscriptions have comb in, and in or - W" remedies for the most cormixion ills trcm -------- + --yaRnlas"to sell as well, of the very best, people, who have used 2%1r, Shier. OfWhitb� is at present + der to greatly increase our list we are making a special and ailments a drug storeL haq per- them prove thls fact. Try them. v siting his nelce Xxs. Frank Trid- ZUR1110H] and splendidly situated, haps its best opportunity Ito prove + ham. UX8. ,Char + offer to new subscribers. -worth. of Blyth. s its policy and method of Is rving the les ? , THAMES ROAD Public. -"It's the little thin's that visiting Aas. (.Dr,) Campbell, count. B CZEMA vVAs SpREADINlG week-. + The Upper Canada Bible Society is !th (Gascho, of the nson - preparations for certain held a succeessf Till D. b. D, Vared ,It .Because Pres. Bro, For 25c we will send the "Times" to, "' 8 1 di ul meeting in the line. I.,, visiting relatives and friends B. Carlin purpoics are in common and constant byterian church on Friday evening, Th'is is a' Tram,91 altion, of �tt,,�r in 9 e ks. + A lecture given 1 lustrated with a large wrlt,�zxx Lis in French, on April i6th �y and two daughters of + any demand,. is all the more reason why �ior a lew wee address in Canada for the balance C BEV or A be carefully selected. ev- I - mumber of excellent views and was .1010 �Iby Mr. Dan Babineau. Gay. lum- ni� ar he hom, 4 en H'the ailments they are Ito treat 'very interesting and profitable. - ifexe N. B. 81r ana );lrvisiting at 1! 0 of 1911, considered lightly. Else Mr. Is. -0. Fritz. Mrs. F. Anderson spent Sunday tion Of officers. "I had bzexi,suffe + :% With her grandmother, Mrs. T. He We have 'a preparation that we During the f ling wkiih mazb;Ma 'lliehoca' bOW11119 green is again in * r- ore part of the week for dboaft 0 rnoj*hs and haid Idonsul Elzil od ape and the members are put- We wolild appreciate it if our subscril)ers Ft@d recommend t& those who ask for a Mr. Peter Whitlock endeavored to 'sI dooftom -who did 4 bert before returning home. 11 till Very lig on his place but was unable any''goold. lbbe dilsealse w,as spI n it W_,rdtae The fall wheat crop is good physic% fft is Wyal's Laxative sink a well vdt do me in their spare hours at his pop- hand this copy to a friend or neighbor, se d r in I us 'Iem ht F 1g. syrup a pleasant and agreeable. to get down only about four feet as and I sj",ws mc�qt uncoraiu*,xbf1I 1 fagshall Zeller left one interested away from home; possibly in t,' this season. Farmers report it th fruit laxative 'that induc ent. W on Friday, 0 Is poorest crop they have seen in this I DrOmP't the water camein so fast. They tried thou'ght I. Irould Igo ioxazy. All my e IrMi n :1 Merlin to spend steti and painless action of the bowels, to the sum.- # or else send us some names and we will for On. 'Price 150o and 125c. bail it out but weleunsuce6eful and fAlfiiarls were telling line I would 1,,I,s mer vacation with his grandparents 0 ward them Farmers in this vicinity are about You will like it- had to stop their operations. nyy b"i0d'S 'UnleqS I found t0he h1r. and )Mrs, L. B. Blar 0 sample copies. shalt + through having, On account' of the W. SA Howey Phm. 153. Chent and Op Messrs. Laurie Watson and Gordon treatinaay. Mrs Chas. Stickle$, of Detroit ac - long spell of dry westher.the hay crop of.Exeter, came out on Sun, OLL day I irowa �n (be X%ss.eu,;*z- -ompanied by' her two sons, is Isit- A real live newspaper is a valuable &sset to a com- is very light. W.S. HOWEY, Phm'B. dirgauyleovreninji and Mr. Watson gave an about. 3 -our D. D. a), tretetm%Q� and I with her mother, Mrs. Henry, + Mrs, D. Hicks has been confined to address to the Epworth League in munity and everyone should have some interest in its alsked for ­�a sample Tt rI me so .ker bed for the past weekwith a Bev- Chemist and Opftijq�a[tLi' b much gooll Ithat: I imme-diately ord . ex - Bethany churc , The address was dn- . I Stlllr-fc�uPerl Clark wheeled from 4 welfare. Help tb,-. Times become more efficient by are attack of illness. At the time of EXETBR ONTARIO teresting and was , much en by ed itI large bottles bdt?�Jcjs It ptook r t rd " Wednesday and will re- + writing she is some better, those present. 'eliglit lbiattivs allogothex Ito "Ou" m,e main Vvith Iris brothers during his + increasingits chculation. Recommend it to a non. Mrs, John Allison is Visiting her Of 'I tterrilbledisease. I shall:oLver holidays. : subscriber. The Times is thLe largest paper in Huron daughter, -Mrs-Prank Hamilton, at be Vvilhout o'bottle of D. D. D�e Mr. George Volland of Detroit vis - If sick be'ailaebe is misery- what are HARPLEY I in Cromarty. M7. homt, ited his mother, Mrs. John Volland + County. 10artex's �bittle Livex Pills. if ILhey Mrs. S. Gilmore and daughter Miss + ArIll Positively,oure 10 -�People who Havel of Clare Mich are v Miss Ada Tucker visited Miss Roxie The record of ton cars cc complz"te the past two weeks. He was accom- + have used them speak frankly ls't'Pg rela- Cann last Sunday, cures of thoutaands oyf the most severe Panied by his nephew, Mr. Alfre'd. .0 of tives and friends in the vicinity of — & —_ 'that D. D. A stands to- Bliss Gertiude Mag The Times Pub. Go., Exeter, Ont their worth They an, small and HarpleyGrand Bend and Brewster. cases show A of Detroit. + Z day relatives a .easy to take. Miss Lydia B. Sberritt teacher is LUVAN as the absolute reliable eczema Is visiting nd friends be.ra o spending her holidays 10,ure. at present. visiting, rela- BJXs. Jack Atkinson has -returned Wfite to-iday for free 'trial bottle On A (COMFORTING ASSURAZTCE tives through Mich, home. Sunday July 9-th after several W well -to ­:do housekeeper in to I'the D. D. D. Labora',q�rlicB. 'DelYt month's illness ou� esteemed tows - .need of Mr John Slierritt'bas purchased a Mrs. Walter Haskett and son IN Mich.. Mr. John Ort of Drumbo, 0 t d class honors Alias Eliza, iThoml?. 0 1' T., 1. 49 Colborne 8t. Tororfka. �I� man Mr. Jacob Ort breathed his lsat. Ah.s. go - eleplion- new gasoline engine for to pump water be past Jacob Smith. of Detroit,, gr�JcOni per cent, Brimary piano --i .4z,'the services of a plumber t lington spent a tew days It V to a: nearby establishmenIt for'a on his grass farm. - with their cousin 5 -ill give you instant relief. 0 wee], F r sale Ile had reached the age of ea years Alfred Melick, of this township. Jessie MoLean,%7, per, eant. Selo., competent man. Answering thd door- As the weather has tago. Irs. Armi- by W,1 S. H,wcy. and .27 *dais and less than IL year I' continued so Jacob Ort of Welson,'B. i'C.. and bli,r�, Md" laiis honor&. Miss Jeosle Sproat bell she fo ' und a typical Trishman, drythe showers over Sunday were BI Percy and daughter Oara have -------- ago he Ivas considered one of the Daniel Alolsaac. of ;Crediton. Junior Theory. Hirst 'Good - in' ma am 'said he. I started for the weift strongest men with an mo'n DASH VVQOD exilreml.*� 0 weltomed. Bliss Alvena,Bossenberry. of Berlin ClIaLserhonoirs, B116s Jean 'GrassII _�ft JGood Morning. Arek you the rugged constitution,. Some months 1;,visiting-Crelatives and friend's here per cent. .Plumber?,' Quite a few people �ave gone. beirry 311ss.1.NeVtie Bronkenshire is spend- ago M, began to c4hoxv signs of fallin� for a few. weeks. The couneil held a special meet I Ing I 'Oi am.' picking but did not got any berries- ing her holidays with lber,aun't of health and he gradually grew- Ireak- ss Mi-w.,rva 1SPro­l has accepted Credito'n East. ar, his illness being caused by on Tuesday night and dealt wittv If want you to, a position in the post off! e. a Now% she said. . Dr. McLaughlin has comple:ted, h the ivti�ions for eexnexi�t Ivalks 6n c is growth forming in the kidneys. He HENSALL be 'very careful in your work, as the Mr. and 11VIr-9. Wilkinson have re f gar�,ge 'and thp only drawback is The. leaves to mourn his loss, a, widow Add Hensall. aensall Queen strt�.q and tho, olerk� was in- Iloors are very. highly polished.' Catarrhozone tulx`nled home after visiting for a few loca4ffon. structed Vo prolm-n-the neovs,4ary by., ,':Surc.. rimv,' he answered, with a days in lGodericb. and a grown up family of sons Iand Kenneth McArthur and wife of law inaltidin- tht, ,tretoh from iffie deprecatory smile, 'dont wo about. cures Permanenayr Bliss Lina Hodgius w Mr. 10. (Malinsky. a studexit of !Cox)- daughters, who have the sincorest, Ailsa '.Craig are Visiting 'at J. Me- King "I'oorg iol to Albert Aredt, ave- Arthur's. rxy , got bO spent a few coxdia�`Seminary. St. Louis, ATo., has sympathy of all in their bera . �!, ine ma:1am. T don t slip. rV, days of the past week With friends boon Ivisiting his friend IMr. Emil and also th(! qir,-!.ch on Ithe sonth ,nails in my shoals. BRONCHITIS9 COUGHS# on Sauble,tine has returned to ber Schroeder. ment, 'The obildranof the dI Bliss Flossie Fo-:§s left IaIit -week -to sidv' South Richmond strce'.` frotir, '31rs. Solomon Bidt, of E lkton, visit relatives in Bay.0ity, Wairgrove Nelsoli)ir to Albert and also ask for - AN OPPORTUNITY FOR THOSE COLDSI, ASTHMX home in London, --- are Mr. Joe. Raskett was the geus:t or and Napier. Mich tenders for conslrucLion. GOING WEST CATARRH Campboll. RodginN over Friday. Dr. PelTery Irife, and children loft III Francis lklarshall, the little� Bliss Retal Fox is the geust of her last week for a two 'week's vacation On'July Iltb - I uly 25th and Aug Stli sond of Frank Blartshall who was run Parents 'Xr. and Mrs. G. Fox.'. at ICentre i1sland. Toronto. P over by the L. 41. and iB. train ort ,through tourist Pullman sleeping cars THE CREAT EXHIBITION OF 1911 J, 33. McArthur has located in Van- Monday evening of last "I suclimb- will leave Toronto 11 P.m for Winni- Throw medicine to the dogs. At Miss Dolly Martin is ppending. her best they are unpleasant, often use- vacation in Llican couver B. 'C., and bits purchased a VeC, and points on Grand Trunk Pa,_ THE nd to his terrWo injuries and shoal, ,Cijffc Railway between 'Winnipeg and less. You are suffering� from. some residence. 3104 Ontario St. He re� W(,dneI (�voning at Plinto,il flos- disease of the tbroat, nose, or lungs, OCTINDaMys Or TACUITS V% -A T Ii)orts enjoying the trip and has met .1 pital. rhe poor child was only tbree -Edrup ton, � Cars will run via Grand L, Y, Jt. A. Aegatta at, 0 X., X a. many people from the East he 11 Doctors call It Bronchitis, Asthma or �re. I yenrs and, nine Trionths old� The be- Tlulik Railway System to Chicago, Catarrh, or, it is a 6:1.ght or se�ere Wonderful Sight. 'The civie holiday of the village of, reavvi'l liarents linvo the sympathy p�f "PI ence connecting lines in connection cold. Germs cause these 'diseases Between tbrea and four hundred Uensall, will be Tuesday 25th of July. all in thoir greit, sorrow. The oo-4 �Wbh Is Homeseekers' excursions, The they, have a coinnion, root, vachts on Lake Ontario in f-roVt of wESTE1<TN FAM on Priday evening the last week main.4 were I . )rotight to his home rates to Western CanAda are very low Catarrhozohe destroys disease germs, the ;CRnadiail National 41 xhibitioto me of the neighbors observedsmoka 7hursday and the funeral took place so and return, $193; V dmon. but it does more, it h"Is disease tis- Grounds, will make one of- the pret,?- London, Canada, Sept. Sth to 16th issuing 'from the stable in the tear Friday afternoon to Exateiv Cemetory ton and r1elarn, $41; tickets good for tue� p tiost ,,ights ever afforded Ithe paltrons of Albert Whiteside's residence. Clog - days, Proportionate rates to 1CATAIRRHoZONE is little drops of of, the fair All the finest yaob',ts d­� or inspeotionin showed the interior oints in Manitoba, Saskatche. heitling carried bY air to the exact from tLo Lako Ports an both sides 18.0,0. Ar"I of the building to be on fireand' thl!. wan and Alberta, Tourist car will be Place Where Catarrh exists,. Observe, of 1he line ivill be gather��dtherel, to, flames just gathering beadway. Af- lully equipped witli beddiDgt etc, and Catarrhozone not only destroys the tAke 4),aTt in li:hc regat'La of the Laka IN VA ter an a,pplication of several pails of PILES CUR D at HOMF41 ,_�-_,porter in charge, Bertbs may be f3e- cause, but ftninedlately repfars the Tixcht Racing Association. August XZRS AXD &TTRAC1XX0xs ivator the fire was extinguished, just , 'L__ .. Icured at a low rat'(-. Winnipog Vxhi- result Of diseased. condition, Exhibition of live stock The best ever Seen in Can.ada-,., in the nick of time, as h hac! reached Dy New Absorption Mothod. bitiwi dates, July 12 220. ittle drops of rice.s lor the historic Georgt,, and the loft, not only ftha't stable bait Catarrhozone m6ang li 28th. to SeDL 503 international heal carried by air amd placbd ova SpecHal Attractions, iaclutiin others adjoining Ivo Fill) particulars and tickets from Many Unique if you stiffer TP3.4, meeifiggli i" I" li'isber. Cops will be Bniled duringthe �ld have been dos itching, blinci oil Vrottll 1i the 0,19s, throat, 2nd nagat passages. 9. any nl-.. or address Catarrhozone is endorsed by clod- A18RIAL, MILITARY AND HYDRO' ELECTRIC FEATI troyed. The tire is dapposed to have E�rank Trunk Age A. DUFF, Ag JUMP11,TG, been started by children playing t:d 'eslSij tors, druggists, and b3t thousands of. 'AND SPE Piles, selid ine yoU4 .611t, Toronto. Out, Canadian people who have used it, RUSSELDALE ADING OONTnsTs with matches. I will tell yotl hov�.� I (Y 6 you* BIG DOG. AND CAT SHOWS -V 0 SPLENDID BANDS Virances Almeda, infaht child of Self at home by tvd %tbs0-rqtx0 Miss 100ma IloY entertained the Jun- TIR -14 r 0z ior choir of Art. Pleasant- Church on A MOST ATTRAOTIVE MIDWAY.-Deab ever Peen in LoI Mr. and 'Mrs. James Roggarth passed treoAlutut ; and will Osu Wo P Saturday evening last. the tI VVUE amray on Thrusday of last Iveek� Aluch was obiefly.sperif in nnitigic. sympathy Is felt for the bereaved solne of -this bwltd Irdf al a on V CA*-*T0R11A Cat r h %01 . Bliss Mina Russall ba8l returned WORKS'DI SPLAY' E.MV, EVENING parents. The furteral took placL� I Friday to, Cromarty 'Cometety. . on free for fiial, 'WAU lor InfautiII, and Children. Vas, Sir# it is taken in air, home for th(,� holidtlys. on all Railways -�zw, P,�4 by Mr. Alfred 1) Reduced Rates froill vour Own 16�4ty Way$ DoUght "Little. drops of healing" car ow who Lai %cen cou- Tht following are the results of th, tp weak p Noes on 0611se qte-qtod eXanifilatiobs for the Lond a + t at s nor" G1 ["r, ent 1 s C a P ,S5 ot) 0 P Prizes ixI h I ea MIII .9%#AL MAN Ile z. it, in th6 lu6gs) thrdi Ifiled to tbe botvqr, through, illness is Prize Lists, EIM&Y V Information from IN Kin'd Yk HaVe Al Jand nasal passa&8, able to b(,. ,iround iqgabi. 01-148. and other I Imutediato" 4 ti vatory of m1asic held at the Studio po_:r1to,:ft6f1t cu�e,, a -to the Tb i of Miss 11plossle V0819. oil Saturday Ito ot"�,vsl 161 ee 0 ves: 25% 50c, atid .00, at Miss Viola entorl'�,tin("d 4 W. J. RMID, PtOSI&O 'Sec ze (1ruggists, or by Mall i)ostpald A.. 9, H VN r, -rdtary ted, ey, frOftft ritimhor of her fxi(�nds on I'llosday last. lntarmeafaU wri&!k I., Signaturaof e �'!atarrhozone Cc,, 13uffilo, X. yo' evening last. in honor of�'hor oousiia N 11011011s, Was Joan 6tra, Wt 82� 'per is I cent, It, rs'8q 9dro Und Xingsto t iiiss TPthel 136thwetl of !I'lickson, p*jano., Ve vriji, P 841AM0 Piano Virat-elals Miss 'Allee Ou'ag pev 006t, JI