HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-7-20, Page 6� I I I'll 11 11-1 , 7-___-. . ..._._11_,�
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; 1. . . "a,%* " I I I
1 =: ; 11 1, __,_..__.__.._.__._ . � ME JUMUTFAR TIME" , S . � I . � I
: 0�1!�i�1!1111:11t A, ,I o 7, m� 1401 -1 ___ """�"WWOWA"W. .'. ro , 111M %,1014. o. I -_ _ I I I
I I I ..". - -_ I I . I !!=*;:�! !: _. I'll � . . . . . 114-1111 .. I I I I .1 " �
� I . -11 I . 11 _4,�� .1 , W"".0".qP"0W_"N. . I I
I �, . ,; _11-_� � . ''I'll ''I 1111011IM11111.1.11 � I .A I, i 0. _ ------ __ I I
I I . . ..."'... � I I'll", � malls. Another. reneon, for the Cora. . I � I I., 11, , I 1. . I I 10�,,11101 I I" *::wp��, � , 11. 1. "I 11, ___
. . I . I paratire influen , . _1 � 1. -_ � �� 1-1 . 11.1 -1 ....... . . I I . I � __ 0:: ... ::,': , , === =1
I , ce of train rpbberj�s 11 I I I .
i, � . . "velve of the largest winos .11 11.11 �.
. P30,000; .t
I I I .
� I . I , many swall Prospecting.
I I . Ucals, I �$500,000 , . : � � NO 40
; by tar the greaI. min," Ili four tow-usbips $50,000 ; A BEAUTIFUL ,MEMO I reditors � Farm For Sale
i 11 . I or Part 9fthe mail is nowltrausported guest of old, of Ronsall, WAS ,he pOotors, Cabins, toolN 4upplies 1 1 ,� AL. I � I . � .1
: F Mrs, Arn t RI 11 fice to C
; NUOS unaou4t"ly Is that 141111111d" � I
, g� . Mrs, 4'. A. kitewart, for a Clothes in five tow,laships. 1$10,000, , I � I I 11 .. I . 1. . I
I bY the 'railroads aud, it is a wu0b. couple of days this Iveek, I . � ,11�r
.� I Notice to Creditors. I JVI OR SA,L.% iorm, ccutainL,�g 109, ,
11 I
. �
. I m difficult matter ko bold up, a Mr. A Lucky Esoape-On Wednesday ,GralduAtes and Alumnoo Will Pay In the matter of the estaw of 414, cono of first olms, land at ,tho VU -
I and BUS- D. 11GIvoliffe and ward g, -
11 4 morlaing. of last woelc as Ur. , , I Tribute to Alice Freeman �
� 1X fast train thon a� gt,age DoRch or aughter, of Gralatm are ,Spending Pm 0 , Palmer, I FIS11, Of 'the YR1490 of age of W-oadbara. Good two.4storeyi
I . , , 1111 -.---- I I .11, Uxetcr, IQ on.. bar-bov raraz house, baiak barn, U by �W-
. � , a Nu, days At"G.Iiand Bolud, I ,134W- 9� 40i Ut t0armel,ivas. driv- I,— ,_ � . I deceased. ounty of alur .. .
� :, star.roate OQUICT, ,13Y Me increisa , . ing buto � 1-11. � I... - � . . I t I � if Nsith ap-to�date stable, foundAiiomo
j,�, I I HONE 47. Xr, �Samuol 3', 1voulter, : Of ftleasall . Rensall Oow the twest Ito , I �. � `� -Notice , I buklt� ,about ,
: . :V � catch the 'train for Goderiob his oult- "I".. is hereby given 0 a Year a4o.� lbuiildbuo-
. . 'Oursuant to
.. I �
. . ng -the hater- A� Is. Q'I 118M, ,chap. 1�5, ,th,t.t all ahaouted fthrougJ,Ioat. ARso 0, X0011
, k, In the k1se ott-be railly4yas mail car� was successful In Pawl fit was struck by the incoming 4ain I 0 and
� � Opposite 191ectrio Light Plant, riers the government gains in 'two mediate exa
; * , I lals, of the Ontario Medical and ho was burled into the .1 I I Credit rs others havino claims ClOiJar 94xIO. with tement top, undao�
tI I . 11 . I
� � , I . vrays for tot only Is railway tr4u,%. .09unell. � I 1, ditch, A A.. I I"-%", 7
I . aWust the estate of Ediv,�rd pl, gag,xvIray.. View driving sheicl a 0
. I I deep cut was r , I � ,
I t , pad ..'X.� ",\"%, , � or.
,—�� J)ortw'u'� far safor blit' Is al . o ill. the bors.O:is side ) . N Fish of the 'Village of, Exeter , en houtso.
; �� so olleapev 'The WOMen'S Missionary'lSoclety of but the man , ., who toga bed ateel 0414%,24x40 ; ,4
lnqxejy lifta Ithe, Iskin I.M.111. , . -8. Also a goo, - supply bf �*Jj
. R1.1 '1\1\1.�k
-tot the railways claina ithat ILbe , .\'�
t Tame,s Street ebutch will bold [their kno red off h s hand� A v1y L414 Mau I ,..\' 1111� died on or ,about the 21st day of 174
: ,
:::: * Xeep Happy in the. Rome .III f, Ol I .1, : ',at. The farm Js thor-�,
June 19il:L are required on o'� before, and 1ard wa,
�, : raies Vdid to ithem by !tlae QvoverA� annual Picnic in the park to -d,$, escaped more serious injury is a: mys.
,- . ,
I �, 1� .by gettin g YOUR � Ment for ,carrying th . xnursaay). . I � 1' terY, as the buggy was a completti �".""', the �22nd day Of July 1941 to send ou,841v .4rained, and well Ifenteed, . ��
4 � I e 'malls ,are so � ,�,�,,,., L by post .prepaid or..deliver to Mess.r,s, mos5ly with 611 new wire fenceis. Aj�
1� I Ali,sa Xabel Mason. agod 19, yOars wreak. A large Crowd gathered on Gladman A, Stanbury,, of , t
i 'Now xh� 51�lg . the ,,Village . o tien acros- of 9�aod[buish, ,mo*113r hax4
1 4
1 , I� )they loose some millions Of wbOso ,home -Ia in I? arkbill, iva�' the � spot Ili a fair minutes and ftbei . ggggp .."',i,�'g,og:'go rp..- �i", - 'tors for.
. ,
,)\ ,
,� "u., \N.,%,
. ,\ �
�,�� ,�g
� 11 , of Exeter, Soliel
� ! . dollars, a Year on this end of their drowned in the, Detroit river on mull train was detained for some liptlk, , � , ,,� Execdtrix, Nvoo.a, Awr partioblars apply to W".
I - 1. . . ., IN�\ 1% I "' - Eb oodham, n .
; � I I I I ...... N%.�,111.11�� ,-, ,' Of the said deceased, their Christain IO_v ier, W 0 t. 171f .
I VIN 0 , I
I - SSITIES business and igs the pos day evening. time. � If WX .,
I NECL 1\1 11� . .1 and, surnames, .addresses end de0crip- I �
I . oral after Investigating .near 'Rev, ,Wm. A, qt�wari M , : . tionz, t1ae.full parliculars of their — ,� .
. .11 4�00 Af of Tot- The Late J'ohn'U -Iley'-On'rov
; , , OX
: Here., We hailidle, only onto -will Oco PY the pulpit of Cavan ,day of last week Bit, John Rorgey I Claims, the. Statement of their ac�
Ave lines and has Just reported thal more lore, byterlau u church next Sunday died at his home Con. 4 'Usboroe after, "...".�M* , ..."111 counts and the nature of the securi- Farm for Sale
. . .... m I
I I be BEST and we h than a quarter of them lure under morning and ovenin�Z. an illness 'i
. ever thing you need at f Just one week. (Mr. 118-11-.1 ties� if any, held bythem. -And I
. Y .,
. N\��"x,\�.v "%K\',- 1. fur- .
; I all Seasons, paid Ithe loss which they suffer In Mr,'and Mrs,, J. .G. Jones leave to. UOrney hadobeen Suffering with ap- W , it -box take notice that after such last That ohot.cc farm pro�erfty ,'Ison-q
. §11" ICH.N10.1,11 "I
. 'ter t4a, day )Thursday',' for Montreal whe�re Pepdioitls when other compljeat�o i
this connection is vastly gr , IN I
� . -a nsi 05 1%, 11 'A Umfog 150
I �� . .. . I I ea 01 I- , , 'k�:� mentioned date, Ithe. said Executrix acres being compooed OR"
. at which arises from the depreda� they will spend a wee4r. They I,() SOL, in and this ,with trouble of the - .. -�,j.�\ will proceed to distxibdte ftho assets Lot 26 and X. hall 27..,0op, 13,. Ito-wp-.
� , ,
. th, , " "
11 .
. Qy near row Toronto, I .heart 'brought about his dealh ak, a .1, ! - .0t of the deceased among the parties on. 'ship- of UBbornc,., On ,the �Prcmlises`is,
. .1A
"' ..� _ H EWA thereto, having regard only to i
I . THE HA AND CORE STORE tions of would be i1oftators of Jesse ' I ,Donaparatively early age being:47 Years g"g'-\"�g,\..,-, � "I _,�,, ..�, pk large up4W-clalte brtok dwelltag
I .., .� \ %. I
- has been IS' ...,,.�.\. , 1
. WAxtRo—Oboice Batter and . James. .That this occupation offers This district v ,Uad by 13 Months and 19days old. Re was a " � the claims of which she
I I . bcuntiful Showers of rain during the .,* %,,N�,": sh,�ll then house ,vifth frame woo'd and drlviz6A .
. i , I 11"
. Fresh Eggs. small chance of profit is showia �bj, son of Mrs Henry Horney of towla, � � hh-ve notice and .tha:t said Executrix house attached ard an�dLS,Dft water
I .1 I past week which has meant much Ito and was born in Ushorne. 1IT-weinty shall not be liable for the said assets !III dwelling house. .Bank bara 57x7a,
- I , �
� . thd fact IthaIe in the past two years the farmers as ties crops were silf- N, o I
. I � I mma�� . ars ago he moved onto the farm on I., or any part tbereof to any -person or with 26 fodt post&. 'Hog anZL IsIrdw, I
I 1. I I �. �L I . . according,to the Post Office records faring Xrom.the dry spell, I . -
, . . 11*011 be died A little Over lthreo� � IR Persons of whose claims notice Isliall boizsn 3WO, Cement hog bouise 0ox
1. . .
I � . I ; — there. has been in the enlire coon!t�ry- , Mr, 03, Bilber. clerk of the ITQwla� Yearsjngo he was Married to Bliss IN, ,ANI" ,�,
I 1. . . not have, be.en, received by her at -the 60 .Water ;h barn and dwellWg howl4ei. �
, ship of Stephen, has just made hi Mary J. Horton daughter of Mr. Wm,' . -*-..�.-t - time of such distribd�on. � 'from never faOlng aprinz 31'ell with.,,
J , In fir j only nine train robberies involving a 01 .1.111,
X, &� �
I � .�)' ,, ,
I MR the, malls and it is is salcl lth,a!t even %"kLIAX LaTly returns of births, marriag. Horton who is left Ito mourn 'th I'M . GLADMAN & STANBURY, wlhdmill; Jarge orchard Of 101ICAP6 .
"M, I I t -ores of bush 'This farm Is I
I ..
E ff as and deaths during the past threti, loss , ,of a loving husband. F ive 6ik;! , . � I ��� � . 19olicitors for Exeoutrix. frn�it.;. 15� a .
. ; F A IN"" M E RS 0 in, this lates't hold-up.1the mail ILrain months .Thexe were 11 births. 7 ters and one brother .also survive, . � I I Dated at Uxeter this IlLh day of a! lirchl, deep ooll in, CIO%$ L a
� attacked -by mistake Ithroug.W marria-es ana'15 deaths. viz; Aft& J�ohu R, McDonald, Mrs: �.. .� July Iqll, I , aft*-
, -was , , 4 fl�rs`t
� 14 . . � : . ... ---. . . . . of cultOra!tlon 80 acres In gra" irija .
" - .. bandits who ,veto really 'after q Mr. I D. 111, Duncan. of the T-Thion. Albdrt Spencer Xrs. IV. J. Otatham I'll .1 �.. . I . '
,, ,.I , ______4_ Alfalfa, 60 acres 11n, grain rodtis Ahi(I
I .1, .heavy gold shipment travelling I, by Bank. Qimbee, ivIlic, has been viiiting of town Bliss Milanerafta. of Qhicago, � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ",""I'll .... I . . ...... 1. . - . I . corn, well fenced and unf8lierdraLned , ('
Miss Esther of town and Mr. gobtl I I - , The farm iiis conve4ently 1spena,teV . .
� We are in a position to supply your expr,ss on another train. for a fe-j, days in town and on the Horney on the homestead., Whe, de. .
1. VaUts and can save van money. Come 0 � . 'Thames Road left this -week for men- Ceased 'was of a retiring disposition ,%= lolmw= MIAMI". Auction Sale bewg 1wo and a half miles from Exe::
to us for your treal where he -will visit for a. fave � I . . ter and four mRes from ,He;a*ll.1 �
. - days befoxe returnin a -ad was a member of the iHeiisall. In the matter of Ithe EsItato of An- FbMessEbn given December 1st Ift:i)
I g to ,,Quebec, Methodist church. 11n, politics he was .Graduates and alumnae of Wellesley nie 'Gidley. . . 11, .11,
i NhO gather,for,the annual commene I % with the privelege of rgoinW and'dolor % ,
d e' utor of the dbove, estalte; any ,work ih It -he in'tereata of goodf
Lane Lump Note and Comment _Uxim services by Caven Prosily- a conservative 'The funeral was ment :vvill, all pay special tribute to , IThe Exec �
� toxian and Blain street Methodist, conducted by the CF.. 0. F. of 111ensall. has instructed Xr.T. A Carling. auc- fa ln�n�g� ets soon eld croV,
I � a mein "*h
I hurch s 'were held on Sabbath Ia the Alice Freeman Palmer OrIal tioneer to sell by Public Aueltion o!6 isr lalbe soldp.r.7 he pro,4�
I Threshim Coal The labor problem to harvest the a st, lassisted by iRev. J_D. J. Millyard of which has recently be . removed Uns I It
I , 6 Rev. E. IG, Powell preached in the Hexisall. and E. G. Polvell, of tell, .en given a place the residence of the la'te Annka I peletor. rough't intown and is re frripiLV
z n Gidley
I . L western crops is becoming a ,serlous; Presbyterian church in'the morning Interment took place in .thO Epx�L,Crt of honor In Wellesley college, where I X. Easy termIs of Paymeh!t- For lterMa, 4
I I 02nd 1911 and aprfgjoularsa�ply 'to Chas. Harvey -
men 11,111 and in the Blain street church in the cemetery. The cortege was one of Mrs. Palmer ,was president from, 1881 at 12 d'olock P. M. the bousehold on 'the Premilseig or Ito Thos. OameT639.
I I I one. Twenty thousand . ON 0ATURDAY JULY
,� be. needed 'within a few wceks. evening. the largest seen in -these parts for until 1887. She was probably the goods, Chattels and fReal Eat4ktc of Auct(oneer. Farquhar. .
n Mr. and Mrs. Fred 'Wilson. Mr. and "" time' I .�� ill greatest woman eaucator of modern the said deceased, .
. Mrs. Uas. Rogers and son Leonard. of The home of Mr. 'and Mrs. R. Saul- times.' St was through her influenee , REAL ESTATE .
� ,, 11, rortland Cement 1, "Did You say the fishing around Listowell. and Miss Lena ,,Rogers. of ter, Phrkbill, was the scene, of A th-at the, COIleae'assumpa the leading I I . I
I ere was Interesting9P, Port Arthur. came over h-oin Lis-, quiet wedding, ,when their .daughter. p Parcel No,'I consists of Lot J9o. 42
1 1 "Yep` replied Farmer Corntosse. toweL. on Thursday Jast in Aft. Wil- .Susie Robena. was osItIou It now occupies, and every on thenorth side of Victoria street For Sale
l : united in marriage loyal Wellesloy girl honors her meno. and.,the vest side of William street.
! I Peerless Wire Fence "The feller that catches one itisb, son7s auto and Spent�-the day 3vith lo Dr. Calvin S. McComb, of ,Blind cry. The memo.rial was made possible in the Village of Exeter, , On said 'The undersigned has offered for,
I breaks the record?- � M,x. and rMrs, E . ,A. Vollick . . . Rivet, son of .Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Me,
� � " I ------- 0— * * * *. * * * '-The many friends of Mr. Bruce T. Comb. of Lacala. The ceremony was through the efforts of Miss Carolifie Property 16 situate a good brick hause sale thalt beautiful residence zor'Oi:
I . I grl head of the coi- r
Anderson, formerly ,teller of 'the Bank b, ormed by, the Rev. ,Wm. Godwin llamard, the presefij and frame barn. This Property is on of the b idge. Hard and soft waltit .
I wedding war a corner and centrally located. in the house and everything in g6d&
� ALL KINDS OF Carlos A. lGalarce. Consul -General of Commerce here, biA now of OlRaw.% 'ch was playled by lege, and the alumnae. Not only is . .
I 11 Gf the Argentine Republic in Canada 'were pleased to see him on Saturday Bliss Evangeline Harvey. The brid,e the memorial a tribute to a great wo- Parcel No. Il consists of lots No. 59 repair with four lots, a good . barn .
� *wa
. L-uniber, Cedar Posts and has received the exequator. signed by Bruce was returning from his vaca�- a given away by her father and-,vore loian, but it Is a great work of ar4 foF and 00 on the South side of Albert all kinds of fruit frees, bushes and I
f which � . &M3 es, Anyone 1vishing to sea
� tion and !took a run up ,,Ind called white satin'vvith lace and those who know -say it is one of the, street in the the place or know )the !terms -%vllit
� Kin- lGeorge. in consequence o . Pearls tulle street and�be West side of Willi grape vin
� "I Shingles he ras taken charge of the office. on his friends. I veil and white roses, and also wore a blest things that Daniel Chester French, said -village of Exeter !
: . . . pendant .of pearls and peridets, ,the . On this land is situated an up-toqlat� please =11 at the residence Main s�t,' I
;� I- �
� I
. I -i f . * * * * * * * Edith Wharton will. begin in the gift of the groom- M iss Sadie Sault, d.out. It frame cottage in first-class ri3palr. ,7.!&,.t4t , ,k,L. .
�, I ------ 140-- thd-sculptor, has ever turne . Exeter Alex. McPherson, �
fiction Nunber of 'Scribner's Magazina Or was bridesmaid in -white embrold- Is a lifelike Portrait of Mrs. Palmer Hard and soft water inside of the , , -70, 1 . I!,— ;
� A trial order will convince you that She -Bankrupt I Why, I understood a new short serial, the setting of exed dress with pink flowers. The with an Idealized figure at her side. house And good drainage. These lots - . . �
Vre carry only the best at a price that they were rolling in wealth. . whiell is an.old farmhouse is a dea- groom Nvasattended by his brother. It is placed in a good light in the e —_ . W,
I , hap- are corner lots and are in a most at. :
J Ile -Yes., but it appears 'they roll- olate re ion of New England. The Aft Orel L. McComb, of Lucan. Lun- 61 of the college, and there the beauty tractive location. � I
, Will pay you to deal with us. g
. I ad just a little too far�-Boston� aharacters and settin- are - ch�cn was served in th,� dining room worslAping girls of Welles ev have Sur. I
I � I . an un- hite and . l_ . TERMS OF SALE A
ranscript. usual illustration of Mrs. Wharton's which was decorated with w Houses for Sale .
. . -hich Mr. and Mrs. Me- th flowers to greet the Real estate-�-10 per cent cash on � .1 .
I I versatility, I � pink after iv rminded Itwi re- Obattels-Cash . Your houisRas for sale, and shop it I
� ,� R. J. GUTWORTHY I Among those who attende Itho fun- Comb left for the *'Thousand Zslands turnlug alumnae, many Of.whoni knevn of Sale and balance withi day Walabe,3 Apply So _).fr. ,,�,..fl k, ,i.
. d I . . _Nl r�,. .j3,
, GRANTON. -_ 'The Government resum,,d business oral of the late John Horney on to Quebec *a and loved h n 80 days, on. ' I I .
I ONTAIuO Tues- nd .will go to their home . er v'wheu She Was at U0 , further and other conditions made Bra I I I
.", __ at Ottawa ,Tuesday ,afternoon, The day were; Mr. J. Jefferson and son in Blind .River. The going taway, head of tile institution. known on day of sale I I I I I
, , . .
S was A pea,coo ___ �
. res k blue, w h bat For further Particulars apply to t
� I first item of business considered wa,a Jotn of Dublin. Mr. Was. Jefferson it . _
I �', , M . the reciprocity agreem-ent. Indic&- and family. of Mitchell; Xr. and. Mrs, 'to P-atch. � ; L " I ' T. B. Carl ing 'N, D.. Hurdon Esq. , I 11"
, I . tions poini 'to an early election -%vicb Carter. of'Clandeboye; Mr. and Mrs. 0 - FRUIT DE-SSERT. - . . I
I I If. You ban keel) Your head whea all:1 reciprocity as the Issue. Blcado,,vs of Newton, Xr. and llrs.i . -_ , Auctioneer Exeter . For Sale . . ��,
I �
- . . I , ,
, , I Exeter Ont. Ont: ' V
I ,
I . about you. PPR J'as. 91-orney. of iGoderich; Mr. Down Value Loss of 8fla93 Small. -Prune Loaf an Ine:Rpensive, Delicious A. J. McKee Dickson & Carling FlIc.1-Sile at once -200 acres �tanl��,'--�,A ,
J Are losing theirs and blaming it On . 3rd!icom..;3 miles from Clinton. School, _"_�
; �, of Ghedden; Alr. Jefferson, of ISt. One reasou why cornfleld., should be , and Wholesome Food. Executor , . . Executor's 40 rods. Th good state of cWtf1va.ti9,U,
I . Y10tu. , . . Thomas. I I . I
: . . ( I i 0� Z i turned into the Ale is 125 Chatham St. W, 11
1. fff you can trust y6imself when all A man -,Ind a woman boarded a ,.,I hat, eArled fod- .Even that humble fruit the prune, Solicitors 100 "Ores Ia -;-,raila. 10 acres �alfalfa. I
il 1�� Underwriters Alake Test -On lrues- dor 11�. MY aild I:) at Nbich We so often sneer, may be , Windsor, Ont. I � 1:22radres buls-Ii. rest bay and pasfure4. �
. I . ]wen doubt you � i street car Ito -ether. the woman car- corn deteriorate.s r;tl,l
,, - .". .
I . I But make allowance for their.doubt ryl )The man day morning 31r. Wilson representi g 'war spri � bee0j' I
.. . I ng a heavy suitcase. n d .W1 ii,, s liard, twitilt.,gud � used In making delicious desserts. For
Ing too; I I Stdno 'house. Itwo istore�,.slate, xoof,. i
� - 11
- . - .
I..P. I - took the only vacant sea't, leavingthe the Underwriters Association -was in possesses ,little palatabiill�y. "III,'19P Instance, Prune loaf may be made as � . � ___ . � 1cemeln't floor in qella�, furnace eitsk:rjaI. , -
Z,i .Tft you can wait .and .not be 'tired by woman standing. An indignant pas- town and called out the firemen Ito loses much less thau dry (-oru iochlor follows: .. . 'i
�1' telepho�i&, One bara 85x5o. windmilf I ,
, e waiting. I. . Pumiler. IwaterwOrk1s. 'Slablimi '40t I "I
lsenger ,remonstrated, saying Pyou test the walterworks. The Itime I .�A, Whip One and a halt cvp:f�js- Adminstriators Sale head catitle aju�jd 9 borseL,�. .
.. � In ,,Ind fi-4 always reli,died by tile Zlllhil.I��. _
�_ I Ox. 'being lied abo(At doVt deal in Ought to 6e ashamed to let that.. -wo. getting Ithe water Aarted was taboult . of , 3 I
V , I' .1 sninmer or -winter. cream until firm throughout Cut
1;. I— les; man stand - The other looked at three minutes from �he first Stroke . . Oecorkib I
� . Ox ,being hated don't give way 'to him in astonishment. "That's a good of the bell which was quite salisfac- I ___ , . . One enough, cooked -prunes, to fill -OF- barn. 56x,40. Bay lbaT.0 5Ox35. Crop is
I e
t. , on -elsbe :
� , .1., (hating I . . joke on you," he answered. AWby toxy ,.Ind was quicker than the iav- Protccflnj P;pi;3 Fro -m Fro�';_ cup, add one-fourth cupful of . favra if �d d, Ap�ly Fic, I
. o_ _ . the Malcolni MoRweb. J30X , 56. Clintaffi., .,
;1 ill I And Yet don?t look litoo golod. moV she is my wife. . crage places. Single and double Th.',; di.q�.t�,,I:n i;jusix-,;.-�s 4.11,' -�j-;,, r I r prune Juice and two-tbirds Cupful of Choicelimber Land . . .L,
!,- : � . � I . --- .
I -_ - �
I . 1alld too wide. streams -were fried and in Ithe aftex-, IT"lovdir,� wz�tvr in'lws ,:-l---1 rrost. sugar and let simmer until the sugar The administrators of the Estate of I I ;
. " * * % * * * .*
� � 7
. 1 4. -1f YOU can dream-aud not make noon the fire engine ,was also tested. 'i; flu. r I't v. 4; Ilw 1111w. 'h -a In-rition Is dissolved and tho mixture reduced thelate Paul Doig have instructed t
I ;', dreamsyour master; - - - - 't !I*, 11 Ih,., I il-e 1%U7,4. v I'- a little. Add the juice of halt a lemon Thod. Cameron, auctioneer to sell by .
10' The ito'tal immigrdtion Into Pana- 'The latest reports give 11the number 'Ill . Farm for Sale
1,�,. If You can thlnk�and 'badt make da foi'May -was 61.475 as compared of people -who perished in the Porcu-� %'r !,�W'- d flit, Around, f a warylatt'l I . Public auction at the Commercial Tbap choice pieee of p I
I . thoughts your aim; ,
11 1- - . �; " I
, I I Ia. with 47,689, for May 1910, an increase. pine fire at 70. Already building op , �,L atc, g .!'I 1;-wl da"n I T.1 Z)�ym*,-tivll . hotel, Hensall, Oiat, on Saturday the taininS ,16 . ropUfY cda-
, . acres 1 1-4 Mile -3 .1 ;
. froXrb �
; � . �_. I You ' can meet v ith 'triumph and Dis- of 29 per Cent. The immigration Orations have commenced and Ia, mew 10 ppst. rlill 1) I".a.i. be S!N to i�),T "iii. I 26t -h August, 1011, at 2 O'clock P- M-, Kippell. W1,14 one mile , .
I I � aste i � I rom he United SIxtes was 15.414. Porcupine is being built up. Esti- I A .; � "to altalion. Thi? .
I i And trea' f It ��` � . I
t those itwo imposLersju . . the following valuable prapertT
S t1 compared with 14,194. The immigra- mates of the loss are made up a 0 L �qp �. land is �rollil�g'and ea,311y'draineld On. �
:1 �. I I . Lot 29, Con. 1, in the towns
� I � I
� . , _.
. I .- pr..�- 11 .., Hay, County of Huron, containing a kitchen. 14X19 ania 1.
y�oV*ve spoken Q .. -ac: `kf�,oben_ :1
': tL�!�' *9f You can -bear to hear pared 'trith 33.�95. J?or(;up1nc City ,T-250,000;. Golden'City �_ hundred acres more or less, summer,
,�', tbd same, I mm tlon,i at ocean ports Nvas 061. com- lows; South X-lorcupinc, k','35 41 �, cu.," - D or the I)Xemlse3 is a bou$a, 22x89 *jth;
� S �10'1 7
. . ,the irdth, 46, 0 00. 7_� �, 1
. . 1,
' I . - _OF .;171'�4'g ':�'\ 11 �-_ : 60 , req all in go5d repair.*%vith a� first' Cla
�, ,:�� ...... 4 1
1 � 4, Twisted. by Imaves 'to 6ake a trap W . I . �-� -,7, .. of this land is cleared, there are some cellar Iund4r 30- t,
- 1. ,
� I I . I . I �, - .. - - . . . . . . . . . ftl , . -house. '17hore are "two, �
It �, . for fools . . �'. i, . -/X,-- ,- I ime buildings on it, a, good orchard ,b*.r , �
.. le �, _0d Ia,, njew one ?6 ,
�.: � � I Or watch the 'things you gave your The oppoxients of Reciprocity seem � - .... ".... and never failing spring. , x7O 'the oILWr 00, . �
I'll,, , � .,- . � �.'..�4 - The balance ky 06 an furnished ,with .
. . 1. . I Ife to broken. � . .) / " f ) 'i . I.. is thickly timbered with soft elm, rods
. 11 to over the trade .G ...".. ]1_Z:h(t1Q1nJg4.-
,: � ', 'And stoop and bblld,'em up with routes of Canada -being injured than . " - / I fl� � . - rock elm, maple and beech, with some
L I I ;�_J , 'and eavetrO013113. Their,-, iare'2� ..
. C 14
�. 11 - . , , $ I
_ - % $a. ,the I
.1 . __ '. / , . . 6ak, basswood and white ash. The other tile &�tables with �,.Ubuqh Walt— ,
� ... 1. ,
I .. ,....,L, re one heap of- all your �,. (&i x k%% MOVE LOAP.
,, �' wornout_ tools; I are the sharehoulders of the raUroads . new wells Due 13UP13liPA the hou'
.�, #If You. can mak: for on -Ircnday C. P. IR. stock rose to /; ;
1� find rdid in a . /,f , ", %, " farm is 80 rods from Rippen station On er !to I
� _1, . I I ,,, �
. I I -winnings . its record Price when it " .. I __ �1� ... I T 12 I , L
. L W�. 10, / V -_ — - - Of
- � , - /�y . Z;;�:; e -fourth cupful of juice from Hensall. � . -fit. Across theba,akeor-
,� Andirisk it on one turn of pitch - 0 Z -su6ly a, cOIIIPI�L
Teacbed. , " , H. and B. Ry and 2 miles, from ,tb.res,aPpare to
� -2 on the American market. I�Iifid - and on ' inz oIA
� �, I _ 243 1 . . � I , I I / - :1 1,.fh:,P1fr,U1,n1Ies I Jeer runs a small
J -i-bieediho,im. -0 , , creek which ni-�Ver-
. , I 3 11-1i 1, Terms; Ten percent on day sale and .,
I �nd toss, . .. pain.1, I IMM S I 1---i - " -/ I 11 0 a cream into it and turn balance On Ist November next with- Ary. , Over the creek is a ismall I
1::L' - . — fanci , , _: , 9 0 d jb Let 'stand until chillec I
! � , ,, runs
I I " . Wnd loose and start again at your I � / I
I ., I I . . ease."J, Pe'ls'eVe' I'M -1 9 mold lined Ou bus
I . mednsa .r/. �? �,
,� . . ticulars Will be made known I
N �' ". And never breath ai word ,,abou,tj i � � � .." /-/ ,� with Paper and chilled in salt .and On day Of fencin,k, newly .
.11 . : this ? PAU Zr ': - _ -V I saleormaybehadon application to orebard,of winter api)1cs.: I �
�, Your loss 1!:L. k PC . Put n't, also Ia, Ismal . I
" beginnings I - , -.1V , � _%A the mixture into a quart tinterest. Further terms and par. There is Ia larl.,;e amuunl'Of 101-; proofff- I
r F / 13. k .
I 4 J,
Bux 6 4 �
.� SUUMD FROM ,,, Zlle a ; , , "I V crushed lee. Fill the mold to oveD. ,
�� �1��- If YOL can force your hear, and nerve . . 1 4 .fq�.� 1_� . RV 11 11 - -_ ,� . s., Thos. Cameron, -Farqubar, W. W. �k
I _" , 11 I flow, spread over a paper and press
� � ,�'!, . � -nd Sinew - I � .. "i, . Cooper, Kippen, J&S. Bell, Jr., Box 74, ThO baVe fr,p�', mail ,delivery and;
z: ��. . � e:r Ong afte,x Ithey I .1. I .- e . . I
i I . 0 S" , the cover down over the paper. Pack Hensall, or Gladman & Stanbury,. 'r'Or Parliculari; � � I ,
T vLyd11r turn I CATHARTICS " , ,/,,,, Telephone conilefcUan.
n'l :... I are gone; . F - � - * iF5F 9_444 � �4 _____J Ia equal measures of sat and crushed solicitors, Exeter, Ont, a,��Ply Ito.,
:;. : � I It . ALE I ;
.- f
� 11 '';J I I .� . . , . jq Is ��0,111ngq( The Wa x Mr. � . _ .. ----.r . .Ica Let stand about, three hours. DatEd at Exeter 'this 19th day of . X. � .
� . � . Ud 0 hold on *,fr!h,en( tll�L: BrI.I.THOD Or PBOTECTIO.N. 13'170,11A,NAN� �
I . rlftg 0 Gea, V, � ip � ;
1. in you ' Itepack when,tbe lee 'has partially July, A. D., 19 K . . .
, - lac-fies Ili diameter, is split iu the mid- . Ill . I I It ,
. I - � . . ':
�i, ,:, ,� Exec -P' Ithe will which says,to them Fox Is One That ShoUld dle, as shown tit e. The center is inelteci When repacking turn the . 1 7-20-611. —
J ; �. I " frold on P- 1. . � f
� Ohildren Cry I hollowed out slightly in each ,half, mold, as the lower side often freezes __. . . � I I �
i�,� , If You can 'talk with crowds and Be Heeded by All. � more quickly than the upper side. I I . I
; 1.11 I . _e - �� I "
1 - k vp your viitue, : - . FOR FLETCHER'S . and into this space the pipe fitb. The � , . I .1 A I � _
. . . " : . ' Or )"alk with X-ings-nor lose 'the tron ring at g holds the hav When unmolded garnish with halt a I I . i
y �
. . �ommoh Itouch. . together. 1, -7 -_
: . Few men on the road A This protection might and . ' ' i YHAIT'S TBE � E . .1 —_
,,� � CASTOR'i cupful of whipped cream and cooked E -_ - I
�_ ','*,�:: If neither foes nor loving Trionds ca' are bette'A probably would Ili actual practice cont Prunes. . r jove(;the lake, I I . I THROUGH TOURIST,- I
. , �;-�. I I b known than genial George rox, whose, I . T love.. Ithe breez,lI � I
. , � hurt you; friends throughout the West Are legion e on through the wall of the build. . I �
1 :� 1. Iry . That whistles 'Lhrou-h .
,.�:. . If,all inen count Wifth you but none In the following letter he expresses MI Homemade Girdles. I PULLMAN SLEE PERS I I .�
I., I " Ing. It could be arranged for by set- I I ;The forest Itrees ' ! . I . I . � �,
,,, I Itoo Iduch; I gratitude for signal servicesrendered at a may I I TO . I ,�
I 1.
I .
If Yoll Can fill the unforgiving mi,:. . make herself a. dainty girdle In beads I WINNIPEG and EDMO I 11
,;,�� , . I , by Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Ee goes,on to 'NOTILRIN6 IINT IT tt ii'n'g" the pipe greater angle." The girl who likes beadwork love the shore
t::' (lite. , � Isar. "Until I used Dr. Hamllton!s! American Agriculturist. I I I love Ithe san�, I I . I NT01V � ,,
, . . . . and jewels to match a cortain costume. I I � . � A
i,f:, twi Pills aaa experienced their wonderful - 7 lovn�ltbe suxf. .1 I .
11, . th six,ty S�con�ds worlh, c�f diSL That is, in - . . 1. : -From Toronto 11 p. 11 and 25; . .
. I 1: tance run. . . . - S think ft's graiLd. I Aug. 8th;LV1a Chicago, St, ,. ,
�, mildness and curative power, I esti* - The work It mo t easily done On a And 1 I M, July
I , I.." Iro mated the value of -every pill by Its I . . bead loom. A simple design for such I love Ithe Stream, � I � . . . , Minneapolis. I � Pau I I ana, I .. I
i'�; ! � I - I
I urs is 'tb(,. eaAh ,and everything using a . DOD t let two weeds groW this a belthas two rows of oval beaded fig- . . . I I I
't.:, i . � .. 'fhat"s in it. . activity. Talking about this to A well,4 .9 love the fish'- . .
' . known physician X met on the train I To bait Itbe hoX I I I � Very Low Rates, � .
1�. `� �.� � I "Alod.-whiab * -You'll be a the other day, be explained there are year 'where none ' �before. . ares connected by double llnes. of bead-� That . . I � � . I t
�': " .. . I Is more grew I I ,
i :; I Man. my soil. . . . I I 11 1ARNUBBER I .1 Ing alternating with cobweb of is (MY wish, . . � . .i
different kinds of drugs -that act upon �' 11 . I f6ets. I I
,,",,�:! . : : � . . � � I , love ithe throng . I WRITNIMG EXHIBITION DATES,, .
------.O—. . the bowels, the most active being � it . . - - . - , __ - - , . . - - I I I In the center of each cobweb may be AbouT ithe pier . I . July 12-22), . L �. .
� . I I . . .
-1 I . I I
. known as drast1d. Except In extreme . I STAMP - 4ewed or woven . The giddy gr6wd", . I . � ". ,. . . 1, � . � I .
0 , il'�'JSIUALG PT,CX1,&.GS FOT� ROBBERS cases where the W6 of the patient I : `%� I �, . I?V�
. . �
, . .-
I..; :_ , PRECIUBS , _ -top -titring. 'The wholesome, cheer, I : . THE i-OPULAR ROUTE I I
-1: 1. II train the bowels, plllsr should never be dras- . I �� lovekIthe road, . I I I
,.� ,. � I . The rovent hold-up.of a mal depends upon speedy evacuation ol I I 011, vlrasr� Use. heavy buttonhole sli_%
� - I I when well . Ing these beltg alid make them to knot
10, . 11" I .. I
:'j", :i 1DW11ch the robbers eseapptd with the tic, Purgatives cause catarrh of the I . Ma'nY WoMen are twable to enjoy �961'y� a And. like Ito go -TO" _�
� at one tside, the end,beln On- , "
. ,
4 ;t , 1, bowels and Inflamnlation; their dose . " I printed,. I.etter the boalth giving properties 0�.,TrNd` [shed In tassels of beadwork, ig 11'. a, Odt in n. car . I . . . .. . � I I . Muskoka Lakes, , . � I I
.: , registerod mail i,5 'Cited by Postal I I , ,W it .
. ti, ,,� ,Authorifi,�! A week or so . . , I Lake of Bays � .
must be Increased, causifig,even more . Canadian simshine simpJy.,., - %c Muse jewel on eacb.stralod. - . Temagami,,
- 1. � � .* 'I't, X.OlAreal hs emphailz_ harm, heads gi�e . , � . I . ..''
, I
P , , . lne� 'f'bt� , With Sucb a clear explanation they immediately ra.�,*,ylk'find ox 1) 0 1 1 love (the yach't I I
� � � ;;, rarity ' of losses I could see Why Dr. namilton's Fill$ I I .1 of freckles . - 1. � � 0 ther new beltings are of bead de- I like Ito sail � 1 ,5 1 Algonquin Park, I I � !
. l are curative and not IrrI such a I I I I I
, � of thi,,� kind, Itating, why - You d 'I -_ - 11knSlIn gilt and crystals done on heavy And mnift.the fresh I . ,r. . �
I Whild LlIn' they are mild, Yet most searching, I nce OX worry about lhatn. IGo I I I I . I Xagapetawan RIVp I . I
� , M " ahead a " ` net These are lined with silk the Inspiring,gftlo, , .1 . Ften0h River 14�1
�t ,:_fiV:ed,s Of . illionF. of dollars qre 'Wrom my experience I recommend, I 12.u�*enjoy t SI lobath - stay I I .
� , . . I
tral . . ,. evelryone that takes pilig to give -up I Dusiness out in it all ctay, , I �. game sbada'as the net and ate worn I Jove !to ,loaf, I I , Georgait Ua�, �
I I I v4popfod by Iftall the, tdtal in- I the old-fashioned harsh, purging pili, it �PrOcblcS come, Nyal's. T?roeeklo with a tandy �uoklo of harmonizing X love *,to shirk � . I I I -take Cou6biching. �
"I . ,aamlaity Iyald by the root Office dur- atid Instead, to use Dff. -n-amllton!s, . � I I 'O . t1loplivill remove them as ivall as tho anamel or with the smart buckles get Eta whalt's (the useg . I I XMWArtba Lakes, etc. i � -11
. I v%st ye-tir on accoun I It of Vroln I I ir il I ] "! I I
� I Ing t& Tho� cure beadacho, biliousness, Con- I . . 111h, I In pearlso turquoise or,other precious � t've kdt to, -work, I , at low vates. . I f
� ! I . I thdi ii, If YO1117 gldn gots. burned, Nyal" 0 U a I � � � . � �
. . . I
, . rObTlOri(IS 'vAs only *%81. Much of ,ilpatloh', bad stomach, and keep the . 9 1 I
. . I system In 'PavfOct 69ndition", nothing, ,, pace Crearn tvill take olit �,hj�' soro. Ind seln1precious to e . . 1. . 1 ___4__ Tickets and full information I I I
, �
. I � flic di,jf�iclination on [the part of the 1161UIIL� All� substftute &f br. Ilao-, I � I 4 � -of tb e :i lq�ss and redness. I I 11 . I _ A_� , . . � . . . , I , . from. any Grand -Trunk A,fen I
. .
(I -, binoxa. I . I I I . I addreSSA, R, Dufr, DIstric sseng
�, VrOfe�,8i W11 highv6YMCII to intetf(,,re. llton�s V111sq sold for 25a, All flealero, 11 Nyal's Freckle Lotion is only Saving the Outtonu. , I
� A holf , a 6' Or" .
;I- , vvith tllafl in- tra sit undatil or 'The Catarrhozone Co., Xlngatoit, "I lic Sol& , a, ,dollar wbile, the Cream'sells .for To prevent the cbnstnnt annoyance . ^ . Agoint, Toronto, Oft. I I 11 I I I
.. I I
��`� , W ToP111:01jon wfikh%beDoftj'�, I . I . cr. , ,� Df PIl1OWSlIpS,.0to., coming Do U`Rlk, _ 1. 1. KNIGHT, Depot L . . � , i,
� A .)Itodly is Ont. I 1 . WILL.I.E - I .. . a quart %41 AST ' I
,due to fIT . �1. I I'll I me from �
1. ret nime (Nyal,0 laundry ydth brol;et or.tora off 1. L .
... I Don't forget Ith, I � I . Agent. I
. - I �
IIt ii 111"111"I"111
inion,1111 Voumt(.d Police have ainod 1i UT US - I'RI I 1) I � I but- . 1`0r.bf(into SIA Children.,
, 9 . . I 1pine fik- I t tons . I I I � I I . 1�
Of 0v(1X'v,V(('lD9 lip oil IfIv. tp4j[ o�r Dri -Ha ilt n's Pills � L, - make'two buttonholes Instead of �
, I a I M 0 1 , ''PT �,914 r, lf�,W6 S. I no , y PbM,, Do button.and buttonbole, se, ' Ao Kind Y60 J'ayeAlft 8 BOUght 01
iyOnlaiur and. otevajltt�latly .l�ndjl�� L % 0 , "01 . . "&IL 1, � �, � . . I � w, two but- I I I y "I I ldre:a, �� ...
� 0 trys to prey up , L�. 1 ..40 . I I 0, I ,rr*ft�,W. - . � I , ( � , , ,0�)tidlaa to" 160901Y togetb4r and ,dige a I I . I .
. , I 1 ,1 ,, . I , Cry I . �
on 10V C."ro'constipatl � 01'r`rt_'1�1`1 I , Chemist � I 0 .9 Veat's the ' �, . I .. I rog, FLETCHER% I I �.
' ' .� A . ,. I ��- I I I . I
� I -1 . Oil' I It . . I I ".. �rsxeter i I .1 - litud, r0m0vIlllg at'eJg,% visit, f- ;�. I 1. I . � I . ,
1 � U nfali . .1 �
, L� -1 ow""W"_ _ "I 11 . , I � -. " lli:w, .0 .1 I � 0194af-I , *r . Fq 1,4_ , ', .
_611�" �v I K . 11, ,. . 11 --- _ .- — . 41�� 0 A,�
�L ' �1' � � , .,Miorl�,� _IvI.�" "I �` I ,� I - ," r *11 �j�;.i'a �,, )� � . . . . , I
im ,
W , , =, � ,�. .1 I I li�j. I I" � I 0 1.
,4,.,�, - - 1, � , , . .. ; �t�t �1 �� I . , .
, -1 I
'1- 7M ,.,I . ��� , I 11*1%� ..... ... _____0_1 ___._._ I I . I � , .11 I .
�'�'. � �� , "', ��.,' i .��01�_ v ,4, ,, � &..". _/ �* 06 I , I . .
____ lmmmmlr_����ir, . 1, .N I L' , " - -7--LiMbigiomwo . 1. .1 I . L : '' . � , �, I �, L � . I 1 6
0 Milm , I- �, J1611. �F�, - � . � 1 ,.4 1 .11 11.11 ; � ,;��L_ , � . ) ,
� I � . . I