HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-7-20, Page 4. I � � . . � ...... .11 .­ ,.. "I -11 ... . .111 - I - 1-1-1 ....... . . .... _111-71-1 I-- I "I ...... 1. � - 4-- . ,­,,­,,..__,_ . . 1. 11 I - 11 �� . "I-Amikiwo1iim6ow,m6whL�"aama,laimmkiAm 11111111111 I , . , I 110, .1 P�T�* I ij.li "I I "I'll, "I'll . - ­_... __. .. �_­ __ . I - _0 & I :, I - 1117� I.- .1 I - � , 1 7 1 : I L , I . I . I I , : , . � , � , , . , , , , I . I I I I I I � . I . , , 4 . � � . I . . . � . I � ,�� I . � � I . � I , . . .1 I I I '*t, I � e I I I I I I � I I . � . � I I I I I I � I . I I I . . I I . I . I 9110:' , 111:011, .�w R.P"N"WA 10" _____ __.______._. ____ I I : I � , 11:1 I i I! 11 :. , � i ii " , 0 " � � , - i " i _00 , " I I - I I - -i . - -1. 1. � I I � - 11 0W."-_____ I . I I I I 11 1-1-11 � _._____ � , ­ 1_14- I .1 . . . . * � ­ 11 � : � 1. I � I I I I 11 I I I .1 . -1 -111--11 � I 11 1. I I � . 11 . I . 11. . 11 I I I . ' BALFOUR AS MUSICIAK THE BROKEN DOWN FOOT. ­W�11*w^ ­ - ­� - '' " - . _w__"r" � � FARMS FOR SAI_e� WIVES SOLO, I'll. : , 1� ESTMINSTER ODDITIES ift � — lie Vancouver lots we �Cffer - ,� � . 0""', Unionist t,eade U 11", W� I I BOJ)AW60N, NINHATV'COL, �. , . i . __ ,r Is a, Quitiv , ated Lover Weak Usgo,tmertts and Muscles Cause SOring Finds th \ FA Street, Toront � a. . Astounding Matrimonial Bargains are the'best I � i � 0 . of Sweet Sound% the, Arch to Coll4ps% Pulled Off In England. buy in Western ' I I I . 1� � 4 e NIQHT IN SP IF YOU AVANT A QUARTER, TIALF � . PH 0 , IJ ab%lfour stood as godfather -in Ther condition known as flat toot is Canada, I , , ert Parry's phrase --to the brought about. by a stretching of the afto or whole section or larger parcel up. to In this twentieth century of ours It � I . , TH, ,QQRQNATION CHAIR. hundred thous. Ld acres q land in jqanj� IL comes as v, rude shook to read - the I You can make mone like : , . I L' International Musical Society's Coll, ligaments and a weakening of the sup. toba, Saskatol"Iell"I'an, Alberta, or, BrItish astonishing story told beforea, Grims, . ly .� , I gross. which was, opened recently at portiug muscles, so. that tile foot, fort- Human, syl.,kiteill Columbia, seenio. by (Eng.) ma-. strate the other day. other people through gooc i ' �, � .1 *� the U of Loudon buildings, ed to its natural work of standing and I , - — I 4 I . 1 In- , : . - . I JMAptor Peter Abbot Did What Has South "'Y" walking, a , 1.1" ONTARIO STOCK, GRAIN, DAIRY A wo4ian wasosuing her husband for - . i I , Xe ton. Teads under the strain, and : I or fruit forins I can suit y Maintenance, and during the course Ve$tIIIentS in ValICOUVer lots, - I Nover Soon Done Oefore or Since The congress, is the most Jr , an, aj I ha,vo �1` the nowinvT arch i Load - d, With I , �, � , Aportant s obliterated. 0 , Imptirities, Which same of the yory best on iny. lisk of the evidence it transpired that, get. I irliarneat of musicians ever hold In ri or a good choice write 11S � I i � � And Also Carved His Name an the pr All the miserable syxnptomsiconnect� ; ca "GITTS AN ting tired of her, be had sold her to I L I � Precious Piece of Furniture --Canon 'M Distinguished composers, rouble are due to the fact ,"so -Pains, Aches and YOU CAN GET T_XV Nrl 1) another man for a few shillings, and ; at once, I . I 'ng holidaws at Two, ,SDvert, Two AV,xight E � d. ed with this t �, musi pedagogu k . 1, Wilberforce's Smoking Service- , es, and critics from that the machinery of the toot has Feelin �.. I all -over, Europe attended it. Some broken down , � gs of Fatigue. , . con,ctequently, objected to gQyIng fo:r' i and t4e weight of the Avenue, Plioi3eaNt�ino9�90tin,iParl,-1)27, o 11 �- I � Stone of, Scone Wentifies the Heir. eighty ,papers on musical subjects, body is too much for it. It follows 11, W. Dawson. - --- _­!4z2!!e her support. 1. X WAIX-RR - & CU 1. I L - , This Is not an isolated case, Im the 'Victoria St., Toront , ant. I � . . that A both ,scientific and aesthetic, were � that there will be mary degrees of flat When the Liver and Kidneys Arc " RF-At--r-STATE. Midlands last year, when a tramp was x3i, I—— 0 ; . I It is not generally known read at the meetings, and of t4e suffering incident to it, . — I �. . . , � a series of .toot and ---,-., c Voilod of more than 400 y,ears eaapse,4 concert and church services had been Naturally a heavy person. who is obli-. Overworked and Break DoWn ' FAR2NIS, ,9TORB;. JtJ,1,.z;I-D,5,1.NT0Pt,;' charged with ,deserting his wife, lie 1, � I mly told the magistrate. that, being , . t . . shops, mills, timberlands, ete. Write eal � ) �atiyeen,thq beginning and the finish- arranged illustre,tiong the. whole ed to be on his feet a great many Gef The,n Righ t bY Using for tree illustrated oatalogae; an Interest- �'J - ,hard tip, lie had sold her to another & A. LYON. EL L. PLUMMER � It was be. 00urse of English music from its be. hours of the day .will suffer more ing, book forthe bonieseekera,"d InVOSbOr. man for 7s., and that as his wife had I , � . 4V *I Westminster Abbey. King & Nelson Co., Barton, Vt., U.S. 9411 by Henry III. as aahriue fox the ginnings down to Sir Edward Elga ,a 'than oue of light weight who is in a . D -P -L CHASE'S LYON & PLUMMER ! r _ ,readily consented to the bargain he i � � I - Second Symphony. Position where lie can humor his feet, — did not consider that lie was farther Membm Toro�to Stock Enbanges. I � boues of Rdward the Qonfessor� and mr, B,lfour.� This is why- the foot breaks down so HELP WANTED. I � ,, s presence as chairman res for her maintenance. 1. I It i - ' LponsibI6 I "I 1.� g in this most ancient of the apels often in early adult life, when moat KIDNEY -LIVER PILLS. ven , , at the opeu4ng of the conference was PR40 ICAL NVOMA'.'T - CYR' EX. I - ,­ . tb4t the Coronation Chair usually not merely a formal act of courtesy, ersons,take up their chosen omupa- . PE T more astonishing was the case StoCkS and DondS BoUght and Sold on '?' �,�:_ � Z! . s. The building vent on during for he is 11. 0 11. I human system is A13NORD in nursingivererrad. ,)f a Lancashire -road-breaker, who, a a � . well kxxown to ISe an en. I In the spring. the Address "Viavl," Confederation Life fow months ago, sold his wife to an, , I puoqeod�ag-Telga of Henry's pon, thus Building, Toronto. � ' � ,iastjo and ciltivetea mllsic.lover. Such ocoupatbons as those of train- loaded with poisons which have so- — other man, and thought the transac- Toronto, Montreal, New York and too. i ward I., arid, then little was added Handel is his idol, ad nurses, Policemen, waiters and cu , , , , I `f4� nd , :, - as -one of his puli. . mulated ae� a result of artificial W A� X T E D-REPRESENITATXV ",,, tiou was perfectly legal ,because khe don, England, Stock Enchanges., ,, e I C . 11hlu WY : I rr4l,il it until the reign ol Henry 711., 'Cooks will soon bring to light any un- -winter life, There has been too either sox, loc had placed a. halter round her neck, i P : . lished essays ahows, and Mrs. George Ully, on g00119 310088 - on one o the loveliest pieces of CorUwallis, , . � .. ,, _West Saryasbreaft; salarrtwodollars per day the el dern I !!! �, teoture I the' world (Lady Randolph suspected weakness of the foot Taech- much breathing of poisoned Ind Dealers In GOT wenqmnd MunloWal Do. , , .S ON I . , .. - Heniy . ' oor id of which he put'in the hand bentures an T SEICUM M I � � 11 I I . Churchill) in her reminisce anism. and in many c e this weak- air, too little outdoor exercise, to and commission; experlence unuacessar-Y. of tho purchaser after the money harl Rep I . ,�s ghapel-was added to its east- cords the frequency of ness is of such a degreesMl 0 J L Nichols Co., Limited, 'Toronto. .orO on any Canadian or American I , 11 .. ern, end. . his visits with. at the Occu- much eating of heavy, indigestible --'- ' - been paid. This belief rises from the securl ty f urntshed on, applleat�n ;� her to the old "popular" concerts of Pation must be chamee4. Many wo- food . ' .�,� ,� . A especially too much meat and MISCELLANEOUS, custom of olden days, when wives 21 Melinda Street, Toronto. ; � U was not until Qxe reign of Charles clas,sical music at St. James, Hall. menvIto wish to take up nursing.and too little fruit, , �f , VETERAN GRANTS WANTED -ON- _re actually led into A -he maxl�et- Telephones M 7978-9. Cable Address 111,youplunt.11 I I I 11. that the Abbey 'was finished, and rh oae of his letters printed in the who are eminently fitted for this work The, .liver a -ad kidaeyq struggle to TARIO, unlooated or located -in any '. . place with halters rouii,d their necks L� — � I 0 finishing towh -vioa put on by no book Mr. Balfour, writing durin in every other way are obliged to overcome this condition but the taslr ,, I., d sold to the best -ur-h-aQer -If — " � 1 4u 41, �1114 11 4 9 a 3 an —i , - 11 I!- , I- A"W,qv" qk4a 0 0T 0 debate in the House of Commous, 15e, abandon it for the rea,sou, that their Is I awns p or d surleb, Norupern Onparlo. this custom Which led to t ' . ,­ too great for them and they get 111ghost cashprlos paid. Mulholland & WC's he ha. AND � I I St. Faal's Ca,tfiedral, Sir Christopher moans his fate in being forced to t We, demands put Q Oo�, Toronto. : moraus ,ditty which runs, "A jolly 11 I wreA. � 99i,sh and torpid, fail in ibeir work -_ . — � Companies Impeded FINANCED: " listen to dreary speeches. when inalin. and oft -en become diveased them- em, John Hobbs, he married- i u I - ­ e 'ker. � ... .NVlisa the abbey was lant In the UpTohnetfhest'sign that the foot is givin AGENTS WANTED. 0 , -, , I .; I .. Arlds of the carpenters, raechamic ation would have led him to a quar- out is a sensation of weakness. I selves. 1"a'u arter; no damsel was smarter, STOCHS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD.i �� . Ill -, but I � � so tette concert at the at. James' Hall. They must have help, such as i GE" _XtJS -WANTED-IN EVERY she was a. tartar, Jane Hobbs. C*rrespondents in all Financial ceatres � . I azd decorators TOSPOnSible !or Its pre, Befoze his audience of eminent -passes off when the foot is all6wed I. s A So lie tied a Tape to her, Jane Hobbs,' ' , " � . p4tation fop %,coronation, Canon. WiL 9 en them by the use of Dr. Chase's tQWh'i7fi Canada -to sell the best hand INDUSTRIAL FINANCIAL CO. t :Prforpa wAs responsible for the ino . at musicians Mr. Balfour spoke wl.th to 'rest, but soon returns -when the Kidney -Liver Pills. There is no groat vacuum cleaner in America. E. L. Dyer, and like a lamb to the slaughter to M;mbera Dominion Stock Exchange d I 4 � . .. � emarkable services which - pride of English music of the six- sufferer triea to use the feet again. mystery of -how these pills Purify the 4:7 East Wellington street, Toronto, e -brought her; but no- Toronto Board of Trade. ' an ; I � I a had- ever feentli and Eeventeenth centuries, but By and by the dull aohe will run far' blood and��take away the cause or R � men place withl "$ "' admitted that after Purcell's &Mh A STUDY OF OTHER AGENCY body bought her, Jane Hobbs. 'Oh, i8TORON-ro,sT EFT. � lts'walls- 1 ther and farther up the leg; the knee I TOROX-fo, CAMi � , Ally Id .a smoking service every rausical England came to tired, sp-ring feelings, backaches, pro ositions convinces us that none who wants a wife?' cried Hobbs; bAt ( � taly" 1 ,4 I.. '' a period of will hurt, and then the hip. The dull, head -aches, b�bdily pains or derange- emnequavours. You will always regret somehow they tell us those wife-imd- ___ . , �� oly talked to the work� comparative barrenne,qss constant ache may be enlivened by a I i WWA_=<:;� t .1 aa hard to ex- It if you. don't apply for particulars to ing fellvws -were all d them sellers, — I ,;. - th' ments of the digestive system �... . !. an in th'. abbey cloisters, but gave p2adn. Mr. Balfour suggested that sudden sharp, darting paiit, and the If the blood is to be puriKed the Trayellers' Dept., 20,3 A.1barb sgbra3t, Ob- like Hobbs." I We Pay th;"Freight on I � . � I P member of his informal .congre, this was in part due to Handers patient complains that he has gouf tawa. I I 1. h d kidneys must do it. And � I on an ounce of tobacco to smoke. i, over e or rhe=atism, _gver an I I ,111 � iftulaxception, Can -on Wilberforce b aring personality." In the . i neglects tre -they will# if -you awaken their action IVVRITE US TO -DAY ri OR otR . A Cub. WILSON'S "" SCALES , ., -, cathedrals, however, a. school of com. If the patien atment and by using Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver choice list of agents' supplies. MEDAL � � N,ork- persists in overuse of the foot he is pills. , No ,I . 1010% oo ed upon by the abbey i poms not, of profound originality outlay necessary. They are money- mak- Infant lions and bears are now gen. I M'Ni as "a jolly good sort." , Built to last a lifetime. Ill � I � ers British 0anadlan Industrial erally spoken of as "cubs," but in for. Moderately priced. � : but of great merit never ceased to driven to abnormal attitudes by the It will not take long to get these C, " �txqi � .� I . - Lt ., 28 Albert StreL.'b, ott,awa, Ont. mer times the word "Whelps" would . 11 I �. I � : '715" He was convinced that the barren and these unnatural attitudes will ,.� �� — have been used, Every qdition of the -PAY AND STOCK SCALES I . It need hardly be asserted that the fi,arish. effort to Adjust the -weight of the body, blood filters into w(>Tking order it you feateat care is taken to prevent * I , � - gra to the abbey from sitting in the use this treatment. A few bou'rs will � prel that there Isan Eng ish Bible from Wycliffols time to � 1 ; , ancient coronation chair, under which yeaxs have now come to an ead. settly -result in a permanent dis- bring improvement and you will- learn de- 1 In 100 Different Styles � Z'. l Within his own Me man pluement of bones. 1611 give,s "whelp" for the young of . ; I 1, rests the famous Stone of Scone, but of original : - 1. . 1� have year by year The treatment of flat foot con�ists how these organs healthy and 00 YOU KNOW E-Er,-ruir. tl10 the lion or bear. A "cub" meant orig- Get;our special ,prloa list tf I . ­ .i there is an actual -cue on record creative powers actiZ k)enp-P pill a dose, 25c. a box, at - .F edt- _ 7 . � .1 I . "W4 can now look of,ce,Tain exercises deBignedL*o-,BtTeng- ,M ag �h�_ Em- inally in English cnly a young fdj.�' you relatireated in money � , . eTe'Ev mere 'qiuman boy" at in it come to the front . dealers or � Edmanson, Bates & est Bell's great book "FlaUTINa � saving. L . r-, I our Continental friends in the face then the weak muscles and to make oo YOUNG GIRLS"? -This newedition, wb"Ic IN But by Shakespeare's time it was pos- 71 .� e whole night and, moreove'3r, slept and say that Britain at last is in pro. papsive mot4on of the foot free and -, Limited, Toronto. � ich has , I ;:. - A just been Issued, contaIns over 500 pages sible to talk of the 11 C. Wilson I �- . A. I . youn suckLing I � 1'� f) re-' This was a youth name4 Peter cess of taking her place Inles.s. The patient must learn to iiiaiiyixiterestintillust!L,Rtloiis and retills ,�i cubs" of a s1ke bear, and Waller'eveu & Son, ; � . ' bott, a 45oholar of the famous West- great creative musical c among the 1hrow the veight on the outer side ' Taking the, Proverb. $1.50. Wegive estternisto agents. Olitfit applied "cub" to a young wha�l 31 Es I . I I �, tnater School, which is nut doo free. Send 15c. f6r forwardi charges. Book e, now "" " he rp e nice, shiny surfaced bans. sent to Ta,nj add ress postpai upon i known as a "balf." The . . I -r to Of all the arts he wa, onin'Luniti - , n . , St!lauods 1. I , .1 , convinced that 01�- , foot, and to this end a shoe Th ,ig -eeelpt of origin of le. I r- e abbey itself. Being of an ad'"n' -music hed the greatest future among witil the imier border of sole and Three small, breathlessly waifing �"` JOHN C. WINSTON CO., Ltinitel, 182 "cub" is not real.ly known, though the a TOkONTO, I Mroua. spirit, he made a bet -with a . Spadina Avenne, ToroDto. , r heel, a littl.e thicker than the outer boys. . � . conjecture connecting it ivith the old . . d. - ool friend that he -would spend a. the masses of all natf6ns. I . ., — I one is often a ,,-,rest help. Long con- Then the word "Go I" ____ Itish "cub," a 'Clog, would make it I iiii,11h ­ hi i � . . qlit in the sacred building and sit . iinuance in one position should be And they did go -just as fast as Empire Realty AgenCy, akin. to the Latin "'canis" and. English AMR& , � 4. it Pe famous chair. He seoreted.hlm� Jpstice In Strange Places. a,voided, and the ' supporting metal their six logs had ever gone before. � 21 RICHMOND STREiT r:.AST 9 'hound.jj . 1& 0 C mom R I I self after dusk somewhere In thO. The recent Instance ia Englan4 Ofa arch whi4i. the Wajority of sufferers Tommy won the race and was given, And 12TS SLOOR ST. WEST, uAr4 t , Poets GorneT, and suopeeded in keep. ludge and the offloers of the court pro. .need ahoulcl be a accurately measur. in consequence, first choice of the 11aveforsale improved Frait Farms of Derivation of Gibraltar. . b ly out. of �si lit till the vergers look. 009d'ing to a plot of ground to try a 'ed for and fitted 0 as any other surgi- buns , 11,D,�:yoz.,Dise,,Ya,,roX,t'alp,mousnv=$'�i . I .A . - � ace for' the aliht; the osse upon the spot, is by no me I ans all sizes. A1so good praparty Invest- Cancer Cure, desires all who *ibiler vdth Cancat' � lip the pf - In 711 A.D. the Arabs crossed the 910 'Went to the 'chair, curled pset' the first instance of its kind. Oases . oal - appliazoe. "Well run, my boy!" the dbnor of, ments In Toronto and country towns. narrow strait of Gibraltar - and estab- towritet0him. Two days' trahtment purees P.- In it, and the * I , - .atefrize exc aimed. "The early bird __ 4 'a So now, Also hotels for sale or lease, Iii fell fast asleep, eing have been heard in all sorts of queer lished themselves around the famous ternalorlaternalcaneer. 'Write to mn. EVAN I I 11 d 1>07, he slept so soundly that 'he plAoe& . JACK TAR IN COMMAND. es the Worm, you know. Write for particulars. rock whose name is derived from their BrAndon, Manitoba, Cana& � A 11 . .Mr. Early Bird, which one will you . leader. Field Marshal Tarik was one '. � Vr a awakened by the verger himselt,., A low months ago a witness choose. .. � � . ! I who was &'X% as A- of the leaders -of the Arab invasion of '_ � vota was horrifl4d to find him tk-sTe.', ory ill had to be examined, so a mag- He Was on His Own Quarterdeck and Tommy examined the buns very W'h . Spain. Gebel is an Arabic word . �_ . t717T' wasatill more harrifl. later. who atiate and the parties interested went ,Bossed His Lieutenant. -carefully. Then he prodded them soft 110to K 53"A L T . afound that not only had lie .. . . meaning mountain. The great rock, I � I e which is by far the most conspicu- T1 , . I ye d Into a pollce,eourt for the time sharply drawn than in the navy. On ed quite unable to decide the momen- � ous object along the shores of the TOBACCO HABI i- . I in the chair, but lie ha le s �� his private house, which was. con. Nowhere are the lines of rank more ly with hig fingers. In fact, h seem. FOR FREEZING ICE CREAM. , � I f�suie in It, and there it may be seenT in , the matter being sat' factorily board ship Jack never dreams of tous question. SEND FOR PRICF. L � . I . is "'t. 'atill. � SAUL-& crossing the mark, but offservice the ,,,,"013a- strait, was aecordingly named after aC , Ev U�d unele," he asked at last Ta.-rik, Gebel el Tarik, or the mountain Dr, MeTaggart's, tob co I I , eTybody is acquainted with the . On one occasion an urgent applica- personal ago somefdmes reasserts it- you mind jug lettirl me know, TORZONTO SALT WORKS ��, � . � of Ta-rik. It is easy to see how thi fog --,.— � , Itraditton that the Stone of Scone, Von was made to a iudge just as he self and did even in the old da s. In . G. J. CL17F, Manager, Toronto, Ont. name became changed into its pi�esent dy removes I I - 'was about to set out for the assizes. tes a London Answers. — I - Winch. is encased in the wooden frame y n which one has the worm in ft?"- form, Gibraltax. s. reme all desire * -was the It was imperative.that he shoul us an e o hio h pened more � - t-1 A 4. Work of the coronation chair, "Naval Yarns" W. H.,Long ,ci � 11tone ,which Jacob used at Bethel for miss his train. The u d. not i t ,c f this w h ap the weed in a few clays. : � pshot of the than a hundred years ago. On the GALVIN HIDE CO. A Legal Short Out. vegetable medicine and omly .1�� d PUlow, but there is another legend rnattOr 'was that a first-olass compart, return of Admiral Rodney the British 'I ,F Borated LIMITED, "I suppose your boylias foun � ; *Ah which Tory few visitors to the ment was reserved for the Party, and seamen received their -first installment cT otit requires touching the tonguel' ' 1, - 1, , abbey are acquainted. It is said that befoxe the judge arrived at his destina. of prize money, amounting to E80 per -A 0 88 MERRICK STAEET, that it takes about five years for a � � the chair gives out a sounct vhen the tion the matter, which had been ar­ ma,u. . ,V young lawyer to get a start?" � 8 10aa _I S(!Ilne HAMILTON, - - - OlqTe "Not much he hasn't. He was 'th with it occasionally. Pricerl � legitimate heir to the throne sit u ed en route, was disposed of,Lon. ' One of the seamen hired the London WAr-W W I on it. The sound oomeB, it is allea 'Answers. . z %0916 Highest Cash Price Paid for that big law firm but three monms $2.00. 1 1 :,'� -� Aot from the framework of the chair, . stagecoach to take the trip to London . MMM I Hides, Skins, Tallow, Etc, when he married the senior Partner's % . � I 1�.� , but from the Stone of Destiny itself. I . with his lady. In those days there Alan I daughter." . 17 � : . I . The most outlandish sight io be , Origin of Dunning. wexe not -many public conveyances, an - seen in the abbey is R4 stock of waz. During the reign of Henry 'VIII. and Jack took the whole coach for A Valwab-1 e JOSEPH P. CANNON ��.�',,. . himself and mpanion. Jastasthe I Alms InAndia. � -� 1� works. These include effigies of there lived in Lincoln, England, a out .. �in (hiciubtr of Dominion Stock Exchange) In India no beggar is refu e - Charles 11 Ob ' LIUOR HABITI I � Queen. Elizabeth, William famous ballift named Joe Dun. Jos. vehicle was la to staxt a naval XF s d alms. U . I �, I Queen Anne, among royal- eph was very clever In the manage. equested the z .F( small dole of -rice, no inq a . tak-1 � .. offleer came up and r Rem,.ed A. He is always given either money or I . Iti ,opohman, to opeathe door. ?A - n airy Marvellous results from I . alne ad; lanT of such notabilities as the ment of his business and so dextrous stock " Financial Broker made as to whether he des ast uke of Buckinghamishire, W1 in axn�oYing those who refused the ( "The coach is full, sir," said the for- Catarrh. d . The mendicant thus obtains eno (who was a daughter �f payment of an account with which ,, i . -1 I Porcupine Stocks a Specialty. foT the daily needs of himself, fa I y bs wife as hat. - orf coaoliman, touching b * ing his remedy for the liqu ' ��, I�A - =es II., and who is the se How can that me? There are only � 12 VAseline Remedies inTuhes.- .10, F,ing Street East, Toronto. and lazy relatives. I habit. Safe and inexesivel � ... � ly s d In her he had been intrusted that ',to set two in it�,, I I '. I .,?, I � coronation xobes), the great Ha,T1 of bun on him" or "to Dan him" be. I$ ". Camphorke. Mentholatect . � . honle treatnaent; no t - � True, your honor. One of the crew 1� hypoder-', "I, Phatham, in the identical robes h. came common ad:vioe to the owner of of - -_ - ____ - I - I � Was wearing when seized with his IM I a bad debt. To this personsp we the Magnificent has engaged the Carbolated,Carnphorated. HERB REMEDIES ,- Mess in the House of Lords, and owe what to not a few people is coach for himself and part 11 � . WEDDING GIFT Mic injections; no publicityp" I the it -,01 Alver's Nerve Tonle, a blood S . � '. flast,­but by no means least-thD ilu. most disagreeable word Oh. if that's the e - Lt me see White.Oxide of. Zinc.CapsicUm maker ana. nerve builcter, cures IP .. CATALOGUE FRFE "t . in the 'au'- him, and I'll soon se aae - catarrb, rheurnatism, stomacii, 14. - W no loss of time from busineso',f , .�, lfftoTtal"Xelson himself, "in his habit guage. � . ttla the matter," � liver, kidne constii)atfon urf- � 7 I responded the a ; i, �tc Each for Specjhl pu "' 9a . = iss lie lived." : rposm net auct Woo cuseases. Ealre NJ ,�* and a cure guaranteed. . ffi*er, who opened the . k. . / I DIAMONDS z , � � herbsIn capsules. Price Si.60 . door and tried to gnter. Jack stoPped orFreffiseline per box of igo sent to any ad- �� . ; When Daniel Maclise. R.A The business of mamufacturing soap l-,im. , . Write f Bookt6� . !;� M 1* , ­ -, Paint- . (Ire 1, En *--'ClitttSROU(i)JMFc.CO(C.�14),ISBOCf,.I,.4 A�1109TRdL__ ss on receipt of price. , - fs ." - sito began in London in 1524. "What ship? Where you steering UNITED WATCH & JEWELRY I ,ed this famous fresco whi,ch vf . Br To ensure immediate atten.� ,�, I t4oe in one of the ante -rooms -of the . I - O. P. ALVER, IG9 Bay Street, Toronto, I . I : ffiouse of Lords, -The Death of Nal. ­ -- ' I to? Don�t 'you know rm eaptain of — I I _� I 123 B.&Y ST., TORONTO. Co. tion address � Ism," he borrowed the hat which this -, so. Outing this craft?' - . . . . . -- -_ , �� : 19M ' iefilgy wears to copy from, and inside "I know it, Jack," amwered his of- , A Tree That Grows Dishes. DR. McTAGGART, 1, . I sic � 1the lining of it he discovered Nelsoxes floor. "YOU must give me a berth F There Is a tree in. the N - a . 1. I I .PANAMA on board fok London. , Vest Indies care Central Press Agenqy,� pye-pa,tch and the stamp in the crown it F� that the natives say "grows dishes." SEE YOUR MONEY GROW ' I � % Lolu #I ;which was inserted to show that the ,, "This Is ray ship," insisted Jack. M�kl A I or,4! It looks, like an apple tree. They call I ReF. admiral -had paid his hat tax. FIBRE: and nobody shall come on bc .. I ; 6A I it the calabash. It bears very ee -IN- 70 Pearl Stree.t, Toronto., laelta rising from the table on the eve , . I says the word." e . * * , ; I leaves a -ad la-rge white blossoms("t"hart miw. ,16f the Battle of Trafalgar Nelson is * HATS "Lieut. Goodwin -wants to take a grow right from the tru!nk and larger ' . reported to 3, �i­ - ;,' ,­ ,4 1 . 0 , 1.3 —.".A 4 berth In ya= ,-*m 'A ; * �. khtehownn na lhanza - oelt and Saxon. . i � , e ore taus "I 3ime to -morrow it will be a peerage or _r .. - , . Folding pocket hats . _$ - Wyoseu L40 coa,ohman. . . I �Westminater Abbey- for me." As a are the po,pular sum. . � mercraze. Lighta3 a "He never axed me into his cabin . imatter of fact he is bmied in St, I i 'Paul's Cathedral, and this effigy of was in .1 feather, cool. comtort- able,durable. Millions 1, I being sold. Worn on board the Magnificent. Howsom- ever, he may go on -the deck if he likes. - set up Westminster Abbey I )�hn , . men, women and chilbl. Hope he'll lookout lor you, and ifor the Purpose of drawing sightseers, ' .� ren everywhere. see that you're steady 4 the helm , � ,from the cithedrall 4.00. PER DOZEN POSTPAID. and don't serve us the sa:me trick one � , . This remarkable collection of wax. CRA.WSTON NOV. Co., of you, landlubbers did three years �, ,work effigies is oontained in the I lip .0hapel, a place to which the piibslic 'are 223 Bay Street Toronto, — ago, when he- ran afoul of a landmark and pitched us overboard." . , not ordinarily admitted, They ,,are, in fact, much more in keeping 1�. , with the building t The lieutenant took Jack's reply in good part, mounted to the top of the coach �nd was rolled on to London. 1dr T Y- o 4 4 -1 34"' I ,!�> AA T7 W%L V branches. After the nower comes the fruit, just as our apples or peaches d6. But this fruit is in the shape of a gourd, only stronger and very much larger, sometimes a foot in diameter, The shell is so hard that all sorts of big and little dishes and drinking cups arved out of it. Even pots and kettles aze made.and used oyer the fire, but of course they cannot last as long as our metal ones. -Lon. dno Telegraph. d U .Prices advancing very last Nowisthatime to got a piece of tile 70,000 zero# Of ellolce land we are selling so reasonable, I Write us for partfoWa,rs. CANADIAN HONIE LAND CO.r LIMITED, Bank of Ilamilton Chambers, HaMilt0fl, OHL Refer011e G -Traders Bank, Hamilton, Ont ­ — A n n one of Sheiidan's tales. was of ani Irishman who met a 11ritoll'of thd1AG-11 I J6hn, Bull pattern standing with fold 4 i' � ed arms in a contemplative'moo , a % . - n Ll parently meditating on: fh6 grea, ess I I of his little Island. I , "Allow me to differ with ye I" ex -i olaimed fhe Celt.. . . f . "But I have said nothing, sir," re:i plied John Bull. . I "And a man may think a liq'as, vvIll- as publish it," �.ersisted the pugh&, cioUs Hibernian. ' I : ev" I- )0_111 I At, arst, blush, for it was the practice I - - I ­= When the Kaiser Paled. � er aps you are looking for fij t?"I I � 10T a long period to carry in the fun I N. KW I � A good story .of the -kaiser, told by runu rinic Q no. qt�,ried the Briton. : I - � "The Great -Unknown." The Dairy as a Temple. 'Allow me to compliment ye;Dn the� � I !oral procession of notabilities a Me- Canon Simpson at the Leeds Clergy 'like effigy of the deceased. the author of I I ; For thirteen years The people called -the Todas, living School Commemorative Festival, is re� quickness of, -yer pe-reeption,'� said! ' . I . , � ." . I "Waverley" was unkn in the Nilgirl hills, BOUGHT AND SOLD �atrlck, throwing down hiscoat. Aildl. IIJ : 4 . I Every housewife should Insist on liaTing the -own. Indeed, India, have 'a corded by the "Church Family News- ' . . I . the,country spoke of him as "the great Curious religious ritual evolved out er" Canon Simpson, alluding to We adylso the purchase of rearlLako Mining . .- - � I p . Ready to Growl. 64 Sir Walter of the ardinaryoperations of the dairy. tpha,p fact that he had personally con- Company. I � . . , . : I I : Manager -We must put a great deal Scott often employed in writing. But 11 . ed . I f I I I WONDER FLY KILLER" unkno ' The priest is the dairyr an, and the duct the kaiser's daughter on her . Posed as a Man. ! . 0 �11�� � 1pf realism into this forest scene. Can on Feb. 23, 1827, Sir Walte temple is the dairy, Only the milk of visit to St. Paul's Cathedral, said that SCOTT, DAWSON & PATERSON, ,,A beardoa Swedish woman joinecli .'..,1110� , '_� . � f$�au. get some one to growl so Yoar retatter vill supply you. 15 cents keeps dinner pai!ty to Which, among others, the sacred buff alo is hurned in the there had been a newspaper picture ie grenadiers of Charles X11. � 11 . as to To- c .. lsemi�le a bead your house free a Ries during the whole Lord Meadowbank, the judicial mag. dairy temple. The milk of buffaloes of him doing SO. He was told that Members Standard Stock Exchange. I . . L . i I � , Assistan" think so. There are six "carce" that are not "sacred" is churned in on returning to Germany the princess 24 KING STREET WEST, TORONTQ T . , DOMINTOX AGENTS nate, who chanced to know his host's the front part of the huts in which was.showing her father the photo - j ,Pr.selven stage hands who have not re- secret, was invited. Then when the C.P.A.-29. foil. -1 I I I � ed their wages fox, three weeks. CRYSTAL -SEALING CO toasts were being ,drunk Meadow- the people live. The dairy iemples are graphs, which had been'taken during — � -_ Z" — . � 1RY<,,all them. *,O bank, with Scott's permision, got up of diffeTe,11t degrees of sanctity, cor- their visit. When he came to, the pat. ___ , I � ,."..., I 11 � - ''. - ------.-- . I Z4 Stair Buildl ng, Toronto, Ont. and proposed the health of "the great responding to the different degrees of tioular one referred to the kaiser's __ I I I __ _. - 11 ... .1.11, unknown, Sir Walter Scott." The ef. sanctity of the buffaloes tended in face blanched, and he made this re- CENTRAL PRESS AGENCY, LIMITED V 1, , As�, 1 .11 - f-ct was magical, and the news spread each. Even the vessels used in a mark: "If these are their men of ' �, ,= aghL dairy temple vary in sanctity, those I ,4� ,,, I 1. thro the country like wildfire. That ,, -, eace. what must their prize -lighters Canada's Leading Electrotyping 11oulge � . i i dinner and the secret it disclosed ",�;;A. ontain the milk being more sit. ge I" ,1 , � I I aft a% ill% 0% a 2 r% I were cred an those that only receive the I I .1 I fti""Ml ___1111111 I 1,1111111111111!111 1111 1� 1. - .­­­.­.­-- 11 - I, I . the most talked of events of th year. , ; Mill1tatJ 1-1 N E . I . 0 producta of the churning. '' I � i . I ' ' I I . In Memory of Accident. . lVDILERCTROTYPING , ; I STURY10TYPING ,,- Chaty4cal Misnomers, In deference to & curious supersti- I � . " ­ I Full Information Fornishad and "Copperas" is a conspicuous exam- Measuring Time With 'Water, . . i ,, - �� I r . I � . tion, a holiday was on Ascension Day UNGRAVING DMIGNIVO . I . 11 . Orders Carefully EXecUted. f hc misnomers, being sul- Vnder the Ptolemies the R gyptians observed at Lord Penrhyn's quarries I I 11 I � , � , I I I � I � I I � � , ph�te of iron, not copper. Another i� d -time by the clepsydra, a by- at Bethesda. Year after Yearea fat.il RV,ADY-SIV MWSPAPJ�R - PLATF,S . I � - I I , =ellock, the houl accident occurred at the quarry on I . I I I . salt of lemon " which has nothin-, 7s being determ- . I �:���� a th I , �. r WARREN* GZOWSKI & C0.5V . t, ��, r ined, by the quantity of water that A"Onsion Day, with the result that I I ' ��. I I . I whatever to do' with the fruit of tbwe ' CT ' , I' ' I 1 . ,4 :� , " blembers Toronto ftook joXehang,o, I lemon free, but is potassium binoxa. escaPed from a small orifice in the rea the quarrymen decline.d. to work, The . � ADWRT18ING CONTRA ORS . ,� . I - r . . ., . ... , �,. r. � r . late or Pot4ah treateid with oxalic aeld. r gervoli. The simplest kind consisted day has now been set apart by the 000D Wop Pr . t)]4XA,r$ PR16V � . I 'I TRAOICR9 BANK BLDG,r 26 SAOAD IST11914T, � __ , ofa, transparent vase filled Ili management as a holiday, . .X : L ROMPT DgT4I%%RV $ Mo r '$I .� 4 � : �': ' r . v ter . I ��'­ . � . graduated and ha,v' 8n I" ' " ' I � � . . I . , - I I 10.1,101SIT0. NEW YORK. Alpine Patalftf6s. I a Ii iaj� apertu � ' "i '' !.. , 111"Irl"l!" i 0 111111'111'10011� #, rr ��! !,,N.":=1 , I I 1,1,1,111 ., I , I I . I I in the bottom, A e uld , : Cork- Tr6ag. r . , 'I', ; _,� _ . 44 1-11 I average I P t q _Sct,t� it' 15 profitab � Is a cork tre , __ " . , "I I sole � ! - � e The numbe of Alpine fa- its height in ti . tsar a 7046 IM&M ST. 'A ., r I , . � ,,=_111111111 110,111111111111111 - � 11 1� _ �r . . . . . �____ '.. t I Ities h4s. been 100 . V . ox. - the hour, . . � I � Before e . . r I ft 10 . = . * lroitoiqTo ` ` , P, . I , ­ � . . I . � I ... , 0- ' r . I I tnust be fifty goAta old. . - --1 r � I � I . .1 r. I :, o. r � I .. . I I I . . I � -�� ', I � I � I . I.. � I � � Ir - . . I ,­ , I . I �01! , 61FIN" ,!101**,1._W1­­­1 11 ­ . * , Wim a la� 000�.i#1 I " . r , r , I , ' j . I - j . 11 I - j . I � ' r I .1 I 1 1. r' ,r I I � 11 �. r I � r . I I I I 0 # -111- ­­.- --_.Pip , ##t 1�01 0001�1.11­ - - r I :� �r:: , � , . I I . I ��. t � � I .. I .� j I . , , . I. j I . j . I I ' . r�' I _. � I i 1j ­ .. . r i � . I � , , ., I r, r, I .1'. � . � . ! �! I I I I . I. . ' ,r �' r � r � 4��_ '__ ) I � � �, : .� �� .. r . �,r 11W. . I I I I 1 4 . I I : 4 ' , I r I i r, : r I I �., , � I � . .1 I � . . � r I . I I . I I ,,, �: I � " . I I � , I t: - �,� ` . . ., , — I 6,hi.,,,� I I � I 1. . . ­�­ r ,I - �� , '� r , -1 j 'I I." ­rLLL 11 ­_ 1. I , Z, ­ 1, ., I .. j & r . . , � ' 4 ' ��11 � 1.11.1 . , �� ' r � : � I I , � ,,, ­ � 'L I . � � � _AL I " _. 11 I . � j I I 11, �� r " '. � . � ;� , , I � L., ., �1� I I I � - . :r � — .Ad I I . I � � _."& Ll� , q � '%­ 11; � � .� .� �.' J-1 'r —.,.LL I - ,.. I I . � j:� � � , � � .- 'L_L��� . j � I _�..� ­ —, - — � . �� 4L 11 kil&�! __,.JL . L'r