HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-7-20, Page 2i'l, I ­�-q.!�,'."I'�-; ­ g7r,"On Rw­,�,_ , , , ­­ ­ I - . 1. . I ­�­­', - � I 1, 77 1 'I'll," , " , To I � � . � I I :-_-"r_-'-,- '�-­- �— ­­­_ '. , , . i�� - I I I . , � � I , � , �� _� . I :. .1 I, ., — - - - , ­ _`­_ I . . . I i I - '. �Wf_ �. , , ­ � .. , � . . � I � I I I I I .1 , I I Y' I .1, I . . . , . , �,� 1 I 1. , I , � I I I . : . . I �� I I I . . I T . 1. 1, ,�, .� I . . � I I I I .. � . � I . .. I . I I � I � � , ;, ­ I I . . I I 'I, . : . . I I I - "­""W.�_ I ; . e , � I I I ,� � I I : I I I I I � I � -, 4. , . 1� . 1. . , - - -�­ ,--_?7_ -­­ ­ I I 1, � I � I �', I � � . . I I I . 1, �'. � . I I I I I . . I .. I I I � 11 , I .1 I I �� I = , , , � 11 I I m.,mm" � - W- � � I I I .. � I I I I . . 1. . . . I I . I . 1 =7��7_ �__ —_ �_ _ "—w - --- � .1 1 I . . � 11 . —_ —_ . �_.,_._________ . ..... �;_­­ � I . . . .. I I 11 I � �._____�_. = , — . __ _____=___= 11­� . . . � � � I . ��P� � 11 . , *A.s waitilag to give me 1% Warm wet. I __. , � . I I I I . . .. P��Q ; t I I . I . . ,. � I. . I � I . . I I � I � I . �,�4110, I . a a l'otty badly fx.igbt� , ­­_ : � � .. I.. I I I I I . i . W . p . send tile police es fo ­ � ,�� � 11 . 11 .11 I . I I � . I I ' I � '011ed. You neeft't l.akJglI,, JeJIUWV., � � I ,, . .1 � � I "I .01% ..#"%� , � 'I w4e frightened, and ja agai I .11, ... . , j : - IV 'of roll NAME& .. I ., I K..M I � - even k1low lie :on it I . � I I.. � � � Would have been, too, armed ,only � : M � . .''! I 11 ", � � I I hC Honiq F6�,; 1, with a ev"mora, ,and Nvith '0011scioll, , 11119 UP C. .. I . I � � ,. 'N' , 1, I . . I A, ,,if CORNER o rA o re, an it Was tic 01, or Inc than I � 1. I � . . against sl�l4atilig YOU. What's I � I I . � � . . I . I : tiou� acruplOS , L more, he'd ,no right to sliblet tile guessed that at that nioni-ent a sub. ITILINGS YOU WIDN'T jk,�, . I ___O___ _____ i when you haven't any gn'n. Luc;k_ , . , ()W , I : ... . I I I .. I I . . I 110110e without my authority, �F ! .. I .11 . I . I ily t1to bear �vasult',thel,,e, .xf1!c1 ;,( U'D sLantial form, loomt'�d in the odoor- ADOUT 1y0,-)n"N,o1arUXtr,,, , I . I I � I I I breathe(l 0, sigh of relie,f I . __.� � Ought to, have found out firAt whe. Nray leading oilt. j>f tjlf� ghop - my . , I I . . I . , ;::Pl . pe, the sLiperintendelit ' — I . I � I I . . . I Particular Inte,rest to Women r,gq,11'��s got 0 Lit, whou'l ,mw that, "hi"s ,traiiks tollin't. Besides, I don't' of pulice. . � , I Nott:z 0 after I ther 11,d accept tile new inan as a fricrid Thol� . � . . � . . � I . . I I . . . I . I � . 11 .. e Ivent Off ill the 4il"Clation of 111�) As- I am a builder and decorator b,V half,the, Stock in tile all believe �,,[�'Lring. Apparently 1940ble slirllala(�s . .. I � I ulka trade,, J,Oe mul,lins- by name, a op's pai d "I'lullo!" he ? I --,a %1 I - Are- I I � , I � _� � I . � �_ 11 Glacier, ingtoad of follo.wing what I tifal I li'�t for, so lie must have reg, , , . W ly, it Corrupt! I — .. I I I I . , 11 . I , I tho, routo I -w,as taking. about t � I illarly "What's all this' OR I � I �� I . Q relata� occitrxed , � . of Aucient . . I al ,� � I I,, � DAINTY DJSHL,S� I find"y' � a suburb ,of tak011 in thi9 stranger obap, I,il Then lie sttaLlenly 1,r.­,n;41`orro I his , . r, I . and ,,;p�ezt.d it, over th 6 st�4jl:lj' Wilich nianagQd to get to tile 'foot, of. the London which I will < . I � Wlords. . . . . glacit'r afte, call Hi., . go round and &oc, him, to_nlor� -a%-6 to tile wall bo%i,l�� al, . . I I , ­ r rlinibb gp . ghbrIdge. � ro.o_" t, � .�. I . I I ,will quickly diqa ,over 4he � , . . ' I w<i'l- ,, I . I .Au.�;(.,rian Clio . PIN M I � He ,did s,o and looked 4'er,ixi if he was adw'*Irll)� tb il, *� S It radul ". b lit - a We 41`0 not .they . . ps.-­Take some n, boutd,,,rs of the, torjullwl moraine. -It wl.s quite 4 IlL,w suburb, and y 800111, �Jnj solne, of tile most, 'Jis, 4 1 AT in - wh&t � i �, W4 <�UIILNtO, 'A,14: with a, rolliu: Varll-iish ,.Aains oil lthz Ilu,nds, are Pla,00 on llis'way back. `41101XVIOLVS ous, pat.tlerll of tho p��Lf;vl. His � � 1, 9- c 0 P . tho open fields came and indeed, cleared out Sure ollough%­sold th '174'asiug contain .a wealth Of incan. , .Pill beat tbeld oil b tit sWi.,,, till I "it" k1Y ` "" �K, by� rl�,-Vbl , I �"' , 0 . tlt,y " - Ing wit,, "Were yOu e-l�vr fact, to1ace, with still 'Cumv, right.up , .so , e fixed -�,tal,o arresL,�od b[Or""..11i's at- � , � � 11100Q,Ylatc-d sVirit. Appl -this be, , ' � to me of the 1,),Asine�sa to . Ing, I are quito tlliA, Thendip into beat- fore wusliiiig with �,,oiaTj, 1 I 11, 9111CWr 7 If ,voll havcu't �W4�n, Th n ... 11 . - telit-lon too. Thoijw ,V�I'i botweell I I �t 1, ,�,Il no yet , t understand how I felt, houses, this new Johnny nis 11im and the 4001. load�, Take I 01, eggs, alld afterwards, i4i fine�jr_ the, Place, c� . ,name'$ Mozga-ll"-and gon-o 1,U call- .1', 41to the for olample, tile Burnaniq *1 11 � I . I Unir .and wire slovis must b e I vould see thp 1110.cilh,.wa<�t River Wed Sandriti.-Ibain Pa- I . � 1, .111 '.1 . ' . . I � � .Ing trickling front 4011eath the ice a a, vav,'ant piece of hili . 1-diQg . , , any P6oPJ0 thin - t a ar -% .11 I grated br%xterumba. Fry, in boil., th.0'rou"'.111V I r�dtel had ada." I shop �];�,�,t,.d� the LOX - '-ll)- we know 'vb'611 it" K by ,� . . A after use -wall. I ,a _ .[ , fat "IlUl 'Alcely brown(xt TheW ': � well -. erilbb,s I I I , Tll�e sa,,alo afternoon I cycled over V � " , .� organ 11"I'd lmllde� It Wild 0111`60A ­Snooks. This bY 110 means, 1. 11, be harg in t " . a photograph of ,the I , at the end ,aad a big mead -ow , . , �ze,mllg to I I "110113d bO both tfts,tv a,nd tendor. ap throltgh the whWoli". - an I � and should tho, h e, ,,, i r, I -nor- la�y bPhtf2d tile., I I 0, abou t -w-o gla,25 &AX1 Imposing cognomen,, , took I � .1. i O.O ne" ,in If , alile, and afterwar(l ,I pit - i ardeas 1, be iI, PP6 Flig-libi-l-CIg I,c, be r ,f p4t, ;es._,C� or ,saveral hou r t 0 ,looso so, , gf.,uld,s zod g U4 s ,to ,sweeten. , (itograph , , I bt which kill, into tile narrow passago,whi0h but, as a mattor of fact, it is zu 11 C, , � I Delicate cre-t(Ane 'and othor cot- e4 1h,e glacier itself, Then fool back. Thero NY a re, I � I � _ they had at the I'll .2 - a de all by the sido f � 4 a, I 'IRMO 01' 91 -cat antiquity a 16 , dordone roasti bocf with ,l, ljttl�� fat I . . hacie heuel' towici,u ... Ile" ' r ,0 I o use, I � dwvIling-hull'. to, Inc tur sonic ntl one - ,. R14 Inay b- waOled with . I cs,m�er the shops, a: ki ,time I '14 , L) � 'I'llough I vould . On v "Eoyl '"�iltb papper antl ailt, ton, nl,­Uri� . I that I Was I -start,�d to clinib ' 11 ra I-er a lar e sum � $to. )),a reason for of which noLi.ldy, need b' ' 11 - it up ol"I' tile gardons lv,ero for the benefit of , .1,11 j,eajit, e ashamed, 11- !'- SN ��if lie ice to , . I . I hll'olvl�k,A' '111 26 ,rat6r _-ew;tile soap soe -it, at 66Ahr quarters, ,V, it , '. .1 lquinec, fillely. Roll -out soinal . � , stuwed away in Di SL � ,. Vle . I an'd Waier. and also to gat -a botter tenants, but t)loy .were lee)t all I breast- , ,�, ) I AIDN' t I the ell .N- hiskle " tell a� RUW PrOceadinv, .1 itunped ,. Is a contraction of- � � � ' 'y trUll­ . the vall-ey and Ahe mountains be- b I � It was first corrupt, f . I pocket wh �31a).�tvd back again a f b� r hilit, fortunately CIOdging the Suvcno�lc'., rounds. pla-0 somc-'Lul 'Out' "'� in to' Nlrh,eii:,o,,t.!,ze-nialz-i,',-� 611c' t, a.11 tIlQ` p"I'llre. Of let- TheY did not belong to me, I ed to Sonnoo.", which, in its turn , ,. - ...� . '1. Msoned UIW31 111at-�;­1iLL-IS, 'wej."h the .:qna tit.ies, yond. lotlilig ill the, dire ut to my cou ' I as tile X-ovenaber diid� was setting. %Fllilltcl�s Of glass Sticking in the I . . 4, , $ill Jiln, who had - I .� . ­� - :,, I I -tiPt64 t I 1. 'like an a,pplo p ,t. . . -oas . an .111 . ' otion from buil I � in. raale; -in<[ ,,he slipc,,rintelident. w , was corl -0 ,Sneaks of t -day" on One 6d_- a ntl fold 'aVer, th� offic built then;, He i I I 0 . ; I , 'r which I bad" ivas also a I aor, � .1 a*8 says Lon,dor, &nswers. � , tl, ffin. arkl -see, that the came. I got up there bu� ill & iilu� I was spinning I pant -Ing belibid Ine by tile time Nic . . � . gx QQ L the I I , Fry in Qeop fat ' 'h larger way I The: ong i I I I all right, , I U111A golden col Oven % right before'n-lxing the in- , and was, walkingalong tile, 0 rrow ' I 'Or', Ond aaxr-e, hat� I 'it I a' ')"a'- lane with a bzIckf, a'ong �% na V I c %V a d, Out- cluarry, hatless, h1al bcanc�r of' the na-me. � ; . ,Maz�arolli W" greffie,nta, 4ilt� graq? snow that. vovered it , tI, eld oil tine side, I and Of lice 'is mt)lcb, tasty, ., and "'I ,le 'Other and -of High- , Legless N`as SO ca,110d merely be- �' 'p bri ' 4rldtbe railway emliankilt,ellb ell the ,vitil his clo.the� toril, Xacill" I 1 ,roll: kitchen spoolls Should 11 e, thlilking 'how different it looked ld,ge. . I I , <1OWn cause, lie was a 1. ' , ­ , . . -ad any scr,%pi Of laeat'a1*8 us.e'rul 0 -the", where high balaks and tiof!_ I �% narrow lane whioll skir" ' � iwyer- Originally, s . Tor it, The inoat qllau,jcl�bc cut motiured after wa,zbin ... � with a mix- !zQm tile tullQUOiso blile of the glac- The last sbov in the zow, next to 11 , bed the tile iianie was spollo,d , - ges made it a<) ,dark th.at. I could ' ITIN-LdOw ,it the back , lib lod )jo.. Laegless, i,b(,- ��,�:, � I , � , , - ei\p�essiotl . ,, a and moistened :%ritb. gxa'11' all b fle'Pe 0A'0,(lpt to tho rall-way st - . Signifying I'le I I I see not ing bit. 1 tile reflection of I t Wywd in : i 'r4m 11 ture, ,Of sal� and saW. ' lal ice of vv*111611 om,-ma(Is f had tilt' vacant 131ot'Of lail-d' was a china t I w, �16 :. ma-daroni b * -wel penwiper is v, raw pota. was � I . ;;, , al 72 chosc,n goe:jl -pasitio , d . I a �, .: . locill, weight of I A nk a g n a;lcl I all glass establislinivnt. .It was kept illy laxn1j, ,wh I 1:71-,n law,�, strwn,ely-cilwig,11, Law- �, . i ' at a er)rner some- - and was little used in an or- less is derived i , , I . 'Separately haile,d e"ng � to When ink his corroded on a 100king In the vzew-rin&�r of the I b3 ayoung votll)le Nvho ha,d had. it body or som ell (iinwry way, as it Nvas so rutty. . I . . , an -A ell b into othin 1`0111 ex,twdy the caltnera, Pr, g gave me a rio- saine, source and 14;,lw�ijij.',j':� 4()XaCtly -qluarter ine'a pe�i� stio�- it two Or thr,ee ,�Jlaratory to Pus I about a vear, an,.t I rather pitied lent ban- ,oil (;ha head. The next "Wfyva,gub Win Itow "' Chuckled tile oppoaitojto, it 't -1 lengths. Make all � tinles. ill- I 'hing tile I to a, r,%%v potato, alid tbe nib, will I button, N�,h-o,n t1l(, ,'Ilo , -in them, fo;I fraicicd busmess was not on 0 � Thorpe. The sta�joll I . S ,TV zrn:�t rao-all, . .1 p i I a On . IV beg, to . I thin I K w was ,is I - 'I - - - 'Was In Sight, I ing, ve,"y hot ir,z a stewpan anc I ,that I w, y Ill ,­ I I A'dish, with 'Crolitons. 1� a's n e.W. ettle utidev iny weigolt. I thought I ve VX brisk, aud they had a Child to ila 9 . I . Y, I �, L on my back il nd .& hundred ya`1_114� farther vil � . a i ied 4xeO "O "'(1 Ithat this " lee , prov.ido for.. Tile sjl�p next�. to.t.bem Nvi I tile muddy rortd, ' I � - 11 . Az a gatzisb, I I . I Common yellow sovq-.� Should a.1- i Was ause it was soft, th the biovelo anywhere, or no- 'bhreo ol% four mail .q -wore doing HARD 11111�%RTIJ)� F :1 01 but ill s tL�l')),n,,ko.pt on, and ii,efor� was unlot, and then came my place. ,whel, " -tin' BcOlIeS­Silt :Ui�o W,ays be bought in la-r�ge .11f.4 -i a `e I � I ,a, a , Alling Take tbe -cast! :: r -e - quar, cs , I a ned kep,b in a warm., dr,v pl,%cev If I realized it, ,there ' . zuMili-4 desperately lianlo by 4pounds was a crack in One f.41Y in October Jim came to som,nd st� .�oln a , ti) a, tolograph. I TICArt.: it i � of tile stirnkme. 1, I ,*f well -dried i1our jilt.o.a. ba."Sm and I - * with e Unsoon assailant. It was thP, side Or the laiie. At �ishb of, .9 really a eorruptian of I . - rl1b: III &, qvait,er of �a Poil�', , 1 it is hatcl before Whig used, it Will its surface each si4e, of me. Then see 'Ile ,in a bit, of a fluster. 9,I)m I I them Morgan pulled lzp su . Hard) which %I'M$ & ,,k,qJJ,.0 gi4;1 to ,. � I I C oX I I understoofl. . I In 0 shu,,v hat tile O'wner was a rlpTilrg- M, � ake a la -St Much longer� . , . that I was staii-ding on afra.:4 Fre 1n,tdc, , . ass f it for too 'I'titetil q'et'000his face ; even " 1 and c1dubled like a hare, X ddenly: i lard or clarified "I i " * I . a bridgL-of ','low ovev a crevasse in Once, i . ha,dn dazed 'to realize carer to t Man . I . __ )l 111,Y lif 6,. Joe, Anyhow, I I a ything clearly, I of firra character and ,.Ozo-lute i *611 in the, flour and' 1111t. in t-1 ___--m- . . . him than to as, a gate in tile fence bearing . "Ounces of sugar I the ice. A-114 I gave a spring towand "VIS11 I'd ni-ver seen Sandrin ham, � I I � I , . . I , 1, th,-ve good tea- 9 lilOnle time afterwards I was fmind gave access t) 'the staircase leadlnz' : I , tile solid sli Parade.. by t �51 ' A,er, a pinch ovv on the other side of I a Ill I ' 5 1 One, must e;,:t(, 4P0001119 of bak, The b, 1.011 ng -pow I %k,e.r at the coryler 11 iv iron bridge, oxIlN, lue:'xit I . I I I - . I the nearest .crack, The distailce I has given notice to quit ill 1),-cem- I �� ted policeman who hap- to a, naTrO ,nd ,-)ity the ,;,Ior � -of . Salr�, two bca.telu eggs, a -.rid ! . poor c ,e�r me along ,Still lying Oil for the use of railway onill,oyce, I ilidividual burdelled -with su-eh & . �­ I er, aix� that I bap at the ,,, I liame as, Gumboil. , : � enough Milk � a make all iiitij a nIoe , WaS too great for ine, and my fee 1) 3 'a C I which spann yet tIIOE�G whor . 't "i ' a 1 . I locket hop's y I - llan4ed, oil tile crack itself. For D, C , my Clothes turn and Od t4le metah�, veil I , APH111, " I I On his last h�-s. He tile g ound dou - I. PHO 0 R'� I ,y al , I I POssess the name may be� intcrosted ii - . P I 1111`11`,,tall-� my sinashod machine ill ' IviliO �uat bore. P,e,foro - 0't,ber � to t � I I sa , , . tile ,c 'OW that I � I I moment I thought I was ,f,. 'but cull1dil U h ichael- J . I Th'is deliciijous railk pudding is " i I .ell kn - it, too, ha,9 nothing at. . i the snow, i-arred by the.force of!nlas, and next week I'm going to 0 I � my le I ,,,,,, a.1l,d I.ol into things a, little, I . _11organ , , �i Irtz"d ii, ­ , ,When I was able to ,4itj ' ,-orpe � I could reach lihn,­"purt i all' to ,illy part Of the an- �- � , I ea�sfl� k3 aild i , " " "� eul, I . I WI I surely p1'ease ' apow.ent crashing into tbe � put-, an execution .111. If I .d,)u,t, d -was through do with , . XACIIU� 0 u �.'J _I , 16 stairs, and racii 'ItOnlY. It denote.s that its first, your invalid, 2fix a table.�poonfur I A, C L L - 1elow ' , th loney, which had been " 19. boaxer . � I chasin" 1. ATv feet'slipped, butf ,Rs Ila owes hers be- . , ,,, , I , -of <-ornilour, a table,_-,,,-,).conflll of I . � ilionev to at in a wash -leather ba,,,,, clean gone, � telootalt"fleuli)3 " ,a like a lnaQlnlan. 1 ' was a mall Of Considerable . I gold�,n syr -up! and a t%blespeonflul . � I I caught Oil fhe sllow�erust ivith my I sides ,al P, lie's bour�j to go under-" my hea,d bleeding from a, Weanwhilo,ri'dc"c' i importanea and I I . I . 11 ugly I . the men .at the Wl a-, st,;te. it is . great poNvol. in tile . of sugar wit1h a I,* tie co,ld milk . I han4s; ,as I went doym, and bung gr�. I derived in-im the norse- � t . r, I a�,TOed With Jim, but still'I felt Cut, and t�l.e only clue to, tile scoull- ,P), Wile, seeing some -thing. was I war�r or a recond. Them the crust.1 rathe�, sorry for voor - . . 0 . � which it�,Ilclf has, (quarter of a. pint), r The annual, print I -1 "alinl-JaId") � Xail three, -xezhibition of I there, k , , , . I broke and I jell, 'It seemed, as if wett, fol' h� and h" 1young He- drel Who had attacked me acrump- wrong, %ore bawling ­St�l) AUDI I not. illng to CIO Vdth ,illy afflictioll, i quarters of a rpirt,of milk, and then the camera club was to open the I is wife were very led collar which I must have. . a's they joined its Ill but'ineans "bold in wa I -A I -woill-'(i I Stop him t;, -,Ila noise mizht I . r.,, s,ir into the other i Xt ,day. The. hanging eammittee 11'eve-l' StylP. M v eves -wore decent people, and the kid was a wrenched from his neck as I zgrap-' tlae 4cha,S,e,- so that" i I I raredients. La� ne. shut am -1 I qjar,-d n,,)t 11pen them. I jolly little chap. about th . It is quite wrong to assulne that. ,� � all Cool a littler, the,-, add a beaten I h its of t1lell had an idea that if our] I y I rec, with pled with him. ea.,iil-y be lie rd a.t, the a, " I L'99� Pour into 4 greas-ed piedish, , members upon the waLtq of the club- I . I kept them yclloNv- lla�r�. . , ,I tation. But i the nante of Smith is derived from , � ... .- uld not Fe2 my ma � Wben the police )lit upon a c Ile. I p 1�1; I have i tile fact that tho original bearers, . ., � q� .1�� ing . 'teen minutes. 1room, which were draped in 11 -lit' .ngledl Afewdayslater-abig darkman, it. was surprising enough f a t"It ited to luck but thab, advanc- and bake for fil P --- clos-d I silo I rh I ,I � ]IRPS Morgan might stil . 'brown burla , held dawn by vi d. -,� I 0 'Ye,l'o workers in metal. lit re ,,ad re� sed, and I Indress'.who -only washe, fr0m tile other -end of tile I Smitil is a I , Rhubarb I body whell it struck. Finally I did, about f " shabbily d' 11 , ality, Jf%m--P,cl�l -one pi,) _, OrEy, I . I iubarb aad t -tit into molding te a stranger to me, 'canie. in.to "' � two families, identified very fine old name, far � , , 4� I _ 'it. my o.yos. " the col- I bri , cb-'e, - of the finort A strips of builap-cover,..,d ilit the b0ttonl, and was still afraid �Ili d fell OnC open ! I Came a, couple of porters I more all '. . , � Pieces of two ine,hee.- in lengLll, a,dd and large-head04 Ilails. It WCAS the . �, I lav there I my shop and said he wanted some I 10al-Ir as the p rying s,01110 111,491"M He was in ; Tho oldest Ii arcl.4 a X40 n. I 11 I ',don't know b):,.w loag, i � � I roperty of Hewett, for I Ill! cient than Auglo-jS . thice-,quarters of a.pound.of 'white. first time the photo,- raplus iill-p"A"Der: -I P, of 'tile name 1, � , , had beeii hinking of . W, 8 it for the trade'?" . � I inerly of the china -shop. She I 1, I . I ,all that I had zefrd of the fate. of I I asked. - � I was I 7, 'rap, aild lie- Izzie.w. it. I hur- on the newl , I quite Positive it was his, for she Just tj . I . E119a",, anti the And and juice of C .Y_devoxa,t�.-d wailp thoz.2 1 werc, br,ewers. and � it wgs, 17, ,ISO 1. I in my predicament. I even "6h, �ear I piercing shrieks � many thousands of years ago in ... One 'emon the rind to be' There was censi-derabla; justill.m- no'! I only want c -`ug -ll ha,d Iltarked it lier�alf " """' " 0 11 wonde fillecl tho air, d ill a clolid of dust 1 nligl4y E gypt, . cat.into red whetlier th,� yla,�, , � 'narrow strips- put *01 into a Pro- tiou fol. the content wli-ich the Com- . .1 es in my to Paper a small room.il with the eol � 'It n . � - ton, "_ ,% Millous I catch ozprosa, . � sel�rin camera would ue, Spoiled when my � and she had ,different marks , . ,mme Such ria�,.les as S,wearv.ig a . nifitee lool-p-d i,pon its completed body was found. among,, tl--,e bould- or li-XIA 9" . roaring into �­,Pjv. I _ ntL A., - Pan and Simmer seaily I "What color do you want? Dark for each Customer. a w t 11 - -pride in t lie origirah 11 ­ tZ.711il the rblibarb is zol't-, tal:e it work, as weil as for its "' I I allibling .,:how 110 , .1 I I V ' b a sffl­ ' d- uniformly excellent qu9ill ers of the termillal It duesn't mat- things * � la�orr qnichly than I meaning has .- � . . I J 01,41T WOO E'l ul,irdine after "Oh, any color, become col,rupf�,d,. I . DUt Mri-full-, vrltl ...y of he In time I Was all right ,-�gam, and It a I - I , 111. ,. en !,-pooa-, Photographs. the flow of tit,- - acier ,had carried ter," I Can -tell it, a �': I , 44 ;1 and Place. in jars, then I 9-1 ent On much as ii,nial. One - nd I slilvei. no -,v whcn I SWE,41U.8 AND SWEAF,T�,,,(� (4 .%. " " day I wanteA somo fish -glue. t6i�ll- '01 it. Iii, a f1ph, �Uorgml I " , 'boil the syrilp till it jahies, ea "There's lots of satisfaction to it down to view. Filially,11nIt my. I showed him some books of .Pat- I 1 al)g over tile li,ilt ra.7: 11 i are derived from tile ol,dior S-- -r- !, ..�i � , y V II kePtsudi things -now, I'llng, of I I - I , � -out., ,end no j self, -still -with illy ove,; f knew Mo ra a. had Ic, W Ilenj ,. 1. an 1, .!lOsed, to terns, an,Q. thought. I'd never 2ec" and went to his place aba` the bridge, stra � 61:v- .n ;,�J - urit over the fru',t. be got Out of a canaera," remarked. comes from an Anglo-"" " ). .. , I IV" discover whalier an� -bolles lit rn4cl- ight iTI th.6 nath of 1'1"� 1, r d 11110alling � , - I n cold, tio,the Jars do -ma -V,:t.b Frank Dana, 'the chairman of thelb. 1 ivere slu'll an add chap inallinylife. He day. He, was not in the ,shop, but the advanving traill. V17,1-10, ' . "honorable.1- G,,, .- .1 1, .". I .1 ,^-44 .- .1 - was didn't k-n,,j.w wheth - blin , 1. a-M,0T, to eze)�udo Qle ,air. I -3. __ When I fo6d that I I -I the ex .g Cornea I - I I 'I'd rath2r zel Wtilalre, I had tlin c knowing the Press liq­d passad ,over 1, tPom Gamling, whiel) . � I I . Saucer Cake for Tea_kri.,.� a I auvUllng- else I al oul,agne to op- green, or blue, or red, a 1)remises so well I .im, irbat,1 c 0111 C 9 fr,',ln a Al'orse word sig,n�;Fy_ --ts' , 11 �, � , � - I � ,, I I - . . i eI), my eyes and loc,IX about r ,V'ello` WerA into the back parlor, . whe're I was l0ft of hiln 1ras Only soniothing ' - .., � _ if I I . .�: 11 �L ;l -ing on. the a iial- y , ,,� I quarter of 9, pou )1 flou�- ;&L,�i 11 that I have than part '_Wi h Inibe i I 13 -_ I -was In fact,the,design -didn't mat.+ Ing "Old descent", � I nd L �Cr at the new wa.11-p,nl)er secine.d , Th 6 ending ! � 11 I _ 'let I for ordinar humanity to shuddor � 12", 1 � quartin- of v., y)oun4d .0 , �I cotildn't got a-m-ther was the, now that 'had given - all, 20 long as it rr�s cheap. I ""ing", to a. lRurname simply means .: . ­:, ), Xlood arix),17- I � I way undcr me. lY to hit one in the face, and as lie at. "I","r. "I ��,,� root together', add & quarter �uf tv, 1-commout of Henry F ullex one of, It laad served as a I 'At last I thought of sorae rolls son of." Tlius� Browning means �, ,�,� ) , Cushion, Was not there, I stepped * * * * * I t . '1� �11 11 ''., ­-, Pound of �)ounded while sugar, one I 'his e0llea,911PS. I and broken the force of I -d taken for a; b�,d debt I but th S into tile I I son of Brown,"" and Dunble- . . I . ::'11 " I. I In I my fall. Then, too, one side of the I' c 'I kitchen behind it. Hanging behind Even that, bowercr, lrasn�t asl "Dann's son." W y 0111`�` ';f c,tndicd Pecl, Cut into thin I ":I'" 118-0 Ore f till. " s. : ana, I d c an old tweed coat cau-Tit, roadf, as v,hat the Police fo ' dd D Were so ugly I'd given tip showing the or � 14C . ).e crevasse rose at an angle Of a -bout I them to customers d Ul 11 11 (1, I APPeTently a, very ig,noble name 11 � I ) I - .Put you my eye. I noticed, a's one d'olo's when they bog,an a rigd is ' I I I - 1, ,% 41"-' ­`ter of 9, t,oimel of btlt I and irior* narn.*iw oscal s, 'tOO, , seventy-five degrees, and it Nras I t�is in che � seat, � � slice 1 - "I'll . � . ter, b-cat'L�ll to a cream, ,,-..I t.,.,,1iun1i,nr things with a camera than an if rou like, " I said, 11. I ell Of; I 1'ren"ble a nam -6 -whi(II, mig . �Iwelj­tvhisketl egg . half th- I ck)wli that. side that I had slippe,d How muCE do Von wantp) otice triffi-ng things, that. a !land- 1 the china -shop. Tit "' )lit " � is 1111". . . . a buck -parlor; make otie. imagine that -e, ances- 0 t' 3. Beat th- e man %N,ho go hunting u*ith a I when the snow brokc, under my j If youJ11 belieT'4a' Me be hadn , kerchief was dangling nearly -out of - 1. �� . . 1.4 1 had alrorcle, ' I itu r Or ten minutes, .rlz,. it into .$ sai it, ' 1 . 1, t, the ' �,, d 'Ile first chie, to 1; tor of Mr. Tremble was a craven- I I lbuftqr4A eake-tin or aw � t t ki. o ,,, -- I hands, else I had been killed I I slightest idea I ulle of tile packets. Thorpe, for when Alorgan flung, me I hearted ere . I'll; 5 is not ObtairuLble. I A.r ha -d bits of the snow cr, Goodness only knn I - attire. Still, the exact . " % I "'GIM hunting! Humph 1 lfhwt�s I still , . ws why I gave back agaill I -t the wall I had dis-I-OPPoaite is -the cae.c. for the naine �' ' -thi I " -,at in I "I mean to hang it myself.." be tIvit handkerell"of a second glance, .�-� 'i a, soil) P, te I b1i'sirleSs,for fellows wbo like a :full .my St. As I looked tip t - w' I I 1. . ,- fi he al ofjsaid� "Can't Illaveit to'us3 from? b I PLIccd 1- "me of tile now paper, bad- 1 is OlIlY a corruption of the ancient I a-nsWers the p,arpose, lined ,�, -h a I F,toxnaeh: better tban a fitli portfolio jce which rose a hundred and fifty I Then, if there's any left a lit I did, and -then a star W11-orked I lY hung b�y all amateur, thus re- 1 1"Ord "trumbald,11 Ivilich signifies ,I .it , � 1pie,cc of buttere4 pa or. Bake the I Of views. I was 'going to say some- � ).1 . Yer, You in red cotton in one corner arrest- vartling sinister blotches and stain* . : . P 1eet abovib me, it flashed like fhA can have it buk.11 .. ed my attention. . - a . I �h over I "Yes, you shall Where, IIa-d I beneath. Seein,g -X).1orpe Cs. ati Any individual rejoicia� in the I l3ake in a motlerate ovell tor.0110 thing, harsh. but I guess harsbxiess �Ijiec.e of opal which Tanner I I'lazing i '%teRdfaqb and bold.." our to, an hour an,d .% h,J,I, m,crivrould 'bcft6r come from the othe . ' - for -cash se an it before 2 them had scared 0 k_n ,wI,,,, n, � ime. of T -Mr 0 . � !side", eeid Full�r^ h i or, ,carries in his down." Be he paid me ,��bat I,d . I Uorgan . rarwig nlay 'leMV0 ej,n� a sieve vfil colcl. This . . , ; . �will keep in I At 1,PO I twitched the handkerchief out f the dark secrets I I Of tile fact that originally the name, I a call�:s,ter for two o7 Ite'r a, 'few momcn& silence .he c,j, ck-- �O give him Sunshine on fixed, and went off wit., t a the louse held. .autl� ,� " h 11 rolls. �, � r , lava. The still was shining I dildn't. live at my sho , but let Of the Pocket, and -examined it I For lie had acquired the good- I meant the "boat of baitle,." The , oe weeks. 11continued XemilliEcently: .. .P I down into' r .1 I , 1 closely, There was an "H" marked I will and -stock-in busi- I oted at first a I I . III rafrior,erator son i off tile tipper part to a dentiat, who 1 in ink beside the at r and a . Z1 , SPelcial.Mttrmalidt- Re2�pt-�_.sliea I "Do yo;i em that mountain riew I., -tra,de of the I and -my confl�Llvnoe in the accuracy: came ,every day. a a far i ness, besides tile furniture and all I man Of' "I'Oflt COUMV 1 while Mr., � one, or-ang-C, C'ne lemon, and one !Over the I fXI the wall near tbe But in. the, back I as I Could judge thou) t seeing the I the Hewett's personal pro 1 Ratt gef-;5 his itlarity from 06' fact . .11 -rar -fruit ver- I dark -room. cloor 7 Yes I That.'s the of th-, VVrite*rs about glaciers I -or I kept my -desk and accou- t wi port by I that the 'fir�-wt bearer 'of tlx- iiaiiae I q , e v was Parl : , flneb% rejecting , XeEttyred. � together, the laundry -marks. I the silliple process of 11,iping I yl � not-bing e1cept seeds ' . i vowed a thousand I toiOnks, hal�so a few tumblers an' o 't tho � z , and cores. ; grea' Sclkir`k Glaclor in th,e 0 - tiWiss, if I did once, tbat, I would 6 d wore ! was a wise � a4i " ( -L '11.0azure the quant , and a Ro ki!s. That exparise, an I ngs I 'Woit identical with thosc, all I ontiro family ,- �ve t$ 'a on . Ity of fr-nit . 'a Y in a cupboard. ,. person who g, coun- . ' &� of nzw.r ,tro . photographing 0-ne the collar worn. by my recent as- I How and wherL he did it was nover (s"" to tl . Add to it three timas tb&t�q,a,1nti.by sno�, in t'he centro is the glacler al4cj:� , 11glaeiers. day, finding my stock of tumblers . I I k ,. �p again, - - . ha& dwindled sailartC Whilst I was Still puzzling exactly known, but he niast have) SAUCE FOR THE GOOSSE ; . �o& water. Lot it ct-and In an earth- 'itself fillins- a valley a mile wide, 9. to one, I .went to . � At � � � , 'b � �a�it it occurred to me that I I over it, I heard a heavy foutst,op, Obtained entrance ware dish over n, * Hewett's to replenish it. on some cunning - ,on Zlit" and n*x..4 � and no one Imows how , deep- I was.a fQ01 tosit still, instead of ex- I and Morgan oppeared in the door. prateart,- ,and the � Goose, Gosling, and Jocelyn are I mornik hoil it for te)a nilnutes took that view from the little Sw-isr, ploring I never was more astonished than . 8"11-0 Of the tra- I cOrrUPtiOIIs of a wor4 which origin- ' . --cover a see, not Hewett or hi I gedy Was certainly the parlor bc, 1 ally dell(ACd "Grotbe." Tht first zi,r4 for unotilar night, and -as as a railway sta- whether it'hadl all the comforts of the black -ha Now"II never was a cl-over Chap,- hind the shop. For wbon the Paper I Mr. Gander was an individual call. ' ,Only. st . 1phalci that sery my prison to di I t way, g, lle'�-,b inorning zi.,!d pivt fOr z Itio.u. and botel a mil,e � ired stra,nger hail my wife says I can lie had hung I olf"; ,whilo the -originad� � pinu Or . or two frnm a, home -or not. , . sugar, r, --d boil stoaAily 10 b * the fo3t of the glacie It,did not take me bought the 't think of more I r. - there had been care- ;,-*(I I ,the W, ' two hourB iintil the marzi-,.pi r -view, an,d statted tip I that it would be a, fore, s-tanding behin th ­ I . onloved the walls wore,found I , ' a ' T. I wanted a long to fill/ Wafl-Paper twO days be- than One thing at a time. If I'd fully I Mr. Duck was a "doughty,,. n1all. , I r- bee -a wise Icertainly shouldn't have to )�) . �' ' I "" 'near the Pretty Poor home that did not have �'Hullo,ll I said "what are Y01.1 I Jle,�, Thi-�4 m4-cs er.oug a,da j.1- -d a counte 0 sPattered with blo.o<hs not what they. gh marma- path which had been pointed out tains. I ,NO; surname& are lade to fill tv7cl-m glassas, to me. It was in June, ' "' in . I Then, ill' , , For insta I � and the N f s. Then ­ called Morgaii's attention to the �ho dea,l of night, Secure; se' -'ll. - 1, I l,`o'edoTn",0xt .1 chanced to doi g here?" ' I , , -and saw a sharp metal "I've bought handkerchief I still held in my1from 013'servation by the isola,bed !to be a eomowh nco. Liad appears I These muffir . I 0 ,at ciharmin,g name; � 4ess," he hand. "I found this in I ! the, "..'ame, it is darivc,d from a I I 7rake a, cl�-E :oua tea, or bi-eakfast Iff.wil about I Shortly. "Bought it.from Mr. t1le POck6t 1 P')sit-iOn Of the. clllina�Oop, he had t '111 ' - Date, IftzfBL�s._ ,,, fountain was Playing on the gr en1point sticking tip from the snow, sair -the busi � � Ic the station; ,a,nd I I an I ML heart leapad tip within me Hewett, lock, stock, and ,barr of that coat," I began. . "It's buried his victims in t�ln ,:S,ard,on. T( -,i I I " tcsnakc.' " � i itonic word meaning . �� _,dish, and axe alwRYa highly re- thought that I was going to have ol� I aw my -way of -escape I . '-1 7 marked 'H' anti I'm �3reay sure, As ba liv,,�d quit I - 110 apparently quiet and harmless ,Ity, a Pleasant morning's walk and a . , � lishod, on ,a­_,oril� of theirlo;r point. I - That and he's gqne.1, a zt!t-no. 4. v%-as;T � . w indeed, -cert it belongs to He- ea,sy to conceal the trac(.,:i . I surnan-ne. A,Vrel� colues. from 0, word .. Cream three i--,uacca of Uutter, a4d new experience, I had nevershak ' as One Of the legs of my "GoneFl I repeated, dumfolvad. wett. ' � - tripod; I don't believe in chan, . And Tl'ila't inust mean that cri 1 h'8! which do -no I -1 omter eug&r, 00 ed. "How strange I 'a b -me at his leisurc. But he mu��t � I . e yolks of tzo cg out it 1 And 'low did . I and thl , -ere now, hiding s,.aaewhereon have been fri-ghtflilb, disappointed I 1;"'�"' � 1,wo fablespoonfulr_af en hands with a gla , never heard be _ teB ("'.,Pine.' . Then, I . Cier, and was resting -places for a camera. . I anything ab filoagli such an innocent . , ,gs welT anxious to meet one atelose, quar- quickly dug it out and began to, cut the promises, instead -of going to to find that, instea,d of acqui,ri7ig I name in appearance, origin6.11y - � I : ers, I I . natlaq and, you've, been alding a flourishing business s ti, J,�Iltcanb "ifePeW Otis." -That com-- 14,," . . notches in the wall of the ice with away wit�out anybody seeing it?" a a rewar , I � 111- at ,0 D - Mix well tc-a-P,Lber onel t " � he manage to get his furniture Ca cup of flomr, half a cup of, corn- He paused with a quizzleM smile, it, and to climb up th,eM.L 1 won,>t "le v' and abetting 1;1m all this time. But of hils horrible surnarie Haddocic is derived . ;. flO'Jr two iMsboollfulz of''bakino remarked, "I got my wish." didn't takeAt away, crime, lie had morel , man tell you how many times I Sli I Pm. 11-ot 'going to be f y, f1`0111 a word meaning "war.". . 11 po-W�er, � "Go on. pped bought it with the business, and it's . opled any entailed on himself a load of debtl. � . I ,vor judge a per4on from � alld a little salt. A d 51 Go on," came from Da- back, for, I don't know. I ke longer.. I mean to search tire ho se, and difficuljy.. N o � this -with a aftall cup Of milk alter- na and the others', as Fuller seem- working till I w pt on here." . . U n � . his 11 � nat5ly to t , , . as almost, in reach In. until I find him, rogue and swind. Nobody ever c,%me for -ward to &MCI � I lie orcamed ed to for -the, evening I met Jim , � � . I butter and ,, get, their presence. Ito . . � eggs. 13eat well, and a Of the top. On a notch and 9stared in amazement ' w lor that he it!" . . ide':Iti�iy him, ant? his previous his- __il'�___ I .� .�, tir in three- 011, SOU, I was jilat remember- I could ,climb o a mor' I el n Ws. when I tOl'd lVith that I strode towards tile tor­� was never knowt). Bub I've '_ E­'�r�l.' 0 13'y WIT?,1011T. . � I not I was ca�ebess, and the tripod ,slip- . tairs, which were. close I ;, � , quaitars *f � c4-pitil of diate.1 cut ing flow it-, seemed. Well, I hat lit,. In myeagerness hin th a I I I ' 'gone far, into the. fores� before I ped from ray band . "I ,couldn't have believed it 8 to the no ,doubt it was a terrible one,-_ Tine mcmbel-q of the c 11, jAtO SIXI&II Places, Miz in gently I - � and slid down I - Hewett I') he Of kitchen door But Moigan, his fis I � . I n . ce Pearson'g Weeldy. I lab ware tel. 1 r th6 whites of two eggs� beateri Aiff was wading througl� snow. There to tile crevasse again, ,and cried. "He must convillsed with passion, grabbed . lin,al .varns, whell the quiet mall in - -r46 819ns Of a Path, s,O I was in no near following it, I was complete] simp It( I ­ 1. i the - 1 I azked to oontri� . I ; , I at ova n. we � I came , -b me by the arm., You fool]" he, _i4_ I ond bske In ,,t mod6rztely 1 Iy have done a bunk to ge � . . 11 � I . lit the exbauF Y outof Paying my rent and the rest hisSed. ,,, tell I b.ote. 'r was I ", . co rnt' I 11 _.— dailger -of losing myself, b Ud, a�d fOr many'minutes I of wW he owes here,� YOU Hewett's not 'Vell�"' sa,14 he, "I once . � . . . . . I I I I 3TOALU HINTS. snow wa.3 50 soft that walking was citing there against ti�e, i ' 11 .1 ,knew here I He's been gono, for months Ill . HE WAZ LEAVINQ1, 1'eatero.d a rQi4atirant, where they ,�, I oe-014 I I .. 4� I ., , 1 I I I 0000 c,-,#.-,,5 have dtll) she,11s. Ite,_ difliculb. "Whon W-011 Out of sight Shaking with tb6 marvous reaction I __ I tried to PusE past him, but he, I Nvelgil you boloi-e eatin" and then I , . me�yzbk�­ ild"s wholl cLoo", and call of the station I chanwl to .as if I had th -1 ' . I . b A gentleman, who was in tile Ila. hafter catia,z and ,chell charge yoti I � . � ill - then,, i 1 01 � I k1law that of. the morning had gone down to arred my way resolutely. "YOU're bit, of dining regularly at a Certain I N�-,),.,, NV � for t.b,ffi ta"b"'." , '�y heart be-, this would n a ague not going tip those stairal ligli-A, "11 had it god feed. and - 11 . . I -_;1 k dde, and ever do, and also that the clearing, V rant, said to ,tile waiter: , , _, -cd I I , I I . . M , ere shooting at bim')) it V,� mean "John, inste.,xl of tippin . . 17 I . "Did they got him?" asked the . ,day, I'm going to g, -a ,you your I pockob 4)..iel,�, Iveighta, , . I. I I %h*% botinog , carpet's first lay I nized F1 C.'4)) 6par' t;Uks in the snow. down and back again, So with fe- I . . g you every , � , - , 9�,-,al t"O'boo"Int pretty fast as I -recog- I did not have strength to cli b th,re t n , chai a ttll shillings, ' I a w b man than you ,and I In a' Te g'a 11 I nekt, Lime, T we Tho �, `tb-�m face downwa.edz on the gras;, It d nt I took in' my - li(I not beat With eagerness, to verish haste I began.to tear ,it t ,-. That fairly . . I IV, ol ran, ,� , , I i . th,er; turn and e otbe-r Side, ,photo ragh that h member who hunted wi Put my temper tip, 'tip in a lulnf> � sum a,b Chrietwas. 11 I and mtc.i like'. I was wqigh0Cd1,i&IId ,� I ,',men Winds Way be . I be&T, either, I ice with my finger -nails, till I h I -ell is"With th a gun a's and I rushed at him. . In. another I � s greatly im- -,A-j,s,he t at I was any-wh ,ad w a. lens. Ininute we were engaged in tre- "Thank you, sir," roplictl th6,tbcn want u)D,sbairs and -had a b,atf- , I waiter,' "but I - if y I ,Prov*d by. brhig woll bt, h ore elsC' ("tit tile last st-OP, and painfully "Xot that time," replied Puller, men I -, -.411 � and 1h,in on that path jw� than, when drew self over tile I a a a -a I -11 b - , u'l c " L' my edge, to safety, 'hankering for the flesh- ,�yiry,ous gr ppl - 1 1 advdnce.11 . I �10 down anti w&.,, weighed I , afterrards toty lir . 'd � w o n d. ei ou �,voul<l cluct throo ti as a b g -h a � I ghtly brt'isfied my wish -was, suddeniv, gratiflad "It took ine a, long -�imo.-to; get I "but his pretty (mind payin, me in m S i as, t a I at,. I 1. I Instead, of bei .. I . � -Wi0i linseed 'Jil . , pots of, civiji,_ � 'ation led bi' to the th6ug -1 only a middl-sized etWell it's, rather a, Strange ro * I I � Cllothos pegs n', ofttm op,oflad by 119 on the Pao), I back to, the .� ' 11 In man, but big muscles were like � I , - - agaJ.-ti, ),ut they LOtildn'f, nIgke it I I .0 r0m&rIced t a patron, oiit�l' .He pailso.d. "CoUI&D't ' r a , 4 tatioli, and I paid no hotel:'kitcbell The next nigbt, , and steel, and I 1 -(,-It from the be, ' ) � � ": I . - "However, here it Vy , ��- b,"t, his Pelt now makes a fino rug. But I wa8,90tting the worst of 8 0110 -dollar for Mako out, aamd tlio cill,b r�,.o,) - ' I I -,VMS under it,,, and ta,nglred P in the head to ally traoks, of animals i � 91169t," It " �: t6conilng too ciry. Soak thom in I �rancbes at ' ' ,t�glnrling S , 16 0, fallen fir-trde thtit might ha,v� een in the pa�b� I g119- you. I suppose you are i , ww"' I ... 'i I nth and, bh-,y Ivill had Licen . .. b i I don't like hunting a4mals. There gle as I 'a It, I LUG, "VVIv " an-wered the quiet � 111CO A Wo n I 1; =r years. I. covered by th& Snow- As was recalled 'to myself as, I Ila ,is w I ight he force � 1. . . In d me back, of money, or is it that you distlql" .'. 1 Ove,d i-ne.orie etollmr]" ,- � I I I.. I PI 11 Irped down, I secMed to hear a ,ed the station by tile 8houts 'r- s Inueb pxcitement.&S I need In Stop by step, tinbil we I U J-na n, "l-lie'Y' , � I �r area,�Q� Dyl Pottrds'--Meke, a thick growIfilgr undern, of hunting . were in the Me 1�� � . � I . 0 1 1 1 �baV the, eath, abd was Sure -Sorne M41n and by"tho c,ra,A of I Photographs," - GeOY90 parlor behind I I I . . I 1. /1. Of � pivec�*y 4"Ad Cold �,iabov, t . . . a btll� William Doug) the shop. By this ,,01,1, �* ,--- I �`,_�, 1, ��,,:te, I boax h&d preceded me, &n4 lot through my ca�-11�, as in Youths,. Com- ,61 alr,o� ,smil"I Tolln" 0*1,1. �1. � ' I I . , � � - i . . I I . � I . . I I . . . ,ra, My bear panion, tilto I wasoub Of bveath and quite , ping the monev itt. � hiz 1___.,_ , I A.-n,ios,-A, thinp *f beautv i;i AJI)l , , � I . . I'll I , I ,� , I I I 11 � '' I I I , . . . . ezhauited, and asca ing bis clutch- `lily I for(�V,:,r, i�,;W.l ii"i" . a1,,o'I7,(­NTO � � , . , r " '.� 3 0 1 P -W114 I a , 91, N � it I I , I I � r�;),U tt�_� J_$_�] 1 1 1 1 1 - ' 4 , J , I 10 11 , , I'll, I I I 1*1 ` 1� K )L=A= =`7[__A1` P_ _U�J� I �� I I I 11� I I I I I , I i I � I i I , M, ,� tl�l . . I . I . . . . P I am leaving bore to-do.y, 9ir.,_ , U ty 1111til q.wmo� Servant brc.aks 1*4 , � I , . . I : I . . I � .1 ., I I I I .. 11 � � I I . . I � I I . . . . � I I . I ­ , 1_: , , . . . I % , , I I , � , . I . I I I � , 0 1 , � I I . I I . . I , . . , ­ I , I I .1 , . - : 1, I ­ I I � . I I I � I I . 1: . I . I I I 11 11 I I . . � ,. I . I i . . . .1 , � . I I I I I I � � . . I I , I I � . ­ . � 1,� I 11 � I . . I I . . I I I .. . I., : � I I I .1 I . I . I I . .� I � r . . I .1 � I I I I : 11 � i . I I . � I I 1, . . . I .1 . I � . , I. -, I I . . 11 � � � - . I I I I I . I I � . I I , , . I.� 11 I 11 I I I ,. � I 11 . . I � I I I I . I . 1. .1 I . I . I I I I . ., I 11 � � . . . . I 1 4 , I . . I . I I � , � , I 11 � � . I � � I It . I .1 I . I I I . , . % I . I I I .� . � . . 1 L- -l".1-- _­_�.;11.1 .: 11_�- I I I . . , ''I - . . . I . . . . , , i - . I o I I . : I , I - . � I . . I 1. . I � I I . . . . � -.--41.. -��.-",�,,�",��,�",-.�::::::::: ;_�­.­�_.1_4. ­ . 11. 1.11 � I � A � 41 , .1 I I �11 1. . I I I .1 1. � .111. , � I. , I I , . � I ­­,­ � 11 I , I I - , �, , , , , � ) , � ­ .1 ­� ­ -1. I 11 I - , I I if . � � . I . I I � I I � 11 � ,. I . I . 4 L ,,, _,_1111 I 1. � � 4""66 —I I I 1 . . , � , . � � � , I I � imislii __;�.�_:�.� .... �­� � � � -, � !_ , . � .