HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-7-20, Page 11 10
�s loolt like new
'The bat is pleaned in a, . few raluutes,
.41100 4ulckly, and looks like uew. OAjjr 100 M
VOLE'S rAa lox*&sism�
Twwy-Emifm YIUU-�TO 1965
'T" 77
44 �VU15 Lt jutky V,� V , Vra�*Juv�
ed busses and a Visioll AN11901X that throwing the baseball. R ttli, Pau
.AN ALTUS W, eslll"S�Ireet Church lasL son,% Laura Jory. Xiss f0olo.
Not satisfied with the results of left the Jan' id Bead to
HA,,.5 IN-VAIDEX) OUTk' STOP�E first attempt to misrepresent. to. Thursday,. morning for 'Grax
'The busses 13ABEBALL
their annual Picnic.
9 their readers the record on. Bed *" hold tbe vy downpour Of rain On
;ly after ten and foDnd After a bea
ative ief- arrived, short
of the great, Coneerv,
7 that a &Clat Many igs' had V, rlday,� evening jast IMP, U4 x6el' boys W mr
v Mll� oil
._:.,%T0 BE GIVEN AWAY FREE Ogle Nr Of tallied their 10411 Will with
tail, %r Jclhu A. Placdonfild the Advo e them. A numbo
. . . . . . . . . arrived befor,
resorts boats were hfTed fo
ONLY TO, A FAMILY WHILE THEY LAST cate in their issue of last'week r the day and loss this ;seaaon whan they defeat-�
sperate expedient em. MONE V�
to the last do e , the morning was spent in boating an4. led the Clinton team 3 to 14 in fL
--w he only 4athin seven innings game, Tommy with
r -OR THIS WEEK ployed in a hopel ss cause. T tgor on the,beaoh.
'hope they sesba to have now of all
sports WOTe held ,Is jitWirje
Th afternoon rs is m -1 -
WITH EVERY PURCHAI,�F_ OF A SUIlr OF bbeir readers is by n 'ce
deceiving in the park for the scholars and were der -and is get!ti g 0, 110n!t sui,�4
falsifying bis record and ti JLvangolieal Boyle. did(rsome nice work at seed\
garbled passages from one of illed Uae bases, 11
quo ng keenly contested. The
wice. P113Aon f,
Sunday' ISchool of Zurijoh also held a T A V
his historic Utterances, Not one The boys were well
GUARANTEED OVERALLS Statsmeat L 0 picnic the same day and a game of failed10 score, 'tendance eonsid-
f his which we baseball between Zurich and Exeter satisfied wift 'the at -
W quoted two weeks ago has been chal- riollowing was the
�rl", I", r _r L GIVE GRAM AS ABOW ONE OF :rHf$E was played. The score resulted 54 ering, the iiigl�t,
lenged for the veiy good reason that, ja. favor of - the former line up 2
NDSOMf 00jL3Fo,? mE urrie- ONEs heu f war was C.IjWton.
tterea or penned them all. Not After the races tL 'tug 0 AT OUR
even the, Advocate will deny that, in pulled. off betivaen.the married and ManijlnR I 4BOyle
18,7SSir John moved in parliament singlo ladies, There, were Seven on johnston 0, Uarling 0
These dolls are of cloth, irlde.lit atible, and will last for years with the 0
hardest sort of play. b!h y will stand alone if the feet are perly made. the resolution whichyead AlThat this a side and after P. very strenuous �jcxay
,ea& pro a fines Bellwood 0
No child can possibly one or hurt itself in handling it. Th, tkind House is, of opinion thar, the welfare pull during which time the rooters T.witchell . 0 0
ofatoy. Brinfr Your children upright and teach them to'playwith Peabody's of Canada requires the adoption of a of7both'sides also did their bar'. the -Aiairs. 0 111-oskins
X dolls when kids and wear Peabody's QN,eralla when as xnen they undertaice 11t
their more serious duties in the world. National policy which, by the judic- singleL ladies came off victorious !rhe 'Draper 0 Biurney 0
iouareadjustmentof the t0iff, will and seieral gentlemen root- 0 0 Welhick. I
winners ; , Gunter I Steere 0 H9
benefit and foster the agricultural, erathen sallied forth to 'the ice er�am, I
I N - I: = 1ambal
and raining, the manufacturing and pavlor and blew in the prize money Doherty o Bairden,
other industries of the moininion aud �vhlle Messrs. M. 03alter and 0. Sweet
16 moving (as it ought to do) in the dleec- chose sides for another pull. * For 2
1, tion ot reciprocity of tariff with ovr several minutes th6 r6pa remained Score by innings.
R; 0, O -Z
Ailher side 0, 0, '0, 0. L
neighbors, as fax as the varied inter almost at a stanaam. nL jilint6a
es Canada may deman<l, will Q.. 0,
ts of gaining, but eventually, it was won. Exeter 0. .0, �3, 0, , , " 10 'Struck
0 greatly tend to, procure in thieL Coun- by [Sweet's side. (It was, 'then up to Struck 6rult bY Carling ' Out
+ually arer*j1nrOCjtV Of trade." �u i - +_ -;, i o ica, creara for -1- 1, Doher'tv 0. pji,ts �fj- 'Carling
a OW Q 1-4 0 j
i�or can, they denv that in the very ad- the married ladies. 6, nits off DoheAY
dress from which they quote he said After tea a ladies ball game was -0.
Peabod 's Ovietralls -Wesaid,to the Americans we are piarea. Sides were chosen from Monday night Centralia and' Exe't- am
y perfectly willing to trade with you. on am;ngst the ladies. The b�ll taus er juniors played a game on the 11;x -
We tire the sole sellers of the Pe - w ed Overalls for Exeter. , The best that are made in equal terms. We are desirous ot hav- who failed to see this game, misaea ater diamond a -ad the hqlne� team won
f!34aadato.day, Once used, always wanted. Try, them and be convinced, ing 9,fair reciprocity treaty but* We one of the best this season. Rome Of ten, to el Bloomfield and BIllidek
to open our markets ren7t got it much over Vhettralia taltery land Bis -
will not consent our boys bai was the
to you while yours remain closed to the ladies when it comes to'bakttng sett and.1-laskins the Exeter ;Becter),I`
us." and base sliding so they had better Dole blallett for Exeter slarred mak-
�Tor can they dispute the fact that beNvare. ing two two-lbase hits, a double ' play
of tho 7rettY 11Y. Wes-
theTariff Act of 1879 popularlyknown Following was the result and catching a I
Pired to the
U K JULY SALE as the National Policy had the follow- rgLcesj..__j r Ed- Hodgins of Centralia u ia was 'the
ing section placed thire by S!rJohn-.- Boys under 10, Melvin King. satisfaction of all. V ollow -
See. 6. ward Vdilow, Orby Restle; girls un score by innings;
-Any or all of the following articles, der LO. M-ella JGould, 111a Sanders, Centralia 2. 0�,Q,� 0,. 2. 0,3, 1-8
his is the month for us to reduce our Summer stooks in all lines.. We are Offer- that is to say: animals of all kinds, Thelma Ford-, boys under '12, Oliver Exeter '01 0- 31
vege�abletes including potatoes and Davis. B. Taylor. 0:1. Coates*t girls, e.
T ar them all out., other ro plaats, trees and shrubs Linder .12, S. Parsons, S. Gould.. L. Ricks Fiorcca8ts-A Regular Storm
ing very special prices in order to- cle I
coal and coke.. salt, hope, wheat, peas Sanders -, b;ys under 15. ' Gordon Pea- p-e.riod is in progresq as July goes
iton, R. Kestle. out. fit is eentral on the 30 th, at the Mens Suits '5 to $13
LINENS and REPPS and beams, barley, rye, oats, Indian hale. Wilfred Shal
Inmany of the best colors, corn, buckwheat and all other grain, girls. under 15. Trene Hardy, Lola crisis of the Mercury POTIOdi witli
LADIES' 'WHITRWARE FANCY GINGRAMS flour of wheat, mud flour of rye, Indian, Taylor, Lena Ooates; 1hree-lagged the Aroon on the celestial equatt)fl DD 9
In stripes or plaids. The sea. They are always good buying. &I race.Loftus Hern and E. Willis, Alf �j loNv barometer with fitful, South 0y, S' Suits
All ladies' white skirts,gowns, While they last at reduced pric- meal and ositmeal, and flour of me rren; A' Kerslake winds and high humidity. from the
corset covers and drawerrs at re. son's best patterns arid colors all es, of any other gralin, batter cheese, Coates and W. rvva 2nd should be
to go at reduced prices. 3moked), larY, tallow, and[L L.'!Richards-,� boys open, race, L. 1,7g.th to August the
duced prices. fish (salted or � aud Elern, 19. Willis. R. Jones; young I 13,dral �s Ot violel�t Storm �Ge.n_ Shirts 35c to 1.00
meats (tresh, salted or smoked, -ext to %he 30th. great.
MILLINERY lumber, maybe imported into Canada ladies open race, Lila Pole,,Arx.- Cud- tering on and n clonds,jvith
FANCY,PARASOLS LADIES' WHITZ WAISTS We have o;ly 4% few trimmed free of dutyj or at &1ess late of duty (mo�cjjll�ry Farso�z; 4qya backward black blusteTing 811 and thunder., 05C ug
b, -o ro ii, L. Hern E. 11i's; dal ious gusts 0 r
ac, 7 Wi f 1�r "lid
One for each dress. We want Getting. pretty well scla. out, hats and shal ezi lef but y u than is provided by this act., upgn 'D MEL ig� - Odd "ants
ve left to clear at can have your choice of them ation of the Governor in It many Ilia -
to see them all go. Have cut b wheelbar ow race, L. HaTri a. Nvill, be natiiral. Beavy local down
ut all that a Will strike
the price on all. reduced prices, for half price. r0ouclileff, which maybe issued whea� p�nhale. W. Warren & E. Willis: pours, of rain
ttecl localities
ever it appeats to his satislaction. Willis couble 'race, L. Rich Overalls & SMOCks
that similar artiellaO fToM Canada may
into th& United States ...... 50c tol.l.
^j �. V - .................. ft ................ +
or it any rate of duty + ++++,+++++
Hly Bargai, us-,,, I If y g that -i;ayable on the + + ummer5
Iff y 'arda" fbneoeel mE,,0di`,1,ttdi;, Underwear,
I S same under such proclamation when +
IN- imported into Canada,". +
-IN- If, as the Advocate wants to make + CARL1116 +I 20C to 40c,
its readers believe, Sir John was Op- *l, + %
ob U1 3mant with +
Uarpets Rugs Lace CurtaIns MR Papers posed to any trade arrangi . +
the U. S., why did he in 1869 send his + 0 Underwear, wool,
Finance Minister, Sir John Rose, to + Ary +
Washington to negotiate for one? +
"Ie 11 60 to 1.00
hy di he in 1871 himself make an Urea"t Big Sa +
This store closes every Thursday afternoon d.Hring the other e ort in the same, direction, go- + +
ing to ashiagtoa personally? Why. + 0 Work Sox, wool,
nionths of July and August. after * e election of 1891, did still an- +
other deputation visit the American + W h I f t% W Fk. A r +
Capital -with Hon. Geo. B. Foster as + +
chief spokesman? Would the Advo- + +
Phone 32 Jones May, Exeter cate try to persuade its readers that ++ ek commencing Thursday (TO-DaY) Work Sox 10C Per Pair
all those actions and f;peeches of Sir + For,one we
John were meant simply to deceive + 25 per cent on
the electorate or that they inust be + we will give a discount of +
pposite of + + Black Cashmere 20c
taken to mean the very o + all WhItewear in stock. +
]Exeter School Board what they express? Surely Dr. Park- + +
A meeting of the School a, who was entrusted with writing, + Fancy Cotton 20(5
Board was
held On July loth Wit the life of Sir John, is a more reliable
h H. Huston ab. coptemporary, s, Underwear'.11
P L'vy-r M 0 wT sent. The following is the order of authority than our i Dress 600ds Men +
when he says t1;at Sir John "'made + + Stiff Hats 1.50
business duly- submItbed and approved renew the + 9 +
1-16 Carling -Wood -That Miss. John- every honorable effort to We quote you the followin. Fine French Balbriggan
ninder''Twines reciprocal arrangement which be- + rice&' on Summer Uress Goods: as low as
ston's resignation be accepted. Carl. P +
ing-Martin-That ads be placed in + suit Felt Hats 50c to 1.25
tween 1854 and 1866 had proved of so +
much advantage to both countries." + I)Iulls 75C per 4.
the Globe and Mail to fill the vacancy But in orcler to carry Out their pol- + +
The kind that's always good, caused by the resignation Of Miss icy of misrepresentation the Advocate + Regular 500 per yd Porous Knit at
Johnston. 40c yd 4- 4.00 Shoes for 2.95
bonest and reliable. Glaaman-Carling-Thalt tbefollow. was obliged to give a portion of Sir for .............. 4 75C per suit +
John's famous address of 1891 cut + +
+ +
ing accounts be approved -S, Fitton. awav- from the context, With the + 5.00 00
clock, $1,25, 1 . art and cunning of a specialist and an + Foulards Men's Ties at 40c + 4
Gladman-AdjOurnment. . expert in twisting the truth they + Regular 25c per yd Equal to any 50c Tie in +
�Gold Medal aitd Ply Spec. A meeting of the Bo4rd was held in lt;bbye out the fact that he is there de- + for : ............. 20C yd
the Town Hall on Honday, July 17th the trade ++ Work Shoes all Kinds
I nincin "Un +
restricted Reciprocity,
Absent H. Huston, The following is at is j#
(500 ft.) . ' 1( r Repps
(650 ft.) th ee Trade with the U,, S. +
,the order of business duly submitted M :4.0 &I, TT -_ + Q,1117 14alf Hnfzp. VOIA J% 1'.
Tie per lb. uP
and approved. ancraCommonlari. w - . . + Re alar25oper d + %.�u kip a "Jay
against. the rest of the world." -We + 9 y All shade I
Martin-Oarling-That the follow., quote his own words� A reference + for 20c yd . at 40C per pair. +
ing payments be approved: J. Grigg, + +
.1 to the section of the Tariff Act prev- +
exam paper, $0.40; W. Goulfil, ral s'. jouoly quoted shows tha+, lie favored t +
$9; Win. Johnston exam;ner- 1*361 ex. . .0 ;.i� I _ 1, ha;finn to suit everyone in +
0 t suca an excb-ange o n ura + vve were iievei, ina, u
press supplies. $1,4C. ]us F +
'Use Gold Medal Ropes and Twines Gladman-Martin , -That Miss Alex. ducts as now proposed"by the I Laurier + +
and6es resignation be accepted. Government. +
t, Ru --,,-s , nd Camets I Come ill and See the
Maytin-Wood--That the, recom. - - g a +
mend of the Financial Oom. in refer- - See additional locais an page slX. +
Willianis Fly, and Insect Exterminator t for this week +
erence to the assessment for school + We carry a large stock and as a special inducemen + VALUES YOU"RSELF
purposes for the current year beadop- 11r. Alf Walters has pUrchased the weake giving a +
d disinfectant known, In shob repairijig busineas of "Mr. JR3. +
The most perfect vermin destroyer an t I 'us ted and that the sum be fixed at two Smith and lias taken possession. Mr. + +
from 26o to $1.00, Used with an ordinary Tin Sprayer. thousand dollars. od -what'ha + Discount of 15 per cent on all Rugs & Carpets +
Martin-Carling-Tbat the furnaces. Smith his riot yet decid +
be inspected and cleaued ef e Will CIO. - -------- +
b ore th X.
+ +
first of September. BORN + +
Martin -00,rling-Tbat an 1XISneet 1%Au-On Tbilsrdayi'luly Atli, Lake Hot WeaVier Wants in Groceries
PerfeLfio I to the scho
11, 0*1 Stoves oral.visit be made 01 on
A. �n.. _1h ursday, July 20%, at 2 p.m, Itoad to Mr. and Airs. Joseph +
., i f 1- 1110' ___ .., � W for 15
a son., I-Terbort Alcin. Rennet Tablet,,
Martin-Carling-Tbat applications I -Ian, + L-uncli Beef, 25c tin ftbd
DI.XON-BleGillivray. grida July ff +
be ,,sidered on the call of the Chair. + +
ARE THE B F, S T Mrs. John. J.�bixon, a Crosse &Blackwelrs Lemons
Oarllng-Wool�That further ad- to Mr, and + +
&ughtcr. +
Simple in co vertisilig be through - the Globe and r July +
nstrue I t. local Papers. Tuesday +
Carling-Adjournmebt. ''.11th. to All. jind ftrs� Vralik Reed- +
ion, -.always his store closes every Thursday after. +
J, Gpaoa, sacy, er. ;t daughter. + SA
ready. JACOBI-la Exeter NO�tli ou Tues- + wdell
+ + t1i
day, jujS� 18th, to Mr,,' and Mrs. + noon during July and August, + B
A coji-m-a axA a halt of IOUL18 will p4:Wm Jacobi, % soa. + +
be foumd on page s*, + +
Oil Stoves from 90c up t6 $11 + ____ ---------------
ange mo)N8; 1i
All exth, 3AARR-191) %
In, & printing office over one �in;,� + Fresh Crocerle's always 0.i hand
Oil Stove Ovelis, $2 to $2.75, Oil &ova Wicks, sc, too, 20e toy 8VRn_0LARX-�_At the Marlse, +
nor that� �ays in advance and abuses Grand Bend, Xoiida� July 3rd. by +
.1 the cditor'on every possiblv, Occasion Carriere, Wiss Xargare t Highest Prices Paid For Produce 11
i than thera ninety and nine Nrho bor- Rev. S. I UITTIFN(el
Am rican Oil and Gasolen%;,� Clark, of Shipka� to bfr. Roland
r.01V LLW paper au 6 k, V . Burr of Qbanaoc� + prices.
without contributing a cent to keep All kind,, of POULTRY taken at market
iiussaliT.��TRBBLE-111 Crystal 10W
it oxt, of the poorkouse. on Wednesday,11ily 1901 Miss 111ta-
Scranton Coal and Sawsoll, Portland Xellient 60,000 young ptok I erel. averaging bol ISophla. (ld"OtOx ot and + +
beat h jf�s flewis Trable to Mr. Willinin +
Were pLij; iffi the Saa Ili at Allsa Criaig George llissett, also 04 OrystAl Cit -Y
Agency, day Xtme 7th. This consigni'lon't I U
by'a �ovexnmeiit oftiOial, on -i Wedaes- B SINEAJ
ft Wedo of art inch 11 4eng
of DTED Uarl I*
sh try will no doubt assist M&t +
r i reasing the Stock of f '11-01INSY-40 Ott)
PID Iltlhd, depleted watilts of tho pqubj.61. iraly 16, To
!Doy agod :17,
r_pAtk�jll Gage years a mlo 0 d0m� t I ,
maid 0 stovol sto I X.